Security+ Fast Pass

Security+ Fast Pass,  audiobook. ISDN28979861

James Stewart

Genre:information security


Type:PDF book

Publisher:John Wiley & Sons Limited

Publication date:18.08.2023

Draft. This is an unfinished book that the author is writing right now, posting new parts or chapters as they are completed.


Get the streamlined tool you need to bone up for the Security+ exam [SYO-101]. Fast Pass coverage includes: General security concepts. Assessing risk. Securing communications. Implementing wireless security features. Configuring a firewall. Detecting intrusions. Securing your organizations infrastructure. Understanding the basics of cryptography. Managing security keys and certificates. Ensuring operational and organizational security. Recovering from disasters. A CD-ROM so you can practice, practice, practice. Concise, objective-focused coverage and review questions. Order your copy of the perfect preparation and review resource, Security+ Fast Pass today! Note:CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.

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