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Megan's School Trip
Owen Jones
Megan's school's annual outing takes her and her classmates to a network of caves, which were used as dwellings by pre-historic tribes. Megan is certain that she gains more knowledge about what really went on there all that time ago by using her psychic powers, than the official tour guide has to tell them. Megan is a 13-year-old teenage girl, who realises that she has psychic powers that others do not have. At first, she tried to talk to her mother about them, but with disastrous consequences, so she learned to keep quiet about them.  However, some people did offer to help and an animal showed a special friendship, but they were not 'alive' in the normal sense of the word. They had passed on.  Megan has three such friends: Wacinhinsha, her Spirit Guide, who had been Sioux in his last life on Earth; her maternal grandfather, Gramps and a huge Siberian tiger called Grrr.  Wacinhinsha is extremely knowledgeable in all things spiritual, psychic and paranormal; her grandfather is a novice 'dead person' and Grrr can only speak Tiger, as one might imagine and most of that, of course is unintelligible to humans.  In this episode in Megan's life, she and the rest of the pupils in her year at school are taken on a school outing. These should be annual events, but the school does not always have the money to finance them.  This one turns out to be exceptional for Megan as she catches a glimpse into the lives of people who lived in an era long since past.  Follow Megan as she tries to learn more from her school outing into the past and read the advice that her Spirit Guide gives her on how to best do that.




Copyright © January 25
2021 Owen Jones
Published by
Megan Publishing Services
http://meganthemisconception.com (http://meganthemisconception.com/)
The right of Owen Jones to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988. The moral right of the author has been asserted.
In this work of fiction, the characters and events are either the product of the author’s imagination or they are used entirely fictitiously. Some places may exist, but the events are completely fictitious.

This edition is dedicated to my brother Gareth, who helped me and my Thai family more than he realised in 2013 after a trusted friend tried very hard to harm us.
Karma will repay everyone fairly.

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http://facebook.com/OwenJonesWriter (http://facebook.com/OwenInThailand)
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owen@behind-the-smile.org (mailto:owen@behind-the-smile.org)
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Other novellas in the same series:

1 The Megan Series
A Spirit Guide, A Ghost Tiger and One Scary Mother!
The Misconception
Megan's Thirteenth
Megan’s School Trip
Megan’s School Exams
Megan’s Followers
Megan and the Lost Cat
Megan and the Mayoress
Megan Faces Derision
Megan’s Grandparents Visit
Megan’s Father Falls Ill
Megan Goes on Holiday
Megan and the Burglar
Megan and the Cyclist
Megan and The Old Lady
Megan’s Garden
Megan Goes To The Zoo
Megan Goes Hiking
Megan and the W. I. Cookery Competition
Megan Goes Riding
Megan Goes Yachting
Megan at Carnival
Megan at Christmas

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Megan′s School Trip
Megan′s School Trip