Ted Padova
Genre:foreign educational literature
Type:PDF book
Publisher:John Wiley & Sons Limited
Publication date:09.12.2022
The classic Acrobat and PDF reference, updated to cover the latest release Consistently the most authoritative and comprehensive resource on the Acrobat PDF format, this standard reference returns with in-depth coverage of the newest version of Acrobat. Written by bestselling author Ted Padova, this book is packed with real-world insights and techniques gained from Padovas daily use of Acrobat under deadline constraints. Youll discover everything there is to know about using Acrobat X for print prepress, the Internet, CD-ROMs, and other forms of media. Popular author Ted Padova shares everything you need to know about the latest release of Acrobat—Acrobat X Explores the updated functions of the new Acrobat and using it for print prepress, the Internet, CD-ROMs, and more As the ultimate resource for all things Acrobat and PDF-related, Adobe Acrobat X PDF Bible is an update of a classic.