The Effective Public Manager

The Effective Public Manager, Steven  Cohen audiobook. ISDN43489397

Steven Cohen and William Eimicke

Genre:business management


Type:PDF book

Publisher:John Wiley & Sons Limited

Publication date:09.12.2022



Since it was first published more than a decade ago, The Effective Public Manager has become the standard manual for public administrators and students. This practical provides core concepts to help real-world managers and mangers-to-be meet the demands of their jobs head on rather than work around the constraints of government and gives them the tools to shape events rather than be shaped by them. This thoroughly revised third edition Presents an updated and detailed examination of management innovation Examines the centrality of government in an era of global communication and transportation, economic interdependence, and the threat of global terrorism Contains information on the opportunities and challenges of managing public policy from and with private and nonprofit organizations

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