Geothermal Energy Systems. Exploration, Development, and Utilization

Geothermal Energy Systems. Exploration, Development, and Utilization,  audiobook. ISDN33830182

Ledru Patrick and Huenges Ernst

Genre:foreign educational literature


Type:PDF book

Publisher:John Wiley & Sons Limited

Publication date:08.12.2022



Presenting boundary conditions for the economic and environmental utilization of geothermal technology, this is the first book to provide basic knowledge on the topic in such detail. The editor is the coordinator of the European Geothermic Research Initiative, while the authors are experts for the various geological situations in Europe with high temperature reservoirs in shallow and deep horizons. With its perspectives for R&D in geothermic technology concluding each chapter, this ready reference will be of great value to scientists and decision-makers in research and politics, as well as those giving courses in petroleum engineering, for example.

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