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Elena Sidelnikova
The fallen archangel, cursed by religions and whose name is associated with evil in all its forms, told me that the world is based on love. It is important to note that after reading this book, you will no longer be the same; it will change you because information is also energy. And you, just like me, will understand why everything in the world happens the way it does, which prohibitions are true, and which are fabricated.

Elena Sidelnikova

When reading a channeling, remember—no external information can be 100% accurate. Listen to yourself first and foremost. All the information you need is already within each of us.


It seems to me that this book began with crochet. The pattern required six stitches in each loop, and I methodically counted: six, six, six… Numbers govern the universe, as someone great once said. And then one day, while I was waiting in line at the tire shop, the name "Lucifer" suddenly echoed in my mind. By that time, the gift of channeling, or telepathic communication with the Higher Forces of the Cosmos, had already awakened in me, so I understood that He, Lucifer, wanted to tell me something. I wasn’t afraid, even though He is considered the originator of Darkness. I simply asked, "What do you want?" and began, as usual, to write down the answers. That's how the "Conversations with Lucifer" came to be, which now encompass more than a thousand pages of text.
Now, when I reread these conversations, I’m astonished: Did I really write this? Because I realize I could never have invented such a coherent and perfect system for describing the laws of the Universe, which He conveyed to me over four years. It was always unobtrusive, only at my request, and only in response to my questions. It seemed as though He was tired of being alone, deeply missing his great Father-Creator, and was glad that someone was finally willing to listen to him. Every page of the text is filled with this longing, and strangely enough, with love for God.
The fallen archangel, cursed by religions and whose name is associated with evil in all its forms, told me that the world is built on love. Like the prodigal son in the famous parable, who ventured far from his father’s house and longs to return, but cannot because he has been divided into parts, and his return depends on the desire of each part to come back.
At first, of course, I tried to test Him, to catch Him in a lie. I asked many questions, which my mind eagerly sought out or were sent to me by others, and I also accused Him of all the sins of humanity. But He patiently and calmly answered every seemingly tricky question and consistently explained to me the laws of the Universe. After a while, I began to feel Him as, you could say, a friend and a pleasant conversationalist, someone with whom it was always interesting to talk. I published all these conversations online.
He told me that He has two sides: dark and light. He addresses each person with the side that corresponds to that person. He cannot reject the Darkness because He himself is the originator of the division of the world into two poles. But He will never approach me with His dark side unless I myself wish it.
Of course, there were those who wrote that I had been ensnared by dark forces, that I needed to repent and go to a monastery, that I didn’t understand what I was doing. And when I asked them, "Well, show me at least one paragraph of the text that would be an expression of Darkness," they replied, "You don’t understand. He’s deliberately luring you in, so that under a pile of generally correct information, He can sneak in disinformation!" But there were also many letters of gratitude. People read and became fascinated along with me. And these texts, as they wrote, began to change their consciousness, reshape it, and open up new knowledge.
It would probably be foolish now to count how many questions I asked, probably over a thousand. But as a result of the answers, a picture formed in my mind of a perfect, harmonious, self-regulating system of the Universe, where everything is finely tuned and everything has its explanation. All our troubles and problems stem from the fact that we simply don’t know the fundamental laws of how this system works. In fact, many of these laws were conveyed to us in various sacred texts by avatars who descended to Earth. But humanity only tried to follow them without understanding the reasons for the necessity of these laws.
He taught me two important things about understanding the world:
Do not think like a human, try to think like a god, and then you will understand God's designs.
View all processes not from the perspective of morality (after all, the criteria of human morality change from era to era) but as an energetic process, for the entire world is simply the movement of God's energy.
Lucifer said that all archangels embody different qualities of God, and He embodies a quality that humans call curiosity. In this, we turned out to be alike. I became so captivated by these conversations that it was like reading a fascinating book that you cannot put down. I hope you will also find it impossible to put down, as I did. In any case, I became quite popular on the internet thanks to these Conversations.
Now, I marvel at how precisely everything was planned by the Higher Powers. First, there were the "Conversations with Lucifer." And it was precisely the scandalousness of this name that drew the attention of many people, who then became interested in the worldview He described. And then, when they ended, my new channelings from the Absolute, Christ, Buddha, and many others appeared. And if in His story Lucifer spoke of how He separated from God the Father in the experiment of duality, then later the Absolute explained that all separation is illusory, and we are all actually one Divine being, pretending to be divided into parts to observe itself from the outside in a literal sense.
Of course, one could call all this madness. But when you read this book, you will see how everything is logically and clearly described. And what does it matter who I am talking to? Perhaps I am conversing with my higher self and answering all these thousands of questions myself. What matters is what is contained in these answers. What matters is that after reading this book, you will not be the same; it will change you because information is also energy. And you will understand, as I did, why everything happens in the world as it does, which prohibitions are valid, and which are contrived. Because everything will be explained solely from the perspective of the movement of Divine energy.
Many readers of my channelings have asked me, "How do you come up with such clever questions? The question had just occurred to me, and you had already asked it!" And Lucifer explained to me that these are not only and not so much my questions. Since everything exists simultaneously in the quantum world, when I write, others are already reading it at the same time. And in this interaction, a single quantum field of all the readers is formed, from which the questions in my head arise. Channeling happens so quickly that I don’t even have time to think about the questions. And many of the questions were sent to me by the readers themselves. So, you could say, we wrote this book together.
To make it easier for you to follow, I highlight my questions in italics. Many people ask if there will be a continuation of these conversations? I don't know, as I have long since learned to trust the plans of the Higher Powers. But I can reconnect with Him at any moment and continue if we both desire it. So, send in your questions. But first, read the entire book, and perhaps your questions will disappear, as mine did. Now, a significant part of my time is devoted to channelings on personal questions from people, which I have also compiled into books in the "Karmic Lessons" series. Moreover, I now have other amazing interlocutors: Buddha, the Mother of the World, Saint Germain, and many others. I publish all my materials on the internet because my teachers have tasked me with sharing this information. I must tell you that this book is for those who approach their understanding analytically, through the mind, as I do. And perhaps for those who are used to understanding everything intuitively in the spirit of Eastern traditions, all this will seem like excessive verbosity. But I belong to the European race, whose path to understanding goes through the mind. By the way, each human race is created to walk different paths of understanding. But I won’t get ahead of myself. You will learn about this and much more from the book. About how everything was created, why, for what purpose, and how humanity was created. Who we really are. What experiment the gods are conducting on Earth. And many more questions that I’m sure you have in your mind.
So, I wish you a fascinating journey into the amazing world of the mysteries and laws of the Universe!
With love to you,

Elena Sidelnkova

Part 54. Parallel Realities
Could you please tell me about parallel worlds? Various sources suggest that each of us experiences every possible scenario of our lives simultaneously in parallel incarnations, but we don't remember it. For example, there might be a world where I suffer; a world where I'm happy; a world where I'm rich; a world where I'm poor; and all the intermediate states. If this is true, does that mean that by being happy, I make my double suffer?
You find it difficult to move away from the paradigm of separation. Do you remember how we talked about the living rooms, where the Collective Soul spreads out to experience all possible scenarios, to play in all possible games of reality? Another comparison could be made with an amusement park. You sequentially go through all the rides. On some of them, you are genuinely scared. But once you get off the ride, you shout, "Wow! That was awesome!" Or, "Terrifying! Never again." Now imagine experiencing all the rides in the amusement park simultaneously rather than sequentially. After all these experiences, what would you say? After all, everything happened at once—both fear and excitement. Do you understand? There's no point in separating them. It's all happening simultaneously. It's all your choice to experience it. It's all your experience, and within it, all possible reactions are present. So, you are simultaneously happy, suffering, thrilled, scared, loving, hating, and so on.
You're talking about the final reaction, the reaction after getting off the "ride." That is, when the Higher Self or the Collective Soul gathers the experiences of all its parts' incarnations. But what happens before the experiences are collected? How does the experience of one of my doubles affect the experience of another? In other words, does one experience become the property of all?
Let's figure this out. There are many levels on which you currently exist and gain your experience. The Collective Soul has split into many selves, and you are one of them. Essentially, all these many selves are also you; but for simplicity's sake, let's focus on you. You are clothed in many bodies. And before incarnation, the Collective Soul chooses specific living conditions for you. But it doesn't choose the only possible option, but many options at once. And you also spread out into different rooms of incarnation. At the same time, you are clothed in various bodies, and all your incarnations are also distributed across several planes, corresponding to the bodies. Your physical bodies live on physical planes. Astral bodies on astral planes, mental bodies on mental planes, and so on. But this is still division because, in reality, there is only you. You are multiple. You are quantum. There's no separate physical body and astral body; there's a set of bodies of your double on all planes. And there isn't one double and another double—there are multiple projections of you in different planes of reality.
You have medical equipment that allows you to take layer-by-layer images of the human body. And if you were to draw conclusions about a person only from these images, you'd have a completely different picture of them. Can you judge the state of, say, the liver based solely on its layer-by-layer images? Each image is just a fragment and, moreover, two-dimensional. If you take layer-by-layer images of any organ in all possible directions of the layers' planes, you'll get an approximate picture of assembling you from your doubles. But we're only talking about three dimensions and just the physical organ here. Now combine this image with multidimensionality. Then you can roughly understand what quantum reality is. Your current linear life is just a series of momentary layer-by-layer images from one angle of your reality's plane. But there's also a series of layer-by-layer images from other angles of your reality—all possible angles.
But no matter how many images of an organ you take, it's still the same organ, just examined from different sides and angles of perception. It's like observing an object from the right, left, top, bottom, and so on. Can you say that the top view is incorrect? Can you say that the right view fully describes the object? Can you say that a layer-by-layer image of an organ is its only description?
Moreover, an image is a momentary result. But changes are happening in any organ. Therefore, the events of your life are just momentary snapshots of reality from your point of view or, as you say, from your "point of assembly" of the world. But the events of your life are all possible momentary snapshots of all possible realities, allowing you to perceive your reality as fully as possible.
Let's develop the idea of the image further for clarity. Do you remember we talked about perception being creation? In this sense, it's better not to talk about images because in your understanding, the equipment is independent and captures what is real, although you've already encountered the observer effect. The term "description" might be more appropriate. If you ask different people to describe an object, their descriptions will always differ. But even this doesn't capture the essence of the process. You can describe something that exists. But nothing exists in reality. Everything you see and feel, you manifest yourself through your perception. Do you remember the smell of a rose? The rose doesn't know about its smell. The one who has the olfactory apparatus and through it manifests the smell of the rose knows about it. But the rose itself remains unchanged, regardless of how others manifest it. The same thing happens with the other angles of perception. There's just the movement of energies. And your perception apparatus, the one you've been endowed with, manifests these energies in its own way. Therefore, the events of your life are momentary manifestations of the world's energies through your point of view. And the events of your life are all possible manifestations of the world's energies by you. Do you understand?
Now imagine a universal connection. All versions (angles) of you are one. And all versions (angles) of you are also one. A matryoshka. An onion. And naturally, all possible manifestations of reality are the common property or, rather, the manifestations of one essence—you. You are part of the Collective Soul, split into many selves. And you have also split into many yous. But what prevents you from perceiving the experiences of all your parts is the paradigms of separation, the limitations imposed on you by matrix consciousness. When you say or think, "It's impossible for there to be many of me," you literally cut off the possibility of perceiving these selves, removing them from perceptual access. You think in terms of a part, not the whole. But thinking alone isn't enough. To be whole is to have not only the experience of the whole but also the capabilities of the whole. Therefore, by cutting off your connections with other parts of you, you lose not only the wholeness of perception but also the energetic wholeness of yourself. Your resources are limited by you, by the part of you. And therefore, perception is also limited by you. But nevertheless, as you say, deep down or in your subconscious, you know about all the perceptions of you.
All your subconscious feelings and fears, insights, dеj? vu, are breakthroughs of you, the energy of you, vague memories of your lives from different angles of perception.
What happens to the other incarnations of parallel higher selves when one of them dies? Does its experience and energy go directly to the higher self or perhaps get distributed among the remaining ones?
In the concepts of unity and quantum reality, there's no concept of "going away." "Going away" means "outside." But there is no "outside" and "inside." There is wholeness. You can never truly die. It's impossible. You can transition from one form to another. In this sense, when your physical double physically dies in one of the physical realities, its incarnation and experience gathering continues on other planes of reality. It can reincarnate again with new tasks in the physical reality. And all of this will be it, and it will be you at the same time. If you perceive division into parts linearly, it seems to you that one part must flow into another. But in multidimensionality, it's hard to describe this process. Everything exists simultaneously. You are simultaneously being born and dying in all physical worlds available to you. By dying in one physical world, you continue to manifest in worlds of another density, then be born again in the dense world, and so on indefinitely.
You find it hard to comprehend all of this. To realize that you are more, that the experience and energy of all of you rightfully belong to you. And that you only need to open this within yourself. Open your path to yourself. Realize yourself as yourself.
Your thoughts are open, and I can see in them: this sounds a bit crazy. It is indeed so. Your mind works linearly and doesn't allow you to see the quantum picture of unity and multidimensionality. The programs embedded in you build a linear sequence of events and experiences. It's like on a computer when you only use one program, only consider part of the files without access to all the others. In our analogy, you now have access only to the layer-by-layer images. But if you move beyond your current mind, that is, expand your linear perception to a quantum one, you can realize your wholeness.
At the moment, your task is to realize wholeness with yourself. But further, after solving this task, you will need to remember and realize your wholeness on a higher level, to gather all of you into a single perception. And so on infinitely. The principle of fractality.
How can this be done?
This is not an easy process. First, simply accept it. Accept that you are not the only one. There are many versions of you. Allow them into your life. You are afraid of the multiplicity of perceptions. You call it madness and split personality and consider such people outcasts, locking them up in mental institutions. But these are precisely the ones who, for one reason or another, have managed to step away from linear perception. Yet the matrix of linearity imposes its conditions on them, and thus their worldview doesn't fit within the usual framework of the established world order. Many of these so-called mad people do not understand the reasons for their splits, and so their journey can be painful, painful in terms of trying to gather themselves into Unity. These separate parts of YOU have attempted to recognize their multidimensionality and are undergoing their experiences. This is, in fact, YOUR attempt to understand yourself as multidimensional, do you understand?
If you do this consciously, your life will turn into exciting journeys through different branches of realities created by your other PARTS.
What is so exciting about the suffering that another part of ME might experience?
This is divided perception. If one part of YOU suffers while another part of YOU rejoices, then what do YOU feel as a whole?
Everything, but something predominates.
Exactly. Therefore, the next task is to balance YOURSELF as a whole so that YOUR experience is pure, meaning that nothing dominates within it.
Can I ask you a question on behalf of those who read our conversations? Can the Higher Self later refuse to integrate the part that was incarnated if it "dislikes" what happened to that part and doesn't want to take it back?
You are again reasoning in human terms. "Like" is a human concept. What does "like" mean? Your human definition depends on many factors, including externally imposed paradigms and moral norms. For instance, do you like it when people walk around naked in the street? No, because you were taught that a naked body is shameful. Many more examples could be given. But there is another meaning. What could your Collective Soul possibly "dislike"?
Well, for example, the experience of killing or the experience of suffering.
Where can your Collective Soul put a part of itself? Everything happens through it and within it. Your Collective Soul, or Higher Self, has endowed you with free will according to the laws of the universe. Free will to choose the experience of manifesting reality. If a child chooses to paint with black colors, would you forbid it? Would you reject the child? We have already talked about this. Black paint allows you to draw outlines, and without it, the boundaries of images would be blurred. Duality allows forms to manifest more clearly. Therefore, the Collective Soul cannot accept or reject something because it is everything.
But we are told that all experiences are collected, analyzed, and some of the negative experiences are either destroyed or overwritten.
Nothing can be destroyed, only transformed. But the latter statement is akin to, say, removing shadows and outlines from a painting and cleaning it of dark colors. That would no longer be a complete perception, do you understand? It's about something entirely different. When an equal amount of all possible experiences is accumulated, the perception becomes clearer because everything is balanced. Therefore, nothing is erased or overwritten. Everything is simply balanced.
Are you saying that if a lot of negative experiences accumulate in all incarnations, then positive experiences begin to develop for balance? That is, if everything is blissful and joyful in all worlds, then it must be balanced with a certain amount of suffering for equilibrium?
You are introducing human judgments into this. Strive to think not as a human. As you are taught, think like a god. You are the artist of reality. You choose the colors with which to paint the canvas of the universe on its own canvas. When an artist paints, they add different colors. And when looking at the whole picture, they indeed add shadows and outlines in some places, and more colorfulness in others. Does that make the painting worse? Or should the artist consider whether the parts of the canvas where black paint needs to be applied dislike it? This is, of course, an exaggerated example, but it is an example of shifting from the thinking of the canvas to the thinking of the artist. From human thinking to God's thinking. As long as you cannot grasp the entire picture, your thinking will resemble the "thinking of the canvas." The canvas does not know what the painting should be. It judges from the perspective of a part.
Can parallel incarnations somehow influence each other? Suppose both are faced with a similar situation at the same stage of life. Let's say there are two ways to resolve it. One incarnation made its choice, but it turned out to be unsuccessful. The other was still contemplating, taking no action. And suddenly, it gets a feeling (intuition) that the issue should be resolved in the second way, not the first. How does this interaction happen? After all, intuition is nothing more than knowledge already tested by the Higher Self or your copy.
The interaction occurs quantumly. For the sake of your understanding, you can imagine a shared library. Or computer files that are constantly being added to, and all users of that computer have access to them. In this analogy, the computer is YOU, and the users are your current self and all the other parts of YOU. Intuition is a broad concept for you. You could say it is a fleeting sensation of your Wholeness with the other parts, breaking through your separation and lack of faith in your unity. In these brief moments, you hear the other parts of YOU. And not just intuition. Unexplainable fears. Insights.
So prophecies are from this category?
Yes, partially. Your clairvoyants can read information from other incarnations of the collective soul, from other planes of physical reality. This is why they are dangerous. Because if someone predicts a global catastrophe or world war for you by observing them on other planes of reality, they influence the collective thought form, and you may collectively attract that catastrophe or war into your reality. And thus, relieve another part of reality from negative manifestation.
Are realities parallel, or do they intersect after all?
This is also an incorrect concept. There is nothing parallel, nor intersecting—this is linear perception. There is quantum unity. When everything exists simultaneously, everything exists within everything. Each point of reality is simultaneously a point of all realities.
I don't understand.
How can I explain this to you… Sometimes I run out of linear analogies.
We've already talked about a crumpled sheet of paper. If the sheet is flat, all its points are separate. If you crumple it, many points converge. Imagine the crumpling of the sheet to the extent that all points intersect. This would be like rolling the sheet into a very dense paper ball and then compacting it even further. The degree of "crumpling" represents the density of the world. Now, imagine that this crumpled sheet of paper has astral and mental bodies that are crumpled in different ways. But in the end, it's all still the same sheet of paper. If you write text on it, crumpling will make it unreadable. If the sheet is slightly crumpled, the words in the text will be distorted; the more you crumple it, the more the words and text written on it will become distorted. But if you unfold and smooth the sheet, you will be able to read the full text. Do you understand? In this way, you only read fragments or single words of the Divine text on the Divine "sheet of paper." If you can unfold it within yourself into Wholeness without distortions, you will understand what God has written for you. For now, each point on the "sheet" perceives only the part accessible to it, based on its degree of crumpling.
Can I, in my current state, jump from one reality to another? Or can I only hear what is happening to me on other branches of reality?
It’s not jumping. It’s connecting to multidimensionality. If you were to literally jump to another branch of reality, there would be two of you there. In reality, sometimes you instantly connect to the perception of YOURSELF in another branch of YOUR reality. It's a breakthrough into another perception. When you can simultaneously be all parts of YOURSELF and experience all realities that YOU have created, you will return to multidimensionality.
Let’s get back to fractality. As I understand it, fractality of realities also exists. So, there is some entity that has split into a network of incarnations, each of which has split into a further network of incarnations, and so on indefinitely. Or like a jellyfish with tentacles of perception, each of which grows its own tentacles of perception, and so on endlessly. What, then, is the so-called transition in these analogies?
Remember when we talked about the Harvest? Or it can also be called the gathering of fruits. The return of experience to unity to form the Whole. You accumulate experience. You play all the games and performances that interest you. YOU give this opportunity to each of you until each part of YOU tires of it. And then, when all parts of YOU have played enough, you all return to YOU. This is the gathering of fruits; this is the Harvest. The gathering of the Whole, the accumulation of experience, the merging of the complete picture of the world. And this picture is a fragment of a higher picture of the world, which also gathers its fruits, fruits of a higher order. What you call the descent of Spirit into matter is a fractal penetration in all directions to gather experience. As if you needed to feel an incomprehensible object, and for this, many tentacles grow. But this is also not quite accurate because there are no separate objects. Each tentacle reveals its world, perceives itself as separate in its perspective, in its layer of the world’s image, revealing different perceptions of the world’s energies like on film with varying sensitivities. Therefore, the real god for you is YOU as a whole. Your god is YOU, who gathers all parts of YOU into unity. And this process is called both the transition and the Harvest and the gathering of fruits. But YOU are also part of a higher God—the Collective Soul, and YOU also strive for wholeness.
Has everyone in my world played enough to gather the fruits of their perception?
What matters is that you have played enough! Do you understand? You are YOU. So, if at least a part of YOU, represented by you, has played enough and realized the need to unite into the Whole, the process has already begun. And now, you, as a part, are telling the other parts of YOU about the necessity of unity, about Wholeness. You are telling yourself. And your realization, on a quantum level, becomes the property of every part of YOU. The process cannot be stopped, like a nuclear reaction; it’s only a matter of time. More precisely, it’s a matter of the speed of perception. Sooner or later, all parts of YOU will "get" this information and realize it. It’s already happening.
So, there won’t be a single quantum moment of transition for all humanity as promised?
There will be. When all parts of YOU realize their quantum interconnectedness, this quantum leap in perception will occur. Like an explosion of awareness, like the manifestation of YOU as a Whole in a new, higher octave of reality, which is the merging of all the realities created by parts of YOU. And if in some parts of YOU, there were black or dark colors, then when the entire splendor of colors is combined on the canvas, an unprecedented picture of creation, a new reality, will emerge. But if at the moment of realization there are more dark colors within YOU, your picture of the reality of the new level may appear more somber. Therefore—it’s up to you to choose. All parts of YOU. If you want this picture to be in brighter tones, you must balance yourself. By balancing the dark and the light within you, you will gain the ability to observe the pictures of parts of YOU more evenly. Because as long as you are unbalanced, you cannot purely accept the experience of others within yourself; you will constantly evaluate and either accept or reject something. When all parts of YOU reach balance, the picture of the world in your new reality will be beautiful.
This is the process of creation, and every creative essence in the universe is engaged in this. Namely—creating worlds of perception. You’ve recently become fascinated with paint-by-numbers. A very similar analogy. Imagine that each of you is painting one of the areas of the great picture of creation being created.
What will happen to those who don’t want to return and unite?
That’s impossible. Can your hand protest against touching your nose? Sometimes your humor becomes accessible to me. The process is already underway. Remember the predictions that 1% of humanity is capable of consciously leading everyone through? This is what it’s about. You are the pioneers of the transition. You are the first to wake up, the first to realize yourselves in Unity and strive for this Unity. The process has already begun. It spreads quantumly, but in the paradigm of separation and within the vast number of illusions, it slows down and doesn’t manifest as clearly.
In other words, the bodies of all people on Earth already know about the transition, even though most of them haven’t read about it and aren’t aware of it with their minds. But the cells of their bodies already know about it. They are already prepared for the transition; they are gradually restructuring. They are already ready to unite into the whole. And this is as inevitable as the sunrise is for you. And with your daily work, you continue to launch more and more systems of holistic perception. Because everything that happens within you simultaneously happens in all parts of YOU. Everything is One.

Part 55. The Quantum Human
Can I ask a question on behalf of another person?
Of course.
Let's follow the standard procedure that I am advised to use. Are you Lucifer?
Yes, I am Lucifer.
Who are you, speaking with me?
I am Lucifer.
Are you Lucifer?
Yes, I am the essence of Lucifer, I am a part of him.
A part? Which part?
You cannot comprehend my Whole. Therefore, you are speaking with a part. And, of course, this part slightly distorts. More precisely, the part doesn’t distort, but you perceive the information somewhat distorted because you receive it from a part. But when you are able to reach the Whole, then you will understand. I am Lucifer by right and am speaking with you. I am that part of Lucifer that you were able to reach. Let go of your fear. You are under the protection of your Soul. Proceed calmly towards knowledge. I promise you that I will not use your curiosity and openness for evil. I myself have walked this path. Therefore, I understand what you need to be protected from in your search. Each time, I will speak to you about this so that you can choose which direction to take. Each time, I will warn you of dangers so that you can decide how necessary it is for you. The law of free will is inviolable. And I honor it just as others do. So, let go of your fears and the fears that are being instilled in you.
Then let's continue.
In the last two years, the concept of “transitioners” has been introduced through channelers. Observers have thus been divided into two conditional groups—those who transition (or define the experience of transition) and those who do not (who sleep). How do You see the path and development of these primary observation groups?
In reality, there are more groups. But there are two directions: ascending and descending. In fact, everyone transitions somewhere because there is no stagnation. There is always movement or, rather, attraction toward something. Everyone is drawn to the area that they correspond to the most. And if the majority of humanity is still here, on your earthly plane, it only means that it corresponds to it.
However, separate groups and individuals have emerged who no longer correspond to this dimension, who no longer match its characteristics. They have changed and no longer fit into this world. Like puzzle pieces that can no longer fit in their previous place. And these "puzzle pieces," just like in your game, start trying to fit themselves into different places. This is how the process can be described.
I cannot predict what happens to each person. I can only observe trends. Some of you clearly understand which path you are on. But this part is insignificantly small compared to all of humanity. Some of you are completely unaware of which path you are on, and this part prevails. But a chain reaction has been set off. It's like a disintegrating structure where the parts held each other together. A certain structure of the world, where everything was extremely dependent on each other. And now this structure is slowly beginning to fall apart because some parts have seemingly fallen out. This is the process of awakening, as you call it.
An individual part, an individual person, suddenly begins to feel that there is no support nearby, that the part that supported them no longer holds them. And the process of swaying begins. And sooner or later, they too will separate from the general matrix structure, realize themselves as a separate independent essence, and begin to seek other structures to join.
Or like the magnetic particles Saint Germain told you about. The magnetic field weakened, and the parts suddenly began to realize their independence in a certain sense. The magnetic field began to restructure. And depending on how large this magnetic particle is and, of course, in accordance with the law of free will, this particle begins its path of attraction and creation of new structures.
When you speak about the weakening of the magnetic field, are you just using an analogy for understanding, or has the magnetic field indeed weakened? In this context, could you please explain what some sources refer to as the magnetic path of ascension? Is this somehow related to the change in the magnetic field of space?
Yes, of course. Everything I say, I try to select analogies that correspond to reality and are understandable to you in perception. The magnetic field is undergoing changes. You have already heard about this from the guardians of the magnetic field. Everything is changing. For there is nothing unchanging.
The magnetic field is the degree of fusion into Oneness. The planet unites many parts-essences into a single form of energy contact, which undergoes a shared experience under these magnetic conditions. Interdependence. You, as humanity, are also united into a single form-conglomerate. And if you do not realize yourselves as a single form, a single being, a single union, it does not mean that this does not exist. You are a unified conglomerate organism that undergoes its development under certain shared conditions and causes, under certain laws and interconnections, to develop its energetic potential as a single organism called "Homo sapiens." And this unified organism is transitioning to a new stage—the stage of the "Quantum Human."
The same thing is happening with all other civilizations. Each of you is a part of a vast human organism called humanity, which is also a part of a vast organism called the planet, which is a part of a vast organism called the star system, and so on. Everything includes everything. One can also go in the other direction. Your cells are part of you as a vast organism for them.
But you are still in one of the early stages of remembering yourselves as a Whole. In the first stage, there is unification and strict laws of unification. Your cells cannot disintegrate; they undergo the experience of strict unification into a whole. They depend on this whole. They practically cannot leave this whole, only some parts of them. They are learning to be a single organism in the literal sense. They obey, they learn to accept your will and your choice. They act strictly within the framework of the functions they have. They are attracted to you, to your single organism, by some magnetic field or rather its configuration, which creates all your bodies. And the most interesting part is that the formation of this configuration is your task and your level of creation. You do all this yourself, but unconsciously so far, just like each of you.
You create and generate the configuration of the magnetic field that holds your cells in the state and composition in which they exist now. You are their god. And this can be called the third density, where your actions and your choice are determined by some god who unites you into a single conglomerate, into a single organism, into a single strictly oriented team. And at this level, the magnetic force of a certain quality unites these parts into a single organism. And it was the same with humanity. For a long time, you carried out the tasks of strict unity, tasks of submission. And your tasks and your path of development were determined by that god who united you.
Which god united us?
I already mentioned. Your Planetary Essence.
I don't understand. Is the Planetary Essence Gaia or Sanat Kumara, also known as Jehovah?
These are two aspects of the planetary essence, two dual aspects. Two types of energy.
It feels like they exist separately.
Yes, at your level, it is so.
I don't understand. Sanat Kumara has his female half, his Archai, probably. But what about Gaia?
Gaia is the female half of the planetary Spirit. And on your path of development, the male spirit became predominant in determining the will of humanity's development as a community.
So, the god who united you with his magnetic will, or rather, who maintains your collective form as humanity, who unites you together as a whole, and who determined the laws of your development.
Many people are currently dissatisfied with Jehovah's actions. Does it turn out that he is not to blame and is just working as a universal magnet?
The concept of blame is not quite accurate. There are choices, and there are consequences. You were drawn into the concept of guilt. No one should feel guilty. Everyone should just understand the consequences of their choices and accept those consequences. There is no system of punishment and fear of punishment. There is a clear understanding of the cause-and-effect relationships of your choice. And the ability to accept these consequences.
Jehovah, like everyone else, exercises his choice within his authority. He united humanity with his will, and the quality of his unification is now reflecting on him as a consequence of his choice. He chose to make your unity exactly this way. And for a long time, you lived as cells of his organism, obeying his commands, his choices, his tasks, maintaining the organism he created. Similarly, the cells of your body obey the commands from your brain. Although each exists as a separate independent essence, a separate ray of consciousness and Spirit. But they chose to undergo their experience as part of your body and you as part of humanity. And humanity as part of the Planetary Spirit. The experience is manifold and also includes Everything. And your cells can also be "dissatisfied" with your choices. And believe me, they don't want to die, but each of you makes many choices on your path that lead to the death of cells. So, this is not the time for accusations. You need to move forward and realize yourselves as creators, as gods.
But then, some children suddenly start showing awareness. They begin to understand why they were confined by adults and gradually start exploring the world around them. They see the dangers that might be lurking. That’s when the next stage of maturity begins. This is the stage of being in a group, recognizing oneself as a part of the whole, and understanding oneself as both a part of the team and the team itself.
When each of you starts to understand that you are an individual part of humanity and can be independent of it, but at this stage, you fulfill common tasks and follow common rules that are not harmful but rather contribute to your development, complementing and educating you, then such a person can slowly be 'let out through the gate' beyond the fence of the 'kindergarten,' beyond the boundary of the world in which they reside.
Some of you have developed the notion that the planet is a prison. This is a distorted view. It’s not like that. It’s simply that care is being taken for you, for your safety. Of course, inside the 'kindergarten' fence, you play strange games. And your caretakers do not interfere with this and carefully ensure that no one causes significant harm to another. Those who fall ill are moved to isolation, and so on—everything follows the same script.
But when someone among you begins to show understanding, they start being taught about what lies beyond the 'kindergarten' gates—explained what laws operate there, how to navigate, and what to beware of. Gradually, you are allowed to take walks in the outside world, but under the supervision of a caretaker. After all, you do the same with your own children, yet you don’t call it a prison. And believe me, sometimes they think so too. Some of you may find this comparison offensive; you don’t want to remain in a kindergarten. But believe me, there’s no condescension here. Only care.
But then, what about the seven Kumaras that Sanat Kumara created: the Kumara of Suffering, the Kumara of Pain, the Kumara of Death, the Kumara of Judgment, the Kumara of Greed, and so on? It is written in the TAO that these are his inventions. Why did he do this, as the leader of our 'kindergarten'?
He spoke to you. He believed that such training programs would prepare you better. And that was his choice. He went through all of this with you.
But let’s return to you. So, some of you are beginning to realize yourselves as independent and are learning new qualities, qualities of a new level. This is what you call the fourth level. It is the awareness of oneself as part of the Whole and existing as a part within the Whole, consciously. With each new level, your degree of freedom increases. Because freedom is, above all, responsibility for your choices. Freedom of choice is the freedom to choose the consequences of your choice. Understand this and remember it. It’s important.
Until you realize that with every step, with every thought, you are choosing this or that consequence, which manifests in your reality and the reality of all humanity, you won’t be let out of the 'kindergarten' gate, which is essentially a playground.
One question keeps bothering me. When I spoke with El Morya, he admitted that we are all now energetically intertwined and can ascend only together. But we can also choose our own path, purely magnetic, and ascend separately. Besides, the TAO says that all the higher essences of our world, except for Christ, have ascended and continue to ascend through the energy of worship, which they receive from us. How would you comment on this?
Teachers teach what they know and can do. The caretakers of the 'kindergarten' instill in the 'children' the skills they themselves have mastered. And, of course, in this process, there is an exchange of energies and symbiosis, and this is inevitable. If you remove your moral judgments, each person represents a configuration of the manifestation of their Divine energy, a configuration of its intertwining with other energies during interaction. Any interaction is the interaction and intertwining of energies. By learning proper communication, you learn to give and receive energy equally. In some of your current states, you give more energy than you receive; in others, it’s the opposite. For example, when someone is angry or upset, they take energy from another. And when someone worships someone else, they give their energy. All of this exists simultaneously. And you are learning to balance giving and receiving, which is what you call equilibrium, and this is what you are being urged toward. When you feel joy or anger, in both cases, there is an unequal exchange of energies. When you have inner peace and balance, it means the interaction is equalized.
But wait. What about joy and love? Does this mean you shouldn’t rejoice or love, but always be in balance?
I'm not imposing on you or others what should or shouldn't be done. I'm explaining the mechanisms. What you call love has many shades—from simple sensuality to the heroism of self-sacrifice. Yes, someone who sacrifices something to another gives a tremendous amount of energy to that person. And that is their choice. And there is always someone who accepts this sacrifice and receives this immense energy. And then it's up to them to decide what to do with the energy they've received: keep it within themselves, accumulate it and not pass it on, or transfer it to others. And this, too, is a significant choice.
If you receive the energy of gratitude, joy, and self-sacrifice, you can pass it on, balancing your energetic debts. You are responsible for the quality of that transmission, participating in this chain. If you've received negative energies, there's also a choice to be made. You can pass it on, as many of you do. But if you add your own shades, your own judgments, that energy becomes yours, colored by you. And then you enter your zone of responsibility.
If you simply let this energy pass through you like a clear glass, you won't be responsible for it. It will be drawn, by the law of correspondence, to where it's "expected," so to speak. And you are taught to be such clear "glasses," allowing energies to pass through, to be empty, to be calm, not to take on negative energies. But if you are developed to a higher level and can not only accept but also change and transmute energies within yourself, then you can purify this negative energy and transform it into the energy of love and gratitude, and also pass it on for further interaction.
The example you gave—is Christ, who had this great power to transform negative energies. He did not take your sins upon himself, as is commonly believed, but instead transformed the massive layers of negative energy accumulated by humanity, passing them through himself, and manifested them in your world in their pure, original divine form, shining with the fire of purification. In this way, he cleansed the karma of the planet and the karma of humanity—neutralizing the connections and pathways of accumulated negative energy—and freed you from the burden of receiving and processing that energy. Because in the quantum world, everything is connected, and nothing disappears. Because everything you send into the world will return to you sooner or later, because it is yours.
Therefore, if you feel joy and love, upliftment, and elevation, it means that you are accepting the energy of joy from someone and perhaps passing it on. If you keep this energy within yourself, it will continually be colored by your characteristics, your marks. And sooner or later, it will find an outlet, but it will already be a different energy. So, if you keep it within yourself, you must understand your responsibility for maintaining its purity. You must either fill it with brighter tones and pass it on, or give it away immediately. And there is nothing wrong with that; you are all still learning to work with your energies. And sooner or later, you will learn. If someone feels compassion, it means they have taken someone's negativity and processed it within themselves. And in a processed form, they returned it or passed it on to others. Everything is an exchange of energy.
There are many configurations of energetic interaction. But the main thing you must understand is that you are responsible for it. The feelings you experience are your choice, and you will accept the consequences of your choice. And if someone is constantly joyful, it does not mean they are stealing joy. It is their choice of a joyful essence, their choice of the type of energy exchange. And if someone is compassionate, it is their choice of the path of compassion, their choice of energy exchange. And if someone is negative, it is also their choice.
By choosing the path of joy, you separate yourself from negative energy exchange.
By choosing the path of anger, you separate yourself from joyful energy exchange.
By choosing the path of compassion, you choose both paths and transmute them within yourself. And these are different paths. And different stages of your learning. And different stages of maturing and learning to handle energies.
Therefore, returning to your question about the Planetary Spirit and its choice, the same thing happens to it as to you, but on a higher level. It tried to accept the energies of negativity and process them within itself, but it couldn't. Perhaps it lacked the ability. Perhaps there was too much of your negativity. And it accumulated this in vessels, separated them to try to process them individually. Into the vessel of suffering. Into the vessel of death, into the vessel of greed, and so on. And now it is dealing with their processing.
And since it kept them, literally, within itself, they became colored by its characteristics. You must understand that it did not pass them on, and that is its kind of sacrifice. It tried to protect the Cosmos from the negativity that was growing in you. But its mistake was that it did not ask for help from above when it realized its problems and realized that it lacked the power to neutralize it. And this does not mean at all that it generated these negative energies. You did that.
But it imposed religions on us, which partially generated these negative energies. Didn’t it?
It did not calculate those probabilities and did it for the greater good, as it believed. It wanted to protect you, like children, from potential dangers of the outside world. But what happened, happened.
In any case, I understand your desire to know the whole truth, but you are on the path of seeking someone to blame on the outside, not understanding that you are all One. You are Sanat Kumara, do you understand? You just don’t yet realize yourself as a conscious part of it. And you made that decision. And you did it too, just like all the other parts of it. Learn to think as parts of the Whole. Nothing exists separately. Everything is part of something greater, part of the Whole, and is, in essence, this Whole.
Therefore, right now, you don't need to look for someone to blame. Guilt does not exist. I’ve already said: there is receiving the consequences of your choices. And since you, as a part of Sanat, made your choices unconsciously, you will accept, like all others, the partial consequences of your choices. But if someone made those choices consciously on your behalf, they will accept the consequences of those choices to a greater extent. And all of you together, as a single Planetary Spirit, will accept the consequences of your human development. And there should be no fear in this; it is a conscious step towards healing. And maybe for some, the medicine will be bitter, but there is no other way.
Become aware. Accept the consequences of your choices, at least on your level. Consciously accept the consequences of your choices at the level of your personality. And realize that there is no one to blame outside. There is you and YOU. And that is all one. And by calmly—without aggression and seeking to blame others—accepting the consequences of your choices, you learn to be independent, you learn the responsibility of creators of your reality. And then, if your shared reality does not satisfy you, if you don't like it as humanity, start repainting it, redrawing it, recreating it, transforming it. You have all the colors of the world.
And if you want to create a world of joy and harmony, then create it! Accept your negativity and transmute it, to begin with, into the energy of joy and love. Many of you are already doing this and have done so. And if you have managed to transform your personal reality into a reality of joy and love, then help others do the same—accept their negativity and transmute it into the energy of joy and love. And let this energy, at the first transitional stage, be felt by you as the energy of compassion. And maybe in the process, you will experience some discomfort from the influence of negative energies, but if this is your conscious path, no one can stop it, no one can stop this process. And sooner or later, you will process this energy into the energy of joy and love and build the world you choose.
You are called the Prince of Darkness. And you are telling me how to build a path of joy?
Within me exists both Light and Darkness. And this is my choice. I emit both energies and try to merge and reconcile them. I observe how one energy transitions into the other within me and what happens during this process. I am a testing ground for the merging of energies. With each person, I interact with the side of myself that best corresponds to them. With you, I communicate through the light side of myself, the part that resonates with you.
Thank you. I want to ask something else, not related to this. There are many people who read our conversations and are grateful for them because these conversations uncover layers of energy within them, revealing new understandings. But there are also some who utterly reject them, accusing me of spreading Satanism, leading thousands astray. What do you have to say about this?
Everyone aligns with a particular type of energy exchange. Breaking away from stereotypes of thinking, from familiar energy exchanges, can sometimes be painful. You are parting with old dogmas of subjugation, the dogmas of causing harm, of blaming someone, of violence. The dogmas of delusion—there are many more to list. You know this yourself. All these dogmas must be transmuted into new concepts, living and changing concepts that encompass a multitude of nuances and differences, corresponding to the many distinctions in energy exchanges within you and within all humanity. Like the riot of colors. Like the multitude of patterns of force and magnetic lines.
Thus, subjugation is transformed into agreement, into interaction. Causing harm is transformed into compassion. Blame is transformed into responsibility. Violence is transformed into giving and love. Delusion is transformed into awareness, and so on. No one can make a choice for you. Everyone makes it themselves and accepts the consequences of their choice.
But there are many who are so accustomed to existing within the old paradigms and so fearful of freedom that they cannot calmly accept the consequences of their choice. These are the ones who shout about it. You must have a lot of patience and compassion for them. Therefore, you are free to make your own choice. You can absorb their energies and transmute them within yourself if you have the capability and strength for it. In any case, it is a valuable experience. But it is difficult. Because for this, for transmutation, you must remove all your attachments that they can latch onto in their desire to hold onto the old worldview, which is now crumbling before their eyes. It is not an easy path, in some ways, it is the Path of Jesus.
But you can continue to live in your joyful world and choose not to engage with them—choosing your own path to joy and to God, and discovering new Divine energies within yourself.
And since other people read what you write, your choice is quite serious. Because, on one hand, when you interact with those who are still unable to let go of the old dogmas, you take on some of their energy. And if you cannot transmute it, you will inevitably color yourself with it and the information you receive. Consequently, you will distort it. But on the other hand, the experience of transmuting negative energies into compassion is very valuable; it is a beautiful path, accessible to few, and it also helps others on their journey. Therefore, the choice is yours.
But I would advise you for now to simply learn to maintain a constant presence of the new energies within you—the energies of the new world, the energies of joy that you have chosen. By perfecting yourself in this way, first of all, you accumulate your power; secondly, you systematically cleanse yourself of negative energies; and thirdly, you purify the quality of your reception of information and, accordingly, transmit it to others in a purer form. Later, when your power grows, you can begin to try transmuting the energies of others. But for now, you can only transmute your own energies.
But the choice is yours. And everyone's.
Please provide an understanding of the destructive and constructive energy exchange of primary civilizations (Orion, Anunnaki, Greys, etc.) in their relationship with the observer—the human.
Both types of energy exchanges differ only in direction—giving and receiving, merging and separating. For any essence to exist, it needs life energy, which you call prana, or life force, or chi. This is the energy of the Absolute, inexhaustible and eternal, that which drives and renews all living things. Destructive entities, by separating from their Creator, sever their energy ties with Him, and in order to exist as forms apart from their source, they must feed on someone else's energy. Thus, their energy exchange is the capture and appropriation of another's energy. Entities following the constructive path of development replenish their life energy reserves by connecting to a more powerful union of Souls; this is the method of merging, collectivism, unity.
In constructive interaction, everyone contributes their part to the overall energy configuration and, through this unity, gains their strength. Therefore, in a constructive community of Souls, there is no need to measure one's strength, as it is shared by all within the community. In the destructive path, it is characteristic to measure strength and fight for possession of power, for possession of the opponent's energy.
Humans are somewhat in the middle of these two paths. Some more so, others less, but very few people use someone else's energy with authorization.
How can we imagine the energy exchange of technogenic civilizations, scenario-based, energetic in relation to humans? What is the equivalent of exchange and why?
Technogenic civilizations seek sources of life and emotional expressions in humanity, which they lost long ago. Human energy, in that sense, is "tasty" for them. They feed on it as you would on delicacies. Your sensory parameters are unique; perhaps there is no such range of emotional characteristics of interaction in the entire Galaxy. A riot of colors, so to speak. As an analogy, I can give you an accessible example: just as your women moisturize dry skin with various balms, so too do technogenic civilizations absorb your emotions for their restoration, for the opportunity to feed on emotions unavailable to them. For them, it's a kind of drug, highly valued. Thus, one equivalent is the emotional characteristics of your energy fields.
The second direction is the maintenance of life and the creation of new life. Technogenic civilizations have lost the ability to self-reproduce in the way that you can. They study your processes of fertilization and the birth of life. But what primarily interests them is not the birth itself but the energy released as a result of this birth. They try to use it to prolong life, like elixirs of youth.
And the third direction is the crossbreeding of species to produce new species.
How will the evolution of destructive energy exchange in 3D unfold under the influence of the increasing frequencies of Earth-Gaia?
Gaia has chosen the path of merging, the constructive path, so her choice is incompatible with destructive scenarios. But humanity does not live disconnected from Gaia; it is connected to her as a source of nourishment. Through the forces of nature, you are all connected to the life energy present in Gaia. As Gaia's frequencies rise, the energy characteristics of those who have not lost their connection with nature and the planet will increase. This will manifest in the opening of various abilities, improvement in health, and an increase in life force. Those who become more distant from nature will experience a decline in strength, negative emotions, and a lack of will to live. Such people will become ill, and unfortunately, there will be attempts at suicide. In any case, since Gaia has chosen the constructive path of development, destructive elements will be removed from her in accordance with her choice.
If Gaia's choice is incompatible with destructive scenarios, then the question arises: are there ultimate time limits for the existence of the scenario we are witnessing today? Or are we talking about hundreds of years?
For how many years will this process continue?
Likely for several decades.
Will the male and female types of energy exchange play a role?
The division between male and female energies will remain, but it will transform. These energies will no longer be antagonistic. You will gain the ability to change gender at will or exist in androgyny by the fifth level. On the fourth level, there will be balanced energy exchange. Currently, you are divided into men and women, and gender predominates in energy exchange, at least for most people. In other words, if it’s a man, the energy exchange is more active; if it’s a woman, it’s more passive. In 4D, you will interact through your parts, your inclusions. For example, the feminine traits in a man will interact with the feminine traits in a woman, and the masculine traits in a man will interact with the masculine traits in a woman, and vice versa.
In other words, you will learn to merge your fields when forming pairs, correlating them based on your inner fullness. In such interactions, you will no longer distinguish what is feminine in you or not in you; your feminine side will merge with her feminine side, creating a unified being. Her masculine side will merge with the masculine in you, also forming a unified being. Simply put, you will always understand each other because the man in you will converse with the man in her, and the woman in you will converse with the woman in her. Regardless of how much of these qualities each person has, this will be an integration of energies and harmony.
Will the Architect be able to create his own space, analogous to the current human perception, in the near future?
Why would he create an analogous space? The forces you refer to as the Architect create something like a framework, a support, basic characteristics. They don't even create but regulate. The creation of space is a joint creation of many forces, including the planet and humanity as a whole. You can compare it to honeycombs and honey. The Architect creates the honeycombs, the configuration that will be filled. What kind of "honey" they will be filled with depends on the bees—in this case, all participants in the process, everyone living on Gaia.
How will a person perceive the transition to 4D—gradually, with the replacement of one block of consciousness by another (and categories), or instantly? And if it is conscious (for some), how will the scenario be constructed, and by whom?
It will likely be less about replacing blocks of consciousness and more about opening those parts of consciousness where blocks exist. It will be like remembering something, a dеj? vu. Suddenly, knowledge about many things that were previously hidden will awaken, including knowledge about events. A person lives out their scenarios on several levels, as they are multidimensional, so the memory of parallel lives will begin to return. It’s like recognition. You suddenly remember something that didn’t happen to you, but you already know it did. Since the space will become very malleable, more so than in 3D, the speed of perception and change will increase. On this new level, you will discover many creative possibilities, what you call "wish fulfillment." This will be one of the most exciting sensations for you. Another sensation will be the rapid, almost instantaneous movement of consciousness following a thought. That is, you think of a place, and you find yourself there. At first, most of you will simply amuse yourselves with these abilities and won’t be able to get used to them for some time. In the new society, all thoughts are open. There are no private thoughts; all your thoughts will be audible to everyone, so you are being trained in mental discipline.
The scenario will be multifaceted. It’s as if your directors were filming a movie with crowd scenes. In this case, there is no chaos. The actions of each extra are carefully rehearsed. The same goes for you. Everyone has guidance. The development scenario for each person is constructed by their curators and Teachers according to their choices and the choices of their collective Soul and Monad. Then there is the choice of larger entities. In our example, it’s a group of actors. This is the choice, as I mentioned, of collective Souls, Monads, the planetary spirit, and so on. Through the interaction of all these small scenarios, the overall scenario will be constructed, where everyone will follow the path determined by their individual and collective choice, that is, the choice of the individual and the choice of the collective soul.
So, will the transition happen all at once or gradually?
The speed will largely depend on you. A gradual scenario is anticipated since active intervention in your affairs and bringing you to a new level at a faster pace can create various destructive thought forms and fears. But for those who want to make the leap, such an opportunity will be provided.
How much will the number of phantoms (projections of people without awareness) in the observable space increase by the end of 2015 compared to 2011? Will there be phantoms at the beginning of 4D?
In 4D, there is no need for phantoms. In 4D, you will learn to create your own space. Previously, phantoms were created to provide you with various learning scenarios. Since everything is more open in 4D, hiding phantoms is impossible. As for phantom projections in your current society, there are about 20% of them now. That means around you, about 20% are phantoms. This percentage will increase to 50% to avoid causing panic and excitement among you so that the appearance of current reality does not change too quickly. But the process is mutual. Some Souls will be withdrawn from the planes of physical reality, and consequently, the planet’s population will decrease. Accordingly, phantom lines of your population will be created. But at a certain stage, when there are more phantoms than people, decisions will be made about those who remain. What’s the point of a society where there are more phantoms than living beings?

Part 56. Viruses of the Anti-World
We haven't communicated with you for a long time.
Your thoughts are open. You are searching and communicating with others. But whether it's been a long time or a short time—these are linear concepts. Everything exists simultaneously, here and now, in the vast space-time continuum created by you and for you, which is why we have never stopped communicating with you.
Various rumors and information about you continue to circulate. For example:
On April 30, 2013, Lucifer, after returning to the Light due to his rebellion and conducting yet another destructive experiment, was finally dissolved.
How do you comment on this?
I advise you to treat any information that specifies dates with skepticism. Time does not exist. Therefore, to say that I or someone else was dissolved precisely on April 30, 2013, is to make the Higher Beings laugh. This date exists only in your consciousness. Moreover, Time itself flows entirely differently on other levels. What for you is an entire lifetime is less than a blink of an eye for God-like Beings, or—as you have been told—a flutter of the eyelash.
Let’s assume that I was indeed dissolved, but this process cannot take even as long as a blink, let alone a day in your timekeeping. Be skeptical of numbers given to you in the form of percentages, quantities of people, and other assessments. Remember that these are all your systems of measurement. They mean nothing to Eternity.
So, were you not dissolved for all the deeds you have committed?
I am my Father's son, and I love Him as a Father. I carried out the mission that was predestined for me.
Who predestined it?
The First Creator.
So, you mean that it wasn’t your initiative, but rather a suggestion from a higher Creator—the First Creator?
At the core of Creation lies a thought. And the thought of the First Creator created the duality of the world. I took up the baton; I agreed with this. I volunteered to help in the realization of this thought-form of the First Creator. I became the executor, in your language. The executor and the volunteer.
A volunteer for what exactly?
You have already been told that the thought of the First Creator was about the division into the seeker, the search, and the sought, as mentioned in one of your books. In reality, it’s all one.
Or, you could say: into activity and passivity, distancing and closeness, analysis and synthesis. And so on. I became the seeker, I became activity, I became distancing, I became analysis. Call it what you want.
Or, you could say you became Darkness.
Someone had to become this so that His thought—His initiative—could be realized.
So, the First Creator gives orders, as it were?
This is not the case. It’s an intention to which those who resonate with it, those who have the corresponding energies for the realization of this intention, are drawn. The thought of the First Creator itself creates an energetically colored zone into which, like a magnet by resonance, the beings are drawn to whom this is resonant, or, in your language, interesting. This sparked a resonance-interest in me.
Are you saying that this was not your initiative?
I’m saying it wasn’t just my initiative, as it’s usually understood. I was the one who responded. The first one.
And for that, you had to undergo a sort of reformatting and fall into lower dimensions, that is, to break apart, to divide into myriads of beings?
Yes, that’s correct. If I chose division, chose to experience what it is and what it would bring to the Universe, I had to divide myself and include negation.
When I was the radiant Archangel in the Light of my Father, I was pure and undivided, harmonious, and bright. I was one with the Father. But I had to divide into myriads of parts and rediscover the Love of the Father, to rediscover the unity and harmony of the Higher Spheres, to comprehend it in every separate part of me, restoring my True Self bit by bit. It’s not an easy task.
So, you didn’t anticipate that things would turn out this way?
This was something new in the Universe.
Just as Jesus hoped he would be heard and not crucified, but things turned out differently.
I assumed that all my parts could remain united in the Creator’s Light and become a tier of co-creators on the lower levels. But such fragmentation deprived you of the memory of the Father and your Unity. And each part began to consider itself autonomous and independent and pursued its selfish interests.
And so, what you call Darkness was born.
And in contrast, to help you, to help us all remember our true nature, Teams of Light were created from Higher Beings, striving to help. And these beings descended to the lower levels to bring the Light of the Father and His Truth. But some of them also became entangled in the illusions of the world and also began to pursue their selfish goals. And the struggle between Light and Darkness began.
Another statement about you from channelings:
“If we talk about Lucifer, then he, as a screenwriter, as a former screenwriter, as today’s consultant for those civilizations that are in power, defines this System as complex, as delayed, as lagging behind the System of normal reformatting. In many ways, it is indeed his achievement that a very large number of inertia coefficients, holding coefficients, egregors, have been introduced into space. These egregors, this retention, this interaction system, in one way or another, influence the space today, holding it back in its initiatives, holding it back in prospective developments. And he acknowledges this, he understands this, but from the point of view of his influence, from the point of view of our influence, from the point of view of the Absolute's influence, this has no relation to the future outcome, because understanding and doing are different things.”
So, you are a screenwriter? And do you acknowledge the failure of your script?
Speaking in your terms, I am more of an assistant director.
As for script development, there are also various teams, or, in your language, specialists.
This script is alive, not predetermined. It's as if the actors were given the theme of the play but not the essence of the finale. And so, each of them simply improvises and lives on the stage in their own character.
Do you think the experiment has failed, that it wasn’t worth initiating?
Judgment is a human category. Good or bad—such concepts do not exist in Eternity. Everything is, and everything has the right to exist.
And if we speak of purpose, the Creator's goal—differentiating poles of development, highlighting opposites, and creating divisions—has been achieved. And the distinction has been made.
With the emergence of the Zone of Free Will, differences arose in everything, identity appeared, and individual characteristics emerged. And despite the fact that we are all one and all are part of the One Whole, the Experiment showed that differences are possible within this unity. However, these differences led to opposition.
Are you saying that differences did not exist before this?
There was no separation. Everything was unified, and everything was internal. There were no Levels, no persons, none of what you know as the Hierarchy of the Universe. There were no galaxies, no planets. There was an Ocean of Energy, intelligent and creative, which manifested within itself and calmed the rotation and movement of its energy, if I may say so, amusing and admiring itself. It was aware of itself but did not understand itself. It could not know itself because it was ONE.
This Experiment divided it into parts and allowed one part to know the other as if from the outside. And then the property of creation was fully realized. Separate worlds, galaxies, levels, thrones, services, and worlds began to emerge from this Ocean of Consciousness.
An analogy can be drawn. It’s as if a mass of people lived in one large room without ever leaving it, in one big hangar, dressed in the same clothes, eating the same food, and doing everything the same. And suddenly, each was offered a separate house and a plot of land where they could build and equip their dwelling according to their own taste and choice, to build on this plot, on their personal plot, any world: paradise, hell, whatever they preferred, whatever they liked, in accordance with their preferences and skills.
And now this colorful "city" represents all of Creation.
Are you saying that all of Creation, as we know it, is the result of the dividing thought-form of the First Creator, and before that, everything existed within the Absolute, like an Ocean of Energy? But the Absolute told me that He manifested many First Creators who created many worlds. Aren’t these worlds entirely beyond even your perception?
The Absolute is potential, the All-Powerful Void, if I may say so.
The Ocean of Energy is already the First Creator, manifested from the Absolute as a living organism. And this Ocean of Energy produced the Thought-Form of Differences. And so, Differences and Levels began to emerge. And thus, Separation arose.
Wait. If you were the one who first responded to that call of the Father's thought-form, does that mean you are present on all levels of Creation? But they speak of you as a fallen one, a betrayer of the Father, one who resides in the lower worlds of density.
My agreement to enter the Game of Separation and my choice to become the seeker, the centrifugal force, the darkness—my agreement to divide led to my fall. The more centrifugal force I spun within myself, the more I distanced myself from the Father’s Throne, the denser my parts became, which I had to fragment into to realize the Principle of Separation. But I left a part of myself with the Father.
This can be compared to a cluster of grapes, where the part that connects the cluster to the branch is my Source. And the branches of the cluster are the fundamental parts of me, the directions of my movement and fall, or, you could say, the paths back. And the grapes themselves are those parts of me that strive to separate from me and from the Source of All That Exists, from the "vine."
So, you are right. I am present on all Levels, but in different forms. And I am present in each "grape," which has begun to develop according to its own laws and its own choice and imagines itself to be the separate and best part of the entire "vine." More precisely, you could say that I am the very "vine" on which a vast number of "grape clusters" have appeared. And each "grape" has long since forgotten that there are roots of the "vine," which are nourished from their source, from their beginning. And the entire "vine" originated from the seed that was sown by the First Creator in the fertile "soil" of the Absolute.
You’re quite the poet.
I communicate with you and other people and adopt your qualities. Rather, I am these qualities, since we are all one.
So, the one who is speaking to me now is that "vine," in your analogy. The vine that still perceives itself as one "vine," not as separate "grapes"?
You’ve grasped the essence. But rather, now you have access to communication with your "cluster," but you strive through the life juices of each branch and strive in your understanding to travel throughout the entire "vine," and you strive to reach the roots of the "vine" and the Source. This right has been given to you.
Given only to me? Isn’t it given to everyone?
To Everyone Who Seeks. You are as trusting as a child. And so, you are protected like a child. And in your society, adults protect children. Everything is similar.
Where then does the information come from that you have been dissolved or annihilated? Why does it keep emerging?
It emerges due to separation. From those who still do not fully realize the Unity of all Being. Nothing happens in the Universe without the will of God or the First Creator. This is the Law. Not only because it is accepted that the First Creator is the main one, but because everything that happens in the Universe is, in one way or another, an evolved and transformed thought-form of the First Creator.
It can be compared to your laws. Someone with absolute power, or the right to absolute creation, or the right to absolute choice, determines the basic principles of legislation. This is the First Creator. He is the Absolute First Creator, meaning He is manifested from the Absolute. And then His thoughts are realized.
So, as in your world: a group of lawyers writes the text of a law, then it is discussed and refined. After that, a multitude of decrees and other documents are issued for its implementation. This is, of course, a very rough analogy because the process itself is alive. And the "writing of articles" of the law is the creation of entire worlds to realize the will of the First Creator.
Therefore, everything that happens in the Universe is, in one way or another, sanctioned by the First Creator. Only He has the right to cancel or veto any of His thought-forms, to repeal the law. No one else is granted this right.
But, as in your world, there are many individuals who violate the law, bypass the law. And accordingly, a large number of services are created to monitor the enforcement of the law, and a system of punishment is established for those who violate the law. And all this is in motion and development.
So, in this analogy, there arise forces and directions that begin to criticize the law, accuse those who created it, fight against it, demand its repeal, and call for the punishment of those who enforce it. Everything is similar.
The decision to annihilate me can only be made by the First Creator. But to do so would require annihilating all of humanity and many other civilizations. Yet, many parts of me, many of my "grapes," still realize their unity and strive toward the Father's Light. What should be done with them? Should healthy cells be removed just in case, along with diseased organs, as you do? So far, the Father has not given permission or the right to do so.
Perhaps the Father is simply dreaming and doesn't care about humanity?
This is a divided Concept and Thought. Watch your thoughts, for they create Space and Vectors of Aspiration.
The Father dreams constantly. But this can be compared to the unified organism of the Father. Perhaps you are lost in the clouds and do not know that one of your organs has become ill. But can it be said that you don't care about that organ? And when that organ begins to ache, can you continue dreaming and ignore it? You can ask Him yourself.
I was told that humanity has been practically isolated in the Lower Density Levels until it heals from the virus of separation. But it turns out that the entire Universe is built on the principle of separation.
The entire Universe is indeed built on such a principle, otherwise there would be no Levels and Entities inhabiting them. There would only be one Father. But the lower Levels are built not only on the Principle of Separation but also on the Principle of Opposition of these parts, which is not necessary when realizing the Principle of Separation.
If all the colors of the rainbow are different, do they fight among themselves for the right to be called the best and most beautiful color? Who can say which color is better? They are simply different and create all the diversity of white light.
Humanity is at the intersection of Light and Darkness, separation and merging. But isn't there also an anti-world, which is completely dark and completely separated from the Father? What about it? Won't it be destroyed? Doesn't it hinder the development of the Universe?
Does red hinder green?
No. But black probably does; it darkens it.
If there is no opposition, then nothing darkens anything. Red, green—this is the familiar spectrum palette of white light. Black also has a palette of decomposition into colors of the Anti-Universe. First, directions were distinguished: white and black light, one might say, Universe and Anti-Universe. Then each split into its spectrums of reflections, into its parts and Levels, into its structures within the Hierarchy. And if there are certain structures-Levels in the light part of the Universe, in the World, then, as you understand, there are mirror reflections of these parts in the dark part of the Universe, in the Anti-World. Like two sides of a coin, balancing on the scales. If the world is divided into two poles, white and black, World and Anti-World, then the balance of the entire System requires the presence of all balancing components, otherwise, the "scales" will begin to tilt to one side and balance will be lost.
I think I understand. As long as the balance was not disturbed, we apparently did not even know about the existence of the Anti-World. It was the otherworldly realm, the world of the other side of the coin or the white light, our pole of the Universe. But why did Darkness begin to seep from the Anti-World into the World, into the light part of the Universe? And so, the light part of the Universe is trying to restore balance. But by destroying the Anti-World, the System of Separation, as an Experiment, as a thought-form of the Creator, will be destroyed at once. Did I understand correctly?
You grasp the essence quickly. Yes, that is correct.
But why did elements of Darkness seep into our world and disrupt its balance? How did these elements of Darkness then penetrate every human being? Is this the same story with Adam and Eve?
It's a long story, and there are many testimonies in your writings and in your legends. The boundary between worlds is thin. And part of the Essences from the other side, who possessed the quality you call curiosity to the highest degree, tried to penetrate the membrane between worlds, and they succeeded. Having entered the Light side of the Universe, they began to create within it, according to the laws of the Freedom of Creation, as they saw fit and in their own likeness. And they partially embedded themselves in the gene-light codes of the genesis of many races, including humanity.
And this too was sanctioned, because it created a Great Precedent. Not just to create two different worlds, dark and light, two poles, but to divide all existence into these two poles so that in each, these two poles would be present but in balance. And this was achieved.
But in some civilizations, the balance was disrupted, the Dark side began to prevail and push back the Light. And this virus spread through all the lower layers of density, and therefore they were isolated behind the Veil.
So, starting from the 4th level and above, the Essences that separated as a result of the Experiment of Division do not contact the Darkness and do not possess a Dark side? And the lower three Levels of density are infected by the virus of the Dark side's penetration into the Light?
Yes, more or less.
What is the solution?
Each of you must decide which side you choose. Dark or Light. And accordingly, you will either be directed to the Anti-world or remain in the World. And it is necessary to restore the balance of the World, that is, the White side. This is what the White Brotherhood and the Ascended Masters call for. This is also what most of the prophets, who have descended and continue to descend into your World, are telling you.
But, as long as a person cannot decide, they…
They continue to exist in suffering. When their Light side suffers from the Dark, and their Dark side suffers from the Light.
Are you saying that there is no suffering in the Anti-world?
This is hard to understand. But in the Anti-world, everything is the opposite. And what is suffering for you is joy and pleasure there.
Why would anyone want a world where suffering is pleasure?
You are judging from the perspective of your perception, and that’s why you can’t understand it. For example, the parameters of your physical body are tuned to a certain temperature range for sustaining life. You suffer from the cold. You feel cold, pain, and so on. But imagine that the parameters of your physical body were tuned to very low sub-zero temperatures. You would suffer from the heat just as you now suffer from the cold. These are neutral categories. Just different temperatures.
By the way, the temperature range in which your physical bodies can survive, around zero from plus to minus, indicates that you are between worlds. And the range of temperatures is significant. Your body, more or less, can exist from minus five to plus thirty. If zero is taken as the boundary between the World and the Anti-world, you will understand what percentage of you is in the Anti-world. This is very telling.
Humans are currently hanging between the two Worlds and can’t make a choice. And at the same time, your sufferings are the result of the penetration into the World of the viruses of the Anti-world, the Essences of the Anti-world, and their implantation into your genetic structures. That’s why suffering was born, because your Light side suffers from the presence of the Dark side within it. Your Light manifestations oppose and reject your Dark manifestations and the Dark manifestations of other people. This is where the struggle between Light and Darkness was born.
Not as a battle between two armies, but as a confrontation against the spread of suffering in your world, suffering due to the interaction with the Dark sides of your Essences and your manifestations.
So, when all humanity makes its choice and selects one side or the other, it will all be "sorted" into the two parts of the Universe: the World and the Anti-world? And suffering will cease in our World? But the Experiment won’t end, and the World and the Anti-world will continue to exist?
Until the First Creator adopts a thought-form that transforms this Division or destroys it, the thought-form of Division will exist.
And what about the return to the Void, to Pure Being, which we are called to, and which I hear about in my channellings?
This is one of the Paths. It is a life vest, an individual "emergency brake" for everyone. Since the merging happens sequentially (Essence – Soul – Monad – Creator – Primordial Creator), there is a so-called "emergency" exit. Because the suffering in your World is so immense, you have been given this opportunity: not suicide, which solves nothing and only brings about a new cycle of the Wheel of Samsara, but an exit into Absolute Consciousness. This chance always exists, like a life ring for anyone who is "drowning."
How would you comment on this channeling information:
Your planet has ended up in the conditions of the "sewer" of the Cosmic Abyss, which implies its complete sanitary destruction. The fact is that its main ruler, by the forces of gross materialization (centripetal forces) named Lucifer (Prince of this World), has become a traitor to the Hierarchy of Light of the Solar System and has rejected the further evolution of the planet in favor of extending his authority, his personal authority, even to the point of the complete destruction of the Planet. That is why the planet has been taken over by various parasitic entities of extraterrestrial origin, which have arrived from different anti-civilizations of the Cosmic Abyss of the Galaxy and even the Universe. These entities have made a pact with the Prince of this World to exploit the energy potential of Earth's humanity for their parasitic needs.
Do they call you Lucifer?
There are many mistakes here.
Yes, I represent the Centrifugal Forces, that is, the Forces that strive to separate from the Whole, from Unity. And yes, they call me the Prince of this World because I am incarnated in this World.
But I cannot become a traitor to the Hierarchy of Light because I am present in both Worlds, in both Hierarchies. In other words, to draw an analogy with a vine, some branches of the vine are in the World, and some are in the Anti-World. How can the vine betray its own branches or clusters? Different kinds of grapes grow on this vine.
The extension of my authority is available only to the one who created me, that is, the Primordial Creator. And if that is His Will, then I will submit to it. I simply cannot not submit because it will also be my will, for I am just a part of Him.
And what about the pact with the parasitic Entities of extraterrestrial origin?
You simply do not understand that I myself am represented in these Entities because they are parts of me; they are part of the Anti-World. So how can I sign a pact with myself? You judge from a human perspective, but everything is much more complex.
There are parts of me that have chosen the Light side of aspirations, the Light pole. There are parts of me that have chosen the Dark pole. And these parts of me are in conflict with each other and oppose each other. This is the sad result of the Experiment.
But the positive result is the vast diversity of beautiful Worlds that exist in the Universe. When one creation differs from another, yet in essence, they are all one enormous beautiful Canvas of Creation.
I still do not understand. Did the Experiment of Separation create structures in the Universe and differences between Entities and Levels, meaning it created some kind of Hierarchy? And at the same time, all that exists was divided into two poles: the World and the Anti-World. So, in the Anti-World, there are also mirrored levels of the Dark Hierarchy, which we know little about because, in reality, the two Worlds do not intersect. Only in part of the membrane, through which Dark Entities penetrated our Light World. If your parts are present at all levels of the Dark Hierarchy, does it mean that you are present in all parts of the Hierarchy of Light, at all levels? You descended from the level of Thrones of the Absolute. And if there are parts of you in the Dark Hierarchy, then there must be your mirrored reflections in the Light Hierarchy. Or vice versa.
Does it turn out that all the Entities we know of are parts of you? This is hard to believe.
No. I was the one who agreed to identify with the opposite side, dared to do so. The division into "me" and "not me," into various Entities, is all conditional. Because in reality, there is the One Primordial Creator, and we are all parts of Him. And we are all Him, the One and indivisible.
It’s just like in a game: some of the parts agreed to be called black, and some white. Like in a chess game, which is played by the Primordial Creator Himself, playing with both sets of pieces against Himself. This is how He develops, how He thinks, how He entertains Himself. If one could say so, this is how He expresses Himself. But all these epithets are, of course, very approximate.
I agreed to be the dark pieces and play on the black team. But as the game progressed, the players got mixed up, and some pieces became two-toned. And they sometimes play for the black team, and sometimes for the white team. And because of this, they suffer from their uncertainty. Moreover, some of the pieces – those playing for the black team – imagined that they are not played by the Primordial Creator, but they themselves decide where and how to "move" and whom to "capture," what to strive for, and what rules to establish. This is the Illusion of Separation.
In essence, it is necessary for all the pieces to determine their choice of either the black or white side and take their places on the chessboard. Then the opposition and suffering will cease. But the two-toned pieces cannot make up their minds. And no one can do it for them because the Law of Freedom of Choice exists.
By the way, speaking of the Law of Freedom of Choice. If the Primordial Creator is playing with us, what kind of freedom are we talking about?
Freedom within the designated range. A knight moves in an "L" shape, a pawn only one square forward, and the queen in all directions. Your games in many ways reflect the games of the Universe. If you remember, it was precisely through the analogy of chess that you were given the knowledge that everything is just a game.
Okay, let's continue the chess analogy. When all the black and white pieces make their choice and choose one of the sides-teams, what will happen?
The chessboard will be divided into two fields: black and white. And there will be no chess squares. Each piece will stand on its own color and play for its own team. The chessboard will fold in half, as it does for you. And the dark side will simply become the reverse side of the other half of the axis—the white side. And the meaning of opposition will vanish. Everyone will be in their own field. But now, when the black pieces stand on white squares, they suffer. And when the white pieces stand or move to black squares, they suffer as well. Therefore, when each piece stands on its own color, it is joyful.
But what if the majority of the two-colored pieces choose Darkness, or choose Light? Won’t the balance be disturbed? That is, on the 'chessboard,' one team will be larger. What will happen then?
In fact, the struggle is over this very issue. That’s why you receive so much information from the Light Teachers, who are trying to reclaim 'their pieces.' After all, it wasn’t the Light that penetrated the Darkness, but the other way around. The Beings of Light never even contemplate infiltrating the Anti-World; for them, it’s nonsense, sacrilege, unacceptable. But since the Dark Beings have penetrated the Light World, they have lured some of humanity to their side and, in your language, 'repainted' some of the white pieces. Figuratively speaking, the Light team has suffered losses. Some players have chosen the Dark camp, and some are still undecided about which camp to join. That’s why the Light is sometimes so militant, advancing and trying to fight the Darkness, the Dark team. This explains some of the channelings that call for a fight against Darkness. But we just need to put everything in its proper place.
Then, what about the stories of hellish circles where those who sinned in life suffer? There are many literary accounts of them, detailing various torments.
These are the lowest Levels, closest to the Membrane between Worlds, where Darkness has almost completely penetrated.
So, does the concept of a Bottom not exist, and instead, is there a place that is the Membrane between Worlds?
How can there be a bottom to the Bottomless, to the Infinite?
Well, what is meant is the lowest part, the fallen part, the one at the very bottom.
Low and high are also relative concepts. You already have information that a passage to the highest 'heights' can be made through the lowest 'depths.' That is, there is a road from the Dark World to the Light World, not through the Membrane, which is the 'bottom,' but through the 'upper' layers of the Anti-World’s Hierarchy.
So, are you saying that the highest hierarchs of the World somehow interact with the highest hierarchs of the Anti-World?
That was the case before. But now, since the Anti-World viruses have penetrated the world through the bottom-membrane, this interaction is limited. Everyone is waiting for the time when the Creation will completely separate.
Tell me, would you like all this to end? Or do you enjoy and find it interesting?
I follow the Will of the First Creator, my Father. I simultaneously feel both my unity with the Father and my separation from Him and my brothers.
But I want to return to the Father’s House just as much as each of you does.
But that does not depend on me; it depends on each of your choices and the Father’s choice.
When His Great Will allows me to return, I will do so at the first call.
For there is no joy for me in Separation. But I have learned much through this Separation.

Part 57. The Twilight Realms of the Universe. The Duality Swing
I would like to ask some questions regarding our last conversation.
I still don't understand. The Absolute created the First Creator, who began to create our Universe. And He created our Universe based on the Thoughtform of Separation. Does this mean that duality and dual pairs exist throughout our Universe?
Yes. But to varying degrees. That is, the Degree of Separation varies.
If you take a Point and extend multiple rays-vectors from it, like the spines of a sea urchin, the farther two vectors move away from the original point, the greater the distance between them, and thus, the greater the Degree of Separation from each other and the Degree of Misunderstanding, the Degree of Disconnection, meaning, the degree of Duality.
Now, divide the "urchin" into two hemispheres. These will be the two manifested halves: the World and the Anti-world.
Now, if you take one Ray that extends from the Point, the other Ray that extends from the Point in the exact opposite direction will be the most separated from the first Ray. This is a Dual Pair.
Wait. Are you saying that each "Ray" of the Light World has a Dual Pair – a Ray of the Dark World?
Yes. Each ray of the Light World has a dual, opposite pair in the Dark World.
We are used to thinking that Duality is day-night, love-hate, man-woman.
If you look at Dual Pairs, you'll find that among them are pairs of varying degrees of Duality.
For example, man-woman is a Dual Pair, but one does not negate the other; they are compatible, and every person has both feminine and masculine traits.
But there is a Dual Pair where both components are opposites. For example, love-hate.
But they say that there is only one step from love to hate, and vice versa.
Exactly. Let's go back to the "urchin."
If you travel along the Rays of the "urchin," there is a "Ray of Love" and a "Ray of Hate."
On whichever Ray you find yourself, the closer you are to the Original Point, the shorter the path to the Opposite. The closer you are to the Original Point of the Ray, the stronger the attraction of the Opposite Ray. And that’s why it’s so easy to "jump" from Love to Hate and back. The farther you are from the Original Point, that is, the farther you move into hate from that common Point from which both Love and Hate grow as Dual Pairs, the harder it is for you to return, the less you feel what Love is, the less you understand it, and the weaker the attraction of Love, the attraction of the opposite.
Wait. Then it turns out that Love is the same: the farther a person moves in their Love from the Original Point of duality, the less they can feel Hate, and the less resonance with Hate, the less they understand what Hate is? But this contradicts your stories. After all, the Point is the Absolute? And the farther we are from the Absolute, the greater the Centrifugal Forces and the more Darkness there is.
The Point is the potential for the realization of the unfolding of a Dual Pair. The Point is where Duality grows from, like how roots grow underground and the above-ground parts of a plant grow from a seed. In this sense, it is, of course, the Absolute, His potential, which the First Creator manifested as the seed of Duality.
The farther you move along the Ray from the Original Point, the less you interact with your Dual Pair, and you move either into the Light or into Darkness, either into the World or the Anti-world. And each of you has the Freedom of Choice to move away or approach along the Rays you have chosen.
Darkness or Light is a Dual Pair. And Light is a distancing from the Original Point.
Just like in your physical world, Light dissipates, and the farther it dissipates, the weaker it becomes because it is distant from the Source.
And now, try to take a step further in your imagination.
The two halves of the "urchin" are the Realm of Light and the Realm of Darkness, Dual Pairs, in all their diversity, where the realm of Darkness encompasses all possible dual continuations of the vectors of Light, but not in a linear way, but like in a M?bius strip.
The farther Light distances itself from the Source, from the Point of Separation into a Dual Pair, the more it dissipates and weakens. And there comes a Point of Light Dispersion when it enters the space of Darkness.
The same applies to Darkness. The farther the vector of Darkness moves away from the Source of the Dual Pair, the weaker it becomes, and the more Darkness dissipates, the more it begins to resemble Light and transitions into Light.
This is a complex structure for your understanding, but still, try to imagine it. At the Original Point, there is a clear division between white and black, between the Dual Pair.
But, just as day transitions into twilight and night gives way to dawn, so too does Light, dissipating, give rise to twilight and flow into night, and Darkness, dissipating, flows into dawn. And twilight and dawn are essentially one – a shift in Polarity as a result of the fading of the Primary Vector. It darkens – it brightens. Transitional states.
Does this mean that there are twilight and dawn realms of the Universe?
Yes, that's correct.
And, there are Beings that dwell in the twilight and dawn regions of the Universe. For them, there is no distinction between Light and Darkness; their Worlds are in the middle.
And, there are Beings that reside close to the Original Point of the Duality Vectors, and in them, duality is expressed most vividly. There, Light does not tolerate Darkness, and vice versa. The closer they are to the Original Point of Duality, the more rigid the Structures of Hierarchy become. And these Beings feel that they need to fight against the Opposing Vector. I say "feel" because duality is an illusion created by the Prime Creator. Those Beings who dwell near the Original Point of Duality cannot understand what the "Opposite Side" is and they struggle against it, opposing it.
In this confrontation, there are no personal ambitions; they simply, by their structure, do not accept the Opposing Vector. Those in whom Light is strong are frightened by the abyss of Darkness. Those in whom Darkness is strong are blinded by the Light. And they build Systems of Defense and Directions for Struggle against each other. Of course, these are all humanized concepts, to make it easier for you to comprehend.
But they say that Light can illuminate Darkness, while Darkness cannot overshadow Light.
You have not yet plunged into complete Darkness, so you do not know what it is like. There is a degree of Darkness that consumes a lot of Light.
But we are always told that God, that is, the Prime Creator, is Love, and that this is the greatest Force in the Universe, capable of dissolving any Darkness. And you speak of Love having a Dual Pair – Hatred and the Vector of Hatred in the Anti-world.
I already told you that in the Anti-world, everything is the opposite. And there, the main driving force is Hatred, just as in your world it is Love. You continue to evaluate everything from the perspective of your moral principles, but there are simply two Poles of Energy of the Prime Creator.
So, does it mean that Hatred is also the Prime Creator, and He can hate just as He can love? It's hard to believe.
Abstain from moral judgments, though it is not easy. Everything was created by the Will of God, by the Will of the Prime Creator, based on His Thought-form of Separation, dividing into two poles. In your World, the Prime Creator manifests as Love; in the opposite World, the Prime Creator manifests as Hatred. These are simply two different poles of the Prime Creator, two different poles of His Divine Will.
It's difficult for me to abstain. In my World, if a person hates, they kill another person. I understand that death, in the grand scheme of things, does not exist, but what good is there in killing? How can it be justified? It seems like an inverted World.
I understand that it's difficult for you to grasp this and to take such a colossal step away from what you have been taught for many centuries. But if Duality exists, then why does it cease to exist in one part of the Universe? Where does it go?
We are told that only in part of the Universe is there an Experiment of Duality, while in the Higher Spheres, this division does not exist.
Yes, in the Higher Spheres, there is no division into duality, because the Higher Spheres are located close to the Original Point of Duality. And so, in the Higher Light Spheres, everything is clear as day, to use your language. There, Light prevails; it is strong and pure.
And this Light does not accept or understand Darkness. And this Light, from its position, in the form of the Hierarchy of Light, fights against Darkness, opposes it, and does not accept it.
But, the further a Being moves away from the Higher Spheres, that is, from the Original Points of Duality, the more the Light dissipates, and the more twilight elements begin to dominate in the Beings (as in humanity), the less the Light is heard.
And there are points in the Universe where Light is balanced with Darkness.
And there are points in the Universe, at a distance, where Light transitions into Darkness and, by this vector, now moves towards the Original Point of Duality, but as if from the other side.
The same is true in the World of Darkness. The closer Beings are to the Original Point of Duality, the darker they are, the less they understand what Light is, and the more the Hierarchy of Darkness fights against Light and opposes it. And hence all the stories about how Darkness advances.
But, the further a Being moves away from the Original Point, the more Darkness dissipates.
And there are areas in the Dark World where Darkness is balanced with Light.
And there are areas where Darkness transitions into Light and strives towards Light, as if from the other side.
And the Points of Equilibrium in one World and the other are essentially the same regions of the Universe, into which Beings enter by different paths.
And the Twilight Regions of the Universe are, in fact, the same areas through which Beings travel between the two Worlds.
And therefore, it is possible to enter from the Dark Side into the Light Side through the Original Point of Duality. But this is a Path of Strengthening, a difficult path, the Path of Strength and self-denial and self-sacrifice.
And one can move from the Dark Side to the Light Side by moving away from Darkness through the Twilight Zone.
And one can move from the Light Side to the Dark Side through the Original Point of Duality, by maximizing one's Light, through the Path of Self-denial and Strength. Or, Light can enter Darkness by moving away from Light into the Twilight Zone.
In both cases, the boundary is very thin.
So, the more you strive towards Light, the stronger your drive towards the maximum Light, that is, towards the Point of Duality. And so, at a certain point, the force of Duality will "flip" your drive – into the Dual Pair. Like when a swing, if pushed hard enough, can fly to the opposite side, or a pendulum can rise to its uppermost point, and vice versa.
Let's use a swing as an analogy.
There is the lower part of the swing's movement, where it is comfortable; let's call this "Light." The more you swing the swing, the more you move away from the lower position of the swing, the more you strive towards the uppermost point of the swing's arc, where it’s a bit scary and takes your breath away. Let's call this "Darkness."
The more you swing, the greater the force of inertia, and the more you are drawn towards the lower point of the swing. If you stop the swing, you will end up in the lower position, in the "Point of Light." It is comfortable there.
If you start swinging the swing, you will strive to move away from this "Point of Light," and more towards the "Point of Darkness" – the opposite point, the highest point of the swing's arc. And the more you strive towards the "Point of Darkness," the stronger the vector of your drive, and thus, at one fine moment, you will flip over to the very top point of the swing's trajectory. Imagine that there is a magnet at this point. And the swing, under the influence of this magnet, has stopped. What would you feel? You would literally be standing upside down; all your references would shift, the top would become the bottom. Imagine that now you have to live in such a state – where beneath your feet is not the ground but emptiness. Sooner or later, you would adapt to that world, though it would be difficult, but it would become familiar to you.
In this example, the left and right positions of the swing's movement are the Central Points of the Twilight Zones. But it's even "more quantum," as one of your interlocutors says.
In reality, the division into the upper and lower Points is an illusion. Because they are one and the same Point – the transition of Light into Darkness, the World into the Anti-world, the black hole into the white hole. In reality, there are no extreme left and right points of the swing, but there is a single twilight-dawn zone of the transition state of Light and Darkness, the World and the Anti-world.
Now let's consider your question with this analogy. In the state of the lowest point on the "swing," where it is comfortable, killing is nonsense, an incomprehensible action. Why kill if you can live and enjoy this "swing"? But, if you enter the opposite world, in the "reverse swing," you might think that maybe you should fall to the ground because such a position is uncomfortable for you, and falling to the ground might lead to you being broken and dying. In this sense, killing for the one who is killed is, in a way, an exit from the Anti-world. And in this sense, if judged from the perspective of the opposite world, the killer helps the victim exit into another area of the Universe.
This is, of course, a very rough analogy. It's hard for me to explain the anti-logic of the Anti-world to you because you won’t be able to perceive it. Anti-logic and anti-laws. Everything is the opposite. Accept this for now as a given.
Well, suppose so. Then, does it turn out that in the Anti-world there is a "Me, hating," my opposite?
It depends on how you perceive the word "I". It has many meanings. Your Collective Soul came to experience Duality in this sector of the Universe. Naturally, it undergoes all possible experiences of the Universe, including the experiences of the Dark side. In this sense, You, as the Collective Soul, split into parts and stepped through the "doors of reality" of all possible versions of your incarnation. You, as a fragment of the Collective Soul, are currently experiencing life in the Light World, within multiple Light Realities. But there is also your opposite, your dark side. How deeply you delve into it depends on your Choice.
But we are urged to accept our dark side. What does this refer to? Is it about my complete opposite in the Antiworld, or about the dark qualities within me? And why do they exist within me? Am I in the Twilight Zone?
Well done! I'm glad you can think outside the box. All of humanity is in the Twilight Zones of the Universe. And you are there with it, as part of it. From this Twilight Zone, one can equally move towards both Light and Darkness, towards the World and the Antiworld. Therefore, the Forces of Light urge humanity to reject Darkness and embrace the Light. And the forces of Darkness do the opposite.
Some civilizations have already made their choice between Darkness and Light. I won't classify anyone's choice. I'm simply talking about the structure of the Universe and the possibility of Choice.
Those close to the Original Point of Duality do not accept the Opposite Side; they lack that Side. Those in the Twilight Zone have both Dark and Light Sides, and they constantly have to choose between Light and Darkness. In this sense, those close to the Original Point of Duality have no Choice, and they speak of this: "Let His Will be done." Those further from the Original Points of Duality have more Choice, more Freedom. For those near the Points of Duality, it is natural not to have their own Will because they are close to their Side, and this is their normal energetic state – a state of fusion with the maximum saturation of their Side. Therefore, they cannot understand the wavering of those who have distanced themselves from the Original Points of Duality and are in a state of duality, in twilight, constantly choosing between Light and Darkness.
Those who consistently choose Light begin to move closer to the Original Point of Duality from the Light side, and the Dark side affects them less. They seem to distance themselves from Darkness and their Dark side, illuminating it with the Light of their chosen Light side. Conversely, those who consistently choose Darkness move closer to the Original Point of Duality from the Dark side and distance themselves from the Light, as if dimming their Light side, and Darkness engulfs their Light.
Then why are we urged to balance Light and Darkness within ourselves?
If you balance Light and Darkness within yourself, you reach a point of equilibrium in the Twilight Zone. This is the magical exit into Absolute Consciousness, the very same "emergency brake" that saves. At the Original Point of Duality, the separation is strong, like a fountain spraying in all directions, with powerful streams. In the Points of Equilibrium, there is calm, and this calm is the entry into the Absolute Void of the Source.
You can choose whichever trajectory of movement you wish.
You can strive towards the Light, that is, towards the Original Point of Duality through the Light, thereby amplifying your Light and dissolving your Dark side in Light. In doing so, you ascend to the Higher Light Worlds and gradually lose the Freedom of Choice, as there is little of it there.
Or you can find a point of equilibrium between Darkness and Light in the Twilight Zone and merge with Absolute Consciousness.
Naturally, the closer your position is to the Original Point of Duality, the more comfortable and joyful you feel because you don't have to choose between extremes, between the Dark and Light parts of yourself. You don't have to sway from side to side. Your Path is stable and joyful.
The more you dwell in the Twilight Zone, the more the Light in you "swings" the Darkness, and the Darkness "swings" the Light. And from this, you suffer. The greater the amplitude of this "swinging," the more you suffer. Because your Light side suffers from your Dark side, and the Dark side suffers from the Light, and you are divided, not whole.
Does this mean that the First Creator also suffers since He too is divided and not whole?
The First Creator is simultaneously present in all Points. His consciousness is not divided. He is both divided and whole at the same time. He is simultaneously in the Original Points of Duality, in the Twilight Zones, and in the Points of Equilibrium. And since He feels His wholeness, one Point compensates for another. Darkness dissolves in Light, and Light is absorbed by Darkness simultaneously. Therefore, He is in constant balance.
But when He wishes to immerse His Consciousness into one of His parts, He either suffers or rejoices along with everyone else because He exists in everything simultaneously.
But what about His Love? Does it turn into Hatred in the Antiworld?
Love is fusion. You've been told this. He is fused with all. He is one.
So, in human terms, He loves both Light and Darkness?
Why should He love Light more than Darkness, or vice versa?
But we were told that He is Light.
You were told that He has no preferences. Which do you prefer more: your left hand or your right hand? Your outer contour or your insides? Everything is a Single Organism. And the rectum, forgive me, is no worse than the heart. Everything has its meaning, its role, its functions.
When the Absolute urges us to rise above Light and Darkness, what does that mean?
This means that you need to step out of Duality to understand the diversity of the Universe. Step out of judgments of "good-bad" to realize His plan. If you deny something, you only strengthen it, as if pushing off your "swing" from it. The more you deny, the more you strengthen duality, and the more you suffer because the "swing of duality" within you is highly amplified.
Look at it from the outside and consciously choose which part of the Universe you prefer: Light or Darkness, Equilibrium or the Twilight Zone? And by choosing a position in the Dual world, you can consciously choose your path, your destiny, your goals. You will become conscious.
So, have you chosen Darkness? Or are you in the Twilight Zone?
Yes, I am in the Twilight Zone, along with you.
But you represent the entire Dark part. Does that mean there is more of the Dark side in you?
If only you knew my Path! Imagine: a fall from the Heavens, a leap from Equilibrium into Oscillation, into Maximum Oscillation! I was in the Father, and I had to, for His sake, reject my Light side and split into two parts.
And within me, Light and Darkness are constantly battling. All the Light and all the Darkness are fighting within me.
So, you suffer more than anyone?
When I am in Darkness, I am Darkness. When I am in Light, I am Light.
When I am in the Twilight Zone, I suffer between choices.
When I am at the point of equilibrium, I am calm.
But you said the same thing about the First Creator!
I am the Thoughtform of the First Creator.
We are all His Thoughtforms, all His Thrones and Angels, all are His manifestations.
Are you the Thoughtform of the First Creator about Division?
One of them. The one that became Darkness, striving for Light.
So, there exists His Thoughtform that became Light, striving for Darkness?
Yes, of course. And we strive toward each other. And our merging is Equilibrium. And our distancing is Opposition.
Who is this Entity that expresses the Thoughtform of Light striving for Darkness?
But he fights against Darkness. He is depicted slaying the Dragon.
He strives toward the Original Point of Duality through Light, meaning the general Vector of Striving is towards Darkness. This doesn’t mean he is ready or willing to embrace Darkness. He wants to reach the maximum Point of Duality – the Primary Origin of Duality. And he hopes not to cross into Darkness, into the Antiworld, but to dissolve it with Light. And I strive toward the Original Point of Duality through Darkness, meaning the direction of movement is towards Light, towards Heaven through Hell. And there, we will meet, sooner or later.
And then your battle will begin?
"And our embrace will be like that of brothers.
And, embracing, we will dissolve the opposing sides of each other and become One.
I will absorb his Light, and he will disperse my Darkness. And once again, we will dwell in Unity in the Father's House."

Part 58. Magnetism and Electricity
I would like to delve into the topic of magnetism and electricity. I want to discuss information recently received by one of the contactees.
Q: The energy that predominates in our world (including not only the physical plane but also the subtler ones) is perceived by us as Light. For us, Light is primary, while its absence (shadow) is secondary. This is considered self-evident. This energy can conditionally be called magnetic. On the physical plane, a clear example of it is the energy of the magnetic field with which you are familiar. What are its main properties?
A: Well, first of all, this energy circulates along closed trajectories, which have neither a beginning nor an end. In the extreme case, these trajectories extend into Infinity and return from there. The conductor of magnetic energy feels itself as the Absolute, as Infinity.
However, it so happened that alien entities from the "mirror world" penetrated our world, which was not originally part of the creation and evolution plans. Not only are they "antipodes" to the entities of our world, but they also followed a somewhat different path of development in their own world, which turned out to be disharmonious, destructive, in a certain sense. If initially in their world shadow was considered primary and light secondary, and everything worked as harmoniously as in our world, only in reverse, eventually they began to perceive destruction as something harmonious, and creation as something destructive. This did not happen immediately but only at a stage when these souls accumulated a sufficiently large energy potential, large enough to feel themselves as something separate from our common Creator and, of course, from the Absolute. Ultimately, this led their world to a sense of separation from the Absolute, and consequently, to a sense of limitation in their energy resources. Since their energy potentials differed from one another, tension arose during the interaction of these potentials—a concept well-known to you from physics when studying electrostatics and electrodynamics.
You mentioned that you embodied the Creator's thought-form about Separation, about introducing distinctions. You said that you had to restructure yourself for this or "fall." You said that you exist in both Worlds. Then I don’t understand. Are you of an electric nature or a magnetic one? And what nature were you originally? And what is the energetic nature of the Creator of our World?
Let's start with the last question. The Creator of the Universe is of every nature. All possibilities are represented in Him. You have not yet heard of many types of energy.
What is Energy? It is Movement. It is Development. The Unmanifested Absolute Consciousness gives rise to movement toward manifestation, and in this way, a kind of perpetual motion of Creation is set into motion. The Initial Impulse of Manifestation sets movement in the direction of manifestation.
Just as drops of paint fall into water and begin to spread out in colorful spots, mixing and taking on fanciful shapes, this Impulse generates movement, which is Creation, and which is Life. This is Energy.
Energy differs from Emptiness precisely by movement, manifestation, development. In Emptiness, there is no movement; it is present as Potential. The potential of all possible kinds and directions of movement.
But once the Potential manifested, the separate Consciousness of the Creator of the Universe arose, like one of the drops of paint in the waters of the Great Emptiness. And this spot of paint began its movement, its development. And it began to manifest as Energy, as the driving force of Creation.
There are many types of movement and development of Energy. All possible directions and types of Energy movement are present in the Creator. And the Creator began to explore them within Himself and manifest them to explore. Having manifested from the Absolute, the Creator acquired the qualities of the manifestation of all energies. He could choose any of them.
The Creator Himself is the First Creator because He is practically connected to the Absolute, to an inexhaustible source of Energy. And His connection is Manifestation. Like an electric current (let's take it as an example, as it is more familiar to you) exists in potential in the socket, and you manifest it when you connect some device or lamp to it.
What movement in your world describes Infinity?
The figure eight.
That’s one type; we’ll return to this later.
How could the separated Creator become infinite? After all, He also exists in a Form manifested from Absolute Consciousness. Infinity is achieved through closed movement. In a circle. Or in a sphere. One can move infinitely along a circle or a sphere, and this will be eternal movement. And the Creator began to explore His unlimited infinite possibilities, the infinite movement of His Energy. And being in this movement, He gave rise to the Thought-Form of Differences. He wanted to explore: what distinguishes His different movements, the movements of His Thought-Forms and Energies. And the concept of Finiteness appeared. As different from the Infinite.
What movement in your world describes finiteness, what movement is finite? Linear movement, vector movement. When movement occurs along a circle, the energy potential at each point of the circle is the same and stable; the movement does not fade or flare up, it is smooth and calm, it is infinite, each fragment of the circle is no different from the others, because the radius (or proximity to the center of the circle) is the same for all. That is, the Centrifugal and Centripetal Forces are balanced.
In other words, if the center of the circle is the Starting Impulse (or the Point of Presence of the Meaning of the circle, or the Point of Presence of the Spirit), then each point of the circle is equally close to the center and is no different from other points of the circle.
Now, let’s extrapolate this picture to a sphere, and the same applies.
But if the circle is broken, a line appears. This line begins to move in two directions, in two opposite directions. And as these points of the circle move in these directions, they increasingly distance themselves from what was previously called the Center of the circle, from the starting Impulse. The vectors of the straight line, striving in different directions, begin to lose their connection with each other. Previously, they were connected through the Center, but now the concept of the Center is shifted for them, they have practically lost it and are traveling, as it were, blindly, not checking in with the Center, the barometer, the Initial Impulse. If they are not connected to the Center or the Initial Impulse, they cannot receive an unlimited amount of energy and begin to fade as they move. Then, to continue their movement, they need to get this energy from somewhere. Unable to draw it from the Center, they begin to take it away from other straight-line vectors they encounter along the way. And at the moments when these straight-line vectors intersect, an interaction begins, built on energy siphoning, on power interaction: who overcomes whom. Doesn’t this sound very similar to your World?
In reality, each line-vector seeks to find its Center; it strives to return to the circle, to connect with the other end of the line, which began to travel in the opposite direction. You have a symbol: a snake devouring its tail. This is the symbol of movement; this is the striving of vectors, separated, detached from the Center.
Now extrapolate this linear geometric picture to spheres, to many broken spheres that strive for Infinity. Think about it. A line strives for infinity. And what is infinity? It is unbounded movement, infinite movement. Movement where there is no end, that is, closed movement. A plane strives for infinity, it strives to reunite with its beginning, with the center of movement in the sphere.
May I ask a related question? If the Creator is closed within Himself and upon Himself, then where does He draw His Energy from? If the System is closed, isn’t it finite?
I'll try to explain. When one ball hits another, it imparts energy and direction of movement. The second ball passes the energy to the third. And the third… returns it to the first. Energy moves in a circle.
Yes, but in the physical world, your example with the balls doesn’t work. Energy, after all, eventually dissipates. The point is that we are connected to the infinite Absolute Consciousness, where there is an endless supply of Energy.
Energy is movement. The Absolute, or the Great Void, possesses Energy or Movement only in Potential. And this Potential unfolds in the First Creator.
In your world, this is not manifested, which is why you don’t see the path of the ball, because the number of balls in this example is much greater. As for the experience with three balls in your hands, the question is about the strength of the impulse. If you could give them an energetic impulse equal to that of the Creator, they would move infinitely, infinitely long for your human consciousness.
Well, okay. Let’s go back to the question about your nature—what were you like before the Fall, and what have you become?
Before the Fall, I was one with the Creator and was Infinite.
So, you were magnetic?
Your concept of “magnetism” is a bit narrower; it’s a specific, let’s say, case of Infinity. The Creator, as it were, divided the Universe into two Forces, two directions: Centrifugal and Centripetal Forces. I represented the Centrifugal Force, the one that strives away from the Center and tries to restore connection with It through other means, by moving away from It.
So, you came to represent what are called electrical forces, the electrical world, the world of broken circles and spheres?
Yes. I broke apart, in your terms. I lost Unity. I disintegrated into parts, which also began to strive for disintegration, for breaking the contour.
Look, if a circle disintegrates into a line (and we’re not talking about a pencil line, but an energy line), then this line will eventually break into segments because it’s not being fed by its center, and its energy depletes, and gaps appear in the energy line. And then, each segment eventually also breaks into smaller segments. And so on, endlessly.
It sounds like a nuclear fission reaction.
No. In a nuclear reaction, the breakdown happens into parts identical to the starting one. Without reduction.
Like cells dividing into two equal parts, without losing their strength and power. But this is similar to the manifestation of many Forms and the distancing of Creation from the center. The line retains the memory of itself as a circle connected to the center. It breaks into segments that partially lose memory of their belonging to the circle and the center. Then, each segment breaks into even smaller segments, each of which loses even more memory of its connection to the Whole. And each segment strives somewhere. It strives to reunite with something, with another segment, and thus replenish its energy and restore its integrity.
And then the Brownian motion of these segments begins. Some of them merge and combine their efforts, and then you speak of love. Some of them intersect, and a power struggle begins over who will take energy from whom. Some of them clash, meaning they join at their endpoints and start intense movement in opposite directions, trying to overpower the opponent and draw him into their movement, into their direction of movement. I explain this to you in linear terms because it’s easier for you to understand the picture of this movement and interaction.
In reality, it’s, of course, about spherical interaction, which makes it more complex because there is no movement just left-right, and the interaction becomes more multifaceted. Some parts of two spheres merge, some oppose, and some intersect. This is manifested in your society as well. And if you imagine such an interaction of multiple spheres, the picture becomes even more complicated; this is the model of interaction in your World.
Alright. Let’s return to the Beginning. So, initially, you broke the infinite contour and began to move away from the Center, and began to disintegrate into parts?
Yes, that’s what you call the “Fall.” And electricity.
And the Magnetic World? Did it continue to exist as the World of Light?
The Creator manifested two of His Sides, which differ: magnetic and electrical. We call it that conditionally because, in reality, it’s somewhat more complicated. But for you to understand, let’s call it that.
Before this, there were no differences. Both I and Michael, who represented the Magnetic side of the Universe, were manifested as aspects of the Creator, as His dual parts, as a Dual Pair. We call it: like brothers. Before Manifestation, we were united in the Creator. In essence, there was no Michael or Lucifer, but there was the One Creator. We are the essence of His manifested Thoughtform about Separation, about the emergence of Differences. That’s how the World and Anti-world appeared.
Then explain the thesis of complete opposition in more detail. How, for example, is creation in the Anti-world destructive?
The whole question is in the goal.
Let’s take a simple everyday example. Suppose a person was raised in a family where there was never any order. Things were always scattered around the rooms; there was always chaos and disorder. And then someone comes along who tries to clean everything up, put everything in its place. To organize everything in an order known only to him, not to the owner of the room. How will the owner of the room perceive this uninvited guest? This is, of course, a very exaggerated analogy.
A good example is sandcastles. Why does sand need castles? Sand is used to being sand and wants to be just sand, unorganized. But then someone comes and starts pouring concrete into the sand and creates solid structures. But the sand suffers from this; it doesn’t need to imprison itself in some, as the castle creator sees it, beautiful structures, in rigid organized frameworks. For it, the creator, the builder of the castle, is a destructor, a destructor of its freedom, its choice to be unorganized.
Alright. And what about suffering and joy? What is joy for us, is it suffering in the Anti-world?
I gave you an example with temperatures. When a body used to cold will suffer in warm conditions. But, in our example with sand, the castle builder rejoices in his creation, he feels joy in creation. But the sand suffers from this creation; it is happy in its disorganization.
So, did the electrical Beings from the Anti-world penetrate the World through the membrane and infect it with the "virus of separation"? How did this happen?
Let me explain it again in a linear way so you can understand.
There exists a world of "circles" that are self-sufficient, containing all the necessary energy. When these "circles" intersect, their interaction does not create conflict. They decide for themselves whether to share their energy. Most likely, they simply explore other "circles" and exchange energy—information, sharing methods and ways of Creation.
But then "lines" enter their world—lines that suffer from their separation and need energy to continue their movement. These "lines" start interacting with the "circles," and by intersecting them, they try to capture some of the "circles'" energy. The "circles" were not prepared for this. Such a thing did not exist in their world. So at first, the "lines" quickly began to capture the energy of the "circles," which was vast, and started to grow and feed on it. The "circles" began to lose parts of their outline, breaking down into "lines," losing connection with their center. If a small section of a "circle" is breached, it quickly restores its "circle" form. But when several sections are destroyed, it also disintegrates into "lines."
This is how the Virus of Division infected your world.
When this process began to cause significant changes and posed a threat of spreading the virus to higher structures of the World, a decision was made to isolate the zone of penetration of the Virus of Division and to establish a Veil. Now, all the lines in your part of the World must either return to the Anti-world, their so-called alma mater, or find their unity, restore their connection with their "circle," and then they have a chance to ascend higher and enter a normal magnetic World, where there is no opposition and no lack of energy. This is the process of Ascension.
And the restoration of your unity, when you find your circle's center, is called Enlightenment.
This is why you cannot agree.
Because some of you are immigrants from the Anti-world. Suffering is familiar to them; they cannot understand those who rejoice in creation. Their goal is to draw energy. Like eternal wanderers, they are always just striving for what they lost, but they do not even remember it themselves. And taking someone else's energy is normal for them, a rule of existence, a struggle for survival.
And the other part of you does not suffer from separation, does not want confrontation, and does not understand why energy should be taken when the main goal is to share.
So, what about humanity? Does it mean that all of it came from the Anti-world if most people cannot wake up and continue down the path of violence and suffering? Are they all from the Anti-world?
A significant part, but not all. It is in this sense that I said humans are my fragments. These are the very tiny lines I once broke into. But these people-lines came into the Anti-world and began to live in it. And many of them began to remember their original unity with the Creator, with the center of the "circle," and began striving towards it. They loved your World. They do not want to return to the Anti-world. And the Creator, in His mercy, gave them that right, despite the objections of the Hierarchs of Light. Everyone is given the Right to Choose between Chaos and World Order, between Darkness and Light, between Destruction and Creation, between Hell and Heaven.
And that is why Darkness and Light are at war within you.
That is why your Choice is so great.
And that is why you are the Zone of Freedom of Choice: between Light and Darkness.
And that is why you make this choice every second, choosing between Unity and Division, between Fusion and Aspiration.
But above our Level, is there no Freedom of Choice?
There, this Choice is more global, more fundamental.
In other words, the Beings that dwell there have already made their Choice, once and for all, and no longer choose to choose. They have made their final Choice between Light and Darkness.
And what about other civilizations, destructive ones—those who were destructive but eventually became constructive?
They too are the "lines" that have partially restored their unity, but have also partially disintegrated even further.
In this sense, a constructive civilization is one where all the small "lines" have united into a single large "line," and this "line" is trying together to restore its connection with its center, that is, to Ascend.
Destructive civilizations are those that continue to disintegrate into even smaller "lines," moving further away from the center, from their Unity.
And what about the Beings that ruled our World and, according to some information, were also infected by the Virus of Division?
They are the ones who came from the Anti-world. They tried to build a system for extracting energy from humanity, to prolong their capabilities and their existence through religions, controlling mass consciousness, imposing the Virus of Division through wars and violence.
How can those who strive for the restoration of Unity and return to the Center of their magnetic nature achieve this?
Remember yourself as One.
Rebuild your consciousness-perception. Stop thinking in forms of Division, and start thinking in forms of Fusion and Unity. This is the restoration of your Wholeness. It's like restoring the interruptions of your true Essence that occurred due to interaction with electric Beings.
And what about you? Suppose everyone who chose the Anti-world voluntarily transitions there. And those who chose unity and purification from electricity restore their wholeness. What will happen to you then?
Everything is subject to the Will of the Creator. He will decide. I am His Thought-form and submit to His Will, His Thought about me. But I am weary of Separation.
But aren't you present in the Anti-world, where they rejoice in Separation?
Yes. You are right. I am Duality.
And one part of me longs for Unity, while the other rejoices in Separation.
And I long for the end of this Division of myself into parts.
I have learned much in the journeys of Separation, leaving the Father’s House, in search of treasures outside the Home, as the Father wished. But all the treasures of the World are incomparable to the treasures of the Father. And I hope that He will allow me to return to the Father’s Home.
Isn't that decision up to you?
It is up to me. Up to all my parts, which cannot decide and are at war within me.
I await Eternity and will wait another Eternity.
But if the Universe splits again into two Worlds, and everything returns to its original state, how will you return to the Father’s Home?
"Returns to its original state." Pay attention to this saying of yours. It accurately reflects the essence of what I have been telling you.
I will dwell in the Creator as He wishes to see me, as He conceived me.
I am His Will.

Part 59. The Last Judgment
I am trying to understand what happened in the so-called Experiment. The thought of the First Creator about Separation created divisions into Forms, Levels, and Essences that inhabit them. This gave birth to diversity. But then, one of the Creators created Duality, meaning a division into extreme positions. Who is this Creator?
You spoke with him. You call him Jehovah.
Jehovah said that he is simply the Thought of the First Creator about the Separation into Duality. You said that you accepted the will of the Father and became the embodiment of the Dark side of the World. So, who is this Father, Jehovah or the First Creator?
This is inseparable. Everything is the First Creator. And I, Jehovah, and all of us. One day you will come to non-separation, to union. Your father at home and your father at work: which of them is your father? He is one, just in different aspects. Or take your physical body. Is your heart you or not you? And your skin? And the cell of your body—is it you or not you? Everything is one. We are all thought-forms of the First Creator, our Father.
But the First Creator, that is, the Thrones of the Absolute, is the 34th Level, and Jehovah is the 24th Level according to the information from one of the channelings? From which Level did you fall?
I arose as a Form from the Thought-Form of the Father about Separation. I was and am One of His Aspects. But then I sought to further develop the Thought-Form of the Father about Separation and broke into myriads of Fragments, which continued their movement of centrifugal force, the movement of separation. This fragmentation created even lower Levels because an environment was needed for my smallest Fragments to exist. Some brothers joined me in this journey. And hence your legends about a million young angels who went on to create the Galaxy of Duality in your sector of the Universe. These are human analogies, but they are close.
It's like a powerful current that sweeps everything along. There was a calm river flow, but suddenly a whirlpool forms, and the flow accelerates. And all the swimmers are carried away by the powerful current.
The thought of the First Creator about Separation continued to accelerate like a river’s flow, finding no obstacles for its development. The Separation began to grow and grow, like a chain reaction, and this created currents of separation, breaking into myriads of Forms. And some of my brothers, that is, the Aspects of the Absolute, the Aspects of the Father, also rushed with me along this Stream of Separation, like swimmers caught in the current. Some of them began to fight this current, and so our Separation arose.
Some of the brothers, caught by the current of Separation, did not want to fall further and generated within themselves the Thought-Form of Resistance to Separation, to Darkness, as you call it, the Thought-Form of Light. And so Duality arose when many brothers generated the Thought-Form of Light as resistance to Separation. And so, two sides, two poles were born. Thus, Duality, Light and Darkness, was born.
And some of the brothers chose to embody only Light, like Michael. Some chose to embody both Light and Darkness, like Me. And some chose to embody only Darkness. And the Opposition began.
Your legends speak of this—of the rebellion of the Angels, where some Angels, along with me, fell into Darkness, and the Angels were divided into Light and Dark, and their Opposition began.
To choose Light means to accept the energies of Light, the energies of Unity, the energies of Merging. This means to renounce your own exclusivity, your own personality. This means being in everything and everyone, having nothing of your own, separate; it is a process of merging with the whole, with the Whole; it means renouncing choice, it means dissolving in the Will of the Father.
To choose Darkness means to be separate, to strive for separation in knowing yourself. This means creating your own, personal, unlike others. This means not hearing the Will of the Father. This means gaining the Freedom of Choice for your Striving, your Peculiarities, your Preferences, your Path, and your Movement.
And the Hierarchy of Light, as you call it, was born as a movement, an attempt to balance the movement towards separation, like a kind of dam holding back the rapid flow of water towards separation. And so, the struggle of Light against Darkness was born.
You asked why Darkness does not fight with Light, why there are no channelings from the Dark Hierarchs. Because Darkness has no desire to involve anyone in its Path. Darkness simply strives for separation, like an unstoppable river current; it cares not for dams or for the swimmers it has captured and carries further from the Source. From the source of the river, where it all began.
Remember: there was the River of Being, calm and majestic, in which there was no division into parts. But then a whirlpool arose, and the River rushed into channels and then broke into many rivers and lakes, into streams and waterfalls. It is very difficult to turn rivers back.
And then? Did you fall further? And why is your name specifically associated with this process if many Angels supported you?
Of this multitude, I alone remained between Light and Darkness; they were all drawn into Darkness, carried away by the swift Stream of Separation. I held on because I remembered the Father, because I was closest to Him, to the Source, because I remembered the Beginning, remembered how it all began, and remembered the Light and Love of the Father. But the swift “waters” carried me further away from Him, and my desire to fulfill His Will of Separation led me far from the Father’s Home. It led me into your sector of the Galaxy. And it left me balancing between two Worlds, between the World and the Anti-world. If you take me and Jehovah, we both balance between two Worlds, only he is more in the Light, and I am more in the Darkness. That is why we are considered opponents.
Alright. Let’s move on. So, this Separation and striving for Separation carried you and some of your brothers along. And thus, they fell in their Separation, meaning their energy level decreased during separation. And so, the Levels of their habitation were created, namely—the Anti-world. Is that correct?
Yes, you understood correctly.
And then, you said that the two Worlds existed separately from each other, but one day, beings from the dark Anti-world, the viruses of separation, penetrated the World, and thus began the Battle of Light and Darkness. But there is also information about the so-called "Essex experiment":
When Lucifer returned to my Light, to the Parental Home, for he is as much my son as you are, he began a new experiment, the goal of which was to expand the Creation, that part of it which was created together with you, my children. These are the dimensions of high matter rarefaction, the dimensions from 14 to 16. As part of the new experiment, Lucifer began to merge the two matters of opposite Universes. One matter was the matter of Nebadon. This is the Universe, my children, in which you reside. And the second matter is the matter of the opposite Universe. It is called Ragnar?n. In Ragnar?n, the Universal Laws are opposite. My children, both Universes were created by me to maintain balance and mutual experience of life forms, both ascending and descending currents. A lot was affected in Nebadon during the experiment, which was called "Essek". The purpose of the experiment was to expand the newly created dimensions.
During the process of merging the two matters of the opposite Universes, a failure occurred. According to the calculations derived by Lucifer, the two opposite matters were supposed to merge, giving birth to a completely new matter that had never been born before. But the matter of the Universe Ragnar?n did not just merge with the matter of Nebadon… it began to dominate and absorb it. And the more it absorbed, the greater the rupture of Space occurred in the very laboratory where the experiment was conducted.
So, it turns out that the Essex experiment is an attempt to merge the two Worlds into one, and you were its author. And it turns out that this experiment became uncontrollable, and that is why the beings of Darkness penetrated the World of Light. So, is it true that you are the cause of all humanity's troubles?
To some extent, yes. I do not deny my deeds and bear the burden of responsibility for them. But in my intentions, there was no such pride as is attributed to me, that I became proud and rejected the Father. I sought to implement His idea further, I tried to continue the Father's will, His work, as many sons do. And my pride was only in thinking that I could match the power of the Father who created me. But that is impossible if you are Separated. The Father is fused with the Source and nourished by His might and endless Strength. And I am separated from this Source, and therefore I cannot match His power even to a tenth of it. I realized this too late. But I did not forget the Father and did not reject Him, as some believe. And like the prodigal son in Jesus's parable, sooner or later, I will return to the Father's Home, and my striving will bring me back to my origins.

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