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True Love
Brenda Jackson
Corporate executive Shayla Kirkland has landed her dream job with one of Chicago's top new firms, Chenault Electronics. Now she's in a perfect position to destroy the company for unjustly ruining her mother's career.But she never expected that handsome CEO Nicholas Chenault would spark a passion that challenges her resolve–and makes her surrender to the most irresistible desire….


True Love
Brenda Jackson

www.millsandboon.co.uk (http://www.millsandboon.co.uk)

To the love of my life, Gerald Jackson, Sr.
To my family and friends.
Thanks for being so supportive.
To the Prominent Women of Color Book Club.
You are a special group of ladies.
To Brenda Simmons. Once again, your helpful feedback on the finished product kept me on track.
To Keshia Chenault. This one is for you.
In memory of my good friend and classmate Elliott Russell Gamble, better known to all as Shine.
You are gone but not forgotten.
The William M. Raines Class of 1971 misses you deeply.
To my Heavenly Father. I'm everything
I am because you love me.

Dear Readers,
I love writing family sagas, and I am so happy that Kimani Press is reissuing my very first family series, the Madaris family. It's been twelve years and fifty books since I first introduced the Madaris family. During that time this special family, along with their friends, have won their way into readers' hearts. I am ecstatic to be able to share these award-winning stories with everyone all over again-especially with those who have never met the Madaris clan-up close and personal-in this special-edition collectors' series.
I never dreamed when I penned my first novel, Tonight and Forever, and introduced the Madaris family, that I was taking readers on a journey where heartfelt romance, sizzling passion and true love awaited them at every turn. I had no idea that the Madaris family and their friends would become characters that readers would come to know and care so much about. I invite you to relax, unwind and see what all the hoopla is about. Let Justin, Dex, Clayton, Uncle Jake and their many friends transport you with love stories that are so passionate and sizzling they will take your breath away. There is nothing better than falling in love with one of these Madaris men and their circle of friends and family.
For a complete list of all the books in this series, as well as the dates they will be available in a bookstore near you, please visit my Web site at www.brendajackson.net.
If you would like to receive my monthly newsletter, please visit and sign up at www.brendajackson.net/page/newsletter.htm.
I also invite you to drop me an e-mail at Writer BJackson@aol.com. I love hearing from my readers.
All the best,
Brenda Jackson

Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love overlooks a multitude of faults.
-I Peter 4:8

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 1
The distinctive scent of a man's aftershave alerted Shayla Kirkland that she was no longer alone in the interviewing room. She had glanced up, thinking the fragrance was smooth, hypnotic, and sexy…very much like the tall, remarkably good-looking man who had walked in.
"Ms. Kirkland?"
"Yes," she'd responded, rising to her feet and parting her lips in a wry smile. She had known Nicholas Chenault was extremely handsome. Her extensive research of Chenault Electronics had prepared her for that fact. But the photographs she'd seen of him had evidently been of poor quality, because they'd failed to capture the vibrant coloring of his light brown skin and the brilliant gold of his eyes. He had taken her hand in a businesslike handshake. She'd let out her breath slowly, realizing that she'd been holding it since he had entered the room.
"I'm Nicholas Chenault. I appreciate your interest in my company. Please take a seat and we'll begin the interview."
Shayla sat down again, forcing herself to remember that this would not be an ordinary interview. She was here with a purpose. She was here with a plan. But first she had to get her foot in the door.
Now, Ms. Kirkland," Nicholas Chenault said in a deep husky voice as he sat behind the desk, "what exactly do you know about Chenault Electronics?"
If only you knew, she thought. Lifting her eyes to meet his directly, she wished she hadn't. His eyes were brilliantly gold, and they were brilliantly intelligent, sharp, and assessing. She wondered how good he was at reading people. For a brief moment an uneasy feeling swept through her. Knowing this was not the time to rethink her decision about what she was doing, she straightened in the chair and met his gaze. He had asked a common interview question, and thanks to her in-depth research she had an answer, one that was appropriate. She would tell him some of what she knew about his company, but not everything.
She would not tell him about her plans to destroy it.
"I can give you a historical summation dating back to the day Chenault Electronics was first formed by your father, Alan Chenault, thirty-five years ago, and how he transformed it from a corner store operation into a relatively neat and tidy electronic company. Unfortunately, he lacked vision, which is evident in his failure to tap into numerous domestic and international markets." She paused, giving him her best businesslike, professional look. Although she had just openly criticized what had been his father's narrow strategy for running the business, it had been the absolute truth. "However, I believe what I know about your present-day operation is what I'd like to address."
At his nod, she continued. "Under your leadership, Mr. Chenault, this company has emerged as a powerful force within the global economy. Your expansion into the overseas market is phenomenal, as well as timely. Sales for this year are expected to exceed thirty million. You've even gone one step further. You've capitalized on the failures of your competitors-who can't see the advantages of putting out new products and diverse technology-especially in the development of total wireless communications and advanced electronics that will ultimately replace the need for electrical outlets throughout the world."
When she stopped talking, a slow smile touched Nicholas Chenault's lips. "Please go on," he said, not hiding the fact that he was clearly impressed with her accurate summation of his company.
"Chenault Electronics was the first to deploy a wireless telephone network in Benin, Africa. This helped to provide the first telephone service in the area, providing a long overdue means of communication to hundreds of remote customers."
Feeling confident that she had the interview under control, Shayla relaxed. She was more determined that ever to convince the man sitting across from her that she was everything his company was looking for.

Nicholas Chenault was impressed with Shayla Kirkland's wealth of knowledge about his company. To say that she had done her homework and was fully prepared would be an understatement. So far they had been in the interview for over an hour, and each question had been answered in a way that definitely displayed her knowledge and her intelligence. She was now expounding on her educational background.
It was a good thing he'd already done a number of interviews that week, so that it required little thought-his mind was focused on the woman.
He glanced down at the notes he had jotted down on the evaluation form. The first category listed on the form was appearance. He'd written neat, dresses with good taste, professionally. He glanced back up to look at her and decided not to add that the fit of her navy blue, tailored, business suit was chic, precise, and enticing. Then there was her hair-short, black, and cut in a trendy style that didn't take away from her professional image. Her almond-colored skin had a light touch of makeup. The berry tone of her lips highlighted the glow of her cheeks and the sultry, dark, brandywine coloring of her eyes. Nicholas inhaled deeply, forcing his mind to concentrate only on those of Shayla Kirkland's assets that were important in terms of employment.
"Ms. Kirkland, why did you move back to Chicago?" he asked, trying not to notice her crossing her long gorgeous legs. Nicholas had to tighten his grip on the pen he held in his hand to keep his imagination from taking over.
"My mother passed two weeks ago, unexpectedly. Now that I'm here, I feel this is where I belong, and have decided to stay."
The deep sadness in her voice gripped Nicholas. "My condolences for your loss."
"Thank you."
Nicholas decided to move on to the next interview question. "Tell me about some of your other achievements, and how they can benefit us here."
When she began speaking, he couldn't help but zero in on her poise. She was definitely at ease, composed, and had a self-confident manner. She wasn't hesitant in providing eye contact. The dark coloring of her eyes was compelling and magnetic, and he found his gaze pulled back to them time and time again. He couldn't help wondering what color her eyes were when they glowed with passion and inner fire. How would they look when they became heated with pleasure?
"Ms. Kirkland, what do you see in this position of manager of international affairs that you did not have in your last position?" he asked in an effort to keep his mind on track.
As she began answering, he glanced down at the evaluation form. The next category on the list was personality. As he sat there watching her and listening to her, there was no doubt in his mind that she would be a perfect fit for his company. If first impressions were to be believed, she was friendly, but not overly so. That was good, because she was a single woman of twenty-six-a very attractive one at that-and he had a number of single men working for him. The last thing Chenault Electronics needed to deal with was a sexual harassment lawsuit.
After asking her a few more questions, for which she provided concise and informative answers, he leaned back in his chair and said, "That ends your interview, Ms. Kirkland. Is there anything you'd like to ask me about the position?"
"No, Mr. Chenault. You've told me everything I needed to know. However, I'd just like to add that I believe I can be an asset to your company."
Nicholas nodded, thinking that she could be an asset in a number of ways. He stood. "This was a very pleasant interview, Ms. Kirkland. I hope to make a decision within a week."
Shayla stood and offered him her hand. "Thank you for giving me the opportunity to interview with your company. Good day, Mr. Chenault."
Nicholas walked her to the door, then stood and watched as she walked away. He let out a deep breath, thinking that everything about Shayla Kirkland was real class, even her walk. The graceful sway of her hips was enough to bring a comatose man back into the world.
Walking back to the desk, Nicholas sat down and looked over the evaluation form. Her communication skills were superb. She had expressed herself eloquently. Her answers had been clear, fluid, and organized, and her information had been accurate and informed. Her educational background was outstanding-an MBA from Harvard-and her fluency in four languages-Chinese, Spanish, French, and Swahili-was more than impressive. Her letter of recommendation from Howard University spoke volumes, and nearly glowed on the page.
He sighed, knowing he didn't have to cover the other categories of the interview evaluation form to know that Shayla Kirkland was the ideal person for the new Chicago office. She would definitely bring a lot of experience and diversity to the table. He would be a total fool not to hire her.
Yet he was contemplating that very thing.
Nicholas stood and walked over to the window. Since buying this building six months ago, he had decided he liked the location because it provided a stunning view of downtown Chicago. The metropolis was totally different from downtown Jacksonville, Florida, where his home office was located. Here in Chicago, the buildings surrounding his were tall and impressive, but the areas surrounding those structures were crowded and congested. One of the things he appreciated most about the location of his office building in Jacksonville was the beautiful view of the St. Johns River and the land space that came with it. Jacksonville had more land space than any other city in Florida. And with the revitalization plans the city had underway, it wouldn't be long before downtown Jacksonville boasted structures that were just as tall and impressive, a scenic river view that would continue to be breathtaking, and surrounding buildings that would still provide space.
Space was something he appreciated more than anything, especially personal space, which was why he was thinking seriously about not hiring Shayla Kirkland.
For the first time since taking over Chenault Electronics after his father's death three years ago, he had been totally captivated by a woman. He had definitely not expected the rush of pleasure that hit him square in the solar plexus when he'd taken her hand in his to shake it. He had been overcome with a weird feeling, and-although he had been able to downplay it and get through the interview session with Shayla Kirkland without any hint of the turmoil he'd been in-it had been there, just the same. He had noted everything about her, things he had needed to notice and things he had not-like the perfect coloring of her pantyhose against the flesh of her smooth legs, and the fullness of her lips, and how those lips seemed to have been begging for a kiss even while she was in her most professional mode. For the first time in his life he had felt cramped and closed in.
Threatened about his space.
All the time she had been talking to him, telling him about her extensive travels abroad before she'd finally taken a job as manager of the Business Department at Howard University, he had been thinking that any man would have designs on her. She was definitely a woman who deserved a man's complete attention. And if that thought hadn't been bad enough, at another time during the interview, when a small wisp of hair had fallen out of place and brushed her forehead, he had been tempted to reach over and tuck the strand back in place. There was no way he could work as closely with her as he would need to for the next six to eight months without feeling devoid of space…and of sane thoughts and body control. Shayla Kirkland might be well-qualified for the position she had applied for-to his way of thinking maybe even a tad overqualified-but she would also be a threat he didn't want to deal with. And with the security surrounding his company's development of the mangolid chip, better known as the MC Project, he didn't need anything or anyone around him that could challenge his focus. The last thing he needed was to be in the constant company of a woman he consistently thought of taking to bed.
Nicholas sighed before walking back over to the desk and sitting down. He leaned back in his chair, trying to remember the last time he had been intimate with a woman, and coming up with the conclusion that it had been too long. Because of his vigorous work schedule he'd been too busy to carve out time for a personal life, and he'd never gone for the idea of having sex just for the sake of doing so. At the age of thirty-two he had an intense sexual drive, like most men his age. However, he knew how to control it. Marriage and children were the last things on his mind. Although he much preferred a long-term relationship to a short-term one, he also preferred a relationship in which the two individuals knew up front what to expect and what not to expect. The one thing any woman he became involved with could not expect was an invitation to become a "live-in"-he allowed no one to invade his space-or share it, for that matter.
His last long-term affair had been with Olivia. They had lasted nearly a year before she began dropping hints that it was time for their relationship to move to another level. Since the level they'd been operating on had suited him just fine and he'd seen no reason to change it, she had decided to move on. That had been more than a year ago, and he hadn't been intimate with a woman since. Of course, since the press conference ten months ago-when it had been announced to the world that he was the half brother of superstar movie actor Sterling Hamilton-women from everywhere had been coming on to him in droves, but he'd been too busy to appreciate his newfound popularity. Not that he would have, anyway, since that wasn't his style. His mind had been filled with thoughts of mangolid chips and micron-controllers, not silken sheets, naked bodies, and hot sex.
Until today.
For the first time in over a year he had obsessive thoughts of sleeping with a woman-Shayla Kirkland. No, he quickly corrected, he had more than just thoughts of sleeping with her. During the interview, he'd had visions of her in his arms, the scent of her entrenched in his skin, the taste of her on his tongue, and the feel of him hard and solid as a rock inside of her. Lucky for him he'd been sitting behind a desk.
He was smart enough to know that Shayla Kirkland was a disaster just waiting to happen. She would tempt him to break his own personal rule of not dating any of his employees. Making a quick decision, he checked the block on the interview evaluation form for Do not hire. He would release her file to his secretary, so she could send out the customary Sorry, but you did not get the job letter.
He had to do whatever was needed to protect his space and his peace of mind.

Emotions too numerous to name swept through Shayla as she entered her home. Her world was tilting, and she was experiencing the movement right along with it. Leaning against the closed door to get her balance, she breathed in deeply to take a mind-clearing breath.
The interview had tense moments for her. Although Nicholas Chenault had been the epitome of a professional throughout the process, she had felt a tingling in the pit of her stomach every time she had looked into the depths of his golden eyes. Eyes that color were a rarity among African-Americans unless they wore color contacts. It was obvious his eye color was natural. It was perfectly in sync with his skin tone.
A glimmer of warmth flooded through her as she remembered sitting across from him during the interview. In the beginning it had seemed as if she had no defense against her attraction to him. His startling good looks had nearly taken the wind out of her sails, leaving her body feeling as if it were being heated.
Shayla pushed away from the door, walked across the room, and dropped onto the sofa. Although she had gotten off to a shaky start, she believed she would get the job. Then she would make Chenault Electronics pay for what they had done to her mother nearly twenty-seven years ago. First, she would deal with Chenault. Then she would find a way to take care of Thomas Jordache, the man who owned TJ Electronics. She would have taken care of him first if he had not been out of the country on business. According to his office, he would not be returning for another three weeks or so. That would give her time to put together a plan to deal with him, since he had been the initiator of her mother's woes back then.
Sitting up straight in her seat, Shayla reached over to pick up a book from the coffee table in front of her. It was her mother's diary. She had found it last week when she'd been in the attic going through her mother's things. The information she had uncovered after reading the diary had tilted her world, had literally rocked it. According to what her mother had written, Glenn Kirkland, the man Shayla had grown up believing was her father until his death two years ago, had not been. Glenn had married her mother when she was ten weeks pregnant with another man's child, willingly giving the unborn child his name, his love, and his protection. It had all come about because of a web of deceit and lies.
Shayla closed the diary and placed it back on the table. Twenty-seven years ago her mother suffered an enormous amount of humiliation for nothing. She had been stripped of her dignity and her pride, as well as her job, because of Chenault Electronics and Thomas Jordache.
Shayla stood and walked over to the window and gazed out. "Both of them will pay for causing you undeserved pain, Mama. I'll see to it."

Chapter 2
Nicholas was roused by a knock on his office door. He looked up as Paul Dunlap opened the door and stuck his head in. "Can I talk to you for a second, Nick?"
Nicholas pushed the papers he was working on aside. "Sure."
Paul had been head of security at Chenault Electronics for nearly thirty years. Now, at fifty-two, Paul claimed he would hold the position for just one year before retiring. Nicholas didn't know what he would do when that day came. Paul was much more than just head of security at Chenault. He had been Nicholas's father's good friend and trusted confidant. And now Paul was those same things to Nicholas. Paul was also a father figure, and as much a part of Chenault Electronics as Nicholas was. Paul was a highly intelligent man who took his job seriously. He always had. And now, with the high security measures surrounding the MC Project, Nicholas depended on Paul's skill and expertise even more. The world of technology was a very competitive one, and the ability to emerge as a leader within the industry could mean the difference between success and failure. Some people, those without scruples, would stop at nothing to get that success.
Nicholas watched as Paul walked in carrying an envelope in his hand. He placed the envelope before him on his desk. "Would you like to explain this, Nick?"
Nicholas glanced down at the envelope, which was addressed to Shayla Kirkland. He shrugged. "What's there to explain, Paul? She didn't get the job." Nicholas raised an eyebrow. "Is she someone you know?"
Paul shook his head. "No, but she's someone I wouldn't want to take a job with one of your competitors, especially TJ Electronics. They would just love to get their hands on a person of her caliber."
Nicholas leaned back in his chair and looked up at Paul curiously. "And just what do you know about her caliber? You weren't in on the interview."
Paul sighed. "I didn't have to be. I saw a copy of her résumé for security clearance. After reading it, I figured you'd grab her up. I was totally surprised when I saw Leanne typing up this letter."
Nicholas nodded. Leanne was his secretary. "What if I told you she wasn't a good fit?"
Paul sat down on the edge of Nicholas's desk and gazed at him pointedly. "After reading her résumé, I'd ask you this question-she wasn't a good fit for what, this company, or your bed?" A smile touched the older man's lips when he saw the deep coloring flush Nicholas's features. "In fact, I'd bet she was a very good fit for both this company and your bed, and that's what has you worried."
"I'm not worried about anything," Nicholas grumbled, pushing the envelope aside.
"Then maybe you're just a tad bit horny, son."
Nicholas couldn't keep from grinning. For as long as he had known Paul, and that had been forever, the man had been blunt, and straight to the point. It had been Paul who had taken on the chore of explaining the birds and the bees to the fourteen-year-old Nicholas when Alan Chenault had become flustered with embarrassment while attempting to do so.
"I'm glad you're finding humor in all this," Paul said, frowning. "The statement was not meant to be funny. It was said in all seriousness. I'd hate to think we're losing a prime candidate for employment because you don't think you'll be able to keep your pants zipped whenever you're around her."
Nicholas stopped grinning and sat up straight. "That's not it."
"Then what is it, exactly? Shayla Kirkland is looking for a job. Her credentials are excellent. Just imagine how her expertise could be used here. If we won't give her an opportunity to come work for us, who's to say that JT Electronics won't be her next stop? I told you I thought we'd be making a mistake by opening another company in the same city where Thomas Jordache is also doing business. We can barely tolerate the likes of him in Jacksonville."
As Nicholas studied Paul he heard the venom in his tone. It was there every time he mentioned Thomas Jordache's name. Although Jordache was their major competitor and had proved to be a pain in the butt more than a few times, Nicholas knew why there was more to Paul's immense dislike of him. It had a lot to do with Paul's sister, who had been married to Jordache for a short while. Paul had been against the marriage. But that wasn't the only reason. Over the years Nicholas had heard other rumors about why Paul disliked Jordache. He'd heard that over twenty-seven years ago Jordache, in an attempt to obtain classified information from Chenault Electronics, was said to have bought off one of Chenault's female employees, who'd been willing to give him what he wanted. It was a case of underhanded industry theft, or at least that's what they'd thought initially. It had been Paul, as head of security, who had uncovered the plot. Months later, after the woman had been fired, Paul had also discovered that the woman had been falsely accused. She had been an innocent pawn in one of Jordache's ruthless games.
Nicholas sighed, knowing Paul was right regarding Shayla Kirkland. He had been thinking with the lower part of his body rather than with his brain. Somehow and someway he would have to maintain an iron-fisted amount of sexual control around her even if it killed him…and it just might. There was only so much a man could take, especially a man who hadn't slept with a woman in over a year. He picked up the envelope and ripped it in two, knowing Paul was watching him with keen interest.
"Is she that much of a temptation, Nick?" Paul asked, cocking a curious eyebrow at him.
Shayla Kirkland's beautiful face and shapely body flashed through Nicholas's mind. "Yes, but I'll deal with it for the sake of the company. My relationship with Ms. Kirkland will be strictly professional, and nothing more."

Shayla watched her aunt take a sip of coffee, then put her cup back down on the table. As usual, she thought Callie Foster, her mother's younger sister by four years, was a beautiful woman who wore her age of forty-seven well. She could pass easily for a woman in her thirties. Shayla knew her aunt credited her good eating habits and her policy of staying in shape as the reasons for her young appearance.
"So, sweetheart," her aunt said cheerfully, interrupting Shayla' s thoughts. "What did you do today?"
Shayla sighed inwardly. Now was as good a time as any to tell her aunt about the phone call she had received an hour ago. "I had an interview earlier today, and got a call before you arrived making me a job offer."
Shayla saw the happiness that lit up her aunt's entire face. She knew Aunt Callie had been hoping that she would move back to Chicago permanently. Callie reached across the table and captured Shayla's hand in hers. "Oh, honey, that's wonderful. Now that your mother is gone, you're all the family I have." Her aunt's smile widened as she released her hand. "Did you take that job as manager of the business department at the hospital?"
Shayla sighed and deliberately watched her aunt's reaction when she answered. "No. I've taken a job as manager of international affairs with Chenault Electronics."
Callie Foster nearly choked on the piece of pie she'd just put in her mouth.
"Aunt Callie, are you all right?" Shayla asked, genuinely concerned. Her aunt' s reaction was a dead giveaway that she knew something.
"Yes, I'm fine," Callie said, trying to regain her composure. "Wh-what made you want to go to work for Chenault?"
Shayla put her coffee cup down as she decided just what she would tell her aunt. There had always been complete honesty between them in the past, and Shayla knew she would tell her the truth-all of it. "I came across Mom's diary, Aunt Callie, while packing up her things. It was in the attic." Determined to bring everything out in the open, she added, "And I know."
Shayla could tell from the way her aunt was nibbling on her lower lip that what she had read in that diary was something she was never, ever supposed to have known.
Aunt Callie cleared her throat "You know what, Shayla?"
"I know that Glenn Kirkland was not my biological father."
Her aunt said nothing for the longest time. When she did speak her voice was soft, almost weak. "You weren't supposed to find that out."
Shayla watched as light tears formed in her aunt's eyes. Pushing her chair back, she stood quickly and walked over to the woman she loved so much. Reaching out, she took her aunt's hand in hers. "Come on, Aunt Callie, let's go into the living room. It's time for us to have a girls' chat, don't you think?"
Callie nodded and stood. The two of them left the kitchen and walked into the living room and sat down on the sofa.
"First of all," Shayla started off, "I want you to know that as far as I'm concerned Glenn Kirkland is, and forever will be, my dad. He was a wonderful person, and a fantastic father. I loved him so very much. If anything, finding out the truth makes me love him that much more, for giving me his love unconditionally."
Shayla felt a lump form in her throat and paused to steady her voice before continuing. "He was always there for me. He was the perfect dad, and I know he was a wonderful husband to Mom. Both Mom and I were devastated when we lost him two years ago."
Shayla took a deep cleansing breath as she remembered that time. She knew that during their entire marriage her mother and father had a close relationship. Evangeline Foster Kirkland, known to her family and friends as Eva, had taken her husband's death of lung cancer extremely hard. Shayla knew in her heart that no matter what had happened twenty-seven years ago between her mother and the man who was her biological father, in the end Eva had found true happiness with Glenn Kirkland. "Dad made Mom very happy," she said achingly, and she knew without a doubt that was true.
"Yes," Callie agreed softly as she reached over and captured Shayla's hand. "And she made him very happy, too." She understood Shayla's need to know everything, but she couldn't help but remember all the promises she, Glenn, and Eva had made to conceal the truth.
She looked into Shayla's eyes, wondering just how much of the truth she could handle. After a few emotional moments, Callie tightened her hold on Shayla's hand. "When we were kids in South Carolina, Glenn and his parents lived across the street from us. I think he'd been in love with your mom forever, and I know that she'd always loved him, too. Age was always a major factor, since he was five years older than Eva. Glenn said he was just biding his time and waiting for her to grow up. Everyone knew how he felt about her, and figured he would pop the question when Eva finished high school. That would have been around the time Glenn was to come home on leave from the military."
Callie shook her head, remembering that time, before she continued. "But he never got leave. The army shipped him off to Vietnam immediately after basic training. In the meantime, Eva graduated from high school and left to attend college in Florida."
"Why didn't they get together when he finally came back from the war, or when she had finished college?" Shayla asked quietly.
Callie stared off in the distance as if trying to regroup her thoughts. "Things weren't the same for Glenn after the war. During his stint in Vietnam he had gotten an injury that robbed him of the ability to father children. He thought it wouldn't be fair to ask Eva to marry him, so he did what he thought was the honorable thing and broke things off between them. Eva was devastated by that."
"Did Mom know the reason he broke things off?"
"No, but I did, and he made me promise not to tell her. Eva believed he no longer loved her. A part of me will always regret keeping that promise. Things might have turned out differently if I hadn't. Anyway, Eva remained in Florida after finishing college, and went to work at Chenault Electronics. Glenn was discharged from the army and decided to go to medical school in Washington, D.C."
Aunt Callie released Shayla's hand and leaned back on the sofa. "While working at Chenault, your mother met Thomas Jordache. She was trying to get over Glenn. I don't know the specifics of their short affair. All I know is that she believed he was someone she could care about, and move on with her life with. Then one day she showed up unexpectedly at my apartment in Atlanta with her suitcases, saying she had been fired from her job. Glenn was in town attending a medical convention at Emory University, and was at my place when she arrived. Hurt and torn, Eva told us everything that had happened. She also told us that she'd found out a couple days earlier that she was pregnant. Glenn told her the truth about why he had broken things off between them, and convinced her to marry him. He promised to love Eva's child as his own. And as far as anyone knows, you're a child Glenn and Eva made together. The only ones who knew the truth were me, your mother, and Glenn."
Shayla nodded, knowing it would have been easy for everyone to assume that, since Glenn had married Eva during the very early stages of her pregnancy. "What happened after that? The last entry in Mama's diary was made the day she married my father."
There was a brief pause as Callie tried to gather her thoughts and her emotions. Everything she was telling Shayla had happened long ago, yet recalling those times made it seem just like yesterday. She looked up into Shayla's eyes and smiled. "What happened after that is that you were born, a beautiful little girl. Your arrival in the world made Glenn and Eva very happy."
Shayla nodded. Her parents had taken enough baby pictures of her to prove that. "Do you know if Thomas Jordache ever tried contacting Mom?"
Callie's eyes were somber when she said, "No, but he knew about her pregnancy. Eva said when she told him about it, he told her to get an abortion. As far as he knows, she did."
Shayla shuddered at the thought of all her mother had gone through.
"Knowing all of this, Shayla-especially how Chenault treated Eva when they thought she was passing classified information to Jordache, which she wasn't-how can you even think about going to work for them?"
"I'm doing it for revenge."
Aunt Callie looked at her for a moment, obviously trying to make sense of Shayla's statement. "What do you mean, revenge? That incident happened nearly twenty-seven years ago. Anyone who was working there at the time has retired by now. From what I understand, Alan Chenault, who was president at the time, is dead."
Shayla nodded. "Yes, he died three years ago. His son is running the company now."
"And you plan to make his son pay for something he probably knows nothing about, Shayla? Think about what you're doing."
"He still represents Chenault Electronics, and they humiliated Mama. She didn't deserve that. She'd been a loyal and dedicated employee, and in the end they chose to believe the worst about her. They didn't even listen to what she had to say in her own defense."
Callie Foster shook her head. "And I guess you plan to make Thomas Jordache pay, too?"
"Yes, that's part of my plan."
Callie took a deep breath, knowing Shayla wasn't thinking straight. No doubt she was still in shock as a result of her mother's unexpected death two weeks ago in a car accident. She also knew that when Shayla made up her mind about something there was no changing it. Unfortunately, she had inherited a stubborn streak that could be a force to reckon with at times.
"Shayla, promise me you'll think about this, and not do anything foolish or vindictive that could get you into serious trouble. Please let what happened in the past stay in the past. Let it go, sweetheart."
"I can't do that. All the while I was reading Mom's diary I could feel her pain, her humiliation, and her frustration. I could feel her loss of pride and dignity at the hands of Chenault Electronics and Thomas Jordache. She didn't deserve what they did to her."
Callie captured her niece's hand in hers. "Be careful, Shayla. Sometimes revenge can be like a double-edged sword. You can taste a little of it yourself while you're trying to dish it out to someone else. I don't want you to be the one who gets hurt in the end."
Shayla met her aunt's worried stare. "I won't, Aunt Callie. I know what I'm doing."
Callie heard Shayla's words, but she was fearful that she really didn't.
"After reading Mom's diary I think she let Chenault Electronics off too easy."
Callie raised a brow. "What do you mean?"
Shayla released a long sigh. "I kept rereading the entry she made on the day she got fired. If I knew I was innocent of something I was accused of, I would stand my ground. There's no way I would have let them get rid of me without a fight on their hands."
Callie couldn't keep from smiling. Knowing Shayla and her stubbornness, she could see that happening. "Eva did speak up for herself, although I doubt she took it to the extremes that you would. She was a soft-spoken, easygoing person, Shayla. You know that. She never liked conflict of any kind. She was just that way. She was a peacemaker, and everyone loved her."
Shayla's smile was thoughtful, reflective, and filled with loving memories. "Yes, everyone did love her, didn't they?"
Callie shared Shayla's smile. "Yes, they did."

Chapter 3
Shayla sat cross-legged on her living room floor, mapping out in her daily planner all the things she needed to accomplish in the coming week. She was compulsive when it came to organization, and preferred doing things systematically by following a well-thought-out schedule. Although she could be flexible-if she had to be-she much preferred order to disorder, preparation to no preparation, and planning to last-minute decisions.
Those were the main reasons why at three o'clock Sunday afternoon, anticipating her first day on the job at Chenault Electronics on Monday, she was diligently planning the week ahead. No doubt her first week at work would be spent going through some sort of new employee orientation and a fast-paced management training program. However, the hours she spent away from work were her main concern at the moment. She needed to plan her meals for the week, get her clothes together, make a trip to the grocery store, squeeze in an appointment at the dentist, and arrange time for a repairman to come in and check out her washing machine. The spin cycle didn't seem to be working properly. Last, but definitely not least, she wanted to include spending time with Aunt Callie. They had decided to get together and enjoy dinner at some nice restaurant at least once a week.
Satisfied that she had covered all her bases for the week in an organized fashion, Shayla closed her planner. At that exact moment her phone rang. She reached over and grabbed it. "Hello."
"Ms. Kirkland?"
"This is Leanne Johnson, Mr. Chenault's secretary. I'm sorry to bother you at home, but Mr. Chenault asked me to call you to discuss your reporting to work tomorrow."
Shayla frowned. "Yes?"
"He apologizes for this last-minute change, but he's been called out of town on a very important business trip, and would like you to join him as soon as you can. He feels you can most definitely be useful to him right now."
Shayla's frown deepened. "I don't understand. Useful in what way? And where exactly am I supposed to join him?"
"China!" She thought she had misunderstood the woman.
Leanne Johnson's response assured her she hadn't. "Yes, China. There seems to be a glitch in some business negotiations, and he needs your help. Your résumé indicates you speak fluent Chinese."
"Yes. But what about my first day on the job tomorrow, here in Chicago?" Whatever happened to new employees' orientation or management training! She wanted to scream.
"Well, now it seems that your first day on the job will be in Hong Kong. Mr. Chenault has been placed in a bind, and really needs your help with some very important negotiations." As if that explanation were enough, Leanne Johnson added, "I just got off the phone with the airlines. Your tickets are ready. I hope your passport's in order."
"Yes, it is, but this is totally unexpected," Shayla implored.
"I know, and Mr. Chenault apologizes for any inconvenience, but he hopes you'll come through and meet him there. A courier will deliver a package containing information about the Ling Deal to you before seven this evening. He wants you to study it and become familiar with it. May I relay a message back to Mr. Chenault that you'll be joining him?"
No, no, no! Shayla wanted to scream. What gave Nicholas Chenault the right to mess with her well-ordered life? Taking a deep breath, she forced herself to remember why she had sought employment with Chenault Electronics in the first place-revenge. A major part of dishing out that revenge was getting to know as much about the company as possible, and what better way than to have firsthand knowledge of Chenault's business dealings? She released a deep sigh. She wasn't crazy about the idea of going anywhere, especially out of the country, on such short notice. At the university where she had worked for the past two years, business trips were planned far in advance, especially those that took her out of the country. Evidently in the private sector things were different. They were fast-paced, competitive, and last-minute.
"Yes, tell Mr. Chenault I will be joining him there."
"Thank you, Ms. Kirkland, and I hope you have a nice week."
After hanging up the phone Shayla looked down at the planner in her lap. All her well-thought-out plans for the week had just been cancelled-big-time.

Shayla had not given much thought to the mistake she might be making by going to Hong Kong until she began packing later that night.
After her conversation with Ms. Johnson, she had immediately called her aunt. Callie owned one of the most exclusive clothing stores in Chicago, and she was a lifesaver, helping Shayla get ready for her trip, opening the store that evening just for her. Shayla had met her aunt at Callie's Fashions and shopped to her heart's content.
Now they were in her bedroom, while Shayla packed.
"Are you sure you're doing the right thing, Shayla?" Her aunt's question interrupted Shayla's thought. She decided not to tell her that she was beginning to have second thoughts. Instead she said, "Yes. I have to do this, Aunt Callie. I know you don't understand, and I respect that, but there's no way I can let Chenault Electronics or TJ Electronics get away with what they did to Mama."
"Things worked out fine in the end for Eva. If you ask me, they did her a favor. If things hadn't turned out the way they did, she would never have married Glenn. Have you thought of that?"
Shayla nodded. Yes, she had. But still, their treatment of her mother was inexcusable, unforgivable.
"Tell me about Nicholas Chenault," Callie said quietly.
Shayla continued packing, hoping her aunt would not notice the tint that colored her face. For some reason just the thought of Nicholas Chenault did that to her, and that wasn't good. "What do you want to know?"
"Well, is he good-looking?"
Shayla turned to her aunt. The eyes that met hers were filled with curiosity, knowledge, and understanding-a woman's understanding.
"Yes, he's good-looking."
There was a moment of silence before her aunt spoke again. Her voice was thick with caution. "Shayla, don't go," she pleaded in a soft voice. "I don't think you understand what you might be getting yourself into. A week in Hong Kong alone with Nicholas Chenault may not be such a good idea."
Shayla turned back around and pretended to be totally absorbed in her packing. "It's just a business trip, Aunt Callie, nothing more."
"Yes, sweetheart, but even things of the most innocent nature usually start off that way."
Shayla chuckled to shake off her feelings of uncertainty. "I know all about the birds and the bees."
Callie caught Shayla's wrist before she could place another piece of clothing in her luggage. "I'm not talking about the birds and the bees, Shayla. I'm talking about your heart."
"My heart?" Shayla asked, frowning.
"Yes, I'm talking about your heart, and the risk of losing it. Don't you see?"
Shayla really didn't see at all. She couldn't help wondering what her heart had to do with anything. Over the years she'd had her share of dates, but none had ever come close to having any effect on her heart. She'd decided long ago to hold out for that special kind of love her parents had shared, and would not settle for anything less. She'd always known her parents had a close relationship. Now, after reading her mother's diary and having her long talk with her aunt, she understood why. In everything they'd done, love had governed their actions. Despite all their trials and tribulations, things had worked out for them in the end. It had been meant for them to be together. Even when Glenn had been robbed of the ability to father a child, a twist of fate had given him her. He had loved her and accepted her as if she'd come from his own seed. Not once had he held her mother's brief affair with Thomas Jordache against her. Love that pure and that true was hard to find with a man.
Shayla glanced down at the hand that was holding her wrist gently. They were the hands that had often braided her hair when she was a little girl. They were hands that had wiped away tears from her eyes when she'd discovered that a boy she had a teenage crush on was more interested in her best girlfriend than in her. They were the hands that had comforted her when she'd lost her father, and most recently they were hands that had held hers throughout her mother's funeral services. They were loving hands, caring hands.
Shayla didn't want her aunt to worry about her. She reached out and hugged her. She had always been there for her, and always would be. "Trust me, Aunt Callie, my heart will have nothing to do with it. Although Nicholas Chenault's not directly to blame, it was his father's decision to fire Mama without taking into consideration that she might have been innocent. I won't be able to overlook that."
"But still, sweetheart, you may not know all the facts. Eva's involvement with Thomas Jordache may have been guilt enough in Chenault Electronics' eyes. He was their biggest competitor back then. Besides, you don't know how thick Thomas Jordache's web of deceit and lies was."
"Pretty thick, if you ask me," Shayla said with all the venom in her voice that she actually felt for the man who had fathered her. His day was coming, as well. His downfall would be even greater than Chenault's.
"Shayla, since you're intent on going, promise me you'll be careful."
Shayla nodded. "I promise."

The long flight from Chicago to Hong Kong was a rather relaxing one, Shayla thought. She had used that time to read the report she had received about the Ling Deal, taking naps in between. Although Nicholas Chenault was her enemy, she had to hand it to him for his expertise in negotiating a deal. From the one hundred plus pages she had read, what he was offering the Chinese government was a win-win situation. It would be a tremendous win for the people of China, as well as a financial win for Chenault. She wondered what had been the last-minute glitch.
She rested her head against her seat. Nicholas had some financial heavy hitters backing him on the deal. She had recognized some of the names immediately. There was Kyle Garwood of Garwood Industries, Jake Madaris, a wealthy rancher from Texas who had recently announced his marriage to movie star Diamond Swain, and Nicholas's half brother Sterling Hamilton, the superstar movie actor.
Shayla closed her eyes and hoped and prayed that she could handle being around Nicholas Chenault for a week. Whenever she felt herself weakening, she would remember what her mother had gone through. Doing that would guarantee she would be able to keep him at a distance.
A very safe distance.

Nicholas had been waiting for his gut to settle down ever since his secretary had called to confirm that Shayla Kirkland would be joining him in Hong Kong. He didn't understand why his stomach was tied in knots-she was just a woman.
Yeah, right. But when was the last time he had actually let a woman invade his dreams? In his dreams he had kissed her, tasted her lips and other areas of her body, as well. The perfume she had worn the day of the interview had been seductive, overpowering, captivating. He wondered if she would be wearing that particular fragrance again. If she did, he didn't know how he would handle it.
Pull yourself together, Chenault, he thought. Your thoughtsare bound to get you in trouble. Trouble you don't need. Still, he couldn't help remembering everything about Shayla Kirkland, and it had been almost two weeks since he had seen her.
He nervously glanced down at his watch. Her flight from the States should be arriving at the Hong Kong International Airport about now. He had sent a limo to pick her up and deliver her to the Conrad International Hotel, where he had reserved an entire executive floor. He needed space for his fax machine and computer set-up, and two private meeting rooms where he would hold his business meetings. There would be three suites on the floor-one for him, one for Shayla, and one for Paul when he arrived at the end of the week. As with any big business deal, security measures had to be taken, and that required Paul's expertise.
Nicholas walked over to the minibar in his room and poured a cup of percolated coffee. He wanted something stronger, but always made it a rule never to drink before noon. A few minutes later, after determining he still had too much nervous energy and the coffee was only adding to it, he decided to go to the health club and endure an extensive workout. A good hour of physical exertion should eradicate Shayla Kirkland from his mind for a while. At least, he hoped that it would.

Chapter 4
The Conrad International Hotel was known to be one of the most luxurious in China, and Shayla could see why. It was evident that it was designed for both the business and leisure traveler. All the hotel's guest rooms had sweeping views of the Hong Kong harbor, Victoria Peak, and the city's skyline.
The panoramic view outside her window was nothing short of majestic. Shayla had been surprised to discover she was housed on the executive floor and that her suite was across the hall from Nicholas's. In fact, the only three suites on the floor shared a huge lobby that also served as a sitting area. She fell in love with an oversize bathroom tub that just seemed to be calling her name.
She decided to take a long leisurely bath and relax. She doubted Mr. Chenault would need her services today. Surely he would have pity on her and give her this day to rest and recover from jet lag. Maybe not, she thought when the phone rang.
Walking across the room, she picked it up. "Yes?"
"How was your flight, Ms. Kirkland?"
Shayla's heart thudded in her chest. Nicholas's voice was deep and husky. Against her will she remembered his features, seeing them clearly in her mind, especially his gold eyes. She tightened her hold on the phone, knowing she had to get a grip. "My flight, Mr. Chenault, was nice, although it was rather long. Luckily I had some interesting reading material to pass the time."
"The report on the Ling Deal?"
She heard his soft chuckle. "Not what you'd preferred to read, I'd imagine."
Shayla couldn't keep from smiling. "No. Not even close."
"I see. But you did complete it?"
"Good. We have a meeting with the Hong Kong people first thing in the morning. The meeting room is on this floor."
Shayla nodded. "Is there anything else I need to know?"
"Yes, and I'd like to go over those things with you. How about if we get together for a business dinner tonight?"
Shayla was quick to pick up on the fact that he'd made it clear that it would be nothing more than a business dinner. "All right. There are a few things I need clarification on."
"Will seven o'clock be a good time for you?"
"That's fine. Should I meet you downstairs?"
"No, I'm right across the hall. I'll walk over and escort you down."
"All right."
"I'll see you then, Ms. Kirkland."

Shayla wanted to check her appearance one more time before Nicholas Chenault arrived. The dress she had chosen to wear had been deemed a "must buy" by her aunt. Even with the generous discount she had received, it had cost plenty. But then, she thought as she looked in the mirror and saw how the soft material fit her body, it had been well worth every cent she had paid for it. In fact, Aunt Callie had made sure everything she had brought along with her was first class.
Because her aunt had always owned a clothing store, Shayla had been blessed to grow up having nice clothes. She had been the envy of most of the girls in high school and college with her stylish, chic, and sometimes expensive wardrobe.
She glanced back at her reflection in the full-length mirror, hoping the dress was not too sophisticated for a business dinner. Deciding that it wasn't, she turned away from the mirror. At the same time, there was a knock on her door. She smiled. Nicholas Chenault evidently believed in being on time. Good planning.
Seeing no reason to invite him into her hotel room, Shayla grabbed her purse and the envelope containing the Ling report from the table and walked over to the door. She took a deep breath before she opened it.
The deep breath got caught in her throat. Nicholas Chenault stood before her, displaying everything that was male. He was dressed in a gray suit, every part of him sensuous and sexy. His eyes appeared to be a liquid gold, and held hers within their depths. Then his gaze began moving over her slowly, beginning at the crown of her head and ending at the tips of her shoes. His eyes captured hers again, trapping her gaze. The huge lobby outside her door seemed to shrink before her eyes as the image of him became larger, almost bigger than life. She tried suppressing the hot sensations that shot through her body, frazzling her nerves and playing havoc with her mind.
She forced herself to breathe, then breathe again, when she realized that the attraction was mutual. The look he was giving her said as much. The sensuous vibes flowing between them were thick as deep fog.
Although she wasn't overjoyed about the sexual tension radiating between them, she wasn't put off by it, either. After all, business or no business, he was man and she was woman…and certain things were just unavoidable. Physical attraction between the opposite sexes was one of them. However, it could be controlled, which was what she intended to do.
She watched as Nicholas Chenault's mouth tightened. Evidently he wasn't overjoyed with the prospect of being attracted to her any more than she was about being attracted to him. Then she noticed a sudden softening of his mouth, and decided he'd reached the same conclusion that she had. This attraction between them could be, and would be, controlled. They were professionals. This was a professional evening, and they would handle it as such. She had a very strong idea that he had no more intention of getting caught up in a personal involvement with her than she with him. He was her boss and she was his employee, and while they worked together they would handle themselves accordingly.
They both relaxed somewhat. Without saying a word they'd somehow reached an understanding.
She decided to be the one to break the tense silence. "Mr. Chenault, I'm ready."
He straightened and stepped back when she walked out of her room and closed the door behind her. "You look nice, Ms. Kirkland."
"Thank you." She couldn't help but note how close he was as they walked together to the elevator. The heat between them still simmered. When they entered the empty compartment and the doors shut behind them with finality, every muscle in her body was on edge. So much for thinking she'd be able to relax around him now that an understanding had been reached.
"Did you take a nap?"
Shayla blinked a couple of times before Nicholas's question registered in her hazed mind. "Yes."
"Good. It helps with jet lag."
It was on the tip of her tongue to tell him that jet lag was the least of her problems. They continued their ride down to the eighth floor, where the restaurant was located. When the elevator stopped and the doors opened, they stepped out quickly, needing to be out in the open and around others; needing to breathe again and get their minds back on track.
"This way," Nicholas whispered close to her ear as he captured her elbow in his hand. His touch sent sparks flying all the way from Shayla's head to her toes. She wondered if he had felt them. Taking a quick glance up at his face, she saw his mouth had tightened. It was a dead giveaway that he had.
They kept walking, ignoring passersby's whispered comments that the two of them made such a striking couple. Some of the comments were spoken in Chinese, and Shayla hoped Nicholas had not understood them.
They finally reached the entrance to the elegant restaurant. As they stood together and waited for the host to seat them, Nicholas leaned over and whispered, "I hope you like Chinese food." A smile tilted his lips.
Shayla couldn't help returning his smile-it seemed to be contagious. "There's a Chinese proverb, Mr. Chenault, that says, ‘Food is heaven-especially when it's Chinese,’" she whispered back to him.
His smile widened. And so did hers.

Nicholas knew he was in trouble as they followed the host to their table. Shayla was wearing "that" perfume again, and the scent of it was driving him insane. It was the same scent she'd worn the day of the interview-sultry, seductive. It was meant to captivate, dazzle, bewitch. It was working on him full force.
He took a deep breath when he pulled the chair out for her, inhaling deeply and forcing his mind and his body to get a grip. He could hardly think standing this close to her. He quickly stepped back and took his own seat.
"So, you like Chinese food?" he asked for lack of anything else to say.
"Yes." Then, leaning over the table toward him so as not to offend their host, who was busy opening their menus, she whispered in a serious tone, "But I like Japanese food just as much."
Nicholas could not stop the deep chuckle that escaped his lips. He'd been right. Shayla Kirkland had an amazing personality. He waited until the host had left after pouring their wine before saying, "I must personally apologize for whisking you away from Chicago on such short notice. I do appreciate your coming. Your help with the negotiations will definitely be needed."
Shayla raised a curious brow. "Why is that? I thought this was basically a done deal, with only a few loose ends to tie up. The report I read on the plane alluded to that."
Nicholas smiled. "We're hoping that's true. But as a businessman I've learned to always look for surprises in the last stages of negotiations. One of the men who'll be at tomorrow's meeting has never attended any of the others. It's my understanding he's a smooth Chinese businessman, and someone I need to watch out for. I also understand he doesn't care much for doing business with Americans."
Nicholas sat back in his chair. "That's enough discussion of business for now. We'll resume that after we've ordered dinner. Can you suggest something for me to try?"
During dinner the conversation between Shayla and Nicholas centered more on the professional than the personal, and the mood was comfortable.
"I hope this last-minute trip to China didn't upset your significant other," Nicholas said smoothly, taking a sip of wine. He was abruptly shifting the subject matter, and they both knew it.
Shayla lowered her lashes, attempting to hide her surprise. Up until that moment, he hadn't inquired about anything having to do with her personal life. She lifted her gaze to meet his. "I don't have a significant other, unless you want to count my Aunt Callie, who's my mom's younger sister. She's all the family I have, and the only person who's important to me."
Talking about family reminded Shayla of the reason she was involved with Chenault Electronics in the first place. Deciding to shift the topic of conversation back to business, she said, "So, what do you think our chances are of the Ling Deal being closed tomorrow?"

Shayla stepped into the huge bathtub, submerging herself in the hot bubbly water. The heat felt nice, and the bubbles smelled good. She leaned against the back of the tub and closed her eyes, remembering how well the night had gone. Except for the time Mr. Chenault had asked her about a significant other, the conversation had remained strictly business.
But still, that hadn't stopped her from appreciating his good looks. It had been hard sitting across from him feigning absolute nonchalance when she'd been attuned to every aspect of him. Everything about him had been sensuous: the way he drank his wine, the way he ate his food, even the way he held his eating utensils. But nothing was more sensuous than the way he lifted his eyebrow when he didn't quite understand something. His lifting that brow did things to her insides. It had been so hard for her to keep a firm grasp on her impulses.
She had to hand it to both of them. They had handled things extremely well when they read a fortune cookie message that said, "Your destinies will be entwined from this moment on." They'd shrugged it off without making any comment about it. Later when he had escorted her back to her room, he had remained professional and businesslike. He had turned and quickly walked across the huge lobby to his suite.
But now, back in the privacy of her own suite, in the intimacy of her bathroom, Shayla wanted to indulge a little in fantasy, knowing nothing would ever come of it. That would make it easier to get down to business tomorrow. She needed to get thoughts of him out of her system. The information he had divulged at dinner about the Ling Deal indicated that he had put a lot of his company's funds into it, not to mention those of his financial backers. His hopes were high about this deal going through. Setting the Ling Deal into motion had connections to another project he had in the works, a project he'd avoided discussing with her. She couldn't help but wonder what it was. But still, without knowing it, Nicholas Chenault had placed in her hands a way to destroy him financially. And she could do so as soon as tomorrow. She could effortlessly ruin things for him at that business meeting in the morning.
But she didn't want to think about that. She wanted to fantasize. For just a few exhilarating moments, she wanted to pretend he was not her enemy, that he was her lover-a lover like no other, which wouldn't be hard to imagine since she'd never had a lover. For just a few moments, she wanted to wonder how things could be with him.
Closing her eyes, she could imagine his long experienced fingers caressing their way from the peaks of her breasts to the heels of her feet, making her whimper-a little like she was doing now, just thinking about it. She could imagine the feel of his kiss, hot and moist as it captured her mouth with frantic hunger-a hunger that she reciprocated.
Shayla opened her eyes. Fantasizing about the enemy was a lot less harmful than sleeping with the enemy, which was something she would never do. She was on a mission, and because of it Nicholas Chenault would suffer.
When she got out of the tub and began toweling dry her body, she did not feel good about that thought.

Nicholas couldn't get Shayla out of his mind. Unbelievable, he thought.
He had spent practically the entire evening with her discussing the Ling Deal, yet he'd hungered for her as he sat across from her, soaking in her beauty, inhaling her scent. He wasn't sure how he had managed to last through their meal. Never in his thirty-two years had he wanted a woman so much.
The last thing he needed was a distraction from the business at hand. At tomorrow's meeting he had to stay focused. There was more than just his money at stake. Three men he admired and respected were counting on him. They had combined their monies with his because they had faith that he could make it work. They believed in the mangolid chip that his company had developed as much as he did. Closing the Ling Deal was just one part-a very major part-of the big picture.
As Nicholas prepared for his shower, he knew he had to do whatever it would take to put Shayla Kirkland out of his mind.

Chapter 5
The following morning Nicholas discovered that putting Shayla out of his mind wouldn't be easy. The woman had too much of a sensuous draw about her. He wasn't the only one to pick up on it. When she walked into the meeting room, looking completely businesslike and professional, every man took notice. Her presence demanded their attention.
Paul had arrived very late the night before. Standing beside Nicholas, he whispered, "I can see why temptation was nipping fast and furious at your heels. She's a good-looking woman."
Nicholas frowned. For some reason he did not like nor appreciate the male attention being lavished on Shayla. "Let's get this meeting underway," he grumbled, ignoring Paul's soft chuckle.
"Feeling the sharp bite of primitive male possessiveness, Nick?"
The look Nicholas shot at Paul spoke volumes. He then shifted his attention from the older man back to Shayla. As efficient as she was beautiful, she had not waited for him to make introductions. A born diplomat, she was making her way around the room, speaking in fluent Chinese and conducting herself with culturally acceptable decorum. It was easy to see that the businessmen were just eating it up.
"Didn't I tell you she'd be an asset to us?" Paul asked, smiling. "Look how easily she's working that group."
Nicholas nodded. They both knew that it was expected for Westerners doing business in China to have a mastery of the given language. Although Nicholas's knowledge of the language was limited to a few words, Shayla, who was representing his company, was laying it on very smoothly with her vast knowledge of it.
He also observed her exchanging business cards with each man present. He knew from past experience that in China the exchanging of business cards was like shaking hands. It was part of the business etiquette. He had forgotten that major detail, and wondered where Shayla had gotten the cards. His company had not yet printed any for her.
By the time Shayla had made it over to where he and Paul stood, Nicholas was completely overwhelmed with her, as the others were. "Ms. Kirkland, I'd like you to meet Paul Dunlap, head of security at Chenault."
Shayla's gaze quickly left Nicholas and looked into the eyes of the tall handsome man standing beside him. She remembered the name from her mother's diary. He had been the security person to uncover Thomas Jordache's plot, and had brought it to the attention of Alan Chenault, resulting in her mother's firing. Knowing what she knew about the man, Shayla forced herself to offer her hand to him and pasted a smile on her lips. "Mr. Dunlap."
Paul took the hand in his. "Ms. Kirkland, welcome to Chenault Electronics." With his observant gaze, he studied her. "You look somewhat familiar. Have we met before?" he asked, releasing her hand.
Shayla quenched the panic that rose inside her. She hoped there was nothing about her that reminded him of her mother. Surely he couldn't remember that far back. "No, Mr. Dunlap, I don't think we have," she heard herself saying. "Unless we saw each other when I came in for my interview. Perhaps it was then."
Paul nodded as he continued to study her. "Perhaps."
Not wanting to give the man time to dwell on it, she said to Nicholas, "Everyone is ready to begin. How do you want the seating arranged?"
"Whichever way is comfortable for them."
Shayla nodded, agreeing with Nicholas's decision. Often, Chinese people saw Westerners' quick decisions as signs of suspicious behavior. It was imperative to be patient in any business negotiations with them. "I think that all of us sitting around the table will work out fine. Paul needs to sit on your left side, and I'll sit on your right."
Nicholas nodded, deciding not to ask why she'd suggested such an arrangement. He did want to ask her one thing before they began. "The business cards. Where did you get them?"
"After I went to bed I thought about the importance of having them. I got back up and used the computer in the office next to my suite to make them. I hope you don't mind."
"No, I'm very glad you thought of it. We don't need to get things off on the wrong foot." He glanced across the room at a Chinese gentleman standing alone near the window. "I take it you've met Mr. Ho Chin."
Shayla nodded. "Yes."
"We need to be cautious around him. He's the one I was talking about last night. The one who could sway the negotiations another way."
Shayla nodded again. She almost wanted to tell Nicholas that Mr. Ho Chin was not the only one who could sway the negotiations. She had the ammunition to destroy him herself, and that was her intent.
"If you're ready, Mr. Chenault, we can get things started."
"I'm ready."
Shayla walked off to deliver that statement to each man in the room.
"There's something about her that's familiar," Paul said to Nicholas as they moved forward to sit around the table.
Nicholas raised a brow. "Perhaps you saw her photo in her personnel file. I'm sure one was there when your department did their background check."
Paul nodded, his gaze still on Shayla. "Perhaps."

When the golden opportunity presented itself for Shayla to ruin Chenault Electronics, she discovered she couldn't do it.
Negotiations were tense, and had been all morning. They were going into their fifth hour, and what had seemed like a done deal earlier was anything but that now. All because of Mr. Ho Chin. There was something about him that Shayla didn't like, and she found herself wanting the deal to go through just so Nicholas could best the man. His arguments were nothing more than stalling tactics, and everyone in the room knew it. Up until this hour, the other Chinese businessmen in the room were still leaning toward closing the deal, but now things didn't look quite that way. Mr. Ho Chin was trying to discredit Nicholas in the only way he knew, and that was to question his sincerity in doing business with their country.
Shayla shook her head. None of this made any sense. True, the Ling Deal would be good for Nicholas's company, but it would also be good for the Chinese people. Ever since the sovereignty of Hong Kong had reverted back to China, the people of the Republic were trying to catch up in ways of advanced technology, and were doing an astounding job of it. What Nicholas was proposing in his plan was to put them on top, escalating them to a higher playing field than even Japan.
"May I try something, Mr. Chenault?" Shayla whispered, when it appeared the talks were momentarily at a stalemate.
"Anything is better than nothing," Nicholas grumbled softly for her and Paul's ears only.
Nodding, Shayla began speaking fluent Chinese, addressing her words to the men sitting across from them. They fully understood what she was saying, if their expressions were any indication. Nicholas frowned, wondering what she was saying to them. Whatever it was had their rapt attention. And whatever it was made Mr. Ho Chin not a happy camper. He suddenly spoke up in a loud voice, and Nicholas could tell he was angry about whatever Shayla was saying.
Keeping her voice soft and even, Shayla acknowledged Mr. Ho Chin's comments before turning to address the entire group again. After a few minutes, one of the other Chinese gentlemen began speaking. Shayla nodded, smiling. She glanced over at Nicholas and smiled again. Then she gave a reply to the man.
"What in the world's going on?" Paul had leaned over and whispered the question to Nicholas. "What's she saying to them?"
Nicholas shrugged. "I have no idea. She could be giving away the company, for all I know."
"Aren't you going to stop her?"
"No, I'm going to follow my gut instincts and trust her."
Paul lifted a brow. That might be Nick's inclination, but it sure wasn't his. Although he had pushed for her hiring, she had not worked for the company long enough to develop any sense of loyalty. This was just her second day on the job.
A part of Nicholas, the one ruled strictly by business sense, knew he should try to figure out, as best he could, just what Shayla was saying. But he was too caught up in listening to the sound of her voice as she spoke to the men. He doubted she realized it but her voice sounded soft, husky, and sexy. She might not be aware of it, but every man in the room was.
When the Chinese gentlemen at the table all nodded their heads except for Ho Chin, Nicholas knew he had to know what was going on. Before he could ask, Shayla turned to him. "All right, it's over."
Nicholas frowned, clearly not understanding. "What's over?"
Knowing that a few of the men in the room, Mr. Ho Chin especially, could understand the English language, Shayla chose her words carefully. "The negotiations. Everyone is ready to sign."
Nicholas felt his head spinning. "To close the deal?" he asked, incredulous.
He shook his head, clearly dazed. "But how? Why? What did you say to get them to change their minds?"
Shayla reached across the table and captured Nicholas's hand in hers. To everyone observing, it was definitely not a businesslike gesture. Nicholas lifted his eyebrows, wondering what she was doing. Instead of pulling his hand back, as he had an inclination to do, he decided to let it stay put. According to her earlier announcement, the deal was about to be closed. Somehow she had placed the ball back in their court, so he was willing to let her continue to play it as she saw fit.
"I explained things to them, Nicholas," she said softly, meeting his eyes.
"What things?" Nicholas asked, still not comprehending. The look in her eyes pleaded with him to pretend that he did, and he hadn't missed her calling him by his first name.
"I explained why you had turned down Mr. Ming's invitation to the dinner party Friday night."
Nicholas lifted another brow. He knew why he had turned down the man's invitation to dinner-he intended to be on a plane headed back to the States on Friday. "Really? And just what did you explain to them?"
"I explained that you and I had made personal plans, and that you thought you would be disappointing me if you were to break them. However, in light of everything, I assured Mr. Ming that we would be honored to change our plans and attend the dinner party at his home."
She smiled tentatively at him, staring into his eyes. "Trust me on this one, sweetheart."
Nicholas blinked at her term of endearment. He then met her stare head-on. "I am, darling."
As if grateful for that, Shayla released his hand and turned her attention back to the gentlemen and gave them a smile that made all of them blush, except Mr. Ho Chin. She then placed the documents to be signed in front of them. Each of them signed, even Mr. Ho Chin, although he did it grudgingly. Nicholas was more than anxious to put his own signature on the paper.
With the business concluded, the men stood and walked out, leaving only Shayla, Nicholas, and Paul in the room. When Nicholas was sure the gentlemen were inside the closed elevator and couldn't possibly hear a thing, he turned to Shayla. "What the hell was that about?"
Shayla let out a deep sigh as she began gathering up the papers from the table. "That, Mr. Chenault, was about saving face. When Mr. Ming invited you to a dinner party at his home Friday night, you turned him down, not realizing the repercussions."
Nicholas frowned. Before he could ask the question, Paul did. "What's wrong with not going to the man's house for dinner?"
Shayla met Paul's inquisitive gaze. "Everything. In China, an individual's reputation and social standing are based on the complex concept of saving face. By turning down a dinner invitation to a Chinese associate's home, you can cause that individual to lose face simply because you're not available, or evidently think he's not important enough for you to make yourself available. To save face for him, as well as for yourself, if you can't accept the invitation you must apologize for not being able to do so, then propose an alternative plan that is palatable to the person who extended the invitation. Although you apologized for not being able to attend the function, you did not offer an alternative solution."
Nicholas shrugged. "I didn't know."
"Evidently you didn't, and your lack of knowledge was what Mr. Ho Chin was using to get the others to back out of the deal. He was trying to make it seem that you had intentionally delivered Mr. Ming an insult. He was carrying it a little bit further, too, by claiming you had no knowledge of their culture, and it would not be wise to do business with your company."
"So what did you tell them?" Nicholas asked quietly, trying to absorb it all.
"When I saw what Mr. Ho Chin was trying to do, I simply explained to the other men that you and I had recently gotten engaged, and that you wanted to get back to the States to look for a ring. That way I made them think that love had caused your thoughtlessness, not intentional rudeness."
Nicholas looked at her for the longest time, not saying anything. Paul, he noticed, had covered his mouth to smother his laughter. "Let me get this straight. You told them you and I are engaged? To be married?"
Shayla shifted uncomfortably from one foot to the other under Nicholas's intense stare. "Yes. I had no choice. I could have told them you were in a hurry to get to some other woman back in the States, but that would not have soothed them. They had met me and were impressed with my command of their language and customs and culture. They figured that as your future wife, I would make up for what you lack. And when I told them we would change our plans and attend the dinner party, that clinched things and took the wind out of Mr. Ho Chin's sails. Without any other argument, he had to go along with everyone and sign the papers."
"You seem to have understood the situation well," Paul said, clearly impressed.
"I did. Believe it or not, most Asians credit blacks with understanding their culture better than whites, especially in the field of literature. They feel we're quicker to understand and appreciate the value of their writing, and take it more seriously. Howard University has a history of publishing books by Asian-American authors."
Both Nicholas and Paul nodded at what Shayla had told them. After taking it all in, Nicholas couldn't keep from beaming. He was more than happy that the Ling Deal was closed, and was extremely happy that Shayla's ingenious thinking had pushed things through.
"I'm curious as to what they'll think when the two of you don't get married," Paul said, still clearly amused.
Shayla met Paul's grin. "They'll think nothing of it. They're aware that Americans break engagements all the time."
She then turned her attention back to Nicholas. "I hope your remaining in this country for another day won't pose a problem for you, Mr. Chenault-or for your significant other back in the States."
Nicholas raised an eyebrow as he looked at Shayla, remembering he'd posed the same question to her last night at dinner. He drew in a shuddering breath when her questioning eyes met his. His lips tilted into a smile, and she felt the intensity of his gaze. "I don't have a significant other back in the States, Shayla. But it seems I do have a fiancée while I'm here in China, doesn't it?"

Chapter 6
Nicholas declared that Chenault Electronics had cause to celebrate, and invited Shayla and Paul to dine with him.
Shayla made an excuse as to why she couldn't go. The last thing she wanted was to be in Paul Dunlap's company for any long period of time. The man was too observant for her peace of mind. Besides, she needed to think things through, to understand why she had intentionally blown her golden opportunity to ruin Chenault Electronics.
"You have to come, Ms. Kirkland. What if I run into any of those gentlemen again? What will I tell them if they inquire about my fiancée?" Nicholas asked, a teasing grin touching his lips.
"Tell them I had a headache and decided to go to bed early."
Nicholas's smile immediately vanished. "Are you not feeling well?"
Shayla shook her head. "I'm just extremely tired. It's been a long and tense day. If the two of you don't mind, I prefer to go back to my room and order room service."
Nicholas nodded, concerned. "Is there anything I can get for you before Paul and I go out?"
"No, I'll be fine. I hope you enjoy your evening." With that said, she gathered her purse and walked out of the meeting room.

After taking a nap Shayla felt somewhat better, but the feeling that she had let her mother down by not keeping her promise weighed heavily on her. Feeling the need to talk to someone, she placed a long-distance call to her aunt.
"Aunt Callie, I failed. I had the chance to do it, and didn't."
"Oh, sweetheart, I'm glad you didn't."
"But I still want to. I owe it to Mama. I feel I let her down by not taking the opportunity I had."
"Now you listen to me, Shayla Glenn Kirkland. Don't you dare try convincing yourself that Eva would want you to embark on this madness. Your mother was a loving and forgiving woman. I refuse to believe that sometime in her life she didn't forgive everyone involved with what happened to her back then. She and Glenn loved you very much, and no matter what, they'll always be proud of you. They wouldn't want you involved with what you're intent on doing to Chenault and TJ Electronics. Take my advice and catch the next plane back to the States."
Shayla wiped the tears from her eyes. "I can't. I have to stay here for the party on Friday. They think Nicholas and I are engaged."
"What are you talking about, Shayla? Who thinks that?"
Shayla took a long shaky breath. "It's a long story, and I can't explain it right now, but we'll talk when I get back."
"And when will that be?"
"Nicholas and I'll be flying out late Saturday or early Sunday."
"Shayla, sweetheart, get out of this mess while you can, before you get hurt."
Shayla glanced up at her reflection in the mirror above the desk where she sat. Her hair looked a mess, and her eyes were slightly swollen from crying. "I'm fine, really I am. I just needed to talk. But, Aunt Callie, nothing's changed. There'll be another opportunity."
"Shayla, listen to-"
"Goodbye, Aunt Callie. I love you." Shayla hung up. She knew her aunt didn't understand, but then, she had not been the one to read her mother's diary. She had not been the one to feel her pain.
Shayla stood and was about to run the water for her bath when there was a knock on the door. She walked over and looked through the peephole. It was Nicholas, and he was dressed to go out for the evening. She was not ready to see him right then, and decided not to answer the door. If she didn't answer, he would assume she was asleep. She backed away from the door when he knocked again. After a few moments, the knocking stopped, and she knew he had gone away.
Going into the bathroom she began running water for her bath. After adding a generous amount of bubble bath, she began removing her clothes. Knowing there wouldn't be any fantasies of Nicholas awaiting her in the tub, as there had been last night, she stepped into the hot bubbly water and sat down. Leaning against the back of the tub, she closed her eyes. As she'd told her aunt, she would have another opportunity to ruin Chenault. The next time, she would not be such a weakling.

When Nicholas returned from dinner with Paul, he looked across the lobby at Shayla's door, wondering if she was feeling better. Knowing it was too late to check on her, he entered his own room. Although he hated admitting it, he had missed her at dinner. Last night he had greatly enjoyed her company. She had looked so beautiful sitting across from him at the dinner table. And then today, when she had walked into the meeting room, all gazes had turned her way. He had been just as spellbound as the other men in the room. With her striking beauty, he was beginning to accept she had that effect on most men. And he had to grudgingly admit that she was the first woman who'd had that sort of effect on him. It seemed Shayla Kirkland was a first for him in a lot of ways. Paul had been right. He had felt a moment of primitive male possessiveness, and had not liked the idea of other men finding her as desirable as he did.
He began preparing for his bath, adjusting the water temperature. He removed his clothes while the tub began filling nicely with warm water. He felt good about what had transpired today. Finalizing that deal would keep Chenault Electronics on top, and would assure that the dynamics were in place when he revolutionized the mangolid chip.
Stepping into the tub, he lowered his body into the water and leaned back against it. Because of his height, he was grateful that the huge tub provided more leg room than most. He closed his eyes, and an image of Shayla immediately formed in his mind. He saw her as he wanted to see her-in his bed, without any clothes, in his arms, with the hardness of him inside of her, while she shuddered with the force of her climax, triggering his own.
Nicholas knew it was too dangerous to have such thoughts of a woman he barely knew. He tried switching his thoughts elsewhere, deciding that as soon as his bath was over he would place a call to Sterling, Jake, and Kyle. As his financial backers, the three men would want to have their own celebration, and no doubt they would do so with the women in their lives.
Nicholas wondered how his niece was doing. She was only a little over a month old, but she ruled the Hamilton household. Sterling and his wife, Colby, were overjoyed with their daughter. A part of him envied their happiness. Just being around them made him want to believe in the power of true love. He hoped to find a woman who would be his soul mate, who would give him children to continue the Chenault dynasty, but he was in no hurry for that to happen. He could very well sit tight and not become a family man for another five to six years, maybe more. When he was ready to become a father, he hoped that he and his wife would have at least two. He had been Alan and Angeline Chenault's only child, and he'd missed not having a sibling while growing up. He had not found out about Sterling until he was thirty. Since then he and his brother had made up for lost time, and were forging a very special and solid relationship. Sterling, Colby, and his niece, Chandler, were a few of the people whom he allowed to invade his space.
Nicholas tried clearing his mind of thought. He just wanted to relax in the tub with his eyes closed and think about nothing or no one in particular.
After a few minutes he gave up trying.
It seemed there was one person whom he could not stop thinking about no matter how much he tried.

Paul Dunlap tried to keep his concentration on the television screen, and it wasn't working. For some reason, he could not get Shayla Kirkland out of his mind. There was something disturbing about her, and it had started the moment she had been introduced to him. Although she had taken his hand in a firm handshake, she had paused for a quick second. The hesitation had been so fleeting he doubted Nicholas had noticed it, but he sure had, and it had thrown him. Why would someone who was meeting him for the first time feel…what? Intimidation? Wariness? Anger? Immediate dislike? Then there had been her smile. He had picked up on the effort she had put behind it, and the sudden stiffness of her posture and the cutting edge of her gaze when Nicholas had said his name.
He shook his head. Although there was something about her that looked familiar, he was certain they had never met before. And that was really confusing him.
Paul couldn't help the rueful smile that suddenly touched his lips. One thing was for certain-she was doing a lot more than just confusing Nick. The woman tied him in knots. He was smitten with her big-time, and didn't even know it. Nick had been working extremely hard since Alan's death, and it was time he got interested in something other than microchips. He needed a life outside Chenault Electronics. It was interesting to watch him lose his grip on being in absolute control, and it was long overdue.
It seemed that Shayla Kirkland was going to be good for Nick. She was going to be good for the company, too. She had single-handedly convinced those Chinese gentlemen to honor the terms of the Ling Deal. The woman was almost too good to be true.
And, Paul thought, that was what had him worried. In his line of business he had discovered that anything that seemed too good to be true usually wasn't.
He shook his head. Maybe at his advancing age his overly cautious mind was working overtime. Yeah, that had to be it. Other than her initial reaction to him, there was nothing noteworthy about Shayla Kirkland…other than her astounding beauty. He would let Nick concentrate on that aspect of her. He seemed determined to do that, anyway.
Paul couldn't help grinning. It would be entertaining to watch Nick behave like a smitten nitwit for the first time in his life.

Shayla heard Nicholas call her name just seconds before she was about to enter the elevator. She had hoped she would not see him at all today. That had been the main reason she had risen early, ordered room service for breakfast, and gotten dressed. She was determined to spend a day at the upscale shopping mall that was just an elevator ride away from the hotel.
She forced herself to turn toward the sound of his voice, then wished she hadn't. She swallowed against a suddenly dry throat when her gaze settled on him. He was dressed for a workout in the health club in a pair of running shorts and tank top. His solidly built body and masculine presence were more overpowering than anything she'd ever been up against. To say the man had a nice body would be an understatement. Just looking at him made her feel trembly, hot, and bothered.
"Are you feeling better today, Ms. Kirkland?" Nicholas asked, easing into the confined compartment with her and then watching the door close on them. He punched the button for the floor where the health club was located after she had made her selection.
"Yes, thanks for asking." Although the elevator was roomy enough for both of them, she was very conscious of Nicholas's closeness. He was standing so near to her that when she looked up she thought she could see her reflection in the shining gold of his eyes.
"So, what do you plan to do today?" he asked. His voice, she thought, sounded too sexy for early in the morning.
"Shopping. I plan to do a lot of shopping today. Unless, of course, you need me for something."
"No, no. You deserve the day off. I'm taking it off, too."
Forcing herself to breathe evenly, she replied, "All right." Although she was looking straight ahead, she felt Nicholas's gaze move slowly over her hair, her face, and her mouth. Heat swept through her when she realized his gaze had stopped at her mouth and settled there. That wouldn't have been so bad if he hadn't been standing so close. The musky manly scent of him was engulfing her and making every part of her body acutely aware of his presence.
"Will you have dinner with me this evening?" he asked in a husky whisper.
Shayla drew in a deep breath. She didn't dare look at him. She couldn't. But then, she couldn't turn down his invitation. She convinced herself that going out to dinner with him was all part of her plan. "Yes, I will."
She all but gulped in a huge surge of air when the elevator suddenly came to a stop. It was her floor, and she couldn't get off fast enough.
"I hope you enjoy your day of shopping," Nicholas said when she stepped out. "I'll come to your room to get you around seven."
Without looking back she tossed the words, "Thanks. I'll be ready," over her shoulder and kept walking.

He couldn't believe he had asked her to dinner.
When the elevator closed, Nicholas shook his head in disbelief. Just that morning he had made up his mind that until he and Shayla had to put in an appearance together at Mr. Ming's dinner party tomorrow night, he would avoid her like the plague.
He sighed in exasperation. So much for having made up his mind about anything. It seemed that when it came to Shayla Kirkland he had little, if any, resolve. And that wasn't good. Over the years he had made it a point not to get romantically involved with any of his employees, but since meeting her that was all he'd thought of doing. He thought of her all the time, and he hadn't known he could be so imaginative.
When the elevator came to a stop, Nicholas stepped out. The health club was really a high-tech gym that combined the convenience and state-of-the-art fitness equipment with traditional Asian hospitality.
He glanced around the facility and saw Paul. The older man was hard at work on the treadmill, running in place at top speed. Nicholas couldn't help but admire Paul's devotion to staying in shape. He thought he looked good for his age, and wondered why he'd never married, though he did date occasionally.
Nicholas had been in the club for almost an hour before Paul had the chance to take time from his vigorous exercise routine and come over to join him in the sauna.
"So what are your plans today?" Paul asked him as he leaned against the wall. The expression on his face indicated he thought the steam felt good after his strenuous exertions.
"I'm planning to take it easy. What about you?"
"The same. I checked in with Jacksonville and Chicago this morning. Things are okay, so I guess Stockard hasn't driven anyone crazy yet."
Nicholas nodded. Carl Stockard, one of the security men, wanted to be Paul's replacement when he retired. To Paul's way of thinking, the young man of twenty-seven was too eager to do a good job and impress Nicholas. If left up to Stockard, everyone on Nicholas's payroll would be under suspicion of wrongdoing. "He does take his job seriously, doesn't he?"
"Too blasted serious, if you ask me." Paul snorted. "I just wish he'd slow down and think things through before he acts."
Nicholas shook his head. He knew Paul would find fault with any man who was eager to replace him. Paul was used to doing things a certain way-not always by the book. Often he went by his gut feelings. Carl Stockard operated altogether differently, often before fully thinking things through. "If you feel he's not up to snuff, why don't you consider putting off leaving next year? Give yourself another couple of years to groom him."
Paul returned Nicholas's grin. He knew his game. "As much as I'm going to miss Chenault, this time next year I'm out of here. I plan to spend the rest of my days taking it easy on the water."
Paul spent a lot of his free time boating. Besides his spacious house in Jacksonville, he was also the owner of a nice yacht, which he occasionally used when the huge house got too lonely for him.
"Do you plan to check out the sights while you're here?" Paul asked as he shifted positions.
"Why, you?"
Paul nodded. "I thought I'd do it today. Maybe you ought to consider taking Ms. Kirkland with you."
Paul's words claimed Nicholas's attention. "Take her where?"
Nicholas raised a brow. "Why would I want to do that?"
Paul shrugged at Nicholas's question. "For lack of anything better to do. That way you can spend time with her under pretense."
"Pretense of what?"
"Of not really wanting to spend time with her."
Nicholas frowned. "What's that supposed to mean?"
Paul shrugged his massive shoulders again. "It means just what I said, Nick. I have eyes, and I see things. Especially your interest. You're single, she's single. Why not go for it?"
"Because she's an employee, Paul, and you know I don't date my employees."
"Then fire her. If you fired her you wouldn't have to be concerned about her being your employee."
Nicholas turned a scolding glance in the older man's direction. "Your logic astounds me sometimes. I think Stockard isn't the only one in my security department that I need to worry about."
Getting up, Nicholas left the sauna, ignoring Paul's laughter behind him.

Chapter 7
She needed to formulate a plan.
Shayla knew that it was imperative that she stick to that plan and allow nothing to sidetrack her from it. Especially something like the huge larger-than-life arrangement of cut flowers she had received from Nicholas just minutes after returning from shopping.
A sigh broke from her lips as she looked at the exquisite floral arrangement. It was so large that it had taken two hotel clerks to deliver it to her room. The card that accompanied it was impersonal, and simply read, I appreciate your hard work, loyalty, and dedication. It was signed with his initials.
Shayla opened her daily planner to the current date. She tapped her pen against her chin in thought. The first thing she needed to do was to find out everything she could about this new project Chenault was working on. The Ling Deal was just a small part of a bigger picture, and she was determined to find out just what that bigger picture was. To accomplish that, she would have to gain Nicholas Chenault's trust. She would start there. She jotted down in her planner the words, I'll do whatever I have to to get Nicholas to lower his guard and trust me. Tonight at dinner I'll put my plan into action, and begin working toward that goal.
Then, after finding out whatever was being kept a secret at Chenault Electronics, she would use that to her advantage. When she was in the position that she wanted to be in, she would go about her original plans to destroy the company.
Shayla was pleased that she had some definable goals established. She would be operating under the principle of the three D's: deceive, discover, destroy. She was already working under an air of pretense, and would use that deception to discover what she needed to know. Finally, she would use what she discovered to destroy the company.
She closed her planner, feeling a whole lot better than she had yesterday. For just a little while she had let Nicholas Chenault get next to her. His masculine charisma had momentarily captivated her, and had made her lose sight of her purpose, her goal, and her plan. She would not let it happen again. As she had told her aunt, she was on a mission, and she was determined to see it through to the end.

Nicholas closed the hotel room door behind him and paused before walking across the lobby to get Shayla for dinner. She was a woman through and through, and he always found his control wavering around her. There was no way he should be taking her out to dinner tonight. They had no reason to come in contact with each other until the Mings' dinner party. She was free to do her thing until then, and he was free to do his. But a part of him was determined that they do their things together. To put it more bluntly, he had an overpowering desire to be in Shayla Kirkland's company whenever possible.
And that wasn't good.
Glancing down at his watch, he began walking across the lobby to her room. A knot was pulled tight in his stomach. Shayla Kirkland held a certain appeal he could not resist. Oh, there was that strong sexual appeal he came up against each time he saw her. But then she possessed another sort of appeal on a totally different level. She had an intellectual appeal that was playing havoc with his mind. The woman was as smart and intelligent as she was beautiful and seductive. It seemed that everything about Shayla Kirkland had the ability to turn him on. Did she have any clue as to the effect that she had on him whenever they were together?
He had precious little time to ponder that question as he stood before her door. He knocked once, and then the door opened. Soft light from inside her suite illuminated the section of the lobby in front of her room. Another knot pulled in his stomach when his eyes feasted on her. She was dressed in a chic mint-green pantsuit, and as usual she looked great. A mixture of desire and longing tried overpowering his senses, but he refused to let it.
"You look very nice tonight, Ms. Kirkland."
"Thank you."
He took a step back when she moved out into the lobby, closing the room door behind her. "I hope you're hungry," he said, leading her toward the elevators.
"I am. I worked up quite an appetite while shopping."
When Nicholas reached up to push the elevator button, Shayla couldn't help but stare at his large hands. They appeared to be strong. His fingers were long, and the dark hair that dusted the back of his hands appeared in sharp contrast to the dark brown hair on his head. She realized that was because of the dim lighting in the elevator. His coloring, which she would have described as light almond, somehow added an air of supreme sensuality to him.
When the elevator opened, Shayla quickly withdrew her attention from his hands. "Will Paul be joining us?" she asked. A part of her hoped that he wouldn't.
"No. He grabbed something to eat earlier."
Shayla nodded. Good. It would only be the two of them. She was determined to put her plan into action tonight. "Thanks for the flowers. They're beautiful."
"I'm glad you like them. You're most deserving." He reached out and wrapped his fingers around her arms to assist her in taking a step back when the elevator stopped and others entered. The heat from his hands, those hands she'd just been so attentive to, made her tremble deep inside. She glanced up at him, searching for some sign that he had felt her reaction to his touch, then relaxed when she didn't notice any. They continued the elevator ride in silence.
Nicholas cursed silently. He had felt her tremble from his touch. He couldn't keep from imagining how she would react if he caressed her bare skin. For a moment, he wished he had the chance to find out. He inhaled deeply as he tried willing those disquieting thoughts away, then discovered he couldn't-especially when he was totally consumed by her scent.
Shayla's perfume, he thought, was downright alluring, sensual, and provocative. He leaned over, stopping a mere few inches away from her neck. At that close range he was getting the full potent effect of it. "What's it called?"
Shayla looked up at him, suddenly caught off guard by his closeness and the sharp coloring of his gold eyes. "What?"
"The perfume you're wearing. What's it called?"
She held his gaze. "Seduction."
She watched as the color of his eyes deepened. "I can understand why."
Shayla was spared having to respond when the elevator door opened.
When they stepped into the lobby, Nicholas couldn't resist placing his hand in the center of her back as he led her down the stairs and through swinging glass doors to a waiting limo.
Shayla turned to him, surprised. "We're leaving the hotel?"
"Yes, do you mind?" he asked when he noticed she had slowed her steps.
Yes, she minded. Since the day she had arrived, the hotel had served as her safety net. Instead of telling him her true feelings about the matter, she shook her head and said, "No."
Nicholas smiled. "Good. I thought it would be nice to get away from the hotel for a few hours. Besides, you and I need to get our stories straight."
Shayla waited until she was seated comfortably in the backseat of the limo with Nicholas before asking, "What stories?"
"The ones about our engagement. I understand Ming is not hosting some short-order dinner party. A number of Chinese dignitaries and quite a few important American businessmen will be attending. News of my engagement may surprise some, and I want to at least know something about my fiancée, in case I'm asked."
Shayla blinked at him. She hadn't thought her little white lie would cause this much trouble, and said as much.
"As you told Paul yesterday, you had to do what you had to do. I don't have a problem with the story you came up with. Engagements can easily be broken. And I'm not concerned about my business associates from the States. I can deal with them later. I just don't want Ming and the others to think they were deliberately deceived in any way. I have a feeling Ho Chin will be there, and I'm not sure he fully bought the story of our engagement. He may try his hand at digging holes in it."
Shayla nodded, and the limo made its way through the streets of Hong Kong to the restaurant.

Shayla's hand tightened around her wineglass as she answered another round of Nicholas's questions. The evening was not going as she had planned. She was supposed to be asking the questions. However, he was determined to find out everything he could about her for the dinner party.
"So let me see what information I have so far," he was saying. "Pink is your favorite color. You like jazz music. You have a weakness for chocolate. You prefer seafood to steak. Your most favorite place is the Islands, and doing volunteer work with charities is important to you."
Shayla nodded. "Now I think I deserve answers from you to those questions, as well."
Nicholas took a sip of his wine. "Believe it or not, you and I enjoy a lot of the same things, although pink is not my favorite color. Green is," he said, smiling. "Like you, I prefer jazz music. I enjoy chocolate, although I wouldn't go so far as to call it a weakness. I prefer a plate of plump fried shrimp to a T-bone steak any day, and I've enjoyed my visits to the Islands, too. My favorite place is St. Thomas."
He took another sip of his wine. "And I also firmly believe that a person should help those less fortunate. I've always devoted my time and money to a number of worthwhile charities. My favorite is Dream Maker-a group of other businessmen and I work closely with a foundation that helps fulfill the dreams of terminally ill children. I'm chairman of the board of that particular one."
Shayla didn't like this, finding out about the personal side of him. She preferred sticking to the business side. She didn't want to think of him as a separate individual, one with a life that wasn't connected to Chenault Electronics. She decided to move the conversation to one that was more to her advantage.
"Now that you have the Ling Deal, what's next?"
Nicholas smiled. He was still pleased with the way things had turned out. "Chenault is involved in a number of projects, some more important than others. Once you get back and get settled, I'll go over all the ones you'll be working on."
"Anything major?"
Fortunately for Shayla, Nicholas did not pick up on the eagerness to know in her voice. "All my projects are major. The most important ones are being worked on at the Jacksonville, Florida, office. However, there are a number that will be handled out of both Jacksonville and Chicago."
Two hours later Shayla and Nicholas had returned to the hotel. Although Shayla didn't feel the evening had been a complete waste, she did wish she could have obtained more information about Chenault's major projects.
When Nicholas walked her back to her suite, she turned to him after retrieving her key from her purse. "Thanks for dinner, Mr. Chenault."
Nicholas's gaze swept her face. "Considering the fact that we're supposed to be engaged, don't you think we should get into the habit of calling each other by our first names for tomorrow night's affair?"
A frown drew Shayla's eyebrows together. She didn't like the idea. Calling him "Mr. Chenault" had kept things on a business level. But still, she had to agree with his suggestion. "Yes, I suppose that makes sense, Mr. Chen-I mean Nicholas."
"We don't want to take any chances, do we?"
Shayla nervously gnawed on her bottom lip. She immediately stopped when she noticed Nicholas's gaze fasten on her mouth. "I guess not." She then held her hand out to him. "Thanks again for a nice evening."
Nicholas looked down at the hand she was offering him. A part of him knew he should take it and remove himself from her company immediately. Another part, though, wanted to do something he'd been dying to do since first meeting her. He glanced up from her hand to her face. "I don't think it's proper for an engaged couple to shake hands, Shayla. What happens if we're placed in a position where we'll have to kiss?"
A knot formed in Shayla's throat and heat settled in the pit of her stomach at the very thought of that possibility. The lump in her throat tightened, and the heat in her stomach grew more intense when she saw Nicholas's gaze had again fastened on her mouth. "I doubt that'll be necessary. The Chinese aren't big on public displays of affection."
"That may be the case, but Americans are, and a number of them will be there. I think we should get in a couple of practice sessions," he said, leaning toward her.
When Shayla realized his intent, she went still. How on earth would she be able to survive his kiss? Before her mind could provide an answer and before she could catch her next breath, Nicholas's lips captured hers. He tasted of the wine they'd had at dinner and the heat of desire. The mixture was intoxicating. On a sigh, her mouth opened under his, inviting the invasion of his tongue.
His kiss was possessive and urgent as it began mating rhythmically with hers. Automatically, instinctively, her tongue began moving with his as her emotions whirled and skidded out of control. Something in the back of her mind told her that she desperately needed this-the deep urgent mating of his tongue with hers, the release of the emotional turmoil within her, and the fierce heat that was totally consuming her.
From somewhere else, the voice of reason flashed through her delirious mind and tried convincing her that she did not need this. But when Nicholas's kiss deepened, becoming even more demanding, and his arms tightened around her, bringing her even closer to the muscled breadth of his chest, she thought that even if she didn't need this, she wanted it, anyway. She eradicated all thought from her mind, languidly content to be in his arms, savoring the heady taste of him.
The sound of a door opening and closing startled Shayla from the sensuous insanity possessing her. Since they were on a private floor with only three suites, the person who opened the door had to have been Paul. No doubt he had been a witness to their torrid kiss. Although her body was still somewhat out of whack, she forced her mind back on track, broke from Nicholas's kiss, and took a step back.
"Nicholas," she said breathlessly, "that was enough practice. I think we'll get it right if the time comes."
As Shayla's gaze settled on Nicholas's features, she saw that his lips were moist and glistening. His eyes had a glazed look that made the pupils appear a fiery gold. She also noted that they were both breathing hard.
"Yeah, I think you're right," he responded softly in a deep husky whisper. His gaze glued to her lips, he was ready to practice some more if she let him.
"Good night, Nicholas." Shayla opened her door and hurried inside, quickly closing it behind her.

Chapter 8
Later that night Nicholas discovered that no amount of physical exertion could remove the fierce desire be felt for Shayla. After she'd entered her room, he had gone to his own, changed into a jogging outfit, and left for the health club. Luckily for him, the facility stayed open all night.
After an hour of nonstop running around the inside jogging track, he returned to his room, took a shower, then crawled into bed completely exhausted, only to remain awake with his mind filled with thoughts of Shayla and the kiss they had shared. He had regretted kissing her the moment he had done so, but the softness of her lips and the sweetness of her taste had made him keep right on kissing her. She had felt so good, so right, so perfect in his arms. And now that he had savored her taste he wanted more.
She had returned his kiss with equal abandonment. Her tongue had mated furiously and urgently with his, withholding nothing. Shayla Kirkland was a passionate and sensuous woman. Even when she had abruptly brought the kiss to an end, a look of total surprise and wonder had flushed her features. Neither of them could deny the heat that had surged between them.
Seeing that he could not sleep, he got up and tried watching television. When he couldn't find anything that held his interest on the English channel, he tried one of the international stations. It only took a few minutes to discover that solution wouldn't work, either.

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