Early Earth Systems. A Geochemical Approach

Early Earth Systems. A Geochemical Approach,  audiobook. ISDN31220193

Hugh Rollinson

Genre:foreign educational literature


Type:PDF book

Publisher:John Wiley & Sons Limited

Publication date:09.12.2022



Early Earth Systems provides a complete history of the Earth from its beginnings to the end of the Archaean. This journey through the Earths early history begins with the Earths origin, then examines the evolution of the mantle, the origin of the continental crust, the origin and evolution of the Earths atmosphere and oceans, and ends with the origin of life. Looks at the evidence for the Earths very early differentiation into core, mantle, crust, atmosphere and oceans and how this differentiation saw extreme interactions within the Earth system. Discusses Archaean Earth processes within the framework of the Earth System Science paradigm, providing a qualitative assessment of the principal reservoirs and fluxes in the early Earth. “The book would be perfect for a graduate-level or upper level undergraduate course on the early Earth. It will also serve as a great starting point for researchers in solid-Earth geochemistry who want to know more about the Earth’s early atmosphere and biosphere, and vice versa for low temperature geochemists who want to get a modern overview of the Earth’s interior.” Geological Magazine, 2008

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