Starting an eBay Business For Canadians For Dummies

Starting an eBay Business For Canadians For Dummies, Marsha  Collier audiobook. ISDN28962573

Marsha Collier and Bill Summers



Type:PDF book

Publisher:John Wiley & Sons Limited

Publication date:18.08.2023

Draft. This is an unfinished book that the author is writing right now, posting new parts or chapters as they are completed.


Turn your hobby into a successful career Starting an eBay Business For Canadians For Dummies covers the essentials an eBay user or budding entrepreneur needs to start a moneymaking venture by trading on eBay. Readers will discover not only the essentials of maximizing profits on eBay, but also how to run a smart eBay-based business. Topics include: Setting up basic auctions Building a store Choosing what to sell Setting good prices Stocking your storeroom Dealing with sales taxes Shipping domestically and internationally Canadians selling on eBay deal with many unique concerns which will be addressed in this adapted best-seller.

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