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Reality Transurfing: steps 1-5
Vadim Zeland
Transurfing Reality
Transurfing is a powerful technology of managing reality. Apply it – and life will begin to change under YOUR order. The goal during using Transurfing doesn't reached, but implemented for the most part itself. It's impossible to believe , but only at first sight. The ideas presented in the book have already found practical confirmation. Those who tried to do the Transurfing, was surprised, bordering on delight. The surrounding world of Transurfer is inexplicably changing before our eyes.

Vadim Zeland
Reality Transurfing: steps 1-5

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Наш замечательный коллектив с большим вниманием выбирает и готовит рукописи. Они вдохновляют человека на заботливое отношение к своей жизни, жизни близких и нашей любимой Родины. Наша духовная культура берёт начало в глубине тысячелетий. Её основа – свобода, любовь и сострадание. Суровые климатические условия и большие пространства России рождают смелых людей с чуткой душой – это идеал русского человека. Будем рады, если наши книги помогут Вам стать таким человеком и укрепят Ваши добродетели.
Мы верим, что духовное стремление является прочным основанием для полноценной жизни и способно проявиться в любой области человеческой деятельности. Это может быть семья и воспитание детей, наука и культура, искусство и религиозная деятельность, предпринимательство и государственное управление. Возрождайте свет души в себе, поддерживайте его в других. Именно это усилие создаёт новые возможности, вдохновляет нас на заботу о ближних, способствуют росту как личного, так и общественного благополучия.

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Everyone wants their life to be comfortable, abundant, free of illness and chaos, and yet we often find that life has its own plans, and can leave us feeling like a little paper boat spinning round on life’s turbulent waters. You may have tried all sorts of popular methods aimed at achieving happiness but I wonder how effective you found them if they conformed to the traditional worldview.
This book introduces many strange and wonderful things. It is all so mind-blowing you might not want to believe it. But you will not have to believe. The methods introduced here invite you to test everything out for yourself and when you do, your current worldview will crumble.
Transurfing is a powerful technique aimed at giving you the power to create aspects of your life in a way that would ordinarily seem impossible; In particular, Transurfing will give you the power to control your own destiny as you see fit. I promise no miracles and yet something greater than a miracle awaits you. You will discover that the hidden quality of reality is more extraordinary than any mystic tradition.
There are many books available now on how to become successful, rich and happy. It is a tempting prospect, for who would not want these things? The problem is that when you start reading these self-help books you discover that in order for the technique to work you have to do certain exercises, embark on some serious soul searching, meditate, and straight away, your enthusiasm wanes. For most people life is busy and stressful enough without having to add to the workload by giving yourself any more to do.
The books will tell you that you are imperfect and that change will have to start with yourself otherwise there is no point in hoping for anything more. You might not be entirely satisfied with yourself but deep down you know that you do not really want to change and neither should you have to. Be careful of anyone who tells you that you are less than perfect, for how could anyone else possibly know how you are meant to be? If you are told that you must change yourself in order to achieve the things you want in life the solution is not where you were looking for it.
The main idea of Transurfing is based on the existence of the alternatives space which stores the scripts of all possible events. The number of alternatives is infinite just like the number of possible points on a coordinate graph is infinite. In the alternatives space is written everything that was, is, or ever will be. Under certain conditions, a person’s thought energy can materialise a given sector of the alternatives space.
A potential alternative is embodied in physical reality like a reflection in the mirror of alternatives. The individual is capable of shaping their own reality as long as they observe certain rules. The mind tries unsuccessfully to influence the reflection. Instead you have to change the image that is being reflected.
In this book we are not going to do exercises, meditate or obsess with the self. Transurfing is not so much a new method of self-improvement as a fundamentally different way of thinking and behaving in order to get what you desire out of life. It implies exactly this—to get what you desire from life, rather than having to fight for it. The method of Transurfing is not aimed at changing the self. It offers a way of returning to self.
We all make mistakes in life and then think how wonderful it would be if we could turn back the clock and put everything right. I am not promising you a “train ticket back to your childhood”, but mistakes can be put right and doing so is a bit like returning to the past, or even stepping ‘forward into the past’. The meaning of these words will become clearer towards the end of the book. You will not have heard or read anywhere else the things I am going to tell you here, so be prepared for the unexpected as enjoyable as it is surprising.

Chapter I. The Alternatives Model
Dreams Don’t Come True

The Rustle of the Morning Stars
I was woken by the neighbour’s dog barking. The nasty animal was always waking me up. How I hated it! Why should I have to be woken up by the noise of someone else’s pet? I decided to go out for a walk, calm down and distract myself from the intense desire to set fire to my neighbour’s house. They say dogs are like their owners. This one was. There always seemed to be some idiot in my life trying to get me down. Feeling stressed I started to get dressed. My slippers had disappeared again. Where are you, you sneaky little buggers? When I find you I will chuck you out!
It was foggy and damp outside. I walked along the slippery path through the gloomy forest. Almost all the leaves had fallen, exposing the grey trunks of half-dead trees. Why do I live in the middle of this depressing bog? I reached for a cigarette. I didn’t really want one, but old habits told me I needed one. Need? At what point had I become addicted to cigarettes? It’s not very pleasant smoking in the morning on an empty stomach. I used to be a social smoker. It had been fashionable, a symbol of freedom and style. But the party ends and the grey, drizzle of everyday life sets in, bringing with it problems in patches like slimy puddles. You smoke each problem away several times as if saying to yourself: “I’ll just have this quick smoke, catch my breath and then launch myself back into the dreaded routine.”
The smoke got in my eyes making them sting, so I placed my hands over them for a minute like an upset child. I was so fed up of everything. As if reading my thoughts, a birch branch bent spitefully and hit me hard on the forehead. Bastard! In my outrage I broke the branch in half and threw it to one side. The branch got caught in a tree and bounced from side to side and sprang up and down like a jack in a box as if mocking my inability to change any aspect of my world. Feeling very low I pushed on.
Every time I tried to battle with the world it would at first yield, giving me false hope, only then to come back at me with a hard slap. It’s only in films that the hero sets off towards his goal casting aside anything and everything that stands in the way. In reality, things are a bit different. Life is like a game of roulette. You win once, twice, even three times. You imagine yourself the prize-winner with the world at your feet but always end up with less than you started. You are just the turkey fattened up to be roasted and devoured to the sounds of happy music and laughter. You were fooling yourself. It’s not your lucky day. You made a mistake…
Wallowing in dark thoughts I arrived at the beach. Sharp waves were biting viciously at the sandy shore. The cold, damp sea breeze blew at me bitterly. Fat sea gulls wandered the shoreline, lazily pecking at rotten waste. Their eyes carried a cold, black empty look as if reflecting the cold and antagonism of the world around me.
A tramp was collecting empty bottles on the beach. I wished he would disappear. I wanted to be alone but he was walking towards me, probably wanting to scrounge something. I decided to go home. Was there no peace anywhere? I was so tired. I realised that the feeling of tiredness never left me, even when I was relaxing. At some point I had started killing time as if sitting out a prison sentence. I was always waiting for things to change, for a new stage in my life to begin where I would be different and able to enjoy life, but that stage was always somewhere in the future. In the meantime it was the same old drudgery. I kept waiting but the better future remained as elusive as ever. I would return home and do the same thing I always did; eat a boring breakfast and then leave for my dull job, forcing myself to produce results which mattered to someone else but not to me. It would be just another day of the same tiresome, meaningless life.
I was woken by the rustle of the morning stars. What a sad dream. It was as if I had returned to a period in my past. Thank goodness it was only a dream. I stretched with relief just like my cat does. There he was lying lazily sprawled out—only his ears giving any sign that he was aware of my presence. Get up you whiskered thing. Are you coming with me for a walk? I had placed an order for a sunny day and so set off towards the sea.
The path led through the forest and the rustle of the morning stars gradually faded, giving way to the multi-voiced choir of the bird nation. Someone in the bushes was trying especially hard “Food! Food!” There he was the little wretch. However can such a little ball of fluff squawk so loudly? Only now did it occur to me that although every bird had a different voice, none were ever out of tune with the rest of the choir. They always managed to produce such a graceful symphony; no orchestra, however sophisticated could be favourably compared.
The sun stretched its rays between the trees, creating a magical backlighting that highlighted the voluminous depth and richness of the colours of the forest and transforming it into one miraculous hologram. The path led me diligently towards the sea. The emerald waves exchanged whisperings with the warm sea breeze. The shore seemed endless and empty but I felt comfortable and at peace as if the overpopulated world had created a secluded corner just for me. Some people believe the world is an illusion created by the mind but I could not imagine having such a high opinion of myself that I could think all this beauty was the product of my own consciousness.
Still feeling the effect of my oppressive dream I began to reminisce about my former life, which had actually been as dull and gloomy as my dream. Like a lot of people, I had often demanded that the world give me all I felt it owed me but in response it had turned its back on me in indifference. I was advised by others wiser and more experienced than myself not to give up because the world doesn’t give up that easily either. “You have to fight for what you want”. So I tried battling with the world but I didn’t get anywhere and ended up exhausted. My advisers had a ready answer for this too. “You are the problem. Change yourself before you start demanding things of life”. So, I battled with myself but this turned out to be even harder than battling with the world.
Then one day, I dreamed that I was in a nature reserve. In the dream I was surrounded by indescribable beauty. I was walking through the reserve and admiring the full wonder of it all when I came across an angry old man with a grey beard who, as far as I could make out, was the Guardian of the Reserve. He watched me in silence. I walked up to him but as soon as I opened my mouth to speak he cut across me. In a cold tone he said that he didn’t want to hear a word; he was tired of noisy and capricious visitors who were constantly displeased, always making demands and left mountains of rubbish after themselves. I nodded in sympathy and walked on.
I was amazed by the unique beauty of the reserve and wondered why I hadn’t visited it before. Enchanted, I continued to wander around taking in the magnificence on all sides. No words could fully describe the perfection of the landscape. My mind went blank in stunned admiration.
Soon the Guardian appeared before me again. The austere look on his face had softened and he beckoned for me to follow. We climbed to the top of a green hill and from there the spectacular view of a picturesque valley opened before us. I could make out some kind of village with toy houses decorated with plants and flowers like an illustration in a book of fairy-tales. Had the scene before me appeared more real I could have stood regarding it with delight for some time. As it was, I started to suspect that such fabulous beauty was the stuff of dreams and not real life. I turned to the Guardian with a questioning look but he just sneered into his beard as if to say: “We’re only just getting started!”
As we descended into the valley below it began to dawn on me that I could not remember how I had arrived at the reserve. I was hoping the old man could give me an explanation. Then I must have made some clumsy remark about how it must feel pretty damn good to be one of the lucky ones who could afford to live in such a beautiful place, to which, openly displaying his irritation, the Guardian replied: “Who is stopping you from joining them?”
I started to go on about how not everyone was born rich and we don’t choose our fate. The Guardian ignored my words and said: “That’s the point. Everyone is free to choose any destiny they wish. The only freedom we truly have is the freedom of choice. You can choose anything you want.”
His statement did not at all fit with my philosophy of life and I made to argue with him, but the Guardian would not listen: “Fool!” he said. “You have the right to choose, but you don’t exercise it. You do not even understand what ‘to choose’ really means.” This is ridiculous, I thought. What does he mean by, “I can choose whatever I want”? Anyone would think that you could just conjure up anything you wanted. At that moment I suddenly realised that I was dreaming. The situation threw me and I did not know how to behave.
As far as I can recollect I hinted to the old man that he could chose to speak rubbish whether in a dream or in waking but there ended the extent of his freedom. My comment did not seem to bother the Guardian at all; in fact he laughed in response. Aware of how ridiculous the situation was (what was the point of getting into a debate with a figure from my own dream?) I was considering whether it would be better to wake myself up. As if reading my mind the old man said: “That’s enough. We don’t have much time. I hadn’t expected them to send me a moron like you, but I must carry on with my mission nonetheless.”
I was going to ask him what his ‘mission’ was, and who ‘they’ were but he ignored me, instead giving me a riddle, which at the time seemed quite absurd: “Everyone can have the freedom to choose whatever they want; but here’s a riddle for you: how do you acquire that freedom? When you guess the answer correctly your apples will fall to the sky.”
What apples? I was beginning to lose patience and said that I had no intention of solving any riddles. Miracles only happened in dreams and fairy-tales. In reality, apples generally fall to the ground, to which he replied: “That’s enough! Let’s go. There is something I must show you.”
Regrettably, when I woke up I could not remember the end of the dream. However, I did have the distinct feeling that although I was unable to express it consciously, the Guardian had imparted some kind of information to me. Just one word seeped through into my mind but I had no idea what it meant: Transurfing. The thought I found going round my mind was that I did not have to totally furnish my world myself; that everything that was to be mine had been created long ago without my participation but for my own well-being. There was absolutely no point in battling with the world for a place under the sun, and no-one was stopping me from simply choosing the life I wanted to have.
At first the idea seemed absurd. I would probably have forgotten all about it if I had not to my amazement soon afterwards started having very clear recollections of what the Guardian meant by the word ‘choose’, and how to actually make a choice. The answer to the Guardian’s riddle came to me of its own accord; as knowledge does sometimes seem to come from nowhere. Every day I learned something new and each time I felt huge surprise, sometimes bordering on fear. I can give no rational explanation of how this knowledge came to me but of one thing I am certain. I could never have made it up myself.
Ever since I discovered Transurfing (or rather, since I was given it to discover) my life has been filled with joyful meaning. Anyone who has ever been involved in some kind of creative work will know the happiness and fulfilment that comes with creating something with your own hands. Imagine then the feeling of creating your own destiny. Even the expression ‘to create your own destiny’ as it is interpreted in its usual sense, fails to describe what I mean here. Transurfing is a method that frees you to choose your own destiny, literally like you would choose something in a supermarket. I want to share this with you so that you can understand why ‘apples fall to the sky’, why the ‘morning stars rustle’, and many other curious things.

The Guardian’S Riddle
There are different interpretations of the nature of fate. One interpretation is that fate is your lot in life, something predetermined and which however hard you try, you can never escape. This definition is rather limiting as it suggests that if a rough lot has befallen you in life there is no hope of anything ever getting any better. Despite this, there will always be those who willingly accept this definition of fate because it is convenient. They would rather life be reliable and the future more or less predictable than live with the fear of uncertainty.
Nonetheless, the total inevitability implied by this interpretation of fate leaves one feeling dissatisfied and even a little resentful. People who are deprived of good luck lament their fate and naturally question why life is so unfair. Why is it that some people have more than they could ever desire, while others never seem to have enough? Why is it that things come easily to some, while others never achieve results however hard they try? Some people are endowed with natural beauty, intellect and strength, while others seem to have an inferior goods label stuck to their forehead for their entire life as if paying for some kind of previously committed sin. Why does such inequality exist? Why does life in its endless diversity place limits on certain groups of people and where exactly did those less lucky go wrong?
People often feel hurt and indignant when they realize they are less fortunate than others and they search for an explanation for their circumstances. This is when many people turn to teachings that support ideas such as karma and retribution for sins committed in previous lives. One would think that all the Lord our God had to do with his time was discipline his naughty children and that despite his omnipotence he evidently struggles with the parenting side of things, putting off the punishment of retribution until a later date. One wonders what the point could be of punishing a person for something they do not actually remember doing.
Another popular explanation for inequality spreads the false hope that those who suffer and live their lives in need will later receive generous compensation, although it is not clear whether good fortune awaits them in heaven or in a future life. Whatever the arrangement, explanations like these can never leave one fully satisfied. Whether past and future lives exist or not is also of little significance. You can only be aware of the life you are living now and so in this sense, it is the only one you have.
If you believe that your fate is predetermined then the best remedy for the despondence you may feel is acceptance. There will always be people around to give you good advice like, “If you want to be happy just be happy! Be optimistic; be satisfied with what you have.” There will always be someone to tell you that the cause of your unhappiness is your own constant complaining and unrealistic expectations of life and that you could be happy by definition if you would simply reconnect with your inner joie de vivre. You might half-heartedly agree whilst at the same time awkwardly acknowledging how uninspired you really feel about greeting your dull life with new-found joy. Surely we have the right to expect more. Why should we have to force ourselves to be happy when it is as futile as trying to force yourself to love someone?
Then there are the “enlightened” individuals preaching universal love and forgiveness. Their world is like a blanket of illusion that you can pull up over your head to protect yourself from encountering the severity of life head on, and everything does get a little easier as a result. Deep down however, it is still difficult to comprehend why you should forgive those you hate and love those you have no genuine feeling for. What good is happiness if it is faked? Surely happiness should come naturally rather than being squeezed from the soul like the last drop of toothpaste from a tube.
There are others who refuse to believe that life is boring and primitive enough to be reduced to predetermined fate. This type of person would rather be satisfied with what they have managed to achieve by their own abilities than accept the lot they have been dealt. This is a different perception of fate whereby you make your own luck and good luck has to be fought for. That is just how it is. Wise people will tell you that life is not given to anyone on a plate and that if you are not satisfied with what you have, you must dig your heels in and work hard to attain the happiness you want.
The history books describe brave heroes who fought and laboured day and night, overcoming unimaginable obstacles. The victors were rewarded with the laurels of success but only after suffering all the burdens and privations of battle. This take on fate is not very logical either. Millions of people battle and labour but true success comes to but a few. You can spend your entire life struggling desperately for a place under the sun and yet get nowhere. Why would life be so cruel and unyielding?
What a heavy burden it is to have to battle with the world to get what you want and if the world does not respond, to have to battle with yourself. How hard it is to believe that if you are poor, ill, ugly or unlucky it is your own fault; that you are flawed and so must change. These ideas suggest that you are an accumulation of various shortcomings and defects which must be worked on. Unless you are lucky enough to be born rich and happy, your lot in life is either to humbly bear your own cross or dedicate your entire life to fighting against it. It is somehow not a view of life that readily fills the heart with joy. Surely, there is a glimmer of hope among these dismal beliefs.
Fortunately, there is a glimmer of hope that comes from a totally different view of things. The solution is as simple as it is enjoyable in contrast to the other views described above. In Transurfing the concept of fate is based on an alternative model of the universe. Before you wave your hand in disappointment and decide that you are being fed yet another chimera, remember, that every known concept of fate originates from a specific worldview, which in turn, is based on a number of unproven principles.
For example, materialism is founded on the proposition that matter is primary and consciousness is secondary. Idealism claims the opposite. Neither of these philosophies has been proven, and yet models of the universe are constructed around both. Each model is convincing enough and has its loyal defenders. Both materialism and idealism explain the phenomenon of the world via philosophy, science and religion, and both are right and both are wrong in their own ways. Man will never be able to describe absolute truth with total accuracy because the notions used in our attempts to describe the truth are of themselves relative. There is a well known parable about three blind men who describe an elephant by studying it with their hands. The first blind man touches the elephant’s trunk; the second touches the leg, and the third touches ear. Each draws conclusions about what kind of animal the elephant represents based on their own findings. It would be pointless to try and prove that only one description of the three is correct. What is important is that the description be relevant and applicable.
You have no doubt heard the idea expressed that reality is an illusion created by the mind, but no one has explained in detail where the illusion comes from.
Does it mean that we are all in a sense watching a film? Of course, it is highly unlikely that a concrete, rational substantiation of this idea will ever be upheld. Others hold the opposite opinion that the material world is simply a mechanism which functions according to its own immutable laws and cannot be governed by human consciousness. There is surely an irrefutable grain of truth in this idea.
The human mind likes to have its feet on solid ground free of ambiguity and so for centuries scholars have been tearing one theory to pieces in favour of another which is then placed high on a pedestal. After every fight on the intellectual battlefield for truth just one fact remains undefeated: every theory represents a separate aspect of the phenomenon of a multi-faceted reality.
Each theory that stands the test of time has its place for they all represent one aspect of reality. If you decide that fate is something predestined that you cannot personally change, then this is how it will be. In effect you are voluntarily giving yourself to the will of others, becoming like a small boat floating at the mercy of the waves. If however, you decide that you can create your own destiny then you will consciously take responsibility for everything that happens in your life, battling against the waves in an attempt to sail your little boat. You may have noticed that whatever you choose is always manifested. What you choose is what you get. Whatever worldview you choose to believe in, the truth of that worldview will always be on your side and others will argue with you because they too are right.
Any aspect of reality can be taken as a starting point and subsequently developed into a whole field of knowledge and it will have logical consistency and successfully reflect one manifestation of reality. An entire field of knowledge can be substantiated by just one fact which although not fully understood, has its place.
For example, quantum physics is based on a number of unproven truths and postulates which cannot be proven because they serve as the basic starting point for a given field of knowledge. In quantum physics a microcosm sometimes acts as a particle and sometimes as a wave. Unable to provide an unambiguous explanation for such dualism, scientists took the phenomenon to be an axiom. The postulates of quantum physics bring together different aspects of reality in all its diversity of form, just like the blind men in the parable in one case proclaimed that the elephant functions like a stump and in another, like a snake.
If in describing the microcosm one chooses to start with its particle quality as fundamental then one arrives at the model of the atom created by the famous physicist Neils Bohr. In the Bohr Model the electrons rotate around the nucleus like the planets in the solar system. If on the other hand, one takes the main quality to be the wave then the model of the atom will look like a blurry dot. Both models work reflecting different manifestations of reality. In this case too, one could say that the scientists get what they choose.
Any manifestation of reality can serve as a postulate, or the basis for an argument which will undoubtedly make sense and have its place. In search of truth people have always striven to understand the nature of the world, studying its individual parts. Bodies of scientific knowledge were created to describe and explain the various phenomenon of nature and often they contradict each other.
The nature of the world is one but it reveals itself to us in many guises. As soon as one face has been studied and explained another appears that does not fully correspond to the first. Scientists have attempted to overcome these contradictions by encompassing the diverse manifestations of reality in a single model of the universe, but this is no easy task. There is one irrefutable fact that unites and reconciles all branches of knowledge and that is the diverse and multifaceted nature of reality. Variability is the world’s most fundamental quality.
For some reason, the defenders of different fields of knowledge disregard this fact in their attempts to describe individual phenomenon, despite the fact that there is so much that could be learned from it. Variability is a key reference point, just like zero is the main reference point on a coordinate grid. Any starting point for a particular area of knowledge is secondary in relation to this key reference point of variability and yet it is bypassed as if it held no information. Nonetheless, it does carry information and information of quite an extraordinary nature.
To solve the Guardian’s riddle we will take the quality of variability as a starting point. In other words, we will take as a postulate the fact that reality manifests itself in an infinite variety of forms. Despite the very general nature of this postulate it reveals quite fascinating knowledge.
We start with the idea that all diverse manifestations of reality originate in a common source. The world manifests itself as movement of matter through time and space and this movement is subject to certain laws. As you know, points are plotted on a graph in accordance with mathematical formula. You could say that the function which determines how points are plotted on a graph is also a law. So where are the laws of the universe ‘written’? Formulae like laws are but an abstract product of the human mind created for the convenience of expressing concepts. It is highly unlikely that the laws of nature are recorded anywhere.
Could a graph be created that marked the position of all points of matter? Of course, one could theoretically mark the coordinates of the infinite number of all existing points in the universe but the capacity of the human memory is too limited to cope with such a massive volume of data. Nature on the other hand has no difficulty with eternity. Nature has no need of a formula to generalize the position and movement of points on a graph. If the graph line were to be broken up into infinitely small points then every point could be seen as a cause and the next point as the consequent effect, whereby any movement of a point of matter through time and space could be perceived as an infinite chain of infinitesimal examples of cause and effect.
In science, we describe the movement of matter in terms of laws but in nature this movement exists in its natural form as the infinite flow of cause and effect. Generally speaking, information concerning all possible points along the path of moving matter is stored in an information field which we refer to here as the alternatives space. The field contains information about everything that ever has been, is, and ever will be.
The alternatives space is a material information structure. It is an infinite field containing information on all possible scenarios of any event that could ever possibly take place. One could say that the alternatives space contains absolutely everything. We can hardly guess the form this information takes and yet our purpose here does not require us to know this. The important thing is to establish that the alternatives space serves as a template or coordinate grid for the movement of all matter in time and space.
Every point in space contains its own version of a given event. For the ease of understanding let us say that each variation or version has a script and scenery. The scenery is the external form of a phenomenon, whereas the script is the path that matter moves along. For the sake of convenience the alternatives space can be said to have different sectors. The greater the distance between the sectors, the more the script and scenery will differ. A person’s destiny also has numerous alternatives.
Theoretically speaking, there are no limits to the scripts and sceneries of human existence because the alternatives space is infinite. Any seemingly insignificant event can affect a twist of fate. A person’s life, just like any other movement of matter represents a chain of cause and effect events. In the alternatives space the effect is always located in close proximity to its cause. One follows the other and so the sectors of a person’s destiny create a life line. The scripts and settings of the sectors on one line are more or less uniform. A person’s life flows evenly in one direction, until such time as an event occurs that changes the scripts and sceneries. When this happens destiny takes a turn and shifts to another life line.
Experiencing life lines placed very close together is like watching a play and then the next day going to the theatre again to see the same play but this time the stage scenery is different. If during the next theatre season you saw the play with the same actors but there had been significant changes to the script this would be like experiencing a life line situated slightly further away in the alternatives space. Finally, if you watched the same production in a different theatre you would see a totally different interpretation of the play and this would be like experiencing a life line that exists a significant distance from the first.
Reality has such diversity of form because the number of alternatives for its manifestation is limitless. Any starting point for one or another form of manifestation results in a chain of cause and effect relationships. One could say that reality unfolds through life depending on the selection of the original reference point and so ultimately, everyone gets what they choose. You have the right to choose precisely because an eternal number of alternatives already exist. No-one is preventing you from choosing the destiny you would feel comfortable having. Managing your own destiny comes down to one single thing – making the choice. Transurfing shows you how to make that choice.
So, an information structure exists that contains an infinite number of potential alternatives each with its own unique script and scenery. The process of transformation into physical reality corresponds to that laid down in the information structure. How matter moves through the alternatives space can be demonstrated by the following metaphor.
Imagine a water pipe with a cooling ring that moves slowly along the pipe causing the water inside it to freeze. The effect of the cooling ring makes it look as if a crystal of ice is moving through the water. Water molecules tend to remain in roughly the same place in a relatively free state. At the moment that the cooling ring passes through a given section of water the molecules inside the ring are solidified into a frozen crystal. As the ring moves further down the pipe, the frozen water in the area behind the ring melts again and the molecules are freed up. It is not the crystal itself that moves. In other words, it is not a single chunk of ice that floats through the water, but the potential to create the structure of ice, i.e. the frozen state.
The water in the pipe serves as an analogy for the alternatives space and the crystal of ice as an analogy for the material manifestation of a particular alternative. The water molecules are like people and their position in the crystal structure is like a manifestation in physical reality of one possible fate. There is no single answer to the question of what the cooling ring symbolises. In other words, how and why the information structure transforms into physical matter, no one can say. In a microcosm, matter can behave as a bundle of energy. We know that in a vacuum for example, micro particles undergo a continual process of birth and annihilation suggesting that matter is present and yet does not represent a physical substance. The one thing that is clear is that the things we can touch have an intangible energetic foundation to them.
I hope I have not overwhelmed the listener with too much physics, particularly as we are just at the very beginning of Transurfing. The things you learn in this book may come as a bit of a surprise, so naturally, I offer some theoretical substantiation just to help the mind keep a firm footing. Do be patient.
The wave is another analogy for the process of physical manifestation in which the sea is the alternatives space and the wave the material manifestation of a given alternative. Take a wave that forms in the sea after an earthquake. It looks like the wave moves across the surface of the sea in a hump, but in fact, the water remains in the same place. It is not a mass of water that is moving across the sea so much as the energetic potential for transformation into physical reality. It is only when the accumulation of water finally reaches the shore that it breaks on the ground. Any other wave behaves in the same manner.
Does this mean that material manifestation moves through time and space while the potential alternatives remain in one place for eternity in the space of everything that was, is, and will be? Why not? Time of itself is as static as space. The passing of time is only felt when it turns like film footage, one shot following another. If you unroll the film and look at all the frames put together, there is no time because all the frames exist simultaneously. Time is static until we start looking at each frame in sequence. It is the same in life, which is why the idea that everything comes and goes is so deeply rooted in our minds.
Everything that is recorded in the field of information has always been there and will always be there. Life lines exist like a reel of film. Things that have happened in the past do not just disappear and what has yet to be in the future is already present here in the now. The current section of a person’s life is a material manifestation of the alternatives space in this section of their life line.
This idea might be slightly perturbing and you may be asking yourself how it is possible for countless alternatives of your own fate to exist simultaneously in stasis. Who is responsible for this, God or the laws of Nature perhaps? Imagine a point on a coordinate grid. In school we are taught that any point on the grid can have any x and y coordinate from minus to plus infinity and yet it does not occur to anyone to ask why a point can have absolutely any coordinate. Imagine if the point that moves along the function line were surprised and asked: “How can this be that the path I have travelled so far has always existed and always will and how can it be that the path I am about to travel has already been outlined in advance?” It would seem strange to the point but not to you because you are observing its path from above able to see things from a different perspective.
The alternatives space serves as a template that determines how physical reality can show itself. Imagine a person walking through a dark forest with a torch. In the dark the person holding the torch lights up a small area around themselves. The entire forest is like the alternatives space while the area which is lit up is like the physical manifestation of the alternative in that area. The question remains as to what provides the light; in other words, what ‘ignites’, i.e. materializes a particular alternative within the template.
To answer this question we need to take a different starting point. Nowadays most people agree that thoughts are material. There is also evidence that reality takes two forms: on the one hand material existence defines consciousness and on the other hand there is clear evidence to the contrary indicating that consciousness also defines physical existence. Therefore, thoughts not only provide the motivation for human action, they also have a direct influence on our reality. For example, our worst expectations generally tend to come true. Of course one could argue that this is not because our thoughts were materialized but rather that our thoughts were a premonition of impending misfortune that would have occurred anyway. There is undoubtedly much that is unclear and ambiguous about paranormal phenomena. However, that does not mean that one should ignore or negate the relationship between thought and the process of material realization. Much evidence exists to indicate the direct impact of thought on reality.
One way or another, individual consciousness shapes a person’s destiny. This book focuses specifically on how this is possible. Thought energy transforms possible alternatives into physical reality. This statement is correct because reality can be manifested in any form defined by consciousness. Evidence of this hypothesis can be found not only in everyday life but also in the experiments of quantum physics. For our purposes, the specific mechanism by which thought energy interacts with the alternatives space is of no great consequence. It is not yet clear by what means the transfer of information takes place, whether on an energetic level or by some other means. For convenience sake we will simply work with the idea that thought energy ‘lights up’ a certain sector of the alternatives space, as a result of which, one alternative is transformed into physical reality. Waves of thought energy find the sector in the alternatives space that corresponds in quality. The alternative of that sector is then made manifest on the physical level, marking the process of how consciousness creates reality.
You should bear in mind that this is only one way of manifesting reality. Generally speaking it is not possible to create the reality you desire simply by sitting in one place and contemplating it. Although people do exist who are capable of materializing objects literally out of air, they are very few in number and as a rule do not advertise their abilities. Nonetheless, thoughts have as much impact on a person’s destiny as concrete actions do. People are used to the idea that there is a visible and clearly comprehensible connection between their actions and the consequences of them. By contrast, the impact of one’s thoughts manifests imperceptibly and so appears inexplicable and unpredictable. It might seem difficult to determine a causal relationship between one’s thoughts and subsequent events, but soon you will see that the connection is quite direct. A person gets what they choose.
Some may conclude that I seem to be saying that the seas, mountains, planets and the galaxy are all just a product of their personal thought energy. This is because people have a tendency to consider themselves the centre of the universe, whereas in actual fact they are just a tiny dot in infinite space. The world is inhabited by millions of living organisms and every single one of them contributes to the creation of reality. Every living being has its own characteristic thought energy. If you are not comfortable viewing plants as capable of ‘thought’, then you can refer to the process differently; it does not change the nature of the phenomenon. Nobody can say with certainty that inert objects do not have a quality similar to the thought energy emanated by living beings, to say nothing of the One Spirit, permeating all things, which we call God. Every being has consciousness and forms the layer which makes up its own world. One could say that everything in this world carries a particle of God and this is how he governs the whole world.
We all live in the same world and yet every individual moves along their own life line. The qualities of the material world are the same for everybody; it is just that its concrete realization is unique within the context of a person’s life. For example, imagine that you are a tourist walking around a beautiful city. You admire the sites and the architecture. You take in the flower beds, the fountains, the park avenues and the smiling faces of the city’s prosperous inhabitants. Then as you pass by a rubbish bin you see a homeless person. He is in the same city as you, and the same dimension but he does not see what you see. He sees an empty bottle in the bin, a dirty wall, his competitor who wanted the bottle too and a policeman eyeing him with suspicion. You live on one life line and the homeless man on another. Your life lines intersected at a point in the alternatives space, bringing you together into the same world in the dimension of physical reality.
All manifestation of a material nature has an energetic foundation. The energy field is primary and all physical manifestation is secondary. Scientists attempt to unite different manifestations of energy within the context of a single theory and soon they will achieve good results. However, they will find that they have to keep adding many more things to the theory because reality takes an infinite number of forms. Without going into too much detail we will take energy to be an abstract force which is invisible but nonetheless exists. For our purposes it is enough to accept the fact that the energy of human thought is material. Thought energy does not just spin round inside a person’s head; it flows out into the space beyond the head and interacts with the wider energy field around us. Few would dispute this fact now.
For convenience sake we can talk about the parameter of thought energy that is frequency, just as radio waves have a frequency. Whenever you think about something in particular the frequency of your thoughts becomes attuned to a certain area within the alternatives space. When the thought energy reaches the relevant sector in the alternatives space the potential reality held within that sector begins to materialize. Energy has a highly complex structure and permeates everything that exists in the world. When energy passes through the human body it is modified by that person’s thoughts. By the time it exits the body it has acquired the same parameters as the thoughts. A radio transmitter works in the same way. Energy absorbs the characteristics of the thoughts of one’s mind. When energy exits the human body it radiates outwards in a thought wave that in turn transforms the sector of the alternatives space into physical reality. Whenever you think about something be it negative or positive you are radiating thought energy in the alternatives space. Modified energy accumulates in a specific sector of the field and this has the effect of introducing corresponding changes into your life.
The circumstances of a person’s life are not only created by their actions but also by the nature of their thoughts. If a person has a hostile attitude towards the world, they will find the world responds to them with the same. If a person constantly expresses dissatisfaction, they will find more and more reasons to be dissatisfied. If a person’s attitude to life is predominantly negative, the world will show them the worst side of its nature. Conversely, having a positive attitude is the most natural way to change your life for the better. People get what they choose. Like it or not, that is how life works.
Whilst your thoughts are pretty much homogenous you will stay on the same life line. As soon as your relationship to reality changes in any way the parameters of thought energy take on new characteristics and the material manifestation of the layer of your world shifts to another line. On this new line events unfold according to a different script in accordance with the parameters of thought. If for some reason you dislike the new script you will struggle to change the situation. People tend to react negatively when they come up against obstacles, expressing their dissatisfaction or falling into despair. As a result, the thought energy they radiate refocuses to a line on which the number of obstacles is even greater making it seem as if their life is a slippery slope.
It might seem as if this process cannot be controlled but in fact the individual is in control and it is their own thoughts that are directing the path of material realization into problematic areas of the alternatives space. People think that obstacles can be overcome by action but in actual fact they ultimately experience whatever their dominant thoughts are. So if you choose to battle against the obstacles on your path you will experience an abundance of obstacles. If you are absorbed by thoughts about your own problems you will find that there are always problems in your life. Even if you take action to change the situation on your current life line on the material level it will not change the original script in the alternatives space. All you can effectively do is choose a different script. By trying to change parts of the script you do not like you inevitably get caught up thinking about what you do not like. Your thoughts are then successfully realised and you end up getting what you do not want.
You cannot change anything about the current life line just as in an art gallery you cannot take away or reconstruct exhibitions that are not to your taste as you are not the owner. However, no-one is to stop you from turning round and walking into the next room to look at something you can appreciate more. Of course, the shift to a life line in which everyone gets what they want on demand does not happen simply by wishing for it. Not all thoughts can be realized and not all desires are fulfilled. The reason for this is not the content of a person’s thoughts so much as their quality. A dream or a wish does not qualify as a choice. Dreams do not come true. To create the reality you want you have to observe certain conditions which you will read about later in this book.
The alternatives space contains an infinite number of possible life lines for every individual. No-one should feel hard done by if they do not like their fate, because everyone has the right to choose. The problem is that we do not know how to choose. The world has such diversity of form one would think it was created to satisfy any need. Everyone can find whatever their heart desires. Even in the academic world life manifests the side of it we wish to see. For example, idealism holds that the world is an illusion, and life agrees. Materialism says the opposite, and again the world has nothing against that. People argue with each other, trying to force others to accept their relationship to the world, and yet the world shows that they are all right. Is that not wonderful? The alternatives space is the so-called illusion and material realization is what is meant by physical reality. We always get what we choose.
Those who are familiar with the principles of Islam will understand what is meant by “a person’s fate is written in the Book”. This means that fate is preordained and therefore cannot be changed or avoided. Similar statements can be found in other religions. In a sense, a person’s destiny is indeed already preordained. The error of religion is in teaching that there is just one version of a person’s fate when in fact there are endless alternatives. They say you cannot avoid your own fate and to some extent this is true because it is impossible to change the script within any given alternative of it. To battle with the world around you in the hope of changing your fate is a difficult and thankless task. It is not worth trying to change the script. It is far more effective to choose a different alternative more to your liking.
Of course, this is all quite strange and you may quite reasonably have your doubts. I do not expect anyone to accept the alternatives model just like that. I did not believe in it myself until I became convinced that it actually works and flawlessly at that. It makes no sense to give preference to one model of the universe over another just for the sake of some absolute truth. It is not the model itself that has meaning so much as what it can help you achieve. Different mathematical models can illustrate the same physical phenomenon in different ways. It would be hilarious if specialists in analytical geometry suddenly took up arms against mathematical analysis and tried to prove that geometry is the only true mathematical discipline. Mathematicians have been able to agree among themselves, but philosophers and religious leaders have not.
It is difficult to say where the alternatives space actually is. From the point of view of our three-dimensional reality one could say that it is everywhere and nowhere. Imagine an endless surface without beginning and without end inhabited by two-dimensional people. These people would not suspect that a third dimension exists. They would believe that the surface they live on is the only world that exists and could not imagine that anything else existed beyond it. We know though, that a third dimension should be added to this model, and that an infinite number of similar surfaces could be created. So there is no need to be concerned if you cannot visualize an infinite number of parallel worlds aside from our own. It is just a matter of perspective.
It is hard to believe in the existence of parallel worlds. Having said that, how easy is it to believe in the theory of relativity, which claims that an accelerating body increases its mass, reduces its size and slows down the time through which it moves? It is impossible to test the theory firsthand but that does not matter. It does not matter whether we understand a theory. What matters is the practical benefit that can be derived from it.
In the context of infinite space it is ridiculous and even petty to argue about the advantages of one model over another. Try to imagine the infinite in terms of increasing distance that never reaches a horizon. Oddly enough, infinity in terms of decreasing distance has no limit either. We can observe only a limited portion of the visible universe for telescopes and microscopes have their limits too. Nonetheless, infinity in the context of the microcosm is no different from infinity in terms of the macrocosm.
There is a theory that the visible universe emerged as a result of the ‘Big Bang’. According to the theory the universe has been constantly expanding ever since. Celestial bodies move through the cosmos with phenomenal speed but when we take into account the huge distances involved it seems as if the expansion of the universe is taking place incredibly slowly.
It is also a well established fact that in a vacuum, at any given moment in time elementary particles are born out of nowhere and then immediately disappear. We do not yet know the exact structure of elementary particles but given the relativity of time and space there is nothing to stop us perceiving each particle as if it were a separate universe like our own. Physicists claim that they can appear either in the form of waves or in the form of particles. The further one goes into the microcosm the more relative distances appear huge, and for the internal observer time slows down. To an external observer our universe might appear to last for just one brief moment like a particle birthed and extinguished in a vacuum, whereas we, its internal observers, perceive the universe to have been in existence for billions of years.
The next time you take a mouthful of coffee ask yourself how many universes you have just swallowed. Infinity cannot be divided into parts and so if you think about it, every time you swallow a mouthful of coffee you are swallowing an infinite number of universes. Flying through a microcosm takes as long and seems as far as it does flying through the boundless expanse of outer space. Time like space goes on for infinity whether you look backwards or forwards. Intervals of time can be as infinitely large as they can be infinitely small. Any point within a time interval can be seen as a reference point—both sides of which extend into the infinity of time. Changing the reference point to another place within the time interval does not change the extent of infinity in either direction.
The infinity of worlds within worlds exists simultaneously. The centre of the universe is at the same time to be found in every point of matter because every point is surrounded by infinity on all sides. All events exist concurrently for the same reason that the centre of the universe is located in every point at the same time. This is difficult to imagine but so is it impossible to grasp infinity in one moment of contemplation. Even more convoluted theories have been designed which claim that the visible universe becomes a finite sphere in fourth-dimensional space, but that does not help particularly, because theoretically speaking, an infinite number of dimensions could exist. Unable to clearly imagine all of this, we have to content ourselves with a narrower perspective and at least pretend that we understand something of these theories.
There are many things about contemporary science that are impossible to explain or comprehend; however, this should not prevent us from benefiting from the fruits of scientific thinking. Applying the principles of Transurfing can lead to stunning results. The important thing is to decide from the very beginning not to torture yourself with questions of why and how exactly it all works which would be as productive as a child asking a physicist why different bodies attract. The scientist would reply: “Because of the law of gravity.” The child then follows with the next question: “How does the law of gravity work? Why do bodies attract?” There is no answer to this question, so we will leave the thankless task of trying to explain these things, for it is not ours to know and understand everything. We will simply enjoy the results of the alternatives model.
From the alternatives model it follows that man can create his own destiny. In Transurfing the concept of fate differs from other more widely accepted interpretations. The difference is that in the context of Transurfing a person can choose their happiness; they do not have to fight for it. There is no need to accept or reject the alternatives model straight away. First ask yourself this question: Have you achieved much by battling with the world to find happiness? Each person will decide for themselves whether they wish to carry on in the same vein or whether they would prefer to try using a different method. A person can spend their entire life battling without achieving anything at all. Would it not be simpler to act in a way that encouraged life to meet you half way, for all life does is help manifest your personal choice.
Whatever you ‘order’, your choice is always granted unconditionally. Choice however, is different to desire. Wishes are only granted in fairy tales and most people just keep on wishing. It is no wonder that the belief is so ingrained in our minds that wishes are very difficult, if not impossible to fulfil. We have already taken the first small step towards solving the Guardian’s riddle. Soon you will find out why wishes are not granted and dreams do not come true.

Reality is manifest in an infinite variety of forms.
Variability is the world’s most fundamental quality.
Any model of the universe represents just one manifestation of reality.
Any branch of knowledge bases itself on one chosen aspect of the manifestation of reality.
Your choice is always realized. You always receive what you choose.
The alternatives space is an information field recording all that was, is and ever will be.
The information field contains potential alternative scenarios to any event.
Each alternative has a script and scenery.
Space can be divided into sectors and each sector contains an alternative scenario of an event.
The greater the distance between sectors, the more the alternatives will differ.
Sectors with roughly uniform parameters are arranged in a life line.
Material realisation moves through space like a bundle of density.
The radiation of thought energy materializes an alternative.
Every organism contributes to the creation of material realization.
When the parameters of thought energy change, a shift occurs to a different life line.
You cannot change the fact that scenery exists, but you can choose a different type of scenery.
You do not have to fight for happiness. You simply have to choose an alternative reality that is more to your liking.

Chapter II. Pendulums
Rent Yourself Out

Destructive Pendulums
We are taught from childhood to obey the will of others, to perform our duties, serve our country, our family, the company we work for, a political party, the state, or even an idea; to serve anyone except ourselves. To varying degrees, everyone has a sense of duty, responsibility, necessity and guilt. Everyone is ready to serve a group or organization in one way or another, be it family, a club, school, company, political party, the state and so on. All these structures emerge and develop when a separate group of people begin to think and act in the same way. Then, they are joined by others and the structure grows, gaining strength, forcing its members to follow the rules and eventually amassing the potential to gain control over large groups of society.
On the material level the structure consists of a group of people united by common goals and material objects, such as buildings, furniture, equipment, machinery, technology and so on. On an energetic level however, a structure appears when a group of people think in the same way, as a result of which, the parameters of their thought energy are identical. Their thought energy finally unites into a single current. When this happens, as if in the middle of an entire ocean of energy, a separate, independent energy-information structure is created which is referred to as an energy pendulum. Eventually this structure begins to live its own life and subjugate to its laws the very people who created it.
The structure is referred to as a pendulum because the more people—adherents—that feed it with their energy, the more powerfully it sways. Every pendulum has its own characteristic beat frequency. For example, if you want to get a swing moving you have to push it to a certain rhythm or frequency. This is called the resonant frequency. If the number of adherents decreases, the force of its swing is weakened. If it loses all its adherents the pendulum will stop moving completely, and thereby cease to exist as a separate identity. Examples of defunct pendulums are ancient pagan religions, stone tools, ancient weapons, out-dated trends of fashion and vinyl records; in other words, all that once existed but now no longer functions.
You might be surprised that all the things in this list qualify as pendulums. Any structure whose particular features were created by collective thought energy represents a pendulum. Generally speaking, all living beings capable of radiating energy at a particular vibration will sooner or later form an energy pendulum. Examples of pendulums in nature are bacterial colonies, populations of living creatures, schools of fish, herds of animals, forests, prairies, ant hills, etc., Essentially, any organised, homogenous structure made up of living organisms can be a pendulum.
Every living organism represents a single unit of energy and so can also be considered an elementary pendulum. When a group of individual pendulums begin to sway in unison, a group pendulum is created which looms over its followers like a superstructure. The group pendulum exists as an independent entity and sets rules for its adherents to follow, partly to keep them together but also to attract new ones. This type of entity is independent in the sense that it develops according to its own laws. Its adherents are unaware of the fact that they are acting in accordance with the laws of the pendulum, and not their own will. For example, a bureaucratic apparatus develops as an independent structure irrespective of the will of its individual officials. Of course, an influential official is free to make their own decisions but only to the extent that they do not contradict the laws of the system, otherwise that particular adherent will be rejected. Even people who represent individual pendulums are not always aware of their true motivations, energy vampires being one such example.
Any pendulum is by its nature inherently destructive because it consumes the energy of its adherents and establishes power over them. The pendulum’s destructive quality is clearly demonstrated by the fact that it attributes no meaning to the fate of each individual adherent. The purpose of the pendulum is only to get energy from its adherents, whether it is to their personal benefit or not. When a person comes under the influence of a system, they are forced to build their lives in accordance with its laws; otherwise the system will chew them up and spit them out. Once under the influence of a destructive pendulum, you can easily end up ruining your entire life and as a rule it is difficult to break free without suffering losses.
If a person is lucky, they find their place within the system and feel at home there. The adherent gives their energy to the pendulum which in return provides the individual with an environment. If a follower rebels against the laws of the structure, the frequency of their thought energy ceases to be in harmony with the resonance frequency of the pendulum. Being deprived of essential energy the pendulum either drives the maverick adherent out of the system or destroys them.
If however, a person has ended up a long way away from a life line favourable to their growth, life inside the structure of an alien pendulum can be as soulless as hard labour or just turn into a very sad existence. In this case the pendulum is purely destructive to the adherent. Whether they like it or not, a person who falls under a pendulum’s influence loses their freedom, being forced to live by imposed laws and becoming a small cog in a big machine.
That said, an individual can find themselves under the protectorship of a pendulum and achieve outstanding results. Napoleon, Hitler, Stalin and other similar figures were all favourites of destructive pendulums. This does not mean that the pendulum was actually concerned for their personal well-being for it exploited them to its own end. When Napoleon was asked whether he had ever been truly happy he could count just a few days over his entire life.
The pendulum uses sophisticated methods to lure new adherents, who fly to it like moths to a flame. How often people are deceived by the pendulum’s advertising tricks and move far away from a potential happiness that was so close! Young men leave for the army and lose their lives. Students go to university learning in vain to master a profession that is not really for them. They find work that feels alien but is supposedly prestigious and end up drowning in a swamp of problems or they join their lives with a stranger only to regret it later.
The pendulum can hide its motives behind various well meaning masks and yet its activities can ruin the lives of its adherents. The greatest threat the pendulum poses to the individual is that it leads its victims away from other life lines where they would be able to find happiness. These are the characteristic features of a destructive pendulum:
A pendulum feeds on the energy of its adherents which increases the power of its sway.
• A pendulum strives to attract as many followers as possible to source as much energy as possible.
• A pendulum makes a contradistinction between its group of adherents and all other groups (we are good and they are bad, we are better than they are, etc).
• A pendulum acts aggressively towards anyone who refuses to follow it, attempting to win them over, neutralize their position or get rid of them.
• A pendulum hides behind masks and lofty ideas; it plays on people’s feelings to justify its actions and attract as many adherents as possible.
• Essentially, the pendulum is an ‘egregore’ and yet the concept of ‘egregore’ does not fully reflect the entire range of possible interactions between an individual and an energy based information structure. Pendulums play a much greater role in people’s lives than one might like to think.
The following example illustrates how a pendulum consumes the energy of its adherents. Imagine a packed stadium at an intense football match. Passions are running high and the fans are raging with excitement. One player makes an unforgiveable mistake which results in his team losing the game. The fans in the crowd focus a storm of anger at the culprit player, ready to tear him to pieces. Imagine what a huge mass of negative energy is focused on the unfortunate player. You would think that from such an attack of negative emotion the player would die on the spot but he remains alive and well if not a little crushed by feelings of guilt. This is because the negative energy directed towards the player is absorbed by the pendulum. If this were not the case then any individual becoming the object of a crowd’s hate would lose their life and any idol would simply float above the ground.
I am no judge of whether a pendulum is an animate entity or simply an energy form. Either way the distinction does not affect the Transurfing method. The most important thing is to be able to recognize a pendulum and avoid being drawn into its game unless you stand to benefit from the interaction. There is one identifying factor by which a destructive pendulum can always be recognized. It always competes with others similar to it in the battle for adherents. The pendulum has one goal which is to attract as many supporters as possible to source as much energy as possible. The more aggressive a pendulum behaves in the battle for devotees the more destructive it is, i.e. the more dangerous it is to the life of the individual.
Some may object that charitable organisations exist for the protection of the environment and animals, etc., and question why this type of group should be considered destructive. These groups are destructive to the individual because whichever way you look at it they still feed on a person’s energy with no concern for that individual’s happiness or well-being. Organisations like these call for compassion to others and yet remain indifferent to their own followers. If a person feels comfortable and genuinely happy working for such an organisation then they have probably found their vocation and consequently, the pendulum is the place for them. However, it is also important to be honest with yourself and ask yourself whether you are not perhaps wearing the mask of the benefactor. Are you donating your energy and money for the good of others with true sincerity or is being involved in charity just an attempt to feel a better person or look good.
Destructive pendulums have trained people out of choosing their own destiny because if individuals retain enough independence to have the freedom to choose it will be much harder for the pendulum to attract so many followers. Our mind is so used to the idea that our fate is our lot in life that we find it really difficult to believe that we can simply choose a destiny that is more to our liking. It is advantageous for pendulums to keep their adherents under control, so they invent all sorts of ways of manipulating them. The following examples show how this is done.
Transurfing could also become a pendulum if someone turned it into a pseudo-religion, movement or school. Different pendulums are of course destructive to varying degrees. At worst Transurfing would be minimally destructive because it focuses exclusively on the well-being of the individual rather than a shared goal. Transurfing would be a very unusual pendulum with a community of individuals concerned solely with their own destiny. If you were to do some homework, what other types of pendulum would you consider constructive?
I am telling you all this in order to describe what it really means to choose your fate, so have patience dear listener. Not all these ideas are easy to grasp but as we go on, a clearer picture will emerge.

The Battle of the Pendulums
The main feature of a destructive pendulum is its aggressive impulse to destroy other pendulums in order to win over potential adherents. With this purpose the pendulum works to turn its followers against the followers of other pendulums in the sense of: ‘We are good and they are bad.’ People who get involved in this type of argument end up losing their way and striving towards spurious goals which they mistakenly consider their own. This is the destructive nature of the pendulum. Fighting against the followers of other pendulums is totally futile and can destroy lives, one’s own and the lives of others.
War is the most extreme manifestation of the battle between pendulums. Each pendulum uses various arguments to persuade its adherents to take up arms and the nature of the argument is specific to the historical epoch. The earliest, most primitive argument used was simply to order the followers to take something from the hands of others by force. As society became more civilized the arguments became slightly more refined. One nation declares itself supreme, progressive and the most developed with all the others less developed, somehow flawed. The lofty objective is to raise the underdeveloped nations to a higher level, using force if they resist. Metaphorically speaking, the contemporary conception of war is like a beehive hanging from a tree in the forest. The wild bees in the nest are busy making honey and raising their offspring, but then, a pendulum comes up to the nest and announces to its followers: “Look! Wild bees! They are very dangerous and must be destroyed or, at least, their hive must be destroyed. If you do not believe me, look!”, and then the pendulum stirs up the nest by beating it with a stick. The bees fly out of the hive and start stinging the adherents. The pendulum then cries out triumphantly: “See how aggressive they are! They must be annihilated.”
Whatever exculpatory slogans are used to justify war and revolution, in essence, the motivation is the same; the battle for adherents. The form the battle takes may differ but its one goal is to win over as many adherents as possible. New force is a vital necessity for the pendulum, for without it the pendulum’s sway would stop entirely. The battle of the pendulums is an inevitable struggle for survival.
Once the wars and revolutions are over, other less aggressive but nonetheless tough forms of battle continue, such as the battle for market control, competition between political parties, all kinds of marketing, advertising campaigns, ideological propaganda, and so on. Human society is totally based on pendulums, so all fields of activity are gripped with competition. The rivalry goes on at all levels, from public debate to competition between club teams and individuals.
Things that are new, unusual or strange always have a hard time carving out their niche and not only because of inertia in people’s thinking. The main reason for this is that it is not profitable for the old pendulums to support the appearance of a novice, who would distract its devotees. For example, internal combustion engines which so contaminate the atmosphere of our cities could have been relegated to the past a long time ago. After all, a number of alternative, ecologically friendly engine models have long been developed. The problem is that they threaten the downfall of the oil corporation pendulums, and for the time being these hold too strong a position to allow some inventor to wipe them from the stage. These monsters literally buy up the patents for new engine models and keep them secret at the same time declaring them to have low levels of efficiency.
Implementing its structure on a material level, the pendulum strengthens its position via financial means, facilities, equipment, and of course, human resources. The pendulum places its favourites at the top of the human pyramid. The favourites are made leaders at all levels, starting with low level managers and continuing up to heads of state and they are generally not required to have any particularly outstanding qualities. As a rule, those adherents become leaders whose qualities best fit with the structure of the pendulum. To the favourite it might appear that he has achieved impressive results in his life solely on individual merit. To some extent this may be true, but most of the work in promoting favourites is performed by the self-organizing structure of the pendulum. If a favourite’s parameters fail to meet the requirements of the system, they will be ruthlessly eliminated.
The pendulum battle is destructive to its followers because they think they are acting on personal conviction when in fact they are following the will of another entity. In the majority of cases, the personal conviction of the devotees is taken over by the pendulum. As soon as a person attunes to the pendulum’s frequency an interaction begins to take place between them on an energetic level. The frequency of the devotee’s thought energy is stabilized and supported by the energy of the pendulum. A kind of lock-on takes place, and the adherent is trapped in a feed-back loop. The adherent radiates energy to the resonance frequency of the pendulum which in turn, feeds a little energy to the devotee thereby maintaining its influence over them.
On the material level this is an everyday standard scenario. For example, the pendulum of a political party conducts an election campaign, attracts a new devotee and gives them a little energy in the form of positive feelings like righteousness, satisfaction, dignity and importance. The adherent thinks they are in control of the situation and still able to choose their affiliation whereas, in truth, the devotee was chosen, and control established over them, not the other way around. The adherent only appears to be acting according to their own will when in fact it is the pendulum that is artificially and unnoticeably manipulating the will of the adherent. The adherent enters the pendulum’s information field, socializes with like-minded others on important topics and establishes an energetic connection with them, and in this way becomes consistently attuned to a certain vibration. Later, the adherent may begin to feel that the pendulum has not lived up to their expectations and they begin to have doubts about their former idol. When this happens the frequency of the adherent’s thought energy falls out of the pendulum’s loop. The tightness of the pendulum’s grip varies depending on its power. In some cases the devotee is simply allowed to leave. In other cases the heretic may pay with his freedom or even his life.
A pendulum gets a firm grip on the frequency of an adherent’s thought energy by dominating it. It is like when you are humming a little tune to yourself but become aware of some other loud music being played nearby. The loud music dominates your senses, making it extremely difficult to stay focused on your own tune.
For the purposes of Transurfing it does not actually matter too much how interaction occurs on an energetic level between the pendulum and the devotee. We will examine the nature of the interaction using a simplified model. No-one can explain precisely how something really happens because at that level of questioning one has to ask what is meant by ‘really’ and the questions and speculation continue with the infinite process of learning. This is not what we are interested in here so will make do with simplified models and metaphors that serve our purpose, satisfied with the fact that we are at least capable of understanding some things. Now we will look at how pendulums manipulate their adherents.

Puppet Strings
Pendulums are very good at coercing their adherents to give up energy voluntarily. A large, powerful pendulum, for example, can force its adherents to act according to a certain set of rules. Weaker pendulums go about things slightly differently. When an individual lacks the power to force another to do something they turn to other methods such as reasonable argument, persuasion and promises. These are feebler methods unique to a human society that has divorced itself from the forces of nature. Sometimes pendulums will use these techniques as well but they also have a much more powerful weapon at their disposal. Pendulums are energy-beings, and so they function in accordance with the immutable laws of the universe.
The individual gives their energy to the pendulum when their thought energy is radiating at the same resonance frequency. A person does not have to be consciously sending thoughts to benefit the pendulum. As you know, most human thought and action originates in the realm of the unconscious. The pendulums make use of this feature of the human psyche. They manage to get energy not only from their adherents but also from their ardent opponents. You have probably already guessed how.
Imagine a group of old ladies sitting on a bench criticizing the government. They are obviously not adherents of the government pendulum. They hate it for a number of reasons. However, what happens is that the old ladies criticize the government for being so inept, corrupt, cynical and stupid and in so doing they emit intense thought energy at the frequency of the pendulum. It does not matter to the pendulum which side you rock it from. It can use both positive and negative energy just as long as that energy is resonant with its own.
The pendulum’s main task is to engage people in any way possible in order to occupy their thoughts. With the advent of mass media the pendulums’ techniques have become more sophisticated, and a person can become highly dependent. You have probably noticed that news programs are usually dominated by bad news evoking strong emotions: anxiety, fear, resentment, anger and hatred. The task of the journalists and correspondents is to attract attention. The media, being pendulums themselves, stand in service to yet more powerful pendulums. Their declared aim is free access to all information but their true singular goal is to attune people’s thoughts in all ways possible to the desired frequency.
One of the pendulums’ favourite ways of gaining access to your energy is to throw you off balance. Once you have lost a sense of your own equilibrium you start to ‘wobble’ at the same frequency of the pendulum, thereby enabling it to sway more strongly. Let us say, for example, that prices have risen. You react negatively, become resentful, complain, and exchange information with your friends. This is a natural and even proper response, but it is also exactly what the pendulum is expecting. You radiate negative energy into the world at the frequency of the pendulum. It receives the energy, swings harder, and the situation is aggravated.
The strongest string the pendulum can pull you with is fear, the most ancient and powerful of human emotions. It does not matter what exactly you are afraid of. If the fear is associated with any aspect of the pendulum it will receive your energy. Anxiety and worry are weaker emotions but still relatively effective puppet strings. These feelings are excellent at attuning thought energy to the frequency of a pendulum. If you are concerned about something you find it hard to focus on anything else.
The feeling of guilt is also one of the most extensive of channels through which the pendulum can pump your energy. Guilt is imposed on us from childhood and it is a convenient method of manipulation. “If you are guilty you must do what I say.” Guilt is hard to live with and so people try to get rid of it either via punishment or righting the wrong they have done. Both imply submission, obedience and a certain thought pattern. A sense of duty is a special type of guilt. To owe something means that you are in some way guilty and therefore obliged to do something. As a result, the guilty—both the truly guilty and the falsely accused—wander around with their heads hung low, paying tribute to the pendulum in the form of energy. An induced, conditioned sense of guilt is the favourite weapon of any manipulator, and we will return to this theme later.
It is also worth mentioning the various psychological complexes people have. In the case of an inferiority complex the thoughts people have are: I’m not good-looking; I have no skills or talents; I’m not intelligent or sharp enough; I don’t know how to communicate with people; I’m not worthy. In the case of a guilt complex the thoughts are: I have done something wrong; everyone is judging me; I must carry my cross. In the warrior complex the thoughts go along the line of: I have to be cool; I declare war on myself and all around me; I will fight for my place under the sun; I claim my power. The thoughts of someone with the truth-lover complex go along the lines of: I’ll prove at any cost that I am right and prove to others that they are wrong. These and other complexes are the personal keys to the energy of different individuals. The pendulum strikes a chord and begins intensely draining that person’s energy.
The list of strings the pendulum uses to control its puppets goes on: justice, pride, ambition, honour, love, hate, greed, generosity, curiosity, interest, hunger, and other feelings and needs. Feelings and interests allow a person’s thoughts to be directed in a certain way. If a theme evokes neither interest nor emotion, then it is very difficult to focus on. Pendulums wound a person’s feelings or play on their needs in order to capture a flow of thought energy.
As a rule, people react in uniform ways to external negative stimulus. Bad news evokes discontent. Worrying news evokes anxiety and fear. Insult evokes animosity, etc. Habits also serve as a trigger for the clamping mechanism such as the habit of getting irritated or anxious over nothing, responding to provocation and responding negatively to negative stimulus in general. A person can be aware of the fact that negative thoughts and actions lead to no good but continue to make the same old mistakes out of habit.
Habits often create problems and cause a person to act ineffectively and yet it is difficult to get rid of them. Old habits are an illusion of comfort. People have more trust in things that are long familiar. Everything that is new causes some concern. The old is familiar and has already been tested through experience. It is like the old chair in which you sit down to relax after work. Maybe a new one would be more convenient, but the old one is still more comfortable. Comfort is characterized by notions such as convenience, trust, positive experience and predictability. The new possess these qualities to a much lesser degree, so it takes time for a new habit to become an old habit.
So, we have looked at the methods pendulums use to influence people. The question arises as to whether a person can escape the influence of a pendulum and we will talk about ways of freeing oneself from the association with a pendulum later on. Sometimes a person will openly take a stand against a pendulum that has been controlling them but the individual is always defeated because their position is so isolated. No one individual can change anything. If a person has escaped the grip of obligation and entered into a battle with a pendulum they will only waste their energy, at best being thrown out of the system, and at worst being more aggressively squashed. An adherent that takes it upon themselves to break the rules established by a pendulum may find themselves beyond the law. On the surface of things it looks as if the former adherent is being punished for their protest but in actual fact punishment is delivered because the adherent is no longer submissive enough to continue being a source of energy.
We say that ‘a fault confessed is half redressed’ because a person who has acknowledged their guilt is willing to subjugate themselves to the power of the pendulum. The pendulum is not interested in the adherent’s remorse for their actions. It is only interested in restoring lost control. A pendulum will instantly become kinder if you allow it to manipulate you. If the accused refuses to repent they can be got rid of because nothing more can be gained from them. If they do repent the pendulum’s true motives are usually veiled behind moral principles saying that a person who has shown remorse cannot be such a villain after all. You can easily differentiate between true moral principles and the hidden interests of the system if you keep in mind what the pendulum really represents and what its true goals are.

You Get What You Do Not Want
As illustrated above, a pendulum can be powered both by its supporters and its opponents. Loss of energy on behalf of an adherent is just half the story. If a pendulum is sufficiently destructive it can damage a person’s welfare and future.
Everyone is confronted with negative information or a challenging event at some time of another. Bad news and unfortunate events are provocation on the part of the pendulum. People obviously do not want to have this negativity in their lives, but generally speaking they always respond in one of two ways. If the information they receive is not too hurtful they let it go and it is quickly forgotten. If the provocative information is annoying or frightening, i.e. touches a chord in a person’s soul, then their mental energy is captured in the pendulum’s loop and the person is attuned to the resonance frequency.
Events then unfold fairly predictably. The person gets angry, worried and afraid, expresses their upset in an agitated fashion, and in general, actively radiates energy at the frequency of the destructive pendulum. Not all the negative energy is harvested by the pendulum. Some of it radiates out to sectors in the alternatives space that correspond to the quality of the person’s thought energy which facilitates a shift to a life line where what the person would rather avoid is to be found in excess. If you remember, when a person’s thought energy is attuned to a certain frequency, they shift to a corresponding life line. A pendulum ensnares a person’s thought energy holding it at a certain frequency. This is what is so destructive about the role of a pendulum.
For example, generally we let information about accidents and disasters pass us by. If we are not directly affected, why upset ourselves unnecessarily? As a rule, when you hear the news, a disaster is taking place somewhere in the world but you are on a life line where you play the role of witness rather than victim. The line on which you are the victim is somewhere further away. Conversely, if you allow yourself to take on board information about disaster and misfortune and discuss it with friends, it is quite possible that you will soon shift to a life line where you may well end up in the role of the victim.
The stronger your desire to avoid something, the more likely it is that you will encounter it. To actively fight against what you do not want in your life is to make every effort to ensure that it is present in your life. You do not have to take any specific action to shift onto undesired life lines. It is enough to think negative thoughts and then fertilize them with emotion. When you do not want there to be bad weather you think about how much you dislike rain. Noisy neighbours wear you down and you end up arguing with them all the time or silently hating them. You are afraid of something and the fact greatly concerns you, or you have had enough of your present job and savour your dislike for it.
Everywhere you are pursued by exactly the very thing you do not want, that you fear, hate or despise. There may be other things that you would also like to avoid, but because you are not investing any negative emotion into them they do not appear in your life. Once you let the thing you do not want into your life, associate feelings of hostility with it, and indulge in those feelings, it will instantly become a physical reality within your life layer.
The only way to eliminate the things you do not want from your life is to break free from the influence of the pendulum that has seized your thought energy and from then on, avoid responding to its provocation or getting pulled into its game. You can free yourself from a pendulum’s influence in two ways by defeating it or by stopping its sway. We will look more closely at how this can be done below.

Defeating the Pendulum
Trying to battle with a pendulum is futile. As was explained above, when you battle with a pendulum you just end up supplying it with energy. The first and most important condition for successfully defeating a pendulum is to refuse to get into conflict with it. Firstly, the more actively you try to fight off pendulums that get you down the more they will pressure you. You can repeat endlessly: “Leave me alone! Get away from me!” and think you are fighting them off, but actually, you are just providing them with energy making them cling to you even more.
Secondly, you do not have the right to judge or change anything. Everything you see and experience should be accepted as if they were paintings on display, whether you like them or not. There may be many paintings in an exhibition that are not to your taste but it would never occur to you to demand that they be removed from the exhibition room. Once you have recognized the pendulum’s right to exist, you also have the right to leave it behind remaining free of its influence. The main thing is not fight it, judge it, get angry, or loose your self-control because by doing so you agree to play the game. The pendulum should be calmly taken for granted as a necessary evil and left at that. Any position of opposition supplies the pendulum with energy.
Before you can fully understand what it means to choose, you have to know how to decline. Most people have a vague idea of what they do want but know exactly what they do not want. In an effort to get rid of things or events that they do not want in their life, people act in a manner that has the opposite effect. To decline something you have to first accept its existence. The word “accept” in this context does not mean to embrace something and let it into your personal space. It means simply to recognize its right to existence and then pass by indifferently. To accept and let go of something means to consider the meaning of something and let it pass, waving goodbye as it leaves. This is much more effective than letting something into your personal space, becoming attached to something and then trying to oppose it.
When you think about the things you do not want, you attract them further into your life. Imagine a person who detests apples. Rather than simply paying them no attention it irritates the person that apples exist at all. On a material level they get annoyed every time they see an apple and openly express their disgust. On an energetic level the person may as well be hungrily pouncing on apples, stuffing their mouth and chomping loudly screaming about how much they hate apples, stuffing their pockets, only to be sick and once again complain about how they just cannot stomach apples. What the person does not realize is that they could simply delete apples from their experience of life.
It does not matter whether you love or hate. If your thoughts are latched onto the object of your emotions your thought energy will be attuned to a certain frequency and you will end up caught by a pendulum and transferred to a corresponding life line where the object of your fixation is present in abundance.
If you want to eradicate something from your life all you have to do is stop thinking about it, pass it by with indifference and it will disappear. To eliminate something from your life, ignore it, do not avoid it. There is a difference. When you avoid something it means you have let it into your personal space but are now actively trying to get rid of it. To ‘ignore’ something means not to react to it and consequently not to experience its presence in your space.
Imagine that you are a radio. If your day to day life is like waking up every day listening to a radio programme that you hate all you have to do is tune in to a different frequency!
You might think that you can protect yourself from unwanted pendulums by putting up iron boundaries between yourself and the world but this is an illusion. Putting on protective armour is like saying: “I am a blank wall. I see nothing; I hear nothing; I do not know anything. I won’t talk to anyone. I am unavailable.” It requires a huge amount of energy to support this kind of protective field.
A person who deliberately isolates themselves from the world will find themselves in a constant state of tension. Aside from that, the energy of their protective field will be vibrating at the same frequency as the pendulum against which their defence is directed. This is exactly what the pendulum wants. The pendulum does not care whether you provide it with your energy willingly or not. True protection from a pendulum is to be found in emptiness. If I am empty there is nothing for the pendulum to hook onto. There is no point in playing a game with a pendulum or trying to protect yourself from it if it can simply be ignored. When you can ignore the pendulum its energy will pass by you, dissipating into space without causing you any harm. A pendulum cannot push your buttons or upset you if you are empty in relationship to it.
The pendulum’s principal objective is to attract as many adherents as possible and reap their energy. If you ignore the pendulum it will leave you alone and switch its focus to others who can be drawn into the game and attuned to the necessary resonance frequency.
A basic example of this would be a dog that starts following you and barking loudly. If you turn round to face the dog it will bark even louder and yet if you take it seriously and start trying to dodge it or fight it the dog will follow you for a long time just because it wants someone to lock horns with. If you ignore the dog from the outset it will simply switch its attention to someone else and will not be at all offended that you paid it no attention. The dog is too absorbed in its goal of sourcing energy to think about anything else. The dog is a metaphor. It could be a person or trouble maker of some kind. The principle is the same.
If someone is getting to you, see whether the model of the destructive pendulum fits that person. It will probably be a perfect match. If you cannot deal with the situation choose not to react to provocation. Ignore the person totally because whilst they are getting your energy they will not leave you alone. When you get into a conflict with someone or hate them in passive silence you are directly giving them your energy. To stop giving away your energy means to stop thinking about them altogether; to erase them from your mind. When you can say to yourself: “They’re not worth it!”, and really mean it that person will disappear from your life.
We often come across situations, however, where it is not that easy to ignore the pendulum. For example, if your boss demands something from you, an outright refusal or open defense of yourself would entail a loss of energy because both approaches amount to fighting the pendulum. You can however, act as if you are willing to play the pendulum’s game as long as you remain aware of the fact that you are just pretending.
Imagine a heavily built burly man was to come at you with a sledgehammer and take a blow at you. If you react as if you are totally unperturbed, neither going to defend yourself nor to attack him you could calmly step aside and observe the man take his sledgehammer and hack down into the empty space beside you. When you behave in this calm and unperturbed manner the pendulum cannot hook into you and instead falls past you into empty space.
The same principle is central to certain martial arts like aikido. In aikido when one player makes an attack the opponent defends by taking the other player by the arm and moving in the direction of the attack as if casually seeing them on their way. Without having to exert any force the defending player sends their opponent flying in the direction of the original attack. The secret lies in not trying to block the attack. The players learn to accept the momentum of the attack and to move with the other player in this direction for a while before letting go. The energy of the attack is spent in empty space, because there is nothing to catch hold of.
The technique of the gentle dodge lies in responding with acceptance when the pendulum makes its first blow and then diplomatically stepping back, or subtly directing the movement in the direction that suits you. For example, imagine your boss is stressed and heaps a pile of work on you demanding it be done exactly in the way he thinks best. You know that the work would be better done differently, or maybe the work does not ordinarily come within your responsibilities. If you object, argue or defend yourself your boss will simply demand that you accept his authority and do what he says; after all, he has made a decision and you are defying him. Do the opposite; listen carefully and agree with everything he says. This allows the pendulum to discharge its first impulsive surge of energy. Then, start carefully discussing the details of the job. By now, you will have accepted your boss’s energy and be radiating at his frequency. Because it has not met with any opposition the energy of your boss’s initial approach will gradually subside. It is not advisable to tell your boss that you know better how the job should be done. Neither is it advisable to refuse to do the job or to get into an argument. It is much more diplomatic to ask for his advice on how he thinks the job could be done most efficiently or how perhaps another employee could do it more effectively. By doing this, you are swinging along with the pendulum, but you are doing it consciously, from the position of the observer without being caught up in the game. The pendulum on the other hand continues to swing completely absorbed by its own game. In the game the pendulum is the one who makes the decisions. The others agree with it or consult it for advice. If you try out this approach you will see that energy which was previously directed at you will be redirected towards a colleague or other potential solution to a problem. For you personally, the pendulum will have been defeated.

Stopping a Pendulum
There are some situations where the pendulum cannot be defeated which means it cannot be ignored or escaped. I had a friend once, who was a really nice, kind-hearted guy as well as being gifted with incredible physical strength. Late one evening we were travelling in a tram and spotted a group of bullies looking for trouble; in other words, a really destructive pendulum. There were quite a few of them and they were feeding each other with negative energy convinced of their own invulnerability. As a rule, this type of group needs to be constantly bullying someone who will react to their provocation in order to increase their energy level.
The men in the group started picking on my friend, probably because the kind and peaceful expression on his face suggested he was easy prey. They tried in any way they could to pick a fight by insulting and taunting him; however, my friend remained silent and refused to be provoked. In other words, he was trying to defeat the pendulum. I decided not to get involved because I knew he had nothing to fear whereas the thugs were really risking it. Finally, my friend could not take it any longer and got up from his seat and headed for the exit. The most brazen adherent blocked his way. Then my friend, who was by now totally cornered, grabbed the punk by the scruff of the neck and delivered a powerful blow to his head.
The victim’s face was smashed to a pulp. The remaining toughies froze with fear and amazement. My friend turned to grab the next one, who in a trembling voice mumbled: “That’s enough, man…stop!” The energy of the pendulum had been instantly dispersed and its adherents, who were very taken aback, edged slowly away from him, finally tumbling out of the tram.
Of course, people like my friend who can stand up for themselves are lucky but what do you do if you are not like that? If there is nowhere to retreat to you can stop the pendulum’s swing by doing something extraordinary that no one would ever expect.
Somebody told me a story once about a man who was cornered by a pack of “fearless” street gang members. He was about to get beaten up when he turned to the gang leader with an insane stare and said, “What would you like me to break first: your jaw or your nose?” The question clearly did not fit with the usual script and the gang leader was taken aback for a moment. Then with unhealthy enthusiasm the man cried: “Or maybe I’ll just tear your ear off!” and with that he grabbed the gang leader by the ear, who let out an agonizing cry. The entire scenario that the gang was used to playing out had gone awry. The gang leader was no longer thinking about beating anybody up. His only concern was how to save his ear from the madman’s grip. The gang let the man go, assuming he was a psychiatric patient, and he escaped a fatal beating.
If you ever find yourself in a situation that you know will unfold according to a set script, do something surprising. It does not matter what you do as long as it is something that does not fit with the standard script. This will stop the pendulum’s swing. As long as you are acting out a prepared script you are effectively agreeing to play by the pendulum’s rules and give away your energy at the resonance frequency. If however, the vibrational frequency of your energy differs significantly from that of the pendulum, dissonance will be created which will disturb the pendulum’s beat.
At the same time, it is not worth looking for trouble if you are dealing with a pendulum that has nothing to lose. If you are mugged by a person who is desperate for money it is better to hand over your wallet right away. Some people even carry a ten pound note with them just in case they end up in a similar situation. If the robber is a drug addict or mentally ill, even a martial arts expert could end up losing their life. Obviously, it is better to have no contact at all with types like this, just as you would avoid a rabid dog. If things were to suddenly go wrong it could end in a tragic and yet absurd death.
A sense of humor and strong imagination can be very helpful if you want to stop a pendulum’s swing because they can help you transform your irritation into a game. For example, imagine that you are being tormented by the crush of a crowd of people on the street or in public transport. Everyone is rushing in the opposite direction, making it difficult for you to make your way. Now imagine that you are in Antarctica and that all the people around you are actually penguins, waddling, fussing and pottering about in their own funny way. Imagine that you are a penguin too. Holding this image in your mind, the people who had seemed so irritating just a few moments ago, will appear more pleasant, even evoking your curiosity.
Of course, it is difficult to control yourself at moments when what you really want to do is vent your anger and have a good rant. At these times it is hardest of all to remember that a pendulum is behind it all, trying to incite a response so that it can draw on your energy. Do not respond to provocation. The pendulum is like a vampire that exploits the anaesthetic of your habit of responding negatively. Even now, despite having just read these lines you could express your irritation if you were distracted by an unwanted telephone call. If you set yourself the goal of remembering until it becomes habit, you will gradually work up immunity to the provocation of pendulums.
You will probably have noticed how when you respond to a disappointing situation with irritation, displeasure or other negative emotion the situation escalates in the same spirit or other things start to go wrong too. This is the pendulum swinging higher and higher. If you react, you end up being the one to push it higher. It is more effective to act in the opposite manner: either not reacting at all or reacting in an abnormal way. For example, if when you find yourself in an unpleasant situation you respond with false enthusiasm or wacky delight the pendulum’s swing will be brought to rest and you will see that the provocation stops with it.
Earlier we said that the habit of reacting negatively to unpleasant circumstances triggers the pendulum’s mechanism for capturing thought energy. This habit will fade if you decide to play your own game in which you deliberately substitute negative emotion with positive emotion: confidence for fear, enthusiasm for gloom, indifference for resentment; joy for irritation. Try reacting “inappropriately” to small nuisances. You have nothing to lose. It might seem a silly game to play but the pendulum will have no chance. The game style only seems silly because pendulums have trained us to exclusively play the games that are of benefit to them. You can experiment with forcing the pendulum to play your game. You will enjoy it and be surprised to discover what a powerful technique it is. The working principle is this: when you radiate thought energy at a different frequency to the pendulum’s resonance frequency you are in dissonance with the pendulum. The dissonance stills the pendulum’s sway in relationship to your personal energy; the result being that the pendulum leaves you in peace.
There is another interesting method aimed at gently bringing a pendulum to rest. If someone is getting to you or causing you a problem, try and work out what that person is missing and what they need. It could be health, confidence or peace of mind. If you think about it these are the three things we all need to feel fulfilled. Ask yourself what the person you are finding so challenging might really need at that moment.
For example, if your boss shouts at you, maybe they are tired or having problems at home and what they really need is a little peace of mind. Imagine your boss relaxing in a comfortable armchair watching the television, sitting beside an open fire, fishing by a river or having a beer with friends. Perhaps you know of something else your boss likes to do. It may be that your boss is being pressured to take on more responsibility and is afraid of doing so. Perhaps what he needs is confidence. Imagine your boss skiing confidently, driving around in a sports car or being the centre of attention at a party. Your boss might be in some kind of pain. Imagine him feeling happy and fresh, swimming in the sea, riding a bicycle or playing football. Of course, it is better to imagine them doing what they specifically like to do in their free time but you do not have to guess. It is enough to simply imagine the person feeling content and happy.
What is really happening in a situation like this where your boss suddenly appears on the scene with a problem (or it could be someone else like a mugger)? Try to instantly distract yourself from whatever the problem is. That way, you avoid putting your head into the noose that locks your thoughts into a certain frequency from the very outset. Now imagine this person receiving exactly what they need. (What does a robber need; to eat; drink; get high?) Visualize an image of the person’s fulfillment. If you are successful you can consider the problem solved. After all, the pendulum does not swing randomly. Something specific shifts it out of balance, causing it to start swaying. Consciously or unconsciously the pendulum is seeking for the one thing that will restore its balance. The energy of your thoughts set to a certain positive frequency will do that, at least indirectly, and the pendulum will instantly substitute its aggression with goodwill as a result. If this is hard to believe, test out the technique for yourself.
A pendulum-person approaches you with a problem which you solve, not in an obvious way, but on an energetic level. The technique is based on the principle that stops a pendulum. You give the pendulum your energy, but only a tiny piece of it in comparison to the amount of energy you could have lost had you been drawn into the pendulum’s game. Besides that, you have also done a good deed by helping someone in need, if only for a short time. The interesting thing is that this person will adopt a friendlier attitude towards you even though they may never guess why they feel so comfortable in your company. That can be your secret.
The same technique can be successfully applied in cases where you need something from someone who is absorbed in their own problems and not in the mood to collaborate. If for example you need an official’s signature on a document and you suspect they might be ill-disposed towards you, try treating them to a healthy dose of visualization and you will find that they will be quite amenable.
The last question is where all the energy goes when a pendulum is brought to rest. The answer is that the energy comes to you. Having coped with the problem once, you become stronger. The next time you try to solve a problem using this technique it will not be as difficult. Is this not always the way? Fighting a problem head-on only leads to a loss of energy which is absorbed by the pendulum that created it.
Psychologists and psychotherapists are well acquainted with equivalent practices of defeating or stopping a pendulum. In this sense the techniques described here are nothing new. However, they will be of value to anyone unfamiliar with practical psychology and give a clear understanding of how and why psychological protection is so effective.

Simple Solutions to Complex Problems
Another practical value of these techniques for defeating or stopping a pendulum is acquiring the ability to solve all kinds of problems: complicated situations in your personal life, conflict, unfavorable circumstances or simply a set task. There are always simple solutions to complex problems. The key to solving a problem always lies somewhere on the surface, the question is how to spot it. The pendulum that creates the problem obscures your vision, making it harder to find the key.
The goal of a destructive pendulum is always to feed on your energy. To do this it has to attune the vibration of your thought energy to the frequency of the problem and keep it there. This is easy to do if you are convinced that the problem is complex. If you accept the game rules, the pendulum will take you by the hand and lead you into an intricate labyrinth. Only later will you look back in hindsight and see how easily the mystery could have been solved.
If you play on someone’s complexes by scaring, worrying or confusing them, they will take the bait and readily agree how complicated the problem really is. You do not even have to scare a person to achieve the same effect. Most people will agree that there are no easy solutions to the majority of their problems. We are all constantly confronted with difficulties of some kind over the course of our lives, especially when we face something new or unfamiliar. Approaching problems with anxiety or even a reverential fear is for most people a deeply rooted habit. When weighing up their ability to deal with a problem most people verge on the side of self-doubt. Consequently, all this anxiety is an excellent puppet string.
A pendulum can act via its adherents, i.e. people who are connected with a particular problem as well as non-living objects. The pendulum holds a person’s thought energy at a certain frequency, sucking their energy whilst they carry the burden of the problem. You might think that focusing on the problem would help you to concentrate on finding a solution to it, and yet the opposite happens; it actually hinders you from finding a solution.
The pendulum focuses our thinking on a very narrow sector of the informational field. As a result, a person thinks and acts within the limits of a narrow corridor, unable to see the bigger picture or perceive the solution which may well lie outside that sector of the information field. Unusual or intuitive solutions often present themselves when you free yourself from the pendulum and are able to think in a different way. The secret of genius lies in remaining free from the influence of pendulums. While the thought energy of most people is held at certain frequencies by pendulums, the thought energy of a genius is free to attune itself to different frequencies and move into unexplored areas of the information field.
The way to avoid getting caught in the pendulum’s snare is to keep whatever problem you are dealing with in perspective and remain aware of the pendulum’s intent to trick you into playing its game. Rent yourself out—be detached. Try looking at the situation as if you had no emotional attachment to it. Act as you normally would but remain observant, don’t play the game. Remember that the pendulum wants to take you by the hand and lead you into a complex labyrinth. Do not let the problem get a hold on you, scare, worry, or confuse you. Just remember that there is always a straightforward solution to every problem. Do not accept the “complicated” interpretation projected by the pendulum.
If you are confronted with a problem or tricky situation, be aware of your attitude towards it. Even though the problem may stir up feelings of confusion, fear, resentment, despair and so on, it is important to change your initial attitude to the exact opposite because then the problem will either disappear by itself or you will quickly find a simple solution to it. Despite the stereotypes and habits you have already adopted, try to regard any problems you encounter as just another part of the road you are walking along, like any other aspect of it, rather than as obstacles that must be overcome. Do not take the problem onboard so that it occupies your inner space. Be empty to the problem.
If you have to solve a challenging problem remember that you do not have to rely solely on logical reasoning. Your subconscious is directly linked to the information field where the solution to any potential problem already exists. Relax; release any fear or anxiety you may have been experiencing in connection with the issue, confident in the knowledge that the solution already exists. Let go. Quiet the chatter of the mind and contemplate the nature of emptiness. It is very likely that the solution will come to you instantly, and it will probably be very simple. If this does not work, do not give up returning immediately to the rational thinking process. Try the exercise again. You will probably find that it works the second time. This exercise develops the ability to obtain knowledge intuitively. You just have to make it a habit.
This method really does work if you are able to stay detached and free yourself from the pendulum. This is not always easy but later in the book you will discover new methods for dealing with pendulums. For now we are just at the beginning of the Transurfing technique. Are you feeling as if I have taken you by the hand and am leading you into a labyrinth? Stay free, even of those who preach to you of freedom.

The Suspended State
When you have disentangled yourself from the influence of destructive pendulums you acquire a newfound freedom but if you do not have a goal to focus on you can find yourself hanging in a suspended state. If you have neglected your goals being because of a preoccupation with defeating the pendulums around you or stopping their sway, you may end up in a vacuum. On the one hand, conflicts and concerns that previously haunted you, fade; arguments occur less frequently; anxiety and worry gradually disappear from your life and all without you really noticing it, like a storm that gradually calms and passes.
This is all very positive but you may discover a downside to this new state. Events that before had you at the centre of things now carry on without you. You are no longer as important to other people around as you as you used to be and so they pay you less attention. You have fewer worries, but as yet no new desires have arisen to replace them. There is less pressure from the outside world but that does not seem to be bringing you any dividends. You have fewer problems, but have not necessarily made any new achievements either. Why is that?
The human environment is built entirely on pendulums. Therefore, when a person isolates themselves from these structures they begin to find themselves in a kind of desert. The suspended state is therefore, not much better than being dependent on pendulums. It is a bit like when children who have everything they could possibly want whine about the fact that there is nothing more to want. They are genuinely unhappy and drive everyone around them up the wall with their whining because it is human nature to need something to strive for.
Your freedom lies in being free from the pendulums of others. There are pendulums however, that can be of use to you and these are your personal pendulums. It is essential to recognize the goals you have been conditioned to chase after, which in fact lead you further away from your life line of happiness. The task is then to remain free and choose those life lines on which true success and happiness await you.
Pendulums do not necessarily have to represent something detrimental as long as a person is self-aware. It is never possible to be completely free of pendulums. The question is how to avoid being oppressed by a pendulum’s influence so that you can consciously work them in favour of your own purpose. Transurfing offers the specific tools needed to achieve this. Even though it is not possible to free yourself from the phenomenon of pendulums completely, it is not entirely necessary that you do so. On the contrary, at the end of the day, it is pendulums that turn dreams into reality.

A pendulum is created by the energy of a group of people thinking in the same way.
A pendulum is an energy based information structure.
A pendulum maintains the thought energy of the adherent at its own vibrational frequency.
A harsh battle for adherents takes place between the pendulums.
A destructive pendulum forces goals onto its adherents that are not of their own making.
A pendulum plays on human emotion, thereby catching the individual in their web.
If there is something that you really do not want it will appear in your life.
To free oneself from a pendulum means to give it no place in your life.
To give something no place in your life does not mean to try and avoid it; it means to ignore it.
To bring a pendulum to rest you have to change the established game script.
Positive visualization will gently bring the swing of a human pendulum to rest.
The energy of a stilled pendulum becomes available to you.
Problems are solved by defeating or stopping the pendulum that created them.
To solve a problem, rent yourself out.
To avoid getting stuck in a suspended state, find your own pendulums.
It is essential to acquire the habit of remembering what you know.

Chapter III. The Wave of Fortune
Your thoughts return to you like a boomerang

Antipode to the Pendulum
Now we can look at the task I set you earlier of determining which type of pendulums could be described as constructive. The answer is none. It sounds paradoxical but it is true and I hope I have not offended the listener by asking a trick question. All pendulums have one and the same goal, which is to receive energy from their adherents. If the energy supply is cut off then the pendulum’s swing stops.
A pendulum is constructive only in relationship to itself, never in relationship to an adherent. What could possibly be constructive or creative about the fact that your energy is being taken? Of course, different pendulums are destructive and aggressive to different degrees. It is difficult to imagine a beach volleyball club ganging up against the winter swimming club, and membership to the beach volleyball club is hardly likely to ruin your life. Of course these types of pendulums still need to feed on the energy of their adherents; if the members became bored of playing volleyball the life of the club would die and the pendulum along with it. However, this is nothing compared to the membership of a criminal gang, where one could lose one’s freedom or even one’s life.
One might ask how a person can be giving their energy to the pendulum of the gym where they train if whilst they are there they are completely focused on getting fit. You are focused entirely upon yourself whilst you are training but you are still obliged to observe a certain set of rules. At home you can do whatever you like but at the gym, all its members are required to act in relatively the same way; to follow the established rules of the system and in this way, make their energy available to the pendulum. If all the club’s members suddenly leave, the pendulum will no longer receive its source of energy and therefore stop swinging.
The question can be put in a different way: Do energetic structures exist that do not require your energy? It turns out that they do. One is the wave of fortune, or set of circumstances that are favourable to you personally. Every individual has their own wave of fortune. Sometimes you are lucky with something and then a whole cascade of other pleasant events unfold unexpectedly as if the sun had really chosen to shine on you. A cascade of pleasant events may not always follow the first, but if the first sign of good fortune pleased you and lifted your spirits then a cascade of the same will definitely follow.
The ‘wheel of fortune’ and ‘bluebird of happiness’ are not simply abstract metaphors. The wave of fortune is really a set of life lines that are auspicious for you personally. The alternatives space contains everything, including lines like golden veins that run through the information field. If you have found the outer line of a golden vein and catch onto a piece of good luck, you can slide by inertia on to other life lines where events of a similar nature are accumulated and a new set of fortuitous circumstances awaits you. If however, the first piece of good luck is followed by a streak of bad luck, it means that a destructive pendulum has managed to hook into you and draw you away from the golden vein.
The wave of good fortune brings happiness without taking your energy. It can be compared to a sea wave that carries an exhausted swimmer onto the shore. The wave of fortune will carry you onto happy life lines. Like the pendulum, the wave has no interest in your fate, but it has no need of your personal energy either. If you want to, you can float with the wave and let it carry you but if you do not want go with the wave it will pass you by with no regret. The wave of fortune is a temporary formation. It does not feed on the energy of other beings and so eventually fades like sea waves break upon the shore.
The wave of fortune sometimes touches your life in the form of good news. The wave of good fortune brings in information from other life lines. In comparison with your current life line, the resonance of the information is perceived as good news. The task is to grab hold of the rope and pull yourself onto the line that the information originated from, for there you will find not just good news but fortuitous circumstances also.
It seems as if the wave comes and goes, whereas in actual fact the wave of fortune does not move, increase in strength or weaken. In this model we have used the term ‘wave’ as a metaphor but as has already been mentioned, the wave of fortune is stationary in the alternatives space existing in the form of more rewarding life lines. In fact it is the discontinuity created by moving among different life lines that creates the impression of the wave as you either take hold of a stroke of luck, embracing the blessing and inviting it into your life, or distance yourself from it, distracted by other pendulums.
Because the wave has no interest in you personally it is easy to lose sight of. The wave will pass you by and set off on its own way. This is why people are inclined to believe that the bluebird of happiness is hard to catch. You do not actually have to make a huge effort to saddle a wave of good luck. It is a question of choice. If you accept the wave of fortune into your life it will stay with you. If you allow yourself to be influenced by a destructive pendulum and become immersed in its negative energy you will be distanced from the wave of good fortune. As they say: “Finders keepers, losers weepers”. The bluebird will happily peck grains from your hand. You do not have to catch the bird, but neither must you drive it away.
This is one of the most paradoxical aspects of the freedom of choice. People really can choose happiness and success for themselves and yet at the same time remain restricted by pendulums that lead them away from the wave of fortune. Here we return to a theme we discussed earlier; to claim freedom of choice you must be independent. You have the right to be free of the influence of other people’s pendulums. Now we will clarify how you can claim this right.

The Boomerang
Most people’s minds are filled with constant chatter. If the chatter is not controlled negative thoughts begin to dominate very often. As people we are most concerned with what we fear, with what oppresses or displeases us. The human psyche has developed over a period of thousands of years under the influence of destructive pendulums, which have kept people in a condition of fear so that they can be manipulated. As a result, people tend to have a very clear idea of what they do not want and yet have a very vague idea of what they do want.
To align your will with a negative thought machine means to play the game of a destructive pendulum and radiate energy at its resonance frequency. This is a very detrimental habit. It is entirely in your interests to replace it with the habit of consciously controlling your thoughts. Whenever your mind is unoccupied, when you are travelling, going for a walk or doing work that does not require deep concentration, make sure that you programme yourself to think positive thoughts. Do not think about what you have been unable to achieve. Think about what you want to achieve, and you will achieve it.
If for example, you do not like the house you are living in you will probably say to yourself: “I’m sick and tired of this house. Everything about it irritates me. I’ll be so happy when I move to a new place. I can’t help it, I just hate it!” With thoughts such as these there is no way that you could possibly receive what you want. Even if you are definitely moving to a new home you can be sure that huge disappointments await you.
‘Ok’, you say, but I am still leaving this old shed and moving into a luxurious mansion! What disappointments could possibly await me? The greater your enmity for the home you currently live in, the more unpleasant surprises you can expect to experience in your new palace. You can expect all sorts of problems: a leaking tap, peeling paint, crumbling walls, pestering neighbours; in short, anything that maintains the parameters of your current negativity. It makes no difference whether you are living in the old house or the new one. You may find a life path equipped with all the mod cons, but you will be as dissatisfied as you were before. The alternatives space has no shortage of luxurious houses where you will feel like you are living in hell.
If you have nowhere else to move to you are all the more likely to stay living in a space you cannot bear because your thoughts are unlikely to be attuned to the frequency of a life line on which you are successful in finding the house of your dreams. You are currently thinking about the things you do not like and consequently radiating negative energy which matches the life line you are on now. Until you change the vibration of your energy you will just have to keep putting up with the same line. Changing your vibration, however, is not that difficult to do.
First of all, accept the current situation and let go of feelings of dissatisfaction and resentment. If you try you can find little causes for joy in any situation. Even if you do not like your house, be grateful to it for having taken you in and looked after you. There may be wind and rain outside but the house takes it all for you keeping you warm and safe. Surely the house at least deserves some recognition? If in this moment you are thankful for what you have and feel love for all the things that are helping you to survive you will radiate positive energy. Then, if you so desire, you can quite realistically expect an improvement in your circumstances. When you finally do move, make a point of thanking everything that surrounded you in your previous home. Even the things you plan to throw away deserve your gratitude. In these moments you are transmitting positive energy into the environment which will return to you later.
Secondly, start thinking about the house you would like to have. This is a little harder to do than simply being irritated by the things that surround you right now but the goal is worth it. What is better, to react to every external irritation like an oyster in a shell or to make a little effort and change your habits? Look through estate agency advertisements with photographs of houses, go window shopping in search of furniture and decorations and live the thoughts of what you want to have. We always end up getting the things and situations which our thoughts are most strongly attached to. Our thoughts always come back to us like a boomerang.
There are so many examples that illustrate how a negative attitude can ruin your life. Imagine that you are getting ready to go on holiday in the south where it is hot but the weather where you live is terrible. You walk outside cringing from the cold wind and getting soaked in the rain. Naturally, it is difficult to derive much pleasure from this type of weather but you can at least take a neutral standpoint and ignore the potentially destructive pendulum associated with it. If you openly express your displeasure you are accepting the pendulum and pushing it to make it swing higher.
You say to yourself: “Soon I will be in the south, enjoying the sunshine and warm sea—so sod this dump!” This kind of attitude is hardly likely to attune you to a life line filled with heavenly pleasures. You just will not ever get there. Do not be lulled into a false sense of security simply because you have already bought your ticket. You could easily arrive to find more bad weather or some other issue. Everything will turn out fine as long as you stay positive.
It is not enough to make sure you are not taking in negative energy from without. You have to make sure that you are not putting out negative energy too. If you shout at someone because you are irritated by something they have done, you can be certain that soon afterwards something will go wrong or some kind of annoyance or problem will arise. The parameters of the negative energy you are transmitting correspond to life lines where you experience irritation and so you are inevitably carried in the direction of life lines where the density of disappointments and misfortune is higher than average. Do not fall into the trap of self-justification with the thought that the particular irritation could not have been avoided. I have nothing to prove in writing this. Simply observe for yourself how every time you react negatively, something else regrettable follows.
One very clear conclusion can be drawn from all that has been said above. You are always on a life line that represents the quality of your energetic vibration. If you take in negative energy you will experience disappointments in your life and if you give out negative energy it will return to you like a boomerang in the form of disappointment.

Instead of playing the game of a destructive pendulum, seek out pendulums that benefit you in some way by their game. Acquire the habit of giving your attention to all that is positive and good. As soon as you see, read or hear something pleasing or encouraging hold it in your thoughts and let it lift your spirits. Imagine that you are walking through a forest where there are beautiful flowers as well as poisonous thorns. Which would you choose? If you pick a bunch of elderberry flowers and put them in a vase in your home you will soon get a headache. What would be the point of that? It is the same thing as reacting to destructive pendulums. It is better to pick a jasmine flower, admire its beauty, and savour its aroma. Let in the things that are positive and you will be greeted on your path by ever more good news and auspicious opportunity.
Once you have experienced a brief moment of inspiration or joy it is easy to get pulled back into the stresses of your daily routine. The feeling of elation is forgotten and the working day takes over. To keep the festive feeling in your life, first and foremost you have to remember it. Habit makes us jump head first back into the monotony of everyday life. The negative pendulums make us forget whatever the good thing was that happened and we loose a sense of the pleasure it gave us.
You have to support the little flame of enthusiasm and nourish the feeling it gives you inside. Observe how life is moving in a better direction, take hold of any straw of happiness you are offered and look for good signs in everything. At the very least it will keep you from being bored. It is essential to remember that in every minute you give to the Transurfing practice, you are consciously moving towards your dream, setting the course of your own destiny. This in itself imparts a feeling of calm, confidence and happiness that helps you to stay positive. Once this feeling becomes a habit you will be constantly riding the crest of the wave of good fortune.
Be happy for all that you have in this given moment. Being happy by definition is no empty invocation. Sometimes circumstances unfold in such a way that it is genuinely difficult to be content, but nonetheless, from a practical point of view, expressing your dissatisfaction is highly disadvantageous. You want to get to the life lines that inspire you but you cannot make that shift if your energy field is filled with the vibration of dissatisfaction. Good life lines differ in that the circumstances you encounter fill your thoughts with happiness and contentment.
Good news is quickly forgotten because it gives us no cause for concern. In contrast, bad news evokes an active response because it poses a potential threat. If you do not let bad news into your heart, you will not allow it into your life. Close yourself off to bad news and remain open to good news. It is important to note and carefully nourish any positive change in your life for these are the messengers of the wave of fortune. As soon as you hear any even slightly encouraging news, rather than forgetting the information immediately afterwards, as you would have done previously, savour, discuss and track it. Think the news over from all points of view. Take pleasure in it. Make predictions and expect further improvement. In this way the vibration of your thoughts will remain at the frequency of the wave of good fortune and you will be attuning yourself to its parameters. The good news will increase and life will get better. To filter information is this way is neither a practice of mysticism nor is it a particular quality of the human psyche. It is the nature of reality. The pessimist looks at the world through black tinted glasses and the optimist through rose-tinted glasses. Either way, you shift to different life lines according to the quality of your thoughts.
When you are in the right relationship with yourself and your environment, you transmit harmonious energy into the world around you. You create an area of harmonious vibration around yourself in which everything unfolds successfully. A positive attitude always leads to success and creativity.
Negativity by contrast is always destructive and aimed at disruption. There is a certain category of individual who prefer to look for problems rather than their solution. This type of person is always happy to discuss their difficulties and seek out new obstacles. People like this usually have trouble offering a practical way out of a situation because they are programmed to search for difficulties rather solutions. A determination to focus on problems will bring them to you in abundance, leaving you stuck with the situation that is causing you grief. Criticism and targeting the negative side of a situation will always bring fruits of a corresponding nature. This does plenty of harm and not much good. Look around and you will find people like this in your circle of friends and acquaintances. This is not to say that they are ‘good’ or ‘bad’; they are firmly hooked up by a destructive pendulum.
The majority of people respond antagonistically to any undesirable event that occurs in their lives. As a rule, any event which does not follow the original script is claimed undesirable. The opposite is also true. We can only perceive success in forms that correspond to the expectations of our original script. A person might be terribly upset about being late for a plane which then crashes. The opposite can also happen where a person lets a unique opportunity pass them by because it did not fit into their plans.
The more negative your thoughts about life, the worse your life will become. The more a person worries about failure the more readily new failures will appear in their life. As the saying goes: “As the call, so the echo”. A person who chooses this way of being practices the opposite of Transurfing on a daily basis; they are sliding down a life line that can only lead to their personal hell. Take the exact opposite position; be joyful in the face of failure, and deliberately look for even the slightest blessing. You can always find something. Maintain the perspective that the glass is half full. The rather banal saying that: ‘everything happens for a reason”, always stands true if you decide to make it your tenet. You have to firmly hold your course in the direction of all that is good, letting go of the old habit of getting upset and downhearted at any minor obstacle.
If a person is strong, every failure they experience is taken to be a useful lesson, making them tougher and more experienced. Find joy in all parts of your world and you will transform it into paradise. This is of course a very unusual way of behaving but it fits the unusual goal of becoming your own genie and making all your wishes come true. Unusual goals require unusual methods.
It is difficult to practice this type of behaviour at first because the old habit of reacting negatively to anything that disappoints us is so deeply entrenched. The most important thing to remember when you suffer a setback is that the setback has been created by a pendulum that is trying to get its hook into you. Once you remember this fact, you can make a conscious choice as to whether you would rather vent your negative emotions and give energy to the pendulum, or gain victory over the pendulum by leaving it without a scrap of your emotional energy.
Once you can remember this, it is not that difficult to defeat a pendulum or still its sway. As has already been said, pendulums pull on your emotional strings, and your habits are the trigger for the mechanism that captures your thoughts. Even though you have just read this chapter and have set yourself the goal of not responding to any bitter pill, you might still fall into the old pattern of expressing a negative reaction. However, you will become conscious of the fact that you forgot and responded out of habit instead. As soon as you can remember in time—the situation will be under your control. You will laugh to yourself: “Aha! So, it’s you again, you old pendulum! You won’t hook me so easily this time!” You will be free to accept or reject the pendulum consciously. You will no longer be the puppet.
If you practice this technique consistently, with time you will succeed in replacing the old habit with a new one. Until that happens, pendulums will try to provoke you in all kinds of ways. You will notice how as soon as you start behaving differently you are bombarded with unpleasant news and circumstances as if someone was deliberately trying to thwart you. Do not give up. On the whole these will be small frustrations rather than anything more serious. If you do not give up and learn to remember the victory will be quite impressive. Mind my words!
Another possible result is that the next time you meet with the wave of fortune, pendulums will not succeed in distracting you from it and the bird of happiness will remain in your hand. In order to fully embrace the bird you have to surround yourself with positive energy. You have to become a transmitter of positive energy as well as a receiver of exclusively positive energy. If you can do this the world around you will very quickly change for the better and you will easily slide onto more successful life lines. In the end, the wave of fortune will greet you, lift you up and rush forward carrying you on to success. Transurfing does not end with learning to ride the wave of good fortune. This is just the first step. As you read on you will see that there are many more surprising discoveries to be found.

Magic Rituals
To conclude this chapter I want to share an example of how the technique of attuning to the wave of success works. There are various situations in which people automatically make attempts to attune to this frequency even though they may not be aware of what they are doing on an energetic level. For example, at the beginning of the day, traders often give their first buyer a significant reduction. Intuitively they feel that their first buyer is very important and so they give a good deal to the first buyer to secure the day’s trade. In the language of Transurfing they are attuning to the vibration of successful trading. It is difficult to simply hold the idea of a good day’s trade in mind, whereas the first sale instils the trader with real hope and faith as a result of which the attunement takes place of its own accord. Through action, the trader has mounted the wave of successful trading by radiating thought energy with corresponding parameters. The trader believes that their wares will sell quickly and buyers are immediately ‘gripped’ by the vibration of this thought and obediently make a purchase when the trader hints at the idea, convinced that they have found a bargain.
Another curious magic ritual is used by market traders who brush paper money across their wares. Of course, of itself this action has no impact and in essence there is no magic in this ritual. However, if the trader believes in the power of the ritual it will help them to attune to the frequency of the life line of successful trading. The attunement takes place on a subconscious level. The person performing the ritual is only aware of the superficial, visual side of the ritual but nonetheless, for whatever reason, it works. The ritual works as a theatrical requisite rather than as a power unto itself. The key power involved is the thought energy of the person carrying out the ritual.
People in different professions invent their own ‘magical’ rituals which they conduct to help them in various situations. People believe in them and apply them in order to attune to a successful life line and mount the wave of good fortune. As you already know, it is not the form the ritual takes that matters but the result it produces.

The wave of good fortune is an accumulation of favourable life lines in the alternatives space.
A cascade of good luck follows only if you have let yourself become imbued with the joyful energy evoked by the first stroke of luck.
Destructive pendulums will try to coax you away from the wave of fortune.
When you overcome dependence on pendulums you win your freedom.
By taking on and transmitting negative energy you create your own hell.
By accepting and transmitting positive energy you create your own heaven.
Your thoughts always return to you like a boomerang.
Pendulums cannot throw you off the wave of fortune once remembering has become a habit.
The habit of remembering is developed through consistent practice.

Chapter IV. Balance
Taking care without worrying

Excess Potential
Everything in nature strives towards balance. Changes in air temperature are balanced by wind. Differences in temperature are compensated by thermal exchange. Wherever there is excess potential of any energy form, balanced forces emerge to correct the imbalance. We are so accustomed to such statements on the nature of things that we fail to ask ourselves why it must necessarily be so, or how exactly the law of balance works.
Laws do not actually explain anything. They are just statements of fact. All laws of nature are secondary and derived from the law of balance. The law of balance is primary (at least it appears to be), and it is impossible to explain why equilibrium should exist in nature in the first place or more specifically, where balanced forces originate from and why indeed they exist at all. The fact that we have become accustomed to something doesn’t mean it is the way things necessarily are. One can only imagine what the world would be like were it not for the law of balance; an atmospheric jelly or an aggressive furnace perhaps? However, the unsightliness of such a world is hardly a reason to support the existence of the law of balance and so we are left to accept it as fact and to wonder in admiration at the perfection of the world, nonetheless, puzzling over the question of what governs it all.
We are used to the fact that there are good and bad spells in life and that success is followed by defeat, for this is all a manifestation of the law of balance. Success, like misfortune, destroys the balance. Complete balance is when nothing happens. Absolute balance doesn’t exist, or at least no-one has yet managed to observe it. Oscillation is observed everywhere in the world: night and day, incoming and outgoing tides, birth and death, etc. Even in a vacuum, elementary particles are involved in a process of continual birth and dematerialization.
The entire world can be seen in the form of pendulums that oscillate, fade and interact with one another. Every pendulum receives a jolt from its neighbours and in turn gives out its own. One of the main laws governing this complex system is the law of balance. Ultimately, everything strives towards balance. You are also a kind of pendulum. If you take it into your head to destroy the balance and sway sharply in a particular direction, you will brush against the neighbouring pendulums creating commotion all around which will then turn against you.
Balance can be destroyed by actions and also by thoughts and not only because thought is followed by action. As you know, thoughts radiate energy. In the world of material realization everything has an energetic foundation. Everything that occurs on an invisible level is reflected in the world of visible material objects. It might seem as if the energy of our thoughts is not powerful enough to have an impact on the world around us and if that were the case, everything would be a lot simpler.
However, let’s not make guesses about what’s happening on an energetic level; otherwise we could get entangled in a knot of conjecture. For our purposes it is enough to accept the simplified model of balance: where excess potential appears, balanced forces emerge to eliminate it.
Excess potential is created by mental energy when too much importance is given to a particular object. For example, let’s compare two situations: in one situation you are standing on the floor in your house and in the other you are standing at the edge of a precipice. In the first case the situation causes you no concern. In the second case the situation is of grave significance—one careless movement and the mistake is irreparable. On an energetic level however, the fact of simply standing is of equal significance in both cases.
Standing above a precipice, your fear heightens intensity and creates inhomogeneity in the energy field. At this point, balanced forces emerge aimed at neutralizing the excess potential. You can even feel their influence: on the one hand an inexplicable force seems to pull you downwards and on the other, another force draws you to step away from the edge. To eliminate the excess potential of your fear the balanced forces are required either to drag you away from the edge or to cast you downwards and be done with it. It is the impact of the balanced forces that you are experiencing.
On an energetic level all material objects are of equal significance. It is we that attribute specific qualities to them such as good, bad, cheerful, sad, attractive, repulsive, kind, wicked, simple, complex, etc. Everything in this world is subject to our assessment. The assessment itself does not create inhomogeneity in the energy field. Sitting in an armchair at home you can make the assessment that sitting there is safe, but standing at the edge of a precipice is dangerous. At the moment of making the assessment, the situation you are considering does not worry you and so balance is in no way disturbed. Excess potential only appears in cases where the level of importance attributed to the assessment is excessive.
The amount of potential is increased if the assessment which is attributed huge value also greatly distorts reality. Generally speaking, if an object is very important to us we are incapable of objectively assessing its quality. For example, an object of worship is always attributed excess worth and an object of hate, excess detriment; an object of fear, terrifying qualities. Thought energy strives to artificially produce a certain quality there, where in fact it is not present. As a result, excess potential is created which summons the wind of balanced forces.
The bias of the assessment, which is a distortion of reality, is two-fold: The object in question is excessively attributed either negative or positive qualities. However, of itself, an error of assessment plays no role in the matter. Note that the bias in assessment generates excess potential only if it is attributed great meaning. It is only the importance that the assessment has for you personally that enables your energy to be transmitted to it.
Excess potential is invisible and intangible and yet it plays a significant and even insidious role in people’s lives. When balanced forces eliminate excess potential they can generate myriad problems. Paradoxically, the end result is often the exact opposite of the original intention and people do not understand why this happens. It is this phenomenon that sometimes makes us feel as if some inexplicable dark force had a grip on our lives, like ‘sod’s law’. We touched on this when we were discussing why people get what they do not want rather than what they do want. Here is another example of how what we desire slips away from us.
Some people believe that if you devote yourself fully to your work you will achieve excellent results. If you look at this position from the point of view of scales and balance, it is obvious that immersing yourself so heavily in work is like placing your work on one dish of the scales and absolutely everything else in the other dish. Naturally, balance is destroyed and the consequences become visible all too soon. The result of prioritising work to this extent will be the exact opposite of what you expected.
If working harder means earning more money or improving your qualifications then of course a little extra effort will do no harm. Like everything in life, there should be good measure and proportionality. If however, you are constantly exhausted and have become your own slave driver then it would be better to slow down a little or even look for a different type of job. Either way, the point is that any effort made beyond measure will inevitably lead to negative consequences.
This is what happens on an energetic level. Aside from work, everyone has their own set of values, be it: home, family, leisure pursuits etc. If you juxtapose all your other values with the one value of work you create strong potential. Everything in nature strives towards equilibrium, which means that aside from your own will, other forces would come into play to mitigate the consequences of the excess potential you are creating. Balanced forces can work in all sorts of different ways. You may become ill, in which case there could be no question of working any harder. You may start suffering from depression which would not be altogether surprising because you would have been so hard on yourself. The voice of the rational mind shouts: “Come on! You must earn more money” while the soul or subconscious objects: “Surely this is not what I came into the world for, to suffer and torture myself? Why bring this on myself?” Eventually, you would become chronically tired and any plans to be more productive would have to be forgotten. You would probably end up feeling that you were banging your head against a brick wall; getting nowhere fast.
When people do overly prioritise their work there always seem to be someone else around who achieves more whilst making considerably less effort. Once a person achieves a certain level in their job there can be a tendency to place massive importance on their work, but unfortunately, the more disproportionately important it becomes, the more likely it is that problems will arise. People assume it quite natural for there to be problems, but in reality, the number of problems a person experiences is reduced significantly when they lower their expectations and relax their attachment.
The only conclusion that can be drawn from this is that you have to consciously re-evaluate your relationship to your work if you want to avoid creating excess potential. It is essential to have free time in which you can do the things you enjoy. People who do not know how to switch off and relax do not know how to work well either. When you arrive at work, detach yourself

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Reality Transurfing: steps 1-5
Reality Transurfing: steps 1-5