What You Need to Know about Economics

What You Need to Know about Economics, Sumeet  Desai audiobook. ISDN28309254

Sumeet Desai and George Buckley

Genre:business management


Type:PDF book

Publisher:John Wiley & Sons Limited

Publication date:09.12.2022



George Buckley & Sumeet Desai: What You Need To Know About Economics Economics Matters. But with confusing things like GDP and interest rates, it’s often hard to get you head around. So What do you really need to know about economics? Find out: What economic growth is and why it matters How inflation happens How jobs are created and lost How the property market works What central banks do and how it affects the rest of us The impact of government spending on the economy What You Need to Know About Economics cuts through the theory to help you to do your job and understand the world around you better. Read More in the What You Need to Know Series and Ger Up to Speed on The Essentials… Fast.

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