
Anonymous, Dani-Lyn  Alexander audiobook. ISDN39775661

Dani-Lyn Alexander

Genre:modern romance novels




Publication date:15.08.2023



What happens when an online date is not what it seems?After Alis heart is broken, she decides to try Anonymous, a new dating website where you can retain complete anonymity while you search for your soul mate. When she discovers Joe, she thinks she may have at least found a new friend and decides to put her past behind her and move on.Several death threats and an attempt on her life force her back into contact with her soon-to-be ex, Mark, who is the lead detective on the case. The tension builds between them while Ali struggles to get over Mark and Mark races to find the maniac whos trying to kill her.When Ali meets up with her online flame, she finds hes anything but the friend she imagined…

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