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Legal Attraction
Jacquelin Thomas
Law Number 3: There are no secrets when it comes to love… The youngest of five siblings, Marissa Hamilton is determined to prove herself in her family’s powerhouse Philadelphia law firm. She has a close confidant in handsome and ambitious fellow attorney Griffin Jackson. But ever since the night they gave in to the passion smoldering between them, Marissa’s world is filled with lies, including one that could turn her whole life upside down.Griff has secretly desired Marissa for years before they went from colleagues to lovers. And now she’s keeping a secret from him. Will Griff be able to save Marissa before an explosive Hamilton revelation destroys the future they could have together?The Hamiltons: Laws of Love Family. Justice. Passion.

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Law Number 3: There are no secrets when it comes to love…
The youngest of five siblings, Marissa Hamilton is determined to prove herself in her family’s powerhouse Philadelphia law firm. She has a close confidant in handsome and ambitious fellow attorney Griffin Jackson. But ever since the night they gave in to the passion smoldering between them, Marissa’s world has been filled with lies, including one that could turn her whole life upside down.
Griff secretly desired Marissa for years before they went from colleagues to lovers. And now she’s keeping a secret from him. Will Griff be able to save Marissa before an explosive Hamilton revelation destroys the future they could have together?
“Pregnancy agrees with you, Marissa. You look even more beautiful each day.”
“Where is all this coming from, Griff?”
He got up and walked around the table, moving toward her. He pulled her up and into his arms.
“I don’t just want to be a part of our child’s life. I want to be in your life, Marissa.”
He held her snugly. “This feels so right to me,” he whispered. “I want you to know that you’re not alone. We can get through anything you’re facing. We can do it together.”
She leaned back to look up at him, studying his expression.
Something stirred within Griffin, and he smiled then.
“What?” Marissa asked.
He pulled her close and kissed her lips. When her tongue met his, he felt shivers of desire race through him.
Marissa matched him kiss for kiss, and in no time he felt the heat they’d generated that fateful night.
About the Author
JACQUELIN THOMAS is an award-winning, bestselling author with more than thirty-five books in print. When she is not writing, she is busy working toward a degree in psychology. Jacquelin and her family live in North Carolina.

Legal Attraction
Jacquelin Thomas

www.millsandboon.co.uk (http://www.millsandboon.co.uk)
Dear Reader,
Lawyers, a high-profile case, romance and secrets…what could make a better story? In the third and final book of the Laws of Love series, you will bear witness to the love affair between Griffin Jackson and Marissa, the youngest daughter of Jacob Hamilton.
In Legal Attraction, Marissa discovers a long-kept family secret which threatens to tear her world apart. Just when she feels that her life will never be the same, she and Griffin find that the love they share cannot be ignored. As the evidence is presented, it is my hope that you will agree with the verdict that there is no escaping true love.
Thanks for your support!
Jacquelin Thomas is acknowledged as the author of this work.
Chapter 1 (#u5c07be12-4f34-51c1-a122-3e1c66228d2d)
Chapter 2 (#ua34d5946-4cc3-52e4-a7e0-b60bf000fef7)
Chapter 3 (#uac8a26e2-3879-568f-86f9-a6841b6d13aa)
Chapter 4 (#uf1d2b4c1-174e-56cd-b0ce-0e9a99d43ea7)
Chapter 5 (#u06c817a1-8014-5eb1-aef2-20f4e18ff675)
Chapter 6 (#u435de865-f9b3-55b2-ab3c-9ebf6e45f055)
Chapter 7 (#uf42f4687-b95d-55bc-a07c-b781ea9867e5)
Chapter 8 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 9 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 10 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 11 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 12 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 13 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 14 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 15 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 16 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 17 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 18 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 19 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 20 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 21 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 22 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 23 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 24 (#litres_trial_promo)
Epilogue (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 1
“Harper, why are you just staring at me like that?” Marissa Hamilton asked, regarding her cousin with somber curiosity. She had never seen him look so stricken.
Something is wrong.
He turned and closed her office door so they would not be disturbed. “I just found out something that I think you should know, Marissa.”
“What is this about, Harper?”
He looked as if he were weighing the question.
“Harper …” she prompted.
“I guess there’s no way to say this except to just say it,” Harper muttered after a moment. He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly before saying, “Marissa, this is about my dad, your mother and you.”
Confused, Marissa frowned. “You aren’t making any sense, Harper. What does Uncle Frank have to do with me and my mother?”
“Dad and Aunt Jeanette had an affair,” Harper said in a low voice.
“Harper, have you lost your mind? H-how—” Marissa stammered in bewilderment. “How could you let something like that come out of your mouth?”
There was a pensive shimmer in the shadow of Harper’s eyes. “Marissa, you have to know that I wouldn’t come to you with a lie this painful if it wasn’t true.” His gaze was almost pleading. “I wouldn’t have said anything to you otherwise.”
“It’s not true,” Marissa insisted. She felt her composure was under attack and she suddenly wanted to escape Harper’s disturbing presence. “I don’t believe a word of this, but even if it were true, it has nothing to do with me.”
“Marissa…” He paused a moment before adding, “Don’t you get it? You may not be my cousin. We may be siblings.” Tears formed in his eyes. “This is so messed up.”
She swallowed hard, trying to digest what Harper had just told her. It could not possibly be true. It had to be a lie.
“My dad and your mother had an affair twenty-seven years ago,” he told her. Harper swiped at his eyes.
Marissa shook her head in denial. “I don’t believe any of this, Harper. My mother would never cheat on my father and definitely not with his brother. Where did you hear this?”
“Does it really matter?” Harper asked.
She glared at him. “I don’t get how you could believe anything like this about your dad and my mother of all people. None of this is true, Harper,” Marissa stated firmly. “Whoever is spouting this lie is just trying to destroy our family.”
“Azure would not do anything to hurt this family,” he blurted. “She got this from an anonymous source and immediately came to me with it. Marissa, I didn’t want to believe it at first either.”
Harper’s new wife, Azure, was a magazine writer and as such had numerous “sources.” Marissa folded her arms across her chest. “Harper, why are you so convinced that it’s true?”
“I know that my dad had an affair with your mother because I confronted him. He admitted that it was true.”
Marissa felt as if she had been punched in the stomach. She was about to be sick. Dizziness threatened to overtake her, causing her to sway.
Harper reached for her when it looked as if Marissa was about to faint.
She steadied herself. “I’m fine. I just need some time alone.”
“Marissa, I’m so sorry, but I thought you should know the truth.”
“Please…I just need to be alone right now. I’ll be okay,” she assured him.
When Harper left her office, Marissa navigated slowly over to the plush sofa in her office and sank down, grateful for its welcoming embrace.
She tearfully surveyed her office, the rich mahogany furnishings, the Oriental rug—she knew every inch of the law firm located in the prewar building in Rittenhouse Square in the historic city of Philadelphia. This place had been her second home since the day she was born. That familiarity suddenly seemed to diminish by Harper’s declaration that Jacob Hamilton Jr. might not be her biological father.
Jacob and her mother, Jeanette, raised five children together: Jacob III, Anthony, Marcus, Jillian and her. Marissa knew that her parents loved and respected each other. There was just no way that her prim and proper mother would have an affair with her brother-in-law.
The Hamiltons were a very close-knit family. She and her siblings were all attorneys and worked in the family firm. Frank and three of his sons, Harper, Shawn and Benjamin, were also attorneys working at Hamilton, Hamilton and Clark. Only Frank and Vanessa’s son Nelson decided to go against tradition and pursued a career in acting instead.
“I need to get out of here,” Marissa whispered.
She paused to let her assistant know that she was stepping out for a half hour or so, and would be back in time for her next meeting.
Marissa strolled out of the building and walked down the street to a tree-filled park. She found an empty bench and sat down. In about an hour, local residents and employees gathering for lunch would overrun the park. The October weather was still nice enough to sit outside in and enjoy eating with friends and family.
A small group of children playing nearby caught her attention. One little girl fell down and began to cry. A man rushed over and scooped her up into his arms.
Marissa felt her own eyes water at the sight of a father soothing his daughter and wiping away her tears. Her father…Jacob had done the same for her so many times when she was younger. He had always made her feel safe and loved.
She knew deep down that Harper never would have come to her if he did not have a reason to believe his hideous revelation was true. She also knew that Azure would not reveal the secret, but someone out there was spreading this rumor.
Marissa feared that if the information ever became public, it would have a devastating impact on her family and the firm.
* * *
Griffin Jackson was usually in his office by seven-thirty on weekdays. He liked coming in early just to spend some time reflecting over his day without any distractions. Griffin was usually the first one to arrive in the mornings and the last one to leave Hamilton, Hamilton and Clark in the evenings.
The now deceased Jacob Hamilton Sr. and Albert Clark had founded the family-owned law firm in 1960. Albert Clark was still active, although eighty years old. He shared leadership of the company with Jacob Jr. and Frank.
Griffin had interned at Hamilton, Hamilton and Clark while in law school and had been offered a permanent position by Albert Clark, who had taken the young man under his wing. Griffin had met Albert Clark when the esteemed attorney gave a lecture at the University of Pennsylvania Law School. The day after graduation, Griffin had started his career with the firm, and he had been with the company for five years.
The hours were long, leaving little time for socialization, but as far as Griffin was concerned, this was a dream come true for him and he would make the necessary sacrifices to reach his goal of making partner. He had worked hard and his legal reputation was growing. Hamilton, Hamilton and Clark paid him more money than he could ever have imagined earning.
Griffin read over a set of interrogatories, pausing to make notes here and there on a legal pad.
He leaned back in his chair, his eyes traveling to an elegantly framed photograph hanging on his wall. All of the associates had one in their office—it was a photo of the attorneys in the firm. Griffin’s gaze landed on Marissa.
He had been fighting his feelings for Marissa for years. Griffin noticed her the very first day he walked through the doors of Hamilton, Hamilton and Clark. At the time, Marissa was in college—too young. She was also Jacob Hamilton Jr.’s daughter, which made her completely off-limits.
Now Marissa was all grown up. However, Griffin wanted to ensure that his career was firmly established before he settled down, which meant that falling in love with her would be a distraction he could not afford.
* * *
Marissa stepped out of the elevator and saw that Griffin was walking a client to the door. He stepped aside to let her enter through the mahogany doors.
She gave him a tiny smile of gratitude but did not linger.
A few minutes later, Griffin appeared in the doorway of her office. “You all right?” he asked. His gaze was as soft as a caress.
“I’m fine,” Marissa responded with a nod.
Griffin’s expression showed that he did not believe her. He walked all the way into her office and said, “Marissa, what’s really going on? You look troubled about something.”
She looked up, meeting his gaze. “It has nothing to do with work, Griff.”
“Okay,” he said, quickly backing off. “But if you need to talk…about any of your cases, you know where to find me.”
She forced a smile. “I know. Thanks.”
He was still watching her. Marissa thought she detected a flicker in his intense eyes, sending her pulse racing alarmingly.
Marissa noted how well the black suit fit his six-foot frame. She was entranced by his compelling personage. She found him very attractive. Griffin wore his hair cropped close and his dark brown eyes complemented his warm brown complexion. At thirty years old, Griffin tended to treat her as if she were years younger, when in fact there was only a four-year age difference between them.
She checked her watch. “I have about five minutes to prepare for a meeting,” Marissa announced.
Taking the hint, Griffin nodded and headed to the door. “Don’t forget what I said.”
“I won’t,” Marissa responded as he walked out. Something in Griffin’s manner always soothed her, which was why she’d often confided in him in the past. However, things had changed between them in the past few months, to the point that Marissa was somewhat surprised when Griffin had ventured into her office just now. Lately, the only time he stopped by was to discuss a case.
She released a soft sigh. Marissa had wanted to confide in Griffin, but the risk was much too high. She did not want what Harper had told her leaking out. She intended to have a conversation with Azure, as well. Clearly someone was out to hurt her family.
She was not about to let that happen.
After her meeting, Marissa worked in her office until three o’clock. It was a struggle for her to concentrate and she felt queasy, so she decided to go home. She packed up her briefcase, intending to get some work done there—locked in her bedroom. She just wanted to be alone.
Ten minutes later, she was in her BMW X5 and pulling out of the parking structure.
A wave of disappointment flowed through Marissa. After what Harper told her, she felt that everything she’d ever known about her parents had been a lie.
She had never heard her parents argue—they had always been very loving toward each other. So what would make her mother cheat on a man she proclaimed to love more than life itself?
As she neared home, Marissa released a soft sigh. She could hardly wait to get to her room and soak in a hot bath.
The Hamiltons had lived in the West Mt. Airy section of Philadelphia since the founding of the law firm. The neighborhood had a rich Revolutionary War history and featured a mosaic of restaurants, shops and cultural venues.
Marissa’s eyes watered at the sight of Integrity, the family homestead. She loved the late-1800s Victorian-style home that had been a staple in her family for two generations. All of her friends used to tease Marissa about living in a castle that came complete with turret and gargoyles. Her family later added a swimming pool and basketball and tennis courts.
She walked into the house, struggling to keep her expression blank. Marissa was hoping to avoid her mother and escape to her room. She was not ready to face Jeanette yet. She was still in shock from the news that Harper had given her.
“Marissa, dear,” her mother greeted from the kitchen. She met Marissa at the bottom of the back stairs carrying a bottle of water. “How was your day at the office?”
“It was fine,” she muttered in response.
“Your father and I are having dinner at Devon’s tonight,” Jeanette announced. “Why don’t you join us? Your sister’s going to meet us there.”
Devon Seafood Grill was a favorite of hers, but Marissa really could not stomach being around her mother right now. “I’ll just make something here,” she told Jeanette. “I brought some work home with me.”
“Dear, are you feeling well?” her mother inquired as she scanned Marissa’s face. “You look a little peaked.”
“I’m fine,” Marissa lied. “I need to get started on this work.”
She walked briskly out of the kitchen before Jeanette could utter a response.
Marissa rushed up the stairs and to her bedroom. She dropped her briefcase and purse on the bed before taking off for her bathroom.
When she walked out a few minutes later, she felt weak, but the queasiness was gradually dissipating.
She changed into a pair of sweats and an oversized
T-shirt, then climbed into her bed and opened her briefcase.
There was a soft knock on her door before her mother popped her head inside.
“I didn’t mean to disturb you, but I thought you could use some hot tea,” Jeanette said as she walked into Marissa’s bedroom. “I can tell that you are not feeling well.”
Marissa accepted the tea with a grateful smile. “Thank you.”
“Have you considered going to see Dr. Wallace?”
“Mother, I’m just tired,” Marissa responded with a small sigh. “I don’t need to see a doctor.”
“Are you getting enough rest?” Jeanette asked. “I know how you lawyers tend to burn the candle at both ends.”
Marissa was touched by her mother’s concern, but she was also angry with her. She cleared her throat awkwardly before saying, “That’s probably it, but I’ll be fine. I’m going to take a hot bath and turn in pretty early tonight.”
Jeanette studied her for a moment. “Marissa—”
“Mother, I really need to get some work done,” she interjected. “The sooner I get it done, the sooner I can have that bath and get some rest.”
“Okay, dear. I’ll get out of here.” Her mother backed off and headed to the door. “I’ll see you in the morning.”
Marissa shook her head sadly. She would never be able to look at her mother in the same way. Their relationship would never be the same.
Chapter 2
Thoughts of Marissa had consumed Griffin much of the evening and again this morning as he drove to work. He could not explain why he felt such a connection to this woman whose life experience was so different from his. The why really didn’t matter, since Griffin did not intend to pursue her.
When Marissa had started working at the firm, she and Griffin had spent a lot of time together when Jacob assigned him to be a mentor to her. He was one of the few nonrelatives working at the firm and Jacob had thought Griffin would be a good fit for his daughter.
Griffin immediately recognized the desire and dedication in Marissa to become a successful attorney. While she lacked the confidence of her older sister, Jillian—who had quickly made a name for herself with a high-profile case involving a lawsuit between a rapper she’d gone to school with and his record label—Marissa had what it took to make it. She was only with the firm one year and she still had a lot to learn. He knew exactly how she felt; he’d been in that position himself years ago when Albert Clark had hired him.
Albert often told Griffin how much he reminded him of Albert at that age—an intelligent, motivated student with a passion for the law and no connections. He often advised Griffin to focus on his career for the time being.
Griffin took his advice. He grew up in the inner city and was the first person in his family to attend a four-year university, let alone obtain his law degree. Many of his classmates had gone to law school because they really did not have a clue as to what they wanted to do in life, but for Griffin, studying law was his dream.
For the Hamiltons, law seemed to be a family tradition. Griffin respected them all because they were good attorneys and they all seemed to have a passion for the law. He shared that same passion and drive. Griffin worked as hard as anyone else in the firm, if not harder at times. He wanted to prove himself and hoped to make partner one day.
To do that, he knew he’d have to make sacrifices, but he was constantly struggling where Marissa was concerned. She dominated his thoughts, causing him to fight his feelings on a daily basis. He would not risk the wrath of Jacob Hamilton, although Marissa was certainly worth it.
He really cared for Marissa, but constantly reminded himself that he could not let his emotions get in the way.
Too late.
* * *
Marissa stood in front of her full-length mirror eyeing her reflection. The antique mirror had once belonged to her paternal grandmother. The reflective glass offered a glimpse of how much Marissa resembled her father’s mother.
She’s Uncle Frank’s mother, as well.
Marissa shook the thought of her uncle’s affair with her mother out of her mind. She turned to get a side-view look at her appearance. Marissa’s mouth tightened for a brief second. She removed the dress she had just slipped into moments before and tossed it carelessly across the room. It landed on her king-sized bed, joining a small pile of other abandoned clothing.
Marissa walked barefoot, crossing the room quickly. She entered her walk-in closet with purpose. She regretted not taking time the night before to find something to wear, and she did not want to be late for work. She had a meeting at nine o’clock with a client.
She chose a navy dress with a white Peter Pan collar and an empire waist. Marissa slipped into a pair of navy-and-white high-heeled pumps to match. She walked over to the mirror to check her reflection once more. Marissa brushed back her long brown hair and pulled it into a ponytail, securing it with a navy barrette. She scrutinized her appearance once more.
Although she was twenty-six years old, everyone seemed to think that she looked years younger. Maybe in time, Marissa would come to appreciate being considered so youthful looking, but for now she absolutely hated it.
As the youngest of Jacob and Jeanette’s five children, she was babied by everyone. Growing up, she had always received special treatment, but lately, she had begun to feel that no one really took her seriously. Especially…
Marissa shook her head. No, she did not want to think about him.
“I am not going to let you ruin my day,” she whispered.
Marissa glanced at the clock on her bedside table and then grabbed her purse. She needed to leave now if she planned to make it to the firm on time.
Her parents were seated at the table when she entered the kitchen.
“Good morning,” Marissa said to no one in particular as she rushed in, grabbed a bottle of water, blew kisses toward them both and rushed out of the house.
Her father followed her. “Hey, that’s all we get?”
Marissa smiled as she opened her car door. “Sorry about that, Daddy. I had a late start this morning and I have a meeting at nine. Are we still on for lunch?”
Jacob nodded.
“See you then,” she responded, fighting back tears. “I need to leave.”
He pressed a keypad on the wall to open the garage door.
Marissa waved and then backed her car out.
She loved her father dearly and it was killing her inside to carry this secret. Marissa could not understand how her mother could be so deceitful. How could she risk tearing her family apart by having an affair with Uncle Frank? He was her father’s brother!
Poor Aunt Vanessa, she thought silently.
By the time Marissa arrived at the office, she was focused on business. She had always wanted to follow her siblings into law and worked very hard to make that happen, which included graduating from law school with honors.
Marissa was intent on showing her brothers and Jillian that she was every bit as good as they were, since they still seemed to treat her like the little baby sister who needed to be sheltered, despite the fact that there was only a five-year difference between her and Jake, her oldest brother.
Marissa wanted to be taken seriously by everyone, including her family. First, as an attorney, and then as a woman.
* * *
“Marissa, are you busy?”
She glanced up from her computer monitor to see Harper’s new wife. “Azure, come in.”
Azure closed the door behind her. “Harper told me about his conversation with you,” she announced as she sat down in one of the visitor chairs.
“Someone contacted you anonymously claiming that my mother and my uncle had an affair.”
Azure nodded.
“And that person also said that I am a result of that affair.” It was more of a statement than a question. “Is there any proof of this, other than Uncle Frank confessing the truth to Harper?” Marissa wanted to know. “Do they have pictures of them leaving a hotel or something more scandalous?”
“Not that I know of,” Azure responded. “Right now we have no other information, but in situations like this—all that is needed is a rumor, whether true or false.”
Marissa settled back in her chair and crossed her legs. “So, what does this person want for this little tidbit? Money?”
“There’s been no demand for money or anything. Marissa, I haven’t taken this to my editor. You have to know that I am going to do everything I can to see that this accusation never sees the light of day.”
“If your magazine doesn’t publish the story, then I’m sure this person will go somewhere else. I really would like to know what’s in it for them to try and ruin our lives.” Marissa shook her head sadly.
“I can’t imagine how you must be feeling right now,” Azure told her. “I’m so sorry, Marissa.”
“I still find it hard to believe that my…my mother could do something like this to my dad. They always seemed so happy and in love.”
“I won’t let this get out, Marissa.”
“It may be out of your hands, Azure. Unfortunately, we will all have to wait and see if the other shoe falls.”
Chapter 3
“Marissa, I can’t thank you enough for everything you’ve done for me,” a young woman said as they walked out of the courtroom.
Smiling, she responded, “You’re welcome, Rita.”
The twenty-year-old had pleaded no contest in a drunken-driving case. Marissa had suggested Rita plead to the charge of driving while visibly impaired.
“I’ve learned my lesson and I’ll be relieved to be able to put this behind me.”
“Will this charge be on my daughter’s record forever?” the older woman with them asked. “I want her to have a chance to get a good job or become that doctor.”
“If Rita stays out of trouble while she is on probation, then her record will be expunged. She will be able to do whatever she wants with her life.” Marissa glanced over at the young girl. “It’s all up to you, Rita.”
“Lord knows, I pray so.”
When her clients left, Marissa noticed a man standing near the exit doors of the courthouse. A smile tugged at her lips.
“Daddy, what are you doing here?” Marissa was surprised to see him. She had not noticed him in the courtroom, but then, she had been focused on helping her client.
“I came to watch my baby girl in action,” he responded.
His words brought tears to her eyes. No other man would ever replace Jacob Hamilton Jr. as her father.
“You handled yourself well in there.”
“It was an easy case,” Marissa responded.
“And you did a good job,” her father insisted as he wrapped an arm around her. “Just remember this feeling on those days when the case is a difficult one.”
“Thanks, Daddy.”
They walked out to their cars.
“Why don’t I call your mother and have her meet us for lunch?” Jacob suggested.
“I have a better idea,” Marissa countered. “Why don’t you and Mother have lunch together? I need to get back to the office.” She could not stomach being around her mother right now.
He scanned her face as if he was trying to read her expression. “Is there something going on between you and your mom?”
Jacob’s question surprised Marissa. “No, things are fine. I’ve just been really busy, Daddy.”
“You’re too busy to grab a bite to eat?”
“I’ll get something on the way back to the office.”
“Okay,” Jacob said. “I’ll see you later, baby girl.”
She walked away briskly and headed to the nearest exit door.
Within minutes, Marissa was inside her car and on the way back to the office. She was in a great mood after her victory in court—it was a small one, but a victory nonetheless.
Jillian and her brothers were all waiting for Marissa when she arrived.
“So, how did it go?” Jake asked. “Did she plead no contest?”
Marissa nodded. “Rita was given probation. I believe she has learned her lesson from this experience.”
“Her mother is really sweet,” Jake stated. He and Rita’s older brother had gone to college together and were in the same fraternity.
“Please tell me that you all are not going to be sitting here in my office like this every time I go to court.”
Jillian laughed. “You might as well get used to the idea, Marissa. They treated me the same way when I started.”
“Me, too,” Marcus interjected. “And I bet Dad was at the courthouse, wasn’t he?”
“Yes, he was there,” Marissa confirmed. “Every case so far.”
“He still comes to see me in action,” Jillian stated.
“He comes to mine, too,” Anthony interjected.
Marissa looked over at Jake. “When did Dad stop coming to yours?”
Jake laughed. “When you started working here.”
Smiling, Marissa shooed everyone out of her office. “I need to get back to work and I’m sure you all need to do the same. Leave.”
Her first year at the law firm had been a success, as far as Marissa was concerned. She never thought she could work any harder than she did in law school, but Hamilton, Hamilton and Clark was a real pressure cooker at times.
There had been days when Marissa thought she would crack under the strain of it all, but she would never share this with any of her family members. It would just confirm for them that she was not able to handle the pressures of being an attorney.
The only person with whom she could be completely honest about her feelings was Griffin. He understood how she felt and never once judged her. She recalled a conversation they had had when she first started working at the firm. They were in his office going over a case.
“Griffin, can I ask you something?” Marissa had asked him.
“Do you think I have it easier than the other associates because I am a Hamilton? I want you to be honest with me.”
He met her gaze and responded, “I believe you didn’t have to work hard to become an associate here after graduating from law school, but I know that your father treats all of his associates equally. It’s one of the things I respect most about him.”
“I wish everyone was as open-minded and observant as you.”
“Don’t let office rumors get into your head,” Griffin advised. “You can’t stop others from talking, but you do not have to give their words power. Stay focused on what’s important, and that’s proving yourself.”
“Eminence just did an article on my family, and when you look at the photos, we look like a modern-day version of the Cosby family—picture-perfect.”
He grinned. “Are you saying that you’re not?”
Marissa smiled. “You know the answer to that just from the amount of time you’ve spent around Jake and Harper. I love my brother and my cousin, but I hate how competitive they are with each other.”
“It keeps them both on their toes,” Griffin stated. “I wouldn’t worry about them.”
Marissa’s attention returned to the present.
Her family was anything but picture-perfect. Unspoken tensions that lay rumbling beneath the surface threatened to topple them all.
* * *
“How did it go in court today?” Griffin asked as he held the elevator door open for Marissa.
“Great,” she said. “Rita should get probation and if she stays out of trouble, she’ll be able to return to college and finish her degree.”
He glanced at Marissa as the elevator doors closed on the two of them, alone in the car. That’s what made her a good lawyer and a good person. How much she cared for her clients. She was as beautiful on the inside as she was on the outside.
She was also incredibly sexy, despite her conservative dress.
And she wasn’t afraid of hard work.
These were just a few of the reasons why he loved her.
He pulled up short as he stole another glance her way. Loved her?
He felt a strange sensation in his gut as he finally admitted it. Yes, he loved the very woman who was off-limits.
* * *
Marissa was surprised when she glimpsed her aunt in the hallway a couple of days later. Vanessa Bonnard was a renowned fashion designer who traveled frequently. She rarely made visits to the firm whenever she was home. In fact, she rarely attended any family functions—unless there were media involved.
“Aunt Vanessa,” she murmured in greeting. Marissa struggled to meet her aunt’s intense gaze. Her mother and Vanessa had never been close, but her aunt had always treated Marissa kindly.
“Hello, Marissa. How are you?”
“I’m fine.”
Vanessa’s gaze left her face and traveled downward briefly. “What a beautiful dress,” she said with a smile. “It’s quite lovely on you.”
“Thank you,” Marissa responded. “I didn’t know that you were back from Milan.”
“I arrived last night. I thought I’d surprise my husband for an early lunch, but it seems that he’ll be in court all day.”
“They usually break for lunch around this time. Why don’t you give him a call?” Marissa suggested.
Vanessa smiled. “I just may do that. Thanks, sweetie.”
“You’re welcome,” Marissa said. “Well, I guess I had better get back to my desk. It’s good seeing you, Aunt Vanessa.”
“You know…why don’t you join us, Marissa?” Vanessa blocked her path. “We hardly get to spend any time together. C’mon, it will be fun to catch up.”
“Oh no,” Marissa responded quickly. “You and Uncle Frank should spend some quality time together. You just got back.”
She certainly could not handle having lunch with the man who could be her father. Marissa was not interested in any family reunions of this kind.
“Oh, but we would love for you to join us,” Vanessa said smoothly.
“Maybe next time,” Marissa told her.
Vanessa smiled. “I’m going to hold you to that.”
Marissa gave her a slight nod. She was grateful when her assistant interrupted them regarding a trial date.
When they were alone, she turned her attention back to her aunt.
Vanessa chuckled. “You know…that expression on your face…you look just like Frank. My husband makes that face whenever he is silently contemplating something. I guess it must be hereditary.”
“I really need to get back to my desk,” Marissa blurted. “I have some phone calls to make.”
“Enjoy the rest of your day, sweetie.”
“You, too,” she said. Marissa thought she glimpsed something in Vanessa’s eyes, but it vanished as quickly as it had come. For a moment, it looked like displeasure, but she could not be sure.
Marissa walked briskly to her office. She was barely aware of Harper’s presence. He must have followed her.
“Hey, what were you and my mom talking about?” Harper asked in a low voice. “I saw you two in the hall.”
Marissa glanced over at him. “She invited me to lunch. I turned her down.”
“How did she seem?”
“Same as always,” Marissa said. “Why? Do you think she knows anything? Please tell me that you didn’t tell her.”
“I didn’t say anything to my mother and I don’t plan to. If anyone tells her, it should be my father.”
“Nobody should say anything to anybody,” Marissa declared. “Just let them both take it to the grave. My dad does not deserve to be hurt. Neither does Aunt Vanessa.”
“Knowing my mother, she would find a way to make Dad pay if she ever found out,” Harper said.
Chapter 4
“Are you feeling okay?”
Marissa looked up from the notes she and her assistant were going over in one of the conference rooms. She gave her a slight nod. “I think I’m coming down with a cold. I’ll be fine, though.”
“Why don’t I make you a cup of tea? You can close your door and lie down on your couch for a while. You don’t have any appointments until later today.”
“Some tea would be nice, Roberta. Thank you,” Marissa murmured. The idea of taking a nap was very appealing to her. She was feeling a bit tired.
She was in her office and sitting on the couch when Roberta entered the room carrying a cup of hot tea.
Marissa smiled as she accepted the tea from her assistant. “Thanks so much.”
“Go on and rest. I’ll see that no one disturbs you.”
Marissa began to feel better almost as soon as she lay down.
She could hear Griffin outside her office talking to one of the other associates. Marissa loved the sound of his voice. He reminded her of the smooth, late-night disc jockeys on the radio.
Marissa allowed her memory to drift into forbidden territory—one night five months ago. She had decided to work late. She had been surprised to find that Griffin was also there after everyone had already gone home. They decided to take their laptops into a conference room to work while they shared a dinner of shrimp fried rice, orange chicken and egg drop soup.
Maybe it was the adrenaline of working on a case; maybe it was sleep deprivation or maybe it was just inevitable, but Marissa and Griffin could no longer ignore their mutual attraction.
They soon decided to call it a night.
Marissa followed Griffin to his apartment. As soon as they were inside, they were in each other’s arms.
Griffin had undressed her slowly and then carried her into his bedroom.
He laid her on the bed. Griffin removed his own clothing before joining her.
“I’ve wanted this for a long time,” he whispered.
“So have I,” Marissa admitted.
Griffin captured her lips with his own, holding her close to his nakedness.
Marissa moaned softly as her passion ignited into a flame in the pit of her belly. She burned with desire for Griffin’s touch.
They had made love slowly that night, not wanting the moment to come to an end.
Marissa could still feel the heat of their passion from that night—it burned in her memory. The sweetness of his kisses lingered in her mind, filling her with the desire to be kissed by Griffin again.
But that night was long gone.
The special moment they had shared was just that—a moment.
As soon as the thought revealed itself, Marissa shook her head in denial. What she had shared with Griffin that night was only meant to last for a moment, but for Marissa, it would last a lifetime.
Marissa closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep with Griffin consuming her thoughts.
When she woke up, Marissa could not believe that almost two hours had passed, but she felt so much better now and more energetic. She rose to her feet and went to the bathroom to wash her face.
“You look like you’re feeling better,” Roberta commented when Marissa came out.
“I do,” she responded. “I feel so much better.”
It was almost time for her meeting with a new client, so Marissa spent the next half hour going over the file her assistant had prepared.
“Hey, what are you doing? In here playing lawyer?”
Marissa looked up and grinned at her oldest brother. “What are you doing?”
Jake strolled casually into the room. “What’s that supposed to mean?” he asked with a sly smile.
“You are no angel,” she stated.
“How’s it going?” he inquired with a grin. “I know how overwhelming working here can be. Not to mention working with family.”
“I’m hanging in there.”
“Well, let me know if I can help you with anything.”
“You really don’t have to worry about me, Jake,” Marissa said. “I’m fine. I can handle my job.”
“I just want to make sure that you’re not taking on more than you can handle.”
Marissa did not bother to disguise her irritation. “I am not a baby, Jake. I don’t need you looking over my shoulder. Why don’t you focus your energies on your new wife?”
He ignored her remark. “It’s just that your sister said that you’ve been pretty moody lately.”
“Maybe all of you should just leave me alone,” Marissa sniped at her brother. She took in a deep breath, releasing it slowly.
“I’m sorry, Jake. I should not be snapping at you like this. It’s just that I’ve been with the firm a year now and I feel I’m doing a great job, but it’s frustrating when you all keep looking over my shoulder. I can’t breathe this way.”
He nodded in understanding. “I’ll back off, Marissa.”
She smiled. “Thanks.”
Marissa leaned back in her chair. She hoped that Jake would keep his word. Now if she could get the rest of her siblings to do the same.
* * *
One of the other qualities that Griffin loved about Marissa was her genuine smile, which seemed prominently on display at all times. She had a wonderful sense of humor and loved to laugh.
Griffin released a sigh. He missed her laughter.
He also missed spending time with her.
The memory of the one night they had shared flashed to the forefront of his mind. What he and Marissa shared that night had been beautiful. Griffin held on to that memory as if it were a lifeline. He never wanted to forget the way she looked at him as they made love or the way her lips felt against his.
A tremor of disappointment slid down his spine because he knew that they would never share another night like that one. The experience was once-in-a-lifetime. Still, he couldn’t turn off his feelings for Marissa as if they were controlled by a switch. And those feelings frightened him.
It was time for a reality check.
He had crossed the line when he slept with Marissa.
Afterward, he had apologized for taking advantage of Marissa, although she tried to assure him that she did not feel that way.
Marissa confessed her attraction to him and assured Griffin that she wanted him to make love to her.
Griffin told her that it should not ever happen again. He and Marissa both had worked hard to prove themselves at the firm—if word ever got out that he had slept with the boss’s daughter, he would be fired, and Marissa’s reputation would never be the same. Griffin did not want to see her hurt beyond that one night, so he told her that they should keep a professional distance going forward.
Professional distance. It was one of the hardest things to do. He hungered for Marissa’s touch, her kisses… Griffin could not stomach the thought of Marissa with another man. He did not even want to think about the idea, despite the fact that they had no future together.
Griffin shook his head, trying to erase the image of the beautiful woman who dominated his thoughts.
As if he conjured her, Marissa appeared in his doorway. “Didn’t mean to disturb you,” she said. “Daddy wanted me to tell you that he can meet with you right now if you have some time. He’s thinking about coming in late tomorrow.”
He silently took in her appearance. Marissa was as beautiful as ever, although there was something different about her—something he could not put a finger on. Griffin did not like the gulf that existed between them. They used to be able to talk easily, but now…well, things were different.
“Thanks, Marissa.”
“Not a problem.” She turned to leave.
“Hey,” he called out. “Do you have a few minutes?”
“How are things going with you?” Griffin asked her. “I know we haven’t had a real chance to sit down and talk about your development, but—”
“Everything is good,” Marissa interjected a little too quickly.
He pointed to a chair. “Would you like to sit down?”
Marissa shook her head. “I really need to get going, Griff. Besides, my dad is waiting to meet with you.”
There was more that Griffin wanted to say to Marissa, but he simply nodded. Things were different between them now for sure—and it was all his fault.
He reined in his errant thoughts and went back to work, until his cell phone rang just as he was preparing to leave the office.
“Griffin, hey…it’s me, Colin. I know this is late notice, but we’re playing at the Blue Nile in Center City tonight. If you don’t have any plans, why don’t you come out? I would love to catch up.”
“Sounds like a plan,” Griffin responded. “I’m on my way home. Give me a chance to freshen up and I’ll see you shortly.”
Griffin normally did not go out on weeknights, but because he had not seen his friend in months, he made an exception. He and Colin were childhood friends who grew up in the same neighborhood. While he had chased after his dream of being a lawyer, Colin had chased after his music. He was a phenomenal keyboard player.
Griffin was actually looking forward to seeing Colin and his band perform. Years ago, he used to sing with them, but only to help earn money for college. He never seriously considered pursuing music as a career. His first love had always been law.
For a brief second Griffin considered calling Marissa and inviting her to join him, but he changed his mind. Things were still very awkward between them.
* * *
“I don’t know why I let you talk me into this,” Marissa told her friend.
“Because you need a night out,” Cheryl responded with a smile. “I bet you haven’t been to the Blue Nile in forever. Besides, we haven’t spent much time together lately. I want to know what’s going on with you.”
Cheryl had been Marissa’s best friend since high school. She regretted not having enough time to see her regularly. “I’ve been working hard to stay on top of my caseload.”
The place was crowded. Marissa glanced around, scanning the room for an empty table. They found one in a corner and sat down.
“How do you like teaching at Temple?” Marissa asked.
“I love it,” her friend said. “What about you? Are you still loving law?”
Marissa nodded. “It’s a lot of work, but I do enjoy it. What I don’t like about the job is working with family. They treat me like a child—watching over me and constantly checking on me.”
Cheryl laughed. “What did you expect? You are the youngest in the family. My little sister complains of the same thing.”
“Obviously, not this. Your sister is only fourteen. I am a grown woman.”
“The last time we talked, you were telling me about this guy you work with,” Cheryl said with a grin. “How is that going?”
“We work together,” Marissa responded. “That’s about it.”
“What happened?”
Marissa shrugged. “He has this thing about not getting involved with the boss’s daughter. He loves his job and apparently it means more to him than I do.”
“How does it make you feel?”
Marissa met her friend’s gaze. “I wish my name was something other than Hamilton at times. This guy—he’s great and I understand his feelings, but I just thought that… Anyway, it doesn’t matter what I thought. We decided it was best to keep a professional relationship.”
A waiter appeared to take their order.
Marissa ordered a glass of water.
“You’re not drinking tonight?” Cheryl questioned. “Not even a glass of wine?”
“No, I have an early day tomorrow.”
The band members took their places onstage.
“Have you heard them before?” Marissa asked her friend.
Cheryl nodded. “A couple of times. They’re really good.”
Marissa settled back to listen to the band. Truthfully she was grateful to be away from the house. Her mother should be asleep by the time Marissa arrived home later in the evening. She was still trying to avoid her mother as much as possible.
She bobbed her head to the music. “This band is great.”
Cheryl agreed.
Marissa’s eyes traveled the crowded room. There were a lot of people out tonight. The first time she had ever come to the Blue Nile Club was with Griffin. They had come here to celebrate the win of her first case.
She enjoyed being here with Cheryl, but it reminded Marissa of Griffin. Even now, she felt his presence.
Marissa gave herself a mental shake. There was no use thinking about a man who would never return her feelings.
Chapter 5
Seated in front of the stage, Griffin tapped his foot to the music. It had been a while since he’d been out like this, relaxing and listening to a live band. He made a mental note to change that going forward. It was fine to stay focused on work, but Griffin realized that he also needed some downtime to relax. It wasn’t healthy to hold on to pent-up emotions and energies.
The room exploded in applause when the song ended.
Onstage, Colin took the microphone. “It’s wonderful to be back home in Philly,” he said.
“Welcome home,” someone in the audience yelled out.
He laughed. “I have a special treat for you tonight. Who remembers the tall, cool dude that used to sing with us?”
Several people in the audience clapped and screamed in memory.
Colin laughed. “Well, we have Griff in the audience and—”
The sound of applause drowned out the rest of
Colin’s words.
Smiling, Griffin met his friend’s gaze and shook his head. He had not come here to perform. It had been years since he had been on a stage. He had planned to just come out, listen to music and reconnect with old friends.
Colin refused to take no for an answer. “You hear that applause—that’s for you, bro,” he told Griffin. “C’mon…”
Griffin rose to his feet and made his way up to the stage.
Colin handed him the mike.
Music filled the stage and its surroundings.
Griffin moved to its beat and began to sing. He soon felt as if he had never left the stage and he allowed his love for music to take over.
* * *
Marissa could not believe her eyes when Griffin walked up on the stage. She had no idea he could sing.
“I don’t believe it,” Marissa uttered.
“What is it?” Cheryl asked. “You know him?”
She nodded. “That’s Griff.”
“The guy you work with? The one you’ve been telling me about?”
“Yes,” Marissa responded.
Marissa was very entranced by the bass timbre of his voice. Griffin had never shared this side of himself with her before. Obviously, they were not as close as she had imagined.
As if drawn by an invisible web, Griffin met her gaze.
His eyes registered surprise, but he never interrupted his singing.
“He has a nice voice,” Cheryl said.
Marissa agreed.
Griffin received a standing ovation and thunderous applause as he thanked everyone and left the stage. Instead of returning to his table, he walked over to where she and Cheryl were sitting.
Marissa spoke first, making the introductions before saying, “I didn’t know about this side of you.”
He met her gaze and then smiled. “This is the first time I’ve been on a stage in forever. When I left the band, I never really thought much about it. It just became a part of my past once I passed the bar.”
“You never really talk about your life.”
Griffin shrugged in nonchalance. “There isn’t a lot to tell.”
“Well, I guess I didn’t know you as well as I thought I did.” Marissa tried to hide the disappointment she felt. She had shared so much of herself with Griffin, even her personal feelings and insecurities.
Apparently there was much to Griffin that he’d kept private.
“I enjoyed your singing,” Cheryl told him.
“So did I,” Marissa interjected after a moment. “You can really sing.”
“Thank you both,” Griffin replied with a smile. “I didn’t know that you liked places like this, Marissa. I figured you were more of a jazz lover.”
Cheryl chuckled. “Marissa…she hates jazz.”
“No, I don’t,” she countered. “I just like classic R & B more.”
She was saved from further embarrassment when the band took a break and Griffin introduced them to Cheryl and Marissa.
Marissa was thrilled that she had decided to come out with Cheryl. She was really having a great time. It was nice to see Griffin relaxed and having a good time. She really liked this side of him and wished he would display it more.
Marissa was in love with Griffin Jackson and there was a time when she had hoped he felt the same way. But it soon became obvious that he did not return her feelings.
So what else could she do?
After their one night together, Griffin told her that their making love had been impulsive and ill-advised. He decided that they should keep their relationship professional.
Wounded, Marissa had simply agreed. She told Griffin that no one would ever know what had happened that night, and that it would never happen again.
However, it did not stop her heart from aching for him. But Marissa was not going to force herself on Griffin. She tried to keep her distance as much as she could when they were in the office. They were exceedingly polite with each other, careful not to exchange more than casual pleasantries.
In the beginning, Marissa tried to convince herself that this was all for the best. That was before she saw the plus line in the home pregnancy test.
* * *
It had never once occurred to Marissa that she was pregnant. She and Griffin had used a condom the night they made love, so she had no real reason to suspect anything. She had ignored the symptoms for weeks, chalking up the missed period and the constant nausea to stress.
By the time Marissa decided to take a pregnancy test, she was about nine weeks along. Stunned beyond words, she had no idea what to do. A baby was the last thing she needed right now, and she was sure Griffin would feel the same way.
She knew that many early pregnancies ended in miscarriage, so Marissa decided to keep mum. There was no point in alarming her family or Griffin unnecessarily.
For a brief moment, she had even considered terminating the pregnancy, but once she heard the baby’s heartbeat, everything changed for Marissa.
You are my baby. I am going to do everything in my power to protect you.
There were two questions that stayed at the forefront of her mind these days. How was she going to tell Griffin?
Should she tell him?
Marissa’s eyes traveled downward. Eventually she was not going to be able to hide her pregnancy anymore. She was already struggling to wear clothes that would camouflage the roundness of her belly. Marissa had also taken to carrying large handbags—something she used to avoid because of her five-foot-two-inch frame. She still favored high-heeled shoes, but she had to consider lowering them some during her pregnancy.
Her mind traveled back to Griffin.
Marissa was dreading his reaction, and silently rationalized that she had not told him because she could never find the right time.
She couldn’t just blurt it out, but Marissa vowed to tell Griffin as soon as the time was right.
Chapter 6
The next day, Griffin was back to his usual self in the office. The only time he had stopped by Marissa’s office was to ask her to keep quiet about his singing.
“Why do you want to keep something like this a secret? You have a beautiful voice, Griff.”
“I don’t want anyone thinking or assuming that my loyalties are divided. Your father and Albert frown on associates taking on anything that might take the focus off being a good lawyer.”
“I understand,” Marissa said. She knew that he was correct. The partners of the firm demanded complete loyalty from all of the associates, including her. “I won’t say a word.”
Griffin thanked her and was gone without another word.
Marissa turned her attention back to her computer monitor.
It was not easy working in the same office as Griffin. Her feelings for him made it a daily challenge. Then there was the fact that she was carrying his baby.
She couldn’t keep her mind off the baby for the rest of the day. She was still thinking about it when she walked into Integrity shortly after six o’clock that evening.
“Marissa, I’m glad you’re here,” her mother said as soon as she opened the door.
She glanced up at her sister and then her mother. “Why, what’s going on?”
“I thought we’d have dinner out,” Jeanette announced cheerfully. “Just us girls.”
“You two go ahead,” Marissa suggested. “I’m going to have a hot bath and then watch some TV. I’m in the mood to do absolutely nothing.”
Her mother seemed disappointed. “Honey, you have to eat. We haven’t spent any time together in weeks.”
“I’ll eat something if I get hungry,” Marissa told her. “You and Jillian have fun.”
“You’re sure you don’t want to join us? We hardly see you these days and we all live in the same house.”
“We’ll do it another time,” Marissa promised.
She was very angry with her mother. At some point, they would have to sit down and have a discussion, but Marissa was not ready for that. Some of the shock had worn off, but it was still too soon.
* * *
“Marissa, have you been sleeping?” her doctor asked.
“More than usual,” she responded. “I’ve been trying to clear my caseload so that when the baby comes…”
He nodded in understanding. “You look tired. Are you taking your vitamins?”
“I am,” Marissa said. “Dr. Benton, I haven’t been able to really keep any food down. I thought the morning sickness would be gone by now.”
“It should ease up and you’ll begin to feel a whole lot better.”
She had read up on what to expect in her pregnancy. She knew her baby was about the size of an avocado, that the eyes were closer to the front of the head and the ears in close to their final position. Marissa felt a surge of excitement every time she heard her baby’s heartbeat, and she yearned to be able to share this with someone. Even her best friend had no idea that she was pregnant.
Marissa held her secret close to her because she did not want to admit that she had made a huge mistake by having sex with Griffin. In fact, she had no right to judge her mother so harshly, but Jeanette was a married woman, whereas she and Griffin were both single.
She left the doctor’s office and drove straight to work. Marissa would have to say something soon because she’d be showing shortly. Meantime, she did not want any rumors spoiling her secret before she had a chance to prepare her family.
At the office she saw Griffin, Jake and Harper in a conference room discussing some case. From the looks of it, her brother and cousin were on opposite ends. Nothing new there.
Poor Griff, she thought. He was caught in the middle and trying to play peacemaker.
Marissa hoped that her baby shared Griffin’s handsome features, especially his long lashes and perfectly shaped lips.
He glanced up and saw her in the hallway.
Embarrassed at being caught staring at him, Marissa gave a tiny wave and headed to her office.
* * *
The next morning, all of the associates gathered for the weekly staff meeting.
Marissa grabbed a bottle of water and sat down beside her brother Marcus. She had some saltines in the pocket of her jacket, in case she needed to eat something to settle her stomach. Marissa hoped to make it through the meeting without experiencing a bout of nausea. She did not want her family or Griffin becoming suspicious.
Griffin walked in a few minutes later and sat down at the conference table in the empty chair across from her.
“Victor Ewing was arrested last night at the airport,” Jacob announced. “The federal authorities spent three years looking for this guy. He’s wanted on tax-evasion charges.”
“He wants us to represent him?” Jake inquired. “What happened with his last attorney?”
“Is he the guy who left the country before they could arrest him?” Jillian asked. “He owned several hair salons.”
“I remember reading something about this,” Marissa interjected. “He went to Nigeria and the authorities were not able to extradite him. Why did he come back to the U.S.?”
“His mother is gravely ill and Victor mistakenly believed that the statute of limitations had expired. It is one of the reasons he fired his last attorney. Victor believes that the feds were tipped off. He says that the only person who knew he had come back was his attorney.”
“I’d like to meet with Mr. Ewing,” Marcus stated. “This is the type of challenging case I’ve been looking for.”
“Do we even want to represent a man like Victor Ewing?” Jillian asked. “The cost to try a case like this is going to cost at least a million dollars. Does he even have any money?”
“He’s facing four counts of filing false tax returns and two counts of structuring financial transactions to avoid reporting requirements,” Jacob said. “The feds say that he also used business proceeds to buy a million-dollar home in New Jersey, and to transfer funds to Nigeria.”
Marissa could feel the heat of Griffin’s gaze as he silently observed her. She kept her expression blank. She was afraid that he might see the truth that she was keeping something from him.
After the meeting, Harper followed Marissa into her office.
“How are you doing?” he asked.
“As well as can be expected,” she said. “How about you?”
“Same here.”
Marissa gave him a sidelong glance. “How are things going between you and Uncle Frank?”
“I don’t have a whole lot to say to him,” Harper said. “We don’t talk unless we have to, and that’s mostly here in the office. By the way, your mom invited all of us over for one of the Hamilton family dinners on Sunday.”
Marissa groaned. “I don’t want to do this.”
Harper nodded in agreement. “Neither do I. In fact, Azure and I won’t be in attendance.”
“You should rethink your decision,” Marissa said. “I think we should both attend—if we don’t, then the rest of the family may get suspicious. That’s the last thing we need.”
Chapter 7
Marissa was relieved when Jake and his wife, Charlotte, arrived on Sunday. Jeanette could then take her focus off Marissa. Her mother had been trying to engage her in conversation all morning. Marissa just wanted to get through this family dinner so that she could retreat to her bedroom. She was not feeling well and had experienced momentary bouts of nausea.
While Jeanette was engaged in a conversation with Charlotte, Marissa hid out in the kitchen. She checked on the food before setting the table in the massive dining room.
Marcus arrived next.
He glanced at his sister, saying, “Marissa, are you putting on weight?”
“That’s a question no girl likes to hear,” Marissa responded as casually as she could manage.
“It looks good on you,” Marcus assured her. “In fact, you’re glowing. I guess we’re not working you too hard from the looks of it.”
She smiled. “Trust me, I work hard enough.”
When Harper and Azure walked into the house, Marissa met them in the living room. “I’m so glad you both came.”
“My mom and dad won’t be here,” Harper announced. “I can’t say that I’m disappointed, though.”
Marissa agreed.
The rest of her siblings arrived, as did Harper’s.
They all gathered in the spacious family room, talking until Jeanette announced dinner was served.
The evening turned out to be a pleasant one, and despite everything that was going on, Marissa managed to enjoy herself.

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