Macrofinancial Risk Analysis

Macrofinancial Risk Analysis, Dale  Gray audiobook. ISDN43482968

Dale Gray and Samuel Malone

Genre:financial management


Type:PDF book

Publisher:John Wiley & Sons Limited

Publication date:08.12.2022



Macrofinancial risk analysis Dale Gray and Samuel Malone Macrofinancial Risk Analysis provides a new and powerful framework with which policymakers and investors can analyze risk and vulnerability in economies, both emerging market and industrial. Using modern risk management and financial engineering techniques applied to the macroeconomy, an economic value can be placed on the risks posed by inter-linkages between sectors, the risk of default of different sectors on their outstanding debt obligations quantified, and the value ex-ante of guarantees to private sector entities by the government calculated. This book guides the reader through the basic macroeconomic and financial models necessary to understand the framework, the core analytical tools, and more advanced contributions that will be of interest to researchers. This unique synthesis of ideas from finance and macroeconomics offers several original contributions to the theory of financial crises, as well as a range of new policy options for governments interested in achieving a better tradeoff between economic growth and macro risk.

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