Persuasion and Influence For Dummies

Persuasion and Influence For Dummies, Elizabeth  Kuhnke audiobook. ISDN28313403

Elizabeth Kuhnke

Genre:general psychology


Type:PDF book

Publisher:John Wiley & Sons Limited

Publication date:09.12.2022



Many people want to gain trust or support in business and throughout life, but the true skill is doing so in a charming fashion! Whether youre convincing the boss about your much-deserved promotion or a busy restaurateur to offer a better table, the power of persuasion can help improve and increase your successes. Elizabeth Kuhnke, author of the bestselling Body Language For Dummies, guides the reader through easy-to-implement techniques that can turn a timid person into someone bursting with self confidence and the ability to influence. Topics covered will include: The key elements in becoming more persuasive – body language, listening skills, using persuasive words and actions Finding a common ground and establishing a connection with your audience Capturing their attention and keeping them interested Putting yourself across convincingly Getting things done through others Identifying the type of person youre dealing with – and responding in an appropriate manner

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