Methodical aspects of transition to instruction in a foreign language. World economy and world finances. (Аспирантура, Бакалавриат, Магистратура, Специалитет). Монография.

Methodical aspects of transition to instruction in a foreign language. World economy and world finances. (Аспирантура, Бакалавриат, Магистратура, Специалитет). Монография., audiobook Натальи Владимировны Сергеевой. ISDN57475617

Наталья Сергеева and Галина Дубинина

Genre:other educational literature


Type:PDF book

Publisher:Издательство КноРус

Publication date:24.12.2022



The monograph is devoted to the problems of teaching professional disciplines in the field of world economy and world finance in English, the scientific work examines the problems of export and import of educational services, methodological aspects of

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