Exercise Physiology

Exercise Physiology,  audiobook. ISDN43530247

Collection 43530247



Type:PDF book

Publisher:John Wiley & Sons Limited

Publication date:08.12.2022



Exercise Physiology: A Thematic Approach introduces students with little or no background in human biology to the fundamentals of the physiological processes involved in sports performance. Its central theme is the physiological explanation of maximal oxygen uptake, one of the key concepts in sport and exercise physiology courses. It also includes material on anaerobic metabolism, carbon dioxide excretion and some special cases such as oxygen uptake at altitude and in a variety of extreme climates. Clearly written to provides a logical, linear development of the key concepts. Maximises the use of students practical laboratory experiences. Includes numerous sporting examples to which students can relate. Excellent pedagogy including learning objectives, problems, objective tests and a glossary of terms and symbols. This is the first title in an exciting new series of Sports Science textbooks – Wiley SportTexts. It aims to provide textbooks covering the key disciplines within the academic study of sport. The series adopts a student-centred, interactive, problem-solving approach with the students’ immediate practical experience as the starting point.

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