The Future of Philanthropy

The Future of Philanthropy,  audiobook. ISDN43493325

Collection 43493325

Genre:public organizations


Type:PDF book

Publisher:John Wiley & Sons Limited

Publication date:09.12.2022



The allocation of limited public and private resources depends on reliable data and empirical analysis, and The Future of Philanthropy is filled with hard-to-find data, graphs, and charts, as well as full citation and source lists at the end of each chapter. It raises unsettling questions about the very assumptions upon which nonprofits are built and financed and about the future of nonprofit and philanthropic decision-making. Written to provoke thoughtful debate, as well as illuminate elusive objective data, this resource also sheds new light on the challenges that face the nation’s «Third Sector» as public and governmental regulation has become more focused on the transparency and accountability of philanthropy and its recipients. Order your copy today!

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