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Without a dowry / Бесприданница. Книга для чтения на английском языке
Without a dowry / Бесприданница. Книга для чтения на английском языке
Without a dowry / Бесприданница. Книга для чтения на английском языке
Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky
Russian classic literatute
Предлагаем вниманию читателей пьесы великого русского драматурга А. Н. Островского «Бесприданница» и «Доходное место». Перевод на английский язык с комментариями выполнен американским ученым, специалистом в области русского языка и литературы Норманом Хенли.

Александр Николаевич Островский
Without a dowry / Бесприданница. Книга для чтения на английском языке

© КАРО, 2020

Without a dowry
A Drama in Four Acts

Cast of characters
Kharita Ignátyevna Ogudálov (Mme Ogudalov), a middle-aged widow. Dressed elegantly but daringly, not in keeping with her age.
Larísa Dmítriyevna Ogudálov, mme Ogudalov’s unmarried daughter. Dressed richly but modestly.
Móky Parménych Knúrov, one of the entrepreneurs of the time. Elderly, rich.
Vasíly Danílych Vozhevátov (Vásya), a very young man. One of the representatives of a rich trading firm. Dressed in Western European style.
Yúly Kapitónych Karandyshóv (pronounced Karandyshóff), young official of modest means.
Sergéy Sergéyich Parátov, an imposing gentleman shipowner. Over thirty.
Gavrílo, club bartender and owner of a coffee house on the boulevard.
Iván, waiter in the coffee house.
Ilyá, a gypsy.
Manservant of Mme Ogudalov.
Yefrosinya Potápovna, aunt of Karandyshov.
Gypsy men and women.

Meanings which probably or possibly would be suggested to Ostrovsky’s contemporaries: Ogudalov – swindler; Knurov – boar; Vozhevatov – pleasant, polite; Karandyshov – short stature; Paratov – strong and fast (in connection with dogs and horses).
Robinson would certainly suggest Robinson Crusoe, especially in the play’s context. Near the end of Act One Paratov says that Robinson’s real name is Arkady Shchastlivtsev and that he is an actor from the provinces. Ostrovsky’s contemporaries would have recognized him immediately as a character in Ostrovsky’s earlier play The Forest (1871), where he was a vagabond ex-actor who had played comic roles. Shchastlivtsev suggests “happy,” and Arkady is derived from the Greek place name Arcadia, traditionally symbolizing rustic bliss. Neputôvy (Robinson’s friend, who is merely mentioned) suggests “dissolute”. Neputovy was also the name of a character in an earlier Ostrovsky play, namely At the Jolly Spot (1865).
Especially significant is the fact that Mme Ogudalov’s first name Kharita as well as her father’s first name Ignat (as is evident from her patronymic Ignatyevna) were often names of gypsies.

Act one

The action takes place in the present [1878], in the large town of Bryakhimov[1 - Name of a town on the Volga which existed in the seventeenth century.] on the Volga.
A boulevard on the high bank of the Volga, with an open area in front of a coffee house. On the right of the actors is an entrance to the coffee house. On their left are trees. In the background is a low iron railing, beyond it a sweeping view of the Volga with its forests, villages, etc. In front of the coffee house are tables and chairs: one table on the right, close to the coffee house, another on the left.
Gavrilo is standing in the doorway of the coffee house. Ivan is tidying up the furniture.
Ivan. Not a soul on the boulevard.
Gavrilo. It’s always like that on holidays. We keep to the old ways here. After late mass everybody puts away meat pie and cabbage soup, then they treat their guests with hospitality, and after that it’s seven hours of rest.
Ivan. What do you mean, seven! More like three or four. Anyway, it’s a good custom.
Gavrilo. And then about vesper time they wake up and drink tea till they’re bored stiff.
Ivan. Bored stiff! What’s there to be bored about?
Gavrilo. You just sit down by the samovar and drink boiling hot tea a couple of hours, then you’ll find out. A man gets all covered over with sweat, and he starts to get bored… So that’s when he says good-bye to his tea and drags himself out on the boulevard for some fresh air and a walk. This is the time when the high-class folk take their walk; look, over there you can see Moky Parmenych Knurov, stretching his legs.
Ivan. Every morning he paces back and forth on the boulevard, as if he’d made a vow. Why does he go to so much trouble?
Gavrilo. For the exercise.
Ivan. But what’s the exercise for?
Gavrilo. To work up an appetite. He needs the appetite for dinner. You should see the dinners he has! Do you think he could eat dinners like that without exercise?
Ivan. Why is he so quiet all the time?
Gavrilo. “Quiet”! You’re really something. How can you expect him to go on carrying conversations when he has all those millions! Who’s he supposed to talk with? There’s only two or three people in town he can talk with, so he keeps quiet. And that’s why he doesn’t stay here very long, wouldn’t stay at all if he didn’t have business. For talking he goes to Moscow, to St. Petersburg, and abroad too; he has more elbow room there.
Ivan. There comes Vasily Danilych from over the hill. He’s rich too, but he talks a lot.
Gavrilo. Vasily Danilych is still young, still on the timid side, but when he gets older he’ll act like God too.
Knurov enters from the left and, not paying any attention to the bows of Gavrilo and Ivan, sits down at a table, takes out a French newspaper from his pocket, and reads it. Vozhevatov enters from the right.
Vozhevatov (bowing respectfully). Moky Parmenych, I have the honor of greeting you!
Knurov. Ah, Vasily Danilych! (He holds out a hand.) Where did you come from?
Vozhevatov. From the dock. (He sits down.)
Gavrilo comes closer.
Knurov. Were you meeting somebody?
Vozhevatov. I was supposed to but didn’t. I had a telegram yesterday from Sergey Sergeyich Paratov. I’m buying a steamboat from him.
Gavrilo. It’s not the Swallow, Vasily Danilych?
Vozhevatov. Yes, it’s the Swallow. What about it?
Gavrilo. It goes fast, it’s a strong boat.
Vozhevatov. But Sergey Sergeyich let me down, he didn’t come.
Gavrilo. You were expecting him to come on the Flier, but maybe he’ll come on his own boat, the Swallow.
Ivan. Vasily Danilych, there’s another boat coming down the river.
Vozhevatov. A lot of boats sail the Volga.
Ivan. That’s Sergey Sergeyich coming.
Vozhevatov. You think so?
Ivan. It looks like him, sir. The paddle boxes on the Swallow stand out a lot.
Vozhevatov. That means you’d be making out paddle boxes at five miles.
Ivan. I can make them out at seven miles, sir… And it’s coming fast, it’s clear the owner’s with it.
Vozhevatov. And how far is it?
Ivan. It’s come out from behind the island. It’s making a lot of headway, a lot.
Gavrilo. You say it’s making a lot of headway?
Ivan. A lot. An awful lot! It runs faster than the Flier, they’ve timed it.
Gavrilo. It’s him, sir.
Vozhevatov (to Ivan). You tell us when they start coming aside.
Ivan. Yes, sir. I suppose they’ll shoot from the cannon.
Gavrilo. They’re sure to.
Vozhevatov. What cannon?
Gavrilo. He has his own barges anchored in the middle of the Volga.
Vozhevatov. I know.
Gavrilo. One barge has a cannon. Whenever somebody meets Sergey Sergeyich or sees him off they always fire a salute. (Looking beyond the coffee house.) There’s one of Chirkov’s carriages going for him now, sir. They must have let Chirkov know he’d be coming, for Chirkov himself is on the box. That’s him they’re going for, sir.
Vozhevatov. But how do you know it’s for him?
Gavrilo. They’ve got four pacers lined up, it’s really for him. Who else would Chirkov make up four horses for? It’s even scary to look at them… they’re like lions… all four with snaffle bits! And the harness, the harness! They’re going for him, sir.
Ivan. And there’s a gypsy sitting on the box with Chirkov, he has a fancy Cossack coat on, and his belt’s so tight he could snap in two.
Gavrilo. They’re going after him, sir. It couldn’t be anyone else with four horses like those. It’s him, sir.
Knurov. Paratov lives in style.
Vozhevatov. Whatever else, he has plenty of style.
Knurov. Are you buying the boat cheap?
Vozhevatov. Cheap, Moky Parmenych.
Knurov. Yes, of course; otherwise, what’s the advantage of buying? Why is he selling it?
Vozhevatov. I suppose he doesn’t find any profit in it.
Knurov. Of course, how could he! That’s no business for a gentleman. But you’ll make a profit, especially if you buy it cheap.
Vozhevatov. It suits our purpose; we have a lot of cargo down the river.
Knurov. Maybe he needs the money… he’s a great spender, you know.
Vozhevatov. That’s his business. We have the money ready.
Knurov. Yes, with money a man can do business. (With a smile.) A man who has a lot of money, Vasily Danilych, that man’s in good shape.
Vozhevatov. How could he be in bad shape! You yourself know that better than any one, Moky Parmenych.
Knurov. I know it, I know it.
Vozhevatov. Moky Parmenych, couldn’t we have a cool drink?
Knurov. What do you mean, it’s still morning! I haven’t eaten yet.
Vozhevatov. That doesn’t matter, sir. There was an Englishman, a factory director, and he told me that if a man has a cold it’s a good idea to drink champagne on an empty stomach. And yesterday I caught a little cold.
Knurov. How could you do that? We’re having such warm weather now.
Vozhevatov. I caught cold from the drink itself; they served it up very cold.
Knurov. No, what’s the good of that? People will see us, and they’ll say: it’s hardly morning yet, and they’re drinking champagne.
Vozhevatov. But so people won’t say something bad, we’ll drink tea.
Knurov. Tea, that’s another matter.
Vozhevatov (to Gavrilo). Gavrilo, bring us some of my tea, you understand?… Mine!
Gavrilo. Yes, sir. (He goes off.)
Knurov. Do you drink a special kind?
Vozhevatov. It’s really champagne, but he’ll pour it into teapots and serve it in tea glasses with saucers.
Knurov. That’s smart.
Vozhevatov. Necessity is the mother of invention, Moky Parmenych.
Knurov. Are you going to Paris, to the exposition?
Vozhevatov. After I’ve bought the boat and sent it down the river for cargo, then I’ll go.
Knurov. Me too one of these days. I already have somebody waiting for me there.
Gavrilo brings a tray with two teapots containing champagne and two glasses.
Vozhevatov (pouring). Have you heard the news, Moky Parmenych? Larisa Dmitriyevna is getting married.
Knurov. Getting married! You can’t mean it! Who to?
Vozhevatov. Karandyshov.
Knurov. What kind of nonsense is that! It’s insanity! What’s Karandyshov! You know he’s no match for her, Vasily Danilych.
Vozhevatov. Of course he’s no match! But what can they do, where can they find a husband for her? After all, she doesn’t have any dowry.
Knurov. Even girls without a dowry can find good husbands.
Vozhevatov. Times have changed. There used to be enough eligible bachelors, even for girls without a dowry. But now there’s just enough for girls with a dowry, no extras for those without. Do you think Kharita Ignatyevna would marry her daughter off to Karandyshov if she could find anyone better?
Knurov. She’s a resourceful woman.
Vozhevatov. She can’t be Russian.
Knurov. Why not?
Vozhevatov. She’s so energetic.
Knurov. How could she make such a mistake? The Ogudalovs have a respectable family name, and just like that a marriage to the likes of Karandyshov!.. And with all her cleverness… their house is always full of bachelors!.
Vozhevatov. The men all go to her house because it’s so much fun there. Her daughter’s pretty, plays different instruments, sings, has a free and easy manner, all that attracts them. But getting married to her is something to think about.
Knurov. The other two daughters got married off.
Vozhevatov. They got married off all right, but you should ask them how sweet their life is. The oldest girl was taken away by some mountaineer, a young prince from the Caucasus. What fun that was! When he first saw her, he started to shake all over, he even began to cry. He stayed near her for a couple of weeks, he’d hold on to his dagger, and his eyes flashed so that nobody else came close. So they got married and went off, but they say he didn’t even get her to the Caucasus, that he killed her on the way from jealousy. The other girl got married too, to some sort of foreigner, only later it turned out that he was no foreigner at all but a card shark.
Knurov. Madame Ogudalov wasn’t dumb the way she figured it out. She doesn’t have any money and can’t give a dowry, so she keeps open house and receives everybody.
Vozhevatov. She likes to have fun herself, but she just doesn’t have the means for such a life.
Knurov. Then where does she get the money?
Vozhevatov. The suitors pay. If a man likes the daughter, than he shells out. Later on the mother will want money from the groom to pay for the dowry, only he shouldn’t ask for the dowry.
Knurov. Well, I don’t think it’s just the suitors who pay for it. Take you, for example. It must cost you a pretty penny to visit the family so often.
Vozhevatov. It won’t ruin me, Moky Parmenych. What’s a man to do? He has to pay for his pleasures, they don’t come free. And being in their home is a great pleasure.
Knurov. It really is a pleasure, you’re right there.
Vozhevatov. And yet you yourself are almost never there.
Knurov. It’s awkward; there’s so much riffraff there. You run into them later and they exchange greetings, then worm their way into a conversation. Karandyshov is one of them. What kind of an acquaintance is he for me!
Vozhevatov. Yes, their home is like a bazaar.
Knurov. So what’s the good of it? One fellow goes up to Larisa Dmitriyevna with his compliments, another with tender remarks, and they buzz away so you can’t get in a single word with her. I’d like to see her more often when she’s alone, without any interference.
Vozhevatov. Somebody ought to marry her.
Knurov. Marry her! Not everybody can, and not everybody even wants to. Me, for example, I’m a married man.
Vozhevatov. Then there’s nothing to be done. The grapes are pretty but not for picking,[2 - Altered quotation from the fable “The Fox and the Grapes” (Lisitsa i vinograd) by I. Krylov based on Aesop’s fable with the same title.] Moky Parmenych.
Knurov. You think so?
Vozhevatov. That’s the way it seems. They don’t follow those procedures. There were a few times when they could have, but they weren’t tempted. It’s got to be marriage even if that means Karandyshov.
Knurov. But it would be nice to make a trip to the Paris exposition with a girl like that.
Vozhevatov. Yes, that wouldn’t be boring, a pleasant trip that. What plans you have, Moky Parmenych!
Knurov. And you’ve never had any plans like that?
Vozhevatov. How could I! I’m green at such things.
I just don’t have any boldness with women. You know, I was brought up in a terribly moral, old-fashioned way.
Knurov. Oh come now! Your chances are better than mine; you have youth, a big thing. And you won’t begrudge the money; you’re buying the boat cheap, so you can take it out of the profits. Still, you must realize it would cost you as much as the Swallow.
Vozhevatov. Every piece of goods has its price, Moky Parmenych. I may be young, but I won’t overdo it. I won’t give any more than I have to.
Knurov. Don’t guarantee it! At your age it wouldn’t take much to fall in love, and then we’d see what calculations you’d make!
Vozhevatov. No, Moky Parmenych, somehow or other I don’t notice that sort of thing in myself.
Knurov. What sort of thing?
Vozhevatov. What they call love.
Knurov. That’s commendable, you’ll make a good merchant. All the same, you’re a lot closer to her than the others.
Vozhevatov. But what does my being close to her amount to? Sometimes I’ll pour her an extra glass of champagne when her mother’s not looking, learn a song from her, bring her novels, the kind they don’t give girls to read.
Knurov. In other words, you’re corrupting her a little.
Vozhevatov. What’s that to me! After all, I’m not forcing myself on her. Why should I worry about her morals? I’m not her guardian.
Knurov. I just can’t get over it. Does Larisa Dmitriyevna really have no other suitors besides Karandyshov?
Vozhevatov. She had some, but she’s terribly naive.
Knurov. Naive, how? You mean she’s stupid?
Vozhevatov. She’s not stupid, but she’s not shrewd at all, she doesn’t take after her mother in that. Her mother’s always shrewd and full of flattering, but she for no reason at all will suddenly come out with something she doesn’t have to.
Knurov. You mean the truth?
Vozhevatov. Yes, the truth. But that’s something that young women without a dowry just can’t do. If she likes somebody, she doesn’t hide it at all. Last year Sergey Sergeyich Paratov showed up, and she couldn’t see enough of him. He kept coming for a couple of months, beat away all the other suitors, and then he flew the coop. Nobody knew where he disappeared to.
Knurov. Whatever possessed him to do that?
Vozhevatov. Who knows? He’s a hard one to figure out. But you should have seen how she loved him, she almost died from grief. How sentimental she was! (He laughs.) She set out to try and catch up with him, but her mother got her at the second stop and brought her back.
Knurov. And were there any suitors after Paratov?
Vozhevatov. Two came from somewhere. One was an old man with the gout. Then there was a manager for some prince or other; that manager had gotten rich, but he was always drunk. Larisa didn’t want to have anything to do with them, but she had to be nice to them, Mama’s orders.
Knurov. Her lot is not a happy one.
Vozhevatov. No, it’s even absurd. Sometimes there were a few tears in her eyes, and you could see she was about to cry, but Mama told her to smile. And then a cashier turned up. He threw his money all about, enough to cover Kharita Ignatyevna with it. He won the field over everybody, but he didn’t strut for long, they arrested him at his home. What a great scandal that was! (He laughs.) For about a month the Ogudalovs couldn’t go anywhere. It was then that Larisa told her mother point-blank, “We’ve put up with enough of this shame. I’ll marry the first one who comes along, whether he’s rich or poor. I’m not going to be choosy.” And up pops Karandyshov with his proposal.
Knurov. Where did this Karandyshov come from?
Vozhevatov. He’s been hanging around their house a long time, about three years. They didn’t chase him away, but they didn’t show him much respect either. When the lull set in and there weren’t any rich suitors in sight they held onto Karandyshov and gave him some invitations so the house wouldn’t be empty. But when some rich guy dropped in, it was simply pitiful to look at Karandyshov. They didn’t even talk to him or even look at him. And there he sat in his corner, playing his different roles, throwing out savage looks, pretending to be in despair. Once he wanted to shoot himself, but nothing came of that, he just made everybody laugh. And here’s the funny part. Once they had a costume party, and Paratov was there. So Karandyshov dressed himself up as a highway robber, took an axe in his hands, and threw wild looks at everybody, especially Sergey Sergeyich.
Knurov. Then what?
Vozhevatov. They took his axe away from him and told him to change his clothes or else he’d have to leave!
Knurov. What it all means is, he’s being rewarded for being faithful. He’s happy, I’m sure.
Vozhevatov. Happy and then some, glowing like an orange. It’s so funny! He’s really a nut. What he ought to do is marry her as soon as he can and take her away to his little estate till the talk dies down. The Ogudalovs would like that. But instead he drags Larisa along the boulevard on his arm with his head raised so high he’d run right into you if you didn’t watch out. And then for some reason he’s taken to wearing glasses, but he never used to wear them. When he bows he hardly nods his head, and he’s taken on a certain air. Before you’d hardly hear a word out of him, but now it’s always, “I this, I that, I want, I wish.”
Knurov. He’s like the Russian peasant. It’s not enough fun just getting drunk. He has to act high and mighty so everybody takes notice. So he gets up on his high horse, and they give him a thrashing or two. Then he’s satisfied and goes off to sleep.
Vozhevatov. Yes, I suppose that’s the sort of thing Karandyshov has to go through.
Knurov. Poor girl! She must suffer just looking at him.
Vozhevatov. He got the idea of decorating his apartment, and here’s what he dreamed up. In his study he put up a cheap tapestry on the wall, and he hung up daggers and pistols from Tula. That would be no surprise if he were a hunter, but he’s never held a gun in his life. So he drags you to his place and shows it all off to you, and you have to praise him for it or he’ll take offense. He’s a proud man, envious too. He ordered a horse from the country, some nag or other with different colors, and he has a little coachman who wears a coat handed down from a big coachman. And with that camel he takes Larisa Dmitriyevna driving; he sits there so proudly, as if he were driving with a thousand trotters. He walks up from the boulevard and shouts to the constable, “Have them bring my carriage!” So that carriage of his comes driving up with all its music, the screws and nuts all jangling out of tune, and the springs shaking as if they’re alive.
Knurov. I’m sorry for poor Larisa Dmitriyevna. I’m sorry for her.
Vozhevatov. Why are you so sorry for her?
Knurov. Don’t you see? Here’s a woman made for luxury. A precious jewel demands a costly setting.
Vozhevatov. And a good jeweler.
Knurov. That’s the whole truth. A jeweler and not just an ordinary workman; he has to be an artist. If she’s surrounded by poverty and married to a fool besides, she’ll either perish or become common.
Vozhevatov. But I think she’ll throw him over pretty soon. She’s like a dead woman now, but when she recovers and takes a closer look at her husband, sees what he’s like… (Quietly.) There they are now, speak of the devil.
Karandyshov, Madame Ogudalov, and Larisa enter. Vozhevatov stands up and bows. Knurov takes out a newspaper. Larisa sits down on a bench by the railing and looks through binoculars at the Volga.
Mme Ogudalov (walking over to the table). Greetings, gentlemen!
Karandyshov follows her over. Vozhevatov gives his hand to both of them. Knurov silently and not rising from his place gives his hand to Mme Ogudalov, nods slightly to Karandyshov, and buries himself in his newspaper.
Vozhevatov. Kharita Ignatyenva, please sit down. (He moves a chair forward.)
Mme Ogudalov sits down.
Wouldn’t you like some tea?
Karandyshov sits down some distance away.
Mme Ogudalov. All right, I’ll take a cup.
Vozhevatov. Ivan, bring a cup and add some boiling water.
Ivan takes the teapot and goes off.
Karandyshov. What a crazy idea to drink tea at this time of day? It amazes me.
Vozhevatov. It’s a question of thirst, Yuly Kapitonych, but just what I should drink I don’t know. Give me your advice, I’d appreciate it.
Karandyshov (looks at his watch). At the present moment it’s noon, so you could have a small glass of vodka, a chop, and then a small glass of good wine. That’s how I always lunch.
Vozhevatov (to Mme Ogudalov). Now that’s what I call living, Kharita Ignatyenva, it makes a man jealous. (To Karandyshov.) If I could only live one little day in your shoes. A bit of vodka, a bit of wine! But we can’t do that, sir, we might lose our powers of reasoning. You can do what you want, you’re not running through your capital because you don’t have any, but we poor devils were born into the world with a lot of big deals to attend to, so we’re not allowed to lose our reason.
Ivan brings the teapot and a cup.
Kharita Ignatyenva, please! (He pours out a cup and hands it to her.) I drink my tea cold so people won’t say I use hot drinks.
Mme Ogudalov. The tea’s cold all right. Only, Vasya, you poured mine too strong.
Vozhevatov. That doesn’t matter, ma’am. Drink it, for my sake! It won’t do you any harm in the open air.
Karandyshov (to Ivan). Come to my house tonight to serve dinner.
Ivan. Yes, sir, Yuly Kapitonych.
Karandyshov. And listen, my friend, dress up for it.
Ivan. Of course, a frock coat. As if we didn’t understand that, sir.
Karandyshov. Vasily Danilych, tell you what! You come and have dinner with me tonight!
Vozhevatov. Thank you so much. And are you going to order me to come in a frock coat too?
Karandyshov. As you wish, don’t stand on ceremony. Still, there’ll be ladies.
Vozhevatov (bowing). Yes, sir. I hope I won’t disgrace myself.
Karandyshov (walks over to Knurov). Moky Parmenych, wouldn’t you like to come and have dinner with me tonight?
Knurov (looks at him in astonishment). With you?
Mme Ogudalov. Moky Parmenych, it’s the same as with us; this is a dinner for Larisa.
Knurov. I see, so it’s you who’s inviting me? Fine, I’ll come.
Karandyshov. I’ll look forward to seeing you, then.
Knurov. I already said I’d come. (He reads his newspaper.)
Mme Ogudalov. Yuly Kapitonych is my future son-inlaw; I’m letting him marry Larisa.
Knurov (continuing to read). That’s your affair.
Karandyshov. Yes, sir, Moky Parmenych, I took the risk. In general I’ve always been above prejudices.
Knurov hides behind the newspaper.
Vozhevatov (to Mme Ogudalov). Moky Parmenych is stern.
Karandyshov (moving from Knurov to Vozhevatov). I wish that Larisa Dmitriyevna be surrounded only by choice people.
Vozhevatov. Which means I’m one of the elect? Thank you, that’s something I wasn’t expecting. (To Gavrilo.) Gavrilo, how much do I owe you for the tea?
Gavrilo. You had two orders?
Vozhevatov. Yes, two orders.
Gavrilo. Then you should know yourself, Vasily Danilych, it’s not the first time… Thirteen rubles, sir.
Vozhevatov. I just thought it might have gotten cheaper.
Gavrilo. How could it have gotten cheaper! With the rate of exchange and the customs tax, really!
Vozhevatov. But I’m not arguing with you, why talk about it! Take your money and forget it! (He gives him the money.)
Karandyshov. But why is it so expensive? I don’t understand.
Gavrilo. It’s expensive for some but not for others. You don’t drink that kind of tea.
Mme Ogudalov (to Karandyshov). Stop it, don’t meddle in other people’s affairs.
Ivan. Vasily Danilych, the Swallow is coming in.
Vozhevatov. Moky Parmenych, the Swallow is coming in, wouldn’t you like to take a look? We won’t go down, we can look from the hill.
Knurov. Let’s go. I’m curious. (He gets up.)
Mme Ogudalov. Vasya, I’m going home in your carriage.
Vozhevatov. Take it, only send it back soon. (He goes over to Larisa and speaks quietly with her.)
Mme Ogudalov (goes over to Knurov). Moky Parmenych, we’ve embarked on a wedding, you just can’t believe how many troubles there are.
Knurov. Yes.
Mme Ogudalov. And suddenly there are unexpected expenses… And tomorrow’s Larisa’s birthday, I’d like to give her a present.
Knurov. Good, I’ll drop in on you.
Mme Ogudalov goes off.
Larisa (to Vozhevatov). Good-bye, Vasya!
Vozhevatov and Knurov leave. Larisa approaches Karandyshov.
Larisa. Just now I was looking across the Volga. How nice it is on the other side! Let’s go to the country as soon as we can!
Karandyshov. You were looking across the Volga? And what was Vozhevatov talking with you about?
Larisa. Nothing really, just little things. I want so much to go to the other side of the Volga, into the woods… (Thoughtfully.) Let’s go, let’s leave here!
Karandyshov. But it’s so strange! What could he have to talk with you about?
Larisa. Well, whatever he talked about, what business is it of yours?
Karandyshov. You call him Vasya. Why so familiar with a young man?
Larisa. We’ve known each other since childhood. When we were little we played together. So I’ve gotten used to calling him that.
Karandyshov. You’ll have to throw off your old habits. There’s no reason to be friends with a shallow and stupid boy. It’s not possible to tolerate the sort of life you’ve had so far.
Larisa (offended). There hasn’t been anything bad in our life.
Karandyshov. It’s been a gypsy camp, miss, that’s what it’s been. (Larisa wipes away some tears.) But why are you so offended!
Larisa. So maybe it has been a gypsy camp, but at least it’s been fun. Will you be able to give me something better than this camp?
Karandyshov. Of course.
Larisa. Why do you keep on reproaching me with it? Do you really think I’ve liked our kind of life? Mama told me how she wanted things, and so, whether I wanted to or not, I had to lead that kind of life. Throwing this gypsy life at me all the time is either stupid or heartless. If I weren’t looking for quiet and solitude, I wouldn’t be wanting to run away from people, and would I really be marrying you? So try to understand that and don’t go assigning my choice to your virtues, I don’t see them yet. I still only want to fall in love with you; I’m drawn to the quiet family life, it looks like some kind of heaven. You can see I’m standing at the crossroads, so give me support, I need encouragement and sympathy. Deal with me tenderly, with affection. Seize these moments, don’t let them pass.
Karandyshov. Larisa Dmitriyevna, I didn’t mean to offend you at all, somehow the words just came to my tongue…
Larisa. What is that “somehow”? You mean you weren’t thinking, that you didn’t understand your words might be offensive?
Karandyshov. Exactly, I did it without any intent.
Larisa. That makes it even worse. You should think about what you say. Chatter away with others if you like, but with me speak more carefully. Can’t you see my position is very serious! I feel every word I say and hear. I’ve become very sensitive and impressionable.
Karandyshov. In that case please forgive me.
Larisa. All right, only in the future be more careful. (Thoughtfully.) Gypsy camp… Yes, that’s true… but in that camp have been some good and noble people.
Karandyshov. What noble people? You don’t perhaps mean Sergey Sergeyich Paratov?
Larisa. No, please, don’t speak of him.
Karandyshov. And why not?
Larisa. You don’t know him, and even if you did know him, well… forgive me, but it’s not for you to pass judgment on him.
Karandyshov. People are judged by their actions. Do you think he acted well with you?
Larisa. That’s my affair. If I’m afraid to, if I don’t dare to pass judgment on him, then I’m not going to let you do it.
Karandyshov. Larisa Dmitriyevna, tell me something. Only please, speak frankly.
Larisa. What is it?
Karandyshov. How am I any worse than Paratov?
Larisa. Oh no, don’t ask that!
Karandyshov. But why not?
Larisa. Better not, better not! How can there be any comparison!
Karandyshov. That’s what I’d like to hear from you.
Larisa. Don’t ask, there’s no need!
Karandyshov. But why not?
Larisa. Because the comparison will not be to your advantage. By yourself you have value, you’re a good and honest man. But in comparison with Sergey Sergeyich you lose everything.
Karandyshov. But those are just words, we need proof. Give him and me a real analysis.
Larisa. Do you know the man you’re comparing yourself with! How can you be so blind! Sergey Sergeyich… is the ideal man. Do you understand what ideal is? Maybe I’m wrong, I’m still young and don’t know people, but it will be impossible to change this opinion in me, it will die with me.
Karandyshov. I just can’t understand what’s so special about him, I don’t see anything. There’s a certain boldness, an impudence. But anybody can have that if he wants.
Larisa. And do you know what boldness is?
Karandyshov. Whatever it is, what’s so wonderful about it? All it takes is putting on airs.
Larisa. To show what it is I’ll tell you something that happened. There was an officer from the Caucasus passing through here, an acquaintance of Sergey Sergeyich, and he was a wonderful shot. They were both at our place, and Sergey Sergeyich says to him, “I hear you’re a wonderful shot.” “Yes, not bad,” says the officer. Sergey Sergeyich gives him a pistol, puts a glass on his own head, and he goes off to another room, about twelve steps away. “Shoot,” he says.
Karandyshov. And he shot?
Larisa. He shot, and, of course, he knocked off the glass, only he turned a little pale. Sergey Sergeyich says, “You shoot beautifully, but you turned pale, and you were shooting at a man, and a man not close to you. Look, I’m going to shoot at a young woman who’s dearer to me than anything in the world, and I won’t turn pale.” He gives me a coin to hold, and, with indifference and a smile, he shoots from the same distance and hits it.
Karandyshov. And you obeyed him?
Larisa. How could I do anything else?
Karandyshov. You really had so much confidence in him?
Larisa. How can you ask! How could I not have confidence in him?
Karandyshov. He has no heart, that’s why he’s so bold.
Larisa. No, he has a heart too. I saw myself how he helped the poor, how he gave away all the money he had on him.
Karandyshov. So, let’s grant that Paratov has some virtues, at least in your eyes, but what about this petty merchant, this Vasya of yours?
Larisa. You’re not being jealous, are you? No, you stop all this nonsense. It’s degrading, and I won’t tolerate it, I’m telling you in advance. Don’t worry, I’m not in love with anybody, and I won’t fall in love with anybody.
Karandyshov. But what if Paratov should show up?
Larisa. Of course, if Paratov should show up and were free, then it would take only one look from him… But you can set your mind at ease, he hasn’t showed up, and even if he should show up now, it’s already too late. We’ll probably never see each other again.
A cannon shot on the Volga.
What’s that?
Karandyshov. Some high and mighty merchant is coming in, so they’re firing a salute in his honor.
Larisa. Oh, how it frightened me!
Karandyshov. Why, why should it?
Larisa. My nerves are upset. Just now I was looking down from this bench, and I began to get dizzy. Could one hurt oneself here very much?
Karandyshov. Hurt oneself! Here it’s sure death, it’s paved with stone below. And it’s so high here you’d die before you hit the bottom.
Larisa. Let’s go home, it’s time.
Karandyshov. I have to go too, I have that dinner, you know.
Larisa (going to the railing). Wait awhile. (She looks below.) Oh, oh, hold on to me!
Karandyshov (takes Larisa by the arm). Come on, you’re just being childish!
They leave. Gavrilo and Ivan enter from the coffee house.
Ivan. The cannon! The gentleman’s come, the gentleman’s come, Sergey Sergeyich.
Gavrilo. I told you it was him. I know-you can tell a falcon by its flight.
Ivan. The carriage is coming uphill empty. That means the gentlemen are coming on foot. There they are! (He runs off into the coffee house.)
Gavrilo. Welcome to them. I wish I could figure out what to treat them with.
Paratov enters. He is wearing a single-breasted, close-fitting, black frock coat, varnished high boots, a white service cap; across his shoulder is a traveling bag. With him are Robinson (wearing a cloak, the right flap of which is thrown over his left shoulder, and a tall soft hat perched on one side of his head), Knurov, and Vozhevatov. Ivan runs out of the coffee house with a hand broom to brush off Paratov.
Paratov (to Ivan). What are you doing! I’ve just come from the water, there’s no dust on the Volga.
Ivan. All the same, sir, it’s impossible not to… custom requires it. It’s been a whole year since we saw you… we want to welcome you, sir.
Paratov. All right, fine, thank you. Here. (Hegives him a ruble note.)
Ivan. Thank you very much, sir. (He goes off.)
Paratov. So, Vasily Danilych, you were expecting me to come on the Flier?
Vozhevatov. I didn’t know you’d be coming on your Swallow. I thought you’d be coming with the barges.
Paratov. No, I sold my barges. I thought I’d get here early this morning. I wanted to pass the Flier, but the engineer’s a coward. I keep shouting to the stokers, “Stoke away!”-but he takes the wood from them. He climbs out of the hold and says, “If you throw down just one more log, I’ll throw myself overboard.” He was afraid the boiler wouldn’t stand it. He scratched out some figures for me on paper, calculated the pressure. He’s a foreigner, a Dutchman, a timid soul; they have arithmetic instead of a soul. But gentlemen, I forgot to introduce you to my friend. Moky Parmenych, Vasily Danilych, I present you-Robinson.
Robinson bows solemnly and shakes hands with Knurov and Vozhevatov.
Vozhevatov. And what’s his first name and patronymic?
Paratov. He’s just Robinson, that’s all, no first name or patronymic.
Robinson (to Paratov). Serge!
Paratov. What is it?
Robinson. It’s noon, my friend, I’m suffering.
Paratov. You just wait, we’ll be going to an inn.
Robinson (pointing to the coffee house). Voilà!
Paratov. All right, go ahead, have it your own way!
Robinson goes to the coffee house.
Gavrilo, don’t serve that gentleman more than one small glass; he has a restless disposition.
Robinson (shrugging his shoulders). Serge! (He enters the coffee house, Gavrilo after him.)
Paratov. That, gentlemen, is an actor from the provinces, Arkady Shchastlivtsev by name.
Vozhevatov. Then why is he called Robinson?
Paratov. I’ll tell you. He was traveling on some steamboat or other, I don’t know which one, with a friend of his, a merchant’s son named Neputôvy, both drunk, of course, drunk as could be. They did whatever came into their head, and the passengers put up with it all. At last, to top off all their insane antics, they thought up a dramatic performance. They took off their clothes, cut open a pillow, covered themselves with down and began to play savages. At that point the captain, on the insistence of the passengers, put them ashore on a desert island. We go sailing by that island, I look, and somebody calls out, lifting his arms. Immediately I shout, “Stop,” get into a boat myself, and I find the actor Shchastlivtsev. I take him onto our boat and dress him from head to foot in my own clothes since I have extra. Gentlemen, I have a weakness for actors… That’s why he’s Robinson.
Vozhevatov. And Neputovy stayed on the island?
Paratov. But what good was he to me? Let him get the fresh air. You can judge for yourselves, gentlemen. You know, when you’re traveling it can get awfully boring, you’re glad for any companion.
Knurov. Quite right, of course.
Vozhevatov. That was lucky, a real stroke of luck! Like finding gold!
Knurov. Just one drawback, he’s given to drunkenness.
Paratov. No, gentlemen, he can’t get drunk with me, I’m strict about that. He has no money, and he can’t get anything without my permission. And if he asks me for something, then I make him learn some French conversations from a phrase book I was lucky enough to have. He learns a page first or I won’t give him anything. So he sits down and studies, how hard he tries!
Vozhevatov. How lucky you are, Sergey Sergeyich! I wouldn’t spare anything to have a man like that, but there aren’t any around. Is he a good actor?
Paratov. Well no, hardly! He went through all the roles and was a prompter, but now he plays in operettas. It doesn’t matter, he’ll pass well enough, he’s amusing.
Vozhevatov. You mean he’s fun?
Paratov. He’s entertaining.
Vozhevatov. And can you play jokes on him?
Paratov. Sure, he’s not touchy. Look, to satisfy you I can let you have him for two or three days.
Vozhevatov. Thank you very much. If I like him, he won’t lose by it.
Knurov. How is it, Sergey Sergeyich, that you don’t feel sorry about selling the Swallow?
Paratov. I don’t know what it means to “feel sorry”: for me, Moky Parmenych, nothing is sacred. If it’s to my advantage, I’ll sell anything, no matter what. But now, gentlemen, I have other business and other considerations. I’m going to marry a very rich young woman, I’ll be getting gold mines for a dowry.
Vozhevatov. A good dowry.
Paratov. It won’t come cheap. I have to say good-bye to my freedom and my life of fun. That’s why we should try hard to have a high old time these last days.
Vozhevatov. We’ll try hard, Sergey Sergeyich, we’ll try hard.
Paratov. My fiancée’s father is an important official. He’s a strict old man, and he can’t stand hearing about gypsies, carousals, and the like. He doesn’t even like it if somebody smokes a lot. What you’re supposed to do is put on your frockcoat and parlez français! That’s why I’m practicing now with Robinson. Only he, maybe for show, I don’t know, calls me “la Serge,” not simply “Serge.” He’s terribly funny!
Robinson appears on the steps of the coffee house, chewing something. Gavrilo is behind him.
Paratov (to Robinson). Que faites-vous là? Venez!
Robinson (with a distinguished air). Comment?
Paratov. What charm! What a tone, gentlemen! (To Robinson.) You give up that filthy habit of abandoning respectable society for the tavern.
Vozhevatov. Yes, they have a way of doing that.
Robinson. La Serge, you’ve managed to… There was no need to do that.
Paratov. Yes, forgive me, I gave away your pseudonym.
Vozhevatov. We won’t give you away, Robinson, you’ll pass among us as an Englishman, old man.
Robinson. Why this sudden familiarity? You and I haven’t drunk any fraternal pledge.
Vozhevatov. It doesn’t matter… Why stand on ceremony!
Robinson. But I don’t tolerate familiarity, and I won’t permit just anybody.
Vozhevatov. But I’m not just anybody.
Robinson. Then who are you?
Vozhevatov. A merchant.
Robinson. A rich one?
Vozhevatov. A rich one.
Robinson. And generous?
Vozhevatov. And generous.
Robinson. Now that’s something to my taste. (He extends his hand to Vozhevatov.) Very pleased to meet you. Now I can permit you to deal with me without formalities.
Vozhevatov. That means we’re friends, two bodies, one soul.
Robinson. And one pocket. What’s your first name and patronymic? I mean, your first name, the patronymic’s not necessary.
Vozhevatov. Vasily Danilych.
Robinson. Tell you what, Vasya, in honor of our first acquaintance you pay for me.
Vozhevatov. Gavrilo, write it down to my account. Sergey Sergeyich, we’re getting up a picnic for tonight on the other side of the Volga. In one boat there’ll be gypsies, and we’ll be in the other. When we get there we’ll sit down on a rug and heat up some hot punch.
Gavrilo. And I, Sergey Sergeyich, have two pineapples that have been waiting for you a long time. They should be broken into to celebrate your arrival.
Paratov (to Gavrilo). Fine, cut them up! (To Vozhevatov.) Gentlemen, I’m at your disposal, do what you want with me.
Gavrilo. And I, Vasily Danilych, will make all the necessary arrangements. I have a silver saucepan for such occasions, and I’ll let my help go off with you.
Vozhevatov. All right, very good. Have everything ready by six. If you should get in something extra, it won’t be held against you, but you’ll have to answer for any lack.
Gavrilo. We understand, sir.
Vozhevatov. And when we come back we’ll light up colored lanterns on the boats.
Robinson. I haven’t known him long, and already I’ve grown fond of him, gentlemen. There’s a miracle for you!
Paratov. The main thing is, there should be a good time. I’m saying goodbye to my bachelor life, so I want something to remember it by. And this evening, gentlemen, I invite you to have dinner with me.
Vozhevatov. What a pity! I’m afraid that’s impossible, Sergey Sergeyich.
Knurov. We’ve been invited elsewhere.
Paratov. Decline, gentlemen.
Vozhevatov. We can’t decline. Larisa Dmitriyevna is getting married, so we’re having dinner at her fiancé’s.
Paratov. Larisa is getting married! (He becomes pensive.) So then… God be with her! This is even better… I’m a bit guilty towards her, or rather, I’m so guilty I shouldn’t show my face to them. But now she’s getting married it means the old scores are settled, and I can show up and kiss her little hands, and aunty’s too. I call Kharita Ignatyevna aunty for short. You know, I almost married Larisa; that would have given people something to laugh at! Yes, I almost made a fool of myself. So she’s getting married. That’s very nice on her part; all the same I do feel a bit relieved… and may God grant her health and every blessing! I’ll drop in on them, I’ll drop in. It’ll be interesting, very interesting to have a look at her.
Vozhevatov. They’ll probably invite you.
Paratov. Of course, how could they do without me!
Knurov. I’m very glad. Now at least I’ll have somebody at dinner to exchange a word with.
Vozhevatov. When we’re there we’ll talk over how we can pass time to have more fun. Maybe we can think up something else.
Paratov. Yes, gentlemen, life is short, that’s what the philosophers tell us, so we’ve got to know how to take advantage of it… N’est-ce pas, Robinson?
Robinson. Oui, la Serge.
Vozhevatov. We’ll try hard, you won’t be bored, we’ll stand on that. We’ll take a third boat, and we’ll put the regimental band on it.
Paratov. Good day, gentlemen! I’m going to the inn. Robinson, forward… march!
Robinson (lifting his hat).
Long live merriment!
Long live delight![3 - From “The Tomb of Askold” (Askol'dova mogila), opera by A. N. Verstovsky, libretto by M. N. Zagoskin.]

Act two

A room in the home of Mme Ogudalov. Two doors: an entrance door in the background, the other to the left of the actors. On the right is a window. The furniture is presentable. A piano with a guitar lying on it. Mme Ogudalov is alone. She is walking toward the door at the left with a small box in her hands.
Mme Ogudalov. Larisa, Larisa! (Larisa's voice off stage: "I'm getting dressed, Mama.”) Just see what a gift Vasya’s brought you! (Larisa off stage: "I'll look later.”) What things! They must be worth five hundred rubles. He told me, “Put them in her room tomorrow morning and don’t say who they’re from.” But he knows, the scamp, that I won’t be able to control myself, that I’ll tell. I asked him to stay awhile, but he wouldn’t stay. He’s going around with some foreigner, he’s showing him the town. But Vasya’s such a joker you can’t tell whether he’s thought up something or whether it’s the real thing. “What I’ve got to do,” he says, “is show this foreigner all the tavern institutions worthy of note.” He wanted to drag that foreigner along to visit us. (Looking out the window.) There comes Moky Parmenych! Don’t come out, it’s better for me to talk with him alone. (Knurov enters.)
Knurov (in the doorway). You’re alone?
Mme Ogudalov. Alone, Moky Parmenych.
Knurov (enters). Very good.
Mme Ogudalov. To what can I ascribe this good fortune! I’m grateful, Moky Parmenych, so very grateful that you’ve honored us with your visit. I’m so glad I’ve even lost my bearings. Really… I don’t know where to have you sit.
Knurov. It doesn’t matter. I’ll sit some place. (He sits down.)
Mme Ogudalov. You must excuse Larisa, she’s changing. But I suppose I could hurry her up.
Knurov. No, why bother!
Mme Ogudalov. What made you think of visiting us?
Knurov. I walk about a lot before dinner, so I just dropped in.
Mme Ogudalov. You can rest assured, Moky Parmenych, that we consider your visit a special stroke of good fortune. I just can’t compare it with anything.
Knurov. So you’re marrying off Larisa Dmitriyevna?
Mme Ogudalov. Yes, she’s getting married, Moky Parmenych.
Knurov. There was a groom who’d take her without money?
Mme Ogudalov. Without money, Moky Parmenych. Where do you think we could get any money?
Knurov. Well then, does he have great means, that groom of yours?
Mme Ogudalov. What means! He has very little!
Knurov. I see… And how do you feel, do you think you’re doing the right thing to marry off Larisa Dmitriyevna to a poor man?
Mme Ogudalov. I don’t know, Moky Parmenych. I didn’t have anything to do with it, it was her choice.
Knurov. Well, and this young man, what about him? Do you think he’s doing the right thing?
Mme Ogudalov. Why not? I find it praiseworthy on his part.
Knurov. There’s nothing praiseworthy about it; on the contrary it’s blameworthy. To be sure, from his point of view he’s not being stupid. What is he, who knows him, who’s paid any attention to him! But now the whole town’ll start talking about him, he’s climbing into the best society, he allows himself to invite me to dinner, for example. But here’s the stupid part. He didn’t think or didn’t want to think about how and on what means he’s going to live with such a wife. That’s something you and I ought to talk about.
Mme Ogudalov. Be so kind, Moky Parmenych!
Knurov. What opinion do you have of your daughter? What’s she like?
Mme Ogudalov. I really don’t know what to say. About all I can do is listen to you.
Knurov. You know as well as I there’s none of that commonness in Larisa Dmitriyevna, none of that everyday stuff. Well, you know what I mean, none of the petty triviality you need for a family living in poverty.
Mme Ogudalov. There’s none of that, none.
Knurov. You could call her an ethereal creature.
Mme Ogudalov. An ethereal creature, Moky Parmenych.
Knurov. She was created for splendor.
Mme Ogudalov. For splendor, Moky Parmenych.
Knurov. And can your Karandyshov give her that splendor?
Mme Ogudalov. No, how could he!
Knurov. She won’t be able to endure life when it’s poor and common. And what will be left for her then? She’ll fade away, and then, the way these things go, she’ll end up with consumption.
Mme Ogudalov. Oh, how can you say things like that! God forbid!
Knurov. It would be a good thing if she’d decide very quickly to leave her husband and come back to you.
Mme Ogudalov. But that would be just more misery, Moky Parmenych, what would my daughter and I have to live on!
Knurov. Well, that’s a misery that could be remedied. The heartfelt concern of a strong and rich man…
Mme Ogudalov. How nice if such a concern should turn up.
Knurov. You should try to gain it. In cases like this it is quite necessary to have a good friend, one who’s solid and steady.
Mme Ogudalov. It is quite necessary.
Knurov. Now you might tell me that she’s not even married yet, that the time is still far off when she could leave her husband. Yes, it could well be far off, but then again it could be very close. So it’s better to let you know now, so you won’t make some kind of mistake, that I won’t begrudge a thing for Larisa Dmitriyevna. Why are you smiling?
Mme Ogudalov. It makes me very happy, Moky Parmenych, that you’re so well disposed to us.
Knurov. Do you think, perhaps, that my suggestions are not disinterested?
Mme Ogudalov. Oh, Moky Parmenych!
Knurov. Take offense if you want, throw me out.
Mme Ogudalov (embarrassed). Oh, Moky Parmenych!
Knurov. Go find those people who’ll promise you tens of thousands for nothing in return, then you can scold me. Only don’t bother to look, you won’t find them. But I got carried away, that wasn’t what I came to talk about. What’s that box you have there?
Mme Ogudalov. I wanted to give it to my daughter for a present, Moky Parmenych.
Knurov (looking over the things in the box). I see…
Mme Ogudalov. But it’s all expensive, more than I can afford.
Knurov (gives back the box). Well, those are just trifles, there are more important things to think about. You have to provide a good wardrobe for Larisa Dmitriyevna, what I mean is, not just good but very good. A wedding dress and everything else that’s required.
Mme Ogudalov. Yes, yes, Moky Parmenych.
Knurov. It would be a great shame for her to be dressed just any old way. So you go ahead and order everything in the best store, and don’t count the cost or worry over the kopecks. Just send the bills to me, I’ll pay.
Mme Ogudalov. Really, I can’t find the words to thank you.
Knurov. To tell the truth, that was why I came. (He gets up.)
Mme Ogudalov. All the same, I’d still like to give my daughter a surprise tomorrow. A mother’s heart, you know.
Knurov (takes the box). Well now, what do we have here? How much does it cost?
Mme Ogudalov. You set a price on it, Moky Parmenych!
Knurov. Why price it, why bother! Let’s say it costs three hundred rubles. (He takes money from his wallet and gives it to Mme Ogudalov.) Good-bye. I’m going to walk a bit more, I expect to have a good dinner tonight. We’ll see each other at dinner. (He goes to the door.)
Mme Ogudalov. I’m very grateful, very grateful to you for everything, Moky Parmenych, everything!
Knurov goes off. Larisa enters with a basket in her hand.
Larisa (places the basket on the table and examines the things in the box). Are these what Vasya gave me? Not bad. How nice of him!
Mme Ogudalov. “Not bad.” They’re very expensive. Aren’t you glad to get them?
Larisa. I don’t feel especially glad about it.
Mme Ogudalov. You thank Vasya, just whisper in his ear, “Thank you.” And Knurov too.
Larisa. Why Knurov?
Mme Ogudalov. It’s something necessary, I know why.
Larisa. Oh, Mama, you always have your secrets and tricks.
Mme Ogudalov. Tricks! You can’t live in this world without tricks.
Larisa (takes the guitar, sits next to the window, and starts to sing).
Mother mine, so dear to me, sun so warm and mild, Mother mine, caress your own tiny baby child.[4 - From a romance by A. L. Gurilev, words by Nirkomsky (pseudonym).]Yuly Kapitonych wants to enter the election for Justice of Peace.
Mme Ogudalov. That’s very nice. For what district?
Larisa. For Zabolotye.
Mme Ogudalov. Aie, isn’t that off in the sticks somewhere? Where did he get the idea of going so far?
Larisa. There aren’t so many candidates there; he’d probably get elected.
Mme Ogudalov. Well, all right, even there people can live.
Larisa. I don’t mind going even to the sticks, just so long as I can get away from here first.
Mme Ogudalov. It could be a good thing living in the sticks for a while. Your Karandyshov will look good there, he might be the first man in the district, and little by little you’ll get used to him.
Larisa. But he’s a good man here too. I don’t see anything bad in him.
Mme Ogudalov. Oh come now! As if there aren’t others just as good as him!
Larisa. Of course, some are even better. I know that myself, very well.
Mme Ogudalov. They’re better all right, only they’re not for the likes of us.
Larisa. Right now even this one’s good enough for me. But why talk about it, it’s all decided.
Mme Ogudalov. I’m just glad you like him, thank God for that! I’m not going to judge him before you, but we don’t have to pretend to each other, you’re not blind.
Larisa. I’ve become blind, I’ve lost all my feelings, and I’m glad of it. For a long time now everything around me’s been like a dream. No, I simply must leave here, I must tear myself away. I’ll keep after Yuly Kapitonych. Soon summer will be over, and I want to walk through the woods, to pick berries and mushrooms…
Mme Ogudalov. So that’s why you’ve gotten yourself a basket! Now I understand. Get yourself a straw hat with a wide brim, and then you’ll be a shepherd girl.
Larisa. I’ll get a hat too. (She sings.)
O tempt me not if there’s no need.[5 - “O tempt me not if there’s no need…" (Ne iskushai menia bez nuzhdy…) Romance by M. I. Glinka, words by E. A. Baratynsky.]
It’s calm and quiet there.
Mme Ogudalov. But when September comes it won’t be so quiet; the wind will blow at your window.
Larisa. So what?
Mme Ogudalov. The wolves will howl in different keys.
Larisa. Still, it will be better than here. At least my soul will have some rest.
Mme Ogudalov. Do you think I’m trying to talk you out of it? Go there, please do, and let your soul have its rest. But you must realize, Zabolotye is no Italy. I have to tell you that so you won’t be disillusioned. You’d blame me for not warning you.
Larisa. Thanks. But even if it will be wild there, and far away, and cold, for me, after the kind of life I’ve had here, every quiet nook will seem like heaven. Why Yuly Kapitonych is putting it off is something I can’t understand.
Mme Ogudalov. But why should he want to rush off to the country! He wants to do some showing off. And no wonder. He was nothing, and now he’s become somebody.
Larisa (sings). O tempt me not if there’s no need… How irritating, I just can’t get the right key. (She looks out the window.) Ilya, Ilya! Come in for a minute! I’ll take some songs with me to the country to play and sing when I’m bored.
Ilya enters.
Ilya. Happy birthday! May God grant you health and happiness! (He puts his peak cap on the chair by the door.)
Larisa. Ilya, give me the right key for “O tempt me not if there’s no need.” I’m always off-key. (She gives him the guitar.)
Ilya. Right away, miss. (He takes the guitar and tunes up.) That’s a pretty song. It’s good for three voices, you need a tenor for the second part… It’s awful pretty. But you know, an awful thing happened with us, an awful thing!
Mme Ogudalov. What awful thing?
Ilya. Our Anton, he sings tenor.
Mme Ogudalov. I know, I know.
Ilya. He’s our only tenor, all the rest sing bass. What basses they are, what basses! But Anton’s our only tenor.
Mme Ogudalov. So what about it?
Ilya. He’s not fit for the chorus, no good at all.
Mme Ogudalov. He’s not well?
Ilya. His health is all right, nothing wrong there.
Mme Ogudalov. Then what’s the matter with him?
Ilya. He’s bent over on one side, at an angle. He walks like that, bent over at a right angle, and he’ll be like that for another week, it’s awful! Every man is worth a lot in a chorus, but what can you do without a tenor! He went to the doctor, and the doctor says, “After a week or two it’ll go away, you’ll be straight again.” But we need him now.
Larisa. But I want you to sing!
Ilya. Right away, miss. The guitar’s out of tune. It’s awful, just awful! In a chorus you’ve got to stand up straight, and there he is bent over.
Mme Ogudalov. How did he get that way?
Ilya. From stupidity.
Mme Ogudalov. What kind of stupidity?
Ilya. That kind of stupidity our people have. I said, “Watch out, Anton, be careful now!” But he didn’t understand.
Mme Ogudalov. And we don’t understand either.
Ilya. Well, I hate to tell you, but he went on a spree, and what a spree, what a spree! I said, “Anton, watch out, careful now!” But he didn’t understand. Oh it’s awful, awful! Right now a man’s worth a hundred rubles, that’s the business at hand, the kind of gentleman we’re expecting, and there’s Anton bent over crooked. He was a real straight-up gypsy, but now he’s twisted! (He starts to sing in a bass voice.) “O tempt me not…”
Voice through the window: “Ilya, Ilya, come here! Come quick!"
Why? What do you want?
Voice from the street: “Come, the gentleman is here!"
You’re joking!
Voice from the street: “He's really come!"
I don’t have any more time, miss, the gentleman’s come. (He puts down the guitar and takes his peak cap.)
Mme Ogudalov. What gentleman?
Ilya. The one we’ve been waiting for a whole year, that one! (Hegoes off.)
Mme Ogudalov. Who do you suppose could have come? He must be rich and probably a bachelor, Larisa, since the gypsies are so glad to see him. You can see he spends time with the gypsies. Oh Larisa, have we missed out on a suitor? Why did we have to hurry so?
Larisa. Oh Mama, haven’t I suffered enough? No, I’ve been humiliated enough.
Mme Ogudalov. You used that horrible word “humiliated”! Did you mean to frighten me, perhaps? We’re poor folk, and that means being humiliated all our life. So it’s better to be humiliated when you’re young if you can later live like a human being.
Larisa. No, I can’t, it’s more than I can bear.
Mme Ogudalov. But you can’t get anything easily, and you’d stay nobody all your life.
Larisa. To pretend again, lie again!
Mme Ogudalov. So pretend then, and lie too! Happiness won’t come running after you if you run away from it. (Karandyshov enters.) Yuly Kapitonych, our Larisa’s all set to go to the country, here she’s gotten herself a basket for mushrooms.
Larisa. Yes, please, for my sake, let’s go right away!
Karandyshov. I don’t understand you. Why are you in such a hurry to get there?
Larisa. I want so much to get away from here.
Karandyshov (in an outburst). Who is it you want to get away from? Who’s persecuting you? Or could you be ashamed of me?
Larisa (coldly). No, I’m not ashamed of you, I don’t know how it’s going to be in the future, but so far you haven’t given me any cause for that.
Karandyshov. Then why run away, why hide from people? Give me some time to get settled, to pull myself together, to come to my senses. I’m glad, I’m happy. So give me a chance to feel the pleasure of my position.
Mme Ogudalov. To show off.
Karandyshov. Yes, to show off, I won’t hide it. My self-respect has suffered many, many wounds, and my pride has been offended more than once. Now I rightly want to be proud and strut some.
Larisa. Then when are you thinking of going to the country?
Karandyshov. After the wedding, whenever you want, even the very next day. Only we absolutely must get married here, so nobody can say we’re hiding out because I’m not a good match for you but just the straw a drowning man grabs for.
Larisa. But you know, Yuly Kapitonych, that last part’s almost the way it is, it’s true.
Karandyshov (angrily). Then keep that truth to yourself! (In tears.) Have a little pity on me! At least let the others think you love, that you made a free choice.
Larisa. But why do that?
Karandyshov. What do you mean, “why”? Don’t you make any allowance for self-respect in a man?
Larisa. Self-respect! All you think about is yourself! Everybody loves himself! When is anybody ever going to love me? You’re going to lead me to ruin.
Mme Ogudalov. That’s enough, Larisa, what’s gotten into you?
Larisa. Mama, I’m afraid, I’m afraid of something. Now listen. If the wedding’s going to be here, then please, as few people as possible, as quiet and simple as possible.
Mme Ogudalov. No, don’t you get any crazy ideas! A wedding’s a wedding, and I’m an Ogudalov and won’t allow any skimping. You’ll shine as nobody here has ever shone.
Karandyshov. And I won’t begrudge a thing.
Larisa. All right, I’ll be quiet. I can see that for you I’m a doll. You’ll play with me, break me and throw me away.
Karandyshov. That dinner tonight is going to cost me plenty.
Mme Ogudalov. And I consider that dinner of yours absolutely unnecessary, an unjustified expense.
Karandyshov. But even if it should cost me twice as much, or three times as much, I wouldn’t begrudge the money.
Mme Ogudalov. It’s something nobody needs.
Karandyshov. I need it.
Larisa. But what for, Yuly Kapitonych?
Karandyshov. Larisa Dmitriyevna, for three years I’ve been suffering humiliation, for three years I’ve had to put up with mockery from your friends right to my face. I’ve got to have my turn to laugh at them.
Mme Ogudalov. What will you think up next! Do you want to get up some quarrel, is that it? In that case Larisa and I won’t go.
Larisa. Oh, please, don’t offend anybody!
Karandyshov. Don’t offend! Though they can offend me? But don’t worry, there won’t be any quarrel, it’ll all be very peaceful. I’ll propose a toast to you and thank you publicly for the happiness you are giving me by your choice, for the fact that you haven’t treated me the way the others have, that you have valued me and trusted in the sincerity of my feelings. That’s all, that’s my whole revenge!
Mme Ogudalov. And all that’s completely unnecessary.
Karandyshov. No, those great dandies harassed me with their bragging. But they didn’t accumulate their wealth on their own, so why should they brag about it? They throw away fifteen rubles on one order of tea!
Mme Ogudalov. Now you’re taking it out on poor Vasya.
Karandyshov. Not just Vasya, they’re all good at that. Just see what’s going on in town, the joy on people’s faces. The cab drivers are all in a gay mood, they drive around the streets shouting to each other, “The gentleman’s come, the gentleman’s come.” The waiters in the inns are beaming too, they run out to the street and shout from inn to inn, “The gentleman’s come, the gentleman’s come.” The gypsies have gone crazy, they’re suddenly all making a big fuss and waving their hands. At the hotel it’s like a congress, a big crowd of people. A little while ago four gypsies, all decked out, drove up in a carriage to congratulate him on his arrival. What a scene! But what I’ve heard is that that gentleman has run through all his money and sold his last boat. So who’s come then? A man who’s spent all his money having a good time, a degenerate, and the whole town’s glad to see him. Fine morals!
Mme Ogudalov. But who is it that’s come?
Karandyshov. Your Sergey Sergeyich Paratov.
Larisa stands up in fright.
Mme Ogudalov. So that’s who it is!
Larisa. Let’s go to the country, let’s go right now!
Karandyshov. Now is just the time we shouldn’t go.
Mme Ogudalov. What’s the matter, Larisa, why hide from him! He’s not a highway robber!
Larisa. Why don’t you listen to me! You’re destroying me, pushing me into an abyss.
Mme Ogudalov. You’re insane.
Karandyshov. What are you afraid of?
Larisa. I’m not afraid for myself.
Karandyshov. For whom then?
Larisa. For you.
Karandyshov. Oh, don’t be afraid for me! I won’t let myself be put upon. Just let him try picking a quarrel with me, then he’ll see.
Mme Ogudalov. No, don’t talk like that! God help us! This isn’t Vasya. You be careful with him if you value your happiness.
Karandyshov (by the window). There, if you care to look, he’s come to visit you. Four pacers abreast and a gypsy on the box with the coachman. He’s really showing off. Of course, it doesn’t do anybody any harm to let him have his fun, but in reality it’s disgusting and stupid.
Larisa (to Karandyshov). Let’s go, let’s go to my room. Mama, you receive him here. Please, talk him out of any visits!
Larisa and Karandyshovgo out. Paratov enters.
Paratov (during this entire scene with Mme Ogudalov he adopts a half-joking, half-serious tone). Aunty, your dear hand!
Mme Ogudalov (holding out her hand). Oh, Sergey Sergeyich! Oh, my dear boy!
Paratov. You desire to embrace me? Permitted! (They embrace and kiss.)
Mme Ogudalov. What wind brought you here? Passing through, perhaps?
Paratov. I came here on purpose, and my first visit is to you, Aunty.
Mme Ogudalov. Thank you. How are you, how are things going with you?
Paratov. It would be a sin to complain, Aunty. I’m enjoying life though my business affairs aren’t too good.
Mme Ogudalov (after looking at Paratov awhile). Sergey Sergeyich, tell me, dear boy, why did you disappear so suddenly that time?
Paratov. I received an unpleasant telegram, Aunty.
Mme Ogudalov. What kind of telegram?
Paratov. While I was away my managers reduced my household to a shell. Because of their operations my ships were about to be auctioned off along with all my property and belongings. So I flew off to save my possessions.
Mme Ogudalov. So you saved everything and arranged everything.
Paratov. Not really. I arranged things but not completely; there was quite a loss. But I haven’t lost heart, Aunty, and I haven’t lost my fun-loving disposition.
Mme Ogudalov. I can see you haven’t lost it.
Paratov. We lose in one thing and gain in something else, Aunty; that’s how it is with men like us.
Mme Ogudalov. What do you want to gain in? Have you started some new business operations?
Paratov. It’s not for lightheaded gentlemen like us to go starting new business operations! That’s how people get into debtors’ prison, Aunty, I want to sell my precious freedom.
Mme Ogudalov. I understand. You want to marry for money. How high do you value your precious freedom?
Paratov. At half a million.
Mme Ogudalov. That’s a lot of money.
Paratov. I can’t do it any cheaper, Aunty. If you don’t figure it out right, you’re in trouble, you know that yourself.
Mme Ogudalov. That’s my kind of man!
Paratov. Right.
Mme Ogudalov. What a falcon! It’s a joy to look at you.
Paratov. It’s very flattering to hear that from you. Please allow me to kiss your dear hand. (He kisses her hand.)
Mme Ogudalov. But what about the buyers? That is, you have some buyers, don’t you?
Paratov. If one looks for them, they’ll be found.
Mme Ogudalov. Pardon me for an indiscreet question!
Paratov. If it’s very indiscreet, then don’t ask me. I’m bashful.
Mme Ogudalov. Enough of your jokes! Is there a fiancée or not? If there is, then who is she?
Paratov. Even if you kill me, I won’t say.
Mme Ogudalov. All right, as you wish.

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Name of a town on the Volga which existed in the seventeenth century.

Altered quotation from the fable “The Fox and the Grapes” (Lisitsa i vinograd) by I. Krylov based on Aesop’s fable with the same title.

From “The Tomb of Askold” (Askol'dova mogila), opera by A. N. Verstovsky, libretto by M. N. Zagoskin.

From a romance by A. L. Gurilev, words by Nirkomsky (pseudonym).

“O tempt me not if there’s no need…" (Ne iskushai menia bez nuzhdy…) Romance by M. I. Glinka, words by E. A. Baratynsky.