Managing Risk in Organizations

Managing Risk in Organizations,  audiobook. ISDN43488685

Collection 43488685

Genre:business management


Type:PDF book

Publisher:John Wiley & Sons Limited

Publication date:09.12.2022



Managing Risk in Organizations offers a proven framework for handling risks across all types of organizations. In this comprehensive resource, David Frame—a leading expert in risk management—examines the risks routinely encountered in business, offers prescriptions to assess the effects of various risks, and shows how to develop effective strategies to cope with risks. In addition, the book is filled with practical tools and techniques used by professional risk practitioners that can be readily applied by project managers, financial managers, and any manager or consultant who deals with risk within an organization. Managing Risk in Organizations is filled with illustrative case studies and Outlines the various types of risk—pure, operational, project, technical, business, and political Reveals what risk management can and cannot accomplish Shows how to organize risk management efforts to conduct risk assessments, manage crises, and recover from disasters Includes a systematic risk management processrisk management planning, risk identification, qualitative impact analysis, quantitative impact analysis, risk response planning, and monitoring control Provides quantitative and qualitative tools to identify and handle risks This much-needed book will enable organizations to take risk seriously and act proactively.

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