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The invitation is not for me/Приглашение не для меня
The invitation is not for me/Приглашение не для меня
The invitation is not for me/Приглашение не для меня
Лидия Антонова
An invitation can change your life dramatically, especially if you weren't expected. Treason and betrayal are always painful. But there may be someone who will not let you suffer, filling your life with love and passion.
English (US)
Уровень Intermediate
A little Dictionary for the novel:
gold digger – золотоискательница
editorial board – редакция
romantic message – романтическое послание
stuck in traffic – застрял в пробке
cover of Italian – обложка итальянского журнала…
Зеркального перевода на русский язык в тексте нет. Книга для самостоятельного чтения и перевода.

Лидия Антонова
The invitation is not for me/Приглашение не для меня

1 chapter

The powder compact desperately resisted and didn't want to open – either it was frozen, or my hands were simply shaking.
The ambiance was also not conducive to tranquility. In the restaurant, even the bathroom was luxurious, with golden fixtures and a chandelier that belonged in a ballroom, patterned marble, and all this splendor was reflected in a hundred mirrors!
Amidst the luxurious setting, I felt insecure. Perhaps all the women present are adorned in diamond and haute couture dresses, while I remain unformatted.
How much does it cost to dine at this place? You don't get invited to places like this for nothing. Has Alex finally made up his mind?!
An offer?!
But why spend so much money? We still have a wedding to play.
Defeating the unyielding powder compact, I pulled out my powder puff and powdered thoroughly, removing traces of slightly mascara, touching up my lips, and combing out the tangles in my hair hat.
I took the invitation with me too, it was nothing special – just the name of the restaurant, the time, and the signature "A". It was a very romantic message to me, though. I pulled it out of a bouquet of red roses.
After twirling in front of the mirror and making sure I was ready, I went out into the hall. Alex wasn't there for some reason. I had to ask the receptionist. Probably stuck in traffic. "It's okay, he'll be here now. I'll wait, just sit at the table, I won't even order anything. Except for a coffee," I decided.
“Are you Marina?” asked the girl who looked like she was about to appear on the cover of Italian VOGUE.
"Yes," I said, a little surprised.
"I'll walk you out."
I followed her to the far corner, which was enclosed by a small lattice screen. Only the place was already occupied. A man in a dark suit and gray turtleneck sat at the table.
"There must be some mistake," I muttered as I saw the receptionist
"There's no mistake. You didn't receive any flowers from me?" His voice was deep and velvety. But that was the last thing I was interested in at the moment.
“Are you saying you sent the flowers?” I snorted, intending to turn around and follow the
“I did. Please, sit down. Alex will be right with you. Literally from minute to minute.”
I froze. The news that my Alex was about to show up pleased me. But the tone of his voice was alert. Perhaps Alex had asked a friend to meet me, and he just didn't like me. Alex is a promising manager, and I'm just a simple teacher of Russian language and literature.
I sat down, put my bag on my knees, and smiled at him faintly. He looked at me like a mongrel puppy – cute and clumsy roly-poly toy, but not to my liking.
"What do you all see in him?" he asked lazily.
"I beg your pardon?
What do you want to order?" he asked, gesturing to the waiter.
"Coffee, black, no sugar," I said, not wanting to eat without my fiance.
"That's it?" The "friend" was surprised.
I nodded in concentration and looked out, hoping to see my lover.
“Sit tight. I didn't pick this table by accident. It's gonna be a surprise. It's gonna change your whole life”
He smirked and downed the "poison" with the amber liquid. I realized that there would be no continuation or explanations. Not knowing where to put my hands, I looked at my phone, made sure there were no messages or calls, and tucked it back into my bag. The coffee saved the day a little. Now I could drink it in small sips and pretend that it was a very interesting thing to do. The main thing was not to look at my neighbor.
”Oh! Here we go! “ He grinned and finished the contents of his glass in one gulp.
I perked up and wanted to get up, but he grabbed my arm roughly and sat me back down.I was speechless with amazement.
"You'd better watch it," he advised as if nothing had happened.
Alex didn't appear alone, a girl came along with him. The blonde threw back her hair and gave Alex a charming smile. My insides boiled, and I even prepared to say something sarcastic to them, but they suddenly passed by and sat down at another table.
I watched with growing indignation as Alex pushed back her chair, caught her hand, and kissed her wrist. Then they sat down, and their fingers intertwined. The epiphany came suddenly: I was witnessing cheating! I was invited here to witness treason! So it had been going on for a while. And I, the fool, was sitting, waiting, frying cutlets!
Suddenly I realized that I was looking at myself from the outside, and I wasn't moving or even blinking. "A," whose name I still didn't know, looked at me with increasing surprise. He had expected anything but a "frozen statue" reaction.
At the next table, however, the date went on as usual. The couple ordered, chatted vivaciously, and even kissed, leaning over the table.
I jumped up and flew over to them, snatching the cocktail from the blonde's hands and pouring it over Alex's head. My ex-boyfriend (my ex-boyfriend for a minute already!) was so surprised to see me that he didn't even flinch! He just looked at me with round eyes of surprise.
"What are you…? How…?" he muttered.
And then I realized: the restaurant was not for the middle class, not even for the slightly upper class. By dating her and living with me, he was risking nothing. We couldn't even cross paths by chance,only with the help of a staged meeting.
"Baby, who's that?" the blonde asked a little stiffly.
"Baby?!" I laughed.
"Really, explain to me who it is?"
“Just an acquaintance… “ he mumbled confusedly.
“Who "just an acquaintance"? Me or her?” I asked
“Let's talk calmly. You've got it all wrong.”
I laughed, the phrase clichеd and hackneyed. I was suddenly disgusted, wanting to cry, but I couldn't let him see my tears. It's okay, I'll be patient; they didn't train me at the school's councils for nothing!
As I rushed to the exit, I remembered my bag. I had to make a detour and come back.
“ And what, you won't even take the keys to the apartment? “ The "well-wisher" asked lazily.
The phrase shifted my thoughts again. I rushed back and grabbed Alex by the hem of his jacket.
“Give me the keys! This is my apartment! My grandmother gave it to me! “
“Young lady, what are you doing?! “ The blonde was outraged.
“I'm taking what's mine!” answered her and took out a bundle from the inner pocket of his jacket.
“Marina, what are you doing?! Calm down!”
“Ha!” I snorted and, unhooking the apartment keys from the rest of the bundle, threw it on the table. The glass they hit shattered and the plate burst.
“Get out of my apartment and live wherever you want!” I said the most terrifying phrase for a non-Moscow resident.
Turning around, she ran her gaze over to A. The man mimed a round of applause. He had gotten the gig he had hoped for and he was happy. Bastard! Flying up to him, I pulled a thousand rubles out of my bag and threw it on the table.
"It's for coffee," I informed him.
Now we can go out! Under the attentive gazes of the audience! I took my coat from the closet, found a corner and finally burst into tears! Tears were already running down my cheeks, but I managed to hold back the sobs.

I ran out of the restaurant, rounded the corner where the parking lot was, and dashed towards the lot. The car that backed up didn't hit me hard; I was more scared and hurt when I hit the asphalt. But that was the last straw! I burst into tears, hiding my face in my palms, sitting on the ground almost under the huge car.
“Are you crazy?!” The driver jumped out of the car.
“Get up! It's a good thing I slowed down in time.”
Hearing a very familiar voice, I looked up and was convinced that the world had decided to run into me today
“You?!” I sobbed and got up, only to fall back down again. A sharp pain shot through my leg.
“Shit!" he said and looked around. He bent down and picked me up in his arms.
"I guess I don't have to ask if you can walk.”
“Let go of me!" I demanded.
"I'd leave you here, but there are cameras," he said.
I was so stunned by his confession that I let him put me in the passenger seat. When he got behind the wheel, he started so quickly that I almost hit the dashboard.
“Did you decide to finish me off?” I asked.
“I decided to take you to the doctor. He's a friend of mine and will examine you. Appreciate my kindness.”
“Kindness?! You ruined my life!”
“Me?! I opened your eyes. You wanted to waste another six months on that man?”
“Why six months?” I was confused.
Usually they talk about a few years, but here is the exact timeframe!
"Alex" and Diana were getting married in six months. I don't think he would have left the apartment before then. You'd have ironed his wedding suit, too!” He laughed.
I swallowed the lump in my throat. He was right: he probably would be!
“No!" I muttered.
"Don't worry, there won't be a wedding now. Diana wouldn't survive a public scandal. When I left, she was already running toward the exit. She'll probably go back to London and continue her studies.”
He was so pleased with himself that he glowed like a light bulb. He's ruined my life and he's happy!
"You… " You…
I couldn't get anything else out of myself. Instead of words, I took action and hit him several times. The car swerved, the driver swore, and managed to straighten himself out.
“Do you want us to crash?” he asked angrily.

“Let me out!” I demanded, trying to fumble for the handle. Tears filled my eyes, and I couldn't see anything.
“I won't! You'll jump out into the road and get hit, and I'll be a murderer, albeit indirectly. I'm saving my karma.”
“What?!” I'm so shocked by his revelation. Even my tears dried.
"We're here," he said.
"Where to?" I didn't understand.
We stopped in an underground parking lot, and I didn't know which building it belonged to. Somehow I missed this moment!
When he got out of the car, he opened the door and helped me out. I immediately pushed his hand away and stood up on both feet, yelped, and almost fell. He grabbed me in time and threw me onto his shoulder.
“Let me go!” I demanded.
“I won't!” he retorted.
I tried to break free, kicking my legs and pounding him on the back with my fists. I was ignored in the most insolent and gesturing way.

“Take off your shoes!” He said, throwing me down on the couch.
He had a couch in the hallway! And the room itself wasn't much smaller than my bedroom! "A" went into the room and, talking to someone, came back out. With the words "hurry up," addressed to the person on the phone, he handed me a half-filled glass.
“Hera will be here now; true, he is a plastic surgeon, but I'm sure he'll be able to fix your leg. You drink, it's whiskey. Go on, chug it! It's good for calming the nerves.”
I basically agreed, I read that it helps, but I haven't tried it myself. I exhaled and drank all the contents, as advised, in one gulp. The whiskey collapsed into my stomach, and a warm wave traveled through my body. I felt dizzy. He kept saying something, but I couldn't make sense of it, as if I was in a cotton cocoon. I heard everything, but for some reason I couldn't react.
“Andrew, where are you injured?” came from the entrance.
"So that's his name," I thought distantly.
“Yes, here, sitting. Eyes in a bunch. Hey!”
He waved his hand in front of my nose. Somehow I didn't care. Another man appeared in front of me, and he looked into my eyes, looked at my hands, and turned to Andrew:
"What did you do to her?"
He held up a whiskey glass. The doctor rolled his eyes and sighed.

"You better be careful. I don't want alcohol intoxication, with her chicken weight. I don't recognize you, first you hit a girl with your car, and then poison her.”
I agreed with him, but I couldn't answer. An attempted nod resulted in me falling on my side.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!" exclaimed the doctor, catching me. "Let's take her to the room."
Andrew unbuttoned my coat and, while his friend held me, took it off. Then he threw off my boots and picked me up in his arms and carried me somewhere. I couldn't fight his self-rule; all my strength was thrown into keeping awake.
I was consciously aware that my injured leg was being felt.
“Here needed bandages and ointment, and also take off stockings. I'll get what you need.”
The offer of one of the men to take something off made me come to my senses a little. I tried to crawl away from him, but it didn't work: his hand slowly crept upward, tugging at the hem. I gathered my will into a fist and pushed him away.
" That's what we're reacting to! " Andrew snorted. " I've never been able to take off stockings…
When I woke up, for the first time I couldn't figure out what had woken me up, or rather, which of my feelings was the primary one. My leg hurt, and the best thing to do would have been to take a painkiller. I was also thirsty and needed to use the bathroom. As I stood up, I realized something was wrong. There should have been a wall next to the couch, leading to the door even in the dark. And why hadn't I turned on the nightlight?
Limping, I walked across the room and tripped over to the curtains. It turned out that their thickness plunged the room into complete darkness. Outside the window was not an ordinary courtyard at all, but all of Moscow in the palm of my hand! I instantly realized that all the horror was not a dream, but a reality!
Forgetting all my desires, I headed towards the exit. I wondered where I had lost my bag. There should have been a cell phone in it. Maybe Alex called. I didn't want to talk to him, but it would be nice to look at the "missed" one: after all, it's not easy to fall out of love with a person and forget him.
Andrew met me immediately as I left the room. He was wearing casual pants and a T-shirt and looked great. But can only imagine how I looked!
“Can I use the restroom?” I asked cautiously.
"And calmed down at the same time. Sure, come on in."
"Where's my bag?" I ventured to ask.

Andrew looked around in confusion, obviously trying to remember if he'd seen it. I exhaled dolefully and went into the bathroom. Today isn't my day: I lost my boyfriend, lost my bag, and in it, by the way, my documents! I can envision the challenge now! I'll have to run to the police, pay a fine, sign up at the MFC and manage to get there. And also SNILS, policy, travel card, cards! The telephone is gone too! And to top it all off, I looked like an avant-garde painting! Mascara managed to smudge, and in some places even mixed with lipstick.
I washed my face, took off the other stocking and threw it in the trash. The best thing for me to do now was to go home. But how? The money's in my bag, but it's nowhere to be found. There was some change in my coat pocket, though. It should be enough for the subway. If only it worked! I need to ask the landlord the address of his apartment and how far it is from the subway. Having made up my mind, I went to look for him. Or rather, to the sounds.
I found Andrew in the kitchen. Listening to a muffled jazz tune, he was cutting something.
"What time is it?" I asked him.
"Two in the morning," he answered, pointing behind me.
I turned around and saw the clock on the wall. I sat down on a high chair, right in front of Andrew.
"You're prettier without makeup," he said.
"Yeah, I saw myself in the mirror before I washed my face."
“I saw you before the smeared makeup. Sorry, but I couldn't find your bag.”
Compliment, though! That's very supportive!
“I want to go home. I just don't know the address.”
I was going to say I'd call a cab, but then I remembered my phone. Although there's some change in my coat pocket, it should be enough for the subway.
"Stay until morning, I'll drive you myself."
"I can't now, I've had a few drinks and I can't drive."
"Can I stay until morning?" I sneered.
"You can stay until the next night," I was graciously allowed.
I hummed, showing my attitude towards what was happening.
Diana broke off the engagement. Her father is my father's partner. I was asked to rid the girl of an alfonso…" At this point I burst out, clenching my fists in anger, and he continued, ignoring my indignation: "Before that, Alex was courting the chief accountant. She is a prominent woman, but more than ten years older than him.
"I'm glad you're happy with what happened," I said.
"Don't be angry, just think how fortunate everything turned out for you. Eat."

Andrew put a plate of meat, cheese, and vegetables in front of me and added a glass of wine to it. I looked at him suspiciously: what else he had mixed in....
“Drink calmly. With whiskey, it really turned out stupid. Hera told me that you already have nervous stress, and here you have a whiskey. Now you’ve slept, calmed down a little, but it’s still better to eat first.”
Almost without taste, I ate a couple of slices of meat and a tomato. It was strange: Andrew and I were seeing each other for the first time, and he didn't mind me staying the night.
"I'd better sleep a little longer," I decided.
I didn't really want to sleep, but my leg was aching. I decided it would be better if I lay down and distracted myself, hoping to find a book or magazine in the room. Judging by the bandage, I had a sprain, but it would take a couple of days.
"I'll help," Andrew decided. – "Don't argue. If you don't feel sorry for yourself today, tomorrow you won't be able to walk at all."
He was right, and I let myself be picked up in his arms. The room was also dark. I didn't know where to turn on the light, and Andrew just hadn't seen fit to do so. Darkness, a bedroom, and a man – the combination made me a little uncomfortable, and I hastily tried to move away from him, leaning on my sore leg. I staggered; Andrew picked me up and pulled me against him. His breath traveled down my neck, and my legs weakened for another reason.
The lock on my dress moved, and a trail of light kisses traveled down my back. The dress fell to my feet, followed by my bra. Principles and moral attitudes also scattered to the corners of my consciousness and lurked so that I couldn't find them. The world shook, changing our position in space. The weight of a man's body added to the kisses. He pulled me under his thighs and pulled me to him, pressing me against his groin.
Consciousness made one last attempt to stop it. To order the barely familiar man to stop. But the first push put an end to extraneous thoughts. His hands, his lips seemed to have time everywhere, the movements becoming sharper, faster, more passionate. All that was left to do was claw at the sheet, scream, and then try to breathe.
Reality ceased to be clear, lost color, feeling, and contours, and even blacked out for a while.
While I was trying to catch my breath, get my thoughts in order, and not burn with shame, Andrew kissed my shoulder, got up, and walked out. Wrapping myself in the blanket, I jumped up. For some reason, I couldn't find any of my things, not even my dress. I couldn't run out of the apartment in a blanket!
"A shower will do us good," Andrew informed me.

I shuddered and tried to hold onto the blanket that was crawling away. Andrew was slowly but surely getting rid of it. It was too late to say anything about shame, and even more so to educate him about the fact that we didn't know each other very well.
"What shower? I have a bandage," I mumbled
From the context, I realized that Andrew was planning to shower together. I was right. Scooping me up in his arms, he carried me into the bathroom and sat me down on the pouf, then, unwrapping the bandage, imprinted a few kisses on my knees.
"Looks like this isn't going to be just a shower," I realized.
"What are you doing?
It was the stupidest question I could think of, but I asked it anyway. I wanted some way to show that I wasn't a willful puppet. But the result wasn't very good.
“What am I doing? Oh, what I'm doing today, and what I'll be doing tomorrow...."
That sounded promising. I was confused. He pulled me to him and kissed me. The thought, "What am I doing?!" flashed at the edge of my consciousness, but I quickly pushed it away. Myself. Could I ever lose my head for once in my life? Finally putting all doubts aside, I responded to the kiss. Andrew pulled me off the floor and stepped under the jets of water. I shrieked in surprise and instinctively wrapped my legs around his hips.
“Good girl," he murmured.
I snorted and kissed him myself, wrapping my arms around his neck. The water was warm, but it felt icy against his skin.
"We were going to take a shower, weren't we?" I asked.
I wriggled out of his arms and grabbed a washcloth and shower gel. I needed to cool down a little. Every time he touched my skin, it seemed to burn. Andrew took the washcloth, ran it over my back and chest, and thinking the washing was over, threw it on the floor. He picked me up and pushed my back against the wall.
"We're going to fall here," I whispered.
Andrew grinned and pushed forward. I exhaled and arched my back in surprise, clutching at his shoulders. The world split into before and after. Finally, lost, I bit his shoulder. Andrew growled, and his movements became stronger and sharper. I dug even harder into the skin on his back, leaving deep nail marks. Andrew exhaled and bit my earlobe.
We didn't fall to the floor after all. Andrew slowly sank to his knees, letting me go.
" Well, now we're washed! " I said.

Andrew laughed and pecked me on the temple. I moved sluggishly, my strength gone. I hope he's taking me to bed.

2 Chapter

It was a great escape. I had never felt more ashamed than I did that morning. I struggled to free myself from Andrew's embrace, gathered my clothes, and, dressing on the fly, jumped out of the apartment. Now I didn't even understand what came over me! Probably, my resentment toward my lover, alcohol, and the remnants of pride played their part. Nothing raises self-esteem as much as the opportunity to feel desirable!
Providence decided to take pity on me: I had change from the grocery store in my coat pocket, and I managed to catch a cab almost immediately. My leg didn't go away, only swelled more. Not all of my underwear had been collected, some of it had been left in enemy territory, and my stockings had disappeared even earlier, so I felt as if I'd jumped out into the street without clothes.
The driver was looking at me in the rearview mirror, and I thought he had figured it all out. For a teacher, publicity is the worst. For some reason, teachers are supposed to keep their reputations like a virgin in the Middle Ages.
It was good that I had put my keys, which I had taken from Alex while running away from the restaurant, in my coat pocket. I hadn't thought about losing mine. I flew to the third floor, made sure that Alex wasn't waiting for me in the entrance, and entered the apartment.
The first thing I did was go to the bathroom, wash my face, and scrutinize the scattering of hickies on my neck. I'd have to hide them with a scarf, I couldn't blame it on the curling iron. And, having changed into a cozy sport suit, I went to the kitchen to drink coffee. It would also be nice to go to the drugstore or even ask my neighbor to do it.
No sooner had I settled down at the table, putting my injured leg on a neighboring stool, than the doorbell rang. Sighing, I hurried down the hallway, feeling a sense of unease. And it was justified! In the stairwell stood Alex, disheveled. He held his jacket in his hands.
The unfortunate thing is that if you pay attention, you can see a shadow on the other side of the peephole. Of course, Alex noticed me and angrily kicked the door.
“Marina, open up, we need to talk.”
“We?!” I was theatrically surprised. “It seems to me that we have nothing to discuss.”
"Marina! Open up!"
"I won't!" I responded.
The fact that he had come to reconcile was nice, and somewhere in the back of my mind, I really didn't want him to leave. But at the same time, I knew it was the end of the relationship. It would be better if I put an end to it myself.
“But where would I go? What did I do?!”
I even looked through the peephole to make sure my senses were right: he really didn't understand what he'd done. Apparently, it's normal for him to have relationships with more than one woman at a time.
“Fuck you…!!!!” – I shouted.
“Who needs you, you gray mouse?! You should be thanking me for everything!”

I couldn't believe my ears! I never thought I'd hear Alex say that. I thought we were going to part quietly… well, as quietly as possible. He'd find out I wasn't going to forgive him, take his things and leave.
“Well, then I won't take up your time. Go to the one you appreciate.”
Not listening to his scolding, I headed back to the kitchen, and on the way I turned on the TV and turned up the music channel. It partially blocked out the screaming from the stairwell, and at the same time showed that I wasn't listening to my ex-housemate's cries.
Trying to abstract myself from the situation, I decided to think about something else. My memory immediately brought up some particularly vivid scenes from last night. I had to give a natural shake of my head to stop thinking about it. It would be better for me to forget the adventure.
Turning off the TV, I sat down on the couch and cried. I'd been wanting to since last night. They say that tears release all negative energy, so the best remedy for a broken heart is tears. But I don't know why my thoughts were occupied not by Alex, but by Andrew. I couldn't fall in love on the spot, could I?! Or could I? Why did I run away?
No, I did the right thing. Why would he want me? Is he just having fun? Taking advantage? What?
Completely confused, I covered myself with a blanket. I have to go to the clinic tomorrow and get a note. I just can't do six classes. I can't stand.
I ignored the next ringing of the doorbell. It was probably Alex coming back. He's going to apologize for his behavior. I don't want to hear it. It's disgusting.
“Marina, I brought your bag.”
When I heard his voice, I was at the door in a second. When I opened it, I made sure that I hadn't imagined his voice. Andrew suddenly smiled and demonstrated the "loss". My smile was a little unsure. Just a minute ago I thought I would never see him, and here he was, handsome, in a long open coat, beige turtleneck, and unshaven.
"I'll come in," he didn't ask, just warned me of his actions.
I didn't even have time to sidle up. Wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me against him, he stepped inside.
“It was the first time I'd ever seen a girl run away from me.”
Here I didn't know whether to be proud or angry at the mention of past passions. Andrew let go of me and threw off his coat. I was a little surprised: he was going to stay!
"Why are you looking at me like that?" Andrew asked.
"You came."
"Of course, I couldn't leave a girl I liked," I echoed.
"Liked her," I echoed. "When did you like me?"
"Right away, when you showed your character," he said.
He hovered over me, smiling playfully with the corners of his lips. I had no choice but to retreat down the long hallway to the kitchen. The table was the end of my retreat.
“Andrew," I exhaled as I found myself sitting on the table.
“What?" he asked, pulling my sweater off.
“Don't," I tried to stop him before my mind left me, drowning in desire.
“You didn't say that yesterday.”
I was flustered, even angry. Yesterday I didn't remember myself, but today I have to pull myself together and not let my life be ruined.
Andrew ran his finger along the scattered hickeys on my neck and immediately felt a new one. I tried to push him away, but I think I just turned him on. Andrew started to shower me with kisses. I groaned and pulled off his turtleneck. That was the signal that I was giving in to his pressure. A moment later, my belly on the table, I stood on my tiptoes and bucked harder. He took his time, covering my back with kisses, driving me to a frenzy.
“Hurry up!” – I couldn't stand it anymore.
The sugar bowl and napkin holder flew off the table with the first thrust, decorating the floor. With something between a moan and a growl, I clung to the tabletop even tighter.
“Cat," Andrew whispered, biting my ear.
“Don't you dare stop!” – I ordered.
Slow movements only fueled the fire; I needed a hurricane to put it out. Andrew took his time, preferring to build up the pace; I lost my sense of space and couldn't control myself. The world was reduced to one man, his pace, his hands and lips.
"What's going on here?" Alex's voice broke into my almost perfect world.
I jumped up and hid behind Andrew, who turned toward the audience. For some reason, Alex didn't look startled, more like angry. Clenching his fists, he stepped toward us.
"You took the keys from him," Andrew clarified in slight bewilderment.
"Yes," I confirmed. Looking closely, I saw a blue keychain and understood everything: he took it from the neighbor.
"Come on, the keys," Andrew demanded, stretching out his hand.
"Mr.Rebrov?" Alex was surprised.
The former even somehow retreated, not believing his eyes. Taking advantage of the fact that the attention of the "guest" had switched to Andrew, I quickly pulled up my pants and put on a sweater. My cheeks were burning. Alex and I had broken up, of course, but the fact that he caught me in that state was unpleasant.
"Why did you come here?" I asked indignantly, burning with shame.
“I came to talk, but I can see that you're no longer impressed by spiritual food.”
I laughed. He came to talk! He's got nowhere else to go! I suppose he was hoping to convince me that I'd misunderstood, as if what had happened in the restaurant could be understood in any other way!
It's over between us! – I reminded him of the obvious.
"Yes, I can see that," Alex grinned.
"Good, if you can see it! Give me the keys and get out! " Andrew held out his hand again. " “I'll fire you.’
The threat had an effect: Alex threw the keys on the floor and rushed to the exit. All I had to do was blink.
“Fire me? “I specified.
“Yes, in any case. I won't tolerate my girlfriend's ex-boyfriend around. “
“Why are you even dressed up? Although… Come here....”
At the last moment, I twisted out of his arms and bounced away. For some reason, I had the feeling that Andrew knew that Alex was coming: he appeared just in time to interfere with our reconciliation.
"What is it?" Andrew asked.
"Go away," I demanded, putting my hand out in front of me to stop him from coming near me.
Andrew didn't seem to believe what he was hearing. He stepped even closer, and I took another step back. But there was nowhere else to retreat: there was a windowsill behind me, and I leaned against it.

"Go away at once!" I commanded.
I needed to think. I had to think about what had happened. Right now, the men around me were just getting in the way. I felt like I was being used and brainwashed, so I wouldn't understand.
"Are you sure?" he said.
I jumped out of my seat and pushed him out the door. It was only after I had locked the door that I could finally cry, sinking to the floor in the hallway.


If you think the worst thing in your life has already happened, you have to wait a little longer to see how wrong you are. As I wiped tears from my cheeks, sitting on the floor in the hallway, thinking about how betrayal was the worst thing in my life. Just yesterday I had a family and a loved one, and today I'm alone in an empty apartment.
Realizing that I am terribly afraid of loneliness, a titanic effort decided not to forgive. I'd rather immerse myself in work – there's always something to do at school. I'll take another class, start leading a club, and forget Alex.
I started to pack his things so that I wouldn't change my mind. I brought garbage bags from the kitchen (I couldn't give him his brand-new suitcase!) and began to empty his closet. Somewhere I read that this is a necessary stage in the breakup, they say, then it will be easier. Well, it's all lies!
I was ready to get hysterical over every shirt. There were memories associated with all of them. If memory could be formatted like a hard drive, I would have done it.
I couldn't even get half of it done, and I fell asleep in the middle of the mess.
In the morning, I felt even worse than yesterday. My leg hurt even worse, my face was swollen, and my eyes were puffy. I couldn't go to work tomorrow in such a state; I'd better tell them I was sick and take a few days off. I didn't want to sit alone in the apartment, but it was better that way than to catch the interested looks of my colleagues and listen to their whispers. At the same time, I remembered my phone, which I hadn't even seen yesterday. It was left in the bag brought by Andrew, and I had completely forgotten about it. It took a decent amount of time to find the phone. The apartment was a mess.
After rewarding myself with another sandwich, I checked the contents of the bag. Nothing seemed to be missing, but it felt like it had been rummaged through. Probably Andrew was looking for my ID to get my address. But my phone surprised me: it had zero battery life. I realized the reason as soon as I turned it on: I had never had so many calls in one day. Everyone called: friends, colleagues, acquaintances. The messages in messengers were no less mysterious: "Wow!", "What happened?", "Well, you're crazy, friend!", and the "icing on the cake" was a message from the principal about the call to the pedagogical council, the reason for which should be my unworthy behavior.
Understanding absolutely nothing, I clicked on the first link sent to me and realized that I would be fired. Although I have a chance to go to the bottom of the Moscow River simply out of shame! Turns out there was a newly minted paparazzi in that ill-fated restaurant, so the entire performance I put on was filmed and posted on TikTok! The comments were horrendous and the highlights were plastered on memes!
Obviously, the video with the title "A woman caught a man cheating and made a scandal in a restaurant" was instantly recommended and spread all over the Internet!
Choking back another batch of tears, the only person I responded to was the assistant principal. After informing her that I had twisted my leg and couldn't walk, I disconnected the phone again. I just didn't have the energy to get mocked or be sympathetic to what had happened.

3 Chapter

Two days flew by. I didn't leave the apartment once during that time, partly because of my leg. The swelling was slow to go down, despite all the anti-inflammatory ointments. But I suddenly had a lot of time to finish watching a TV series I had started long ago. I somehow managed to forget that in the absence of a man and work, you don't have to cook every night, one eye looking into the pot, the other – in a notebook. There was no one to litter either. Having collected all of Alex's belongings, I brought them over to my neighbor's place. We had agreed that if Alex showed up, my neighbor would hand them over to him.
He couldn't resist knocking on my neighbor's door to inquire about my whereabouts.
In any case, someone rang the doorbell, but I decided to ignore it by putting on my headphones, pumping up some music, and not going to see who it could be.
By the middle of the week, I was able to move my legs fairly well, if I remembered to keep my bandage on, and after some deliberation, I decided to crawl out to the store. You can't hide from the world for the rest of your life. I need to buy at least the essentials: bread, milk, and chocolate bars!
Quickly dressed, I looked at myself in the mirror and remembered Alex's words about "gray mouse". What can I say? Here she is, in person! Angry, I changed my jeans and sweatshirt for a jumpsuit of skinny pants and a hoodie. Changed my ponytail into a messy bun and even put on a little makeup. I had to wear a long down coat (I forgot that the coat should be cleaned after the fall). But winter sneakers successfully fit into the look. The mirror reflected a more modern girl, not a "geek". I could use a little more self-assurance. It seemed to me that if I went out, TikTok fans would recognize me at once!
As it turned out, that's not what I should have feared, but an ambush in front of the house. As soon as I took a few steps away from the entrance, Alex jumped out of a car I didn't recognize. It was stupid to rush back into the driveway, so I used tunnel vision and went on without looking at him.

"We need to talk!
Alex grabbed my arm, turning me roughly towards him. I hissed, feeling the pain in my leg from the awkward movement.
“'Do we have anything else to talk about?' I asked, pulling my hand out of his grasp.
How long have you been with him?!”
“With whom?” – I didn't understand.
“Rebrov! “
I was a little confused, hearing that name for the first time, then I realized who he was talking about.
“With Andrew?”
“That's amazing! Turns out you don't know who you're sleeping with. Or is sex not a reason to get to know someone? “
I almost said yes. I could hear the mockery in his voice. I also wanted to hurt his feelings.
“How long have you had this? “
"I lied. Yeah, a long time," I said. "What about you?"
"I can't believe I lived with you!" he said.
Alex gave me a scornful look and took a step back, as if he was disgusted to be standing next to me.
"You shouldn't have lived." You should have left as soon as you found Diana! – I shouted angrily and continued on my way.
– I'm lucky I didn't marry you, or I'd have to take a DNA test for all my kids.
I felt like I'd hit a wall. I mean, I hit a wall. In my mind, I knew he'd said all that to hurt, but I couldn't help but react. Turning around, I was ready to claw his eyes out. Alex took a quick step to the car and drove off, tires screeching.
I stood on the street, breathing heavily, and feeling like I'd been doused in slop. I clenched my fists, but I went to the store instead of running home to cry. I just decided to buy a bottle of wine in addition to the candy bar.


A walk around the store did me good: I forgot about my problems with Alex, and I couldn't resist the financial ones. I had some savings (goodbye, Turkey!), but I couldn't live on them for long. It was urgent to find a new job. However, I didn't know which school would hire me with such a reputation. I can imagine what they will write in the characterization from the last place of work!

Having taken the most necessary things (I especially needed tangerines and wine), I went to the cash register and immediately, by the law of meanness, got in a huge line. I've noticed many times that while walking along the aisles, the cash registers are free, but as soon as you head towards them, the crowd comes.
After standing behind four people with huge shopping carts, without looking around, I began to take out products from the basket. Then I looked for a discount card for a long time and when I turned to the terminal, I found someone else's card paying for my purchases. Blinking, I looked up and almost groaned. Today was definitely a day of meetings: after Alex I decided to visit Andrew, in person!

"What are you doing here?" I hissed.
"Helping you store,"
Andrew brazenly took my bag. I frowned and didn't let him grab me.
"I don't need anything from you!" I'll go back to the store and…
“I already appreciate your dramatic talent. Do you want to be an actress? I'll buy you a role.”
Confused, I hesitated, and he grabbed my hand.
“This is my girlfriend, we had a little fight.”
I was completely confused, not understanding what he was saying. And then it hit me when the salesperson started trying hard to force a smile out of himself. The whole line snickered, trying not to laugh so obviously. Angrily twitching, I ran into his grin. No one was in a hurry to help me; on the contrary, everyone was looking at the scene with interest, as if it had been ripped out of a melodrama with a comedic twist. Even the guard and the policeman standing in the next line were laughing. People would not react even if he dragged me to the car by my hair: you bet, a tall handsome brunette in a dark suit, white shirt, strict black coat, well-groomed (even his hands were in order), calmly approached and paid for my purchases with his card. The sympathy of all present instantly shifted to his side. Feeling my hesitation, Andrew led me out of the store. At the car, I tried again to free myself.
"Do you want to be filmed again?" he asked, moving closer.
I shrank back in fear, which he took advantage of, by pushing me into the car.
"Don't tell me you want to talk too," I said venomously.
“What, did Alex come crawling back? So what are you?”
“And you have options!” I snorted angrily.
Andrew glanced at me and turned the ignition key.
“I have one, but I see you were smarter than Diana.”
“Did she take it back?” I asked in a strangled voice.

I was so hurt, I felt like drowning or, more effectively, jumping out of the car at full speed right now! I could see it all written on my face. Andrew grinned sarcastically. I immediately tried to pull myself together.
“However, I have more important problems now!” I muttered.
“I wondered what they were. “
“I'm getting fired from my job.”
“For what?! “
“Do you think a school would keep a teacher with a reputation like that? You saw the video!”
“Oh, right, you're a teacher.”
“Uh-huh, Russian language and literature.”
“I liked the video. I even downloaded it.”
I sniffled, wishing I could fall through the ground and never see it again!
“Well, if it's such a problem, Russian language and literature are good education. You could work at some magazine. I know a couple of people, I'll call them today and take them to an interview tomorrow.”
“Work for what?” I was confused.
“Editor, of course. Not as an editor-in-chief, of course, not yet, because that would require experience, but as a staff member. “
Suddenly I felt like Winnie the Pooh, when you want honey, but also "zh-zh-zh" for a reason!
“Why would you do that?”
“My plans haven't changed. I'm gonna get Diana away from Alex.”
“And you need me to do it. Are you going to make me look like an even bigger idiot than I already am?”
“I'm going to take you to the campground and introduce you as my girlfriend. I kind of like you, so I thought I'd clear the territory first.”
The man's smugness was off the charts! With a hiss, I turned toward him. I wasn't afraid to hit him now, since we were stopped at the curb.
“Let's go into the coffee shop and talk. You girls seem to like places like this – lattes and pastries. Or do you prefer champagne?”
He caught my upturned hand and yanked it toward him.
"How much passion you have in you!"
The phrase was not ambiguous, but very definite. I pulled away from him hastily.
"All right, let's go in. On one condition: Keep your hands to yourself!"
"Hands? Well, all right," Andrew grinned.
There was a subtext in that, too, but this time I didn't understand it. Andrew walked out, and I hurried after him, slipping immediately. When I managed to grab the handle of the car door, I straightened up and found him standing across from me, grinning. I was embarrassed. I slammed the door shut and walked past him, heading for the coffee shop.
The first thing that caught my eye was a huge palm tree. It was on a table and was too lush for its assigned corner, so I had to circle around it. Additionally, someone with a great sense of humor had decorated it with garland and Christmas tinsel and forgot to take it down! Or was that the plan?
I took my eyes off the palm tree and looked at the girl in the long apron.
"We need a quieter place," Andrew said, taking me under his arm.
The girl smiled at him, gave me a strange look, and led me to the far table. I frowned once again. It looked like she had rated my appearance a C, and his a solid 10. And now she was wondering what we had in common. If I were her, I would be wondering the same thing.
“I'll have an Americano.”
Andrew looked at me expectantly. I mentally counted all the cash I had left and, deciding that I could splurge a little, ordered a “latte.”
"And a cheesecake, the freshest," Andrew added.
The waitress left, leaving the two of us, but for some reason Andrew kept silent and stared at me. His scrutiny was embarrassing and infuriating.
"Why did we come here? I have a lot more to do today."
"To go to the store and finish watching the show, yeah!"
“Really? I wonder what they are? “
Andrew smiled at me, and I realized with annoyance that I had almost answered his smile. What is this?! I'm a grown, independent woman who knows how to control her emotions. Especially these days, I'm getting better at it.
"The latte arrived on time, and I hastily hid my confusion behind it.
“Tonight, I'll let you know what time you need to be ready. We'll go to the editorial office.”
“And what in return?" I asked suspiciously. “
I didn't believe in his unselfishness and conscience. But I believed in the saying about
"cheese and a mousetrap.”
“You'll go on vacation with me.”
Here comes the mouse trap!
“What?!” I was indignant, putting the glass on the table and rising.
“Calm down. Alex will be there too, as well as Diana. Your mere presence will make them fight all the time. “
That's what I believed. Even if Alex didn't care, Diana wouldn't just let it go.
“What's in it for you?”

“Diana's father successfully legalized his business at the dawn of the nineties, investing in several companies, one of which I now run, and Diana is his heir. But here's the problem: she keeps choosing the wrong men. I imagine a partnership with Alfonso.”
Andrew grinned, showing his attitude toward the future work process.
"Very interesting!" I exclaimed.
In fact, Diana may turn out to be a business shark, but for some reason, she's not taken seriously at the moment. Then she needs just such an Alfonso to keep out of her business. But why my Alex?!
“Where are we going? And for how long?”
"Forest" campground. A corporate party for three days, for business partners. “
“I'll introduce you as my girlfriend. It's like we've been together a long time. “
“So we'll act like a couple? “I asked suspiciously.
“So that everyone would believe it," he confirmed.”
I wondered. If you believe the novelists, then the method is effective. But only if I can?
“And tomorrow I have to get a job. “
I realized it was blackmail, and nodded grimly.

They took me home and even handed me a bag of groceries. I had to take it obediently. The local FBI was waiting for me at the entrance. The grandmothers, having brought soft seats, handkerchiefs, and glasses, occupied the bench and waited for gossip.
Refuse to shop in front of them? I'm not that crazy yet. They'll think it's some kind of compensation. Television now shows so many "interesting" programs that even an innocent gesture can be suspected!
I had to limit myself from saying goodbye to him. But there's still gossip to be had! This jerk got out of the car and even said hello to them. The women put on their glasses and squinted suspiciously at Andrew and the car. But I got disapproving looks. As a matter of fact, I didn't really want to. I don't pretend to like everyone. After all, I'm not a hundred dollar bill!
The shopping trip turned out to be, I would even say, extravagant. It left me with a strange sense of shame. I realized belatedly that it was possible to not make a scene in the store, and coldly say "Thank you!" and proudly leave.
But anger gave me courage, and for starters I wrote a letter of resignation, turned on my phone, and sent it electronically.
Of course, the school administration was not satisfied with it in this form, and I was told to bring it. Scolding and angry, I got dressed again and went to school.

I had to hand in all of my work, classwork, and reports. The only consolation was that by that time the school was finishing the second shift and half of the students and teachers had left.
But I still received my portion of shame. If the principal remained condemningly silent, my former colleagues tried to find out the details, falsely sympathizing with my departure. I weakly fought back, trying to convey that I did not want to talk about it, but it did not help. As a result, the entire process of dismissal took two hours, and I came out of school not just wrung out, but as if ground up.
When I got to the bus stop, I sat down and cried.
Being a teacher is not just working in a school, it's a whole way of life. You take work home, checking notebooks, writing reports, plans, running with plans "from above" when you need to hand in something, collect, and learn. You often argue, want to quit, and even sometimes move to another school. And at the same time, you get attached to children, sincerely rejoice in their successes, and cry at all graduations. Unplanned and sudden dismissal is like losing a part of your soul!
Although I wrote the application myself, nevertheless, in the back of my mind, I hoped that they would ask me to stay: it is not easy to find a teacher in the middle of the year.
They didn't. Good, at least they didn't throw my things at me, or even "better" – in the garbage, snidely telling me where to find them later. Feeling broken and lonely, I climbed onto the bus and hid from the world with the help of music in my headphones.

I managed to hide from the world all the way to the apartment door. And then things didn't go according to plan. My neighbor was waiting for me in the stairwell. Judging by her impatient look, she had been waiting for me for a long time.
“Your Alex came!” Tanya announced solemnly and stared intently into my eyes, waiting for a reaction.
Resentment stirred in my soul, and a lump came to my throat. With difficulty swallowing it, I squeezed out of myself,
"So what? “
“He took his stuff."
"Good," I exhaled, sliding the keys into the keyhole. "I'm gonna go home, fall on my bed, and cry.
“And he said you cheated on him!” Tanya threw me in the back.
“Me?!” I specified indignantly.

I just can't believe it! It turns out these meetings with Diana are nothing, and I, therefore, cheated!
“That's what he said."
The neighbor got an exceptionally shrewd look. Clearly, she wanted details. Gossip is an important part of some women's lives. In fact, she has plenty of details to gossip about. If she thinks about it a little more, she'll give me a story that I'll have to sneak home for the next ten years.
He's mad because I pointed him out the door. Caught him in a restaurant with someone else.
“You did? “
The neighbor's eyes widened. She obviously didn't expect me to tell her that! We'd never really talked to each other – just to borrow a couple of eggs or ask each other to pick up the courier. But we were not close friends to discuss our personal lives.
“I luckily met an acquaintance, and he played along. "Now Alex thinks I evened the score, and he's pissed off about it," I added.
"You should have told him about it! Why lie? You'll be alone with the cat."
"I don't have a cat," I was confused.
"Here, you don't even have a cat. And you don't have a man."
I was stunned by her rant. "Wow!" That's female solidarity!
“Call him. Apologize. Tell him you lied to him because you wanted to make him jealous. Call him back. And while he's on his way, make him something delicious.”
I was so stunned I listened to the whole thing.
“Thanks for the advice, but I don't want to! “
"Some hussy is gonna steal him away, and you'll regret it later," Tanya said admonishingly and disappeared into her apartment.
I stood alone, trying to understand what was going on. I had never read such a thing even in a novel! Although there was one positive outcome of this conversation: I was angry, and I lost the desire to cry into my pillow. So, according to the people around me, I'm nothing without him. The man's a light in the window!
I flew into my apartment, hissing with anger, and scattered the purchases in the refrigerator. I changed my mind about drinking wine. Tomorrow I have a new life, I'll get a new job. Remembering the job, I thought of Andrew and also remembered the phone I had to find. After searching through my entire bag, I realized that it might be in my jacket pocket. The message had already been received.
"Tomorrow at ten in the morning, go to the editorial office of a fashionable men's magazine. I've made arrangements, they'll take you. Don't forget your papers."

“Wow!” I exhaled and, undressing as I went, went first to the bathroom and then to the bedroom. I had no energy left after that long day.

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