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The Twins′ Family Wish
The Twins′ Family Wish
The Twins' Family Wish
Lois Richer
Bachelor FatherWorking at a day care center, teacher Penny Stern knew she’d bond with the children—but she never expected to fall for adorable four-year-old twins or their handsome uncle. Her heart is in danger when Rick Granger asks for a helping hand. Named guardian to the twins after his sister's death, the confirmed bachelor is in way over his head. And when his construction company is in danger of falling behind on a job at Wranglers Ranch, the single dad realizes he needs a full-time mom for the twins. Penny wants happily-ever-after, but Rick is offering a marriage in name only. Could two wily twins and one heartfelt wish help make them a real family?Wranglers Ranch: Offering hope, love and a fresh start

Bachelor Father
Working at a day care center, teacher Penny Stern knew she’d bond with the children—but she never expected to fall for adorable four-year-old twins or their handsome uncle. Her heart is in danger when Rick Granger asks for a helping hand. Named guardian to the twins after his sister’s death, the confirmed bachelor is in way over his head. And when his construction company is in danger of falling behind on a job at Wranglers Ranch, the single dad realizes he needs a full-time mom for the twins. Penny wants happily-ever-after, but Rick is offering a marriage in name only. Could two wily twins and one heartfelt wish help make them a real family?
“Do you need love, Uncle Rick?”
“Huh?” He focused on the road as he tried to decipher what his niece meant. “We all need love, sweetie.” He gulped. If this was parenting, he was about to flunk. “Why do you ask?”
“’Cause I heard Penny talking to Miss Miranda an’ Penny said you needed love so you’d stop hurting. I love you real lots and Kyle does, too.”
“I don’t think I have any special hurt today, sweetheart, but if I did, for sure your hug would fix it,” he said. Penny had said he needed love? What in the world? Suddenly a lightbulb clicked on inside his head.
Could Penny be matchmaking?
Had she misunderstood their last conversation and decided that he needed a woman in his life?
Once they were home and the kids were tucked in, the idea came to him. Maybe it was Penny who needed a matchmaker.
He sat down to make a list of male friends who might fit her bill. Only thing was, he ended up deleting most of them because imagining Penny with any of his buddies gave Rick an unsettled feeling in his stomach.
Must have been the fast food. Certainly couldn’t be because he was interested in Penny’s personal life.
LOIS RICHER loves traveling, swimming and quilting, but mostly she loves writing stories that show God’s boundless love for His precious children. As she says, “His love never changes or gives up. It’s always waiting for me. My stories feature imperfect characters learning that love doesn’t mean attaining perfection. Love is about keeping on keeping on.” You can contact Lois via email, loisricher@gmail.com, or on Facebook (loisricherauthor).
The Twins’ Family Wish
Lois Richer

www.millsandboon.co.uk (http://www.millsandboon.co.uk)
The Lord will work out His plan for your life.
—Psalms 138:8
To all the moms, would-be moms
and those who have a heart for mothering.
Cover (#u0a12bcfe-3fa2-5ab6-8bdc-d1f786ab5376)
Back Cover Text (#uaa7a2111-3cd2-58b0-be6d-303f72c8040c)
Introduction (#ub2da686c-4b9e-51b8-a370-4ed24dafc334)
About the Author (#u98d37ec2-a574-5a23-a1a0-56e4d1a6bc96)
Title Page (#u2d6e09ce-5671-5fa7-938f-4ed1213a5015)
Bible Verse (#u8ad44afd-732c-5a97-9ee1-6868aa17f246)
Dedication (#u2403b7dd-c2b7-5769-bcb7-e932ceec69ba)
Chapter One (#u4d5afb46-bd58-5c3c-a66a-fc2732f91c3a)
Chapter Two (#u62c1cf8d-94f9-50fe-af49-ee796eb542e2)
Chapter Three (#ub1094e33-dddc-50e9-ad35-391745f7dd92)
Chapter Four (#u8016f388-bfd4-5094-a4ae-5533267c5e57)
Chapter Five (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Six (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Seven (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Eight (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Nine (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Ten (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Eleven (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Twelve (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Thirteen (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Fourteen (#litres_trial_promo)
Dear Reader (#litres_trial_promo)
Extract (#litres_trial_promo)
Copyright (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter One (#u134dfa13-6ad3-5ed8-8ad7-97fc3f8b2db6)
“Are you buying that for your little girl?”
Startled from her reverie about children and the lack of them in her life, Penelope Stern dropped the stuffed pig onto the display and wheeled around. A child with lopsided pigtails and thoughtful brown eyes studied her for a moment before picking up the animal herself to study it more closely.
“Moms always like pink,” she proclaimed, her head tilted to one side. “Mine did, too.” Her face got a soft, weepy look. “But I don’t gots a mom no more.”
“Oh?” Moved by her woeful expression and the sorrowful sound of loss in her voice, it took a minute before Penny’s brain clicked in. “But I’m not a mo—”
“Katie?” The word emerged from behind Penny, a low male growl that held both reproof and resignation. “I asked you and Kyle to stay with me, remember?” The man held up a hand when Katie’s bow lips parted. “And no, we can’t buy that toy because you already have a zoo full of stuffed animals at home.”
Penny watched as the tall, lean dad gently lifted the pig from the child’s hand and returned it to the shelf. Handsome yet disheveled in battered cowboy boots, jeans that had seen a lot of wear and a red-and-white-checked shirt that was missing two buttons, he shoved back his Stetson, tenderly brushed his hand over the child’s head then looked up at Penny.
“I hope Katie wasn’t bothering you.”
“Oh, no, she wasn’t bother—” Only the strictest control kept Penny from gasping when she glimpsed the angrily crumpled skin that scarred the left side of his very handsome face. She met his gaze and mentally winced at his expression—as if he was resigned to people staring at him, as if he was waiting for her to turn away in disgust, as if that had happened before. “Katie wasn’t bothering me at all.” She hoped her smile would cover her disconcerted reaction.
“She’s buyin’ that pig for her little girl, Uncle Rick.” Katie grabbed the pig and returned it to Penny. “She’ll like it,” the sprite promised, pigtails bobbing. Then she leaned on Uncle Rick’s arm and yawned. “Is it time to go home now? I’m tired.”
“Well, darlin’, I’ve almost finished my list but now Kyle’s wandered off.” The man heaved a sigh that said better than any words could that he, too, was weary and more than ready to leave. “Let’s go find your brother.”
“May I help you look for him?” Penny wouldn’t have offered her help to a total stranger except that she’d been lost in a store once when she was four, and she hated the thought of another child going through the angst she’d suffered.
Also, although it was almost 10:00 p.m., Penny, like everyone else in Tucson, didn’t relish going back out into the late June heat wave that had enveloped the city for two straight weeks. She’d only lived here about fourteen months but she’d quickly discovered that the desert’s extremely high summer temperatures made shopping at night common for most Tucsonans. Added to that, her underperforming A/C made returning to her home less appealing.
“What does Kyle look like?” she asked.
“Like me. Only he gots short hair.” Katie grinned at her. Then with a sudden whoop of “There he is!” went racing away from them down the bread aisle, pigtails dancing, pink sandals slapping against the tile floor, her bright pink sundress fluttering around her tanned legs.
“Thanks for the offer of help,” the man said with a smile. “I think we’re good now. Hope your daughter likes that.” He jerked his head toward the pig she still held then quickly strode after the pair.
“I don’t have a—” Penny was talking to herself. “Daughter,” she finished with a grimace as she dropped the toy. When it had joined its friends, she resumed pushing her cart, which, unlike the cowboy’s burgeoning one, held only two tomatoes and a head of lettuce. Thanks to the encounter with Katie and Uncle Rick, Penny shopped for the rest of the items on her list while mourning her lack of family.
When will that ache go away, Lord?
With a sigh for what couldn’t be, she checked off the last item, added an impulse purchase of cashews and hazelnut coffee beans then pushed her cart to the checkout line. Since the line was long she picked up a magazine to peruse. She was studying an article about a celebrity’s sixth pregnancy when she felt someone watching her.
Penny glanced over one shoulder. The same man stood in line behind her. He held the little girl in one arm, her dark head snuggled into the crook of his scarred neck as she slept, her hand squeezing the pink pig. The man’s other hand guided a cart piled high with groceries. Nestled between two gallons of milk and a bag of shiny red apples, a sleeping boy sat hunched over, arms folded on the handles of the cart, his head resting on them, chubby fingers wrapped around a bright white whale.
The heart-wrenching photo moment brought tears to Penny’s eyes and revived the pang of yearning she constantly fought to quell. This man had what she craved. Family. Loved ones. Somebody to cherish, to be cherished by.
Uncle Rick had what Penny constantly prayed for but had never received.
“Seems like everybody’s shopping tonight, doesn’t it?” he said with a friendly smile that barely moved the damaged skin on his face. “I’m Rick Granger. I guess you’ve already met one of my kids.”
His kids? But the little girl, Katie, had called him uncle.
“Penny Stern,” she said quickly.
“You decided not to get the pig for your daughter,” he said with a glance at her cart. “Smart lady. I’ve been conned into buying a pig and a whale.” His rueful smile brushed over the twins like a caress. “My only excuse is that I couldn’t help it. They kind of reach in and squeeze the ‘no’ right out of you,” he said fondly. Then he looked up. “How old is your daughter?”
“I don’t have a daughter. I don’t have any children. I’m not married.” Penny almost groaned out loud. Why did you have to tell him all that? Are you so desperate for a family you’ll talk to any guy with kids in the grocery store?
“You don’t? But I thought Katie said—” Rick stopped then shook his shaggy dark head, which Penny noted was the same color as the kids’. Her attention was snared by the rueful expression now flickering through eyes as brown as Katie’s. “I should have known, I guess, because sometimes they make up stuff.”
“Oh, no, Katie didn’t make up anything,” she assured him. “I was looking at the toys and she probably assumed—”
Startled by the cashier’s loud “Next!” Penny blushed as she cut off her explanation, slid her cart to the counter and began setting her groceries on the belt.
“She assumed?” the man prompted.
“That I was a mom. I’m actually a kindergarten teacher.” Why she felt compelled to explain the details of her life while her bill was tallied was a mystery to Penny. But it didn’t stop her. “I like to keep abreast of the marketplace of kids’ toys.”
“Ah.” Rick stood waiting as she paid. Suddenly realizing how much she’d talked to a man she didn’t know disconcerted Penny. She felt a little nervous as she gathered up her grocery sacks. She was ready to leave when she noticed his struggle to hold Katie and unload his purchases.
“May I help you?” The offer was out of her mouth before she could stop it. When he nodded she decided she could hardly retract. Penny set down her sacks and began removing the items from his cart. Out of habit she placed them in categories; cans first, boxes next—many of which were varieties of cookies, she noted with a frown and then scolded herself for her interest.
Maybe the kids’ aunt can’t bake.
She arranged meat and then dairy—she had to gently shift Kyle to get the milk but thankfully he remained asleep—then added the produce and at last the cart was emptied.
“There you go.”
“Thank you very much.” Rick held up each child’s hand with fingers still clutched around their toys so the cashier could scan them. It was only as he swiped his credit card that Penny realized she was staring and that the cashier had noticed.
“The parking lot’s kind of rough.” It was a lame attempt to cover her interest in the little family but some inner need to help made Penny offer, “Would you like me to steer your cart so Kyle doesn’t wake up?”
Hearing the cashier’s snicker made Penny wish she’d simply walked away. She must sound desperate and yet something about this little family drew her.
Rick was apparently oblivious to both the cashier’s amusement and Penny’s inner turmoil because all he said was “Thanks.”
Penny shifted her two bags into his cart then pushed it through the automatic doors and across the heated pavement, trying to match his long strides though her wedge-heeled sandals and shorter height made that difficult. She huffed a sigh of relief when he finally stopped beside a shiny black truck.
“Well, thanks for your help,” he said with a grin. “Again.”
But Penny remained frozen in place, her gaze captivated by his tender expression as he slid sweet little Katie into a car seat and tenderly belted her in. When she stirred momentarily, he pressed a kiss against her brow, waited for her to settle then went through the same process with Kyle. He treated the children as if they were precious cargo, not as if he was in a hurry to get home and shove them into bed. He loved them.
“So, uh, thanks a lot for your help.” Rick gave Penny a funny look when she didn’t move. With a frown then a shrug he turned his back and began storing his groceries in the truck.
The sound of the truck box closing finally drew Penny out of her stupor. She blushed with embarrassment.
“Good night.” She racewalked away from them to her car feeling like she’d peeked in on something private and special. Yet no matter how she tried, as she drove home to her condo she couldn’t erase the image of Rick’s loving glance at the children.
Why were they his kids, she wondered? And what would it be like to be adored like that? Questions about Rick and his darling little family tortured her all the way home until Penny told herself to stop wanting what she couldn’t have.
Remember Psalm 138:8? The Lord will work out His plan for your life.
Quashing the image of Katie and Kyle and their hunky uncle, Penny reminded herself that she’d decided teaching kindergarten kids would be enough.
But her heart asked, Will it?
* * *
As Rick drove through the night to his ranch, he savored the peace of sleeping children while at the same time worrying about how he’d manage tomorrow. Three nannies in three weeks had to be a record, even for the twins. This was only June. With the rest of their summer vacation looming he had to find some kind of permanent caregiver for them.
There was still daycare, of course. Lots of parents enrolled their kids in summer daycare, and their children seemed to enjoy it. His business partner did that. But Rick had heard his sister, Gillian, say a thousand times that she wanted her kids to be cared for at home, by her, one-on-one. Well, Gillian wasn’t here anymore, and the twins’ home was his home now. But Rick couldn’t stay with them full-time. He had a construction company to run.
Rick had mentioned his difficulty to his parents but they kept reassuring him that Gillian would be proud of him no matter what he did. Nice thought but it did nothing to appease the guilt nestled inside him. He was the twins’ guardian because Gillian trusted him to do his best for Katie and Kyle. Good enough wasn’t his best.
“This is where You step in, God,” he murmured. “I need help. Now that Greg’s out with that back operation I’ve got to keep the company running on my own. It isn’t easy to keep all our jobs going, let alone make time for the kids. Can’t You send someone to care for them as Gillian would have done, as a mother would?”
The company wasn’t behind but there was the job at Wranglers Ranch coming up and that had Rick worried. He needed to start building those cabins immediately or he’d miss their September first completion deadline. The one thing he and Greg had vowed when they’d started RG Construction was that they’d always keep their promises. The day he’d buried his sister, Rick had promised Gillian the same.
Boy, he missed her. If only...
With a sigh for what couldn’t be changed, Rick pulled into his yard and up to the front porch, grimacing when his headlights highlighted the unfinished projects littering his yard. He’d only had the place a few months before the kids arrived, just long enough to build a basketful of dreams and fill a notebook of plans. Paint the outbuildings, repair the pasture fences, buy some horses to breed, trim the long grass and cut the overgrown bushes—that was only the beginning of what needed doing. But he hadn’t started any of it because now his days were consumed with caring for Kyle and Katie, making sure they were safe and as happy as possible as they all adjusted to life without Gillian.
Actually, Rick wasn’t upset by the sidelining of his plans. He’d gladly do whatever it took to keep Katie and Kyle healthy and happy. He’d vowed that six months ago, the day he’d carried them out of their burning home, the day he’d failed to save Gillian.
Caring for Gillian’s kids was his duty and nothing would change that. Not the grief that almost consumed him every time he thought of his sister dying in that inferno. Not the urging of his former fiancée, Gina, who’d not only been repulsed by his scars but also determined not to burden her upcoming marriage with someone else’s children, which had ended their relationship. Certainly not the twins’ paternal grandparents, who were still deeply mourning the loss of their only son, who’d died last year on the mission field.
Rick carried the kids inside and tucked each into bed, loving their sleepy hugs and moist good-night kisses against his scarred cheek.
“Love you, Uncle Rick.”
“Love you, too,” he whispered, his throat closing with emotion.
Only when they were fast asleep did he retrieve the groceries from the truck. Once they were put away Rick sat on his porch, savoring the night’s cooler breezes that washed down the slopes of the Rincon Mountains. He resumed his earlier prayer.
“You know I’m committed to the kids. Only how am I supposed to do my job and care for them, Lord?” he murmured just before thunder rumbled in the distance.
No answer. How did you make sense of God when two little kids bawled because they wanted to be held by their mommy, and you could do nothing to stop their tears?
When lightning split the sky in a brilliant spear that hurt the eyes, Rick went inside. Katie might wake up afraid or Kyle might need a drink. He had to be there for them.
“I’m hanging on to my faith by a thread here,” he whispered as sheets of rain pelted the tired old ranch house. “I could use some help, something to show me that You care for us, have a plan in store for us, that something good is on the way. Please?”
He waited, not sure what he expected. But when the rain stopped and the moon came out, nothing had changed. Rick was still a single parent to two recently bereaved kids, with a major building contract scheduled to start in two days.
“Could you at least send me a nanny?” he prayed desperately. “Someone like that woman I met at the grocery store?”
Penny. Her face filled his mind—pretty, happy, fresh-faced and eager to embrace life. Her short, spiky blond hair tousled so it emphasized big blue eyes that glowed whenever she looked at the kids. She’d said she was a teacher so she’d know how to handle kids. And she was practical. Look at the way she’d organized his groceries and then pushed his cart.
“Yeah, somebody like her would be perfect. Can you send me someone like Penny? For the kids’ sake?”
It was a desperation prayer, unworthy of the faith his parents had instilled in him since he was Kyle’s age. But since this plea was for the twins’ sake Rick didn’t mind asking for the impossible.
He wasn’t sure what he expected but when nothing happened he rose with a weary sigh, prepared the breakfast bar for the morning meal and set the coffeepot to start automatically.
Then Rick dropped into bed and fell asleep to the memory of Penny’s musical voice saying, “Let me help you.”
Chapter Two (#u134dfa13-6ad3-5ed8-8ad7-97fc3f8b2db6)
“Do you think Wranglers Ranch Day Care has enough toys?”
Startled, Penny whirled around. Rick Granger stood in the doorway, a twin on either side. The three of them gaped in disbelief at the big room bulging with every conceivable plaything a child could dream of.
“Please come in.” Penny chuckled at the astonished expressions. “Almost enough,” she teased.
“Almost? You couldn’t get any more toys onto those shelves,” Rick said with a shake of his head.
“You might be surprised. Hi, Katie. I love your dress.” Penny hid her shock at seeing Katie’s shorn hair stuck up in odd places and managed to return the little girl’s grin before turning to her brother. “And you’re Kyle. I don’t believe we’ve met. I’m Penny.” She smiled at him. “Would you two like to play with the blocks on that table while your uncle and I have a chat?”
One glance at the toys and the kids took off, leaving Rick and Penny alone.
“The toys are Sophie’s fault,” Penny explained with a laugh. Then she frowned. “You know Sophie, right?”
“Sophie Johns, wife of Tanner, owners of Wranglers Ranch.” Rick nodded. “Tanner is a good friend of mine, and now he’s also a client.”
“Okay, good. So anyway, Sophie said that buying so much helped her convince herself that her dream was actually going to happen.” Penny glanced around, pleased with what they’d accomplished. “She’s dreamed of starting an on-site daycare for Wranglers employees since baby Carter was born.” She noted his wide-eyed look and tongue in cheek asked, “Is it too much?”
“For anyone else, maybe.” Rick looked at her with a straight face but his dark eyes were twinkling. “In Sophie’s case, it’s probably restrained.”
“You do know her.” Penny burst out laughing.
“She said you wanted to talk to me.” He checked his watch as if he had a hundred things to do and was mentally preparing to tick this one off his list.
“Yes, I do. I’d tell you to have a seat but—” Embarrassed, she swallowed the rest of her comment.
“I wouldn’t fit?” Rick’s brown eyes crinkled at the corners with his grin. “No, I wouldn’t. So I’ll sit here.” He sank onto the floor and crossed his legs in front of him, one knee poking through the rip in his jeans. He set his Stetson beside him then smiled at her. “Nice to see you again, Penny.”
“You, too, Rick.” Penny cleared her throat and assumed her most businesslike tone, refusing to let her gaze stray to the scar on his cheek. “Sophie asked if I might be able to help you with caring for the twins until Wranglers Ranch Day Care opens. Then she said that they will attend here.”
“That’s what she told me, too.” Rick blinked at her in surprise before he glanced around once more. “She also said this place will open July first.”
“That’s the goal.” Penny arched one eyebrow. “So before I know if I can help you I’d like to know about a regular day in your life and what you need for the twins.”
“Sorry if I look a little surprised. I had no idea Sophie was going to ask you to help.” He frowned then swallowed. “So my partner and I own a construction company. Since he’s out with medical issues, I’ve had to take on running all three of our crews. I don’t want to lay off any of my men but the pace of running so many jobs on my own is hectic.” Rick stole a quick glance at the giggling twins. “Six months ago the twins lost their mother, my sister, G-Gillian, in a house fire.”
“Oh, no.” Her heart crimped with sympathy when he stumbled over her name. “I’m so sorry.”
“Thanks.” Rick paused then continued in a stronger tone. “I’m the twins’ guardian so I need to do everything I can to provide them with a good home, which I’m trying to do. But I can’t be with them all the time. Even though I want to.”
“Of course you can’t, but good for you for wanting to,” she said and meant it.
“So I need some help. The thing is—” Rick cleared his throat then looked directly at her “—I’m not very knowledgeable about the whole fatherhood thing but I feel like the twins need stability and I don’t feel I’m providing that because my hours are so long. Most daycare hours don’t coordinate with my schedule, and nannies—well, let’s say they haven’t worked that well for us.” He lowered his gaze to his hands. “The twins are a bit—” He paused, obviously searching for the right descriptive.
“Mischievous?” Penny supplied and chuckled when he nodded, his look dour.
“Exactly. I hired a very experienced woman named Helga to watch them. One day when she fell asleep Katie tied her shoelaces together. In knots. Helga quit.” He sighed as if her resignation had been unpleasant. “Next I hired a younger person to work with the kids, a guy who had a lot of energy and a list of impressive credentials. He kept the twins busy but he had some, er, unusual ideas about the kind of stories they needed to fuel their imaginations. His vampire tales caused the kids some sleepless nights and neither they nor I could handle all his zombie talk.”
“Oh, dear.” Rick’s fed-up expression forced Penny to stifle her amusement.
“Someone suggested I try a student who was looking for a summer job so I hired my neighbor’s daughter to babysit.”
“That sounds like a good idea,” Penny murmured encouragingly.
“It should have been but she got a little too busy texting her boyfriend and let Katie and Kyle make lunch. My insurance company dropped me after that fiasco and I dropped her.” Rick threw up his hands. “Have I scared you off yet?”
“No. Children need to be kept busy and they require close supervision.” Penny glanced at the twins, trying not to stare at Katie’s almost bald spot. Poor little orphans. “So basically you require someone to care for them while you work.”
“Yes. But everyone I’ve talked to wants a set schedule and I can’t offer that. If something at a job comes up, I have to be there.” He looked—embarrassed? “But that’s not all.”
“It’s not?” Intrigued, Penny waited.
“Actually, my problem is twofold. I’m struggling with leaving the twins with others.” He looked ashamed by the admission and also stubborn, both at the same time. “Katie and Kyle just lost their mother. I want them to feel secure. But whenever I picked them up from daycare, they seemed sad. That’s why I thought having somebody come to my place would be easier for them and maintain some stability in their world.”
“But it also makes finding care more challenging,” she guessed.
“I know.” Rick sighed. “The kids talk about how much they miss Gillian. That’s natural and they don’t do it constantly. But those moments aren’t scripted. They just happen. So I can’t ask them to wait until seven each night or Saturday morning to talk about it. If I’m not there for them when they need me—” His gloomy face revealed how deeply he was torn by the situation. “I’m trying to do my best but sometimes they cry. A lot. I must be doing something wrong.”
“That’s not necessarily true, Rick.” Penny’s heart went out to him. This man was so determined to do the right thing for two bereaved little kids. She admired him very much.
“What do you mean?” Was that hope brightening his dark eyes?
“Being together without Gillian is a time of change for all of you. You’re all in mourning for someone you loved a great deal. Kids often express their feelings by crying.” She smiled at him. “Don’t worry. Those sharing moments will still happen. Katie and Kyle will still turn to you when they need you.” She glanced over one shoulder, noting how well adjusted the twins seemed. “You know there’s nothing wrong with choosing part-time daycare and part-time one-on-one care. Whatever works best for you should drive your decision. That and the twins’ welfare.”
“Are you sure?” He looked relieved when she nodded.
“Positive. To me, Katie and Kyle seem very well adjusted though I haven’t known them long. As long as they know you’ll be there if they need you, I think you’ll see that they will feel secure.” Privately Penny wondered if Rick ever took any time for himself but decided now wasn’t the time to ask.
“So would you be able to care for them? I know that as a teacher you’re around kids all the time and this is your break time—” He stopped when she shook her head.
“Not quite. At school I have children around me for about six hours.” Penny glanced at the twins, smiling at the massive tower they’d built. “Teachers are free at recess and lunch hour. Also, I don’t wake up with children or take them home with me at the end of my day as you do.”
Though I wish I could.
“You’re saying teaching isn’t like parenting. Okay, I get that.” But Rick still didn’t look convinced.
“If I asked, I suspect you’d say building is your passion. Well, kids are mine.” Penny held his gaze as she made her point. “As a teacher, I want the kids I work with to learn strength and self-reliance. I want them to grow into positive adults with the skills that will help them learn how to manage their world.”
“Admirable,” he agreed with a nod. “But it seems like that’s a lot to ask of a teacher in a public school situation.”
“Believe me, in these hard economic times with all the strife in our country, that is something I struggle with every day I teach—to make time for the important stuff.” Penny smiled. “But this is about you, Rick. And the twins. So tell me a little more about your lives.”
“Okay. Gillian and her husband were missionaries in Mali, West Africa. A little over a year ago he died there in an uprising. She was bereft and moved home with the twins. And then Gillian died—” He stopped. Gulped and started again. “The twins have had it very rough. I’m trying to make up for their loss.”
“You can’t, Rick.” It was hard to say but this man needed to hear the truth so in spite of his pinched lips Penny kept going. “It doesn’t matter what you say or how much you do. You will never be able to replace Katie and Kyle’s parents.”
“But—” The poor man looked so devastated that Penny wanted to hug him. Instead she rushed to reassure him.
“What you can do is be the very best uncle you’re able. That’s what they most need right now,” she added.
Just then Katie walked over and snuggled under his arm. Rick smiled at her, brushed a kiss against the top of her shorn head and hugged her close. Thus reassured, Katie skipped back to where her brother played.
“See? You were just there for Katie. That’s what they need.” Penny couldn’t stifle her curiosity about this man and his family. “Do they have grandparents?”
“Two sets. Their dad’s parents live in New Hampshire. They’re still devastated by their son’s death, and ill health makes it tough for them to visit Tucson so I set it up for the kids to Skype with them once a week.” Rick gazed at her as if to ask if he was doing the right thing.
“That’s very smart of you. Keeping family close to us helps lessen a loss.” Or so the books said. Penny didn’t have any family so she had no firsthand experience, but it seemed logical. She waited but when he didn’t say anything more, she asked, “And your parents?”
“They live near Sonoita, which isn’t that far from Tucson, but they’re kept really busy during summer with the lake, their motel and a restaurant so they don’t come here often. I try to run the twins down as often as I can.” Rick stared at the pair with stark grief on his face. “I think it helps ease Mom and Dad’s loss over Gillian when they’re with the twins.”
“I’m sure. Who helps ease your loss?” The moment the question left her lips, Penny regretted asking it. She sounded nosy.
“You’re asking about a wife or a girlfriend?” He shook his dark head. “I was engaged but Gina called it off after the accident. Turns out she didn’t want a marriage with two kids in the mix, which was a good thing to learn then because there was no way I would ever abandon my sister’s children. Not after I—”
I what? she wanted to demand, frustrated that he left the words hanging.
Penny waited for Rick to pull himself out of the introspection he’d fallen in. She truly admired his sturdy love and commitment for the two orphaned children. Liked his tough determination to do the best for them. He was kind, generous and sincere. Best of all, he was one of those men who paid attention to the most important things in life—like family.
Penny knew that if she took on the twins she’d enjoy friendship with Rick, too, but she’d have to get rid of that flutter of appreciation that winked inside her when he looked at her. He was extremely good-looking despite the scar and he had a warm, engaging personality.
But Penny had allowed herself to fall in love twice and both times it had backfired, leaving her decimated and filled with crippling self-worth. She was better now, more in control. Enough so that she had vowed she would never again depend on any man to fulfill her dreams or to create her happily-ever-after. Instead she was going to focus on making her dreams come true on her own.
Well, with God’s help.
Romance? Well, if it came along sometime in the future, she’d consider it. But she wasn’t going to look for love. Love was something for the future. Maybe. Not now. Not even if Rick Granger made her heart pitter-patter and her stomach beat in time to a Sousa march.
Penny had survived the worst. Now she was looking for the best God had to offer. Getting dumped when her world was falling apart had taught her self-reliance.
Despite this hunky uncle and his adorable twins, she wasn’t going to risk heartache again.
* * *
“Does teaching help you know so much about kids?” Rick asked, glancing at Penny’s bare ring finger. “Because you said you don’t have your own kids.”
“I guess.” She pinched her lips together but when he raised an eyebrow she explained in a tight, strained voice. “I’m neither married nor a mom.”
“Seems like a mistake on some man’s part.” He shrugged at her surprised look. “You’re beautiful and smart and educated.”
“Well, thank you. I think.” The perky smile Penny usually wore disappeared, leaving her looking like a wounded bird, ducking her head against her chest as if she was uncomfortable.
Funny. Rick barely knew her and yet he couldn’t imagine Penny without children around her. She’d been so good with Katie that night at the store.
“You don’t want a family?”
“It’s impossible.” Clearly she did not want to talk about it. “To get back to babysitting the twins. As you know, I’m helping Sophie organize Wranglers Ranch Day Care. That means that when it’s up and running you’ll be able to bring Katie and Kyle here while you’re working on-site building the cabins, right?”
“That’s what she said. But what about until then? And when I finish the job here, what do I do? The twins will still need someone to care for them on the days they don’t attend school.” Stymied and eager for her advice, Rick was pretty sure getting to know this lady would be very interesting.
“I can help you out occasionally,” Penny offered. “And I might know an older lady who could alternate with me, if needed.” Her eyes were once more that desert-sky blue, rich and fathomless. Penny Stern might look frail and delicate with those silvery-blond wisps framing her gamine face, but Rick had a hunch that this woman had the courageous heart of a lioness. “Would that work?”
“Yes, but what about you?” Rick studied her. “Summer is your vacation. Don’t you have plans?”
“Not really. I was going to go water-skiing with my friend and her husband. That’s my most favorite thing to do. But they’re using their summer break to tour Australia.” Penny shrugged as if it didn’t matter. “I’ll probably head to the beach for a weekend here and there, do some painting at my house, volunteer for Vacation Bible School at church in August. Stuff like that.” She grinned. “And watch Katie and Kyle.”
It sounded boring and the very last thing Rick would have thought about Penny Stern was that she lived a boring life.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” When she nodded, he told her as much as he could about his schedule, emphasizing that he often had to change the times when he picked up the twins. “I need to keep all my men working so I’m back and forth between sites a lot, troubleshooting and fixing issues that come up, sometimes at odd hours.”
“Must be demanding.” She studied him then glanced at the clock on the wall. “What about now? Do you have today off?”
“I wish.” He barked a laugh. “I’ve got to be on-site to pour a foundation in half an hour. The agency couldn’t find a sitter on such short notice so I guess the twins will just have to come along.”
Rick hated doing that because it would be so dull for them. Construction job sites were just about the worst place for kids, but after yesterday afternoon’s fiasco when the temporary sitter had lost Katie at the park for over two hours before calling him, he had no choice. He wouldn’t leave them with her again.
“Um, can I ask what happened to Katie’s pigtails?” Penny murmured, studying the back of the little girl’s head with a frown.
So much for being a capable parent.
“She cut them off.” Rick squirmed, knowing Penny would bawl him out for his carelessness.
“She got hold of scissors?” There was nothing in Penny’s voice that accused him but Rick felt guilty all the same.
“My electric razor. Last night.” He heaved a sigh. “I thought they were asleep. I should have been doing books but I conked out. Something woke me up. Katie was in the bathroom, half-shorn, and most of her hair was in the sink. Kyle had dared her and Katie never refuses a dare.” He raked a frustrated hand through his hair when his phone made a noise. “Excuse me.” He scanned the text then quickly rose. “I need to go. When would you be able to care for the kids?”
“I could start now.” Penny also rose and smiled at him. “Are you sure you trust me, Rick?”
“You come highly recommended by Tanner and Sophie. I trust them implicitly.” He made a face. “Anyway, I doubt you can do worse at childcare than me.”
“Given the state of Katie’s hair that’s not exactly a vote of confidence,” she teased then shrugged. “Don’t beat yourself up, Rick. She didn’t get hurt and hair grows back. Kids do things that are utterly unpredictable.”
“Not to you, I’ll wager.” He watched her face, saw distaste in the way she wrinkled her pert nose.
“You think?” Penny gave a half laugh and shook her head. “A student once brought a snake to school in his backpack. He hadn’t told his parents he’d found it. A python. He put it in my desk.” She nodded at his disbelief. “True story.”
Rick liked the way her eyes sparkled with amusement. Penny didn’t take her world too seriously it seemed. “What did you do?”
“I prayed. Really, really hard. Then closed the drawer and called the janitor.” She smiled. “So you fell asleep last night. You were tired and who wouldn’t be? Caring for one child is taxing. You have two to watch over and you’re not used to doing it.”
He opened his mouth to protest but Penny held up a hand.
“It will get easier, I promise. Why don’t you take today off as a caregiver, focus on work and leave the kids with me? I’ll take Katie to get a haircut, if that’s okay with you?” Penny waited until he nodded.
Rick was happy to turn that task over to her. He figured she’d know more than he did about little girls’ hairstyles.
“After a trim we’ll think of something fun we can do for the rest of the day.” She did not seem fazed by the prospect. “Do they have allergies to anything?”
“No.” Rick wanted so badly to accept but something inside him hesitated. What if—
“It’s really okay, Uncle Rick.” Penny didn’t sound irritated by his indecision. “I won’t let anything happen to them. I promise.” She wrote on a piece of paper then held it out. “My cell phone number.”
“Thank you.” This is an answer to prayer, stupid. Take it! “Here’s mine.” He waited till she’d written it down then called, “Katie and Kyle, can you come here for a moment?”
Rick carefully explained to the twins that they were going to stay with Penny for a while. Katie’s lip trembled for about a nanosecond, until Penny mentioned a water park. Both kids whooped for joy.
“But their swimsuits—I didn’t bring them.” Rick frowned at her.
“I’ll handle it.” What assurance those words held.
He had to ask. “Are you sure?”
“Positive. We’re going to have so much fun.” Penny’s face glowed when she smiled and suddenly any reservation he felt was gone. “Call me to pick them up whenever you’re ready. We’ll be fine. Guys, let’s go get your car seats and say goodbye to Uncle Rick.”
A second summons from his phone forced Rick to leave more quickly than he wanted but as he drove away, he saw Penny pushing a laughing Katie on a swing in the yard outside the daycare building while Kyle whooped as he raced down a slide.
Rick smiled as he waved but his thoughts were on the past. If only he hadn’t let Gillian die. If only he’d run faster, forced himself through that choking blanket of smoke a second time, pushed through the searing pain of those burning embers on his face to get to her. Maybe, just maybe—
With a sigh of resignation Rick headed toward the job site. Recriminations didn’t help. Somehow he’d have to readjust his focus on the present and not the past so the twins didn’t suffer.
At least he had Penny’s help. For now.
Rick liked the pretty woman a lot, liked her spirit and unstinting kindness. Liked the fearlessness in her face when she broached a subject. But liking was all he would allow. He had to concentrate his entire focus on the kids, on making their world as happy as Gillian would have. It didn’t matter what he gave up. It was all about them and that meant he had no time for romance. Rick would have gladly sacrificed a lot more than that if he could have his sister back.
Since he couldn’t he would spend every day making the world the best it could be for Katie and Kyle and he’d take Penny’s help every time she offered. Help and friendship, yes.
Anything more wasn’t possible.
Chapter Three (#u134dfa13-6ad3-5ed8-8ad7-97fc3f8b2db6)
Hungry, dirty and very weary by the time he arrived at Penny’s that evening, Rick paused a moment to survey her home. The lovely adobe structure in the old Southwest style had a rose trellis climbing up the outside walls and a towering saguaro cactus that shielded the front windows from the heat of the desert sun.
Though he didn’t yet know Penny well, he thought the house suited her. It was warm and inviting just like she was. Maybe sometime down the road he could ask her for hints on how to make his ranch as hospitable.
Keep focused on today.
“Come on in, Rick,” Penny invited in a friendly though hushed voice. “The twins are asleep. I’m afraid I wore them out.”
“Great. Then they should sleep well tonight.” And maybe without a nightmare. “I’ll get their car seats then load them up so we can get out of your hair,” he said, admiring the homeyness she’d created inside. This was a place where a family could relax and enjoy each other; you could see the hospitality in the warm colors and soft welcoming furniture. So why did Penny always seem to be alone? “I’m sorry it took me so long.”
“No problem. I’m having cookies and lemonade. Want to join me?” Wearing a sleeveless bright yellow top and white shorts, Penny’s bare feet and tousled blond hair made her look cool and comfortable, a far cry from the worn-out caregiver he’d expected to find. “The twins helped me bake the cookies so you have to try some.”
“Uh—okay.” Like it was a hardship. Rick was starving. “I hope you didn’t have any trouble getting them to eat supper? They’re picky eaters, I know.”
“I roasted a chicken with some new potatoes and spring vegetables. They seemed to enjoy it.” Penny frowned at him, making Rick wonder if his tongue was hanging out at the sound of roast chicken. “Did you eat dinner?”
“No time to eat today. It was crazy busy. I’ll get something when I get the twins to bed.” He said it quickly with a shrug, downplaying it so he wouldn’t look like he was asking Penny to feed him. No way did he want to impose on this woman’s generosity. Caring for the twins for an entire day was far more than he’d dared to hope for.
“There are plenty of leftovers, Rick. I’ll heat a plate for you.” Before he could object Penny had opened the fridge and was pulling out containers. “I always make way too much,” she said when she noticed his surprise at the amount of food she was removing. Her cheeks pinked, enhancing her blue eyes. “Roast chicken is my favorite meal. It always makes me think of family dinners and...”
Her voice trailed away as she turned, set the filled plate in the microwave and started it.
“Do you have a big family?” Penny’s comments gave Rick an opportunity to satisfy his curiosity about her.
“Actually, I’m an orphan.” She looked a little wistful as she explained. “Apparently I was about two days old when I was found on some church steps in Seattle. I’ve never discovered who left me there or why. But I used to imagine—” She stopped, swallowed then focused on him. “Anyway, my childhood was nothing like yours.”
“Mine?” He frowned. “How did you—?”
“The twins, of course.” She grinned at him. “They said you and their mother grew up with your family beside a lake here in Arizona.” Penny shook her head. “How blessed were you?”
“Very blessed,” he agreed. “I had a great childhood.” He watched as she poured a big glass of lemonade and set it in front of him. Cookies sat piled high on a platter in the middle of the table. “Chocolate chip?” He was surprised when she shook her head.
“As a treat for sitting so still while we had Katie’s hair cut, I bought the twins ice cream cones at the water park. I thought it would be wise to tone down the rest of the sugar content today so these are coconut oatmeal with a bit of honey as a sweetener. Try one,” she invited, then as the microwave beeped revised, “Or maybe after you eat dinner.”
Penny’s roast chicken dinner was delicious. Rick savored every bite of his abundant serving then finished it off with a third glass of lemonade.
“This is really delicious,” he said, savoring the tangy flavor. “What kind is it?”
“Uh, lemonade.” Penny looked confused by the question.
“I meant what brand.” When she frowned he immediately realized his mistake. “This isn’t from a package, or frozen, is it?” When she shook her head, Rick noticed the bits of lemon floating among the chunks of ice and a couple of seeds that must have slipped in. “I haven’t had real lemonade since I don’t know when. It’s very good. Did the kids drink it?”
“Of course.” She frowned. “Why wouldn’t they? They helped make it.”
“Katie and Kyle made and drank real lemonade?” Rick couldn’t wrap his mind around it. “You must be Wonder Woman.”
“Hardly.” Penny’s lilting laughter filled the room but it was her face that held his attention. Though her eyes sparkled with fun, behind that he saw a steely willpower. “I offered them two choices, lemonade or water. They drank both but seemed to prefer the lemonade.”
“Huh. Seems like I’m always buying juice for them, even though I know it’s full of sugar.” As usual, guilt rushed in. “Gillian made her own juice,” he mumbled, feeling inadequate.
“Rick, you can’t do everything she did,” Penny said in a quiet voice. “And I doubt she’d expect you to.”
Funny that he’d never considered Gillian’s expectations of him.
“The twins shared some of their memories after we had dinner tonight. I know that Gillian was a great mom.” Her smile altered; she grew more serious. “The thing is, Rick, a great mom has just one desire for her kids, one thing she wants above all else.”
“Which is?” He waited, his interest in her opinion growing.
“A mom who truly loves her kids wants the person who cares for them when she can’t to love them as much as she would. Just like you do.” Penny’s kind words soothed and comforted him. “I can tell that you love Katie and Kyle very much. You’re doing exactly what Gillian would have wanted.”
“Except it’s not enough.” As soon as he said it Rick wished he hadn’t.
He was so tired, worn out with trying to be all things for his business, the twins and his overworked parents. He hadn’t been able to get out to the lake and help them begin the summer season, as he usually did. Greg’s illness meant he hadn’t been able to spend as much time with his parents, helping them deal with Gillian’s death. Neither had he been able to get the twins out to the lake as frequently as he should have so his grieving parents could find some solace in their daughter’s children.
The truth was Rick was barely managing to juggle all the balls in his life. He spent his day moving from worksite to worksite, always dreading that he might mess up something important and make things worse. And while he kept that tucked inside, he also fought his growing fears that he’d fail to live up to what his sister wanted, that he wouldn’t be there when the twins needed him, that the twins would suffer because of him.
Suddenly the weight of it all multiplied, stretching his nerves taut until he blurted, “I can’t make up for it.”
“For what?” Penny frowned, which puckered her smooth brow. She leaned forward to peer into his face. “What are you trying to make up for, Rick?”
He held his breath, waiting, hoping she’d let him off the hook, wouldn’t force him to answer. He hadn’t said this to anyone else, especially not his parents, certainly not his clients, not even to Tanner even though he was a good friend.
But Penny waited, her question hanging, begging an answer.
“Never mind.” He took another cookie and chewed it so he couldn’t say any more.
“I can tell that whatever has you feeling guilty is wearing you down,” she guessed, her head tipped slightly to one side. “You need to let it go.”
“It’s not that easy.” Oh, how he wished it was.
“Of course it isn’t easy. The important things never are.” Penny tilted her head to one side as she studied him. “I’m guessing your guilt has to do with your sister’s death.”
Rick remained silent while wishing he’d never brought up the subject.
“Guilt will drain you, sap your energy and change your focus. You can’t dwell on it.” Her soft voice was like a balm, soft and soothing.
“I can’t help it.” Rick raked a hand through his hair feeling as helpless as a kitten to battle the negatives that plagued him.
“But you have to for the twins’ sake. They need your full attention. So does your work.” Though Penny’s tone remained mild she didn’t mince words. “There’s no room for guilt.”
What would she say if she knew why he felt guilty, Rick wondered? Would she walk away? Would she refuse to have anything to do with him or the twins? Would she blame him?
More to the point, why did Penny’s good opinion of him matter so much?
“Talk to me, Rick,” she murmured.
“I tried to get Gillian out.” It was like a dam breaking and once started, he couldn’t stop. “I managed to fight through the flames to the twins’ bedroom and carry them out of the house but when I went back in I couldn’t find Gillian. The smoke was so thick you couldn’t breathe. But I kept going anyway. I couldn’t leave her there, alone.”
“Of course you couldn’t. And then?” she nudged.
“Then a burning timber fell on me and—I don’t remember much more.” Except the pain. He remembered that very clearly. In fact, the horror of those moments haunted him almost every night.
“It’s over, Rick.” Penny’s soft reassurance penetrated his thoughts. “Gillian doesn’t blame you.”
“Doesn’t she?” She should. He’d made her children orphans.
“Gillian knows that God is in control, that He will love and care for the twins better than she ever could. And she knows there was a reason for her death.” Penny sounded so confident.
Rick wanted to believe her, to trust that Gillian would absolve him for his failure to save her. But even if she could, he couldn’t. There was no forgiveness for letting his sister die.
“I can’t accept that.”
From Penny’s silence and her bent head, Rick figured he’d shocked her. He rose with a silent sigh. The constant guilt he lived with every time he glanced at the twins or heard his sister’s name was his punishment and he didn’t begrudge it. He deserved it. But for the twins’ sake he needed to keep caring for them. He didn’t need more problems so why didn’t God—?
“I’m sorry, Penny. I shouldn’t have dumped all over you. If you can show me where the car seats are, I’ll get going.” Rick no longer wanted to share his aching, wretched soul, especially not with this woman, who seemed so smart and cool with her world put nicely together. “Thank you for today. We appreciate it.”
Penny said nothing as she rose. She silently led him to the garage to get the two car seats from her car and carried one out to his truck. Then she led the way inside the house to her spare room, where the twins lay curled under a lovely turquoise afghan.
“I’ll take Katie, you take Kyle,” she whispered and tenderly lifted the little girl.
Rick followed, cradling Kyle. When the twins were safely belted in his truck, he thanked her once more.
“You went above and beyond for us. Katie’s short hair looks really cute. Thank you.” He handed her some bills. “I appreciate everything you’ve done.”
“So when will you bring them tomorrow?” she asked before he could swing into his truck’s driver’s seat.
“When—?” Surprised, Rick frowned at her. After his pathetic confession he’d been certain her help was a onetime thing.
“Yes. When?” She arched one perfect eyebrow. “I like to be prepared.”
“You’re involved in getting Wranglers Ranch Day Care up and running. That’s a lot of work. I appreciate your help today,” he continued, “but I’m sure you don’t want to spend your free time watching my kids, though it’s very kind of you to offer.”
Penny studied him as if she couldn’t quite decide whether or not to tell him what she was thinking. After a moment she nodded.
“I told you, I love kids, Rick. All kids. Every chance I get to enjoy them is a blessing. That’s why I became a teacher.” He couldn’t get over how that gorgeous smile of hers lit up her entire face. “It’s true. I am helping Sophie organize the daycare. But I’m able to do that and care for the twins, if you’ll allow me. The decision is yours.”
Her generosity floored him. He wanted to accept so badly. It would be so nice to have help with the twins, just for a while.
“However, I have one condition,” Penny added very softly, her gaze fixed on him with an intensity that was hard to ignore.
“What’s that?” Why was he suddenly filled with uncertainty? Rick wondered.
“My condition is that you don’t talk about guilt over Gillian’s death when the twins can overhear.” Her expression grew serious. “I know her loss is something you have to work out for yourself and that you’re struggling with her death. I’d love to listen to your memories of Gillian. But guilt carries negativity and I don’t want that to touch the twins and maybe somehow spoil their memories of their mother.”
“Makes sense.” Rick thought about it for several minutes. “Okay but are you sure you can handle them and the daycare and whatever else is on your plate?”
“Yes.” Penny nodded, her confidence unshakable. “You can trust me.”
Funny but somehow he already knew that. His heart felt light as he asked, “Is seven thirty too early?”
“No.” Penny chuckled and shook her head, the strands of her moonlight-kissed hair moving in the evening breeze. “I’m usually up at five thirty so I’ll have breakfast ready for all of you.”
Breakfast, too? Meeting Penny was a godsend. Anticipation fluttered to life as he hoped she wasn’t talking about cereal. “Thank you very much but you don’t have to make us breakfast. We usually have toast and peanut butter.”
“Tomorrow morning we’ll have something different. And it’s me who should thank you for adding some fun to my summer.” The sincerity in her response could not be faked. “I truly enjoyed today with the twins. Good night, Rick.”
“Good night, Penny.”
As he drove away, he couldn’t expunge the memory of that joyful glow in her eyes. Unlike his former fiancée, Penny wanted the twins, total strangers, in her life. She was excited by the prospect. He barely knew her and yet Rick could see that Penny had what his mom called “a spirit of giving.” She’d certainly made his life easier.
A flicker of interest flamed inside. Underneath that fantastic smile, who was Penny Stern and why didn’t she have her own kids?
If she kept on caring for the twins maybe he’d be able to figure that out.
“Thanks, God.” Rick’s heart overflowed with joy and relief and thanksgiving as he drove home.
Just for tonight he was going to forget about tomorrow and the day after, forget the ranch chores that needed doing and the responsibilities to his parents, to the twins and to the company that felt heavier each time he woke up.
Just for tonight he was going to relax and enjoy the gift of a blessing named Penny.
* * *
“Thanks a lot for letting the twins visit with your kids for a while.” Penny savored the aroma of cinnamon as she stepped inside Sophie’s kitchen. “I managed to get through all the interviews you asked me to complete.”
“So you found a director for the daycare?” Sophie asked eagerly.
“Well, no. But Tanner approved my other staff selections though we’ll wait for the police checks before offering employment.” She accepted the large glass of iced tea and a plate bearing two fluffy golden pastries. “What do you call these?”
“Cinnamon twists. The youth group from church is coming out tonight. I thought those would go well with their campfire.” Sophie exchanged pans in the oven then sat down. “Finding a director for our daycare seems to be problematic.”
“There weren’t a lot of applications for that position in the first place.” Penny bit into the pastry and rolled her eyes. “Every time I come to Wranglers you feed me. If this keeps up I’m going to gain a lot of weight.”
“Not with your schedule. The twins said you made them a full breakfast—really early to quote Katie. And sent a lunch with Rick.” A funny smile played across Sophie’s lips.
“I roasted a chicken last night. There was so much meat left that sharing it seemed smart.” Penny sipped her coffee to avoid Sophie’s knowing look. “I think Rick missed both lunch and supper yesterday. I thought that if he had a sandwich today, he could eat at the site without stopping to get a bite. Did the twins tell you we also packed a picnic?”
“Uh-huh. And watered the flowers, put out the garbage, went to the park and played catch,” she said, chuckling as she ticked off each item on her fingertips. “By the time they get home tonight they’ll fall into bed.”
“That’s the plan.” Penny felt like she had to say something to erase that meaningful look on Sophie’s face. “I haven’t spent much time with kids outside my classroom so I’m really enjoying my interactions with the twins.”
“And with Rick?” Sophie arched an eyebrow.
“I think he might become a good friend.” Penny could see this friend wasn’t going to accept that. “I’m not looking for anything more, Sophie. Our Bible study is teaching me that I have to live my life strong, depending on God. I have to be content with who I am as God’s child and not count on other things or people to make me happy.”
“Meaning no men in your life?” Sophie asked with a frown. “And no children?”
“I’m beginning to believe that not having a family is His will,” Penny admitted. Please don’t ask that of me, God.
“But you’re so good with kids. You could adopt,” Sophie suggested.
“I could. But is being raised by a single mom the best choice for a child? Could I handle it? Is that God’s plan for me?” Penny sighed.
“Why a single mom? Don’t you want to get married?” Sophie said with a frown.
“If that’s God’s plan. But I refuse to get fixated on some unattainable fairy tale of happily-ever-after.”
“I’m a living testament that happily-ever-after happens.” Her friend grinned as the door opened. “And here’s my hero now. Hi, honey.”
Tanner and Rick entered the kitchen.
“We’re looking for a drink and something to eat in a cool place,” Tanner explained after he’d kissed his wife’s cheek. “We’re starving.”
“Tell me something I haven’t heard before.” Sophie set a pitcher of iced tea and a platter of baked goods on the table. “This should help.”
“I didn’t think you’d be working here today. I thought you said something about a foundation this morning.” As Rick munched his pastry Penny thought how handsome he was then idly wondered why he hadn’t had plastic surgery to repair the scar on his face.
“We went as far as we could on that job so I brought the crew over to Wranglers Ranch to work on the foundation for the second cabin. I’ve got to meet my deadline of finishing all of them on time or Tanner will give me grief.” He pretended to wince at Tanner’s nod then glanced around. “I can hear the twins but I can’t see them.”
“They’re playing in the back room.” Sophie smiled. “It’s too hot for them to do much outside, but they enjoy racing around in here where it’s cool.”
“Wish I was a kid.” Rick sipped more of his tea.
“Penny, I was thinking about those applicants we interviewed,” Tanner mused. “And that we still don’t have anyone to act as our daycare manager. Do you think we should run another ad?”
“Actually, I was going to suggest it.” Penny frowned. “The daycare can’t open without someone who’s in charge.”
“You’d be amazing at that job.” Rick smiled at her start of surprise. “I know. You already have a career you love. I was just thinking about how good you are with the twins and I got this mental image of you with a whole bunch of kids around you and...it’s silly.” He gulped then concentrated on his glass of tea. “Sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry, Rick, because it’s not silly at all.” Sophie sat up straight, her eyes sparkling with excitement. “Penny would be perfect. She’s already designed a program for us. She certainly has knowledge and experience and she’s also chosen all of our staff—well, except for the manager.”
She flopped back against her chair, her excitement waning as her husband reminded, “Honey, Penny already has a job.”
“Well, yeah. There’s that.” Sophie’s sigh made Penny laugh.
“Don’t worry. We’ll find a manager,” she said more confidently than she felt.
“In time for our July first opening?” Sophie wondered aloud.
“I hope so.” Penny smiled brightly. “We’ll ask God to send someone.”
Rick’s brown eyes rested on her appraisingly. “Maybe He already did.”
Penny lifted her head to frown at him, slightly unnerved when he winked at her. He finished his tea then rose.
“I’ve got to get back to work. That was delicious. Thank you,” he said to Sophie. His gaze returned to Penny. “I’ll pick up the kids later.”
“Uh-huh.” The response was automatic. As Penny watched him stride out the door and across the yard she wondered why he’d said what he had about her as manager.
“I need to prepare for that youth group that’s coming tonight.” Tanner kissed Sophie, waved a hand at Penny then brushed his knuckles against baby Carter’s cheek, who responded with kicks and gurgles in his playpen. “Be a good boy for Mommy.”
He left while Penny was lost in thought. She’d come to Tucson a little over a year ago to make a new start. Was it silly to think about changing her career focus, too?
The question preoccupied her for the rest of the day.
I could do it, she thought to herself later that night after the twins had left with Rick. But should I?
She sat in her garden with a cup of peppermint tea while one by one her brain listed the potential benefits of running the daycare. In spite of her determination to remain unemotional, excitement built as the idea grew.
I haven’t signed my new contract with the school district yet so there wouldn’t be a penalty for breaking it.
I could be around younger kids, maybe even babies like Sophie’s Carter.
I could set my own curriculum, teach the things so many of my kindergarten kids had never learned like kindness and sharing, generosity and forgiveness. I could use Bible stories to give them a basic knowledge of God.
I’d see Rick every day while he’s working at the ranch.
Penny resolutely squashed the last thought and brought her focus back to job possibilities.
Wranglers Ranch was all about reaching kids for God through many outreach programs, most using some form of horsemanship. Tanner and Sophie had made it a place where kids could come, feel safe and be heard. Why couldn’t she be part of that by helping to reach the very youngest kids in a way that teaching in a public school could never allow?
The more Penny thought about it, the more attractive the idea became.
But was this what God wanted for her? How could she know for sure?
“I’ll post another ad for the daycare manager,” she murmured, staring up at the starry heavens. “Then if You send someone better suited for the job, I’ll know it’s not Your will for me.”
But oh, how she wanted it. Pouring herself into kids’ lives, spending as many hours as she wanted with them at Wranglers Ranch, unlike at school when the kids went home to their families midafternoon or took three months off for holidays and left her with an empty classroom—surely running the daycare meant she’d never be alone again unless she wanted to be. Kind of like Rick wasn’t alone.
Now why did her thoughts keep drifting back to him?
Chapter Four (#u134dfa13-6ad3-5ed8-8ad7-97fc3f8b2db6)
“You resigned your teaching job?” Three days later Rick sagged against the door frame at Wranglers Ranch Day Care as he stared at Penny in disbelief. “Was that wise?”
“Why? You don’t think I’m capable of running a daycare?” The defensiveness coloring her voice sent him backtracking.
“You could probably do it with one hand tied. That’s not—it’s just—” He stopped, winced, licked his lips and started over. “Congratulations. I’m sure you’ll be very happy here.”
“Yes, I will be.” Penny’s effervescent smile flashed, igniting a glint of excitement in her already joyous expression. “I have so many plans.”
“Plans you couldn’t carry out as a teacher?” he guessed and knew it was true from the way she peeked at him through her lashes while slowly nodding.
“A public school has restrictions on what teachers can do in the classroom and that’s understandable. But Wranglers Ranch is a Christian outreach ministry to kids so it’s different here.” Her whole face came alive as she spoke. “I believe a daycare that has the same faith and purpose as the rest of the ranch will be a marvelous complement.”
“But what about your summer, your holidays?” Rick couldn’t fathom why she’d suddenly decided to give up her career.
“Too many holidays are boring. I like to keep busy.” Penny’s face evidenced no worries. In fact, her enthusiasm communicated itself without words. “This job is my dream. It will be a rush to make Sophie’s July first deadline, but we’ll do it.”
“I’m sure you will, but you can’t care for the twins with all you have to do here.” Rick made the comment while fervently hoping and praying she’d reject it.
He’d been able to accomplish so much work in the past week, far more than at any time since the twins had taken over his life. He’d even had energy to ride bikes with the twins in the evening, to take them for a picnic on the weekend, to laugh and tease over dinner instead of rushing to accomplish everything before bedtime. Katie and Kyle also seemed more relaxed, happier now that the routine of seeing Penny every day was established.
“I guess I better start looking for someone else to be with the twins,” he said.
“Why?” Penny demanded, staring at him intensely. “With you working at Wranglers, once the daycare’s open, they could attend here. Wouldn’t their transition to here and then school be easier on everyone if they continued with me?”
Rick sagged with relief. He’d tied himself up in knots wondering if Penny had only taken on care of the twins out of a sense of duty to Sophie. Judging by the kids’ excitement when he’d picked them up each day, he knew they enjoyed being with her. So now seeing Penny’s obvious discontent at the prospect of not caring for them confirmed his hunch that she enjoyed their company and wasn’t doing this out of a sense of duty.
“Why would you even think that?” she asked, a hurt tone in her voice.
“I’m thinking of you, Penny,” Rick said mildly, hating that he might have hurt her. “I don’t want the twins to wear you out before Wranglers Ranch Day Care even opens its doors.”
“You, Tanner, Sophie. You’re all so worried about me. You must think I’m a doddering old maid. I won’t be twenty-eight until August, you know,” she protested as red spots appeared on her cheeks.
“Trust me, Penny. When I think of you, I do not think of a doddering old maid.”
Wasn’t that the truth? And the fact that Rick did think of her, a lot, was something he was going to have to correct. His focus needed to remain on the twins and on making the three of them into a family. He couldn’t afford to get sidetracked by the pretty woman standing in front of him, no matter how special she was.
“Good to know.” Penny grinned cheekily then arched an eyebrow. “So?”
“It’s a deal. Katie and Kyle will stay with you,” Rick said in a firm tone. “After all, I don’t want to—” He paused. Winced.
“Don’t want to—?” she prodded.
“I was going to say look a gift horse in the mouth.” He peered at her worriedly. “You don’t think I’m calling you a horse, do you?”
Penny’s hoot of laughter brought the twins running to see what was so funny.
“You came too early, Uncle Rick.” Kyle’s face wore a fierce frown.
“You don’t want to go home with me?” Rick tried to hide his hurt. Obviously he wasn’t doing his best at parenting if the kids preferred Penny to him and returning to his un-homey ranch.
“We can’t go home till after the bar-cue,” Katie explained. “Aunt Sophie ’vited us, ’member?”
“Um—” Confused, Rick looked to Penny to explain.
“That’s barbecue, Katie.” She lifted her gaze to him. “Sophie invited all Wranglers staff including the kids of our soon-to-be daycare clients to a barbecue this evening. I think she texted you about it.” Penny ruffled Kyle’s hair, smiled when Katie reached to grasp her hand then glanced at Rick. “You’ll come, won’t you?”
“I guess, though I’m not exactly dressed for partying.” Rick glanced down at his dusty jeans. “But I am in the mood to celebrate. I finished a job today. The house will be cleaned tonight and the family can move in tomorrow.” Satisfaction created a bubble of energy inside him. “Now I’ll have two permanent crews building the cabins here. I’m pretty hopeful that we will finish on time.”
Then the bubble burst. Finishing the cabins by his deadline meant leaving Wranglers Ranch, and that meant he’d have to find another caregiver for the twins.
“It must feel wonderful to create a home and so gratifying to know a family will benefit from your work.” Penny’s generous smile held no undertone but in his mind Rick heard a tiny voice ask, Like Gillian benefitted from the house you built for her?
“Yes, it does feel good,” he agreed and pushed away the heaviness of guilt.
“So, we’re about ready to head over to the patio now. Coming?” Penny waited for his nod, her eyes as bright as the blue cotton sundress she wore. Its full skirt was splashed with the vivid colors of hibiscus flowers. The wind tugged at those flowers, making the skirt swirl around her legs as she walked beside him. The twins raced ahead then ran back to urge Penny and Rick to hurry.
“We’re coming,” Penny assured them. When they were gone again she addressed him in a lowered tone. “Earlier we were talking about barbecues and I noticed they seem to have memories of outdoor cooking, but they talk as if that was over an open fire. They said it wasn’t a wiener roast.” Her manner was inquisitive.
“Gillian and her husband were missionaries in a very remote village in Africa,” he explained. “The twins were born there and played with the other children. I don’t think they ever thought they were any different than the other kids. When Gill first moved back after her husband was killed, she used to joke about having to get used to cooking on a stove again. So my guess is that she prepared a lot of their meals over what we’d call campfires.”
“Missionaries. What a life they must have lived.” Penny remained silent for the rest of the way, obviously deep in thought.
Seeing that the patio teemed with people and children, Rick snagged a table with benches near the periphery and settled the twins while Penny fetched drinks for all of them. The laughing and chattering quickly died away when Tanner tapped his spoon against a glass.
“Thanks for joining us.” He looped an arm around Sophie’s waist and drew her near him. “We’re getting so busy at Wranglers that we don’t often get a chance to just be together. Tonight is that time. We hope you’ll enjoy Sophie’s good cooking and use this gathering to get to know each other better. And yes,” he promised with a smile and a nod at his stepdaughter Beth. “Later we will have s’mores around the campfire. Along with some singing.”
“But tonight’s main goal is for you to relax and have fun,” Sophie added.
“It’s our small way of thanking you for being the best staff ever and for making Wranglers Ranch into the outreach facility that our founder, Burt Green, dreamed of. Our success is due to God using you. So thank you for joining us in this ministry.” Tanner lifted his glass of punch, and everyone joined in the toast to future success.
Moments later the chattering was once more going full force and the twins along with the rest of the kids were invited to roast hot dogs over the fire. Rick nodded permission and Katie and Kyle scooted off to join the daycare’s future clients. He chuckled as they dashed away without a backward look.
“Sophie’s gone above and beyond with that feast.” Penny inclined her head toward the loaded buffet table. “I don’t know how she does it with three kids in the house.”
“She’s like you. Extremely organized,” Tanner said from behind them. “Glad you could make it, Rick. Penny wasn’t sure you’d be here.”
Rick glanced at her, silently asking why.
“Because you’re so busy.” She giggled. “And you wouldn’t have come if we hadn’t brought you along tonight. He didn’t read the text Sophie sent,” she explained to Tanner.
“I read it,” Rick corrected then added sheepishly, “I just forgot.”
“Given you’re a new dad, I totally understand that issue,” Tanner assured him. “Kids provide a steep learning curve for a single guy. Just ask Sophie about me.”
Penny’s amused laughter did funny things to Rick’s midsection.
“I’m glad I came, though,” Rick said. It was the truth and his pleasure didn’t only come from being with Penny. “After this party I’ll have a pretty good idea of who belongs at Wranglers and who doesn’t. We don’t want trespassers on the job site. My company’s priority is always safety.”
“Good to know,” Tanner approved. “Safety is our priority at Wranglers Ranch, too, because we always have kids coming and going. Seeing what you’ve both done so far, I’m confident you’ll do a great job with the cabins, Rick, and you with the daycare, Penny. But for tonight, please relax and enjoy yourselves.” He lifted his hand in a salute before moving on to the next table.
The twins returned with their hot dogs and Penny settled them at the table, insisting Rick retrieve his own dinner. When he returned, he found her talking to a couple whom she introduced as the camp nurse, Ellie, and her husband, veterinarian Wyatt Wright. Then he met Maddie and Jesse Parker. Jesse was one of the youth workers who took a personal interest in ensuring troubled kids had someone to talk to. Both the Wrights and the Parkers had children who would be attending the daycare Penny was organizing.
There were more people, of course. Names blurred as people kept stopping by to welcome them. Rick was better with faces and figured he’d soon be able to identify every ranch employee. He particularly liked the way people who stopped by greeted the twins and was very proud of the polite way the two responded.
The relaxed family-type atmosphere along with the sheer number of staff and volunteers surprised Rick, but what impressed him most was that everyone seemed comfortable rubbing shoulders with their coworkers. No wonder Penny wanted to work here. An amiable workplace made a world of difference to how you felt about your work.
“Isn’t it great?” she murmured when the other adults had moved on.
“What?” He took a bite of his hamburger and savored the succulent beef. “This? It’s delicious.”
“Actually, I was talking about this place.” She waved a hand. “Wranglers Ranch. It’s like a little town. Everyone knows each other. Everyone has the same goal—to reach kids. The only difference is our parts in that goal.”
A surge of satisfaction filled Rick at knowing he’d be part of it, too. For a little while, at least.
He didn’t want to think about after, when he was finished with the work here. He especially didn’t want to think about not seeing Penny every day, not being able to bounce ideas about the twins off her or listen to that joyful burst of laughter whenever she found something new to appreciate about life.
Rick had until September 1 when the last cabin needed to be complete. Maybe if he prayed hard enough God would work out a solution for him with the twins by then. Maybe He’d also find a way to erase his guilt over Gillian’s death and let him find the same joy Penny had.
* * *
Later that evening Penny sat on a log bench with her shoulder rubbing Rick’s as she soaked in the wonderful ambience of worship around the campfire. When Kyle couldn’t settle she gathered him onto her knee and hummed along with Tanner’s guitar-playing. Rick cuddled Katie the same way and by the end of the song the two were fast asleep.
“Wranglers Ranch has been a life-changing experience for Sophie and me, and for our family.” Tanner’s voice was quietly reflective as he strummed a background accompaniment.
“We’ve seen God touch lives in marvelous ways, ways we never dreamed possible,” Sophie agreed. “Very soon we’ll launch our daycare, which we see as another opportunity to minister to more kids, younger ones this time.”
“We’ll start with your children, if you bring them. My hope and prayer is that God will use your kids to reach other kids, other parents and other people for Christ.” Tanner glanced around the group. “Reaching kids is our mission here at Wranglers Ranch, and Sophie and I are so glad and so thankful that you’re on board with us.”
“Each of you is blessed with a special gift, a niche of service that God gave especially to you.” Sophie smiled at her husband. “I’m sure you’ve seen the sign over the barn that says, ‘Fan into flame the gift that is within you.’ Our ranch started with Burt Green and his faith in God’s plans for Wranglers Ranch. Burt strongly believed that Tanner could be the means to making his dream happen, but Tanner didn’t even believe he had a gift.” She smiled at her husband. “I doubt either of them in their wildest dreams could imagine what God has created here today. Perhaps you, too, are astonished at how He is using each of us as an integral part of His work at Wranglers. Don’t be. If we’re available and willing, God will use us.”
Penny met Rick’s gaze, unashamed of the tears in her eyes.
“Tears of joy,” she whispered when he frowned.
She was startled when he reached out and brushed one off her silky cheek. “You’re such a softy,” he murmured.
But she knew he was just as moved as she was by the sweet communion of these moments around the fire.
“As we go through summer Sophie and I would like to challenge each of you to fan your own gift into flame. If you see an area where we’re missing something, a niche you could fill, a child whose heart burdens yours, tell us.” Tanner smiled. “Let’s work together to make this the best summer our Wranglers Ranch kids have ever had. Let’s make an impact for God. Let’s pray for that.”
He led them in a prayer of dedication that had Penny’s heart singing with excitement at the prospect of joining this ministry.
The Lord will work out His plan for your life.
She’d adopted that verse from Psalms at the beginning of this year, hoping to finally erase the memory of her broken dreams. Yet the brutality of her former fiancé’s hurtful denunciation when she’d most needed him still haunted her. Damaged goods, he’d called her before making it clear that he wanted a wife who had more to give him than Penny ever could. His betrayal still hurt.
Thanks to her friendship with Sophie, Penny had found solace and help when she joined a study of Biblical women, ladies who were also less than perfect and yet they were women whom God used. If God could use someone as imperfect as Mary Magdalene Penny figured He could use her, too. Maybe when she was fully engaged in doing His will the ache inside for a family would fade away.

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