Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Information

Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Information,  audiobook. ISDN33829006

Fayngold Moses and Fayngold Vadim

Genre:foreign educational literature


Type:PDF book

Publisher:John Wiley & Sons Limited

Publication date:08.12.2022



Alongside a thorough definition of basic concepts and their interrelations, backed by numerous examples, this textbook features a rare discussion of quantum mechanics and information theory combined in one text. It deals with important topics hardly found in regular textbooks, including the Robertson-Schrodinger relation, incompatibility between angle and angular momentum, «dispersed indeterminacy», interaction-free measurements, «submissive quantum mechanics», and many others. With its in-depth discussion of key concepts complete with problems and exercises, this book is poised to become the standard textbook for advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate quantum mechanics courses and an essential reference for physics students and physics professionals.

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