Zukunftstechnologie Tissue Engineering

Zukunftstechnologie Tissue Engineering, Raimund  Strehl Hörbuch. ISDN43539906

Raimund Strehl und Karl Schumacher

Genre:fremde Bildungsliteratur



Herausgeber:John Wiley & Sons Limited




Tissue engineering is a new and rapidly developed technology, which already does and will continue to benefit the world. The aim of tissue engineering is to generate alive, functional and normal tissue for clinical applications. Tissue engineers worldwide have set out to grow virtually every type of human tissue – liver, bone, muscle, cartilage, blood vessels, heart muscles, nerves, pancreatic islets, and more. Commercially produced skin is already available for use in treating patients with diabetic ulcers and burns. The new book introduces the reader to the necessary fundamentals of cellular development and tissue culture as well as to recent progress of artificial tissue and organ engineering.

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