Guidelines for Safe Handling of Powders and Bulk Solids

Guidelines for Safe Handling of Powders and Bulk Solids, CCPS (Center for Chemical Process Safety) audiobook. ISDN43566139

CCPS (Center for Chemical Process Safety)

Genre:technical literature


Type:PDF book

Publisher:John Wiley & Sons Limited

Publication date:08.12.2022



Powders and bulk solids, handled widely in the chemical, pharmaceutical, agriculture, smelting, and other industries present unique fire, explosion, and toxicity hazards. Indeed, substances which are practically inert in consolidated form may become quite hazardous when converted to powders and granules. The U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board is currently investigating dust explosions that occured in 2003 at WestPharma, CTA Acoustics, and Hayes-Lemmerz, and is likely to recommend that companies that handle powders or whose operations produce dust pay more attention to understanding the hazards that may exist at their facility. This new CCPS guidelines book will discuss the types of hazards that can occur in a wide range of process equipment and with a wide range of substances, and will present measures to address these hazards.

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