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Her Christmas Family Wish
Her Christmas Family Wish
Her Christmas Family Wish
Lois Richer
A Daddy for ChristmasSingle mother Ellie Grant’s little girl only wants one thing for Christmas: a daddy. But after adopting Gracie and losing her fiancé, Ellie made a vow to focus on motherhood—not romance. But the five-year-old has her sights set on veterinarian Wyatt Wright, a handsome widowed father whose toddler son means an instant brother. Ellie knows that Wyatt’s heart is as closed to love as hers is. Yet when Wyatt also starts working at Wranglers Ranch, Ellie can’t deny her growing feelings. Now, her daughter’s fondest wish might make two families into one just in time for Christmas.

A Daddy for Christmas
Single mother Ellie Grant’s little girl only wants one thing for Christmas: a daddy. But after adopting Gracie and losing her fiancé, Ellie made a vow to focus on motherhood—not romance. But the five-year-old has her sights set on veterinarian Wyatt Wright, a handsome widowed father whose toddler son means an instant brother. Ellie knows that Wyatt’s heart is as closed to love as hers is. Yet when Wyatt also starts working at Wranglers Ranch, Ellie can’t deny her growing feelings. Now her daughter’s fondest wish might make two families into one just in time for Christmas.
“What if I spend some time with Gracie, just to clear up this daddy notion of hers?” Wyatt asked.
“In exchange for what?” Ellie’s eyes searched his face.
“For you watching my son for a few hours. I know I’m getting the better deal, but Gracie obviously needs someone to talk to. And I need help with Cade.”
“But the evenings, before bedtime, those are special daddy moments you shouldn’t miss with Cade,” she protested.
“Something has to give, Ellie.” He hated admitting that. “I have to work and keep our home up.”
“I have just one condition,” Ellie said.
“Name it.”
“You have to agree that this is simply an arrangement between friends and nothing more. I’m not looking for a father for Gracie or a relationship for myself. I need you to be clear on that, Wyatt. Strictly friends.”
“Agreed,” he said with a nod, relief swelling. “I don’t want any romantic entanglements, either.” He grinned at her and thrust out his hand. “Deal, friend?”
Ellie took her time but finally she shook hands with him. “Deal.”
Dear Reader (#u72a93ccc-2571-51d8-b038-7304b9edc7dd),
Welcome back to Wranglers Ranch where life’s so busy an on-staff nurse and veterinarian are necessary. But these two single parents aren’t interested in finding someone to love. It’s going to take some strong-minded love to bring Ellie and Wyatt together. Fortunately there’s a little girl determined to get a daddy for Christmas whether or not it’s on her mom’s list.
I hope you’ve enjoyed Wyatt and Ellie’s struggle to understand God’s love is always there, waiting for us to come home to it. Join me next time at Wranglers Ranch where you’re always welcome.
I love to hear from you: write me via Facebook, www.loisricher.com (http://www.loisricher.com), loisricher@gmail.com (mailto:loisricher@gmail.com) or snail mail at Box 639, Nipawin, SK S0E 1E0, Canada.
I wish you a Merry Christmas as together we celebrate the greatest gift ever given. May His love penetrate your heart and soul as you move toward a future He has prepared just for you.

LOIS RICHER loves traveling, swimming and quilting, but mostly she loves writing stories that show God’s boundless love for His precious children. As she says, “His love never changes or gives up. It’s always waiting for me. My stories feature imperfect characters learning that love doesn’t mean attaining perfection. Love is about keeping on keeping on.” You can contact Lois via email, loisricher@gmail.com, or on Facebook (loisricherauthor).
Her Christmas Family Wish
Lois Richer

www.millsandboon.co.uk (http://www.millsandboon.co.uk)
Whatever your hands find to do,
do it with your might.
—Ecclesiastes 9:10
This book is dedicated to my nephew Drew,
who is on the way to discovering his future.
God bless you, Drew.
Cover (#u66e0e2fb-3e2d-5c49-b8c6-84b6ece2a3a0)
Back Cover Text (#u1bdf1ade-a1c5-549c-8ac2-8de66e28e70c)
Introduction (#uc2647d35-6582-5da1-a726-8be300b537ad)
Dear Reader (#u9da61695-bf56-538e-ae92-199c0d2a09c6)
About the Author (#u3da5a67d-0aa1-5024-a1a5-ab8f22f685e2)
Title Page (#ufcf35cbf-2966-5360-83af-14e2c2b5ab1f)
Bible Verse (#u0052410a-c4d6-5c0d-badd-eb896ffaa43b)
Dedication (#ua8188d90-b358-554c-a8c1-1d3153743c93)
Chapter One (#u94a5b5c3-1bc6-52a6-9089-6ccee1d2e413)
Chapter Two (#u5956c4d9-63ed-5491-970b-e63bba4b1678)
Chapter Three (#ue652c648-2ba1-522a-a11a-1c597b51669c)
Chapter Four (#u5162f91f-ed2f-5742-bd59-c2635afec0c9)
Chapter Five (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Six (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Seven (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Eight (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Nine (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Ten (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Eleven (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Twelve (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Thirteen (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Fourteen (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Fifteen (#litres_trial_promo)
Extract (#litres_trial_promo)
Copyright (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter One (#u72a93ccc-2571-51d8-b038-7304b9edc7dd)
“That little boy would be a good brother, wouldn’t he, Mommy?”
Wyatt Wright stifled his groan. Not another one. He’d been in this grocery story almost twenty minutes, and he’d put only three things from his list into his basket, thanks to his son’s many female admirers. At least, that’s how he preferred to think of the women who used Cade to open a conversation with him.
Only this time Cade’s fan sounded like a little kid.
“He’s a cutie all ri—” A woman’s light, cheery voice paused. “Uh-oh.”
Intrigued by the way warning overtook her amusement, Wyatt did something he’d vowed not to. He looked directly at the stranger and spoke to her.
“Is something wrong?”
She peered at Cade. “Your son is about to be sick.”
Clear gray eyes set in a heart-shaped face met his, empty of the coy look he often saw in the ladies who were—how did he say it without sounding conceited?—looking to make his acquaintance. And yet Wyatt didn’t get the impression that he was the attraction here, given the coolly polite smile that lifted this woman’s pink lips. Still, he couldn’t help but admire her flaxen hair as it tumbled to her shoulders in an attractive disarray of curls. She wore a pale blue sundress, probably in deference to the heat of a late-October evening in Tucson, that flirted around her tanned legs.
Cade was sick? That was an opening gambit he hadn’t heard before. Of course she was wrong. Wyatt had been eighteen-month-old Cade’s sole parent for over a year. He knew all about—
“Look out!” the pretty stranger warned.
Wyatt turned in time to see his usually grinning boy grimace before spewing a sour mouthful all over his daddy’s favorite T-shirt.
“Sorry. I tried to warn you.” The slender stranger was quite tall, only a few inches shorter than Wyatt’s own six-foot height. She dug into her large shoulder bag, pulled out a packet of wipes and extracted several. “Poor baby. But your tummy feels better now, doesn’t it?”
Wyatt blinked twice before realizing her tender tone was for Cade. Gently she wiped the disgusting mess from his son’s face and shirtfront, then tucked the used wipes into a plastic bag which she grabbed from a roll at the nearby produce stand. After removing more clean wipes, she reached toward Wyatt. He stepped back just in time to stop her from cleaning him up, too.
“Oh. Sorry.” She blushed very prettily, then stuffed the wipes into his hand. “I guess you can do that yourself. Moms get used to cleaning up spills. But I suppose dads do, too, right?”
Entranced by the melodic sound of her light laugh, Wyatt couldn’t find his voice. After a minute her smile faded. She shrugged, then bent to look at Cade.
“Hope you feel better, sweet boy.” Cade grinned at her, his feet churning. She glanced at Wyatt. “You’ve got a real charmer here.” Then she turned and reached for her daughter’s hand. “Come on, Gracie.”
Wyatt hid his smile when the little girl planted her feet and stubbornly refused to move.
“This man would make a good daddy for us, Mommy,” the blue-eyed sprite mused, her silvery-gold head tilted as she assessed Wyatt.
That was so not funny. Wyatt suppressed his overwhelming desire to bolt.
“Then he—” Gracie continued jerking a thumb at Cade “—could be my brother. I’d really like to have a brother,” she added, her head tilted to one side thoughtfully. Then she frowned. “’Cept I don’t want him to spit on me.”
Wyatt cleared his throat, intending to voice a firm yet delicate refusal that would end the child’s ludicrous notion real fast, before her mother latched on to it. Instead he got sidetracked by the lady’s burst of laughter.
“You used to spit up exactly the same way, Gracie.” The mom chuckled when her daughter wrinkled her nose in disgust. “But we don’t need a daddy,” she said in a firm voice. “We’re fine just the way we are, you and me. Don’t you like our family?”
Instead of rushing her child away from a touchy subject, as Wyatt had seen other parents do, the mother waited for a response. He admired her serenity and total focus on her child and made a mental note to practice the same kind of patience with Cade when he got older so he’d be the best father a kid could have. He’d do whatever it took to be a better father to his son than his own father had ever been.
“Our family’s nice,” Gracie agreed. “But I want a daddy. And a brother. Melissa and Courtney have brothers and daddies,” she said, her chin thrust up.
“So you’ve told me, many times.” A resigned sigh colored the mother’s response. “But I’m sure there are other kids in your kindergarten class who don’t. Each family is different, Gracie. One isn’t better or worse than another, just different.” She smoothed the child’s rumpled curls. “We need to get our ice cream now so we can go to Wranglers Ranch.”
Wranglers Ranch? That was the place that sponsored camps for troubled kids. Months earlier the owner, Tanner Johns, had left a message on Wyatt’s answering machine asking him if he was interested in taking on a full-time vet position there. Wyatt, his hands full caring for Cade, hadn’t responded. Though he kept running into Tanner at church, the rancher had never pressed him for a reply, simply offered friendship. Wyatt figured Wranglers’ ministry must be growing because of a mention at last week’s church service about a youth group outing to the ranch.
“And—” Gracie dragged out the word, giving him and Cade another once-over before blowing out a heartfelt sigh. “Now that Beth and Davy live at Wranglers Ranch, they have a daddy, too. I’m the only one who doesn’t.”
The pathos in her mournful words reached in and squeezed Wyatt’s heart, until he caught the mother’s grimace as she rolled her eyes at him.
“Oh, that’s not the worst of my shortcomings,” she explained with a teasing chuckle. “Last week Gracie was the only one in her kindergarten class not allowed to stay up late to watch a TV show.” She raised her eyebrows in a pseudo-severe look. “As you must know, single parenthood isn’t for the faint of heart.” She fluttered her fingers. “We have to go. Bye.”
Wyatt nodded bemusedly until her gaze dropped to his shirt.
“You, uh, might want to get that off before it dries,” she advised quietly. Then she took Gracie’s hand and firmly drew her toward the freezer section.
Wyatt grimaced and used the wad of wipes she’d handed him to clean up the mess as best he could.
“Thanks a lot,” he said to his son who was now happily blowing bubbles.
Wyatt quickly gathered the rest of the items on his list and hurried through the checkout determined to avoid another encounter with more of Cade’s admirers. But in the parking lot he noticed the same woman buckling her little girl into a car seat. Pure impulse and an innate curiosity he should have suppressed sent Wyatt walking briskly toward them.
“How did you know?” he asked abruptly.
The woman jerked in surprise, bumping her head on the car before she ducked out.
“Ow!” She raised a slim arm to rub the top of her head. “Sorry?” Her eyebrows drew together as she frowned at him.
“How did you know Cade was going to be sick?” Wyatt repeated.
“Years of pediatric nursing and a child of my own,” she explained with a shrug. “It’s the kind of look I learned to interpret fast and clean up faster.” She checked out his shirt. “Good job. Did you feed him something new for lunch?”
“A couple of brussels sprouts,” he admitted. “He seemed okay with them.”
“Ew! I’m afraid I’d have the same reaction as he did. Not my favorite vegetable.” She shrugged at Wyatt’s frown. “Well, sorry, but it’s not.”
“Rounded nutrition is the best thing for kids,” he repeated, quoting verbatim from the baby book he used as his parenting mentor.
The woman opened her lips to say something but was interrupted.
“What’s that boy’s name?” Gracie asked, poking her head forward.
“He’s Cade. I’m Wyatt. Wyatt Wright,” he said, shocked that he was voluntarily giving his name to a child and her mother—a single woman, to boot. But there was something about this woman that drew him. Because she was attractive? Compelling? Intriguing?
All of the above.
“We’re Ellie and Gracie Grant. But I already know who you are, Wyatt.” Ellie laughed at his surprise. “I’ve seen you at church. In fact, you’re the current hot topic.”
“I am?” He frowned at her. “Why?”
“Mmm.” She tapped her forefinger against her lips. “How can I put this delicately? Let’s just say there are a lot of single ladies at our church who feel you’ve been a widower too long, that you need a good woman to help you with this little guy.”
Aghast, Wyatt stood frozen as Ellie chucked Cade under the chin. Cade’s giggle was Wyatt’s favorite sound because it made him feel like he wasn’t the awful failure his own father had been.
He wasn’t sure how to reply, though he wanted to ask Ellie if she was one of those ladies from church. Not that it mattered. Wyatt doubted that even knowing she was would end the zip of electricity curling up his spine.
“Don’t worry, Wyatt.” That thread of laughter lilted through Ellie’s voice. She winked at him. “You’re safe with me.”
“I am?” Wyatt gulped down a rush of disappointment. Hey! Shouldn’t he be feeling relief?
“Yep, very safe.” Ellie checked that Gracie was secure, then carefully closed the car door, maybe so her daughter couldn’t overhear? “Despite Gracie’s comments, I am not on the hunt for a husband. Raising Gracie takes all my focus. I’m not interested in romance,” she said airily, though he heard a bit of an edge to the words.
Wyatt didn’t have time to ask why a gorgeous woman like her wouldn’t want love in her life because she walked around the car and pulled open the front door. She tossed him a funny, almost sad smile, then climbed inside and drove away.
“Well,” he said to Cade as he pushed the grocery cart toward his car. “That was interesting. But don’t do the sick part again, okay? It makes us both smell bad. Got it?”
Cade crowed his agreement as if he knew that the encounter with that remarkable woman and her daughter had made his daddy’s day brighter.
While Wyatt fastened Cade in his seat, then loaded the groceries, his thoughts replayed his interaction with the mother-daughter duo. He’d liked them both, but he especially liked Ellie’s forthrightness.
Wait a minute!
“Focus on parenthood,” he ordered his wayward brain. “You’re a single dad with a veterinarian practice that barely supports you and a ranch that needs tons of work and money.”
It’s up to you, Wyatt, to use your business to follow in my footsteps and make the Wright name stand out in this town. His father’s last words brought the same rush of irritation and burst of inferiority that they had the day Bernard Wright had said them ten years ago.
Wyatt glanced in the mirror at his son.
“Can’t focus on that right now, Dad,” he muttered as he drove home. “Taryn’s gone. I’m the only one Cade has. I have to be here for him.” The way I wasn’t there for Taryn.
A tinder of unforgiveness flamed anew at the memory of his wife’s needless death. Yes, the underage teens who hit her were guilty. But so was Wyatt. Taryn shouldn’t have been driving that night. Wyatt had promised her that morning that he’d pick up diapers and formula for Cade by lunchtime, but he’d forgotten. Later he’d promised Taryn he’d do it on his way home from a call, but he’d forgotten again. After dinner and another promise that he’d make a run to the grocery store when he’d finished his coffee, he’d fallen asleep with Cade on his chest, failing to remember his promise. So Taryn had let him sleep and gone herself.
His wife had been killed. Because of him.
Familiar guilt gnawed at Wyatt as he pulled into his driveway. He’d made promises he hadn’t kept, disappointed his wife and, worse, left her alone day after day to fulfill dreams for the ranch they’d planned to restore together while he pursued the goal of making his veterinary business number one in Tucson. Wyatt had failed his wife miserably.
And why? Because he couldn’t forget that deathbed promise to his father. He’d worked eighteen hours a day, taken on every client who called, hoping he could somehow prove himself worthy of the prestigious Wright name. But that time had been stolen from Taryn. Wasn’t it silly that even now, alone, a single parent and almost thirty years old, Wyatt still couldn’t shed his long-buried need to prove himself worthy of his father’s love?
Losing Taryn had taught him one hard lesson. Don’t make promises you can’t keep. His father had taught him the other. Never make Cade feel he had to earn his daddy’s love.
Wyatt carried his now-sleeping child into the house and settled him before retrieving his groceries and storing them. He would still make his father proud; it was just going to take a little longer. Because now Cade came first, before his practice, before the ranch, before the promise to his father, before anything.
Ellie’s sweet laugh filled Wyatt’s head, and for a moment he wished—No! He ruthlessly pushed her lovely face from his mind and started on the laundry. There was no way he’d let another woman in his life and risk failing her the way he had Taryn.
No way at all.
* * *
“He was a nice daddy, wasn’t he, Mommy?” Gracie chirped from the backseat. “I liked Cade, too.” She paused. Ellie saw her wrinkle her nose. “’Cept when he got sick. That was gross.”
“Gross? Where did you hear that?” Ellie asked, one eyebrow raised.
“Melissa. Can I play with the horses at Wranglers Ranch?” Gracie asked in a quick change of topic.
“I don’t think so, honey. The horses are probably ready to sleep now.” Ellie hoped so, because she was too tired to deal with a wiggling, shrieking Gracie astride a horse.
She drove toward Wranglers Ranch, smiling as she remembered Wranglers’ slogan. You’re always welcome here. She did feel at home there, and she loved her job as camp nurse.
“I thought you wanted to play with Beth and Davy?” she reminded Gracie, lest her daughter get fixated on dreams of horse riding.
“I do want to play with them. And invite them to my birthday party.” Gracie’s forehead furrowed as she fell into thought. “How many days is it until my birthday, Mommy?”
“You’ll be six in about three more weeks, right after Thanksgiving.” Ellie bit her lip as worry about that birthday party built inside her. “Did you think of something you’d specially like for your birthday, honey?”
After Gracie’s birth, Ellie had started a day care to enable her to stay home with her child. But outgoing, curious Gracie now needed more, and so did her mother. So late in the summer Ellie had closed the day care and enrolled Gracie in kindergarten. That’s why she’d taken the job at Wranglers Ranch—so she could still be with kids. Ellie loved kids.
Tanner Johns had told her that the government had awarded him a big new contract to work with troubled youth, with one caveat—Wranglers Ranch must have a nurse on the premises when their youth groups attended. Tanner had offered Ellie the job one day after church, and since she was eager to return to the profession she’d originally left to care for her sick sister, Ellie gladly accepted. She’d started working at Wranglers in mid-September and never regretted her choice.
“I already told you what I want for my birthday, ’member?” A glance in the rearview mirror revealed Gracie’s arms firmly crossed over her small chest. “I want a daddy.”
“Honey, I can’t give you a daddy for your birthday. Or at all,” Ellie said for what seemed the hundredth time. “I’ve told you that before.”
“But why?” Gracie’s bottom lip jutted out.
“Because.” Ellie stifled her exasperation. How long would the child keep constantly asking for a father? What was she doing wrong that Gracie wasn’t happy with her? “Nobody can give daddies for birthdays, sweetheart.”
“For Christmas, then? That’s far away. That’s lots of time to get him,” Gracie wheedled.
“I can’t get you a daddy for Christmas either,” Ellie replied in her firmest voice.
“But I need one!” Gracie burst into tears.
Ellie heaved a sigh, wishing there was some way to meet and marry the perfect man who would give her daughter her dream.
You tried love. Look how that turned out. Gracie would have been left out in the cold.
Gracie sniffed and Ellie winced. Never did she feel more helpless, less capable of being a parent than when her daughter wept.
God? I’m new at this praying stuff. Will You help me? I don’t know what to say. I don’t want to break Gracie’s heart, but I know now that marriage isn’t part of Your plan for me.
“Honey, things like daddies and mommies and baby brothers or sisters are up to God.” Ellie didn’t know how else to put it. “I guess He thinks that we’re doing okay together, just the two of us.”
“I’m gonna keep praying.” Gracie’s chin thrust out. “Because we need a daddy.”
“Gracie, you know I love you very much,” Ellie said helplessly, “that I couldn’t love you more.”
“I know.” Gracie watched as they drove through the gates on to Wranglers Ranch. “But I want a daddy to love me, too.”
“But, honey—”
“I’m going to ask God to give us Cade and his daddy,” Gracie said with resolute firmness.
“You can’t!” Aghast, Ellie braked in front of the ranch house a little too hard as she scoured her brain for some way to dissuade Gracie. Only her daughter wasn’t listening.
“I can, too, pray, Mommy. I can pray to God for anything. That’s what Pastor Jeff said.” Gracie’s chin thrust out in unyielding determination. “And I’m going to pray for that.”
“But—but—” Exasperated, Ellie fell silent. After all, hadn’t she taken Gracie to church hoping she’d start learning more about her Father? Oh, dear.
“Hey, there’s Beth, and she’s holding a baby bunny.” In a flash Gracie forgot about daddies, snapped off her seat belt and bolted out of the car. She was running across the yard before Ellie could stop her. “When did they come, Beth?” she shouted in her most excited voice. “Can I hold one?”
“You don’t look happy.” Tanner Johns, her boss, pulled open her car door, waiting until Ellie had climbed out before he asked, “What’s the matter?”
“What else? Gracie. She won’t give up on getting a father. And now she’s found a candidate.” Ellie grimaced, though she couldn’t deny Gracie’s choice was very handsome.
“Who’s the chosen guy?” Tanner took the ice cream from her as they strolled to his front door.
“Someone we met at the grocery store tonight. You probably know him.” Ellie preceded Tanner into the house and waited for that speculative glint to appear in her friend Sophie’s eyes as Tanner explained the gist of the conversation to his wife.
“Yes, who is Gracie’s choice for a daddy?” Sophie asked with a smile as she turned from speaking to their friend Moses.
“Wyatt Wright.” Ellie sighed. “Gracie says she’s going to pray God will give her Wyatt for a dad and his son, Cade, for her brother.”
“We all know Wyatt,” Tanner said. “He’s the veterinarian I’ve been hoping would take on Wranglers Ranch as a client. But I get the impression he doesn’t feel he can handle our business right now.”
“He seems like a great parent, though he missed the signs that Cade was about to be sick.” Ellie made a face. “Wyatt fed him brussels sprouts,” she told Sophie, who laughed.
“Maybe he’s still learning about kids,” Tanner defended. “But Wyatt is an expert on horses. The man has a first-rate reputation. About two years ago his practice was the most sought after in Tucson, but then his wife died shortly after Cade was born.” He shook his head. “Whenever we talk at church Wyatt’s totally focused on being a dad.”
Moses was an elderly Native American who’d cared for and nurtured the abused horses that Wranglers Ranch took in and had lived here long before Tanner had taken over. Now he nodded his head in agreement.
“The Double M tried to hire him, too.” Moses had a soft spot for anyone who loved horses as much as he did. “Heard Wyatt told them no, said he had to focus on his son and that work came second.”
“Nice if you can afford it,” Ellie murmured, thinking of her own years when Gracie was a baby and how she’d struggled to manage on her shoestring budget.
“Wyatt’s a good-looking man, don’t you think, Ellie?” Sophie’s gaze trapped her.
“Yes, he’s very handsome,” Ellie managed to say while her brain mocked her tepid appreciation of that very attractive man. “But I’m not interested.”
“Why not? He certainly seems to be the focus of the ladies’ groups at church.” Sophie scooped the ice cream Ellie had brought onto steaming slices of her fresh peach pie. “Moses, didn’t you tell me Lucy Marten asked Wyatt to dinner last week?” She glanced at the old man, one eyebrow arched. “What’s the news on that?”
“Heard he turned her down like he does all those females. Anyone can see they’re just itching to get their hands on him. Prize catch, a guy like that.” Moses grinned as he held out a hand to take his pie. “Thank you, Sophie.” He lifted a forkful to his lips, then closed his eyes as he savored the dessert. “Excellent,” he proclaimed a moment later. “No wonder we always have kids showing up here to eat. With cooking like this on offer, why wouldn’t they?”
“You’re very sweet, Moses.” When Sophie patted his cheek Ellie could almost hear the crusty old man’s gruff demeanor crumble. Then the children arrived and demanded some pie. As they devoured it, Sophie asked Ellie if Gracie could play with her kids, Beth and Davy, for a while longer.
“Yeah, why don’t you stay, Ellie?” Tanner offered. He winked. “We can talk about Wyatt some more if you like.”
“No need. I told you I’m not interested.” Ellie pretended an airiness she didn’t feel. “But since it’s Friday and there’s no school tomorrow, I guess we could stay awhile.” She chuckled at Gracie’s whoop of excitement as all three kids scampered into Beth’s room to play with the amazing dollhouse Tanner had given her last Christmas.
“Hard to believe it will soon be that time again,” he marveled with a fond look at Sophie. “What do you want this Christmas?” he asked as her hand slid into his.
“I have everything I want,” she murmured.
“Good answer.” Tanner leaned over to press a kiss against her cheek. “This has been a wonderful year for Wranglers Ranch and us.”
“Your dream that this ranch would be a haven for homeless and needy kids is coming true with every child we reach.” Sophie hugged his side. “We’re blessed to have such wonderful helpers like Moses and Ellie and all the hands.”
“Now if I could just find a way to persuade Wyatt to come on staff,” Tanner murmured before he held out his plate for seconds.
Sophie dished up another piece of pie then turned to Ellie. “Maybe you could talk to Wyatt for us, tell him how much we’d love to have him working here on the ranch.”
“Me?” Ellie shook her head. “I barely know the man.”
“That’s easily rectified,” Sophie pointed out.
“Don’t go there, Sophie,” Ellie warned. “I’m glad you and Tanner found each other and that you’re happy together. But I learned the hard way that romance isn’t for me.”
“But—” Sophie stopped when Ellie shook her head.
“I made a bad mistake when I let myself fall in love with Eddie. If I’d known him as well as I thought, I’d have known he’d change after he inherited that money, that he wouldn’t want to be saddled with being a father to Gracie.” A wiggle of pain still festered inside. “But I didn’t really know him because I was too busy thinking that my silly dream of a big, happy family was finally coming true.”
“Nothing silly about that dream, girlie,” Moses piped up. “God gave us families.”
“I know. And I have Gracie. That’s enough.” She saw Sophie was about to speak and shook her head. “Listen, when I got involved with Eddie I took my focus off parenting Gracie, and she almost paid for it. We were only a few weeks away from getting married when he suggested I put her in boarding school.” The memory still made her flinch. “I don’t need to repeat my mistakes. God’s given me the job of raising my daughter and I’ll focus on that. I guess I’m like Wyatt in that way. My child comes first.”
Later, as Ellie drove home with Gracie sleeping in the backseat, her brain revived a mental image of Wyatt Wright. He was good-looking, interesting and seemed to be a great parent, but he wasn’t for her.
Gracie was just going to have to ask God for something else, because Ellie had no intention of including Wyatt, or his very cute son, in their lives. Her broken engagement had proven that being a single mom had to be her number-one priority. Maybe someday, when Gracie was grown up and on her own, maybe then Ellie could consider a relationship.
But not now.
Chapter Two (#u72a93ccc-2571-51d8-b038-7304b9edc7dd)
“You’re making a lot of noise for a kid who’s been fed, watered and changed.”
In the year since Taryn’s death Wyatt had grown comfortable speaking to Cade as if he understood everything. What he doubted he’d ever get used to was the volume of noise a small child could generate.
“You’ll give me a bad reputation as a dad,” he complained as he drove into Wranglers Ranch.
While Cade, red-faced and bellowing, continued his vocal outrage, Wyatt parked beside the visitors sign and exited the noisy truck with a sigh of relief.
“Nothing wrong with his lungs, is there?” Tanner appeared and held out a hand. “Nice to see you again, Wyatt.”
“You, too, Tanner.” He shook hands then picked up Cade. “He’s in a bad mood because he wouldn’t settle for his nap.” He offered a soother, but Cade knocked it from his hand.
“Got a temper, too.” Tanner laughed as he bent and picked it up.
“I’m sorry about this,” he said as Cade launched into another earsplitting roar. “I did warn you I couldn’t get a sitter.” Wyatt jiggled the grumpy child in a futile hope that he’d relax and perhaps drift off to sleep. “Maybe you should get another vet.”
“Don’t want anyone else,” Tanner said firmly. “You have the best reputation around these parts when it comes to horses, Wyatt. I want your opinion.”
“Okay. On what?”
“Two animals I’m considering buying.” Tanner winced as Cade amped up his protests. “Come on. We’ll take him to Sophie. She’ll know what to do.”
Wyatt desperately hoped so. He’d been through Cade’s overtired days before, and though his son eventually relaxed and fell asleep, the experience always left him drained.
But his hopes were dashed when he heard someone say, “I’m sorry, Tanner, but Sophie went shopping. She’s catering that barbecue tonight, remember?”
Wyatt turned and saw her. The woman from the grocery store.
Though Ellie smiled as she approached the Wranglers’ boss, Wyatt thought her face tensed when her gaze moved to him. “Hello, again,” she said in a pleasant tone.
“Hi. Sorry about the racket.” He shifted Cade from one hip to the other. “How’s Gracie?”
“She’s fine. May I take him?” Ellie held out her hands with a smile. “Hello there, little man,” she said in that lilting voice he hadn’t been able to forget. “What’s your issue?”
Cade stopped midscreech to stare at her. Then he grinned and clapped his hands.
“Traitor.” The word slipped out without thinking. Embarrassed, Wyatt caught Ellie’s grin. “He missed his nap.”
“And he’s been taking it out on you.” She laughed and nodded. “Been there. Why don’t you leave him with me? I’ll rock him on the porch for a few minutes, and he’ll soon nod off.” She studied Cade’s now-drooping eyes. “See? I doubt he’ll be awake long.”
“Maybe,” Wyatt said doubtfully. “But that’s too much of an imposition. This is your workplace.” He held out his hands. “I’ll just take him home. Maybe I can make it back another time, if you really want my advice,” he said to Tanner.
“Please, leave him. I’d enjoy the break. The morning’s been a little monotonous.” Ellie winked at Tanner. “No kids have fallen off their horse or skinned a knee, so I’ve been a bit bored.”
“Our guests do not fall off,” Tanner protested indignantly.
“Sorry. Of course they don’t. It’s all to do with gravity.” Ellie winked at Wyatt. “Seriously, we’ll be fine. I’ll call Tanner if I need you.”
Wyatt hesitated, watching her face soften as she swayed back and forth with Cade. His son’s eyes were almost closed, his thumb in his mouth. “You’re sure?” he murmured.
“Positive.” Ellie began to hum softly while maintaining the same swaying movements. A tiny smile flirted with her lips. “Walk away now,” she sing-songed, never losing a beat in her lullaby.
Since Taryn’s death Wyatt had trusted his son to only two sitters and then only after a complete vetting by him and Tucson’s premier child care agency. Yet somehow he felt utterly confident in Ellie’s abilities with Cade. Maybe it was because he’d seen her with Gracie and knew her to be a loving parent. Or maybe it was the way she so confidently held Cade that he immediately relaxed in her arms.
“You can trust Ellie,” Tanner added.
“I know.” Wyatt set down the diaper bag he held. “Here’s his stuff.”
Ellie’s gaze met his, a knowing look in her gray eyes. “I promise he’ll be all right.”
Of course he would. Because, thanks to Ellie, Cade was already sleeping.
“I’ll be back in about an hour,” he said.
“We’ll be here.” Ellie’s smile lent encouragement as he went on his way.
* * *
As it turned out, Wyatt’s inspection of Tanner’s horses went slowly, thorough as it was.
“These mares appear healthy and well cared for. They should be fine to breed.” Wyatt stretched his back, his examination finally complete. “I’ll run the blood samples anyway, but I doubt there’s an issue.” He frowned, noting a larger, older stallion in the paddock beyond. “Him I’m not so sure about. Where’d you get him?”
“He was left here late last night.” Tanner’s lips tightened. “I’m guessing he’s been kept inside a barn or something for a long time, because I’m pretty sure he’s got thrush on his feet.”
“That’s not a common ailment here in the desert.” Wyatt climbed the fence and walked closer for a better look, barely aware that Tanner followed. “He seems lame... Did you notice he doesn’t flex his foot?” He spoke soothingly while he lifted the horse’s leg and probed the tender heel and frog area.
“Yeah, I noticed. Lack of flexing usually means his hooves didn’t get cleaned much.” Tanner’s voice was low and gruff. “Which certainly seems to be the case.”
“It’s hard to understand cruelty to animals,” Wyatt agreed softly. “You’re doing the right thing. Keep him in the fresh air, get him to walk around, and watch what happens.”
“Can I call you if it doesn’t clear up?”
“Of course. Meanwhile, keep his heels trimmed back.” Wyatt swept his hand across the horse’s flanks after releasing his foot. “He could stand some extra oats, too.”
“He’s getting them,” Tanner said with a nod. “Don’t worry, Wyatt. My foreman, Lefty, Moses and I are all keeping a close eye on this guy. He won’t suffer at Wranglers.”
“You’ve got some great stock here, the kind I’d like to add to my own ranch someday.” Wyatt surveyed the other horses with their shiny coats in the surrounding paddocks. Someday, he promised himself as he closed the gate. Then he wondered if he could keep that promise.
“You’re anxious to get back to Cade.” Tanner wasn’t asking a question.
Wyatt nodded. “I used to be a workaholic, but after Taryn died, I vowed I’d always put Cade first.” Self-conscious about revealing that, Wyatt kept his head bent as he cleaned his boots on the grass.
“A good thing for all fathers to remember,” Tanner agreed. “But doing your job isn’t ignoring Cade. He’s not suffering. He’s probably still sleeping, in fact. And he’s got an amazing caregiver in Ellie. She’s really fantastic with kids. She used to have lists of people begging to get their kids into her day care.”
“It was nice of her to watch him for me.” So Ellie had run a day care. Was that how she’d known Cade was going to be sick that day in the store? “I thought she was a nurse.”
“She is. But when Gracie was born, Ellie wanted to stay home with her. So she set up a day care in her house.” Tanner made a face. “Believe me, there were a lot of unhappy folks last August when she closed down Fiddlesticks—that was the name of her day care.”
“If it was successful, why would she do that?” He had no business asking anything about Wranglers’ nurse, but Wyatt was curious.
“Gracie was ready for school. Ellie figured it was a good time to get back to nursing.” He grinned. “Sophie and I have been blessed having her here at Wranglers. The kids just adore her. Cade will, too. You’ll see.”
Privately Wyatt doubted his son would be around Ellie Grant enough to get to that stage, but he simply nodded and kept his opinions to himself, anxious to see how his son had fared.
“He’s still asleep,” Ellie said meeting them at the patio door. “I’ve just made some coffee and put a tray out here. Want some?”
“Sounds good. I see Sophie’s car. I’ll just go see if she needs help,” Tanner said. “You two go ahead.”
Somewhat self-consciously Wyatt followed Ellie to the table under a lacy mesquite tree where she’d set a plate of cookies, a carafe and three mugs. Cade lay nearby in the shade in a makeshift bed in an old washtub, eyes closed, breathing deeply.
“He’s still sleeping.” Wyatt was somewhat surprised to realize two hours had passed.
“Of course.” Ellie smiled, her eyes lighting up as she glanced at the little boy. “He wore himself out yelling, I guess. Gracie used to do that. Drove me bonkers sometimes. She’d get so tired out that she couldn’t seem to relax and let sleep come. I was usually so exhausted that when she finally crashed I did, too.”
“Except when you had to open your day care,” he added. “Tanner said you had a long client list.”
“I did. It was fun if exhausting. I was ready for a change. Especially after—” She checked herself as a fleeting frown washed over her face, then regrouped and shrugged. “I was pretty nervous about letting Gracie start school.”
“Why?” He sipped the coffee she’d poured.
“Until then I’d been in total control of Gracie’s world.” Her lips tilted in a wry smile. “The thought of allowing someone else to take over and not be there to see she was all right caused me some sleepless nights.”
“So how did you handle it?” he asked.
“With Sophie’s help.” Ellie grinned. “I’d consulted her about some catering, she led me to the Lord, and she’s been mentoring me ever since. She suggested I needed to start trusting that God cares as much and even more about Gracie than I do, so now I’m trying to trust Him. Since I’m a control freak where Gracie’s concerned it’s not easy, but I’m learning.”
“Was Sophie catering something for your day care?” he asked as he selected one of Sophie’s homemade cookies from the plate Ellie held out.
“Uh, no.” Ellie hesitated. To Wyatt she looked sort of embarrassed. “Something personal, but it turned out that I didn’t need her services after all.” Her diffidence surprised him.
“She sure has a good reputation as a caterer. Well deserved, judging by these cookies.” He savored the lemon flavor. “I’ve heard about her success all over Tucson.” Wyatt glanced around. “Just like I’ve heard about Tanner’s success with this place.”
“Sophie’s amazing, and Wranglers Ranch is a fantastic ministry. I am so happy to be part of it,” Ellie enthused. “And Gracie loves school, so God took care of that worry, too.” She studied him, her head tilted to one side. “How do you manage work and Cade?”
“Mostly I don’t,” Wyatt admitted. “My wife died about a year ago. Since then work has come a distant second.”
“I’m sure.” She touched his hand fleetingly. “I’m sorry, Wyatt.”
“Thanks. Anyway, I’m Cade’s only parent now, so I’ve been trying to be sure I’m there when he needs me.” He made a face. “Only thing is, toddlers don’t have much downtime. And that makes it hard to build up my veterinarian practice.”
“And you must do that—build it up?” Ellie’s eyebrows lifted as she waited.
“Yes. It’s very important to me.” He wasn’t going to tell her why, though he could see the question lurking in her eyes. “But it’s difficult. Just yesterday I agreed to be at a client’s place in the morning, but then Cade bumped his head on the coffee table. After that he wouldn’t settle down, so I had to cancel.” He made a face. “Doesn’t make for a good working relationship with your clients or help your reputation when you have to withdraw from a call.”
“No, I don’t suppose it does.” Ellie frowned. “Couldn’t you hire a caregiver to come in?”
“I do sometimes,” he said, feeling defensive. “But she wasn’t available yesterday morning when I called.”
“I can see that would be a problem. What about scheduling specific work hours? You could hire a caregiver from, say, eight to noon. While they watched Cade you could work, knowing you’d be available for him later.”
“Actually I did try that once when Cade was younger. It didn’t work.” Wyatt reconsidered. “Maybe it’s time to try it again. Thanks.” The agency would be relieved if he had regular hours to offer their nannies instead of always calling at the last minute.
“Now, since I’ve helped you, would you be willing to help me out?” she asked with a cheeky grin.
“Uh, with what?” he asked. Depending on what she wanted, he might have to refuse her. He wasn’t getting involved.
“I had this idea that Wranglers should sponsor a Thanksgiving Day dinner for kids who don’t have any place to go.” Ellie huffed out a sigh that lifted the spiky bangs across her forehead. “Of course Sophie will do the food, but she and Tanner asked me to set up some kind of decorations and, well...” She made a face. “I’m not exactly artistic. The most art I’ve ever done is kids’ crafts at my day care.”
“Why not go with that?” Wyatt shrugged. “Wranglers is a kids’ camp, after all.”
“How exactly would that work?” Ellie stared at him as if he had all the answers.
And that was so far from the truth that Wyatt wanted to laugh. He had the answers to exactly nothing in his own life. How could he possibly help anyone else?
“Come on, tell me what you were thinking,” she pressed.
He tried to vocalize the vision that had fluttered inside his head. “I guess I always associate Thanksgiving with harvest, you know, a time to count your blessings like the Pilgrims did. So maybe bales of hay scattered around, a few pumpkins on top, a sheaf of wheat if you could find anyone to make it—that kind of thing.”
“Sounds good,” she said with a nod. “And easy. Sophie wants to have an evening meal outside so we’d need lights of some kind. I’d thought candles on the tables, but I suspect that’s out because of the fire risk.”
“There are lots of solar lanterns available. Or battery lights. You could even put some inside hollowed-out gourds and set those inside tipped-over bushel baskets. I’ve seen that done before.” Wyatt felt silly throwing out these ideas about decorating, especially given the state of his ramshackle ranch. “Or you could string some lights in the trees. Maybe even leave them up for Christmas?”
“I love lights at Christmas.” Ellie’s eyes sparkled, her excitement obvious. “So, will you help me do it?”
“Uh, no. I mean, I can’t. I, er, I’m busy with Cade,” he stammered. Though he liked Ellie’s enthusiasm, admired the way she threw herself into things, he pulled out the excuse he always used to escape involvement. He wasn’t ever getting involved again anyway, so it was better to maintain his distance.
“Cade can sleep here while we work, as well as he can sleep at home.” As Ellie called him out her face got a shrewd look. “In exchange for helping me with the decorating I could babysit for you once or twice. Gracie would love that.”
This man would make a good daddy for us, Mommy.
Gracie’s words reverberated in his head, and he knew he had to get out of this arrangement.
“I appreciate the offer, Ellie, but I don’t think it would work.” he said quickly and swallowed his coffee in a gulp. “I’d better get going. I’ve got chores to do at my ranch.”
“You have a ranch?” Ellie’s face had lost some of its excitement as she rose gracefully and walked with him toward Cade.
“It hardly deserves the term ranch, but I’m working on improving that,” Wyatt told her, then grinned. “In my spare time.”
Ellie smiled back before glancing at Cade. “He’ll probably wake soon.”
“Which is why I need to get home. He always wakes up hungry.” Wyatt gently scooped the sleeping boy into his arms, relishing the baby powder smell of his son and the warm weight of him against his chest. “Thank you, Ellie. I appreciate all your help.”
“You’re welcome. It was my pleasure.” She brushed one fingertip against Cade’s cheek. “Bye, sweetie. I hope I see you again soon. You, too,” she added, glancing at Wyatt.
He made a noncommittal response, feeling her gaze on him as he hurried to his truck. Funny how much he wanted to stay and enjoy her company. Ellie’s warm personality, quick laughter and generous nature chased away the gloom and cares that had weighed him down for so long. Talking to Tanner and then sharing coffee with Ellie had, for a little while, brought Wyatt back into the adult world, a place where he didn’t feel quite so incompetent.
As he drove home, Wyatt decided that today’s excursion proved that both he and Cade could benefit from more time among others. Right now he only had that on Sunday mornings when he took his son to church. But keeping an eighteen-month-old toddler amused and happy didn’t allow much opportunity for Wyatt to hear the sermon, let alone interact with adults later. But at least the Sunday morning outing gave them both a break from their routine.
Maybe Ellie was right. Maybe there was a way Wyatt could manage to get more work done. After all, Cade slept in the afternoons. It was unlikely he’d know if his daddy was there or not, but even if he did, wouldn’t Cade benefit from contact with more people? People like Ellie? Wyatt grinned. He had a hunch there wasn’t anyone else quite like Ellie.
Wyatt pulled into his yard and carried a wakening Cade into the house, mindful that he was thinking an awful lot about Ellie Grant. Just as well he’d refused to help her with that Thanksgiving thing at Wranglers.
He admired her plucky spirit and generous outlook. But no way could he allow admiration to turn into anything else. Wyatt would not allow a relationship to grow between them. He failed at relationships. Failed his father and failed Taryn.
What he could not do was fail Cade.
* * *
The following day, after she’d finished work at Wranglers, Ellie bundled Gracie in the car and drove to Wyatt’s ranch. All day she’d vacillated between compunction about invading his personal space when he’d made it clear he wanted nothing more to do with her and a silly female yen to hold Cade again.
Okay, and to see his good-looking father. It had been so nice to just talk to a male friend yesterday, one who wasn’t her boss. She hadn’t had that since Eddie had been part of her life.
“Hey, cut that out. Wyatt’s a nice guy, but he’s nothing to you,” she reminded herself.
“What did you say, Mommy?” Gracie poked her head out from the book she’d been trying to read. A book about daddies, of course.
“Oh, just talking to myself, honey.” Ellie gave herself a stern, though silent lecture about controlling her interest in the vet. Since the day they’d met Wyatt in the grocery store she’d repeatedly told her daughter that he could not be her father.
Well, neither can he be anyone special to you, Ellie Grant. But still, here you are driving onto his ranch on the faintest of pretexts...
“Is this where my new daddy lives?”
Her heart sinking, Ellie began, “Gracie, I’ve told you—”
“Look! Dogs, Mommy. Lots and lots of dogs.” If there was one thing Gracie wanted almost as badly as she wanted a daddy, it was a dog. She clapped her hands in delight as Ellie parked near the house and several animals swarmed around the car, yapping excitedly.
“Don’t open your door,” she cautioned her daughter. “They might not be friendly. Wait.”
When no one appeared, she tapped the horn. A moment later Wyatt poked his head around the corner of a dilapidated structure that might once have been a barn. He waved, disappeared for a moment, then began walking slowly toward them with Cade clinging to one hand, toddling along. As they came nearer, he gathered up the boy and shooed most of the dogs into a pen before shoving in a wooden stick to hold the loosened gate closed. But he left an adult German shepherd and a small puppy out. The shepherd went to lie down under a tree, but the puppy followed on Wyatt’s heels to Ellie’s car.
“Hey,” he said when she rolled down her window. A question feathered across his face, but all he said was, “Welcome.”
“Thanks.” Seeing Gracie already had the door open and was exiting the car, Ellie followed her. “I’m sure you’re busy, so I won’t hold you up.”
“No, it’s good you came. I didn’t realize the dogs had gotten out of the pen. That Irish setter is like a Houdini at escaping.” He shook his head ruefully. “It’s a good thing they’re wearing collars for the electric fence.”
“I think Gracie’s already in love with this little one.” Ellie smiled as a whirl of brown puppy raced circles around the little girl’s sneakers, to her delight.
“Puppies. Their energy makes me feel old.” Wyatt shook his head as the dog continued chasing his tail. “I was about to take a break. Want to join me for coffee?” He shifted Cade, who was sniffing and crying, to his other hip.
“Thank you. Oh, and I’m returning this.” She lifted Cade’s newly laundered blanket from the rear seat and held it out. “You left it behind yesterday.”
He took the blanket, then shot her a confused look. “He has more than one blanket, Ellie. You didn’t have to make a special trip. But thank you.”
“I thought it might be his special blankie. Gracie would bawl for hours whenever hers went missing.” Cade yelped and held out his arms to Ellie, jerking to be free of his father’s hold. “He remembers me,” she said with a chuckle, inordinately pleased. “May I take him?”
“Sure.” Wyatt handed over his son, then led the way into his adobe ranch house.
“I see he’s got a cold,” she said. “They’re the worst in little kids, aren’t they?”
“Nope. They’re the worst for adults. He was up most of last night with a fever.” Wyatt shook his head. “He can’t seem to settle much, poor little guy.” He touched Cade’s forehead. “Still cool.”
“That’s what we want. You have a lovely home.” Ellie glanced around, trying not to appear too nosey but surprised at how show-homey it was beginning to look, even though parts were under construction. “The light is spectacular in here.”
And everything is so perfectly planned, as if a professional designed this open concept layout.
“Thanks. One of the ladies from church asked to sit Cade last week. That’s when I installed those French doors. They make a big difference.”
Wyatt tossed his Stetson on a peg by the door, set the coffee brewer going, then glanced at Gracie who had flopped down on the floor and was cuddling the puppy she’d carried inside. “That’s Mr. Fudge.” He hunkered down beside her to scratch the dog’s ears. “He’s a chocolate lab.”
“I like chocolate lots,” Gracie told him. “But I really love dogs, ’specially baby dogs.” She bent her head so her face was snuggled against Mr. Fudge’s fur. “Mommy, can I have Mr. Fudge for my birthday?”
Ellie blushed as she remembered Gracie’s request for a certain birthday gift of a daddy. But as she sat with Cade perched on her knee, her attention was diverted when the boy grabbed her beaded necklace and began chattering to himself in an unknown language. It felt so good to hold him, as right as it had yesterday.
Ellie knew that somehow she would have to rid herself of the yearning to cuddle another baby just as she needed to shed her lifelong dream to cherish a big family. Because it wasn’t going to happen. So she tightened her grip on the little boy, determined to enjoy it while she could.
“Can I have this dog, Mommy?” Gracie pleaded. She lifted the squirming bundle in her arms and struggled to her feet, carrying the dog so Ellie could have a closer inspection. “See? Isn’t he sweet?”
“He’s very sweet, honey.” Ellie touched her fingertips to the dog’s ear, marveling at the silky skin. Aware of Wyatt’s scrutiny she shook her head. “But I’m sorry, we can’t get a dog. They don’t allow them in the city complex where we live.”
It was so hard to refuse her sweet daughter something as simple as a puppy. At Gracie’s age Ellie’s parents had given her a puppy of her own to cherish. If only...
Thankfully Wyatt intervened.
“I’m sorry, Gracie, but Mr. Fudge belongs to someone else. He’s just here for a visit.” He touched her bright head as he smiled. “His owners are coming to get him tomorrow morning.”
“Well, I’m gonna pray we have to move into a new house so I can get a dog just like Mr. Fudge,” Gracie announced. After shooting a stubborn look at Ellie she flopped down onto the floor and continued to play with the pup.
“Here, let me put Cade in his high chair.” Wyatt scooped the little boy who’d begun to fuss from her arms.
“Oh, but I can hold—” Ellie’s protest died with Wyatt’s laughter.
“Believe me, you don’t want to hold Cade when he’s eating a cookie.” He tied a bib around the boy and handed him a treat. “He makes a horrible mess.”
I wouldn’t mind. Ellie didn’t say that. Instead she smiled politely, accepted the cup of coffee and the chocolate cookies he offered.
“All the dogs—your clinic is here at the ranch?” she asked.
“Yes, but mostly I just board animals here and go out to the calls.” Wyatt shrugged. “I give shots here, if they’re due. It keeps my name out there for prospective clients.”
“So, out there, by the barn—” Ellie suddenly caught on. “You were working?”
“Trying to do a few much-needed repairs.” Wyatt took two cookies for himself and bit into one. “Today wasn’t optimum with Cade feeling off.”
“How can you work with him nearby?” she blurted, unable to stop the question.
“I made him a tree swing.” Wyatt chuckled when Cade dropped his cookie and began crowing with delight, arms swinging wildly. “Whoops, I said the word s-w-i-n-g. That’s one he knows, and he loves riding in it.” He held out another biscuit, and Cade soon forgot the topic. “I managed to get the hay changed and the stock fed during his sporadic rides. That’s pretty good considering how he’s feeling.”
“Can I play with Mr. Fudge outside?” Gracie asked.
“Sure.” Wyatt led her to the French doors, then glanced at Ellie. “The yard is fenced. Is it okay?”
“Yes, but don’t go outside the fence, Gracie.” She was thankful Wyatt didn’t open the door until Gracie promised, doubly grateful when he slid the screen across so she could see and hear her daughter.
“I could—” Ellie began, but his phone interrupted her offer.
“Excuse me.” Wyatt set down the washcloth he’d been wetting under the kitchen tap and answered the call. “No, that doesn’t sound good,” he agreed with a frown. He asked a few more questions, obviously about a sick animal, then said, “It could be contagious, but I can’t tell for sure without seeing him, and I’m afraid I can’t get away right now.”
Ellie waved her hand to catch his attention.
“Hang on a moment, will you, Mark?” He put his hand over the receiver, a question on his face. “Yes?”
“Why don’t you go do your job? I’ll stay with Cade. I had nothing special planned for this evening anyway,” she added, then thought how pathetic that sounded.
“I couldn’t ask you to do that, Ellie.” Wyatt shook his head.
“You’re not asking. I’m offering. And I’d really enjoy spending some more time with this little guy.” She dabbed Cade’s cheek, and he sneezed. Seeing Wyatt’s dubious look, she insisted. “Actually I was hoping you’d let us stay long enough to work on Gracie’s school project.”
“Oh?” he frowned.
“She’s got to collect some pinecones for art class. I noticed you have tons scattered along your driveway. We could collect them and take Cade for a walk.” She nodded when he just kept looking at her. “Go ahead. Take the call. It sounds serious.”
“It could be.” Wyatt had an obvious internal debate with himself, but it was equally obvious that he wanted to go. Finally, he nodded just once, then said into the phone, “Okay, Mark, I’m on my way.”
Ellie smiled as he hung up. “Now, where’s the stroller?”
“On the porch. You’re sure about this?” He paused in the act of reaching for his hat. “You’re not just trying to make me feel better or something?”
“Trust me, seeing your lovely ranch does not make me feel pity for you. Jealousy maybe. Look.” She pointed outside to her daughter, suddenly a little too aware of the handsome vet standing beside her. Gracie ran around the yard with the puppy following. “I haven’t heard her laugh like that for ages.”
“Glad I could help.” Wyatt slapped on his hat. “She must have her father’s eyes,” he said when the child looked up.
“No. Gracie has her mother’s eyes.” Ellie shook her head when he blinked in surprise. “I’ll explain later. Go.”
“I don’t know how long I’ll be.” His worried gaze rested on Cade.
“We’ll be here.” She smiled when he looked at her. “I’m a nurse, Wyatt. I can take care of him.”
“Of course. Thank you, Ellie,” he said. He kissed Cade’s head, then hurried out the door. A moment later his truck roared and he took off, a plume of red dust following.
“Mommy? Where did Cade’s daddy go?” Gracie frowned, the puppy forgotten for the moment.
“Wyatt is a doctor for animals. He went to help them. He’ll be back in a little while. Meanwhile, let’s put the puppy in the pen and go for a walk to find those pinecones you need for school.”
“Is Cade coming?” her daughter asked.
“Of course. Cade likes looking for pinecones,” Ellie said as she went to take the child out of his high chair.
“How do you know?” Gracie’s head tilted to one side, giving her the look of a curious bird. “Did his daddy tell you?”
“No. It’s just one of those things mommies know.”
As she picked up the baby and turned, her gaze fell on a huge portrait above the sofa. She walked over to study it.
Wyatt’s wedding picture. He looked young and very happy, his dark eyes shining. The woman beside him was petite, her black hair upswept in a chic style. Even in the photo her love was obvious as her gaze locked with her new husband’s. She wore a fancy, fluffy gown that looked very expensive. Taryn & Wyatt was engraved on a small silver plate along with a date.
Today’s date.
Ellie gulped. Why had she come here today of all days, on their wedding anniversary? She was an interloper. Cade began protesting, and she glanced down, suddenly aware that this child was hers, Taryn’s. She should be here comforting him, caring for him, sharing him with Wyatt.
“Come on, Gracie,” she called suddenly. “Walk time.”
Please, help me, Ellie prayed as she walked the children down the tree-covered lane, pausing here and there so Gracie could collect her cones. I get carried away sometimes by my dream, by wanting what I can’t have. Please, help me find a new dream, Your dream.
Just before the spot where the lane joined the highway, Ellie paused and turned, the ranch spread out before her. It was a home for a family, but it could never be her home or her family. That dream had died the day she’d told her fiancé she would never be separated from her young child.
On that day Ellie had also realized that the dream she’d carried in her heart since childhood, a dream to be a mom to the kind of loving family her parents had given her and her sister, Karen, was just that—a dream. Her parents were gone, Karen was gone. All that was left of the Grant family was Ellie and Gracie.
And that had to be enough.
Chapter Three (#u72a93ccc-2571-51d8-b038-7304b9edc7dd)
Gracie has her mother’s eyes.
With his animal patients well on the road to recovery, Wyatt’s mind was free to puzzle over Ellie’s words as he drove home. Wasn’t Ellie Gracie’s mother?
He pulled into his ranch, surprised by the warm glow he felt at seeing the house lights on as if to welcome him. He stood outside and paused a moment. In the twilight nothing looked amiss, as if this was a well-run hobby ranch instead of a work in progress. Still, Wyatt doubted his father would approve.
Inside the back door he inhaled the savory aroma of simmering beef. His stomach growled in response. Ellie walked toward him, a welcoming smile on her face.
“Hi. How’d things go?”
“Fine. The animal is recovering nicely.” He liked the way she’d bundled her silvery curls on the top of her head, leaving her pretty face and wide smile free for him to admire. “Everything okay here?”
“All quiet on the western front,” she said. “Cade zonked out a while ago.”
“I’ll just go check on him.” Wyatt washed first, then entered Cade’s room, smiling at the sight of his boy curled up and snoring. His heart squeezed almost painfully tight as he smoothed a hand against Cade’s dark head. “I love you, son,” he murmured. He drew the blanket tighter, his heart welling with thankfulness that God had entrusted this small being to him. “Sleep well.”
“I hope you don’t mind that I put Gracie on the bed in your spare room,” Ellie said when he returned to the kitchen. “I thought that way we wouldn’t disturb her, and you can eat in peace.”
“Very thoughtful, thanks. Speaking of eating... What is that tantalizing smell?”
“Oh, just some stew I made from that beef you had in the fridge.” She lifted a dish from the oven. “I hope that’s okay?”
“Yes, but—it’s very kind of you to go to all this trouble.” He licked his lips, slightly embarrassed when he realized Ellie was watching him. As her gaze held his he felt the intimacy in the room ramp up.
“I’m guessing you’re hungry.” Ellie’s wide smile brought a sparkle to her gray eyes like sunshine glinting off a granite rock.
“Starving.” He took out a plate and Ellie filled it with beef, potatoes and green beans.
“I made some biscuits, too.” She set them beside his plate.
“Biscuits?” He licked his lips. “I haven’t had those for ages.”
“Go ahead and eat. I’ll make some tea,” she said and immediately set the kettle to boil. “Do you cook?” She sat at the end of the breakfast bar, not far enough to break the friendly feeling but enough to give Wyatt some room.
“Oh, yes. My father was a firm believer that his kid should know how to fend for himself.” He scooped up some stew. No way was he going to spoil this meal by talking about his unhappy childhood. But Ellie had other ideas.
“Your mom didn’t mind you in her kitchen?” She rose as the kettle boiled.
“I never knew her.” He smeared butter on the feathery light biscuits and watched it melt before taking a bite. “These are fantastic. Everything is. Thank you.”
“I’m glad you’re enjoying it.” Ellie put the teapot and two cups on the counter. “Tanner told me your father was a well-known lawyer.”
Which meant they’d been talking about him. Wyatt didn’t like that, but he didn’t have time to dwell on it because Ellie was speaking again.
“You never had any desire to follow in his footsteps?”
“None. My first love has always been animals.” No point in elaborating or discussing the many reasons why he hoped he’d never become like his father.
“I saw how much you care for animals.”
Her comment shocked him. He stared at her, thinking that the flush of color on her cheeks suited her.
“I was walking Cade the other day when I saw you with that abused horse at Wranglers,” she mumbled, her head tilted down. After a moment she looked directly at him. “He was filthy and mangy, and yet you touched him so gently, as if he was the most precious animal. You’re a wonderful vet.”
“Well, I try,” he sputtered, a little surprised by the fervor of her words. Uncomfortable with her praise, he changed the subject. “Does that mean my son didn’t settle as easily as you claimed?”
“He was restless, needed some fresh air.” She shrugged. “He was fine.”
“I see. Well, thank you for that. And for babysitting tonight and for supper.”
“Oh.” A furrow formed on her wide forehead as she moved to the fridge and pulled out a bowl. “I almost forgot. Rice pudding?”
“My favorite.” Wyatt spooned some onto his almost clean plate, slightly unnerved by how intimate it suddenly seemed in the dim room with two sleeping children next door. How was he going to let her know he wasn’t interested in getting better acquainted? Although if he was honest with himself, he was curious about Ellie Grant.
He ate the pudding. “Delicious.”
“Good.” He saw her gaze swivel to focus on his wedding portrait. “Your wife was a very beautiful woman. Was she also a veterinarian?”
“Taryn?” Wyatt laughed as he scooped out a second helping of the pudding. “She was an interior designer. We were polar opposites. I’m country and she’s—she was,” he corrected automatically, “definitely city. The ranch was going to be our compromise. Only—” He bent his head.
“I’m so sorry for your loss, Wyatt.” Somehow the generous compassion in Ellie’s soft voice soothed his lingering hurt. “May I ask how she died?”
“A bunch of kids were joyriding and broadsided her car. The driver was underage and shouldn’t even have been behind the wheel.” As it always did, anger flared toward the teen. “He claimed it wasn’t his fault, but it was.” Wyatt stared at his hands, guilt welling inside. “It was also my fault.”
Irritated that he hadn’t yet found relief from the guilt of that awful day, Wyatt rose and loaded the dishwasher. He was fully aware that Ellie was watching every move with her all-seeing eyes, waiting. There was nothing else to do but explain. He poured two cups of tea and passed one to her.
“Taryn was out that night because of me. She should have been here, at home, with Cade. Instead she was running my errands.” He stopped to clear the rasp from his throat. “My son will spend every Christmas without his mother because I didn’t keep my promise.” He didn’t want to talk about the past anymore, so he turned the tables. “Why did you say Gracie has her mother’s eyes?”
“Because she does.” Ellie sipped her tea nonchalantly. She must have realized he didn’t understand, because she suddenly set the cup down and smiled. “Sorry. I forget sometimes that people don’t know our history. Biologically Gracie is my niece. My sister, Karen, was her mother. She died after Gracie was born and I adopted her a bit later.”
So Ellie, too, carried pain. Wyatt sat down on a stool to listen, curious about the arrangement.
“Karen was married to Kurt. She was four months pregnant when he was killed in an accident at work. Kurt was in construction. He was on the job site one day trying to secure everything in a windstorm when a structure collapsed and killed him.” Ellie sighed, her eyes tear-filled. “It was so hard for Karen to go on, but the pregnancy gave her courage. Then one day she phoned me in Chicago. She’d just found out she had brain cancer, and she’d decided to refuse all treatment in order to keep Gracie safe. I flew down to be with her. She died three months after Gracie’s birth.”
“Ellie, I’m so sorry.” Wyatt reached out to touch her hand where it lay on the counter.
“So am I.” Ellie glanced at his hand, then eased hers away. “Karen would have made an amazing mother. I’m just her stand-in. I promised her I’d do my best to be Gracie’s mom but—” She shook her head as tears rolled down her cheeks. “I think I’m failing.”
“How can you say that?” Uncomfortable with her tears but hearing the worry in her tone, he tried to reassure her. “Gracie’s a great kid. I think you’ve done amazingly well with her.”
“Then why isn’t it enough? Why does she keep searching for a father?” Ellie asked, her voice breaking. “I love her so much. I’ve tried to give her everything she needs, but I can’t give her a father!” She dashed away her tears, the gray irises darkening to slate. “There is no man in my life.”
“Because that’s the way it has to be.” Ellie’s cheeks bore dots of hot pink. “I was engaged, but that ended and I realized that God doesn’t want me to have a romantic relationship. He wants me to focus on being Gracie’s mom.”
“Maybe it was the breakup with your fiancé that triggered Gracie’s sudden interest in finding a daddy?” Wyatt privately thought her ex-fiancé must be an idiot to have let this woman go. “Maybe her hopes were dashed because she thought she was going to have a father like the other kids, and then she didn’t get him.”
“I don’t think that’s it,” Ellie said slowly. “Because looking back, I realize Gracie never called Eddie Daddy. She always called him by name. When I explained we weren’t getting married, she seemed okay with it. And she hasn’t seemed upset about it since then. She was very excited about starting school. That’s all she talked about.”
“Well, maybe Eddie gave Gracie a sense of, I don’t know, security? Maybe his male perspective is something she needs?” he said. “Is there someone else in your life who could take his place as a father figure?”
“But that’s what I’m saying. Eddie wasn’t a father figure in Gracie’s world,” Ellie protested.
“Maybe he was, and you didn’t realize it.” But even as he said it Wyatt found it hard to believe that Ellie could have missed something so important to her daughter. He’d seen just how caring and protective of Gracie she was. “Maybe there’s someone you could ask to act as a male role model for her?”
“No.” Ellie’s voice was firm and unhesitating. “Tanner and Pastor Jeff are the only influential males in her life right now, and their lives are full with their own kids.”
“Well, I’m no psychologist but...” Wyatt felt uncomfortable giving advice, but clearly Ellie wanted his opinion, and after all she’d done for him tonight, he could hardly throw up his hands and give up. “My guess is Gracie wants a closer bond with a man. Why? Maybe to show him off to her new school friends, maybe to have him take an interest in her that others haven’t, or maybe she wants someone special that she can confide in.”
“Why can’t she confide in me?” Ellie said with a belligerent glare. “I am her mother.”
“Did you tell your mother everything? Weren’t there some times when you wanted to share with someone else?” In his own life Wyatt had never shared his hopes and dreams with his father. He’d often wished he could, but knowing he’d be mocked had kept him silent.
“What does a little girl of five have to confide?” she asked.
“I have no clue.” Wyatt felt like he was digging his way out of a quagmire. “But maybe Gracie thinks you wouldn’t understand or that you’d try to dissuade her if she bared her heart. Or maybe she just needs perspective from another person.”
“Which means I’m not enough.” She looked so desolate that Wyatt hurried to reassure her.
“It doesn’t mean that at all. It just means that she’s growing up, expanding her world.” He was speaking off the cuff, praying he said the right thing, because he had no clue how little girls’ minds worked. “I don’t think this is about you, Ellie. It’s about her.”
“But what do I do? She prays every night for God to give her a daddy. And now that she’s met Cade, she’s added a brother to her Christmas list.” Ellie threw up her hands. “I can’t make her understand,” she wailed. “Sophie keeps telling me to pray about it and I am, but I’m not getting an answer and I need one because I don’t know what I’m supposed to do.”
“‘If any man lack wisdom, let him ask of God.’” Wyatt shrugged. “I read that this morning. I guess you have to keep on God’s case, asking Him to show you how to proceed.”
“I guess.” Ellie sighed. “Gracie’s going to be heartbroken when a daddy doesn’t appear at Christmas.”
“Maybe I could talk to her a little, sound her out on what’s behind her request.” Wait a minute! What was he doing? He didn’t want to get involved.
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea, Wyatt, though I thank you.” Ellie nibbled on her lower lip. “Gracie’s already fixated on you as the daddy of her dreams. Maybe you’d only make it worse, make her believe you really are moving into her life.”
“I’d make sure she understands that I’m her friend, but I can’t be her daddy.” Wyatt had a lot more to say on the subject, including a warning to Ellie not to get the wrong impression about his offer. But he couldn’t say it because the phone rang. “It’s after hours. Let the machine pick up,” he said when Ellie glanced from the phone to him.
“Wyatt, this is Jim Harder at the Triple T. I’ve been trying to reach you for days. You promised you’d do those inoculations this week, and I’m still waiting. I can’t run a ranch like this. Call me tonight with a time to get it done in the next two days, or I’m looking for somebody else. I’d rather have you, but your hours are too erratic. I need a vet who gets here.”
In the dead quiet of the room Wyatt stared at the answering machine, ashamed that Ellie had heard but frustrated because he knew he was about to lose his most understanding client. Cade was sick. How could Wyatt have left him with some nanny and walked away? But he also needed the work the Triple T offered. They had the biggest herd around. The income from that call alone could pay off some of Wyatt’s bills.
“What are you going to do?” Ellie whispered.
“I don’t know.” He raked a hand through his hair, trying to come up with a plan. “I guess I could do the inoculations in bunches. It would take me a few days, but I could do it. But Cade’s sick with this cold—” He shook his head. “I just don’t know.”
She studied him for several moments, saying nothing, dealing with her own private thoughts.
“We both need to pray for wisdom, I guess,” she sighed after a few moments had passed. “Right now I have to get Gracie home. Thanks for letting me cry on your shoulder, Wyatt.”
“I thought it was the other way around.” He followed her into the bedroom, watching as she lifted a sleeping Gracie into her arms.
“She’s too heavy for you,” he said. “Let me take her.” He didn’t wait for Ellie’s permission but instead scooped Gracie from her arms into his, smiling when the child’s eyes fluttered open.
“Hi, Daddy,” she murmured, then fell back asleep.
Wyatt met Ellie’s gaze without saying anything. He followed Ellie out to her car and set Gracie in her car seat, then drew back so Ellie could fasten the seat belt, his mind working furiously.
“Listen,” he blurted when she emerged from the car and had closed the door. “I have an idea. What if I spend some time with Gracie, just to clear up this daddy notion of hers?”
“In exchange for what?” Ellie’s eyes searched his face.
“For you watching Cade for a few hours.”
The look on her face told him she was about to reject his idea, so he rushed on. “I’ll arrange for a nanny to come every morning as you suggested and handle office calls then. But I have to spend time working my ranch. If you could watch Cade for a couple of hours in the evening, I could get a lot done. Then maybe I’d be able to see more clients here.”
“But the evenings, before bedtime, those are special daddy moments you shouldn’t miss with Cade,” she protested.
“Something has to give, Ellie.” He hated admitting that. “I have to work and keep up our home.”
“I know.” She glanced down at Gracie, then back to him. Her lips tightened as if she wrestled with a decision, then she nodded. “What if I come over after I finish work at Wranglers Ranch? Gracie’s finished school by then. We could stay with Cade, maybe make dinner, and then you’d be free to bathe him and put him to bed. Would that work?”
“It would.” Wyatt slowly nodded while every brain cell in his head screamed a warning.
“I have just one condition,” Ellie added, her voice deadly serious.
“Name it.” Then he’d tell her his condition.
“You have to agree that this is simply an arrangement between friends and nothing more. I’m not looking for a father for Gracie or a relationship for myself. I need you to be clear on that, Wyatt. Strictly friends.”
“Agreed,” he said with a nod, relief swelling. “I don’t want any romantic entanglements either. I want help with Cade, and I promise to do my best to help Gracie.” He grinned at her and thrust out his hand. “Deal, friend?”
Ellie took her time but finally she shook hands with him. “Deal, friend.”
Wyatt stood there, in the dimness of twilight, holding her soft hand, staring into her lovely face, and wondered if he was making a mistake.
“I have to go.” Ellie pulled her hand free and got into her car. She started it, then rolled down the window. “Beginning tomorrow?”
“Sounds good. We’ll be here.” He waved as she drove away until the twinkle of her red taillights had disappeared. Then he walked inside his house and checked on Cade.
Satisfied his son was sleeping peacefully Wyatt returned to the living room and let his gaze rest on his wedding photo. The same old lump of bitterness toward the youth who had caused Taryn’s death burned inside his gut. If not for that kid his wife would be here and Wyatt’s world would be fine.
Only it wasn’t fine because he’d kept breaking his promises.
“That’s not going to happen again,” he told her, his shoulders going back. “I’m focusing on Cade first. Everything else comes second. I promi—”
Wyatt stopped himself from saying it. No more promises. Turning away he lifted a sleeping Mr. Fudge from his recliner and, after a quick trip outside, locked him in the laundry room to stay safe overnight.
As he walked past the kitchen to his office to work on his accounts, Wyatt caught a whiff of Ellie’s spicy fragrance. He sat down at his desk thinking of her. She was a focused, determined woman, and she cared deeply for her daughter. She would be an amazing caregiver for Cade, and Wyatt was certain she had no designs on him.
But what was he going to do about Gracie and her “daddy” quest?
Chapter Four (#u72a93ccc-2571-51d8-b038-7304b9edc7dd)
Wyatt’s ranch was gorgeous.
While Gracie played with Cade in the sandbox, Ellie gazed at the ever changing horizon, mesmerized by the rosy hues of the November sunset above the craggy mountain peaks. For three evenings she’d watched this view and it was never the same.
Immersed in the display, she jumped when Wyatt asked, “Looking for something?”
“If I was, I found it. You have the most glorious sunset view I’ve ever seen.” She tried to ignore the flutter of nerves his presence always brought.
“I do have that.” He stood beside her, watching as the golden sun sank from view. “God’s handiwork is pretty amazing.”
“It is,” she agreed, then snapped out of her daydream. “Are you finished already?” She checked her watch, surprised to find she’d been out here more than half an hour.
“I doubt I’ll ever be finished on this place,” Wyatt admitted in a dry tone. “But I’m finished for tonight.” He lifted one shoulder and winced.
“Are you overdoing it?” Ellie asked as she shepherded the kids inside.
“No. I’ve just grown weak and out of shape since Cade came along.” He grinned as he swung the boy in his arms and carried him inside to the bathroom. “Cleanup time. You, too, Gracie,” he called over one shoulder.
“I’m coming.” Gracie obediently trotted along behind him.
“And don’t cheap out on the soap either,” Wyatt warned. “I’m going to smell your hands when you’re finished, and I only want to smell soap.”
“Did your mommy used to smell your hands?”
Uh-oh. In the kitchen, Ellie froze at her daughter’s question and the sudden silence that ensued.
“Supper’s ready,” she called, hoping to end Gracie’s inquisitiveness and relieve Wyatt from the necessity of answering. To her surprise the three emerged with big grins. “What happened?” she asked in confusion.
“Cade splashed water all over the floor. We nearly floated away,” Wyatt said as he set his son in his high chair. “And, no, Gracie. My mom didn’t tell me that. Actually I didn’t have a mom while I was growing up.”
While Ellie set the serving dishes on the table she tried to decipher Wyatt’s tone. She saw no distress on his handsome face.

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