X-Ray Crystallography of Biomacromolecules

X-Ray Crystallography of Biomacromolecules,  audiobook. ISDN43541906

Collection 43541906

Genre:foreign educational literature


Type:PDF book

Publisher:John Wiley & Sons Limited

Publication date:08.12.2022



Written by one of the most significant contributors to the progress of protein crystallography, this practical guide contains case studies, a troubleshooting section and pointers on data interpretation. It covers the theory, practice and latest achievements in x-ray crystallography, such that any researcher in structural biology will benefit from this extremely clearly written book. Part A covers the theoretical basis and such experimental techniques as principles of x-ray diffraction, solutions for the phase problem and time-resolved x-ray crystallography. Part B includes case studies for different kinds of x-ray crystal structure determination, such as the MIRAS and MAD techniques, molecular replacement, and the difference Fourier technique.

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