Physical Inorganic Chemistry. Reactions, Processes, and Applications

Physical Inorganic Chemistry. Reactions, Processes, and Applications, Andreja  Bakac audiobook. ISDN31230745

Andreja Bakac

Genre:foreign educational literature


Type:PDF book

Publisher:John Wiley & Sons Limited

Publication date:08.12.2022



This go-to text provides information and insight into physical inorganic chemistry essential to our understanding of chemical reactions on the molecular level. One of the only books in the field of inorganic physical chemistry with an emphasis on mechanisms, it features contributors at the forefront of research in their particular fields. This essential text discusses the latest developments in a number of topics currently among the most debated and researched in the world of chemistry, related to the future of solar energy, hydrogen energy, biorenewables, catalysis, environment, atmosphere, and human health.

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