Evidence-based Implant Dentistry and Systemic Conditions

Evidence-based Implant Dentistry and Systemic Conditions, Georgios  Romanos audiobook. ISDN43517384

Georgios Romanos and Javed



Type:PDF book

Publisher:John Wiley & Sons Limited

Publication date:08.12.2022



Evidence-based Implant Dentistry and Systemic Conditions provides essential information on the osseointegration and survival of dental implants in medically challenged patients. Aggregates the major research on the impact of systemic conditions on implant therapy success Discusses a range of conditions, including oral and systemic cancers, AIDS, osteonecrosis, arthritis, and more Provides clinical recommendations for every condition listed Compiles studies from indexed databases such as PubMed, MEDLINE, ISI web of knowledge, Scopus, and EMBASE

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