Your Room or Mine?:

Your Room or Mine?:, Charlotte  Phillips audiobook. ISDN42446570

Charlotte Phillips

Genre:modern romance novels




Publication date:17.12.2022



HarperImpulse Contemporary Romance Novella1 cheating ex, 3 bottles of white wine, an emergency pep talk from the girls… and this seemed like a good idea at the time:Izzy Shaw’s Getting-Over-Him Action List1. eBay his entire collection of football memorabilia and spend all profits on treating myself to fabulous new wardrobe.2. Turn plans for ‘Loved-Up Mini-Break’ at exclusive boutique hotel into a weekend of spa pampering, me-time and shopping at Harvey Nics.3. Don’t get even, get even better. Have one night stand with drop-dead gorgeous stranger – Mr Tall, Dark & Handsome in the hotel lobby is just what I need!Your room or mine? Go on Izzy…

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