UKCAT For Dummies

UKCAT For Dummies, Neel  Burton audiobook. ISDN28318461

Neel Burton and Chris Chopdar

Genre:educational reference books


Type:PDF book

Publisher:John Wiley & Sons Limited

Publication date:09.12.2022



The UK Clinical Aptitude Test (UKCAT) is a standardized test used as an entrance examination for the majority of medical and dental schools in the UK. Its purpose is to test the likely aptitude of a candidate for a clinical career. UKCAT For Dummies provides readers with the review materials they need to score well on the UKCAT and make medical school a reality, featuring: A proven UKCAT preparation program with a five-year history of success Hundreds of a practice questions and explanations Test-taking strategies that work Information and advice on the entire application process from Drs. Chris Chopdar and Neel Burton Go to to see the latest on UKCAT

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