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Megan's Thirteenth
Owen Jones
Megan's Thirteenth” is the second volume of twenty-three in the Megan Series. It is psychic Megan's birthday and to celebrate her becoming a teenager, her parents are throwing a big party for her. Family and friends are invited to the big occasion, where her hero local disc jockey, Jack Hammer, is to play the music. She wonders whether anyone will spot her huge ghost Siberian tiger, Grrr, but she does not count on meeting a handsome stranger. The Megan Series is for people of all ages who are interested in psychic matters.

1 Megan's Thirteenth

A Spirit Guide, A Ghost Tiger and One Scary Mother!


Owen Jones

Megan’s Thirteenth
Copyright © 2021 Owen Jones Author
All rights reserved.
Published by
Megan Publishing Services
The right of Owen Jones to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988. The moral right of the author has been asserted.
In this work of fiction, the characters and events are either the product of the author’s imagination or they are used entirely fictitiously. Some places may exist, but the events are completely fictitious.

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Other novellas in the same series:

The Megan Series
A Spirit Guide, A Ghost Tiger and One Scary Mother!
The Misconception
Megan's Thirteenth
Megan’s School Trip
Megan’s School Exams
Megan’s Followers
Megan and the Lost Cat
Megan and the Mayoress
Megan Faces Derision
Megan’s Grandparents Visit
Megan’s Father Falls Ill
Megan Goes on Holiday
Megan and the Burglar
Megan and the Cyclist
Megan and The Old Lady
Megan’s Garden
Megan Goes To The Zoo
Megan Goes Hiking
Megan and the W. I. Cookery Competition
Megan Goes Riding
Megan Goes Yachting
Megan at Carnival
Megan at Christmas

This story is dedicated to my parents Colin and Marion for the wonderful upbringing they gave to me and my brothers.

I want to acknowledge the help of my wife and my friend David Prosser with the cover design.

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Megan′s Thirteenth
Megan′s Thirteenth