Unexpected Challenges in Vascular Surgery

Unexpected Challenges in Vascular Surgery, Michael  Jacobs audiobook. ISDN43521175

Michael Jacobs and Alain Branchereau



Type:PDF book

Publisher:John Wiley & Sons Limited

Publication date:08.12.2022



Despite accurate preoperative assessment and adequate preparation, unexpected, and sometimes disastrous, situations can occur during vascular and endovascular procedures. This latest book in the European Vascular Course series provides vascular and endovascular surgeons with the skills and techniques needed to solve these unforeseen intraoperative complications. It includes thirteen chapters on aortic neck problems during open and endovascular repair, ruptured clamp sites, ureteral lesions, unintentional covering of side branches, totally calcified aorta and embolization. Accidental conditions during carotid and lower limb revascularization are also covered in six chapters and additional challenges are described in another seven chapters.

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