Nothing ever last forever

Nothing ever last forever, audiobook . ISDN69921946

Polina Samoilova

Genre:adventure books




Publication date:02.11.2023

Not available


"Nothing ever lasts forever" is a poignant and soul-touching narrative that illuminates how the struggles of life can shatter even the steadiest of souls. The protagonist, Luna, finds herself feeling isolated and overwhelmed by the weight of depression. Seeking to break free from the monotony of her daily routine, she flees to the bright lights of New York City in search of a new beginning. Unfortunately, her negative thoughts continue to plague her, making her feel like a captive of her own emotions. The author skillfully navigates the complexities of mental health and demonstrates how our intricate and multifaceted emotional lives can have a profound impact on our reality. This is a book that will stir up a wide array of emotions and allow us to empathize with those who confront the hardships of life and battle with depressive states.

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