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The Rancher's Secret Son
Sara Orwig
His lover’s little secret will change this rancher’s life. Only from USA TODAY bestselling author Sara Orwig!Wealthy rancher Nick Milan’s future was all planned: He’d marry the woman he adored and have a dazzling political career. Instead, their affair ended in bitter breakup. So he isn’t prepared for the surge of desire when he sees Claire Prentiss again. Then he learns her shocking secret.Losing Nick once was hard enough but now Claire’s faced with telling him about his son. The scandal could destroy everything he’s worked for. But their child needs his father. Could a happy ending still be theirs?

The moment his mouth touched hers, Claire felt the sparks she always had.
Nick’s arm tightened around her waist and his mouth pressed more firmly, opening hers as he really kissed her, a deep, sexy kiss that stopped her worrying and shut off memories of their past and the big problem she faced.
With her heart pounding, she clung to Nick and kissed him in return, knowing it was folly, but unable to stop. She was swept back in time, into memories of Nick’s steamy, passionate kisses that had stolen her heart so quickly—something she couldn’t let happen again.
When they moved apart, he was breathing as hard as she. His kiss had shaken her, igniting desire that burned through worry, but as she faced him again, his blue eyes filled with curiosity. Nick was an intelligent man and he had already picked up on something.
How would she tell him about his son?
* * *
The Rancher’s Secret Son is part of the Lone Star Legends series by USA TODAY bestselling author Sara Orwig!
The Rancher’s Secret Son
Sara Orwig

www.millsandboon.co.uk (http://www.millsandboon.co.uk)
SARA ORWIG lives in Oklahoma. She has a patient husband who will take her on research trips anywhere, from big cities to old forts. She is an avid collector of Western history books. With a master’s degree in English, Sara has written historical romance, mainstream fiction and contemporary romance. Books are beloved treasures that take Sara to magical worlds, and she loves both reading and writing them.
With many thanks to Stacy Boyd, who made this book possible.
Also thank you to Maureen Walters, and with love to my family.
Cover (#u7fd7630c-af38-5bd1-ad71-6a1ef621ca8c)
Introduction (#u0131cd5a-78cd-5af5-8d26-efd9ae53d09e)
Title Page (#u66b4c4c5-ea0c-5d93-8004-08b6471b3e65)
About the Author (#u39e049fb-58b2-5911-afa6-61489b82f6ee)
Dedication (#u5264b90d-a800-51f6-bacf-1f449785cb53)
One (#ulink_8ba9a3fe-7ac6-50e6-afa8-f90821432bad)
Two (#ulink_c5676af8-85d1-5132-bd67-d2a274c1b382)
Three (#ulink_8ca58652-af6a-59c2-a723-bd6e37675160)
Four (#litres_trial_promo)
Five (#litres_trial_promo)
Six (#litres_trial_promo)
Seven (#litres_trial_promo)
Eight (#litres_trial_promo)
Nine (#litres_trial_promo)
Ten (#litres_trial_promo)
Eleven (#litres_trial_promo)
Twelve (#litres_trial_promo)
Extract (#litres_trial_promo)
Copyright (#litres_trial_promo)
One (#ulink_6575a614-5899-57ad-8b7c-447290a4e0c3)
Nick Milan looked at the small white business card attached to the contract on his desk, and a shock ran through him. Just like last night, when he’d first seen it, he was shaken clear to his core.
“Claire Prentiss.”
Just saying the name brought a shadowy image to his mind. An image of a willowy, black-haired, brown-eyed beauty writhing in his arms. The mental picture tortured him, and he pushed the card to the back of his desk. It was almost time to meet his client for what should have been a routine real estate closing. With Claire as the broker, however, it would be far from routine.
The depth of his reaction to the prospect of seeing her again shocked him. It had been four years since he’d held her, four years since he’d been in love with her. Four years since she had rejected his marriage proposal and they’d gone their separate ways. For a long time after the bitter fight that had led to their breakup he’d been hurt and angry with Claire. But that was over. So, why was he still affected by the mere sight of her name?
Claire Prentiss was part of his past now, he tried telling himself. Out of his life for years. She was probably married with kids, helping her grandfather run his real estate agency and still using her maiden name because of business.
Judging by the way his hand shook as he turned his wrist to check his watch, he needed more convincing.
Nick picked up the contract and placed it in his briefcase, snapping it shut the way he wished he could shut out the painful memories of Claire. He had to now. He had work to do.
As he drove to his appointment, he forced himself to focus on the closing, which he wished now he had never agreed to do. But it was for a friend. Paul Smith had called late yesterday afternoon, suddenly deciding he needed his attorney present. Nick had agreed, not knowing Claire would be involved. Why would he? She was a Houston broker. What was she doing closing a deal in Dallas? His friend had sent the contract to Nick’s office immediately after the call, but Nick had been too busy to read it until evening which is why he’d taken it home with him. If it hadn’t been close to midnight and way too late for his friend to get another attorney, he would have backed out there and then.
He’d spent a sleepless night dreading this meeting and being tormented by memories that would best be forgotten.
In minutes he parked the car and stepped out into a chilly, brisk December wind that whipped through the tall buildings in downtown Dallas. Entering the lobby of one of the office towers, he met up with Paul and shook hands, swallowing the words he longed to say: Get another lawyer to represent you. Instead, together they rode the elevator to a commercial real estate office on the twenty-seventh floor.
As they entered through the double glass doors, Bruce Jernigan, the agent who represented the buyer, came forward to meet them.
“If you gentlemen will come this way, we’ll get started. As you know, the seller was hospitalized and could not appear, so she has legal representation in her real estate broker.” He led them down a long corridor to the conference room, where he opened a door onto a room with dark wood paneling.
Nick’s gaze went to Claire instantly. Standing beside the table, she gripped it as her eyes widened and all color left her face. He realized she hadn’t known he would attend the meeting until this moment. While he wasn’t as shocked as Claire appeared to be, his insides clutched. He felt as if the breath had been punched from his lungs. As he approached and extended his hand, he couldn’t drag his eyes from her. At twenty-four she had been beautiful. Now she was breathtaking.
Regaining her poise, she pulled down the jacket of her tailored navy business suit, then shook his hand. “So, we meet again.” Her voice hid the tremble he felt in her fingers before she pulled away. “It’s nice to see you again, Nick. Mr. Jernigan had just started to tell me that the buyer was bringing an attorney. I had no idea it would be you.”
The moment their hands touched, he’d felt an electric current, another reaction that surprised him. Since losing Karen and their unborn baby two years ago, he had been numb around women, his heart shut away, even his physical urges flatlined. Until now. Seeing Claire elicited emotional and physical responses that shook him. He wanted neither of those reactions.
As he moved to a chair beside his client, his gaze roamed over Claire. Tall, with dark brown eyes and raven locks that fell to her shoulders, Claire looked more sophisticated than when he had known her years ago. He didn’t have to look at the label to know she wore a designer suit. When her jacket swung open as she sat, her waist looked as tiny as he remembered.
“Let’s get down to business.” Mr. Jernigan’s voice cut into his thoughts.
For the next half hour it was an effort to concentrate on business and not study Claire or let his thoughts drift to the past. He was grateful for a short break while they waited for copies to be made of various documents. He stepped out of the room to check with his office and take calls, then returned, walking to the table where Claire again stood.
When she reached for a glass, he picked up the water pitcher. She glanced up at him and he felt another electrifying tingle as her gaze met his. Smiling at her, he steadied her hand and poured her water, aware of his fingers over her warm, slender hand.
“Thank you,” she said.
“So, you’re still working at your grandfather’s agency,” Nick said, recalling how dedicated she had been to her family and assuming she still was. “Is he as active?”
She shook her head. “No, Grandpa’s had a heart attack and another little stroke. He had been grooming me to take over the agency for a long time, and I did so a couple of years ago.”
“It was a good thing you’re loyal and stuck with your family. How’s the business going?”
“Fine,” she said, smiling slightly. “I’m happy that the business has grown and we have a lot of good listings. I suppose your parents, especially your dad, are pleased with your legal and political career.”
“Yes, they are. Especially my dad. So you know I’m in the Texas legislature?”
“Yes. You do make the papers now and then,” she said, her cheeks getting slightly more rosy. Was she embarrassed for him to discover she had kept up with his career? He was pleased she had, even though he had always tried to push thoughts of her aside and to avoid knowing much about her.
“You look great,” he said, smiling at her, and she smiled in return, a cool smile, yet it sent another wave of longing crashing over him.
“Thank you. I’m sure you enjoy being a Texas State Representative. I know the Texas legislature isn’t in session until January, so do you live here in Dallas when you’re not in Austin?”
“Yes.” He glanced over her head to see everyone returning to the table and he knew soon they would be through and she would be gone.
He didn’t know what prompted the feeling, but he didn’t want to part. As he glanced back at her, her thickly lashed eyes were gazing at him, making his pulse quicken. Impulsively, he said, “Come to dinner with me tonight and we can catch up.”
Her eyes widened. “Do you think that will be of concern to your wife?”
He felt as if he had suffered a blow to his solar plexus. Drawing in a tight breath, he said, “I didn’t realize that you didn’t know... I’m widowed. My wife was killed in a car wreck two years ago. She was pregnant.”
All color drained from Claire’s face as her eyes opened wider, looking enormous and panic-stricken, a reaction that shocked him. A visible tremor ran through her and she put a hand on the table to steady herself. He reached out to grab her arm. Odd, he thought. Why would she have such a profound reaction to the news that he was a widower?
“Are you all right?”
Instantly her face flushed and she appeared to pull herself together. She withdrew her arm from his grasp and stood up straight. “Yes. Sorry, it’s just...personal. I—” She seemed to think better of what she was about to say and changed her course, giving him a pat response. “I’m sorry for your loss.”
He became aware that everyone was getting seated around the table and their time together was over. “Come to dinner with me. It’ll be an early evening.”
She stared at him so long he wondered whether she heard him, but then she nodded. “Yes. I’ll give you my cell phone number after the meeting. We better sit now, because the others are waiting.”
While she moved away from him, he saw the color slowly return to her face. He sat down, stacking papers in front of him, but nothing could keep him from wondering about her strong reaction.
What had happened in her life? Had she been in love with someone who was also killed? He couldn’t guess why he had gotten such a startling response from her to the news that he had lost Karen and his unborn baby. Tonight he would probably hear why, over dinner.
An hour later, the closing was finalized. As everyone milled around and talked, Nick circled the table to Claire.
She held out a piece of paper. “Here’s my cell phone number and the hotel where I’m staying.”
“How’s seven?”
“That’s fine, Nick,” she said. “I—”
His cell phone buzzed and he held up his index finger to get her to wait a second. He needed to take the call. In two minutes, when he turned back around, Claire was gone.
Nick finished up with his client, then he returned to the office and was inundated with calls. It was after five before he had a chance to think about the evening and Claire. Now he wondered why he had asked her to dinner in the first place. Their parting four years ago had been so painful, so final. Why was he putting himself in a position to relive those agonizing moments? It still hurt to think back to that time in his life. He’d been so driven to succeed in his career and in politics—was even more so now—and he’d needed a wife who, above all else, supported him in those goals, even if it meant leaving behind her own family obligations. Claire had been deeply involved in her family and their lives had been her priority—and apparently they still were, seeing as how she had taken over the agency from her grandfather.
Nothing had changed.
Tonight he’d make their dinner short. A brief catch-up and then goodbye. It was all he could handle.
* * *
Claire ordered flowers for her client and had a congratulatory note attached. It wasn’t until she was back in her hotel room and had texted her client that she had a moment to think about the events of the day and her upcoming dinner date.
Instantly, she thought about Nick’s news that he was a widower. She could hear his voice. “I didn’t realize that you didn’t know... I’m widowed. My wife was killed in a car wreck two years ago. She was pregnant.”
Nick’s wife and unborn baby had been killed. When he announced that, Claire’s head had spun and for a moment she’d thought she was going to faint. She wished with her whole heart she had never come to Dallas. Claire ran her hand across her eyes and sighed. She had never dreamed she would encounter Nick.
Why had she agreed to go to dinner with him? Tears stung her eyes. She didn’t want to get involved with him again—yet she had no choice. She still hurt over the breakup with him four years ago. Nick hadn’t understood her family obligations then. He had simply wanted her to leave them behind to devote her life to him. She’d had to walk away and she didn’t want to draw him back into her life now, when she faced life-changing problems far worse than she’d faced before.
She picked up her purse and took out her wallet.
Her heart twisted as she looked at the picture of her son. Nick’s son. The child Nick knew nothing about. She looked into the same blue eyes beneath the same dark brown hair as Nick’s. She had once loved his father with her whole heart, until their breakup had torn her to pieces. After their breakup she had learned she was carrying Nick’s baby.
She hadn’t told him right away because she’d needed time to make decisions. Their last time together had been painful, filled with terrible accusations that couldn’t be taken back. The memories echoed in her mind even now. He had proposed and she had asked him how they would ever work out being married when she had to take care of her ailing mother and help her grandfather with his business in Houston. Nick had expected her to move to Washington, DC, to be the society wife he had dreamed about—something she could never be.
Nick had accused her of being so wrapped up in her family she couldn’t love anyone else. But it wasn’t like that at all. Her mother had been diagnosed with Parkinson’s and her grandfather had suffered a mild stroke. They needed her the same way Nick needed his father’s approval.
She could almost hear herself say those words to him. She accused him of going into law only because of a family tradition. All Milan males had become lawyers. Yet he couldn’t see that he was more tied to his family than she was to hers.
Her last night with Nick had been bitter and hurtful, each of them flinging accusations until he had stormed out, slamming the door, and she had let him go, knowing it was over forever between them. Brokenhearted, she had cried most of that night and for days afterward. The memories still hurt and she didn’t want to ever go through that pain again.
After their breakup Nick didn’t try to call and she didn’t want to talk to him. Then she discovered she was pregnant. Hurting, still angry with him, she’d planned to tell him about her pregnancy, but it was easier to keep quiet and avoid another confrontation. Nick would only push harder for marriage. He’d have to, as an out-of-wedlock baby would hurt his political future.
While she was thinking about how to tell him she was pregnant and what she would do about it in the future, time slipped past. From a friend she heard that Nick had gotten engaged. Shocked and angry with him, she was hurt badly that he had rushed into marriage with someone else so soon after breaking up with her. She’d decided to keep quiet about his child. He would marry and have his own family, and he didn’t need to know about the baby she carried. Nick had made his choice, so she would go on with her life just as he had gone on with his.
Until now. Now he had lost his wife and their unborn child. For the first time since she had learned of her pregnancy she felt compelled to tell Nick about his son. In spite of the angry words, hurt feelings, the bitterness and heartbreak between them when they parted, she had to let him know he had a child. How they would work out sharing a son, she didn’t know. But she knew it wasn’t right to keep his son a secret when Nick had already lost one child.
Standing, she retrieved her phone and called home, wanting desperately to talk to Cody. Her grandmother answered and Claire felt like a child again, wanting to blurt out her problem and have her support and her wisdom. But she was grown now and she tried to shelter her grandmother from worries instead of taking them home to her. Grandma would have to know about this soon enough, but she didn’t have to hear about it while Claire was halfway across the state of Texas.
She asked to talk to Cody. Just hearing his voice, she wished she could reach through the phone and hug him.
She talked to him about bugs and his fish tank—his two favorite topics. Then she talked briefly to Irene, his nanny, who was there two days a week and whenever Claire left town. She talked again to her grandmother, for almost an hour before she finally told them goodbye. When she ended the call, she burst into tears. The reality of her situation was too much to bear. Nick was so close to his dad, so tied into his own family, that she was certain he would want his son in his life. She would have to share Cody with Nick. But how?
For a long time she had tried to avoid thinking about Nick, but seeing him today, realizing she would have to bring him into her life and her family’s lives, she could not keep him out of her thoughts. Staring into space, memories overwhelmed her.
A fellow Texan, Nick was in DC when she met him. She had graduated from college with a business degree and gone to work with her grandfather in his real estate business where she had worked part-time for years. When he sent her to Washington to a sales workshop, she had accepted a friend’s invitation to a cocktail party. She remembered holding a martini that she hadn’t even sipped when she looked across the room into the blue eyes of a tall, brown-haired man who gazed back. That first moment had been sizzling, a look that caught and held her attention. As she gazed at him, he raised his glass as if in a toast and she couldn’t keep from smiling and raising hers in return.
She had turned back to her new friend from Dallas. “See the brown-haired guy across the room? Do you know who he is?”
“Oh, yes. That’s Nick Milan, a lawyer with a prestigious firm here. Rumor has it he’ll be entering Texas politics someday. The Milans are a prominent old Texas family. Very wealthy.” She sucked in a breath and grabbed her drink. “He’s coming this way. I don’t think it’s to talk to me. I’ll see you in a little while.”
“Don’t go. I don’t even know him.”
“You’re going to,” her friend replied, and moved away only seconds before Nick stepped in front of her.
Claire’s heartbeat had sped up as she looked into the bluest eyes she’d ever seen.
“I think it’s time we make our escape from this party. I’m Nick Milan, single and a lawyer. I live in Georgetown and I want to have dinner with you. And you are...?”
“Claire Prentiss. You use the fewest words and get to the point faster than any lawyer I have ever met,” she said. “You don’t even know if I have a husband here tonight.”
“You don’t have a wedding ring on your finger. I looked when I got close. If you had, I would have gone in another direction. May I take you to dinner?”
“That’s nice, thank you, but you’re a stranger. I usually know the people I go out with.”
“You should be cautious, but this is an exception. First, I assure you I’m perfectly safe. Second, you can’t deny we have chemistry between us. So go out with me.”
She smiled. “Not too bashful, are you?”
He shrugged. “I know what I want.” He set his drink down on a high-top table and speared her with his undivided attention. “If you need more information, I can tell you this. I’m from Dallas, where my dad’s a judge, but I work in DC for Abrams, Wiesman and Wooten. Excellent client list, I might add.” He nodded to where her friend had gone. “I saw you talking to Jen West. She’s met me and knows who I am. She can vouch for my character. Or we can go find Lydia and she’ll tell you more about me. Then we can tell her goodbye.”
His fingers closed lightly on her arm and Claire walked with him to their slender, auburn-haired hostess, who turned to smile at them. “I see you two have met.”
“Just met, Lydia,” Nick said. “I need a character reference so I can talk Claire into going to dinner with me.” He flashed Claire a smile that sent another sizzle through her.
“Now, do I want to give you that character reference or not?” Lydia teased.
“I think you just did,” Claire replied. She turned to Nick. “I accept your offer. You can tell me all about yourself over dinner.”
“Oh, my,” Lydia said. “Now he won’t stop talking until midnight.”
“I promise, I will,” he said to Claire, causing her to laugh again. “Lydia, we have to run. The party was delightful. Thank you so much for inviting me.”
Claire also thanked Lydia and in seconds she was in a cab with Nick. She barely saw the elegant private club where he took her to dinner and she tasted only bites of a delicious, perfectly cooked sirloin. It was Nick who captivated her.
Tall, incredibly handsome and charismatic, he charmed her. She learned about his family, which had settled in Texas in the 1800s, mutual friends they had, Nick’s political ambitions. She fell in love with Nick Milan that night.
When he asked her to come back to his place for a drink before he took her to her hotel, she agreed. The minute she walked through the entryway into the spacious living area in the suite on the thirty-third floor, she forgot the view and turned as Nick drew her into his embrace.
“This has been the perfect evening,” he said. “I knew when I looked across the room and saw you that I wanted to get to know you and wanted to go out with you tonight,” he said, his gaze going to her mouth.
She had stood on tiptoe, slipping her arms around his shoulders as he leaned down to kiss her. The moment his mouth touched hers, she was in flames. The chemistry between them had sparked and heated her all evening, but when he kissed her, desire consumed her.
They had made love that night and Nick had talked her into staying two extra days over the weekend.
He had finally called a cab to take her to the airport and, while they waited, he said he would fly to Houston the following weekend and meet her family. On weekends, over the next few months after their meeting in March, Nick had flown to Houston or she flew to DC. In June, on a weekend in Houston, Nick proposed marriage.
It had been a dream come true. She still remembered that night as if it had happened yesterday, not four years ago.
Attempting to shake off the mental picture of that night, Claire stood and walked to the window to gaze at the Dallas skyline. But she saw none of it because she was lost in memories. No matter how many times she thought of Nick’s proposal, she always returned to the same answer—she could not leave her family.
When she had rejected his proposal, their fight had been bitter, deep and long-lasting. Nick had flown back to DC that night and they’d had no contact since. Nick had truly broken her heart, but if she had it to do over again she still wouldn’t change her answer to him. She had done the only thing she could.
Whatever happened when she let him know about his son, she knew one thing: she’d never fall in love with him again because she never wanted to repeat that pain. And there was so much more to work out now between them, because Nick’s political life was on a fast track, while she had her grandfather’s business to run and still had her grandparents with her. Plus, the biggest issue of all, now they had a son and had to work out sharing him.
She caught her reflection in the window and saw the concern etched across her face and darkening her eyes. She turned away from the window. What she’d like to do right now was cancel their dinner date and fly home and never see Nick again, because whatever she did tonight, if she told him about his son, she would be hurt.
Nick’s November wedding had been months before Cody’s birth the following February. Claire had decided he would have his wife and someday, their children, so there was no need to even let him know about Cody.
Tonight, though, she had to tell him. Would he understand why she hadn’t let him know? Nick was a successful, billionaire attorney from a family who had influential friends all over Texas. Would he want this son in his life after losing the baby he had expected?
He had been friendly today, but not the sexy guy who had flirted outrageously when he’d first met her and made it clear that he wanted to be with her. She felt he had asked her to dinner tonight on an impulse. Truthfully, if he hadn’t been widowed, she would have turned him down. She’d had every intention of refusing his offer until she learned about the death of his wife and his unborn baby.
Glancing in the mirror of her dresser, she studied her business suit. Except for casual slacks and a cotton shirt for travel, this suit was all she had brought to wear and she had worn it all afternoon with Nick. Shedding the jacket, she picked up her purse and went downstairs. The hotel, she remembered, was close to an elegant boutique and she hurried, wanting to find a dress for tonight. If she had to tell Nick about Cody, she wanted to look her best when she did so.
At ten to seven, when she was finally ready, she stood in front of the same mirror to take one last look at herself.
She wore a pearl necklace given to her by her grandfather and a delicate pearl bracelet she had bought herself. She turned slightly to look at her image, smoothing the flawless deep-blue long-sleeved dress with a plunging V neckline. Would Nick even notice her new dress? The Nick she had once known would, but she no longer knew this man.
There was only one way to find out, she told herself. She picked up her flat bag with her phone that held pictures of Cody, locked the door and left her hotel room.
As she rode down in an empty elevator, she couldn’t shake the feeling of calamity. She couldn’t get rid of her fear about Nick’s reaction to the news she was about to tell him. Sure, she was afraid he’d be furious with her for keeping the secret. But far greater was her concern that Nick would want Cody in his life. He was a family man, close to his own father, so she was certain he and his parents would want to bring Cody into their family. The big question was, how much?
When she stepped off the elevator and gazed around the elegant lobby with its marble floor and potted palms, she spotted Nick instantly. In his charcoal suit and matching tie, he was definitely the most handsome man there. Crossing the expanse, he approached her.
Her heartbeat quickened, an unwanted reaction she couldn’t shake. She had a feeling she was in for another terrible fight with Nick and she didn’t want to find him appealing at the same time. She wasn’t going to let him hurt her again.
Trying to ignore the heat that enveloped her, she smiled at him and gripped her purse even more tightly. She had to get through this evening—without tears, without anger...and without desire. She took a deep breath and faced him. She had to. For Cody.
Two (#ulink_f71f59a4-7483-515f-9449-d97ef90ec026)
As Nick watched Claire step off the elevator, desire surged in him. His gaze raked over her, taking in the low-cut blue dress that hugged her slender figure, revealed enticing curves, and ended high enough to display her long, shapely legs. Willowy and tall at five foot ten, she’d always worn clothes well. But there was something about her now...she was downright stunning.
He walked up to her. “Hi. You look great.”
“Thank you.” She nodded at him, then angled her head toward a corridor off the lobby. “The hotel has a great restaurant. We can eat here and it will be easier.”
He smiled at her. “Taking you out to dinner is not a difficult task. C’mon,” he said, ushering her toward the door. He’d already called the valet desk and had his car brought around to the front. As they crossed the lobby, he made small talk. “How’s your family?”
“Mother passed away a little over a year ago and my grandfather is in assisted living now. I hope he’ll be able to return home before this year is over.”
“I’m sorry to hear that. I guess your grandmother is in good health?”
“Yes, but she’s older now and not quite the same. What about you? Do you enjoy being a State Representative?”
“Very much. Sometimes it’s frustrating and occasionally it’s disillusioning, but overall, I like politics and plan to run for a US Senate seat in the next election that will be four years from now.”
“You’re ambitious, but I knew that before. I’m sure you’d make a good senator, Nick.”
“Thanks,” he said, aware of her walking close beside him, catching a faint whiff of an exotic perfume he didn’t recognize, but liked. He remembered how silky her hair had felt. In spite of their fiery split, he had never been able to forget her, yet there was no point in trying to see her after tonight. They would have the same difficulties, only now much more so, and he wasn’t going to get hurt by her again.
When they exited the hotel, the valet opened the car door for her and she slid inside with a flash of her long legs that the valet admired as much as Nick did. He walked around to the driver’s side, tipped the valet and thanked him for holding the door.
They drove out of the hotel’s circular drive and in seconds were on the freeway. The winter sun had already set behind the tall buildings and the darkness was the perfect backdrop for the bright Christmas lights that gave a festive feeling to the night.
“Where are we going?” she asked, her question breaking the silence that had descended in the car.
“I’m taking you to a private club I belong to. It’s quiet enough to talk and they have dancing on certain nights, more often now that it’s December and there are more Christmas parties,” Nick said. “We can dance a few times, if I haven’t forgotten how. I don’t go out except with family or for business.”
Her eyes widened as she turned to look at him. “That surprises you,” he said.
“Yes. Somehow I pegged you for the type to sort of bounce back, if one ever can from that deep a loss.”
“I guess I’m not,” he replied abruptly. He didn’t want to talk about that loss. His late wife and the child he’d never known were subjects best left for another time. If they had another time. Changing topics, he said, “The deal went smoothly today. Do you do much business in Dallas?”
“Very little,” she replied. “We did this as a favor to a long-time client who suddenly went into the hospital and couldn’t possibly come.”
“Are you running the agency?”
“Yes, I am. They’re giving Grandpa physical therapy and he hopes to regain his strength, but he can’t ever be in charge again. Still, he can come to the office and be part of it, and that expectation keeps him going. One nice thing that made him happy—the agency has grown since I took over.”
“That’s what counts,” Nick said. He wasn’t surprised by her success. He’d always known she would be competent in running the agency and in dealing with people.
Soon he turned into well-tended grounds, winding through trees strung with miniature multicolored lights until they came to a sprawling stone building. Leaving his car with the valet, they entered the lobby where a huge Christmas tree stood in the center, and red ribbon and bows had been artfully strung along a hallway. Nick led her through the clubhouse to the dining room where they were seated at a corner table beside floor-to-ceiling windows that afforded a panoramic view of a golf course. More Christmas lights lit up the covered veranda and, beyond that, a pond that held two fountains.
In one corner of the dining room a man played a ballad on a piano while two couples danced. The waiter came to take their orders and Nick asked for white wine. When it was poured, he raised his glass. “Here’s to a successful deal that closed easily today.”
“I’ll drink to that, Nick,” she said solemnly, her dark eyes filled with unfathomable secrets. He wondered about her life now. For all she’d said so far, she’d told him nothing except that she was head of the family real estate agency.
“Let’s see if I’ve forgotten how to dance,” he said, standing, curious if she would dance with him. She was cool, standoffish and seemed preoccupied tonight. He wondered whether she was worried about her grandfather or if something else was disturbing her. Or was it a lasting anger with him over their breakup? She wasn’t the light-hearted, fun-filled Claire he had known, but he wasn’t the same person anymore, either.
They went to the dance floor where he put his hand on her waist, careful to keep distance between them as they danced to a soft ballad. “You’re not out of practice,” he said, remembering other times they’d danced together, him holding her close, his heart racing. Even now, he had a sharp awareness of her as she gazed at him intently.
“You’re not out of practice either, Nick.” He accepted her compliment. “You know, if you’re so steeped in politics, I imagine you are out and about plenty.”
“Usually at stuffy dinners or fund-raisers. Not much time to find a pretty woman and dance at those events.”
He wasn’t sure but he thought he saw her cheeks blush before she turned her head. He pulled her slightly closer and gave himself over to the dance. He liked the sensation of having her in his arms. She felt good. Familiar. From out of the blue, one thought kept reverberating in his head. This woman could have been your wife.
He still felt heartache thinking about what could have been.
Four years ago when Claire had turned down his marriage proposal and he returned to Washington, he’d turned to Karen. They had dated in college and law school, and known each other since high school, so their relationship seemed only natural once she’d accepted a job in DC working in the office of a friend of her father’s.
Nick couldn’t work things out with Claire and Karen was there, in DC, wanting to go out, charming him and filling a big void. She was from Dallas, their parents were friends and she would live wherever he wanted. She had wanted marriage. His firm wanted their young attorneys married and so did his parents. He still loved Claire but he knew it was over between them.
Doing what his family, his firm and his career indicated he should, he had proposed to Karen. He could still remember a moment at his wedding when he had been hit by a wall of longing, knowing that it should have been Claire beside him, but he had banked those feelings. Karen had been a good wife, seductive and beautiful, and he had grown to appreciate her more each year. She catered to him, bolstered his career, moved with him, and in return he gave her the social life she wanted. Both sets of parents were happy. Claire was out of his life.
But he had never forgotten her.
Even now, as he danced with her, he had to remind himself that there wasn’t any point in trying to see her again after tonight. She was tied to her family and to Houston more than ever, while he had his life in Dallas and DC and he had a political career that held golden promises for the future.
What about the sizzling current he felt as they danced? There was no denying she still had a physical effect on him, but that might simply be because he had been alone for so long now.
As he spun her around and dipped her in time to the music, he was swept away by vivid memories of holding her tightly, kissing her, making love to her. For an instant desire flashed, hot and unwanted, as he looked down at her mouth, wanting to hold her close, feel her softness while he kissed her. He remembered how soft and sweet her lips had been, and more than anything he wanted to taste them again. The desire was undeniable. Lust slammed into him, rising to the surface and surprising him after two long years of total numbness.
But he wouldn’t kiss her.
He couldn’t.
He swung her up to continue dancing, trying to cool down, to forget the scalding memories. There was no future in seeing Claire and he would not start that again.
Trying to divert his mind from taking her right there on the dance floor, he began questioning her. “Who’s the man in your life, Claire?” he asked, certain there had to be one.
She shook her head. “There isn’t one. No time. I’m too busy running the office, making sales myself, taking care of my family, visiting Grandpa five days a week. I don’t have a social life except through the office, church and family. I keep thinking it will change and things will settle down, but that hasn’t happened.”
“Maybe you’re working too hard. How big is your agency?” He was grateful for the safe path the conversation now took.
“I have three offices and almost seventy salespeople. We deal in commercial and residential properties.”
“That’s a big business,” he said. Studying her, Nick guessed she was tied into work most of her waking hours. “How many offices did you have when your grandfather turned things over to you? I thought there was only one.”
“One is correct,” she replied. “Good memory, Nick. I’ve been very lucky and have some great people who work for me.”
“I imagine luck is only a part of it. Congratulations. I’m impressed,” he said, meaning it. “You have to be a busy woman.”
“I am busy. And I’ve got a full day tomorrow. I’m flying home at six in the morning. Have to be at the airport at four because I’m not one to run out there at the last minute.”
“I’ll take you to the airport.”
She laughed, her eyes suddenly twinkling, stirring another flash of desire as he remembered the fun he once had with her. “Thanks, Nick, but that’s beyond the call of ‘for old times’ sake.’ I already have a limo reserved. Thanks, anyway. That’s very nice of you.”
“If you change your mind, the offer stands.”
The number ended and a fast one started. As they danced and he watched her hips move, he was assailed by memories once again. He couldn’t help remembering making love with her. He couldn’t help wanting her now, which shocked him again. He had a reaction to Claire that he hadn’t had to any other woman since Karen. Maybe it was time for him to come back into the world. Yet, even as he thought that, he knew he didn’t want to get involved with any woman at this time in his life. Definitely not Claire. He’d been there and done that and gotten hurt badly.
Trying to stop watching Claire so closely and shutting down the erotic images in his memory, he was grateful when the song ended. “Ready to sit one out? I’d like a sip of wine.” They returned to the table.
They talked through their dinners—steak for him and salmon for her, which he noticed she barely ate. She had to be worried about something at home, her family or business, because she seemed preoccupied. He felt a wall between them, but he didn’t particularly care. After a polite goodbye, he wouldn’t see her again, so it didn’t matter.
If she had said she was seeing someone, he would have not been surprised. The invisible barrier between them kept her restrained, as if she had accepted his invitation tonight to be polite and she would be glad to tell him goodbye. Two or three times he had caught her looking at him with an intensity that startled him. Was she still thinking about their last angry moments together? Each time she had quickly looked away, her face had flushed. So there was something disturbing her, keeping a wall up...
Was it him? But that was impossible, unless she was still hurting from their breakup. But he couldn’t imagine that she hadn’t gone on with her life. Or was it—
No. He had to stop attempting to figure out what she might be thinking. Soon she would be out of his life again, this time probably for good.
She may have been thinking the same thing, because she put down her coffee cup and said, “Nick, it’s been interesting to see you and I know it’s not late, but I have an early flight.”
“Sure,” he said, picking up on her need to leave. He signed for the check and led her out, telling himself it was for the best. But he couldn’t help the disappointment that he never would know the reason for those intense looks.
* * *
As Nick drove her back to the hotel, Claire rehearsed asking him to come in for a few minutes. She knew that, being the gentleman he was, he would see her to her door. Once there, it would be so simple to invite him in. But there would be nothing simple about confessing to him she had given birth to his son. Informing him that he had a three-year-old son was not the sort of thing to tell him over dinner in a public place. She had to be alone with him and her last opportunity was approaching.
At the hotel, he gave his car to the valet, saying he’d be right back.
She shivered as they walked into the lobby, blaming the chilly evening air. As they rode up in the elevator and walked to her door, her stomach was in knots and she dreaded breaking the news to him. Nick still seemed wrapped in mourning for his wife, but the fact that he had lost his unborn child made it imperative to inform him of his son.
She couldn’t look back and wish she had told him long ago because that was over and done. Maybe she should take a few days to think things through before she told him about Cody. She hadn’t had time to really consider how the situation was going to change her life and Cody’s life permanently. Not to mention Nick’s life, too.
“Claire, is something wrong?”
His voice cut into her reverie and she started, realizing she was still standing in front of her hotel room door, the key card in her hand.
He’d given her the perfect opening...except the words wouldn’t come. Even though she was freezing, perspiration broke out on her forehead and her palms grew damp.
Tell him. Tell him now.
But she couldn’t.
“No, I just got to thinking about something that has become a problem in my life,” she said.
“Maybe you’re working too hard,” Nick said quietly, running his finger along her cheek.
She looked up into those deep blue eyes with thick lashes, into Nick’s handsome face. Nick was a good person, intelligent, sophisticated, reasonable, charming. She should just tell him about his son. At the same time, she recalled the bitter accusations they had flung at each other when they had parted—she’d called him a selfish rich guy who always got what he wanted, while he’d accused her of not having a life of her own.
If she told him about his son, what hurtful things would they say to each other tonight? She didn’t want to go through that kind of stormy battle with Nick again.
“Nick—” She paused. The moment she told him, Cody would no longer belong to her side of the family only. She would have to share him and let him stay with Nick. Or worse. Would Nick try to take Cody from her?
“Yes?” Nick prompted, curiosity in his expression.
“I had a really good time tonight,” she said softly, barely able to get out the words.
He tilted his head to look intently at her again. “I’m glad. I wasn’t sure you were having that much fun. It was a good evening for me. How about a kiss for old times’ sake?” he said and leaned down to place his mouth lightly on hers while his arm circled her waist.
The moment his mouth touched hers, she felt the sparks she always had with Nick. His arm tightened around her waist and his mouth pressed against hers more firmly, opening her lips as he really kissed her, a deep, sexy kiss that for a few minutes stopped her worrying and fears, and shut off memories of their past and the big problem facing her.
Her heart pounding, she clung to Nick and kissed him in return, knowing it was folly, but unable to stop. She was swept back in time, into memories of Nick’s steamy, passionate kisses that had stolen her heart so quickly. She ignored the voice in her head that warned her she couldn’t let that happen again.
She clung to his broad shoulders, too aware of the hard, muscled body pressed against hers. Desire seemed to explode from his scalding kiss. It had been so long since she had been held by a man and kissed with such intensity.
When they moved apart, he was breathing as hard as she and he looked startled. His kiss had shaken her, igniting desire that burned through worry and made her stop thinking for a few minutes. But now, as she faced him again, she saw his blue eyes were filled with curiosity. Nick was an intelligent man and he had already picked up on something worrying her.
She couldn’t tell him. The words wouldn’t come to invite him in. She could take a few days to think about what she intended to do and to consult her family lawyer. She smiled at him, trying to pull herself together. “Thank you for the wonderful dinner, Nick. It was good to see you again. I am so sorry about your wife and baby.”
“You’re saying all the right things, Claire, but why do I have a feeling there is something else you want to say?” he asked, studying her as if he hadn’t ever seen her before.
“No, Nick. I’m just overworked at home.” Nervous, wanting to get away from him, swamped in guilt at the same time, she inserted her card into the door with such a shaky hand, she couldn’t get it to work.
Nick’s hand closed over hers and he opened the door for her. Even in her upset condition, she noticed the physical contact, the warmth of his fingers that sent an electric charge up her arm with his touch. “If you ever want to talk, I’m an old friend, Claire,” he said quietly.
She felt as if she had fallen into ice water. “Thank you. Good night, Nick,” she said, stepping inside and holding the door, turning to look at him. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
He nodded, giving her one more searching look before walking to the elevator.
She started to close the door and guilt swamped her. Could she live with her conscience if she flew home to Houston and didn’t tell Nick?
Closing her eyes, she opened the door just as the elevator doors opened. Nick glanced over his shoulder, saw her watching him and frowned.
“Nick, can you come in for a little while?”
He turned, once again giving her one of his probing looks that filled her with dread. Nick could be formidable. He had power, wealth and a state-wide network of cronies with influence. What would he do when he found out about Cody?
“Claire, I’ll be happy to help with a problem,” he said in a gentle voice, but it did nothing to ease her fear.
“Come in and let’s get a drink,” she said, leading him into the living area of her suite, which overlooked the sparkling lights of the city from the twenty-fourth floor. She switched on one small lamp that gave a soft glow in the quiet room. “I’m trying to think things through before I start talking. Just give me a minute,” she said. “What would you like?”
“Let’s see if there’s any beer in that fridge you have,” he said. Looking in the small refrigerator, he held up a bottle of white wine. “Would you like this?”
“Yes, thank you,” she said.
“I’ll pour your wine. You go ahead and think so we can talk. I’m in no hurry, Claire.”
She nodded and he went to pour her wine, but as she watched him walk away, she knew she couldn’t think this through in just minutes. She got her phone out of her purse, still half wanting to tell him to forget it and talk to him later, by phone from Houston. Each time she had thoughts like that, guilt chased them away. She couldn’t fly home without telling Nick that he had a child.
Perching on the edge of an ottoman, she watched him stroll back into the room. She couldn’t have chosen better for the father of her child. Nick had so many good qualities. She hoped forgiveness was one of them.
He handed her a glass of white wine. When his fingers brushed hers, he frowned slightly. “You’re freezing,” he said, his hand covering hers. His hand was warm and in other circumstances would have been reassuring. But not now. He knelt in front of her. “What’s wrong? It can’t be money with the successful business you have. Are you not well?”
She shook her head, unable to say anything.
“How can I help?” he asked gently.
“I want to talk to you. Have a seat, Nick. This may take a while.”
His probing gaze searched hers again before he rose, pulled a straight-back chair close and sat. She sipped her wine and set the glass on an end table. When she did, he took her hand, holding it between his two warm hands.
“Do you want me to get you a blanket?”
“No, I’ll be all right.” They gazed at each other and she realized he was being quiet to give her a chance to think and to let her talk when she was ready.
“Nick, the night you proposed...we had a terrible fight and you said goodbye. You walked out and we didn’t see each other again. It wasn’t many months until you were engaged to someone else and headed for a political career. I’m sure you remember.”
“Of course I do. We couldn’t work things out.” He took a swallow of his beer, as if to wash away the memory of their breakup. “Karen and I had known each other for years and we’d dated in college and at one point had talked about marriage. When she came to work in DC she called me and I started seeing her. She was from Dallas, had no ties that would interfere with the two of us. My family pushed me to marry and start a family. You had already turned me down. That last time you and I were together...it was terrible. I imagine you were as hurt as I was. It was clear that it was over between us.”
She nodded her head, giving him the affirmation he was looking for. Then he continued.
“I proposed to Karen and she accepted. I know it was fast and I know I should have called to let you know so you heard it from me, but...well, I didn’t think you’d want to hear from me at all.”
“I heard you were dating and then I heard you were engaged. I was shocked, but I understood that we couldn’t work out our problems. You had your life in politics and in DC at the time, working at that well-known law firm. It was obvious you would be successful and you were ambitious. The hurtful words we had finally ended it between us. I let you go out of my life and I knew eventually you would have your own life, your wife, your family.”
“That’s what I planned,” he said quietly, looking down at the beer in his hand and then taking a drink before he lowered it to look at her and wait for her to speak.
“We had really gone our separate ways and you were starting a new life.”
“What you want to tell me—does it have something to do with me?” he asked, sounding puzzled.
She nodded. “I just want you to remember that you had your own life planned, a new career, a future in politics, a new wife. You lived in your world.”
She could see she had his full attention and she was certain he was trying to figure out how anything in her life could involve him. She took a deep breath and hoped she wasn’t making the biggest mistake of her life.
“Nick, at that time I was pregnant with your son.”
Three (#ulink_ddf1b5f5-c77a-5466-8227-66326269a324)
Stunned, Nick could only stare at her as he tried to register her words. “That was almost four years ago,” he whispered, talking more to himself than to her. She couldn’t have had his baby. He gazed into her big, dark-brown eyes that still hid secrets and saw her wring her hands. She looked pale, afraid, her shoulders slightly hunched. She was telling him the truth. Four years ago he had gotten her pregnant. Nine months later, she had given birth to his baby and hadn’t told him.
He had a son. He would have to be three now. Nick was so stunned he couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t believe that he was a dad. Gulping for breath, he stood and walked to the window. Like shock waves that kept hitting him, the realization rocked him again that he was a dad, he had a son, a child of his own. He turned to look at Claire.
“Dammit, Claire. I have a child and you didn’t tell me,” he said, clenching his fists and shaking, anger and shock jolting him. “How could you not tell me? Dammit,” he snapped, without giving her time to answer.
He could only stare at her and think back. He had been in love with her, had proposed to her and wanted to marry her. And then they’d fought. On the rebound he had married Karen. He hadn’t talked to Claire again and she hadn’t talked to him—a natural outcome of the last hours of arguing, flinging accusations, letting a wall of anger and hurt come between them.
And now to learn that he had a son and Claire had never told him shocked and angered him all over again. He placed his hands on his hips without thinking what he was doing. “You never intended to tell me. The only reason you did is because we saw each other today,” he said, fury beginning to boil.
She stood and faced him. “When you told me you had lost your wife and unborn baby, I realized you had to be told. Before, an out-of-wedlock baby would have hurt or ruined your political aspirations and you know it. You wouldn’t have wanted to hear from me. When you married, I always thought you would have your family with your wife and you really would never be that interested in a child I carried.”
“My son? Of course, I would be interested. I have a son,” he said, feeling awe. “Claire, that is the most fantastic news I could possibly hear. How in hell could you think I wouldn’t be interested?”
“I just told you—news that I had given birth to your son just after your marriage would have killed your political career. You married within months after our breakup. I wondered if you had been seeing her while you were seeing me. Your new wife certainly would not have wanted to hear that I had your baby.” Claire closed her eyes and swayed, and he frowned, wondering whether she was about to faint. “Nick, can’t you see that I felt you shut me out of your life? Without telling me anything you became engaged. You should have let me know.”
“I should have done that, I agree.”
“Recriminations aren’t going to help. I’m just trying to explain my actions.”
“You can’t ever explain not letting me know,” he said.
“I just did. Would you have wanted to tell your fiancée you had recently gotten me pregnant? You married and occasionally I saw pictures in the news of you with your wife and you looked happy. Why would I think you would want my baby just when you married Karen?”
Knowing she was right, he didn’t care. The knowledge that he had a son was far more important.
“I’ve missed all his first years. I missed his babyhood. He doesn’t know me. He doesn’t even know I exist, does he?”
“No, he’s little.”
“Dammit, Claire, I’ve missed too much.”
“Hindsight is always better,” she replied, looking pained. “I’ve told you why I did what I did. It’s that simple. But I will say this. This son is not going to help your political life, I promise you.”
“I don’t give a damn about that. It’s far more important that I know my son.”
“You say that now, but you don’t really mean it. Your adult life has revolved around politics and rising to the next office,” she said.
“I mean it, Claire. My son is my future, not a job. You can’t keep me from getting to know him.”
“I don’t plan to, Nick. That’s why I’ve told you about him.” She glanced away. “But your family will not be happy, especially your father. You know he would not have been happy to hear about a child—not then and not now.”
Nick inhaled and clenched his fists, trying to hang on to his temper. “You took those years from me, and I can never get them back.”
She wiped the tears from her eyes. “I regret that now.”
“I’ve been through hell the past two years. I lost my wife and baby. I could have filled part of that void and helped the hurt by knowing my son. I can’t believe you did this to me.”
She looked at him. “Nick, I’m so sorry for your loss and if I had known—” She bit off her words and wrung her hands. “I wish I could undo the past few years, but I can’t. We’ll have to pick up from here.”
“Dammit, Claire,” he said, clenching his fists and closing his eyes. Hurting, he thought of all the empty moments. He’d hurt badly after the breakup with Claire. Two years ago, he’d hurt after losing Karen and the baby. Now he had another deep hurt and this one could have been so easily avoided. He tried to hang on to his temper and to avoid saying hurtful things to Claire because it really didn’t help to pour out his fury on her.
“Would you like to see his picture?” she asked after a few minutes.
Nick jerked his head up. His anger melted as fast as it had come and awe filled him. He suddenly knew how he would have felt if he had been present at the birth of his son. “You have his picture? Of course I’d like to see it.”
She walked back to the ottoman to pick up her phone. Nick came to stand beside her. “I named him Cody Nicholas Prentiss.”
“You named him Nicholas?” he asked, pleasure filling him.
“Yes. I named him for you,” she said, looking up at him. “I felt I should do that.”
Nick looked at her phone and she opened it, handing it to him. His hands shook and he was overwhelmed as he looked at a child that resembled his own pictures when he was small.
“Oh, my word, there’s no doubt about his heritage. He looks just like me at that age,” Nick said, the feeling of awe swamping him. “My family will love him beyond words. Thank you for naming him Nicholas.”
“He looks like you. He’s a sweet, happy little boy who loves people. Even as a baby, he smiled constantly when someone talked to him.”
“That’s great,” Nick said, still staring at Cody’s picture.
“My grandmother watches him a couple of days a week, and I have a nanny the rest of the time to help relieve Grandma. For his first seven months I took maternity leave. Grandpa was around until the past six months, so there was a man in the house.”
Looking at his son, Nick felt the sting of tears of joy, forgetting his anger and the empty years. Getting a grip on his emotions, he wiped his eyes. “I have a son,” he said, his voice filled with awe. “This is the most wonderful news. Claire, he’s perfect. Was your family with you when he was born?” he asked, staring at Cody’s picture.
“Oh, yes. Mom was alive then, and all of them were thrilled. When he was a baby, one of us rocked him to sleep every night. Grandpa read to him when he was so tiny he couldn’t possibly understand a word, but it made him happy.”
“Can you send this picture to me?”
“Yes. I have more on my iPad. I’ll go get it. I’ll send all of them to you,” she said.
Nick watched her leave the room, his gaze sweeping down to notice her tiny waist, the slightest sway to her walk, her long legs. What if they had married? What if he had tried harder to work things out with her? He had been so in love with her, but their breakup had been final. Then Karen had come along and she seemed to be the answer to his problems. In their marriage they’d each gotten what they’d wanted. But even as he had walked down the aisle, his heart had ached. He’d tried to remind himself that Claire didn’t want to marry him, but that hadn’t stopped the hurt that had torn him up for a long time.
If he had known about her pregnancy—
Instantly he stopped that thought. There was no undoing the past and he wasn’t going to dwell on what might have been.
As Claire left the room, he stared at the empty doorway. Fury still simmered in him because of the years he had missed with his son. At the same time, awe and joy were stronger. This couldn’t bring back the baby he had lost, but Cody would fill a painful void in his life.
Staring at the picture, memorizing it, he held her phone in his hands. It was incredibly awesome to look at the picture and see a child who looked just like he had when he was that age. How long would it take to get used to Claire’s revelation?
“Cody Nicholas,” he whispered, running his fingers over the picture.
She came back into the room with her iPad in hand and motioned to the sofa. Again, he watched her cross the room. Her attention was on her tablet and his gaze ran from her head to her toes. His pulse raced as he looked at her. She was stunning, even better looking than she had been four years ago. Today she had been poised, self-assured, handling the business matters with ease and he’d admired her. Tonight he had seen the sexy side of her and he’d still responded to her. Now he discovered she was the mother of his baby and he was shocked.
Each time he thought about this discovery, joy, awe and gratitude outweighed anger. He should do something to show her how happy he was and he should try to forgive her. The latter would take some time, but Claire was the mother of his child and he needed to keep that in mind.
“Come sit and I’ll show you his pictures,” she said, still focused on the iPad in her hands, but she sounded more like herself. “I have baby pictures on here.”
“Thank heavens for that,” he said. He caught her before she sat and grasped her gently by the shoulders.
Wide-eyed, she looked up. “What?”
“You’re the mother of my child, Claire. We have a tie now for the rest of our lives. Even though I can’t help being angry, I’m far more thrilled and grateful. I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you, but that was your choosing. One thing is important for me to say. Thank you. Even though it’s completely inadequate.”
Wrapping his arms around her, he hugged her to him. “Thank you,” he said again, his words muffled this time. She was warm, soft in his arms. It was suddenly so good to hold her. “Thank you,” he repeated, a knot in his throat. They stood in silence a moment until he felt tears on his neck and leaned away.
He stroked the moisture away with his fingers. “Why are you crying?”
“Don’t take him from me, Nick,” she whispered, her eyes shut tightly as she wiped at her cheeks. “I know you’ll want him in your life. Your parents will, too, after they meet him.”
Nick folded her into his embrace again and held her close. He wasn’t making any promises because he didn’t know what demands she would have. He framed her face with his hands. “I don’t know what we’ll work out, but I will never take him totally away from you. That would be harming my own child.”
Nodding, she moved away, turning her back to dry her eyes, and he wondered whether she even believed what he said.
“Let’s see his pictures,” Nick said. He sat beside her on the sofa and she gave him the iPad. He pulled up photos and she tapped one.
“We’ll start when he was a tiny baby. This is in the hospital.”
“Send these to me, all of them. Oh, hell, why didn’t you let me know?” he asked, hurting as he looked at a sleeping newborn with a blue cap on his head.
“I’ve already given you all my reasons. But let me ask you this. Would you have felt the same about Cody then?”
He gazed into her dark eyes and thought about what she’d asked. “I might not have felt this way right after getting married, and you’re right. Karen probably would not have taken the news well, but I still think you should have told me. I missed this. Especially after losing Karen and the baby. I missed these years,” he said, looking down at the date Claire had written on a picture of her and Cody as they left the hospital.
“Claire, this date—” He frowned. “I wasn’t engaged when you found out you were pregnant. Not if you carried Cody nine months.”
She raised her chin, gazing at him with a defiant expression. “I was shocked when I found out I was pregnant. I needed time to figure out my future and adjust to the realization I was going to have a baby. I had to tell my family. I was trying to plan what I would do when I heard you were engaged.”
“It was early enough I might not have married Karen,” he said, wondering what he would have done.
Claire rubbed her forehead. “We had already had that terrible breakup. I don’t see how we could have gotten back together.”
“True,” he said, staring into space, thinking about that time in his life. He glanced at the iPad on his knee. “Let’s get back to the pictures,” he said, turning to the next one, another of her leaving the hospital, carrying a small bundle in her arms. Cody was so wrapped in blankets he was not visible. In the next picture the blankets were peeled back so his face showed. He was sleeping and looked wonderful to Nick. “I’ve been cheated of having these years together with two of my babies,” he said, anger surfacing again.
Nick looked at pictures of Cody in a baby bed, of him being held in Claire’s arms and then being held by each member of her family. He looked at his son’s nursery room with Winnie-the-Pooh characters painted on the wall.
“You weren’t ever going to tell me about him, were you?” Even though he kept his voice quiet, Nick’s anger escalated, wondering if he could ever be with her again without feeling anger over keeping his son from him. Would he ever trust her in anything?
“I knew I had to eventually. Cody would get bigger and want to know about his dad. I couldn’t avoid it forever, but as time passed, it just got easier to let it go,” she said quietly.
Nick held back an angry reply and looked at the next group of pictures as Cody grew and had his first birthday. Nick felt another pang of longing. “Where was his first birthday?”
“At my grandparents’. Now they live in my house. I had a home built and moved Grandma in with me.”
They bent over each picture with Claire telling him about the incident when the picture was taken. He laughed as he looked at a picture of Cody with chocolate cake all over his small hands and across his face.
“This is great,” Nick said, more to himself than her. “He looks as if he loves the cake and is having a wonderful time.”
“He did. That was the first time he ever tasted chocolate. He still doesn’t get any candy.”
Nick turned to look at her. “With you and your grandparents hovering over him, and your mother, too, this first year, he was probably a very well cared for baby and a very happy one.”
He turned his attention back to the pictures. In the next one Claire was in a swimsuit, holding Cody’s hands as he waded in the shallow end of a large swimming pool.
“Whose pool is this?”
“A friend’s. I don’t want a pool while Cody is little, although he does actually know how to paddle across the pool and climb out, which is an enormous relief. It doesn’t mean I don’t watch him, but it’s good to know that he can swim out if he falls in.”
Nick’s attention shifted from Cody to Claire’s picture in a deep blue one-piece suit. “You don’t look as if you’ve had a baby,” he said, thinking she looked great. His gaze ran over the picture as he looked at her long, shapely legs, her tiny waist and full, luscious curves. He felt it again. Desire. Claire was making him come alive again, reminding him what it felt like to know lust. He glanced her way and suddenly felt the heat emanating from her body as she sat so close beside him. He wanted to hold her. But he knew he couldn’t. Not now. With an effort he kept his hands to himself and focused again on the pictures.
She thanked him for the compliment. “I used to hit the gym three days a week. Now I have an exercise room at home.”
“You’re bound to go out with someone, Claire.”
She shook her head. “I’m so busy, and when I do have time, I spend it with Cody. I’d much rather be doing something with him. I take at least one day a week to work from home. Of course, that may change when he starts school, but it works for right now.”
“I’m glad.” Nick never had any doubt she’d be a good mother for his son, though he had to admit he was surprised that no man had snatched her up yet. Successful, beautiful and single—that should draw men easily. He suspected she must be sending them on their way, which gave him a stab of satisfaction that he dismissed as ridiculous.
“Was he an easy baby or difficult?”
“Oh, so easy, but remember—there were four adults living with him, three to care for him. Mom really couldn’t, but she could talk to him and read to him and do things like that with him. We’d help her hold him. Anyway, that made his care easy and everyone was relaxed, so he probably relaxed. He’s a sweetie.”
“I want to meet him as soon as possible.”
“We’ll arrange it, Nick.” As she looked at him, he gazed into the eyes that always hid what she felt. Big, beautiful brown eyes that made him want to slide his hand behind her head and draw her closer. “Nick, let me take your picture so I can show it to Cody when I get home and tell him about you.”
He nodded. “Why don’t we take a selfie and then we’ll be in it together. I’d feel better about him seeing me with you.”
She nodded.
Nick placed his arm around her. “I have longer arms—why don’t I take the picture?”
“Go ahead,” she said, and from the somber sound of her voice he wondered whether she would even smile. She sounded as if she was headed for disaster instead of just taking a picture with him. He held out the iPad. “Try to look happy, Claire. Think about Cody.” Nick took their picture.
He pulled up the picture and smiled. “Thanks, Claire. That looks good.”
“He’ll want to see what you look like.”
“That hasn’t ever come up? He hasn’t asked about a dad?”
“No. We don’t talk about you and he isn’t in school yet, so he isn’t with other kids a lot.”
“Doesn’t he have any little friends?”
“Oh, sure, but they play. There isn’t a lot of discussion. He’s three, Nick. Besides, kids take things as they come.”
Nick continued looking at pictures of Cody, of Claire or her family with Cody as he went from being a baby to a toddler.
“I can’t wait to meet him,” he said. “I can fly to Houston Friday, so can we spend time together this weekend?”
She ran her hand across her forehead. “I didn’t even think this through when I told you tonight. I was so shocked today to learn about your loss that right then and there I decided I had to tell you about Cody. But I—I need time. I’ll have to break the news to Cody.”
“A child accepts life as it comes. You just said that. So he’ll accept meeting me. Would you prefer to bring him to Dallas? I just want to meet him as soon as possible.”
“It’s a complete upheaval in all of our lives, including yours,” she whispered, wringing her hands.
He nodded. “Not just meeting him.”
She looked stricken and he tried to hang on to his patience. His request wasn’t unreasonable in his opinion. Why couldn’t she see that?
“All right. Do you want to come Friday night?”
He opened his phone, checked his calendar and nodded. “Yes. After we meet, would he like it if I take everyone to dinner? This includes your grandmother, of course.”
“That’s nice, Nick.” But as much as her words were gracious, he could hear her trepidation in her voice and see it in her eyes. She gazed up at him solemnly, with a touch of fear in their depths. He knew she was worried that she would have to give up her child permanently, yet he couldn’t feel much sympathy for her since she had kept knowledge of his baby from him all this time.
Verifying his interpretation, she took a deep breath and said, “Nick, my grandma is elderly and frail now. Since Mom died, Cody and I and Grandpa are her whole world. She’s older and vulnerable. Please, think of her before you take any action. She doesn’t have that many years left.”
“I will, Claire. I won’t spring anything on you without discussing it.” He paused a few minutes and silence fell. Finally, he asked, “Does Cody have a favorite place to eat?”
“We really don’t get out a lot, but there’s one place he loves—a restaurant made to look like a rainforest. He thinks it’s very special and a lot of fun.”
“I’ll make reservations.”
“He’ll love it.” She smiled. She’d been so worried, so tearful in the last while that her smile caught him off guard. He took a moment to look at her. She really was a beautiful woman, with her smooth skin and big, dark eyes fringed with thick lashes.
“Does he resemble you at all?”
“Not in looks, as you saw. Actually, probably not much in temperament, either. He has a ready smile the way you used to, and he’s a little charmer and very social. If I take him to the office, he’s all over the place talking to everyone and they talk to him.”

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The Rancher′s Secret Son
The Rancher′s Secret Son