Understanding and Applying Cognitive Development Theory

Understanding and Applying Cognitive Development Theory,  audiobook. ISDN43494437

Patrick Love and Victoria Guthrie

Genre:other educational literature


Type:PDF book

Publisher:John Wiley & Sons Limited

Publication date:09.12.2022



Creating learning environments and learning experiences for students is one of the primary purposes of student services. Student services professionals need to have a solid understanding of the cognitive development of college students in order to design activities that will enhance that development. This issue of New Directions for Student Services reviews five theories of the cognitive development of college students and explores the applications of those theories for student affairs practice. The theories shed light on gender-related patterns of knowing and reasoning; interpersonal, cultural, and emotional influences on cognitive development; and peoples methods of approaching complex issues and defending what they believe. This is the 88th issue of the quarterly journals New Directions for Student Services.

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