
Twelve, Vanessa  Jones audiobook. ISDN39810473

Vanessa Jones

Genre:modern foreign literature




Publication date:16.12.2022



How should a young woman live now?Lily is waiting, as ever, for the weekend, waiting to get out of the city, waiting for that ever-elusive, life-defining, climactic episode, the one that will ‘explain to me everything that’s gone before, and everything that’s to come’.She’s been friends with the decisive Edward and the freewheeling Josh for years, and makes what progress she does by clinging on to them. She seeks a narrative for her life, a story to dress in, and embarks on a daring, blind romance that begins on a train with the mysterious Colin, but just as swiftly talks herself out of it, out of commitment. Meanwhile, next door, Shirley, a plainer, simpler woman, just gets on with things, caring for home, husband and baby, making strides, repeating cycles.Will Lily reach her epiphany? Will she recognize it when it arrives? Will it really change her life? Does she even need one?

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