A new look at the Russian February Revolution of 1917. Corruption among the main liberal opponents of Nicholas II as the trigger of the February Revolution

A new look at the Russian February Revolution of 1917. Corruption among the main liberal opponents of Nicholas II as the trigger of the February Revolution, audiobook . ISDN66035827

Boris Romanov

Genre:other educational literature



Publisher:Издательские решения

Publication date:29.08.2023

Not available


In this brochure, we try to understand some contradictions in the interpretation of Russian history and reveal the true reasons for the conspiracy against the Russian Emperor Nicholas II. I decided to present here (briefly) the history of the Russian catastrophe of 1917 in accordance with my big book «The Emperor who knew his fate. And Russia, which they did not know» (2012, published by BHV-Petersburg) – by the way, all sources are given at the end of this brochure in the List of references.

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