A guide to contemporary strategic analysis / Руководство по современному стратегическому анализу

A guide to contemporary strategic analysis / Руководство по современному стратегическому анализу, Максима Максимова audiobook. ISDN50854827

Максим Максимов and Марина Анохина

Genre:textbooks and manuals for universities


Type:PDF book

Publisher:Издательство КноРус

Publication date:20.11.2023

Draft. This is an unfinished book that the author is writing right now, posting new parts or chapters as they are completed.


Strategic analysis is the starting point of the strategic process. Its goal is to consolidate information about the internal and external environment of an economic entity to evaluate options when determining strategic goals and solving strategic tasks. The training material is grouped into twelve chapters, contains a theoretical part and practical tasks, including questions for discussion at seminars, training cases and tasks, tests for knowledge verification.

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