Castells and the Media. Theory and Media

Castells and the Media. Theory and Media,  audiobook. ISDN34374928

Philip Howard

Genre:foreign educational literature


Type:PDF book

Publisher:John Wiley & Sons Limited

Publication date:08.12.2022



One of the most prolific and respected scholars today, Manuel Castells has given us a new language for understanding the impact of information and communication technologies on social life. Politicians can no longer run for office without a digital media strategy, new communication technologies are a fundamental infrastructure for the economy, and the internet has become an invaluable tool for cultural production and consumption. Yet as more of our political, economic, and cultural interaction occurs over digital media, the ability to create and manipulate both content and networks becomes real power. Castells and the Media introduces a great thinker, presents original theories about the network society, and encourages readers to use these theories to help them understand the importance of digital media and social networks in their own lives.

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