Industry Immersion Learning

Industry Immersion Learning, William  Barrett audiobook. ISDN43539954

William Barrett and John Shaeffer

Genre:foreign educational literature


Type:PDF book

Publisher:John Wiley & Sons Limited

Publication date:08.12.2022



How to Create and Conduct Real-Life Reusable Case Studies with Industry Employer Alliances and Projects Written and Endorsed by Science and Business Professionals in the Research Triangle Park in North Carolina, USA. Many students and university teachers are unfamiliar with the industry environment. Case studies developed in collaboration with working professionals can help students and professors bridge the gap between universities and industry. This book provides guidance on how to approach industry professionals and create educational alliances. The strategy of establishing contact with industry employers and the process of developing and teaching case-studies are described. Among the case-studies are examples of how to identify biomarkers and new drugs simultaneously, prioritize and develop products in compliance with rules and regulations, commercialize products and protect and manage the intellectual property, optimize processes and technologies for manufacturing, and minimize human errors in production.

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