Digital Media Law

Digital Media Law, Ashley  Packard audiobook. ISDN31242681

Ashley Packard

Genre:other educational literature


Type:PDF book

Publisher:John Wiley & Sons Limited

Publication date:09.12.2022



Covering the latest legal updates and rulings, the second edition of Digital Media Law presents a comprehensive introduction to all the critical issues surrounding media law. Provides a solid foundation in media law Illustrates how digitization and globalization are constantly shifting the legal landscape Utilizes current and relevant examples to illustrate key concepts Revised section on legal research covers how and where to find the law Updated with new rulings relating to corporate political speech, student speech, indecency and Net neutrality, restrictions on libel tourism, cases filed against U.S. information providers, WikiLeaks and shield laws, file sharing, privacy issues, sexting, cyber-stalking, and many others An accompanying website is regularly updated with new rulings, access to slip opinions and other supplementary material.

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