Grabbing Lightning. Building a Capability for Breakthrough Innovation

Grabbing Lightning. Building a Capability for Breakthrough Innovation,  audiobook. ISDN28981421

G. OConnor

Genre:business management


Type:PDF book

Publisher:John Wiley & Sons Limited

Publication date:09.12.2022



Established companies are clamoring for breakthrough innovation, but are often hamstrung by the highly reliable, repeatable processes of their management systems. Based on years of research, Grabbing Lightning shows how twelve companies have tried to develop a capability for sustainable breakthrough innovation and outlines best practices for your organization. The authors show how the management system for innovation is different from the traditional one in that it allows?and even encourages?mistakes and failures in order to promote learning. Grabbing Lightning outlines the three building blocks of breakthrough innovation (BI) and shows what it takes to become an organization that values the BI management system.

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