Jakarta Pitfalls. Time-Saving Solutions for Struts, Ant, JUnit, and Cactus (Java Open Source Library)

Jakarta Pitfalls. Time-Saving Solutions for Struts, Ant, JUnit, and Cactus (Java Open Source Library), Bill  Dudney audiobook. ISDN28971917

Bill Dudney and Jonathan Lehr



Type:PDF book

Publisher:John Wiley & Sons Limited

Publication date:18.08.2023

Draft. This is an unfinished book that the author is writing right now, posting new parts or chapters as they are completed.


Ideal intermediate-level book for programmers to turn to once they have read the introductory books. Identifies what can go wrong and provides refactored solutions for each pitfall complete with code. All of the pitfalls are cross-referenced within the text as well as outlined in a summary table in the back of the book. Includes background information and troubleshooting tips so programmers can avoid other errors that may also occur. The Web site contains all of the refactored code solutions and links to appropriate tool downloads.

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