I Am John Galt. Todays Heroic Innovators Building the World and the Villainous Parasites Destroying It

I Am John Galt. Todays Heroic Innovators Building the World and the Villainous Parasites Destroying It, Donald  Luskin audiobook. ISDN28308030

Donald Luskin and Andrew Greta

Genre:financial management


Type:PDF book

Publisher:John Wiley & Sons Limited

Publication date:09.12.2022



Inspired by Ayn Rands characters in Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead, penetrating profiles of both the innovators who move our world forward and those who seek to destroy the achievement of others John Galt, the fictional character from Ayn Rands bestselling novel, Atlas Shrugged, has come to embody the individualist capitalist who acts in his own enlightened self interest, and in doing so lifts the world around him. Some of todays most successful CEOs, journalists, sports figures, actors, and thinkers have led their lives according to Galts (i.e., Rands) philosophy. Now, in I Am John Galt, these inspiring stories are gathered with the keen insight and analysis of well-known market commentator Donald Luskin and business writer Andrew Greta. Filled with exclusive interviews, profiles, and analyses of leading financial, business, and artistic stars who have based their lives, and careers, on the philosophy of the perennially popular Ayn Rand, this book both inspires and enlightens. On the other side are Rands arch villains?the power-seekers, parasites, and lunatics who would destroy that which the creators and builders make. Who are todays anti-heroes, fighting the creativity of the innovators? Contains insightful interviews, profiles, and analyses of the individuals who have lived by a Randian code to achieve greatness for themselves and others Offers a probing analysis of those who seek to destroy or undo the achievements of others?from academics, pundits, and government bureaucrats to fraudsters who have wreaked havoc on our world Engaging and entertaining, I Am John Galt examines how the inspiration that is Galt thrives more than 50 years after publication of Atlas Shrugged. It will spark the interest of Ayn Rand fans everywhere, as well as those seeking a way to succeed in todays turbulent and confusing times.

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