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Hearts Afire
Deborah Fletcher Mello
He’s raising the stakes—one kiss at a time…After a nasty divorce, Maitlyn Boudreaux is ready to reclaim her sensuality and rediscover her inner wild child. A luxury cruise to exotic ports of call is just what the New Orleans negotiator needs…and meeting Zak Sayed on board could be an added bonus. The high-stakes poker player wants the same thing she does: a sizzling hot fling with no strings attached.A brilliant entrepreneur and professional gambler, Zak is one of the world’s most sought-after bachelors. But beneath the playboy facade is a guy who’s playing for keeps. The passionate eldest daughter of the Boudreaux clan is the soul mate he’s been searching for…. Even as a ruthless business adversary threatens to destroy everything Zak cherishes most, can he convince Maitlyn to take the biggest gamble of all?

He’s raising the stakes—one kiss at a time…
After a nasty divorce, Maitlyn Boudreaux is ready to reclaim her sensuality and rediscover her inner wild child. A luxury cruise to exotic ports of call is just what the New Orleans negotiator needs…and meeting Zak Sayed on board could be an added bonus. The high-stakes poker player wants the same thing she does: a sizzling hot fling with no strings attached.
A brilliant entrepreneur and professional gambler, Zak is one of the world’s most sought-after bachelors. But beneath the playboy facade is a guy who’s playing for keeps. The passionate eldest daughter of the Boudreaux clan is the soul mate he’s been searching for…. Even as a ruthless business adversary threatens to destroy everything Zak cherishes most, can he convince Maitlyn to take the biggest gamble of all?
Maitlyn suddenly clutched the front of her shirt with both hands, as she shifted her weight from one leg to the other. “I shouldn’t have come downstairs,” she abruptly rambled, her voice barely a whisper. “I don’t know what I was thinking. This isn’t like me.”
“No, it’s not, but you’re doing fine.” Zak’s tone was intense. He tried to catch her eye, but she looked away, her nerves beginning to get the best of her. He flashed a bright smile, but she still felt apprehensive. He stepped in closer to her, and Maitlyn dropped her arms against her sides and clenched her hands into a fist. They were clasped together so tightly that she could feel the blood pulsing through her fingertips.
She’d been committed when she’d come down the stairs, but her self-assurance was melting. She was like a blushing bride, virginal and timid. She’d descended the steps with a purpose, and now she seemed unwilling or simply unable to initiate the first touch.
So, he did.
Writing since forever, Deborah Fletcher Mello can’t imagine herself doing anything else. Her first romance novel, Take Me To Heart, earned her a 2004 Romance Slam Jam nomination for Best New Author. In 2005 she received Book of the Year and Favorite Heroine nominations for her novel The Right Side of Love, and in 2009 won an RT Reviewers’ Choice Award for her ninth novel, Tame A Wild Stallion. With fifteen romances under her belt, Deborah continues to create unique storylines and memorable characters.
For Deborah, writing is as necessary as breathing, and she firmly believes that if she could not write she would cease to exist. For Deborah, the ultimate thrill is to weave a story that leaves her audience feeling full, and satisfied, as if they’ve just enjoyed an incredible meal. Born and raised in Connecticut, Deborah now considers home to be wherever the moment moves her.
Fletcher Mello

www.millsandboon.co.uk (http://www.millsandboon.co.uk)
Dear Reader,
Thank you! I am so humbled by your continued support. Thank you for sharing my stories, and enabling my fan base to grow. Please know that your reviews, critiques and comments on social media sites have helped me get better with each new story.
I am loving the Boudreaux family. I love that I am able to breathe life into each of the siblings’ unique personalities. I had thought I knew Maitlyn, but then both she and Zak Sayed took me by surprise. This couple came with some unique and conflicting personality traits. Staying true to that and making their story believable was not without challenges, but I hope you’ll agree it was well worth the effort.
Until the next time, please take care and may God’s many blessings continue to be with you.
With much love,
Deborah Fletcher Mello
www.DeborahMello.blogspot.com (http://www.deborahmello.blogspot.ca/)www.Twitter.com/DebbMelloWrites (https://twitter.com/DebbMelloWrites)www.Facebook.com/DeborahFletcherMello (https://www.facebook.com/DeborahFletcherMello)
To my pretty, pretty princess,
JoAnna Alaina Woody
Your beautiful smile just warms MeeMi’s heart!
Chapter 1 (#u45e5aab8-f6f8-55fb-9b15-561323f1a2e5)
Chapter 2 (#u7253dc5b-2899-5f8e-8fea-8487d438c5d2)
Chapter 3 (#u810af3aa-be85-5312-8448-0259465ef0f6)
Chapter 4 (#u5c3656e8-a51d-5e13-82f6-bf52a69a49f1)
Chapter 5 (#ua7a257f6-f038-502e-9363-3c2245adb370)
Chapter 6 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 7 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 8 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 9 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 10 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 11 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 12 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 13 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 14 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 15 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 16 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 17 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 18 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 1
Maitlyn let out a deep sigh, and her brow furrowed as she read through the legal documents that dissolved her marriage and gave her back her family name.
The day she’d married Donald Parks all Maitlyn had dreamed of was the two of them having two kids, a dog and the house with the white picket fence. And now, here she was, grateful that they had never had children together. She would not have wanted to subject any child to the catastrophe that had been their marriage. She sighed once more before lifting her dark eyes to meet her sister’s intense gaze.
District court judge Katrina Stallion was eyeing her critically; her expression voiced her concerns even before she spoke. “You will keep your home here, your brownstone in Harlem and your Los Angeles properties. Donald will keep the town house in Atlanta. Any ties he had with the Maitlyn Agency have now been completely severed. You’ve agreed to reimburse the ten thousand he initially invested in your company, and he’s agreed that he will have no claims on any future royalties or benefits from the business. But you are still legally entitled to half his pension and retirement benefits from his employment with IBM. The state considers it all community property and therefore subject to division. Once you give me the word, I’ll draw up the paperwork and file for a court order adjunct to the divorce decree.”
Maitlyn shook her head. “I don’t want it. I don’t want anything from Donald.”
Their mother’s voice interjected from across the room. Katherine Boudreaux stood in front of her kitchen sink, her forearms lost in a bath of soapy water as she washed the dishes left from breakfast. “Maitlyn, before you make a final decision you need to take some time to think about it. You were a good wife. Every tear that man made you cry earned you that money. There is no reason you shouldn’t claim it.”
Katherine turned to stare at her fourth child. “She doesn’t have to make a decision right now, does she, Katrina?” she asked.
“No, ma’am. We can make note that we’ll be filing for an amendment to the settlement agreement later. It’s just important that Maitlyn knows what her rights are and what she’s legally entitled to.”
Katherine nodded as she reached for a dish towel to dry her hands. “Good, then she can decide when she comes back.”
Both women turned to eye the older woman curiously.
“Back from where, Mom?” Katrina asked.
“Where am I going?” Maitlyn questioned.
Katherine smiled brightly as she tossed the dishrag back on the counter. “It’s a surprise from your father. Let me go find Senior so he can tell you himself,” she said as she disappeared out the back door of the kitchen.
Maitlyn rolled her eyes.
Katrina chuckled softly. “Those are your parents,” she said teasingly.
Maitlyn smiled ever so slightly, feigning interest in the conversation as she pondered what their parents might have in store for her. Truth be told, Maitlyn didn’t like surprises, and she really didn’t care to discover what this one might be. She was still completely distraught over finding herself single and alone after twelve years of marriage to the only man she had ever loved.
When Maitlyn had made the decision to finally dissolve her marriage, Katrina, still legally able to practice law in the state of Louisiana, had flown in from her Dallas home to represent her. Providing a wealth of emotional support, Katrina had helped to ease the hurt that came when the life Maitlyn had once envisioned for herself had fallen completely apart. “What were you saying about John and Marah?” she asked as Katrina continued to update her on the latest family news.
Katrina was married to Matthew Stallion of the renowned Stallion family out of Texas. The couple had two children: seventeen-year old Collin from Katrina’s first marriage and their new baby, Matthew Jacoby Junior, who would soon be celebrating his first birthday. Their oldest brother, Mason Boudreaux, was married to Matthew’s younger sister, Phaedra, and the couple had already been planning the perfect time to conceive their first child. They had been watching the moon and stars and taking fertility advice from their sister Kamaya, and Maitlyn fathomed it would only be a matter of time before they’d be making their big announcement. Babies were suddenly becoming quite the rage between the two families. But Katrina had just mentioned something about the oldest brother, John Stallion, and his wife, Marah...something about them not being able to have any children.
Katrina released a loud sigh. “I swear, Maitlyn. I’ve been talking to you for ten minutes and you haven’t paid attention to a word I’ve said!”
“Yes, I was,” Maitlyn professed. “I just—I...” she stammered. She then swiped at a tear that had rolled down her cheek. “Donald didn’t want kids, but he didn’t bother to tell me that until after we were married. When it became an issue between us he went and had a vasectomy without even discussing it with me first.”
“He didn’t tell you?” Katrina gasped.
Maitlyn nodded. “Donald did a lot of things he didn’t bother to tell me about.”
Her sister shook her head. “Maitlyn, why didn’t you tell any of us? We’re your family, and if you had just opened up, you know we would have been there for you.”
Maitlyn shrugged. “I know. I just...” She trailed off as she shrugged her shoulders. The words had caught in her chest as she struggled not to cry. She couldn’t begin to explain how she felt. As the second child and the eldest girl, she was the one who was supposed to be there for her siblings to depend on. If they had been aware of her failings, how could they have trusted her to be there for them in their times of need?
Katrina tapped the documents on the table. “Well, that phase of your life is done and finished. Leave the past behind you. You need to live your dreams now!”
Maitlyn nodded as she forced a smile. She took a deep breath and cleared her throat. “So, what were you saying about Marah?”
“Marah and John found out that they can’t have kids. She has some kind of uterine abnormality that will make it difficult for her to carry a child to term.”
Maitlyn suddenly struggled again to fight back her tears. “That’s so sad,” she said. “They seem so happy together, and the last time I talked to her she said they were really trying to have a baby.”
“It is sad,” Katrina agreed. “But they’re handling it well. Marah was telling me that they’ve discussed adoption and surrogacy and are considering their options. But neither of them seemed overly concerned. And when you consider that John’s already raised a family, you can better understand why it might not bother them as much. After all, John was seventeen and his youngest brother, Luke, was just six when their parents died. John stepped in to take full responsibility for his brothers.”
“But what about Marah? How does she feel? It has to bother her, right?”
“Sometimes when she’s babysitting Jake, I can see the sadness in her eyes. She says that between running the ranch and her business that she barely has time to take care of herself let alone a baby, but you never know. Right now, they’re taking some alone time in Paris, so we’ll see what happens when they get back.”
“She’s going to miss having kids,” Maitlyn professed, her voice dropping to a low whisper. “I know I do.”
Katrina tossed her a slight smile. “Having children is still an option for you. You deserve to be happy, Maitlyn. It’s time you looked forward to what’s ahead for you. You don’t need to worry over your past anymore.”
Maitlyn nodded her head. “I know.”
“I’m going to tell you like I told Marah and like Mommy has always told all of us. Trust in whatever plan God has for you.”
Before Maitlyn could respond, her father’s booming voice resounded from the doorway. The two women turned to see Mason “Senior” Boudreaux making his way into the room. He cradled Katrina’s young son in his arms. The baby was laughing heartily as drool flooded down his chin. Senior tickled his chubby folds, and the baby laughed again. The sight of them made both women laugh.
“Me and baby Jake were trying to stay away from all your girl stuff. Men can’t get no kind of peace in this house!”
“Stop your fussing,” Katherine admonished as she moved in behind them. She reached to wipe the baby’s mouth with the corner of his bib.
Katrina cut an eye toward her big sister and smiled. “So, where is Mattie going, Senior? What’s the big surprise?”
Senior met his daughter’s curious gaze as Maitlyn stared at him past her sister’s shoulder. “Should I be scared?” she questioned.
Senior laughed as he blew bubbles against the baby’s cheek. “I would be. That’s a whole lot of water you gone be on!”
“Water? I don’t understand—” Maitlyn started.
Katherine clapped her hands together excitedly. “Senior is sending you on a cruise. You leave at the end of the week,” she exclaimed.
Katrina jumped up with excitement. Completely stunned, Maitlyn came to her feet, as well. “A cruise? I can’t do a cruise,” she stated.
Senior passed baby Jake to Katrina. He took a deep breath as he moved to stand in front of his oldest daughter; then his hands gripped her gently by the shoulders. “You can do a cruise, and you will do this cruise.”
“But, Senior, I have to work! I can’t just—”
The patriarch held up his index finger and shook it in her face. “You need some time away, Maitlyn Rose. You’ve had a rough year. Your mama and I have been watching you take care of everyone but yourself. Between managing Guy’s career, cleaning up Darryl’s messes, handling Kamaya’s business and everything else you do for your brothers and sisters, not to mention your other clients, you haven’t had any time for you. And that stops right now.”
“Your father’s right,” Katherine interjected. “With everything Donald put you through, this will be a great opportunity for Maitlyn to rediscover Maitlyn. You need to do you a Stella!”
Katrina suddenly laughed out loud, her eyes wide with amusement.
Maitlyn looked confused. “Stella? What does that mean?”
Katherine rolled her eyes. “Go get your groove back, baby.”
Color flushed Maitlyn’s face as understanding washed over her.
Senior reached for his grandson again and moved back toward the door. “Come on, Jake. Told you we men can’t get a minute of peace with all these women in the house,” he chimed as they disappeared from view.
Katrina laughed again. “Mama, I think you embarrassed Senior.”
Maitlyn nodded as she sat back down. “I know you embarrassed me!”
Katherine fanned a hand at her daughters. “You know your daddy better than that.” She dropped down onto the seat beside Maitlyn and wrapped an arm around her shoulders.
“And I don’t know what you’re embarrassed about. That well has been dry for too long,” she teased. “It’s time you go get yours, baby. That’s all I’m going to say.” Katherine leaned in to kiss her daughter’s cheek. “Go get yours!”
Shaking her head, Maitlyn smiled ever so slightly as Katherine and Katrina both laughed out loud.
* * *
Standing in front of the full-length mirror that hung from the closet door, Maitlyn held up two dresses, flashing one and then the other in front of her lean frame.
“Pack them both,” Tarah Boudreaux said. “In fact, pack it all! You’ll be gone for thirty-four days. For thirty-four days you’re going to need a lot of clothes. No one expects you to pack conservatively.”
“No one expects me to go over my baggage limit, either. I don’t know why I agreed to do this,” Maitlyn exclaimed, dropping down onto the full-size bed. “I don’t want to do this!”
Tarah laughed. “Do you want to tell Senior that, or do you want me to tell him for you?”
“Would it make a difference?”
“Nope. He’ll still tell you that you’re going whether you like it or not.” Tarah giggled.
Maitlyn sighed as she threw herself back against the mattress. She pulled an arm across her face, covering her eyes. She wanted to be excited about her trip, but she was still mourning the loss of her marriage. Life had thrown her a serious curve, and she wasn’t quite ready to end the pity party she’d been throwing for herself.
Her ex-husband’s rejection had been monumental, and she was tired of pretending to be strong when all she felt was broken. She took a deep breath as she sat upright and met the harsh stare Tarah was giving her. Like the rest of her family, Tarah refused to commiserate, totally unconcerned with her discontent. “What?” she questioned, eyeing her sister with annoyance.
“I think we should go lingerie shopping. You can’t pack any of this stuff,” her baby sister said, shaking a fistful of her cotton panties in the air.
Maitlyn rolled her eyes. “Why are you touching my underwear?”
“Because these granny panties are not cute! And you definitely don’t want to be caught wearing these if you should meet a guy on your cruise.”
Maitlyn shook her head, not at all amused.
“Oh, oh, oh,” Tarah suddenly exclaimed, jumping onto the bed beside her. “I think you should have sex with one of the cabin guys.”
“I am not having sex with a cabin guy.”
“Just wild, dirty sex where you don’t even bother to ask his name,” Tarah said excitedly, her hands waving in the air. “I can just see it now. He won’t know you’re in the room when he comes into your cabin to turn down the bed. You’ll pretend to be surprised when he catches you doing this sultry striptease out of your clothes. Then you’ll give him a sexy come-hither look, and when he does you rip his uniform off. Afterward, you show him to the door and leave him a big tip so he definitely knows it wasn’t a love thing.”
“Do you hear yourself?’ Maitlyn asked with her eyebrows lifted in astonishment.
“The more important question is do you hear me?”
“Reel in that creative imagination of yours, please. This is not what this trip is for, Tarah. I swear, Mommy and Daddy taught you better.”
Tarah laughed. “Exactly! How often do Mommy and Daddy give you carte blanche approval to go do your thing with no repercussions? You can go have sex with the cabin boy, the pool guy and the captain and no one will say anything because they won’t know unless you tell! What happens on the cruise stays on the cruise. Isn’t that what Mommy said?”
“You are so silly,” Maitlyn said, her smile wide.
“Just wild, dirty sex with no strings. Oh, yeah! Go, Maitlyn! Go, Maitlyn!” Tarah sang. “Get your groove on!”
Tarah’s gleeful tone made Maitlyn laugh out loud. “Anyway, how’s school?” she asked, hoping to divert her sister’s attention to something else.
“School is fine. Don’t change the subject.”
Maitlyn tossed up her hands. “I’m not talking about this anymore, Tarah.”
“Don’t talk, just keep packing, and then let’s go shopping. I feel a Victoria’s Secret shopping spree coming on,” Tarah said as she scrambled off the bed and headed toward the door. “I’ll go see if Mommy and Katrina want to come.” Tarah raced out the door.
Maitlyn smiled. Despite her best efforts it looked like her self-proclaimed pity party was about to come to an end.
Chapter 2
Even with the enthusiasm her family had been projecting over her impending trip, Maitlyn was more convinced than ever that the month-long excursion was not a good idea. As she approached the docks, she couldn’t begin to fathom what she would do with herself for all that time. She was half tempted to say so out loud when Tarah interrupted her thoughts with a squeal of excitement.
“There’s your ship! Look how big it is!” Tarah chimed, pointing out the window of their brother’s SUV.
Peering where her sister pointed, Maitlyn was suddenly overwhelmed with emotion; the sheer size of the luxury cruise liner took her breath away. The Coastal Galaxy, ranked as one of the world’s largest vessels, towered above the shoreline. The megaship looked like a floating skyscraper lying sideways.
Kendrick Boudreaux laughed as he navigated his car into the Port of New Orleans and headed toward the Julia Street cruise terminal. He pulled into a no-parking zone, shut down the engine and jumped swiftly out of the vehicle.
Maitlyn tossed her sister a look and shook her head. “Only your brother,” she said matter-of-factly.
They both watched as Kendrick shook hands with the traffic officer on duty. The two men exchanged words before he returned and opened the rear hatch to the automobile.
“You’re going to get a ticket,” Maitlyn said.
Kendrick laughed. “No, I’m not,” he responded casually.
“How are you not going to get a ticket?” Tarah questioned, cutting an eye toward Maitlyn.
Their brother smiled and winked and then passed Maitlyn’s luggage to a porter, who seemed almost too eager to be of assistance. Kendrick was the master of not answering questions. Tarah was used to it, but it galled Maitlyn to no end. Her eyes narrowed in annoyance as she dug into her handbag for a tip, but the man and her luggage were gone before she could get her hand out of her billfold.
Kendrick laughed. “What’s wrong, Mattie? You’re usually on top of your game. You seem a little slow this morning.”
“I don’t know what I’m doing,” she admitted. “And I definitely don’t know why I agreed to do this!”
Her brother shook his head, dropping his large hands against the curve of her shoulders. “Go have yourself a good time.”
“How can I have a good time when I don’t even know what it is I’m supposed to be doing every day?”
Tarah jumped up excitedly. “We took care of that,” she said as she passed her sister the bag with all her travel documents. “Me, Mom and Katrina have booked you for all the spa treatments and offshore excursions. You’re going to have a blast!”
“All of them?”
“Well, the good ones,” Tarah responded, shrugging her shoulders easily.
Kendrick laughed, shaking her lightly before wrapping his arms around her in a warm hug. “It’s going to be okay. Just go have fun!”
In that moment Maitlyn couldn’t fathom what fun might entail. But she had to admit that all her sister’s teasing had her fantasizing about a prospective encounter that might leave her completely satisfied without the burdens of commitment. Wild, passionate sex with a nameless, hard body just might be the kind of medicine she needed to get past the drama that had been her life. And if she could have wild, passionate sex with a stranger and never have anyone in her family find out, then why not, she reasoned. Her thoughts were interrupted when Kendrick suddenly did an about-face and called out to a stranger who was handing off his own luggage to a porter.
“Kendrick Boudreaux!”
Kendrick moved forward in greeting and eagerly shook the handsome stranger’s hand. The two slapped palms and gave each other a warm hug.
Maitlyn took a step forward, staring at where the two stood. Both men had clearly captured the attention of everyone around them. Her brother’s good looks had never fazed her, but his friend, with his warm complexion, luxurious black curly hair and his chiseled features, was tall, dark and handsome to the nth degree. Behind her, Tarah murmured under her breath, “My, my, my!”
Both women stood back as the two men fell into conversation. Maitlyn cut her eye toward Tarah, who was grinning like the Cheshire cat as she moved her body in closer and leaned heavily against her arm and shoulder. Mischief danced in the younger woman’s dark eyes.
“Don’t you dare,” Maitlyn admonished between clenched teeth.
Tarah giggled, whispering back, “I was just going to say that you might want to rethink doing it with the cabin guy and consider doing it with that guy.”
Kendrick suddenly gestured in their direction.
“Maitlyn, let me introduce you. This is Zakaria Sayed. Zak and I did some business together years ago, and we’ve been friends ever since. Zak, this is my sister Maitlyn Boudreaux. This is her first cruise.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Boudreaux,” Zak said as he wrapped a large palm around her hand, his dark gaze meeting hers evenly.
“It’s very nice to meet you, too,” Maitlyn murmured, heat wafting in a large wave up her spine. She pulled her hand from his, her fingers tingling from his touch. She clenched her fist, drawing her hand behind her back to stall the sensation. Her eyes were still locked with his.
Tarah cleared her throat, her eyebrows lifted.
Kendrick laughed. “Oh, and that’s Tarah, our baby sister.”
“Hey,” Tarah exclaimed, waving her hand in greeting as the man turned his attention in her direction. “So will you be cruising today, too, Mr. Sayed?”
“Please, call me Zak,” he said. His tone was deep and rich, a melodic vibrato that would have been perfect for a late-night radio program. “And, yes, I’ll be traveling on this cruise.”
Kendrick interjected, “Zak is participating in the World Series of Poker tournament. He’s made it to the grand finale, which will be played out on the ship.”
“You’re a professional gambler?” Maitlyn questioned, curiosity peaking her interest.
The man’s smile was brilliant as he tilted his head to stare down at her. His deep gaze caused her breath to halt and air to catch in her chest.
“I would not call myself a professional,” he said, the deep timbre of his voice heating her feminine spirit. “I’m just a man who likes a challenge,” he professed.
Maitlyn felt herself nodding, her head moving up and down foolishly. She was grateful when her brother interjected.
“Mattie, Zak has promised to keep an eye on you, so I know you’ll be in good hands.”
Her eyes widened as she forced herself to smile. “That’s very kind, Mr. Sayed, but my little brother shouldn’t have imposed on you. I really don’t need a babysitter.” She cut an eye at Kendrick, whose mocking gaze made her want to give him a good punch.
Zak chuckled softly. “That’s a good thing, Ms. Boudreaux. I had no plans to babysit anyone on this trip,” he said matter-of-factly.
Kendrick laughed. “Well, you two had better head inside,” he said, glancing down to the gold watch on his wrist. He leaned in to kiss her cheek. “Have a great trip,” he chimed.
Maitlyn hugged him and then Tarah.
Her sister moved in to whisper into her ear. “Tap that,” she murmured under her breath. “Pleeeease!”
Taking a deep breath, Maitlyn could only shake her head. She tossed one last look over her shoulder at her brother and sister, who were waving excitedly as she proceeded to board the ship.
She was suddenly aware of the warm palm Zak Sayed had rested against her elbow as he led her through the doors into the terminal. Neither spoke a word as they cleared the metal detectors and checked in at the registration desk. Maitlyn was surprised when he paused to wait for her after they were pointed in the direction of the gangway, especially since he had yet to utter one word to her. His expression was nondescript; the man seemed focused on something other than her.
But Maitlyn couldn’t comment, either. She found herself completely tongue-tied in his presence. She took a deep breath and held it, fighting the wave of anxiety that threatened to consume her.
Suddenly a wide-eyed redhead rushed over, greeting them cheerily. “Hello! Welcome to Coastal Cruise Lines,” the chipper attendant chimed.
“Thank you,” Zak responded politely.
“Let’s get your arrival photo taken care of and then you can board,” the young woman said as her associate guided them both in front of a cardboard stand-up of the cruise line’s logo.
“Just stand a little closer to your husband,” the other woman said as she pushed them side by side.
“Oh, he’s not... We’re not...” Maitlyn stammered. Her widened eyes made her look like a deer caught in headlights. She tossed a quick glance up at Zak, who was smiling. Maitlyn found herself completely smitten by the sheer beauty of it.
Zak winked his eye at her as he slipped an arm around her waist and pulled her closer. If he hadn’t been holding on to her, Maitlyn swore she would have dropped straight to the floor, as her knees quivered like two rubber bands.
Minutes later the two stepped onto the ship, and the cruise director greeted Zak by name.
“Mr. Sayed, welcome aboard, sir,” the woman said. “My name’s Stacy.”
Zak nodded.
Stacy then gestured to the man at her side. “David will take you to your cabin, sir. If you follow him down the stairwell to the lower lobby, you’ll take those elevators to the seventeenth floor and your suite, which is on the aft end of the ship. And if there is anything we can get for you, please don’t hesitate to ask.”
“Thank you,” Zak answered. He then turned his attention toward Maitlyn. “I look forward to seeing you again, Ms. Boudreaux. Enjoy your cruise,” he said casually.
Maitlyn smiled politely as he turned and left her and the cruise director standing together. The woman glanced politely at Maitlyn’s boarding pass and pointed her in the opposite direction. Maitlyn shook her head, disappointment painting her expression. Sure, she hadn’t expected the man to walk her to the door of her cabin, but she also hadn’t anticipated him dismissing her so casually. The fact that she was even disturbed by his actions at all unnerved her because clearly Zak Sayed was a man who was more trouble than he was worth.
As Stacy moved to help another vacationer, Maitlyn moved to stand in front of the bank of elevator doors.
* * *
Behind the closed door of his luxury suite, Zak took quick note of the two-deck-high stateroom with its panoramic views. The lower-level living space with the private balcony, dining area and bar would be ideal for entertaining if he felt inclined to do that kind of thing. The upper level boasted a king-size bed and shower large enough for two people to lose themselves in. The space would serve him nicely on the trip, he thought. He slid open the glass door to the balcony and stepped out to peer over the edge of the rail. The water below sloshed lazily against the side of the massive cruise ship.
Hours earlier his thoughts had only been on the high-stakes poker game he was taking part in and the ten million dollars that had secured his participation. But since exiting the limo that delivered him to the docks, he’d thought less about the poker game and more about the beautiful woman who’d boarded the ship with him. A smile lifted his lips.
He and Kendrick Boudreaux shared much history. Kendrick’s business dealings had brought him to Zak’s family home in Morocco. At that time he had been brokering an arms deal between two political entities. Their initial encounter might not have gone well had Kendrick not been so open and forthcoming. Zak had learned much about the man during that time, and the family he spoke of so highly. Zak also remembered how fondly he had spoken about his sisters, yet he didn’t remember Kendrick ever mentioning them being so beautiful.
Thoughts of the lovely Maitlyn Boudreaux passed through his mind. He had turned to stare after her just before heading to his cabin and had been taken aback by the overwhelming sadness he saw on her face. He couldn’t begin to imagine what had soured her spirit, but he didn’t want to see that look on her face ever again.
He also found it curious that she was traveling alone. Most of the beautiful women he knew would have been hard-pressed to travel all by their lonesome with no kind of entourage by their side. Most especially for the length of time they would be at sea. Zak fathomed that a woman with such confidence could either be quite intriguing or an annoyance for a man. It was a rare male who could handle a woman with such bold conviction, or who even wanted to. His lips bent slightly upward at the thought.
But concerning himself with any woman was not something he had time for. This trip wasn’t about a good time. Zak was on a mission, and until the last card was dealt and the final hand played, that was all he could afford to concentrate on. He had far too much money on the line to allow the prospect of a woman to distract him. Shaking thoughts of Maitlyn Boudreaux from his mind, he moved back inside his cabin and secured the sliding glass doors.
* * *
After managing to find her cabin before the ship left the dock, Maitlyn was greeted at the door by Winston, the cabin steward, who wasn’t at all bad on the eyes. The young man’s spirited personality even had her briefly contemplating her sister’s suggestions. Because for the first time in a very long time, Maitlyn was willing to admit that she had needs that could use some serious attention. And she had Zak Sayed’s touch to thank for the reminder.
Left on her own, Maitlyn quickly deposited her carry-on in her room and went to explore her surroundings. As she toured, she became completely enamored by the sheer size of the massive cruise ship and all the attention the cruise staff lavished on her. She thought about what it might feel like to have a man, perhaps one like Zak Sayed, to experience the moment with.
She sighed deeply as she took a quick glance around her, hoping that no one had been watching as decadent thoughts had washed over her spirit. She imagined herself naked, enjoying the pleasure of a hard-bodied male alongside her. Her cheeks flushed a deep red. Maitlyn was suddenly embarrassed that she’d even allowed herself to give such nonsense any consideration. And then she wasn’t, pondering how she might make such an encounter occur.
Leaning against the rail that bordered the upper deck, she stared out to where the skyline kissed the sea and the sun began its descent in the bright blue sky. Closing her eyes briefly, she took a deep breath and then a second. She prayed that taking this trip would be a good thing for her. Her parents had never steered her wrong before, and she couldn’t fathom them doing so now.
As she stared back out over the water, the moment was interrupted when a uniformed waiter suddenly appeared at her elbow, a pretty drink decorated with a paper parasol in hand. He pointed in the direction of the man who had sent the beverage. The gentleman nodded his head as he gestured toward the empty seat at his side. His inviting smile was miles wide. With his linebacker’s build, blond hair and eyes that were as blue as the ocean water, he made quite a first impression. Nodding her gratitude, Maitlyn lifted her mouth in an appreciative smile. She then tossed her reservations aside and moved in the man’s direction.
Chapter 3
Something in the glass she was holding was guiding Maitlyn’s hips in a sexy shimmy that had the full attention of every man in the room. The reggae band performing on the stage had her mesmerized as she commanded the dance floor, her sensual moves in sync with the beat.
Zak had taken notice of her the moment he’d walked into the ship’s nightclub. He had sat alone, and the ice in his drink was beginning to melt. A few days had passed since he’d last seen her and as he watched her from a table in the far corner of the room he thought back to earlier in the week when they’d first arrived together.
She was still strikingly beautiful. Her distinctive traits acknowledged an African-Asian ancestry. Her features were soft and delicate against her warm complexion. Her eyes were slight and angular and her nose whisper thin. Her cheeks were full and high with deep dimples, and she had the most perfect, most kissable lips of any woman in the room.
Her attire was conservative, a stark contradiction to the sultry gyrations that had the men in the room hovering around her like flies. Her loose, black cotton, button-up blouse and wide-legged slacks did nothing to flatter her figure. But with each shake of her hips a man could just imagine the lush curves and warm skin her clothes covered. As Zak found himself imagining, he couldn’t stop himself from smiling.
Across the room Maitlyn had finally taken a seat at one of the front tables. Three men sat down beside her, each of them vying for her attention. Zak knew two of the men by name. Frank Barber was an attorney from New York City, and Gerard Bruner was a doctor from Zimbabwe. Both were opponents he’d be going up against in the poker tournament. The third man seemed most intent on diverting Maitlyn’s full attention away from her other admirers. For a brief moment she seemed quite enamored with the blond-haired man, with his striking good looks and deep blue eyes. And then suddenly she didn’t; something in her glass no longer fueled her fun.
Zak’s radar suddenly engaged as he leaned forward in his seat. Although most of the room wasn’t paying an ounce of attention, he sensed that something wasn’t quite right as he closely observed the man who was pulling Maitlyn to her feet. Without giving it a second thought, Zak crossed the room in quick strides to where they’d been sitting.
“Ms. Boudreaux, can I be of some assistance?” he asked, cutting an eye at the man who had one arm around her waist and the other clutching her elbow.
Maitlyn shook her head from side to side. “I don’t feel well,” she murmured softly. Her eyes rolled skyward, her lashes fluttering.
“I’ve got this, thank you,” her companion snapped as he moved to leave.
Zak took a step to block his path. “And you are?” he questioned, meeting the man’s annoyed gaze.
“None of your business. My wife said she wasn’t feeling well.”
“Your wife?”
“Do you have a problem with that?”
The two men still seated at the table came to their feet. Frank Barber spoke first. “Mr. Sayed, it’s good to see you.”
Zak’s gaze remained focused on Maitlyn’s new friend. He didn’t bother to respond.
“Mr. Lloyd, this is Zakaria Sayed. Mr. Sayed, this is Alexander Lloyd and the young woman is a friend of ours. She’s not feeling well, and he was just helping her to her cabin.”
Zak nodded ever so slightly. “Well, the young woman came on board with me, not Mr. Lloyd. And since she isn’t married, I know that Mr. Lloyd can’t possibly be her husband. And the fact that he lied makes me question his intent.”
The blond-haired man bristled. “She’s a very close friend.”
“I don’t feel so good,” Maitlyn repeated again in a brief moment of lucidness.
“We appreciate your help, Mr. Lloyd, but I’ll take her from here,” Zak stated matter-of-factly.
“I can take her—” the man started.
Gerard Bruner interjected, cutting a stern eye at his friend. “Not a problem, Mr. Sayed. We were all just trying to be of some assistance.”
Zak cast a brusque eye at the man, then gestured for one of the cruise ship’s employees. The man was at his elbow before he could even lower his arm.
“Yes, sir, Mr. Sayed. Is there a problem, sir?”
“Have the ship’s doctor meet me in my suite, please. Ms. Boudreaux isn’t feeling well,” he said as he moved forward, gently pulling Maitlyn from the other man’s grasp and sweeping her up into his arms. Instinctively she wrapped both of her arms around his neck and laid her head onto his broad chest.
“Yes, sir. Right away, sir,” the man gushed as he hurried off.
The man introduced as Mr. Lloyd scowled. Zak looked from Bruner to Lloyd again, who looked down, nervously adjusting his collar. Without another word, Zak turned an about-face and carried Maitlyn out of the club.
The ship’s doctor, his nurse and the cruise director were waiting at his door. Stacy’s eyes widened with concern.
“Mr. Sayed, we can take Ms. Boudreaux down to the infirmary. You don’t need to be bothered, sir.”
“Did I say I was bothered?”
“I just— We—” she stuttered as Zak gestured for one of them to open the room’s door.
After moving inside, he laid Maitlyn down gently onto the oversize sofa. She moaned softly. He couldn’t resist brushing his fingers across her forehead, sweeping the length of her hair from her eyes. Her gaze briefly met his, and she struggled to smile.
“Has she taken anything?” the doctor asked as he moved in to examine her.
Zak shrugged. “I believe she’s been drinking. I’m not aware of anything else,” he answered.
The doctor nodded. “Do you mind if we move her upstairs to the bed?” he asked.
Zak shook his head and bent to lift her a second time. Without an ounce of effort he carried her up the short flight of stairs to the second level and laid her across the bed.
Maitlyn suddenly lurched forward, her torso rising as she reached her arms out to him. Dropping down against the bedside, Zak gently returned the embrace.
“The doctor’s here. He’ll make you feel better.”
Nodding her head against his chest, Maitlyn purred softly and then heaved, vomiting down the front of Zak’s gray silk suit.
* * *
Maitlyn’s eyes snapped open. Her eyes skated around the room as she took in her surroundings. For a brief moment she didn’t know where she was and then she remembered she was on a massive ship cruising across the Atlantic. The easy side-to-side sway of the bed she rested in was soothing. She noted that the space was luxurious, much nicer than her own cabin. And suddenly her anxiety returned—Maitlyn had no clue whose cabin, or bed, she was in.
She sat upright. The last thing she remembered was the nightclub and the intoxicating beat that had vibrated from the tips of her toes to the top of her head. She remembered the room full of revelers and dancing as if she didn’t have a care in the world. Because for the first time since her trip had started, she hadn’t. Not one. For the first time, in quite some time, she had been completely and totally content.
And then she remembered the table of men who had spent the first two days of her trip flattering her vanity with compliment after compliment as they’d lavished her with attention. Most especially Alexander Lloyd, the silver-tongued Englishman with the devilish blue eyes. Lloyd had been particularly attentive, and Maitlyn remembered thinking that she might not go to bed alone that night. After that, everything else was a complete and total blank.
As Maitlyn tried to remember the past few hours of her life, pondering how she’d come to be in someone else’s bed, Zak Sayed stepped into the room, wearing nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. Maitlyn’s mouth dropped open as shock washed over her expression. She grabbed at the covers and pulled them beneath her chin. She suddenly felt quite naked in whatever it was she was wearing because she didn’t have a clue if she had on clothes or not. She tossed a quick look beneath the blankets and spied the oversize T-shirt that she was clothed in. She didn’t have on panties.
Zak stopped short. He tossed her a slight smile. “Good evening. You are finally awake.”
She nodded as her eyes bulged wide. “How...how long have I been out?” she asked, suddenly having a ton of questions. “How did I get here? Where are my clothes? Did we—?”
Zak smiled easily, but the gesture did nothing to calm Maitlyn’s nerves. The uneasy wave in the pit of her abdomen spun like a roller coaster out of control. She was suddenly focused on his magnanimous smile and his half-naked body. His broad chest was well-defined, showcasing picture-perfect six-pack abs. His skin was the color of rich, warm nutmeg and smooth like fine silk stretched over hardened steel. The muscular lines narrowed at his waistline, and she couldn’t miss the hint of black hair that peeked over the front edge of the bright white towel that sat low around his hips. She could only imagine where that slight wisp of tight curl led beneath that towel. Her gaze shifted down to his legs; the limbs were long and unyielding like the trunk of a mighty tree. And his feet, like his hands, were large, a solid foundation holding him upright. She struggled not to stare so blatantly.
Still smiling, Zakaria responded, “Two days. You’ve been asleep since Tuesday. You had me worried for a moment but the doctor assured me you were fine.”
“Tuesday? What happened to me?” she queried, finally lifting her eyes back to his.
“Your body needed rest and then you drank too much.” His tone held a hint of judgment and his gaze was critical. Zak was not fond of women who could not hold their alcohol.
Maitlyn felt her body tense. She hesitated, shifting her eyes from side to side. “I didn’t...I...” she stammered, finally finding the words. “I don’t drink,” she finally said.
Zak stared at her. “You were drinking rum punch.”
She shook her head. “No. I was drinking punch but without the rum. I don’t drink. I don’t like how it makes me feel, and I would never risk losing control because I drank too much. I don’t drink,” she professed a second time. “Ever!”
Zak studied her momentarily. The look on her face was telling, and he appeared suddenly angry. He swallowed hard, bottling the emotion. He bit down against his bottom lip, then pursed his lips together, his jaw locked tight.
Maitlyn closely observed Zak, still trying to make sense of the moment.
“You were exhausted and dehydrated. I’m sure you hadn’t eaten properly and when you did something obviously didn’t agree with you,” Zak finally replied. “Before you passed out, you vomited on your clothes and the nurse changed you. The doctor gave you two bags of IV fluids to flush and hydrate your system and then said to let you rest.”
Maitlyn took a deep breath. “But how did I get here...in your room?”
“I promised your brother I would look out for you. I keep my promises.”
For the first time Maitlyn returned his smile with one of her own. “Thank you.”
Zak dipped his head. “Are you hungry? Do you think you can eat something?”
“I am hungry,” she answered; the rumble in her stomach finally felt like a hunger pang. “And I feel fine...well rested actually.”
“I can call for room service or you are welcome to join me in the dining room. Whichever you prefer?”
Maitlyn hesitated as she pondered her options. She finally nodded. “The dining room would be nice, I think.”
“I’ll get dressed downstairs. When you’re ready, we can go to the dining room.” Zak took a quick glance at the wristwatch he’d rested atop the dresser. “You’ll need to hurry, though. The tournament starts later this evening, so I am limited on time.”
“I don’t have my clothes!” Maitlyn exclaimed, tightening the grip she had on the sheet clutched in her hands.
“Not to worry. Just take your shower,” Zak stated as he moved out of the room.
When she heard the sound of a door opening and closing from the space below, she rose from the bed. She tossed back the covers and threw her legs off the side of the mattress. For a brief moment as she came to her feet, she felt as if she might fall; the room threatened to spin around her. Maitlyn took a deep breath and then a second, allowing the sensation to pass before she stood completely upright and headed into the bathroom.
“Wow!” Maitlyn exclaimed, taking in the expanse of space with its polished marble and gold-appointed treatments. Zak’s accommodations had come with some serious perks, she thought. She crossed the heated floor to the tiled shower and turned on the faucet.
Minutes later Maitlyn stepped out of the spray of hot water and wrapped her own white towel around her body. Barely opening the bathroom door she peeked out into the bedroom space. Zakaria was nowhere to be found, but her luggage and personal belongings rested atop the bed. Maitlyn was still confused but determined to unravel the mystery of the past forty-eight hours. Almost a week of her trip had passed and she couldn’t remember a large part of it. None of it made any sense to her.
Zak suddenly called her name from the bottom of the stairwell. “I need to step out for a quick minute, but I’ll be right back. They are holding our table so as soon as you are ready we can head to the dining room.” His tone was warm and easy like thick, rich honey being spread on dark toast. His seductive cadence caused a shiver of heat to ripple through her feminine spirit. Taking a deep breath, Maitlyn clenched her pelvic muscles, contracting and relaxing the tissue until the feeling passed.
In no time at all she was dressed in a formfitting black knit dress and fire-engine-red pumps. She brushed a faint layer of mineral powdered foundation across her face, lined her eyes with black eyeliner and patted a tissue over the lipstick that brightened her lips. She pulled her fingers through the length of her hair, pulling the strands into a loose ponytail atop her head. When she was satisfied with the reflection staring back at her from the mirror, she headed down the stairs to the living space below, where Zak, back from his errand, stood patiently waiting for her.
As Maitlyn eased down the stairs, Zak’s eyes widened with appreciation.
As they headed in the direction of the elevators, they crossed paths with Gerard and Frank. Both men voiced their concern for her health, seemingly interested in her well-being. Maitlyn was polite as she expressed her gratitude for their kind words. She stepped into Zak’s side, leaning her body toward his. As the elevator stopped before them, Zak rested a possessive hand against her lower back and guided her into the conveyor. Taking the hint, Gerard and Frank gave them both a casual wave, opting to walk the stairs instead.
When the doors closed Maitlyn stepped away from Zak’s touch and turned to face him. She stared up into his eyes. “I think someone drugged me,” she stated, her voice a loud whisper. “One of them or that other man, their friend Alexander Lloyd.”
Zak returned her intense look. “I thought he was your friend, too. That Lloyd guy?”
She shrugged, her brow creasing in thought. “I thought he was nice. When we first met, he tried to buy me a drink, but I turned him down. I told him I don’t drink, and he was very nice about it. He seemed...well...I...” She trailed off, not wanting Zak to think that there had ever been anything between her and the cute blond man. “I just don’t know him like that,” she finally sputtered.
Zak studied her for a brief moment, his gaze soothing.
Then a stray strand of hair fell over her eye, and he brushed it from her face with the tips of his fingers. As he did, she leaned her forehead into his palm and closed her eyes. The gesture felt intimate and both felt the air between them catch deep in their chests; oxygen suddenly felt like a precious commodity.
“I’ll take care of it,” Zak finally said, his head bobbing gently against his broad shoulders. As the doors opened, he stepped out ahead of her and hesitated. After turning an about-face, Zak extended his hand in her direction. In that moment Maitlyn instinctively trusted that if any man could right all the wrongs in the world, Zak Sayed would. After reaching her hand toward him, she entwined her fingers between his. And when he smiled, Maitlyn melted beneath the sheer beauty of it.
Chapter 4
Maitlyn laughed as Zak hit the punch line of the story he’d been telling her. Her joyous expression moved Zak to laugh along with her. He lifted his wineglass and took a sip of the Riesling he’d paired with his salmon entrée. Before he could drop the crystal goblet back to the table, their waiter was at his elbow refilling his glass.
“Thank you, Henry,” Zak said.
The young man nodded. “And you, madam? Would you like more water?”
“No, thank you,” Maitlyn answered. “I am full.”
“Are you sure?” Zak pressed. “Coffee, tea, more dessert?”
Maitlyn giggled, pressing her palm against her abdomen. “Really, I couldn’t eat another bite without getting sick again.”
“Well, we definitely don’t want you sick again,” Zak said in agreement. “I like this suit!”
Maitlyn’s eyes widened. “Please don’t tell me I got sick on your suit.”
Zak leaned back in his seat and crossed his hands together in his lap. He smiled brightly, his eyes gleaming.
Maitlyn persisted. “Did I? I didn’t, did I?”
“You asked me not to tell you.”
“Damn,” Maitlyn exclaimed, heat rising to her cheeks. “I am so sorry!” Mortified, she pressed her hands over her face.
“Nothing to be embarrassed about. Those things happen.”
“Not to me! Nothing like that has ever happened to me,” Maitlyn said. “I will pay for your suit. And again, I am so sorry.”
He shook his head. “Not to worry. My suit and your pretty blouse have been cleaned, pressed and returned to us. All’s well again.”
Maitlyn shook her head vehemently. “I bet you didn’t bargain on any of this when you ran into my brother, did you?”
Zak laughed heartily. “Actually, with your brother I have to be ready for almost anything.”
“You never told me how you two actually became acquainted.”
“A business deal brought us together.”
“What kind of deal?”
“A very lucrative one.”
Maitlyn paused, eyeing the smirk on Zak’s handsome face. “You aren’t going to give me any details, are you?”
Zak looked down at the gold watch on his wrist. “I need to head to the casino. Will you be joining me?”
Maitlyn laughed. “You must drive your wife crazy,” she said, the statement more inquisitive than a comment.
“I’ve never been married, actually.”
“Your girlfriend, then.”
Zak shrugged. “No, I don’t have one of those, either. And no time, or desire, to drive anyone crazy.” He leaned forward in his seat. “Now, will you be joining me?” he asked a second time, his eyes piercing hers.
“I’d like that,” Maitlyn answered. “As long as I won’t be in the way.”
Zak came to his feet, dropping the cloth napkin in his lap onto the table. “If you were going to be in the way, Ms. Boudreaux, I would never have invited you.”
* * *
Maitlyn’s eyes were wide with wonder as she and Zak entered the ship’s casino. The crowd that had gathered moved out of the way to make a path for Zakaria. Without blinking an eye, he slid his arm around her waist and guided her through the throng of people toward the casino manager, who greeted him warmly.
“Mr. Sayed, sir, what an honor it is to have you back with us!”
“It’s a pleasure to be back, Mr. Turner.”
The man cut an easy eye toward Maitlyn and smiled. Zak introduced her. “This is Ms. Boudreaux, and she’ll be my personal guest for the duration of the cruise. Will you please ensure that she’s comfortable?”
“Most certainly, sir,” Mr. Turner said as he gestured toward Maitlyn. “Ms. Boudreaux, if you’ll follow me, please.”
Zak caught her eye and nodded, saying nothing as he turned and moved in the direction of the gaming table.
Maitlyn followed Mr. Turner to a booth that sat one level above the center of the room. She had a front-row view of the tables and the games below. He pulled out the chair for her to sit, his smile still wide in his round face. “Would you like a drink?” he questioned. “The bar is complimentary for players and their guests.”
She shook her head. “No. Thank you. But if I can, a cup of coffee, please?”
Mr. Turner nodded. “I’ll have that brought right over,” he said.
Maitlyn nodded her appreciation as the man turned and headed in the opposite direction. She focused her attention on the activity in the center of the room. The players were just beginning to take their seats. There were six tables with six players each. Zak stood beside a table with Gerard, three other men and a woman Maitlyn recognized from the ship’s jewelry store days earlier. He eased his suit jacket off his shoulders and claimed his chair, tossing his jacket over the chair’s back.
Gerard’s friend Frank was seated at another table and Alexander Lloyd at a third. Both Gerard and Frank waved in her direction. Alexander barely lifted an eye to acknowledge her, instead looking past her as if she weren’t even in the room. A petite young woman who looked half his age was hanging on his arm, intent on keeping his full and undivided attention.
A tall redhead brought over Maitlyn’s coffee. “Ms. Boudreaux, your beverage,” the young woman said as she set a silver tray down onto the table and proceeded to pour Maitlyn’s coffee into a ceramic mug. “Cream and sugar, ma’am?”
“Thank you,” Maitlyn said, her eyes still skating around the room.
“Is this your first tournament?” the woman asked.
Maitlyn nodded, lifting her gaze to the woman who was eyeing her curiously. The name tag on the woman’s uniform read Lourdes.
“Is it that obvious?” Maitlyn asked.
Lourdes smiled. “Usually the women who sit in the players’ boxes all look bored to death. You look excited.”
Maitlyn laughed. “I guess I am. I didn’t realize it was going to be this big. Or this involved.” She looked back to all the activity on the level below.
“The World Series of Poker tour is the most prestigious series of poker tournaments. But this is the tournament above all other tournaments,” Lourdes noted. “These are the top players and winners from all over the world. It’s by invitation only and they still have to pay ten million dollars to buy into the game. They’re playing Texas Hold’em, with no limit. The pots will be extremely big and the winner will take home two hundred and fifty million dollars when it’s all done.”
“Ten million dollars just to play?” Maitlyn’s head snapped back as she turned to stare at the woman, her eyes blinking rapidly. Her expression was incredulous. “Are you kidding me?”
Lourdes shook her head. “I’m dead serious. It cost your boyfriend a pretty penny to have a seat in this game. But if he wins, he gets that back and then some!”
“Oh, he’s not my—” she started, when the two were suddenly interrupted by Zak, who had eased to her side.
“Am I interrupting?” he asked as he sat down beside her.
“No, not at all,” Maitlyn answered. She cut an eye at Lourdes, who was still smiling brightly, unfazed by the man’s presence.
“Is there anything I can get you, Mr. Sayed?” Lourdes questioned. The silver tray was perched easily in her left hand while her right was pulled back against the small of her back.
He nodded. “I’m drinking Scotch tonight, Lourdes. Neat. Please make sure my glass stays full at all times. When I’ve had enough I’ll let you know. You won’t need to ask me about refills.”
“Yes, sir.” Lourdes nodded. “Will there be anything else, sir?”
He shook his head. “Please make sure Ms. Boudreaux has anything her heart desires.”
“Yes, sir, Mr. Sayed.”
With a nod of his head, Zak dismissed the woman. She waved an easy hand at Maitlyn, then turned and headed in the direction of the bar.
“I just wanted to make sure you were well before we started,” he said, turning his attention toward her.
“Actually, I’m a little overwhelmed,” she said.
Zak smiled. “I can understand that. Hopefully you’ll find it entertaining.”
“I already do,” Maitlyn said, smiling back.
He got back to his feet. “We break periodically, so I’ll check on you when I can,” he said as he pulled his suit jacket closed around his torso and moved to leave.
Maitlyn called after him.
“Good luck,” she said, her smile a mile wide.
Zak smiled back, tossing her an easy nod as he turned and sauntered back to his seat at the gaming table.
An hour later, as Maitlyn watched she couldn’t help but think that luck would have absolutely nothing to do with his success. Clearly, this game was going to take some serious skill.
Although she had never played poker before, Maitlyn understood the mechanics of the game enough to quickly catch on. Unlike other card games, Texas Hold’em was a game of risk that forced players to rely on strategy, skill and patience.
She was impressed with Zakaria’s acumen. The man’s nonchalant demeanor made for the perfect game face. He never once broke a sweat, even when Maitlyn sensed that the play wasn’t going in his favor. With the impressive amounts of money being waged, Maitlyn knew that if she were playing she would have broken a sweat and then some.
Occasionally Zak lifted his eyes to look in her direction, but his facial expression never changed. He always seemed fully focused on the cards in his hand and very little else. A few of his opponents were far less reserved; one even jumped up and down and screamed like a banshee when he lost his hand and, apparently, his life savings.
It was shortly after midnight when the first round of play was done, and twenty-four of the original players had advanced to the next round. Zak bypassed the congratulatory handshaking and made his way back to her side. He eased into the seat across from her and reached for the fresh drink Lourdes has deposited on the table seconds earlier. Without realizing it, Maitlyn had kept track, noting that he’d actually only had one drink the entire evening, having sipped it slowly while he played. The one in his hand was his second, and he downed it quickly. Lourdes was there with a refill before either of them could blink. She winked at Maitlyn before she moved away.
“I overheard someone talking, and they said you won this tournament last year,” Maitlyn said, breaking the silence between them.
Zak nodded, his gaze skating around the room. “I did.”
“Wow! I just can’t imagine risking that kind of money on a card game.”
He cut a quick eye in her direction. “You take a risk when you get up in the morning and walk out your door. Life is a risk. I choose to live well and have been fortunate to be able to pick and choose my challenges. This card game is about much more than the money for me. And I only gamble what I can easily afford to just give away.”
Maitlyn sensed that she had struck a nerve. His tone indicated that her comment might have offended him, and she immediately apologized.
“I’ve always been very prudent about everything in my life, particularly my money. I could never be that daring. I admire your boldness.”
Zak turned to stare at her. “To be honest, I didn’t take you for being an overly cautious woman. You’re traveling alone. I think it takes a very daring spirit to do something like that, especially outside the United States. Other countries are not so approving of such a thing.”
Maitlyn laughed. “I didn’t have much say in the matter,” she said, telling him about her divorce and explaining how she’d come to be on the ship by her lonesome.
When she was done telling her story, Zak nodded. “Well hopefully,” he said as he leaned in toward her, lifting his glass in salute, “this trip will be everything you want it to be.”
Maitlyn lifted her coffee cup. “I’m keeping my fingers crossed,” she said.
The two sat together in deep conversation for another hour. The ease of it surprised Maitlyn. She was surprised that she was enjoying his company as much as she was and also that Zak seemed genuinely interested in getting to know her.
Suddenly, they were interrupted by a woman calling Zak’s name. Both turned at the same time to see who was quickly moving toward them. The young woman was stunning, tall and sleek with skin the color of dark mahogany, eyes like saucers and a full, red-lipped pout. Moving to his feet, Zak smiled brightly as he pulled her into a deep hug.
“Zakaria Sayed!” the girl gushed. “What a surprise!”
Zak brilliant smile was as wide as the ocean. “Izabella! It’s good to see you!”
“You’re here to keep your title, I see.”
He chuckled softly, not bothering to answer.
She nodded and then shifted her eye toward Maitlyn. Her smile was curious as she introduced herself. “Hello, my name is Izabella. Zak and I are old friends.”
Maitlyn recognized the world-famous Brazilian supermodel. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Maitlyn Boudreaux. Zak and I are new friends.”
Izabella tilted her head slightly. “Are you by chance related to Kendrick and Guy Boudreaux?”
Maitlyn nodded. “You know my brothers?”
Izabella giggled, her smile widening. “Guy and I did a fashion shoot together for Giorgio Armani last year. His wife and your brother Kendrick were in Naples with him. We all had a wonderful time together!”
“It’s a small world,” Maitlyn said.
Zak gestured for Izabella to take a seat and join them. “So what brings you on this cruise, Izabella?” he asked as she slid into the seat beside him.
Izabella paused as Lourdes suddenly appeared with a refill for Zak and a glass of champagne for her. She continued once the waitress had returned to her station. “I’ve been traveling with my father. He thought this would be a nice break for the two of us. Plus, you know how much he loves the casinos. He keeps hoping he’ll strike it big at the blackjack table.” Izabella rolled her eyes. She took a breath before continuing. “I’ll be getting off in Greece, though. I have a photo shoot there, and right after that I fly to London to prep for Fashion Week.”
Maitlyn sat back as the two old friends caught up with each other. She was amazed at Izabella’s bubbly enthusiasm. The young woman talked nonstop, and her exuberance had a childlike quality. Izabella actually reminded her of her baby sister, Tarah. Maitlyn found herself curious to know more about her and Kendrick because Izabella Barros seemed very smitten with her brother’s friend Zak.
Maitlyn watched as the woman’s hands danced across Zak’s chest and caressed his arms. Her touchy-feely manner shifted Maitlyn out of the quiet ambiance she’d been enjoying with Zak and she suddenly felt like the third wheel. When it became too much for her, she feigned a yawn, drawing a palm to cover her mouth. “Excuse me,” she exclaimed, color rising to her cheeks.
Zak smiled that generous smile of his. “I imagine you’re tired. Maybe you should go get some rest?”
Maitlyn nodded. “I am, and I should,” she said as she came to her feet and extended a hand in Zak’s direction. “Thank you. I really appreciate everything you’ve done for me.”
Zak nodded. “I can walk you—”
She shook her head. “That’s not necessary, but I appreciate the offer.” She turned toward Izabella. “It was very nice to meet you.”
“Let’s plan on spending time together,” Izabella said. “I’d love to talk to you more.”
Maitlyn nodded. “Definitely! Well, enjoy the rest of your evening.”
At the entrance to the casino, Maitlyn turned back to take one last look. The room was clouded. Cigarette smoke had formed a veiled screen throughout the space. Across the way Zak and Izabella were huddled comfortably together, lost in conversation. Jealousy suddenly rippled with a vengeance as she turned and headed from the room.
* * *
Minutes later Maitlyn stood in front of her cabin’s door, looking completely lost. She couldn’t begin to remember where she’d left the key card that gained her entry. She looked down the hallway—the corridor was empty. As she pondered her options, she realized that even if she did get into her own room all her personal possessions were still in Zak’s suite. She shook her head at the conundrum.
This can’t be happening to me, Maitlyn thought, feeling completely out of control. Okay, she thought, as she reasoned what to do. It really isn’t a problem, is it? Obviously she was going to have to disturb Zak. If he was still in the casino, she could just make her way back there and ask for help. But what if he wasn’t? What if he and his old friend Izabella were together someplace else?
Maitlyn sighed deeply. She couldn’t begin to explain why it bothered her that Zak might still be with that woman. But it did, and if he was, she really didn’t want to know. Taking a deep breath, Maitlyn crossed her fingers and wished a prayer skyward. With any luck Zak was still right where she’d left him. And maybe if luck was on her side, Izabella would be gone.
Chapter 5
“You always get the best accommodations!” Izabella gushed as she explored Zak’s suite.
Zak laughed, pulling at his necktie as he dropped down onto the living room sofa. The young woman moved to his side, then stood in front of him. She leaned forward, undid his necktie completely and tossed it on the floor behind him. Standing tall, she gave him a teasing smile. Zak watched as she slowly undid the halter top of the jumpsuit she wore. The garment fell to the floor. She struck a pose in nothing but her lace G-string and her five-inch pumps. Her breasts were small, the size of tennis balls, and she was so thin that she appeared almost fragile. But she had just enough curve to her hips and ass to capture a man’s attention, and her legs were miles long.
But she didn’t have Zak’s attention, and if she had not been so self-absorbed, she would have seen it in the look he was giving her. If Izabella had been paying an ounce of attention, she would have seen that Zak was still thinking of Maitlyn; thoughts of the beautiful woman had consumed him ever since she had left his side.
“What are you doing, Izabella?” he finally asked as he leaned back in his seat and stretched his arms out across the sofa’s cushioned top.
She smiled. “Making myself comfortable,” she giggled as she stepped out of the lace fabric. She did a quick pirouette, then moved toward the stairs and headed to the second floor. “This is too sweet!” she called down to the level below.
Zak shook his head. He and Izabella had history. They’d been friends since he’d met her ten years ago when her modeling career was just beginning to take off. She’d gotten herself tangled up with an unsavory photographer, and her father had employed him to retrieve some compromising photographs of the girl.
Occasionally, when she didn’t have a boyfriend, she warmed his bed. But Izabella liked having a boyfriend, most especially one she could manipulate. She had never been able to manipulate Zak, and he appreciated that she never expected more from him than what he was willing to offer. Izabella was not a woman he could ever take seriously, and so he’d given her very little of himself. Their relationship had been purely physical, and Zak preferred it that way. It worked for the two of them even when it shouldn’t have.
Izabella had insisted on following him back to his room, and he’d let her. But once he’d closed the door, he found himself wishing he’d told her no. He had no desire to spend the night with the girl, and letting her in had given her reason to think that he did. He could only think of one woman he was interested in sharing his bed, and she wasn’t there. He couldn’t help but wonder if Maitlyn was thinking of him, too.
Izabella suddenly bounced back down the stairs. “Why didn’t you tell me your lady friend was staying with you?”
“Excuse me?”
She pointed to the second floor. “Kendrick’s sister. You should have told me she was staying here with you.”
Zak’s eyes widened. He’d completely forgotten that Maitlyn’s luggage was still upstairs in his bedroom. He was suddenly concerned with where she was and if she’d been able to get into her own room. Just as he moved to his feet, intent on searching her out, there was a knock at his door. With quick strides he moved to the entrance and pulled it open. Maitlyn stood sheepishly on the other side.
“Hey, I’m sorry to bother you but—” she started, and then she caught sight of a very naked Izabella standing in the room behind him. Embarrassment flushed her face a deep shade of red. “I’m interrupting,” Maitlyn stammered as she took a step back. “I didn’t mean—”
Zak opened the door wider. “You’re not. Please, come in,” he said nonchalantly. “Izabella was just leaving.”
Izabella waved a lazy hand in her direction. “I guess I am leaving,” the woman said as she stepped back into her clothing and tied the garment around her neck. She laughed easily as she rolled her eyes. After moving to the door, she reached up to press a kiss on Zak’s cheek. “Why don’t we all meet for breakfast in the morning? Papa will love to see you, Zakaria,” she said.
Zak nodded his agreement. “We will call you,” he answered, and Izabella spun on her high heels and headed down the corridor.
Shock still painting her expression, Maitlyn met Zak’s intense gaze. His head slightly tilted toward her. “My apology,” he said as he gestured for her to enter the room.
“I really didn’t mean to interrupt,” she said, still not moving past the entrance.
“You weren’t,” Zak answered.
“You had a high-profile supermodel standing naked in your room. I find it hard to believe that I didn’t just interrupt something.”
Zak shrugged his broad shoulders. “I don’t know why. I would think by now that you would know I’m not a man who says things I don’t mean.”
“But she was naked.”
Zak smiled. “Are you coming in, or do you plan to stand out there all night?”
Maitlyn forced a smile. “My luggage is still here.”
“I know,” he said, still staring at her. The two held the gaze for a few moments before Zak finally turned his back to her and moved inside. He reclaimed his seat on the sofa.
Maitlyn hesitated for a brief moment before she followed and entered the room, closing the door behind her. She paused and stood awkwardly when she reached the couch, and Zak stared at her intently.

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