Mediterranean Mountain Environments

Mediterranean Mountain Environments, Ioannis  Vogiatzakis audiobook. ISDN31243209

Ioannis Vogiatzakis



Type:PDF book

Publisher:John Wiley & Sons Limited

Publication date:08.12.2022



Mediterranean mountains exhibit many similarities in their biotic ecological, physical and environmental characteristics. There are also many differences in terms of their human colonization pattern, historic land uses and current anthopogenic pressures. This book provides an introduction to these environments of mountainous areas in the Mediterranean and their changes in time and space in relation to both natural and cultural factors. Mediterranean Mountain Environments places its emphasis on physical geography while adopting an integrated approach to the whole subject area. The book draws examples from a wide range of environments, demonstrating the interaction between human and physical processes responsible for shaping mountain areas. Risks and conflicts, as well as methods and tools for the conservation and management of both the natural and cultural environment are covered in the light of future challenges for the sustainable development of the Mediterranean mountains. Emphasis on both mainland and island mountain ranges Combines natural and cultural approach in the topic Integrated approach: facing future challenges based on the study and understanding of the historical processes that have shaped the Mediterranean mountains Key references at the end of each chapter

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