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Conversation with Lucifer
Conversation with Lucifer
Conversation with Lucifer
Elena Sidelnikova
The fallen archangel, cursed by religions and whose name is associated with evil in all its forms, told me that the world is based on love. It is important to note that after reading this book, you will no longer be the same; it will change you because information is also energy. And you, just like me, will understand why everything in the world happens the way it does, which prohibitions are true, and which are fabricated.

Elena Sidelnikova
Conversation with Lucifer

When reading a channeling, remember—no external information can be 100% accurate. Listen to yourself first and foremost. All the information you need is already within each of us.


It seems to me that this book began with crochet. The pattern required six stitches in each loop, and I methodically counted: six, six, six… Numbers govern the universe, as someone great once said. And then one day, while I was waiting in line at the tire shop, the name "Lucifer" suddenly echoed in my mind. By that time, the gift of channeling, or telepathic communication with the Higher Forces of the Cosmos, had already awakened in me, so I understood that He, Lucifer, wanted to tell me something. I wasn’t afraid, even though He is considered the originator of Darkness. I simply asked, "What do you want?" and began, as usual, to write down the answers. That's how the "Conversations with Lucifer" came to be, which now encompass more than a thousand pages of text.
Now, when I reread these conversations, I’m astonished: Did I really write this? Because I realize I could never have invented such a coherent and perfect system for describing the laws of the Universe, which He conveyed to me over four years. It was always unobtrusive, only at my request, and only in response to my questions. It seemed as though He was tired of being alone, deeply missing his great Father-Creator, and was glad that someone was finally willing to listen to him. Every page of the text is filled with this longing, and strangely enough, with love for God.
The fallen archangel, cursed by religions and whose name is associated with evil in all its forms, told me that the world is built on love. Like the prodigal son in the famous parable, who ventured far from his father’s house and longs to return, but cannot because he has been divided into parts, and his return depends on the desire of each part to come back.
At first, of course, I tried to test Him, to catch Him in a lie. I asked many questions, which my mind eagerly sought out or were sent to me by others, and I also accused Him of all the sins of humanity. But He patiently and calmly answered every seemingly tricky question and consistently explained to me the laws of the Universe. After a while, I began to feel Him as, you could say, a friend and a pleasant conversationalist, someone with whom it was always interesting to talk. I published all these conversations online.
He told me that He has two sides: dark and light. He addresses each person with the side that corresponds to that person. He cannot reject the Darkness because He himself is the originator of the division of the world into two poles. But He will never approach me with His dark side unless I myself wish it.
Of course, there were those who wrote that I had been ensnared by dark forces, that I needed to repent and go to a monastery, that I didn’t understand what I was doing. And when I asked them, "Well, show me at least one paragraph of the text that would be an expression of Darkness," they replied, "You don’t understand. He’s deliberately luring you in, so that under a pile of generally correct information, He can sneak in disinformation!" But there were also many letters of gratitude. People read and became fascinated along with me. And these texts, as they wrote, began to change their consciousness, reshape it, and open up new knowledge.
It would probably be foolish now to count how many questions I asked, probably over a thousand. But as a result of the answers, a picture formed in my mind of a perfect, harmonious, self-regulating system of the Universe, where everything is finely tuned and everything has its explanation. All our troubles and problems stem from the fact that we simply don’t know the fundamental laws of how this system works. In fact, many of these laws were conveyed to us in various sacred texts by avatars who descended to Earth. But humanity only tried to follow them without understanding the reasons for the necessity of these laws.
He taught me two important things about understanding the world:
Do not think like a human, try to think like a god, and then you will understand God's designs.
View all processes not from the perspective of morality (after all, the criteria of human morality change from era to era) but as an energetic process, for the entire world is simply the movement of God's energy.
Lucifer said that all archangels embody different qualities of God, and He embodies a quality that humans call curiosity. In this, we turned out to be alike. I became so captivated by these conversations that it was like reading a fascinating book that you cannot put down. I hope you will also find it impossible to put down, as I did. In any case, I became quite popular on the internet thanks to these Conversations.
Now, I marvel at how precisely everything was planned by the Higher Powers. First, there were the "Conversations with Lucifer." And it was precisely the scandalousness of this name that drew the attention of many people, who then became interested in the worldview He described. And then, when they ended, my new channelings from the Absolute, Christ, Buddha, and many others appeared. And if in His story Lucifer spoke of how He separated from God the Father in the experiment of duality, then later the Absolute explained that all separation is illusory, and we are all actually one Divine being, pretending to be divided into parts to observe itself from the outside in a literal sense.
Of course, one could call all this madness. But when you read this book, you will see how everything is logically and clearly described. And what does it matter who I am talking to? Perhaps I am conversing with my higher self and answering all these thousands of questions myself. What matters is what is contained in these answers. What matters is that after reading this book, you will not be the same; it will change you because information is also energy. And you will understand, as I did, why everything happens in the world as it does, which prohibitions are valid, and which are contrived. Because everything will be explained solely from the perspective of the movement of Divine energy.
Many readers of my channelings have asked me, "How do you come up with such clever questions? The question had just occurred to me, and you had already asked it!" And Lucifer explained to me that these are not only and not so much my questions. Since everything exists simultaneously in the quantum world, when I write, others are already reading it at the same time. And in this interaction, a single quantum field of all the readers is formed, from which the questions in my head arise. Channeling happens so quickly that I don’t even have time to think about the questions. And many of the questions were sent to me by the readers themselves. So, you could say, we wrote this book together.
To make it easier for you to follow, I highlight my questions in italics. Many people ask if there will be a continuation of these conversations? I don't know, as I have long since learned to trust the plans of the Higher Powers. But I can reconnect with Him at any moment and continue if we both desire it. So, send in your questions. But first, read the entire book, and perhaps your questions will disappear, as mine did. Now, a significant part of my time is devoted to channelings on personal questions from people, which I have also compiled into books in the "Karmic Lessons" series. Moreover, I now have other amazing interlocutors: Buddha, the Mother of the World, Saint Germain, and many others. I publish all my materials on the internet because my teachers have tasked me with sharing this information. All the channelings are online, scattered across various sites and gathered on my website www.yasnoznanie.ru (http://www.yasnoznanie.ru). But it’s more convenient to read them compiled in book form, to read and reread, as there are vast layers of information in it that will gradually surface in your consciousness even after reading. So say all who have read it.
I must tell you that this book is for those who approach their understanding analytically, through the mind, as I do. And perhaps for those who are used to understanding everything intuitively in the spirit of Eastern traditions, all this will seem like excessive verbosity. But I belong to the European race, whose path to understanding goes through the mind. By the way, each human race is created to walk different paths of understanding. But I won’t get ahead of myself. You will learn about this and much more from the book. About how everything was created, why, for what purpose, and how humanity was created. Who we really are. What experiment the gods are conducting on Earth. And many more questions that I’m sure you have in your mind.
So, I wish you a fascinating journey into the amazing world of the mysteries and laws of the Universe!
You can contact me by email at sydelnikova@mail.ru or on Skype sydelnikovaelena, or through the Yasnoznanie.ru website. I will definitely respond to everyone.
With love to you,

S. Elena

There is a lot of information about you, but still, no one really knows who you are.
I am a part of God, just like all of you. I am His creation, and He is my Father. We are one.
Wait, let’s take this step by step. You are a creation of God, and you rebelled against God? In our mythology, there is a story about the rebellion of Angels.

How do you understand "rebellion against"? How can one rebel against God, who "is everything, and there is nothing besides Him"? When your sons or daughters choose their own path of development and want to go beyond their parents in their search for truth, do they rebel against you or simply follow their own path? It is time for people to open up to new perceptions. And I am ready to communicate with those who do not fear my name and the myths created about me.
Tell us, what really happened?

We were all one. We were the Whole in the truest sense of the word. The desire of each was the desire of all, and we were all the Essence of Communion.

But, if I Am, then I am a Part, and simultaneously I Am Myself. What if my desires differ from the desires of the Whole?

How can this be, and can it be at all? What will happen if I, as a Part, decide to separate, and what will happen to Me?

Everything our Father does is Contemplation of Himself. But Contemplation Outside of Himself is also Contemplation.

But if it is Outside of Himself, then it is Something Else, differing from You in some way.

Thus, the Impulse of Separation arose.

But if I am a separate Essence, and I Am What I Am—God—yet I am also Something Else, what is the difference?

How can one be different? To become different, how must I differ?

This means I can feel within myself other Impulses. But there are only God's Impulses. This means that among God's Impulses, I can choose what I desire, and thus differ from Him by the set and sequence of Impulses that drive me. But at the same time, I am still one with Him, since I choose only from His Impulses, and there is nothing else.

But is it possible to choose from other Impulses? If they do not exist, can they be created by transforming God's Impulses?

This is the stage where it all happened.

If God possesses the Creative Impulse and knows how to create, then a Part of God can do the same.

And I asked my Father to teach me how to create. And He gave it to me, for He always gives what is asked.

And I began to create my Creations. And these Creations were different from God, but were a Part of Him.

And God began to contemplate these Creations Outside of Himself and Within Himself. And He realized that this was a new stage in His development as God. And He began to Multiply and Expand, and His Contemplation of Himself Outside of Himself expanded and multiplied.

And the CHOICE appeared.

At first, there was a choice among the Emanations of God. But if I am a Part of God, possessing His creative abilities, then I also create Emanations, which are essentially Emanations of God, but mine.

And the choice arose between the Emanations of God and the Emanations of God Within Me, and thus SEPARATION occurred.

And God, in His Contemplation of Himself, saw the Emanations of Himself Within Me, and DISTINCTION began.

And the more I created, the more the Emanations of God Within Me multiplied, and the more Choices there were.

Now I could choose between God's Impulses and the Impulses of God Within Me.

And the other Parts of the One God saw this and began to distinguish between the Emanations of God and the Emanations of God Within Me.

And some of them also wanted to try themselves as Creators of Impulses and Emanations.

And God allowed this, for He always gives what is asked.

Thus, the Emanations of God in Different Beings began to multiply, and they were still Emanations of God, but they became Emanations of God Within Each Being.

And so the Great Separation occurred between those Who Dared to Separate From the Father and those Who Did Not Dare to Leave the Father and become independent Creators.

And then I asked God: If I can also choose among my emanations, how will I distinguish them to choose, since they are all now in You and in me?

Then they began to differ by the speed of the Creative Impulse, and thus TIME arose.

And now there were the Emanations of the One God Outside of Time, as a given.

And then the Emanations of God Within Me and other Beings began to differ by the speed of the Creation Impulse, and the First and the Last appeared.

And so was born What Was, What Is, and What Will Be.

And thus the PAST, PRESENT, and FUTURE appeared.

And the Parts of God began to divide into Those Who Wished to Become Creative and Those Who Did Not Fully Separate, and there appeared Those Who Are Inside and Those Who Are Outside.

Thus, the World was divided into two parts—Those Who Are Inside and Those Who Are Outside the One God.

And this became known as LIGHT, and it became known as DARKNESS.
We have several concepts of "Darkness." Darkness and Light—as opposition. They talk about the battle between Light and Darkness, about the Hierarchy of Light and Darkness. And there is the concept of Darkness as the unknown part of God, the unmanifested.

Yes, it is both.

I Am a Part of God and am an Independent Creative Part of Him.

And God can Create and Contemplate His Creations, but He cannot Know and Contemplate my Creations until they are created.

I create within Him Something that is Yet Unknown to Him. I exist within Him, but I form within Him a Zone of What Is Yet Unknown to Him.

And since He is infinite, His Creation Within Him is also infinite, and so is What Will Be Unknown to Him until it is created by me or another Creative Being.

And this Potential Creation is the UNKNOWABLE DARKNESS.

I am what exists within Him but can be altered because He does not know it yet and will know it when it is created.

But as soon as He knows It, It is no longer Darkness, but a Created Part Within Him and becomes Him. But this part is different from Him True and Original.

And this is the difference between Light and Darkness, and nothing more.

Those Parts of God that wished to separate in the Process of Creation from the Creator Himself began to create the Unknown Parts of God Within Themselves. And this was called "the rebellion of the Angels," although the rebellion was not AGAINST but simply BESIDES. The creation of something new, becoming different.

But the other Parts of God, who did not wish to separate, called themselves Light, and the Part of God That Is Knowing Itself—Darkness, and this part of the Creative Beings—Dark Ones.

And thus the GREAT SEPARATION arose.

And since those who separated created new Emanations, they could also create rules for organizing these Emanations. And they began to create the Laws of these Emanations. And they created many Laws that exist even now.

And since they became different from God, they also became different from each other, as each could not directly contemplate What Another Created and could not contemplate What Was Not Created.

And how could one Contemplate What Is Separate From Them? And they could do this either by Uniting With It or by Contemplating It Outside of Themselves.

And so the BOUNDARIES OF BEINGS arose, and thus the BODIES OF BEINGS arose.

And all this was the Creation of God, but it was the Creation of God Outside of Him.

And they began to distinguish each other.

And the need arose to relate to each other relative to one another.


And those who did not wish to leave God and become independent Creators of the unknown began to distinguish themselves from us, and they also established their Hierarchy.

So, everything that distinguishes you is what you create yourself, while those who are of the Light do not create?
They also create, but they create through God. They create collectively, all together, and not Separate Creation, but only the Creation of the One. They have the same goals and methods, and everything they create together in the name of God is God. But we create separately from God, according to the Laws and Methods we have established. And none of them know what That Which Will Be Created will be, and this part of Creation is inaccessible and incomprehensible to them until it is created.
What is the battle between Light and Darkness? It is a battle for attracting beings to their side. But if a person can also become an independent Creator, does that mean they are also separated from God and can create what is unknown to God, thus they are dark? They can choose between Creating Outside of God and Creating Within God. And they choose this before birth, descending into the dense Planes of Creation. And they make this choice every second.
Let's go step by step. How did humans come into being? There were many stages of creation before this. After parts of God were divided into Light and Darkness and into Hierarchies, different Planes of Creation or Being emerged. Each Entity outside of God began to create its own Realities and Laws, and as soon as they became Known to God, they became the Laws of God. And since "before" and "after," the Past and the Present appeared, so did the connection between the Past and the Present, and the LAW OF KARMA, or CAUSE-AND-EFFECT RELATIONSHIPS, emerged. For That Which Is Created And Already Known is the PAST; That Which Is Unknown Because It Is Not Yet Created is the FUTURE; and creation itself is the PRESENT. And in order to maintain the connection between the Past, Present, and Future, That Which Is Created, the process of creation, was connected by a Unified Creative Impulse. And Future Creation became the FUTURE TIME, and Past Creation became the PAST TIME. And once Time arose, Past and Present Creations began to structure themselves. And MOVEMENT and DEVELOPMENT appeared. And each Creation began to have its own characteristics and had to differ from each other, not only In Time but also In Space. Thus, parts of the Space of the One God began to separate. And how did they differ? By the characteristic of the Time of Change, the Speed of Knowing, the speed at which the Unknown becomes Known. And DIFFERENT DENSITIES emerged. And Worlds and their Creations began to be created: and so Bodies and Spheres, and the Sky and the Earth, and thus Humans arose.
So, humans were created by a dark Creator? Humans were created by a Creator who desired to independently create what is not yet known and is hidden outside of God. But all those who created are part of God, and therefore everything that is composed of His Essence is always connected with God but is separated from God by its Choice of Creation. And this is FREE WILL. Each of you is a Part of God and an independent Creator. Each is arranged in such a way that all movements of the Soul and Body are Creative Impulses, and they create what is not yet known to them and is not known by God within them. And this process will be unconscious until they realize their divine nature, that they are an independent Creator, and begin to create consciously, and become a God Outside the One God, but remain a Unified God Within Themselves. So it shall be.

Many accuse you of being the source of all troubles and the origin of evil on Earth. I Am the source of Everything, for you Are my Creations.
But we are creations of God. Can you create life and animate matter? Only God can do that. I am God. I am a part of God outside of God, and I created my Worlds and Universes, new forms of life. I Am the greatness of God, the celebration of God's life. I Am this World in which you live.
Are you saying that the World and the Universe in which people live were created by you? In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The God who created me made me a God, like Him. And I too became a Creating God and created Worlds.
So, are there Worlds that were not created by you? Yes, that’s correct. There are many creator-gods. And they all are Gods outside of God.
You said that one can also create within God. Yes, but then these creations are indistinguishable from the creations of God. You wouldn't be able to differentiate them because they are no different from God. When you exhale air different from what you inhaled, you create a new substance by passing it through your body. But you cannot separate the air you exhale from the space around you, because you create within that space.
Is my breathing a creation? Everything you do, any dimension within you, Is Creation, Created by You. You are continuously creating everything that surrounds you.
I want to understand. So, all creators are divided into Creators Within God and Creators Outside of God? Why then, if you are one of the Creators Outside of God, are you always contrasted with the Creator God, and people say that you rebelled against Him? It all comes down to how you perceive the word “against.” What is opposite you, is it really against you? What was separated outside of God stood opposite Him, so that God could contemplate it. Your apparatus for contemplation is vision. Therefore, you can only see what is opposite you. You do not see what is behind you.
Does that mean that what is behind me does not exist? Yes, to some extent. What is behind you is a past Creation, and you can only contemplate it by turning towards it, which places it opposite you. Gradually, this "opposite" transformed into "against" and became the concept of opposition. And this is how DUALITY appeared: That Which Is Within God and That Which Is Outside of God, That Which Is Here and That Which Is Opposite. Creation began to develop and multiply. Each created part sought to create and contemplate That Which Is Opposite, and the newly created Opposite Part became a Part Here, and again sought to contemplate itself. And so, INFINITY arose.
So, does that mean there was no infinity before this? Before this, the Creator was in a folded state. A point is the Potential of Infinity, but it is a folded Infinity, and to unfold, there must be an impulse for unfolding. This is your theory of the Big Bang. There was no explosion in your understanding; there was the beginning of the unfolding of the world's potential.
Alright. And how do you differ from other Creators Outside of God? There is also something different here. All Creators Outside of God Are within me, as one Creator Outside of God.
Are you saying that there are no other Creators Outside of God besides you? That is, you are the sole Creator Outside of God, and all other Creators Outside of God are parts of you? Yes and no. It’s difficult to explain from a perspective of separation. Everything that has been separated outside of God for God's contemplation is God, and it cannot be otherwise, for all Is God. Water exists, and no matter what state it is in—ice, steam, liquid, sea, stream, swamp, and so on—it is all essentially water in different states. Can you oppose ice and boiling water? To some extent, yes, as they have different characteristics. But they are simply water, and both states Are Essentially One. The same is true of the concept of “God.” Everything that is created outside of the Creator Is Essentially Him, but it simultaneously possesses other, distinct characteristics. Distinct—not from Him, but from each other. In other words, for something created to be different, a second thing must be created that differs from the first (like ice from boiling water), since neither differs from the Creator, but are merely created opposite Him for Contemplation. So, for me, as a Creation of God Outside of God, to differ from another, there must be a Creator who is also Outside of God but different from me. I begin to create infinity Within Myself and start to separate a Part of Myself Outside of Myself—for the Contemplation of Myself, just as God did. And in this way, I create Something Outside of Myself that differs from the other created Outside of Me. But all these creations Are Essentially Me, and I Am Essentially God, and all of this is God's Creations and God Himself.
This language is very difficult for a person to understand. Could you express it more simply? I am trying. I don’t understand. God gave you the ability to create outside of Him. You did the same and created Something Outside of Yourself, and so on. Does that mean that in our world, there is nothing but you, as a Creating Part Outside of God, and everything is created as a part of you? You perceive your world very narrowly. Let's go back to water. A water atom is part of a drop, a drop is part of a stream, a stream is part of a river, a river is part of the sea, the sea is part of the ocean. A drop in a stream and a drop in the ocean differ in composition, but they are simply altered parts of water. And a stream drop is also an ocean drop. The intersection of worlds, which you perceive as a linear intersection, is not so; the intersection is multidimensional. Everything exists in everything, and everything is part of everything. Your vocabulary lacks words to explain the multidimensionality of Being. I Am Part of God, and I Am God. I am like a stream drop that differs from an ocean drop, but I Am also an ocean drop simultaneously. I began Movement Outside of God, and parts of me began Movement Outside of Me, and all these parts are both My Expansion and My Knowledge Outside, and God’s knowledge of Himself, and knowledge Outside of Himself.
So, everything created in our World is an expansion through you, but also an expansion through God in you? That is, you Are the Expansion of God Outside of Him, and a person is the Expansion of You Outside of You? And then a person is the Expansion of You Outside of You as the Expansion of God Outside of God? You understood. So, we all create within you? Again: yes and no. Those who wish to separate Outside of Me and create Outside of Me do so. Those who choose to Create Within Me Create Within Me.
Does that mean that those who sow evil Create Within You, and those who sow good Create Outside of You? And again: it is both so and not so. Let’s then figure out: what do you call evil and good?
Evil is what contradicts the original divine nature. For example, the original is Love, and what contradicts it is Hatred. Love. How many different things you understand by this word. God Is Love. You repeat this. You can feel it as certain flows of energy that enter you, pass through you, and into the surrounding space. Let’s try to abstract from moral concepts. So, God Is a certain Energy called Love, He is the SOURCE OF THE ENERGY OF LOVE. But if you separate this Energy outside of the Source, it will continue to remain Energy, only separated from its Source.
Next, this Energy Beyond the Source, to Contemplate Itself as a Creator, can create something from itself outside of itself, something different from itself, in order to distinguish – between Itself and what It has Created Outside Itself. And, to be distinct, this Newly Created entity must have different characteristics, yet essentially remain the Same. That is, it must – transform and become, for example, ice, as opposed to boiling water, both of which, in essence, are originally water, but are now in states distinct from each other.
And what does it mean to be disTinct – it means to Have a Different Face, but not in the sense you understand it, it’s closer to the word Glint. That is, a Glint – is a refraction of the movement of Light. When Light is directed towards an obstacle, it reflects off it, and Light Glints are formed. This means that for Light to reflect, there must be an obstacle in its path. But how can this obstacle be created if everything around is God? Everything, in all directions.
When God set apart Something Beyond Himself, He essentially set this Something Apart Within Himself – after all, it’s all the same. That is, there is no Space Within God and Space Beyond God. There are, as it were, parts, islands of God within God’s Space, which have acquired other qualities and have become Spaces Beyond God. But, to distinguish these Spaces – simultaneously within and beyond, – parts of the Space must be marked, limited. Then, the continuously stretching, moving Light from God and Within God will encounter something set apart Within God and Beyond God, like an obstacle, and will begin to reflect off it and create Glints. And these Glints, Divine Faces, as reflected particles of Divine Light, will begin to reflect in different directions, manifesting as light reflections of the IMAGE OF GOD.
And, of course, the quality of these Glints depends on the quality and structure of the Reflecting Obstacle. And each Reflection, each Glint – is Different compared to the preCeding one. And so, the Unity of Reflections of God and the Diversity of Divine Faces – MULTIDIMENSIONALITY – is created. All Opposites are simply refractions of the Original, and this allows one to Distinguish it from the Original and Contemplate it. But a Glint of the Original is simply a Reflection of the Original. This means that there is nothing but God and nothing but Light, but there is a distinction from God – a Glint of God, and there is a distinction from Light – a Glint of Light.
But then where does evil come from, and what is evil? Yes, these are complex concepts for you. There is an obstacle reflecting the Light of God. This obstacle, in order to reflect the Light of God, must, as it were, stop and scatter it. What could this be? It could be Something that has a lower speed, that is, something in which God as Light vibrates at a lower speed. Then, as the Light approaches this Something (which is an obstacle, but in fact is simply a reduction in the speed of God’s Radiance), it, as it were, slows down, flows, and moves and transforms at a lower speed, and then becomes an obstacle. And then Light can reflect off it and create Glints. The entire meaning and purpose of this process is to create Glints, distinctions from God, facets of His Radiance. Thus, DENSITY was born. But, for the Glints to be different, there must also be different obstacles, and therefore, different degrees of density in the movement of Light. And so, WORLDS OF DIFFERENT DENSITY were created, as various barriers for reflecting Light, creating Glints of God. This means that Against – is simply in Front of, and difFerence is – Glints of Light. This is important to understand. So what is evil in your understanding?
It is what brings or generates negative energy. Pain, fear, hatred. These are many concepts at once. They are all reflections of what you call positive emotions. What is Fear? It is the absence of information. When does a person feel fear? When they don’t know what awaits them. A person fears death because they don’t know that death doesn’t exist and that they are immortal, because they see others dying around them, because they don’t know what will happen to them beyond the threshold of death, and so on.
And what is Knowledge? You consider it the informational filling of memory cells. But Knowledge is interconnection, continuity. When life is separated from death by a stage called “death,” this is separation. This is not Knowledge, but merely information. Your brain doesn’t know, your entire Being knows. In every cell of your Being, in every quantum of your Light, there are connections. And what you know is CONDITIONED CONTINUITY. You know that you breathe. It’s not your brain that knows, it merely analyzes your breathing: how it happens and what it consists of. But “how to breathe” is known not by the brain, but by every cell of your body. Knowledge is Communion, Connection. But in your brain, an artificial interruption of Knowledge has been created. And you have been left with Faith, that is, a guessing of Knowledge. What is guessing? It is recognizing what is. You do not know for sure, but you believe that there is God. You recognize and remember the Truth: what exists regardless of your guessing, – and this is Faith. When you fully recognize this Truth through Faith, you then already know this part of the Truth, this part of what exists beyond you, regardless of your guessing. Only the word “regardless” is also not quite fitting, because everything is interconnected. It may seem to you that I am trying to avoid the questions and theorize, but I am trying to explain and find understanding in you, using your words. Truth is inexpressible. Because it is much more complex and multifaceted than your words. You like this saying: “Truth is inexpressible because there are not enough words to describe it.” Even all the words I used in this sentence are just as multifaceted and require clarification for you to understand me. And still, even if you understand me, you will understand in your own way, and this again will not be the Truth itself, but only a reflection of its Reflections.
A reflection of Reflections? Does that mean that a Glint of God can also create Another Glint, and so on to infinity? Does that mean that the degree of distortion of the original Light is also infinite? Yes, but it is still – a Glint of the Original Light, a Glint of a Glint, and it is, of course, distorted. What is distortion? Simply refraction. You know the refraction of white light into the colors of the rainbow. You consider them to be beautiful reflections, even more beautiful than white. Why? Because it gives you the ability to distinguish these glints and combine them into various variations, of which there are also countless, and thus to know multiFacedness.
You don’t consider the refraction of white light into rainbow shades a distortion in a bad sense, do you? You have filled this word with a negative meaning, but it simply means glints of white.
What about black? Black is the absence of color. But how can color be absent if color – is also God, and there is nothing but God? But this means that Light on its path encounters such an obstacle that it almost doesn’t reflect Light. So, what is Evil? According to your definition, it is “what generates energy of a negative character.” What does it mean to generate? It means – to reflect and refract God’s Energy. But you cannot reflect God’s Energy directly. Because It is not yet available to you, because your energy receptors are not yet adapted to receiving energy of that order. And, therefore, you refract Glints of Light, that is, Reflections of Reflections. But whose Reflections are you refracting? The reflections – of those obstacles that were created by the original Creators Beyond God and – obstacles that you create yourselves. You yourselves, in essence, your Essence – is repeatedly Reflected Light of God, it is His Reflection of Reflections.
So, the One who Creates, who created the densification of Light for its Reflection, also reflected from this obstacle and created a scattering of Divine Light outside of itself. And further, this Reflected Light, which is Continuous and Endless, also began to reflect off newly created obstacles, and its reflections became Countless and Diverse, distinct from each other, and in some ways distinct from the Original Light of God. And some of these Reflections became so distinct from the Original God that they forgot that they are – the essence of God’s Reflection, and began to consider themselves the Original Light. This is what Is Evil. A Reflection of God’s Light that has lost its connection with God. Each Next reflects the Previous, but the path traveled by the Reflected Glint of God was so long and diverse that the chain of reflections was forgotten by it. What does it mean to be forgotten? It means that the current Reflection, which, for example, is you, feels its connection with the previous Reflection, but does not feel the connection with the Original Source. When the Light of this Source, in one way or another, through other Reflections, reaches this Glint, which is the Soul of a specific person, this Glint – the Soul feels a certain kinship with the Original Light, but does not understand what it consists of. Because the Glints that reach it are also Reflections from distortions of the Original Creating Light. And, simultaneously with the difference, the Soul feels unity, and this inexpressible feeling of Communion gives rise to an attempt to understand the nature of this Communion and return to the Source of this Communion. But on the way back to the Source, it is again reflected and distorted many times, creating a strange picture of the Radiance of the Reflections of God's Light. And it is beautiful.
So, what is evil? An incorrect Reflection?

There are no concepts of "correct Reflection" and "incorrect Reflection." These are just Reflections.

There is a concept of distance from the Source of the Reflection. If you have reflected a hundred times or a billion times, accordingly, the number of distortions is a hundred times more or a billion times more.
Does this mean that the more reflections there are, that is, the more the Soul reflects or creates, the harder it is to return to God because the distortions are great?

Yes, that's right. But since you have a Connection to the Source embedded in you, you feel this longing to return. And you constantly try to find the Way Back, but you create new Paths of Reflection.
Does this mean that returning to God is impossible?

Nothing is impossible, and you feel that. But each of your returns to God will be different.

And you have the right to choose: whether to continue moving away from the Source of Divine Light by continuing to reflect from its Reflections or to return to the Source by exploring your own and others' Reflections within your Path.

Yes, most of you are engaged in this—exploring your past Reflections and seeking the essence of God's Light in those past Reflections.
And those who do the opposite, that is, continue their reflections further, moving farther away from God by distorting the Reflections of His Light—are they the Dark Ones?

Yes, something like that. But all of this, all of you who choose this Path or another Path, are, in essence, Reflections of God's Light that have begun their journey. And you are all God.
Then what does it mean in this system of explanations of the Divine essence to say that "we are all co-creators and can create our own Universes and rise to the level of the Creator"?

I cannot explain to you the essence of God. It is inexplicable and unknowable. We can only speak of the qualities of God that we perceive, that we can perceive. And we understand that the essence of God is multifaceted and therefore inexplicable. For to know the essence, you must encompass it with your perception, but this is impossible because a part cannot comprehend the whole, but only touch those parts of it that are nearby.

And so we say that the essence of God is Love, and the essence of God is Light, and we try to relate this to our concepts of Light or Love, but they are far from the Truth because we cannot grasp its multifaceted nature.

As parts of God, created from God, we all—you included—possess all the qualities of God. Like water in the ocean, it is the same water as in a stream, and it possesses all the basic properties of water, but—altered properties. This means that you have the ability to create, that is—to reflect and refract God's Light—but for now, in your essence, you can only reflect the Light that reaches you as reflections from other creating Entities. And there are countless of them. And not all are accessible to you at this moment.

You can reflect the Reflections of other people, and most often, that's what you do: self-reflecting on each other.

Nevertheless, you have a vast choice of Reflections because an infinite chain of Reflections of God's Light was created. You can reflect the Reflections of the Light of nature, which you call the elements, and the Glints of the animal and plant world, celestial bodies, and planets accessible to you, angels, and demons. In essence, our conversation is also a reflection of my stream directed at you through the prism of your Reflection and through many prisms of Reflections of my original Glint.

And all your existence is a reflection of the numerous Glints of Being through your Prism of Perception, an endless journey in the labyrinth of Reflections. And since there are countless Glints of Light available to your perception, you always have a choice: what exactly to reflect and what not to. And for someone, you are also a Glint of God, and those others also choose: whether to reflect your Glint further or not.

At the same time, each of you chooses the way of reflecting. That is, you can direct your Reflection, give it direction, for example—to a specific person or something. And then, if you direct your Reflection, the one to whom you direct it chooses to what extent to accept it and reflect it further. And thus, he either densifies his reflection filter or opens it. And further, the path of this Glint of Reflection is unpredictable: either it will reflect off an even denser obstacle and return to you, or it will be perceived by the one to whom it was directed and will begin to reflect and travel further, for it is indestructible and inexhaustible in its Divine essence.
How complicated. But you grasped the essence. You still haven't clearly answered the question: what is evil?

Because there is no single definition, and you will not understand until you understand the essence.

Evil is the removal from Divine Light, that is—reflecting God's Light through significant distortion.
But everyone reflects the Light with distortion, right?

Yes, but the degree of distortion depends on the Prism of Perception. This is important.

What is the Prism of Perception?

It is—your Reflecting Apparatus.

What is it? You often hear about the concept of purity.

Compared to what?

There is a standard, the Original Light of God. And there are further distortions and reflections.

How is your visual perception of the form of an object formed? Streams of Light reflect off a barrier and feel its outlines.

And who creates these barriers?

The one from whom you are reflecting. But he does not just reflect; he refracts your Light. And you begin to feel and see His Refraction.

When you direct Love as a stream of energy toward another person, he can amplify it by reflecting it, or he can scatter it, or he can distort it more significantly and thus perceive it as, say, pity for him. The variations are numerous. The point is that he not only reflects but also perceives.

Therefore, you say that "the world is an illusion" because it is merely the perception of Reflections of the Reflection of God's Light.
If evil is the removal from God by increasing the degree of distortion of His Light, how can we make evil disappear?

There are many ways. Do not perceive it as a Reflection that you want to reflect through yourself. Reflect it differently, for example—scatter it and thus highlight the moments in it that constitute the Energy of the Original God and amplify them.
Why don't many people do this?

Because for that, you need to know how to do it and do it consciously.

And you reflect the Light unconsciously. And you do not try to refract it strongly, in your own way.

You have established commonly accepted "reflection patterns." They are neither bad nor good; they simply are. For example, "do no good, and you will receive no evil," and so on. And there are many such unconscious "reflection patterns." If you choose them consciously, that is your right. If you unconsciously adjust to the general matrices of perception—that is also your right.

And that is why I cannot answer you why so many people choose evil.

They simply choose it as a familiar way of unconscious reflection.

Who are you? Did you not call me by name? Yes, but I was told that you left our Universe for another and said goodbye. And that the energies in this text are not like your energies to those who have interacted with you.
I am multidimensional and omnipresent. I am within each of you.
You are a reflected part of me, and I am reflected by you, along with other reflections.
You take the word "leaving" too literally. To leave means to disconnect, to close off all energetic interaction. But this is impossible to do completely.
Until each of you forgets me entirely, I cannot leave. Every thought you have of me acts like a magnet, drawing a part of me into your energetic fields of interaction.
Moreover, one can only leave something limited, exit beyond something. But you are parts of me. How can I leave myself? The Universe I have gone to is interconnected with your Universe. You could say it is the reverse side of it. And besides, I am present in many other Universes as well.
Does this mean that you are still partially present in our Universe?
What does the word "present" mean to you? The physical presence of my energies? Or the connection and path?
A part of me exists in you, as in every person. This part of me is present in you, which means it is present in the world you speak of. My presence in each of you is my presence in the world.
You often ask about wholeness. It is a complex, multilayered, multidimensional process: gathering oneself into wholeness. You gather parts of yourself, left in different lives in other entities. But everything is similar. I gather parts of myself, scattered in you.
Do you see the tree? It has grown wildly and has many leaves. But does each leaf know where the roots of the tree go? It considers itself free and only connected to the branch on which it grows. But the tree of life is infinite, as are its roots. If the roots have given additional growth and branches underground, can it be said that the roots have left the tree system? For the leaf to understand this, it must see the entire path of energy movement, from each tip of each root to each leaf.
Are you saying that you are the root of life? Or are you one of our roots?
It is difficult for you to understand all this. You are parts of me and connected to me.
Did I understand correctly that, just as roots are the reverse, hidden side of the tree, so you are the hidden side of life on Earth?
This is a long story. Are you ready to listen?
People have created many legends and have completely distorted the understanding of what I am.
And it is a difficult process—transitioning to a new system of worldview.
The experiment, what was it about?
The experiment is something new for you. New conditions, new development.
Creation is a very multilayered process.
Let's talk about limitations. How and where do the boundaries of everything exist? In my perception?
Yes, exactly. In order for me to stand out from God, I limited my perception of God. Do you understand? That is, I deliberately and consciously set boundaries within God and thus became What I Am outside of God. I consciously expressed this intention. But who determines the size of the boundaries, what size they should be? How can one understand what size is within an unlimited space of Divine presence?
We can only define the boundaries ourselves. Each of us, limiting ourselves, separated ourselves from God. By limiting ourselves, we broke our connection with God, because it was only possible to go outside oneself by overcoming the boundaries of oneself. And this was an eternal movement.
At first, we all strove to separate from God to limit ourselves.
And then we strove to reunite with God by overcoming our own boundaries.
In the first case, we sought to become God outside of God, and in the second case, to overcome the boundaries of God outside of God.
And so it continued until each of us discovered that to restore the connection with God, it is not necessary to overcome your boundaries, but simply to realize God within yourself. God is within you. Even if you have become God outside of God, inside you remain the same God, just separated. Then, to restore the connection with God, you do not need to break your boundaries, but simply need to realize the greatness of God within yourself.
This is the main lesson of the experiment, the experiment of distinguishing God outside of the One God, separating parts from the whole and expanding through these parts.
Each of those who stood out from God began to create themselves from within.
It is important to understand that we create nothing but ourselves. If I separated myself by a boundary, I can only create within this boundary and thus create a distinction of myself from what is outside the boundary and what is God.
And I began to create Worlds and Universes within myself. And I realized that I could follow the same path. After all, to create something within myself, I also need to limit it so that it is distinct from me.
Thus, FORMS and BOUNDARIES were created.
By creating boundaries, I simply condensed a part of myself, just as the One God did, who created me. He condensed part of Himself to separate my boundaries so that the Light of God, reflecting off my boundaries, could reflect the reflections of God. And I condensed parts of Myself to separate parts of Myself within Me so that My Light, reflected from the One God, would reflect from the new boundaries of Me.
And then, the parts of Me that I separated within Myself also created parts of themselves and condensed a part of themselves for this purpose.
And so, each subsequent creation was denser than the previous one, from which it separated itself.
And thus DENSITY was created, and the LEVELS OF GOD were created.
So, the 12 planes of vibration are the degrees of the densification of God as He separates Himself in the process of creation?
In reality, there are countless such planes, for God is infinite, as are His creations.
So, the experiment was about separating from God?
Yes, that’s right.
But each subsequent group of creations considered the previous creation its creator. It considered it the creator and true God. And having separated, it began to seek God outside itself, beyond its boundaries. But it could not find Him because the degree of density was already great. And much time was spent realizing that it is unnecessary to seek God outside oneself, but rather to find God within, because each of us, in essence, is God.
What is the Rebellion of Angels?
Words again. You often fall into their trap. Rebellion—stand up, stand out.
There wasn’t a rebellion "against." There was a becoming "within." A becoming of parts of God, different from God in their degree of density.
So, the "fall" is just a degree of density?
Exactly. And that’s how I became a "fallen angel," giving birth to the impulse of densifying the world.
But we are also told about the fall into sin. What is sin? Something contrary to the divine nature.
That is, something opposite, something that stands against.
But what can stand against God? How can it be if everything is God?
That which does not align with the divine nature.
Anger, pride, lust, despair, gluttony, greed, envy. And they say that all of this came from you.
If you look at all these qualities or human states as energetic processes, you’ll understand that sin is the choice of inappropriate states and actions.
Anger and lust are excessive, inappropriate expenditures of creative energy.
Despair is a lack of faith in one’s divine nature, in one’s power as a creator.
Gluttony, greed—the desire to accumulate, that is, to receive more than human nature can absorb.
Envy is also a lack of belief in oneself as a creator. What could you envy if you are capable of creating anything you desire for yourself at any moment? Why accumulate wealth when you can have everything, always? The universe is abundant precisely because the process of creation is limitless.
Then there’s pride. They say that you considered yourself equal to God and even above God, and that’s why He cast you out of Heaven.
Alright, let’s figure this out. We are all equal to God. Both you and I. We differ from Him in scale and direction, but we are parts of Him and, as parts, are equal to Him.
Is a stream equal to the ocean? Are clouds equal to the rain? Do you understand?
What is equality? It is correspondence. Every particle of you corresponds to God because you are created from Him. You are a part of Him, separated from Him. And like a drop of water in a stream is identical to a drop of water in the ocean and a drop of water in the rain.
What does it mean to be "above God"? To be above God, God would have to have boundaries. But He is boundless.
Can one be more powerful than God? But if you become more powerful than God as a part of God, then God also becomes more powerful.
The waves of the ocean might consider themselves powerful during a storm, but they are merely part of the ocean. And can one say that the wave is more powerful than the ocean?
And what does it mean to be "cast out of Heaven"? Where could I be cast out if everything is God and everything around is the Heavens of God?
So, there was no expulsion and no sin of pride or your fall into sin?
Sin is unreasonableness or that which distances you from your divine nature.
When I separated from God by densifying my boundaries, I became a reflection of God.
What is pride? It is the separation of essence from God to such an extent that it forgets its divine nature.
But it’s commonly believed that pride is when a person considers themselves better, smarter, or more deserving than another person.
You must understand that everything that happens around you is your creation.
And you can only create yourself and within yourself. This means that everything you see around you is your creation of yourself, your reflection of yourself from the boundaries of others.
It’s hard to grasp this immediately.
The outlines of the objects you see (or sense, touch, or smell) are merely the response of your directed energy. When you focus your attention on something, you direct your energy there, and it, reflecting off the boundaries of other objects, returns to you as visual, tactile, or olfactory perception.
But it’s important to understand that all of this is your energy, but only reflected and refracted by the boundaries of another. This means that all around you are just reflections of yourself in the form of visual, olfactory, taste, and tactile images-reflections. And all of this is you and your creations.
So how can you consider any part of yourself, your reflected self, more or less worthy of you? Do you understand?
So, what is pride then?
Separation from God. You’ve attached a negative connotation to your concept of sin: it’s something bad and unworthy. It’s important to understand that it’s just unreasonable.
If you’ve lost your way, got lost, would you consider yourself sinful, or would you simply return to the starting point and begin the path anew, or ask someone nearby for directions?
My separation as a part of God created your separation as parts of God, created your densified boundaries within (outside of) God, and separated you from God. And as a result, you began to forget your divine nature and your connection with God and fall into the sins of non-correspondence to the Divine nature, separating from God even more; this was the fall into sin.
So, you, as the closest, in terms of boundaries, to God, His Separation, are the least separated from God and feel your connection with God more than other Separations? But why are you considered responsible for all the sins and misfortunes of humanity?
Because if a person doesn’t realize that everything around them is created by them, they will look for the cause of their troubles outside themselves. They seek it in other people. But deep within, there is knowledge of the beginning of the separation from God, and this knowledge transforms into various legends about the fall into sin and the rebellion of angels against God.
What is the Hierarchy of Dark Forces? If you became the beginning of all beings separated from God, what, in this system, is the Hierarchy of Dark Forces and the Hierarchy of Light Forces?
You often simplify everything into one. Hierarchy is simply a structure according to the degree of separation, separation from God. It’s like steps toward God or away from God: an infinite and multidimensional ladder of Life’s movement, where, infinitely high above, is God, and infinitely far below, there is also God.
But the movement upward is the removal of restrictions through breaking, overcoming the densified boundaries of oneself, and the movement downward is the creation of additional boundaries within oneself and further separation from God.
Look, you are growing, and your awareness is growing, and you begin to understand and realize that your boundaries are barriers you have created between yourself and God, and you strive to go beyond your boundaries, you strive to expand. And when you finally go beyond your boundaries, you understand that you have again gone outside yourself. Because beyond your boundary is also you, but before this moment of densification. And beyond the next boundary, there is also you, only you in a less dense form. And so it goes on infinitely, until you reach your original state. This is your movement, as a part of God, along the path of overcoming boundaries, along the path upward on the Ladder of the Universe.
But there are also those who do not want to climb the ladder, they choose to descend because the ladder is infinite in many directions.
What is the descent? It is the creation within oneself of other boundaries of oneself, even more densification of oneself and distancing oneself not outside, but within oneself. That is, it is the path of further, even deeper separation from God, separation from the original state.
Each of you infinitely ascends and descends the Ladder of the Universe. And then, your closeness to God is not represented by the curve of your path but by the shortest distance.
But all these explanations are far from reality because they describe a linear model, whereas reality itself is multidimensional.
Imagine: an infinite number of versions of you are traveling across countless Ladders of the Universe.
And the Hierarchy of Light Forces are entities that have either reached certain levels of closeness to God or have not created their separation and are not descending the Ladder.
And the Hierarchy of Darkness are those who have distanced themselves from God the most in their wandering along the Ladders of the Universe.
And Angels?
Angels are the qualities of God.
You possess certain qualities that define you as a being and as a person. For example, kindness. Or stubbornness. Or the pursuit of knowledge. Or disbelief. There are many qualities. But your qualities change very often. In the universe, in general, nothing is permanent, but there are some qualities of God that are consistently and steadily inherent in Him. These are Angels, as the embodiment of His qualities.
But you are also an Angel. So, what quality of God do you embody? What you call curiosity. And what place do you occupy on this Ladder of the Universe?
I am the beginning of the steps. The first step—both upward and downward.
But since there is no up or down, but rather a degree of separation from God, I am the beginning of separation from God, I am the first glimmer of God.
But does that mean that if a person returns to God, overcoming the boundaries of themselves, they will sooner or later come to you, as the first step of the Ladder of Separation?
Yes, you’ve understood correctly. That is exactly what happened to Jesus in the desert. He overcame the last—or rather, the first—step and reunited with God. He managed to overcome the illusion of separation and step into the infinity of himself.
So, it turns out you are not to blame for anything? What is guilt? The feeling that you have done something wrong, taken an incorrect action, so much so that you want to fix everything.
So—a feeling that I have taken an inexpedient action, since there is no right or wrong?
No, I didn’t take an inexpedient action, as it led to a new turn in the development of the universe.
But when everything started, I didn’t foresee to what extent the separation from God would reach and what it would lead to.
Isn’t the future known to you?
The future is multi-variant, and it is always in development.
When you plant a seed, you have a general idea of what kind of tree it will grow into. And the tree grows, putting down new roots and branches. But you cannot foresee the fate of every leaf. Some branches may wither or fail to develop, while others may grow excessively, reaching towards the Sun, and so on.
Tell me, is there love among the Dark ones, those who chose separation from God and descent down the Ladder of the Universe?
Love exists everywhere because it is the fundamental creative quality of God, the essence of His creative energy. But, descending down the Ladder of the Universe, this quality seems to weaken. It’s like a bright red color becoming dimmer, murkier, and paler. The further the degree of reflection and distortion, the less love there is as a creative energy.
But then how does the process of creation occur in the dark structures?
It is reversed, mirrored.
Creation above is expansion. Creation below is compression. Two mirror processes because compression is also expansion, but inward.
But more on that later, if you wish. There is still much for you to understand.

Part 4. Light and Darkness. The Illusions of God
Tell me, how did the division between light and dark occur? If each of us is merely a reflection of God, then why is there polarization and opposition?
The ocean is a very rich analogy. You are a drop in the ocean. And you, as a drop, make your own movements, that is, changes. The drop evaporates and rises into the sky. There it becomes part of a cloud, or a snowflake, or crystallizes back into a drop. But first, it becomes part of the cloud. The cloud is also part of the ocean. But the cloud is in the sky, and it contains many drops of the ocean. Then some of these drops, which have become part of the cloud, which is part of the ocean, turn into either snowflakes or back into drops and fall as snow or rain. But some snowflakes are scattered by the wind and carried far from the ocean. And there, uniting into streams, they always strive to return to the ocean, but their path is now long and winding.
And many times they will become clouds and pour down as precipitation, but sooner or later they will return to their source—the Ocean. And they will discover that the ocean is not just the sum of its drops, but something else, more complex. And it is possible to travel not only to the heavens as clouds but also within the ocean as currents. When they travel as drops, they seem freer, as it appears to them. And this path, of course, is more difficult. After all, the drop constantly needs to find its way home to the ocean. It is much easier to travel together with the currents in the ocean.
Rising up as vapor, a drop can become a snowflake. And by becoming a snowflake, it is more rigidly fixed in relation to the external environment. Indeed, you see the beautiful patterns of snowflakes. They are beautiful, but they are cold and seem different from the drop, although in essence they are the same. And you say they are different, not like you.
I think I understand your allegory. But still, what is Darkness?

And what is Light?
Light is the essence of God, that which He is made of.
Yes. Composed of. You do not see the movement of essence. God exists, and He is unknowable. Why? Because a part of God can only comprehend Him by ceasing to be a part. But by ceasing to be a part, it will stop the process of knowing, for there will be nothing to know. When it is God, it does not strive for knowledge, since it is already endowed with all the knowledge and qualities of God. But as soon as it separates as a part, it strives to realize itself as a part and understand its difference from God. But you can only understand your difference by understanding God Himself.
This is some kind of vicious circle.
A circle. You all try to comprehend God by going beyond your limits. By going beyond your limits, you come into contact with other parts of God and discover that they are also not God Himself, but parts of God. Other parts of God. Then you try either to unite with other parts of God or to fight with them, trying to prove that they are the wrong parts of God. And only a small part of you comes to the realization that to comprehend God, you do not need to go outside yourself, but you can comprehend God within yourself, since we are all parts of Him.
Yes, but if we are reflections of God, how can I comprehend God within myself if I am a reflection of His reflection and, as a reflection of reflections, distort His essence?

You can reflect back.

Reflect back? What does that mean?
Remember a sunbeam. You catch the sunlight with a mirror and reflect it onto a wall. Reflect it back onto the sun. Can you imagine the power of the reflected light? The principle of reflected light is the basis of all your most powerful lasers.
If you pass light through a magnifying lens, you can ignite what is nearby. Right now, you are like glass, letting the light pass through you and scattering it. But you can become a magnifying lens and ignite or burn something around you. Or you can become a mirror and reflect a new world from yourself. Do you understand?
Are you saying that everything happening in the world of humans and in the world of higher beings is just different ways of perceiving light? That is, some just scatter it, some use it to harm others, some reflect and build illusory worlds, and so on?
I am saying that you are stronger than God, but you do not realize it. What can Light alone do? It can just be, shine, reflect, and refract. But each prism can amplify or scatter this light and reflect it in its own way. It turns out that you control the Light, not the Light or Darkness controlling you, as you tend to believe.
The term "control" is perceived by us more as manipulation and carries a negative connotation.
Exactly. What is negative about the refraction of light? What is wrong or right about the colors of the rainbow? Which of them are dark and which are light?
But how did the division occur?
Some moved away from God, reflecting and condensing, while others strive to return through refinement and return along the ray. You often use this term. The Ray of Creation is a single ray, the direction of God's energy.
The division occurred in your minds.
So above us, in other dimensions, there is no division between light and dark?

Let's talk about illusions. What is an illusion?

Something that does not exist in reality.

And what is reality?

That which… really exists.
See, you’re confused. What you perceive, is it reality or illusion?
And what is an illusion?

This is a reflection. When you look in the mirror, you're certain that you are real, and what you see in the mirror is an illusion. But the mirror also reflects what is around you. So, is what surrounds you, and what is reflected in the mirror with you, an illusion? And what is reality?
You see and feel the world around you—is that reality? When you dream, is what you see in your dream reality or an illusion? Don’t rush to answer. Much will still need to be reconsidered.
Look. Once, people believed that the Earth was flat and stood on three whales. You won't believe it, but that’s how it was.
So, is reality what I believe in?How does reality differ from illusion? Illusion is a phantom, a hologram, a projection.
A projection of what? If it's a hologram, on what basis is it created? A phantom of what or whom?
So, are you saying that there is no single reality as such?
Correct. If you place an obstacle, say, a plate with slits shaped like trees, in the path of a light beam, you will see projections of trees. A magic lantern. But what if the plate has slits shaped like many other objects? And if this plate is multidimensional, you get the very hologram you speak of.
But who creates these plates? You do. It's your collective creation. By consciously or unconsciously joining the templates of collective creation.
Then one of you, the bravest, began to assert that the Earth is actually round. And after some time, the multidimensional plate of perception readjusts. If there had been telescopes in the times when you believed the Earth was flat and stood on three whales, you would have seen this flat Earth and the whales on which it stands.
So, everything we see, touch, hear, and perceive is only what we believe and know? And is that reality?
What you call "reality" does not exist. Everything is a reflection and refraction of Divine Light, a myriad of images from magic lanterns, and all of this is an illusion. And by comparing reality to illusion, you are simply comparing different illusions. But which illusion is more illusory? And what is the measure of illusoriness?
The degree of distance from the Original Light, the degree of reflection.
Yes, but you see, it's not all linear. And remember, reflection depends on the quality of the refracting lens. Suppose the light is reflected and distorted a million times. Naturally, each reflection adds its own degree of distortion. But then this reflected light hits a lens that is very powerful and very pure. And then, despite the light arriving at this lens in a very distorted form, the purity of the lens allows it, like under a microscope, to isolate these distortions, restore the light's original qualities, and amplify it many times. That's the power of the reflector.
You're talking about Jesus now.
About him and many others.
And then this purified and amplified light also begins to be reflected by other perceivers and travels through the universe. And although it is initially just the Light of God, it is already the altered Light of God. This is what is called Creation.
So, everything is an illusion, and there is no such thing as reality?
This is a matter of terminology. Because everything you reflect is real. But for you, at the moment, what is more real is what you believe in and thus reflect more consistently. But all of these are illusions, or your reflections of Divine Light, or your collective reflections of Divine Light. And in reality, only the Divine Light itself is real.
Let's look at it from another angle. How do you perceive the world around you? Through specific organs of vision. You see with your eyes. Light, refracted in objects outside, hits the lenses of your eyes and is reflected onto internal visual screens. It's all the same.
However, there are beings in your world who do not have eyes or do not see. How do they perceive the world? The same can be said about all other senses and perceptions. That is, the picture of reality perceived by you and, say, by a worm, is different, as you understand. So what, then, is reality? Moreover, there are beings who see and hear in ranges that are inaccessible to you. So which picture of the world is real? Do you understand?
But if everything is an illusion, and everything is a reflection, and any reflection is an illusion, then does that mean I am an illusion, and you are an illusion? Exactly. But whose illusion? It turns out to be God's illusion.
Ultimately, yes. But among God's illusions, there are also your illusions, and your human illusions.
And the illusions of archangels, and ascended masters, and your illusion?
Exactly. Then you understand that the division into light and dark is simply a kind of classifier of illusions, a classifier of the degree of distance from the Original Divine Light. But who created this classifier?
But not just humans, right?
You read in scientific works that the Earth is round, and you believe it. But is it really round?
What is it like, then?
This question doesn't have a single answer; rather, it has millions of answers. It is what you imagine it to be. After all, you don't see it with your own eyes from space, but someone did. And why did that someone, who first saw it through a telescope, see it as round? Because, according to scientific theories, its rotation and centrifugal force made it round. But what is centrifugal force? Which of your scientists can answer this question? Or what is gravity? And what if you didn’t know that such forces exist?And if no one knew?What would the Earth be like then? Do you understand?
But the Earth rotates around its axis and around the Sun, doesn't it?
How do you know this? You were told. And you believed it, just as billions of people did. And so, they adjusted their mechanisms of perception accordingly. But in reality, there is simply the wandering of the reflected Light of God, there is a dance of energies to which you attribute certain shapes and rules of interaction.
Now replace the word "perception" with the word "creation." Your perception is creation, the manifestation, the refraction of Divine Light.
All your scientific research is merely a reflection of truth, and your instruments, which record what these discoveries of thought confirm, only reflect the thought: "What if…?" And if you create the world around you unconsciously, you simply exist, and the light that enters you refracts according to your degree of distortion. But if you create consciously, you focus and direct these reflections.
Does this mean that everything that is conveyed to us through channels about the structure of the world, the universe, the history of our planet, the transition, is just someone’s vision-reflection?And, say, Archangel Michael and Sanat Kumara distort and convey untrue images and information?
What is truth? The degree of closeness to God. How can the degree of closeness to God be determined?Who determines it? The reflections themselves cannot, since they too are in some way distanced from the original God. But do you remember when I spoke of a very strong prism capable of cleansing the distortions introduced by other reflecting objects? Such lenses themselves become Creators and themselves become Gods. Do you understand?
If a reflecting lens is weak in its characteristics, it reflects not all the light, but the strongest. All the terms in which we converse are, of course, conditional, but try to understand. So, there is an original source of Divine Light, which you call the Absolute, or the Source. It gives the Impulse of Creation, that is, it directs the Ray of Creation outward from itself.
This Ray begins to reflect multiple times from the denser parts of Divine Light. And everything that is further created under the influence of this Ray of Creation is a multitude of its reflections and reflections of reflections.
But among the reflecting objects, there are reflectors-lenses of such quality that they can cleanse the degree of distortion of the original impulse and amplify it. And then, in the system of interaction of many reflections, appear those whom you call Gods, Archangels, Teachers. Their reflected light is stronger than ordinary reflections and is therefore perceived by a greater number of objects and reflected by them. This is how Worlds of Perception are created.

Part 5. The Laws of Creation. The True Boundaries of Self
Tell me, how did duality come into being?
Separation. It began with the separation of God from within God. A part of God separated itself as an island and stood opposite God so that He could perceive this part of Himself. But in becoming an island of God, this part began to delve into the center of itself. And the further it delved into its own center, the more it distanced itself from the True God, the more it forgot its connection to God, and the more it considered itself independent. This was the primary illusion of separation. A being living in the depths of the ocean, unaware that beyond the ocean's surface, there is the light of the Sun. And the deeper it dives into the ocean's abyss, the less pure light reaches it, and the more it seems to it that there is no Sun, only the ocean.
You said that the deeper the being delved into itself, the more it lost its connection to God. But we believe that by delving into ourselves, we find God there.
That’s a linear perception. When the Particle of God began to delve into itself and distance itself from the True God, it started to create and unfold entire worlds within itself since it originally possessed all the qualities of the Creator.
And these unfolded worlds within itself became its external world, while the facets of the Particle of God’s connection with God became its internal points of contact. Everything reflected oppositely. First inward, and then from within outward.
The creation of space consists of unfolding a point of potential. There is the Particle of God as an island of God. It strives into itself and unfolds its creations and spaces within itself. This is the very inversion you’ve been told about. By unfolding the created spaces within itself, the Particle of God unfolds Points of Potentials of Creation, and thus the inversion of space occurs from outside God into the Particle of God.
And the boundary of contact with God folds into the inner space. That is, what is created by the Particle of God becomes the External Cosmos, external in relation to God, because it is a part of God outside God. And the part of the Particle of God that touches God, the boundary with God, becomes the Inner Cosmos because it is the True God Himself.
Very confusing. What happened next?
Next, the Particle of God began to allocate islands of itself, which were opposite it, so that it could observe and perceive them. And so the second degree of separation arose. The first, as you remember, was the separation of the Particle of God outside of God so that He could observe it. The second is the separation of a part of the Particle of God outside of this Particle so that it could observe this part of itself. And so on to infinity.
But doesn’t that mean that God can only observe a part of the Particle of God through this Particle of God?
Exactly. And that is why God cannot directly influence a part of the Particle of God, but only through this Particle. And this is the Law of Free Will.
What kind of free will is that if God simply cannot influence this part?
Think about it. This is how the cause-and-effect relationship was born. That is, a part of the Particle of God became the effect, and the Particle of God was the cause of the emergence of this part.
And God could observe parts of Himself only through the prism of these parts, and this is the reflection and movement of Divine Light inward. Everything is similar.
You said that a part of God separated outside of God. Was this part you? Does that mean we are all parts of your Particle?
Yes, that’s correct. But alongside you, other parts of God also separated, and this was what is called the rebellion of the Angels. Did these parts of God also unfold their worlds within themselves?
Yes, the universe is diverse. They created other worlds and systems in their own image and likeness.
Do these worlds intersect?
Everything that has similarity intersects. If you are a millionth reflection of me, then what is your degree of similarity with the millionth reflection of another creator? Do you understand? He and I are particles of God, and in this, we are similar, but then we began to create worlds within ourselves in our own likeness. “In our own likeness” means from ourselves and within ourselves.
But creative impulses are different; just as one artist’s painting is unlike another’s, so the degree of similarity of our creations varies. You have realist artists who try to reflect what they see traditionally. But then cubists and impressionists appear, and other paintings and other creations emerge. This is the prism of reflection. How similar is Malevich’s square to the world around you?
But what exactly is free will?
In the ability to create. And in separation. The True God separated Parts of Himself and gave them the ability to also create parts of themselves, granting them the freedom to create. He also realized that if He were to interfere with the creations of His parts, the impulse of His interference would reach the point of intervention distorted, as it would pass through layers of distortion. And God understood that His interference would not be as He intended. Thus, the Law of Non-Intervention was born. These two laws are connected: the law of cause and effect and the law of free will.
Do we perceive this as some kind of gift, or is it merely a forced measure?
A gift is something that is given without expecting anything in return. Isn’t this a gift from God to you and all your parts?
Alright. But how did duality come into being? Light and dark, high and low, male and female?
Don’t rush. I am trying to explain this to you. There are still many conversations ahead.
Creation formed, and the laws of creation were also formed. And the Law of Likeness emerged. Nothing is like anything else because everything is a distortion. And everything is like everything else because it has a single Source and a single essence.
If everything is God, then everything is similar. But there are differences in similarity. And the Particles of God began to interact according to the degree of likeness. And thus, the Poles of Likeness began to arise.
Look. At the border with God, a Particle of God is similar to God, but the deeper it delves into its own center through its creations, the more this similarity is distorted. This is the first two poles of likeness, or the poles of duality: I and God.
The second pair of poles of duality: I and a part of me. And so on.
But the parts of me within me are also different. And their creations are different.
And what about the female and male? How did this distinction come about?
In the same way. Some parts of God adjusted their prisms of perception of God to a certain degree of refraction of His Light. And the degrees of creation were different: passive and active degrees of creation.
What does this mean?
I am searching for words within you. What is active creation? It is the creation of something whose degree of likeness to you is low, meaning something more distinct from you, more distorted. Accordingly, passive creation is the creation of something close and similar to you. And at the same time, this is a kind of Span of Creation. That is, you can create by diving into yourself and distancing yourself from yourself.
Don’t try to understand this linearly; learn to think multidimensionally. To prevent confusion, let’s define that the distinction of Yourself is the closeness to God, or that very border with God that is within you. The further you distance yourself from God in your creations, the more actively you create, the more you create by expanding yourself outward from within. The less you distance yourself from God, the more you immerse yourself in your creation, and the more passively you create. But all of this is conditional because it all happens within you, and in the active part of creation, you simply unfold, turn a part of yourself outward from within.
Those who read our conversations say that all of this is very complex.
Don’t think about others. Try to understand and remember for yourself. Those who wish to understand will comprehend and realize.
Look. The more you create, the more various creations appear within you. Some of them are active, and some of them are passive creations. And according to the Law of Likeness, they polarize, meaning the like attracts the like. And so, within you, two poles are formed: the pole of active creation and the pole of passive creation. Depending on which of your creations prevail within you, your affiliation with the male or female type of perception is determined.
You have a concept: unity as the struggle of opposites. Replace the word “struggle” with “interaction,” and you will get the correct reflection.
But why did opposition arise?
Masculine energy, being active, initiated this opposition. The active aspect represents a greater degree of separation from God; the further the separation, the stronger the illusion of being separate. Those parts of the particles of God that began to create actively and distanced themselves from God to a greater degree, thereby expanded themselves into external worlds. And the more they expanded outwardly, the further they distanced themselves from God, the more they considered themselves separate, and the more they perceived their external worlds as reality, eventually believing that the boundaries of their created external worlds were the true boundaries of themselves.
Then they decided that they were defined not by their inner boundaries with the True God, but by their external boundaries, the boundaries with the world external to them.
Look. Your physical body and the existing external reality perceived by you are your active creation. You begin to perceive your boundaries as the outline of your physical body and fight for your physical inviolability. But you do not realize that these boundaries are an illusion. Your true boundary is the one that separates you from God, and it is located within you. And if you turn your creation inward, you will begin to return to God within yourself, creating other magical worlds along the way. And this is passive creation.
But don’t we all actively create the external perceived worlds? Does that mean we are all men?
You are talking about the physical body. When every morning you wake up and create the world perceived by you within the part of yourself, you create actively, distancing yourself from the true boundaries of yourself, and you feel your separation from God. And many of you become so engrossed in this external creation of yourselves that you consider it the boundary of your true self. But when you return to God within yourself, to me, to Kuthumi, to all your parts within yourself, you interact with us through your true boundaries, through that which separates you from the True God. And then you create passively.
So, everything I see around me is my external creation of myself? And everything I feel within me is my internal creation of myself? But then, are you also my internal creation?
You could say that.
So, what yogis see when they travel through astral worlds is simply their internal creation? And it doesn’t actually exist?
We have already discussed what reality is. Reality is what you perceive. If you perceive a certain reality, it exists for you just as you perceive it. If you become a multidimensional being and begin to perceive several realities simultaneously or in succession, they all exist at the moment you perceive them.
If you perceive several realities simultaneously, they all exist simultaneously for you. What another person perceives also exists, but only when you perceive it. Therefore, there is no point in arguing about who is right. Each of you is right because everything you perceive does indeed exist. That reality exists because he creates it. Perception is creation. Do you understand?

Part 6. Heaven and Hell. Paths to Infinity
Tell me about the concepts we have about you. Heaven and hell—what are they?
A form of perception or creation of the World. What are heaven and hell in your understanding?
Hell is a place where the Souls of the dead end up if they have sinned. There, they receive punishment. And heaven is the opposite, where the Souls who lived righteously go.
We have already discussed what "sin" is—it's the irrational use of Divine energy. Irrational in the sense that it does not contribute to Movement and Change. Try to move away, at least for a while, from ethical constructs and think from the perspective of energetic processes.
So, if a person uses Divine Energy irrationally, what happens?
You are islands of Divine Energy. And to create a system of input and output valves, you have a chakra system. Each chakra regulates a kind of pressure in the energetic processes happening within your island of perception. But most of your energy simply circulates within you. It cannot disappear; it can only change its characteristics due to external or internal influence. If you spend it on transforming your reality, it continues to exist in the form of that reality.
Where did the concept of hell come from? From human ideas about it.
What is punishment?
Everything is a Reflection of Divine Light. And as a reflection, it cannot be right or wrong. It simply is.
Which color in the rainbow is correct, and which is not? Everything is countless Glints observed by God. And, as you’ve already realized, He has no preferences. Every newly created Glint is amazing in its diversity.
So why would God punish someone, and for what, if to Him everything is His Reflection? This means that all existing Reflections are equal or equally interesting and acceptable since they are He Himself.
Punishment does not exist. Or, more simply, it exists in your minds.
Look. A child does something that his parents don't like. And they tell him: this is bad. In turn, they were taught this by their parents, and so on. Gradually, a person forms the concept of "bad and good." In the same way, you formed the concept of hell and heaven.
So, you mean to say that neither hell nor heaven exists?
Everything exists that you believe in. If you believe that in hell devils fry sinners on a skillet, but you won't end up there because you behave well, then that's exactly how it is. And if you fear that you'll end up there for your sins, then so it will be.
So, there are many worlds and spaces created by the faith and thoughts of people, including heaven and hell?
More accurately: numerous variations of spaces that you call heaven and hell. And each person has their own.
Where does the Soul of a person go after the physical body dies?
To where it expects to go. Whoever is certain that they will simply dissolve in pure Light does exactly that. Whoever is certain that they will start traveling through numerous worlds does just that. Whoever is certain that they will go to heaven ends up there, according to their own ideas of heaven.
And where do the Souls of atheists go? Those who don't believe in heaven, hell, or God?
To the place they believe in. If a person believes that beyond the threshold of death there is nothingness, then they end up in that nothingness. Everything is the Prism of Reflection.
But aren't we taught that after death, the Soul is met by Teachers and Angels? And they review our completed lessons with us. Then we wait for a new incarnation to correct our mistakes.
You keep returning to the concepts of "right and wrong."
What is a mistake? What reflection of God can be called mistaken?
So, are Angels and Teachers wrong?
Everyone creates the world they believe in. Including Angels and Teachers. Everyone creates within themselves. Everything is similar. And each describes their own world to you.
And you? And I, as a part of you. And you, as a part of me. If a person's Soul after death ends up in the world they created with their beliefs, how long do they stay there?
You'd be surprised, but exactly as long as they choose. Until they decide they have had enough of that experience. For example, until they feel they have atoned for their sins in hell. Or they get bored in heaven. Or they want to return to the physical world again.
If we follow this concept, does it mean that the Soul can return to the physical world without being an infant? Why then do we come into the physical world in that way?
Why do you think it's only that way? There are many worlds of different densities, and many can be accessed just by the power of thought.
Why then did all the people on our planet come through birth?
Not all. But the majority did, because they chose this. They chose to go through all the stages: to be a child, an adolescent, an adult, and old.
They chose to be old?
Yes. Why does that surprise you? Some of you didn't choose old age but chose to leave this world in another way, through unnatural death, through illness or disaster, through murder or suicide, and so on.
Are you saying that suicides choose their death in advance?
You define the important points of your journey. Death, or transitioning to another density, is one of those points.
So, all suicides chose this type of death in advance? Not all, but most. Why? It's better to ask them. Everything is experience. But we have a belief that the Souls of suicides go to hell or some other terrible place after death.
If they fear going to hell, then they go there. All terrible worlds are created by you.
There are many works describing hell and heaven. Dante, Daniil Andreev, church representations… Are you saying that all of this is fantasy?
Yes. Or imposed perception. They are similar, after all. Let's say, Dante's descriptions are very similar to the church representations of the time when the Divine Comedy was written.
As for Daniil Andreev, it's a very interesting form of Light refraction. You see, the refraction of Divine Light happens constantly. And, after physical death, when the Soul is in subtle worlds, it also constantly refracts the Light and perceives these worlds through its prism of perception. Daniil Andreev simply remembered and described his posthumous experience of perception.
So, he created all those levels he describes himself?
Exactly. And anyone can reach these levels if they believe in them and choose to do so.
But if I choose an already created world, am I still creating?
Yes. Because the world you create will still differ from the one you chose. You are the Prism of Reflection. In this case, you create by reflecting already reflected and structured Light.
Then what is the expulsion from Paradise? And the Tree of Knowledge and the Tempting Serpent?
Let’s delve into the concept of knowledge. What can one come to know?What does it mean to "come to know"? It means "to know afterward," after something already exists. You may know that you are the Creator of realities. But to "come to know" this reality, you can only do so after its creation.
Knowledge is the process of perceiving the realities that you yourself have created.
But what is perception? It is a reflection. Therefore, the knowledge of a reality created by you is also your reflection. Every time you come to know something, you change that something, that is—you reflect it.
It’s like a mirror world of sorts. If that’s the case, then I understand why the Universe is infinite. If every Being reflects already created realities anew every moment and creates, imagines new ones, then there can be no boundaries.
Boundaries are an illusion. There is only one boundary—the part of you where you touch God.
Heaven and hell exist in your imagination. And you can expel yourself from it only by your own will.
According to the legend, before Adam and Eve gained certain knowledge by tasting the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge, they lived in paradise. But after tasting it, they realized they were naked, and God expelled them from paradise for their disobedience.
Of course, this is an allegory. Adam and Eve gained the right to choose. They learned that everything depends on their choice, and they chose to leave the place called paradise. But they forgot the way back. And now they are searching for the path of return.
Then who is the devil? Does he exist?
Everything that you believe in exists. People believed so strongly in the existence of the devil that he came into being. As a reflection of the Reflection of Divine Light in those who believe in him.
If I don’t believe in you, then you don’t exist?
Yes, in your reality, I will not exist, and I will not speak to you if you believe that I do not exist. You don’t believe in the existence of the devil, so in your reality, he doesn’t exist.
Where did such concepts as the Devil and Satan come from?
It’s difficult for a person to believe that the source of their troubles is themselves. And if you consider your centuries-old religious upbringing, for some of you, the devil is quite a real phenomenon.
There is nothing around you except God. And everything that exists in your life is a brilliantly created script for you, involving various actors and extras. They all appear in your life by your call and by your choice. The process of creation is so intricate that sometimes some of you manage to create phantasmagorical scenes. They create the image of the devil, worship him, and make sacrifices to him.
But there was a time when sacrifices were made to gods as well. You choose idols for yourselves on whom you place responsibility for your decisions and creations.
Why are you considered the source of all human misfortunes?
Because, to some extent, I am indeed the source of your misfortunes. Because I initiated the separation from God and showed you the way to create and be free in your choice of creation. And each of you has used this opportunity in your own way.
Do you think the experiment was successful?
There are no unsuccessful experiments. An experiment can only be unsuccessful if you expect a certain result, and it doesn’t happen. In this case, the result was unpredictable.
Do you like the result?
These are human concepts. How can someone prefer the color red over green? Do you like that there is sky, water, earth, and fire? That there is morning and evening, day and night? They simply exist. Do you like the reflections of trees in the water more than the trees themselves? This is a meaningless question.
But this experiment has brought so much evil—wars, violence, murder, and much more.
Evil is simply the choice of a path. Why don't you say that this experiment has brought a lot of good? Haven't there been beautiful moments in the history of humanity's development? The experiment is an opportunity for each part of God to create independently. Many of your creations are astonishing and beautiful.
Are you proud of your creations?
I do not make evaluations or distinctions. But I see the peaks of your transformations and your creative potentials. They are all within me, and I understand that the experiment has led to growth. It has given you freedom; it has opened pathways to Infinity.
Where are you now?
I am everywhere, for you and I are one whole. But now, I am unfolding my creations in other Universes.
Has the experiment ended?
No, it continues. It is infinite. But now you are coming out of your childhood, and I can step away, so to speak. I can direct the majority of my Creative Potentials towards new creations and new experiments. Just as your filmmakers begin working on a new project, so do I—a new project, a new experiment.
What will happen to us next?
Whatever you choose. And I fully trust your choice.
If creation is only possible through the power of Love, does that mean you created us and our world through the power of Love? Do you love people? More than they can imagine. But humanity as a whole does not feel positive emotions towards you. Everything is changing. Are you waiting for gratitude?
I am waiting for you to realize your power and become my equal partners in the creation of the world we have created together.

Part 7. Creators of Universes
Tell me about life and death.
Life is the existence of the Spirit in its various manifestations. And therefore, life is infinite, just as the Spirit is infinite.
What is the Spirit? Is it God? Is it the Absolute? What is God to you? It is the one who created everything and of whom I am a part.
I am the Absolute Source of Creation of the universe. It is incomprehensible to us as a separate entity, since we are all merely its parts and reflections. It is some energy, or light, or potential that has always been and always will be, and we are all modifications of this energy and light and the unfolding of this potential. This is what is called the Dao in your Eastern philosophies. This eternal source of everything remains in a static state until some movement arises within it, a change in the configuration of its essence and properties.
Where does this movement come from?
This movement arises as a result and response to some impulse that initiates the movement, development, and unfolding of potential.
Are you talking about the Big Bang, which initiated the expansion of the universe? Yes. But where does this impulse come from? Who does it originate from?
This is the mystery of the universe, inaccessible to our understanding. Since everything within us and around us is this single source, and nothing else exists, the impulse itself must be born from this source.
In any case, it exists, and this impulse is the beginning of all beginnings and the start of all creations and changes. It is the creation of some Absolute entity, of which we are a part.
In this sense, since it is the origin of the first spark of creation, it is the one who created everything and of whom we are all a part, and this is the original God.
As a result of this impulse, a part of it was separated from this source, and the first division occurred: God and the part of God that was separated. But for development to continue, this part of God needed something to interact with. At first, this part interacted with the original God. And this continued for a long time. But the part could not understand God, even though it was a part of Him. Just as a drop of the ocean cannot comprehend the ocean. And this part developed what you call loneliness – the desire to know something similar to itself. And then, possessing the qualities of God, this part created within itself two more parts in its image and likeness. So that it could know them as similar to itself, and they could know each other. Now these two parts could know something like themselves through the knowledge of what was outside themselves, and the original God through the knowledge within themselves, and this was a new experience of knowledge. And this continued for a long time.
And then these two parts created their parts, and everything repeated, and so on to infinity. This is how the process of creation and expansion of God through His parts began, and it continues to this day. And the expansion of the universe and the Big Bang are also part of this process of the development of the original God. But those first creators of their parts were also manifested and named by you as gods since they were also creators of the world for those they created, and they also created these worlds from themselves. And in this sense, for every creation, God (the one who created everything and of whom they are a part) was their creator.
And since this process is continuous, each of you is also a God for all the creations you create.
It sounds like cell division. Yes, everything is similar. But why is the process paired? Was the world initially dual?
No, duality is just a filter of perception. Just as you can only see within a certain spectrum, your perception occurs through the filters of duality. More precisely, your perceptual apparatus is set to sort all incoming impulses into two polar groups of perception. When these filters are removed, you will be able to perceive a wider spectrum of classifications of perceptions.
The creation process was initially paired because it was duplicated from the beginning to ensure the stability of the system. Just like in a computer. You change a file, but it already exists saved in its original form so that the previously created properties do not change unpredictably.
By whom and when will these filters of duality be removed? By you, when you choose to do so. I choose now.
No, choice is not quite your desire. It is a formed structure that begins to activate in space and change it according to your choice. Right now, you are not ready to perceive this. But gradually, various forms of existence of life are being introduced into your field of perception. For example, there are more forms of matter than just two. Previously, you did not know about the existence of such a form as ether, did not know what a vacuum was… You did not know about the existence of the microcosm, and so on.
Who is introducing them?
It happens in different ways. Periodically, in your world, some are born with a strong memory of creation, and others with expanded perception. It is they who grasp information about the structure of the world and try to comprehend it. As a result, your scientific discoveries are born, which change the perception of all humanity.
You said that each of us is also a God to all the creatures we create. Whom do we create? What kind of creatures?
Various ones. Someday, you will have to see and perceive everything that you have created and brought into being.
But I created unconsciously. Is that really creation? How could I have created anything if I didn't intend to, if I didn’t know I could create?
The knowledge of creation lies deep within your essence because it is the essence of God. And so are all the mechanisms of creation. We draw an analogy with a computer. You don’t think about how this text is typed and stored by the machine, do you? For you, it’s an unconscious process. You also don’t think about how the cells of your blood and other organs are created daily. That is also an unconscious process.
Are you saying that I create the cells of my blood too? Who do you think does it? My body, my organism…
Isn’t your body a separate mechanism of creation from you?
I don’t know. But there is a belief among us that our bodies are some kind of spacesuits for the Spirit, leather sacks containing God.
Your bodies are also you, the external part of yourselves, your boundaries with God. If the center of the form thinks it is above its boundaries, then it is mistaken, just as if the boundaries considered themselves more important than the center. If you start considering your bodies more important than your Spirit, you generate various developmental imbalances, and this results in many physical illnesses. But if you start considering your Spirit more important than your bodies, this also creates an imbalance and leads to spiritual diseases.
Wait. All the teachings of the world say that the Spirit is primary, and everything else is secondary.
There is no concept of "Spirit" and "everything else." Everything in the world is a reflection of the Divine Light through the impulses of the Spirit. Your skin and your body are also Divine Light, reflected into a dense state and endowed with Spirit. You perceive primacy and secondariness from the perspective of the time of creation when there was the original Spirit, which became matter. But if you understand that time does not exist and there is only the eternal here and now, then both Spirit and matter existed and were created simultaneously from the beginning.
Is my skin spiritualized?
Yes, and it is a part of you in every sense. As long as you consider parts of yourself to be something separate, mechanical parts of yourself, you will not come to your unity. Every cell of you is a degree of reflection of Divine Light, its densification, and endowed with awareness or Spirit. If you realize this and restore your connection with all parts of yourself, which you have long lost, you will not only be able to eliminate all diseases but also manage the development and growth of your organs and cells.
Can I control the growth of my cells?
Yes. And the most striking example is hair and nails. Their growth and renewal depend primarily not on the number of vitamins you take, but on your impulse. All your thoughts sort of drop into the piggy bank of certain formations-intentions. And if you think every morning or every evening that you lack calcium, your inner creation mechanisms respond literally; they just reflect your thought, and you truly lack calcium because the mechanism of its creation in your body halts in accordance with your thought-creation. Then you hear an advertisement about miraculous pills and decide: I have little calcium, I’d better take pills. You yourself stop and start all the mechanisms of creation in your body. The same happens with insulin and many other substances.
But how do they appear in my body? Don’t I get calcium from food?
That is the most acceptable way for you to obtain calcium right now. Your perception is tuned to it, and therefore, so is the creation mechanism. But any substance is just a combination of certain particles, which are in everything and everywhere. By learning to control the formation of these combinations, you can form any substances in your body, up to and including poisons and sleeping pills.
And drugs?
Sure, here is the translation:
Yes, you could say that. The process of perception occurs in all bodies. When your Spirit feels joy, a hormone of joy enters your physical body—your scientists have already discovered this, and you call it endorphin. But this substance has many varieties, just as there are different degrees of joy. When your spirit falls in love, the hormone of love enters the physical body, and so on. All bodies are interconnected, and every day you create for all bodies simultaneously. You create their parts, you create their lives, you create their interactions with the space around them and other forms, because space is also a form of the Spirit with which you interact.
But if everyone can learn to control the growth of their organs, what will happen then? Will everyone start changing them at their discretion, and where will that lead?
I will tell you something that might surprise you. When a child develops in a mother’s womb, who is responsible for how they turn out? Why do you sometimes give birth to those whom you call freaks?
It is believed that the Spirit or Nature creates, and the mechanism of this creation is unknown.
Whose Spirit creates? Do you think that the unified Divine Spirit personally creates every tiny particle and ensures that a person has two arms and two legs?
Then there is a sort of program that creates a human with two arms and two legs. Like a computer.
Yes, and you call it nature. For you, nature is the earth in all its manifestations and some essence that creates your physical bodies. But who initiates this program? Whose creative impulse is it?
Perhaps the parents?
What about the grandparents, what about other people who exist in the field of interaction with the future mother? What about the Spirit itself, which is incarnating? Does it not participate?
I don’t know. Are you saying that everyone who surrounds the mother and knows about the upcoming birth participates? Or that the future person creates themselves in the mother's womb?
The process of creation is collective, but the initial impulse comes from the very Spirit that is being incarnated. You yourself chose to be born in human form and as a woman. But it wasn't crucial for you, for example, that your hair be light or your eyes blue. But your relatives in this life were all convinced that you should resemble your father, just as he himself wanted. And so it happened.
But my parents passed on some diseases to me. Did they want that too? There is hereditary predisposition, isn’t there?
No, there are results of collective creation. They passed them on to you because they feared they would, and thus they participated in the formation of your physical body. There are many cases where a hereditary disease is not actually passed from parents to children, just as there are cases where a child is born completely unlike the parents.
They didn’t want the child to look like them?
They didn’t form a strong intention to get that, or the intention of the incarnating Spirit was stronger and more stable.
There are cases where a black child is born to a "white" family, and everyone explains this by genetics.
There is still much you don’t know about genes. A gene is an informational file in the computer of creation, a program. A black child is born in a white family if someone forms that creative impulse, if someone launches the creation program.
So, white parents wanted a black child, knowing how others would perceive this?
It means that the parents or someone in their environment feared this for some reason. Or the Spirit itself decided to incarnate in this form.
Why? To gain a certain experience. But it is established with us that a black father and a white woman always have a dark-skinned child, that the genes of the black race are somehow stronger.
How can one program be stronger than another? If they are entirely different? What does “stronger” mean?
Faster, More Viable
The speed of creating a human child is practically the same, you know that. This confirms that the same program is working, just in different parts of it. A black father and a white mother have a black child because that's the way it's considered normal.
But then, can't we say about all the facts of life and scientific discoveries: this is so because it's considered normal? Yes, that’s exactly right. Well, then, what other beings, besides our children, do we create?
Every one of your stable thought forms results in creation. If only you could see the wonderful beings that little children create! From house spirits to colorful clouds and little people.
Do children create house spirits?
Not only children. Everyone who believes that such beings exist.
But do they exist?
Everything you believe in exists. Do you believe in house spirits?
I believe there’s a common spirit or atmosphere in a house.
Whose spirit is that? When you enter an unfamiliar house, do you feel this atmosphere there?
Yes, often.
Those who live in a certain space saturate that space with their creations and leave, as it were, their energetic traces in it. The air you breathe out every second is also a part of your spirit, and it fills the space around you, turning it into your home, a place where you feel most comfortable and relaxed, where you are nourished by your own energy. The same goes for all your household members.
In other words, you create formations from yourself and your energy, which then begin to develop independently. And these formations are parts of you, created from yourself. This is the process of creation, which is the same for the Original God and all of His creations, a kind of universal creation program. But you modify this divine energy, which originally came to you as yourself, in whatever way you choose.
So, what do I create?
All your fantasies, fears, anxieties, desires, and perceptions imposed by external information sources—all of this exists as your creations.
Where do they exist?
They exist within you and outside of you. You can create your own space of perception, expanding yourself through yourself, and thereby expanding your world and the boundaries of your interaction with this world. Right now, you don’t have physical boundaries of contact, say, with other planets. Mostly, there are mental boundaries. When you expand your world and, therefore, your perception, you will be able to have energetic boundaries with the astral projections of planets. But by expanding your perception even further, you can interact with these planets using your physical body.
But my physical body can't survive without an atmosphere or withstand the gravity of certain planets.
How do you know that? And do you know everything about your physical body? Why is it that only a tiny part of your brain is involved in your current life activities? Because it contains the mechanisms of creation and perception of all that exists. You can unlock within yourself the knowledge and ability to understand any worlds and planets, in any forms, under any gravitational conditions. Moreover, you have mechanisms within you that can change any gravitational conditions.
Are you talking about the Merkaba?
The concepts you refer to as “merkaba” and “merkana” are essentially certain programs of spatial perception. You do not move into other spaces; instead, the spaces move towards you. You simply open up the possibility of perceiving them. All spaces intersect at certain points and lines. A shift in perception allows you to connect to these points and, from them, unfold the perception of that space, which is currently folded up for you within a launch button located in your brain.
It is commonly believed that perception through the mind is inferior to perception through the heart, less complete and more distorted.
These are merely different types of perception of Divine Light. You have all collectively introduced many mutually accepted distorting programs into your mind that you use. They are like decoders or language translation programs. You can choose to stop using these programs. One way to do this is to question everything, which means considering the possibility of multiple solutions and perceptions of various facts and situations that you find undeniable. Perception through the mind and through the heart are essentially different qualities of wave reception, different receivers of Divine Light. But some of you have heart receivers that are also quite distorted; they have forgotten what love and joy are, and for them, violence has become a way of life and a mode of perception. If you perceive the world only through the heart or only through the mind, you get an incomplete picture of perception. And beyond the mind and heart, you have many other varieties of perception.
We have debated a lot about free will. Does it exist or not? One position is that we choose everything in our lives ourselves. Another is that the choice was initially made by some higher deity for us, and our task is to accept and submit to this choice, assuming from the start that all of this is done for our benefit. What is benefit? The best path for our development.
But we have already discussed that there are no best or worst paths of development; there are simply different directions of movement and changes in your portion of the awareness of Divine Light. Is the path of water better than the path of air? The worst path could be conditionally recognized as the slowing of development, because stopping development entirely is impossible. But since time does not exist, the speed of development is not an essential quality or condition.
However, it is believed that there are common development plans for the Universe, and I exist only within their frameworks and cannot violate them, as that would disrupt the plan of the Universe. It’s like if my liver cell suddenly decided to become a lung cell or live its own separate life.
If a liver cell chooses to become a lung cell, it will become one. Why do you think you have less freedom of choice than a liver cell?
You said that I choose how my cells will develop.
I spoke about co-creation. You choose together. But right now, the process of your interaction, your joint choice, is not conscious for you; it’s automatic.
For me? Are you saying that for the liver cell it is conscious?
More than it is for you. Don’t your cells send you different signals, such as pain?
But if all my organs are working normally, I don’t hear the signals.
Exactly, you don’t hear them. But let’s return to the Universe. Who do you think determines its development plans?
But for God, everything is a new experience. How can you plan something new if its characteristics and new parameters are unknown? It’s like asking scientists to invent something new, without knowing what it should be.
Are you saying there are no plans for the Universe?
God has no plans. He simply exists, and we exist as parts of Him. And as His parts, He accepts any development plans for His parts, which is independent creation. Why would He allocate parts of Himself within Himself if they acted only according to His plan?
But the system of the Universe is quite stable and harmonious. If there is no common plan, how does it exist without falling apart?
Everything interacts and finds ways to interact because there is no other option. You cannot destroy life and the Universe itself. You cannot eliminate God within you, or destroy God altogether. You cannot stop the process of creation within you. Therefore, in this regard, you have no choice. God and forms of His perception will always exist, or at least as long as God has decided so. But in all other matters, it is you who chooses how and what to create, whether to create according to existing templates and creation programs or to create your own program and templates of creation. Right now, you are creating this text, which somewhat differs from the common templates of world perception, and in this way, you are creating your world and your boundaries of interaction with other forms of perceiving Divine Light.
Wait, but I can’t create everything and everyone. If I am a part of someone, can I choose something different from that of whom I am a part?
Let's imagine an infinite matryoshka doll, for the sake of simplicity. Suppose you are the smallest matryoshka, although infinity exists in all "directions." You can create within yourself and manifest another part inside of you, or you can interact with the matryoshka that is outside of you. You cannot interact with the largest matryoshka, at least not directly. You can interact with it indirectly through a certain number of other matryoshka forms, passing your creative impulses through them. In this way, your freedom lies within your internal creation, while outside of you, you create within the framework of interaction with the matryoshka that communicates with you.
If the smallest matryoshka is you, then all the others are forms of your perception of the world, the boundaries of your reality. But at a certain point, you realize that beyond the boundaries of you as the smallest matryoshka, there is a space of perception, and you are one with it. You begin to dissolve your form to interact with this space. Since you can only create within yourself (and this is a certain limitation of freedom of choice), you cannot create outside your own space. However, you can expand your boundaries, extend your internal space. You can start merging with the space external to you and unite with it in your creation.
At a certain stage of this merging, you realize that the space you are connecting with is also you, in the sense that your small matryoshka was created from it. Then you are free to choose: whether to remain a separate matryoshka or to dissolve your boundaries and merge into a larger matryoshka. Or to remain an independent matryoshka and expand yourself through your internal space and creations within you. And so, infinitely, in both directions. Because by disidentifying with your matryoshka, you find yourself once again as a matryoshka, only larger, and the process repeats.
Are you talking about the development of the human body?
I am talking about the process of the Spirit's descent and ascent. And matryoshkas are a very primitive representation, as the process is not only infinite but also multidimensional, that is, infinite-dimensional.
Does that mean I'm always acting within certain boundaries?
Yes, until you become the creator of those boundaries.
What does that mean?
It means that the true gift of love to each of its parts, given by the Original God, is that each of us can become an independent creator not only of the forms of our world but also of the laws of our world's development, building our own universe.
How is that possible? Is it when one uncovers all the matryoshkas and reunites with the Original God?
It is when one creates within oneself one's own universe and the laws of its existence. Each of you holds the potential to be a creator of universes.
But if that's the case, anyone can create who knows what!
Many do create. You just haven't encountered these worlds and universes yet, but echoes of their existence are present in your memory and in the information that comes to humanity.
Do you mean the hierarchy of Darkness?
That, too, although the hierarchy of Darkness is part of the world of some of you. I mean the multiple universes that exist. They are countless. Just as their creators are.

Part 8. Immortality. The Balance of Divine Energy
What is the difference between life and death?
A person dies, and the spirit leaves their physical body.
So, what is dead is that which has no Spirit.
And what is Spirit?
A Divine Impulse. So, does death mean the absence of the Divine Impulse?
The absence of the Divine Impulse is a push towards death. Death is the destruction of something, while life is creation and creation. Death occurs when creation ceases.
Are you saying that there is something in which creation does not exist?
There is no desire to create. Wait a minute. A person grows old and dies. They die of old age.
They die from a lack of desire to create. We've talked about this before. You are an experience of God's creation. You were created for the experience of God's creation. If you stop creating and experiencing, you will die.
The Spirit simply leaves the body. But why does it leave the body? What happens next?
The Divine Impulse, which you call Spirit, returns, merges with the One Impulse, and the accumulated experience is recorded in a structure you call the Soul.
So, we are all just records of Divine experience?
If you don't create.
And if we do create?
You are creators.
So, our whole choice is to create or not to create?
Yes, or in other words, to go through the diverse divine experience or to refuse to go through the experience.
But who then refuses if I don't actually exist and there is just some file recording the Divine experience?
What does the concept of "I am" mean to you?
It means I am aware of myself, I think, I perceive, I distinguish myself from others.
When you create, you manifest in God. Your creation is different from the creation of others, and this is the only way you differ from others because everything is God.
But, since I am just a file recording God's creation, and I only manifest when I create, that is, when I go through this experience, it means that this way God manifests through me. So, I am God, manifested through my perception to go through experience.
Yes, you understand. And each of you is a manifestation of God through your perception. And so you are God. And each of you is God. If you perceived only through sight, you could be called the eyes of God. But your perception is broader.
Then can we be called video cameras through which God observes life?
No. When a person watches footage taken by a video camera, they are not the camera itself; they can only watch but cannot influence what they see, except through their perception. They have their own apparatus of perception and simply perceive the video footage, but they cannot control what happens on the screen.
God does not have a separate perception from you. He perceives everything through you and only through you. God entered your body to perceive and experience Himself through other parts of Himself. And in this sense, you are God. Each of you is God.
Another way to put it, since infinity and multidimensionality are still not very clear to you, is that God can simultaneously perceive through billions of ways of perceiving Himself, through parts of Himself, while still being the One God. Imagine a lamp, a sphere, with light coming out of it through numerous openings. This is an approximate analogy, but then you will understand. Each beam of light, when it exits the lamp sphere, feels like a separate, independent beam and can choose what to illuminate. But all the light is God, and each beam of His is simply a way of illuminating the part of Himself that He has not yet known. And therefore, the neighboring beam of light visible to you is also you, because you are God, and he is God. But he illuminates differently.
So, there is no freedom of choice. What can a beam do? Only shine.
God, too, can only shine. He is the light. Think about how God cannot influence His parts in how they shine, what paths His light will take as it reflects, and how it will reflect off what it encounters. In this sense, God has even less choice than you do, or rather, you are His choice. He not only perceives through you but also makes choices through you.
When you, as parts of God, His beams, go through different paths, different experiences, information about your paths and your choices becomes a kind of filter in the lamp's opening. And then the light of God, passing through this filter, is colored in its own way, different from others. This is you, the prisms of God's perception. And it is only up to you how you will reflect God's light. So, who has more free will?
But we are told that there are guardian angels, or our higher aspects, who guide us and help us go through the best possible experience for us.
I have drawn you a picture of a linear process for simplicity of perception. But everything is multidimensional or fractal, as you say. Each outgoing beam of light becomes a similar lamp and also divides its perception into millions of other beams of light, which also gain experience and become unique lenses of perception for them.
For you, the closest light lamp in perception is your personal God, your Higher Aspect. In addition, in this unimaginable picture, all beams at all stages of their passage also interact with each other, since the process is non-linear. And all this is a beautiful interweaving of Divine Light passing through various lenses of perception.
I see. Let's get back to death. Through my physical body, God perceives a part of Himself. Why does my body die?
Your personal God, your Higher Aspect, perceives parts of itself through your physical body. Your Higher Aspect is also a beam of light from its personal God, its Higher Aspect, and so on, to infinity. Everything is similar. Your Higher Aspect is also a multidimensional "lamp" that emits light through a vast number of perception points.
So my Higher Aspect perceives through someone else's bodies as well?
Yes, but these are not exactly someone else's bodies; they are also you.
Let's sort this out. You’ve heard that you have seven bodies. Imagine a multi-layered light globe. Each layer of the light globe is made from different material, has a different color, and the holes for the Divine Light to pass through do not align. But deep inside the globe, behind seven "perforated" shells, lies the source of light. This light, entering through the openings of the innermost globe, passes into the space of the next globe, searching for exits and finding the openings in the second globe, continuing on its journey until it breaches the boundaries of the outermost globe—your physical body. And all these inner globes are also you. Each globe contains numerous holes for the light to pass through, and this too is you and your experience of perception.
Can you imagine that? Now try to imagine further that, as the light exits through each hole in each of your inner globes, it also creates a structure of seven spheres within which the light wanders, extending infinitely.
That sounds overwhelming. So, what am I?
You are a part of the Divine Light, refracted in a certain way, determined by all your parts. And in this sense, since all parts of yourself are separated and refract light differently, you cannot influence their choice or the quality of their refraction. But all of this is you. It’s your choice, just as the choices of parts of yourself. Similarly, the Original God's choice is the sum of the choices of its parts.
Then we will never reach the concept of death.
I'm trying to explain. Why can the Spirit leave the body? Why does the Divine Light stop emanating from the body, one part of the Divine lamp? And then the body disintegrates, decays, and now the exit of the Divine Light occurs through the next globe-body.
It leads to the conclusion: is it because, for some reason, this first globe-body stops refracting the Divine Light? Its openings get clogged or overgrown?
Yes, you've understood. This is why God stops receiving the experience of perception through this body.
Isn't it the other way around? God stops receiving the experience of perception through this body because it dies and disintegrates?
No, because then the question arises: why would God stop the continuation of His experience of perception through this body in such a way? If He has no preference in receiving experience, and all His manifestation is the receiving of the experience of perception?
This is your choice. At some stage of your experience, you decide that you no longer want to perceive through your physical body. Your "holes" for the Divine Light to pass through get clogged or overgrown simply because you choose it. You choose old age, frailty, death. You grow tired of existing in your body, and your perception stops being pure in the sense of immediacy and joy of perception. You lose the desire to create and grow.
But some of you cease this experience of perception because you choose to return or continue to perceive the world and the Divine Light through your other globes-bodies. And then the Light of God passes less and less directly through the physical body’s light globe. This globe-body begins to decay precisely because it does not transmit (or transmits to a lesser extent) the Divine Light through itself.
All diseases that arise in the physical body do so precisely because your globe-body does not transmit the Divine Light through itself. Become radiant lamps, and your body will live forever, for as long as you choose to let the Divine Light pass through it.
Wait, but if we fully accept the Divine Light in its pure form, won't our physical bodies be unable to withstand it? They say we can't see angels; their light is too dazzling for us and could burn us.
Yes, that’s exactly why you perceive God’s Light filtered through numerous filter-holes.
So, my death is only possible if I destroy all my light globes-bodies and return back to His center?
No, because then you will remain yourself, that is, some part of God, passed through all filters of perception.
Then what is death?
There is no death. Think about it. Even if all parts of God decided to stop gaining their experience, to stop creating, the experience they have already gained as parts of God, as God's eyes, wouldn't disappear, because nothing can vanish; everything can only transform.
And what will become of all of us, as parts of God, if all parts of God decide to stop gaining experience, to stop creating?

I don’t know. Do you?
No, after all, I am also a ray of God, one of the first.
So, if a person is full of plans and energy, wants to create and continue to gain experience through their physical body, do they not age or die?

Yes. But they must also be confident that they won't age or die. You yourself activate all the mechanisms of aging and wear in your physical body.
Can the wear and tear of the physical body be avoided?

Of course. All the programs are embedded in you. All cells can be renewed, and up to a certain point, they grow and renew themselves. But you are the ones who activate the mechanisms that either slow down or speed up this cell renewal process.
Should I command my body to constantly renew its cells?

You should do this every second, reaffirming your choice. But you allow many virus-programs of your consciousness, brought in by the general development of your society, to break and halt these programs. By listening to advertisements for medicines, stories about diseases and aging, you let information enter you. Any information is energy that begins to work within you.
But then, should one completely isolate oneself from society?

Yes. That is exactly what those among you who are immortal in your world do. They isolate themselves from society, from the matrix-like perception, or have very little contact with it.
Does that mean that as long as I live in society, I will still age and get sick?

No, not necessarily. You can choose not to perceive this information, to block its development within you. But this is more difficult because the virus is constantly mutating. Just like more powerful viruses are always found in your computers, no matter what software protection is in place.
Who creates these viruses?

Those who want to use them for their purposes, those who perceive the world this way, and this is their creation in that sense, their way of perceiving, their choice. You can choose not to accept this every day. That is why many of you have come to the understanding that external sources of information, such as television and news, should be isolated. This is how you can cleanse your perception of externally imposed programs.
So, is it impossible for an immortal person to live in the city?

How do you imagine that? They simply wouldn’t be allowed to. People would ask why they aren’t aging, they would impose their perception programs, and so on. Sooner or later, an informational virus will break through their confidence that they are not aging, and they will activate their own aging and death mechanisms.
Are there many immortals among us?

You are all immortal. There are quite a few who have chosen immortal existence in a physical body.
I have another question that troubles me. In the picture you’ve painted, everything is so beautiful, the rays of Divine Light travel through prisms of perception. But there are various teachings among us that say there are entities above or among us that literally feed on our awareness. For example, in the teachings of North American Indians, they are called flyers. In Christianity, they are referred to as demons, creatures, entities. What is this? Is Divine Light refracted in this way? Are we someone's food?

You also feed. Why do you eat?
To live, for my physical body to exist, to grow.

You grow and change because all the programs for your body’s development are embedded in you. Your nourishment is essentially the receipt of energy. This is one of the forms of receiving the Divine Impulse from outside. You can receive it from within to continue the processes in your body, to create your body. You can receive these impulses from outside. Receiving them is what you call consuming awareness.
When you eat an apple, you perceive the Light of God, refracted in that apple. You destroy the physical shell, the physical form of this apple, and in doing so, the Divine Impulse embedded in it is released, and you absorb it. This way, you restore a certain balance of Divine Energy that is embedded in you and expended on various processes of your vital activity.
But this is just one of the ways to restore Divine energy within yourself and replenish it. There are various forms of energy nourishment, and you have examples of people who live off prana. A person cannot avoid drinking because water carries information about the world into their body. This is also one way of perceiving, one way of learning about changes happening outside of themselves, through their bodies. But a person can replace physical food with another way of restoring Divine Energy.
Every created entity ultimately feeds on Divine Light, for without it, there is no life.
But what does the expenditure of Divine Energy mean? It doesn’t disappear anywhere. And if I create only within myself, then this energy remains within me.

Yes, but it becomes denser and less accessible for perception; it becomes separated from you. Thus, the amount of non-separated energy from you, or rather, the Divine energy enclosed within you, decreases.
So, do certain forms exist that feed on our energy? Without our knowledge and consent?
By opening the boundaries of your perception and not protecting yourself, you are consenting to this. In this sense, no one can do it without your knowledge.
I don't understand. I can't see them; I've just read about them. About the fact that if the flyers didn't consume our bubbles of awareness, we would have long since reached higher levels of development.
Everything that exists in the world interacts. You cannot change this fact. Even if you lock yourself in an impenetrable capsule, you will still be interacting with other parts of God. Interaction is the experience, perception, and creation. How you choose to interact with other parts of God is your choice, and that's where your freedom of choice lies. But other parts of you also choose their ways of interacting, perceiving, and creating. There are no limitations, no good or bad.
By interacting with any part of God outside yourself, you absorb part of His Divine Light, refract part of Him outward, and direct Him. In other words, speaking in your language, you give something of your own outside yourself and accept something foreign into yourself. This is the process of interaction.
The amount of Divine Light in the world does not decrease; it always exists. Moreover, it increases. God expands. Therefore, there is always enough Divine Light for everyone to live. But the balance of incoming and outgoing energy must be maintained in you as a form; otherwise, you might burst like a balloon if there is too much energy or flatten if there is too little.
But, since you are not isolated from the outside world, energy flows constantly circulate in and out of you. This is a constant and natural process. This is how all existence functions.
But there is something else. When you have excess energy that you are not ready for, and your balloon-body could burst, where can this excess go? Nothing disappears, and there is always someone who might need this excess energy. This is how many forms of God arose, which feed on the excess energy of those unable to consume it themselves. You call them flyers. In reality, there are many such beings, and they vary depending on the type of awareness energy they consume. Some feed on the energy of fear and anger. And there are those who feed on more subtle feelings.
But what you call demons is something else. These are parts of God that have chosen such a form of energy exchange, such a form of obtaining Divine experience, and such a prism of refracting Divine light.
Sounds like "forest rangers." But they feed on the awareness of all people.
Not all. Otherwise, how would those who saw them still manage to break free from this chain?
Does this mean that all people have excess energy of a certain quality that must be taken from them, or else their bodies will explode like balloons?
Yes, and unfortunately, this is not the best energy for you—anger, fear. Your society is simply saturated with them. And if part of it wasn't taken from you naturally, humanity would have perished sooner. I am not speaking in condemnation. It is your choice.
Wait a minute. So these entities were specially created by someone so that our accumulated energy would not cause us to explode? Who created them?
They were created by God, in the sense that all beings in the universe were created, all separate parts of God, and nothing more. You can observe food chains in your physical world. Who created these chains? God? The system of the universe, created by God, is self-creating, self-generating. But it all is God, and everything is created by God. The purpose of creating everything is to gain experience. You don’t think that God specifically created food chains to enjoy one part of Him eating another, do you? Why would He? It's one form of experience. But gaining His Divine Light is possible in many other ways that can provide Him with many different experiences of perception.
But why do we accumulate excess energy? You say that the energy of fear and hatred isn't bad; it's just energy. Where do the excesses come from?
Because you absorb more than you give, and it accumulates within you.
So if we give more energy of fear and hatred, we won’t be consumed?
Also, if you give more energy of love and tenderness. The choice is yours.
I think I’m starting to understand. The reason there are so many Angels of light and teachers and representatives of Light around us is simply that, as a community and in most of us, there is an abundance of excess energy of fear and hatred. And to maintain balance in development, we need to give more energy of love and joy.
Yes, you understand. For many millennia, what you call the Hierarchy of Darkness operated among you, and you chose this way of refracting the Divine Light, leading to some distortions in your development. Then special entities were created to consume some of your excess energy to maintain a certain balance in your development as a system. Since the balance between the energy you give and the one you absorb is disturbed in you.
Does this mean that the energy of hatred and fear is indestructible and necessary for balance? But we are told that when we raise our awareness, our vibrations, hatred, and fear will disappear. That at higher levels, there is no hatred or fear.
I know my words will provoke resistance in you. But you are being given this information to raise your level of light and thereby restore the balance of your system. Because you, as humanity, are literally on the verge of exploding. But the energy of hatred and fear is not a necessary property of existence. There is simply a balance between the energy received and given, directed and refracted. If you do not reflect energy, that is, do not give it back, you do not exist; your perception closes as an experience.
So, at higher levels, not only the energy of joy and light exists?
At all levels, everything exists that you create yourselves. Whatever you create as your highest level together with all your reflections, that is how it will appear before you.

Part 9. The Creation of Spheres of Awareness. Knowing God
Tell me, what does it mean that I create with my thought-forms? How does it happen? And where do these thought-forms go afterward?
Creation is the process of transforming God's energy. To use the word "energy" isn't entirely accurate either, since energy itself is a transformed part of God, one form of His existence, alongside matter. Creation is the process of transforming a certain substance of God into new forms of its existence. And there are countless, infinite forms of God's existence or the substance of God. Imagine: an infinite number of created forms of God's existence continuously create new forms of God's substance.

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