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Styles of Seduction
Jacquelin Thomas
Manhattan’s most successful, cutting-edge designer, Kyle Hamilton has a flair for what’s hot and hip in the city’s competitive fashion world. And with his sensual good looks, the dedicated bachelor has his choice of any woman…except the one who got away. Zoe Sinclair was a naïve intern at Roger Hamilton Designs when she met Kyle. But she never forgot the forbidden kiss she shared with her hunky boss. Now she’s moving up the ladder at a rival house, sworn to stay away from the playboy whose touch she still craves. Until a family crisis throws them together during New York’s Fashion Week. Working with Kyle to find his kidnapped sister, Zoe’s falling once again under his seductive spell. And this time it’s more than just her job on the line…

Love in high fashion…
Manhattan’s most successful, cutting-edge designer, Kyle Hamilton, has a flair for what’s hot and hip in the city’s competitive fashion world. And with his sensual good looks, the dedicated bachelor has his choice of any woman…except the one who got away.
Zoe Sinclair was a naive intern at Roger Hamilton Designs when she met Kyle. But she never forgot the forbidden kiss she shared with her hunky boss. Now she’s moving up the ladder at a rival house, sworn to stay away from the playboy whose touch she still craves—until a family crisis throws them together during New York’s Fashion Week. Working with Kyle to find his kidnapped sister, Zoe is falling once again under his seductive spell. And this time it’s more than just her job on the line….
“Take it easy, sweetheart,” he whispered. “Why does everything have to end with a fight when it comes to you and me?”
“You know why,” Zoe responded. “It’s what we’ve always done.”
“It doesn’t have to continue this way.” Kyle met her gaze. “All I know is that I don’t want to fight with you. Instead, I’d rather be kissing you.”
Her eyes strayed to his lips.
“We’ve been in this room for over an hour now. I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of bickering,” he said softly.
She nodded, unable to speak.
Zoe made a small gasping sound of surprise when his mouth drifted across hers, and for a moment, she stiffened in his arms. Her fingers trembled against his chest.
Kyle pulled away and looked down at her, as if expecting Zoe to protest. When she didn’t, he took it as enough encouragement to deepen the kiss. As his lips touched hers once more, it was like oxygen to a fire that had been smoldering for years. The heat had overcome the ice and soon blazed into a wildfire.
has published over forty-five books in the romance, women’s fiction and young adult genres. When she is not writing, Jacquelin enjoys spending time with her family, decorating and shopping. Jacquelin can be reached at jacquelinthomas@yahoo.com. Visit her website, www.jacquelinthomas.net (http://www.jacquelinthomas.net).
Styles of Seduction
Jacquelin Thomas

www.millsandboon.co.uk (http://www.millsandboon.co.uk)
Dear Reader,
You are cordially invited to attend the launch of the Spring/Summer collection of Roger Hamilton Designs. New York becomes fashion’s playground two weeks out of the year—February and September. This much-anticipated event is the central backdrop for my story Styles of Seduction. Many of you were introduced to the Philadelphia branch of the Hamilton clan in my novel Laws of Love. Styles of Seduction introduces Kyle Hamilton and Zoe Sinclair, two people who are connected through their love of fashion design and the love they have for each other. However, they will have to learn that in loving someone, you give up a piece of yourself. I hope you will enjoy getting acquainted with this wonderful family and bearing witness to the marriage of love and fashion.
Best regards,
Chapter 1 (#u6f828987-7160-5a6e-bf9b-147e2252f6ef)
Chapter 2 (#u155ef0a1-5e5f-56d9-b27b-77f93aa6d3c1)
Chapter 3 (#u44bbe17d-afda-5715-83dc-3e630ee7299f)
Chapter 4 (#u141df99c-d82d-59ed-9a95-c935887bf7d1)
Chapter 5 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 6 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 7 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 8 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 9 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 10 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 11 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 12 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 13 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 14 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 15 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 16 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 17 (#litres_trial_promo)
Epilogue (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 1
“This is the last one, Nelson,” Kyle Hamilton announced as he carried a large brown carton through the door of his fifteenth-floor apartment.
His cousin rushed over to relieve him of his burden. “Thanks for letting me move in with you. If things work out the way I hope, you will only have a roommate for a couple of months at most.”
Kyle wiped the perspiration from his forehead before saying, “Nelson, you don’t have to be in a rush to move out. You’re welcome to stay here as long as needed.”
“You’re sure I won’t be in the way?” Nelson Hamilton asked. “Fashion Week is only a couple of weeks away. I know this is a busy time for you. Mother has been driving her staff crazy for the past month getting ready for her show.”
“That sounds like Aunt Vanessa,” Kyle commented, a smile tugging at his lips. Vanessa Bonnard Hamilton was a renowned designer in her own right. She had worked briefly for Roger Hamilton Designs, his father’s business, before branching out on her own to build the Bonnard couture label.
He navigated around a stack of moving boxes and into the kitchen, retrieved a couple of bottled waters from the fridge and strode back to the bedroom, where Nelson was unpacking one of the boxes.
He handed a bottle to his cousin. “I’m going to RHD for a couple of hours,” Kyle announced. “I’m not completely satisfied with our collection. I want to go back over the final changes one more time.”
Nelson unfolded a sweater. “I thought everything was ready to go.”
“For the most part,” Kyle confirmed. “But I keep feeling like something is missing. I always get this way when it comes to Fashion Week.”
He walked over to the door. “I left some menus on the kitchen counter. The restaurants all deliver if you don’t feel like going out.”
Kyle was out the door before Nelson could respond.
He was happy sharing his huge three-bedroom apartment with his cousin. Nelson had moved to Los Angeles a couple of years ago to try his hand at acting, but had returned home to Philadelphia over the summer. Since then he had been commuting to New York for auditions. It was Kyle who’d suggested that Nelson move to New York permanently.
Nelson had returned home to family drama between his mother and the rest of the Philadelphia branch of Hamiltons. Kyle and Nelson both thought it best that Nelson put some distance between himself and the tension.
While other New Yorkers enjoyed the Labor Day festivities, Kyle drove to the offices of Roger Hamilton Designs in historic SoHo, a trendy neighborhood in downtown Manhattan that attracted artists, retailers and businesses alike.
When he arrived, he turned off the alarm and locked the door behind him. All of the RHD employees were celebrating the Labor Day weekend, so he was alone. He insisted that everyone take the weekend off because he worked better when there were no other distractions.
Kyle removed a dress from its protective covering and laid it on the mahogany table in his large corner office. Examining it with a critical eye, he reached for a piece of sheer voile fabric lying nearby and fashioned it into a collar around the top of the dress.
Smiling in satisfaction, he pinned the material in place and then returned the dress to the garment bag. Kyle went through each piece, tweaking hemlines, changing or adding buttons or fabrics. The new spring/summer collection had to be a Fashion Week hit—Kyle would accept nothing less. The RHD fashion show would be the talk of the industry if he had anything to do with it.
At thirty-four years old, Kyle was the oldest son of Roger and Lila Hamilton. He fully expected to inherit RHD one day, so he worked hard to prove to his parents that he was worthy of the inheritance. His designs had received rave reviews for the past three seasons. He had even received the prestigious Designer of the Year award.
His paternal grandparents had owned a chain of dry-cleaning shops in Philadelphia. However, his father had chosen a different path. Roger had moved to New York and was soon recognized as a gifted designer. He met Lila Eustace soon after and she began working as a fit model for him. Within a few years, RHD became a huge success and his mother began designing, too. And Kyle intended to continue, and expand on, that success well into the future.
Shortly after 6:00 p.m., Kyle walked out of the building that housed the design firm. He was amused when he overheard the whispers of two women walking behind him. Women seemed to appreciate his six feet four inches of fit and toned physique, which he worked to maintain.
Whistling softly, Kyle unlocked his car and climbed inside. He would have dinner with his cousin if Nelson hadn’t eaten already. He was thrilled to have a roommate—Nelson’s presence would alleviate some of the emptiness he felt from time to time.
Kyle’s mother often hinted that it was time for him to settle down. Kyle’s mouth quirked with humor. There were times when he wondered what it would be like to have someone welcome him home, someone sweet and loving, but he refused to dwell on the thought for long. The reality was that Kyle was not husband material, and he had absolutely no desire to get married. His focus had to remain on his work.
* * *
“They’ve done it again! Our show is scheduled the day after RHD.”
Zoe had listened to her boss complain for the past fifteen minutes about the day and time of his show, and it stirred a pool of irritation within her. “Jerry, it really doesn’t matter when RHD’s show is scheduled. Our new collection is brilliant.” She softened her voice and added, “I just hope you’re ready for all of the orders we’re going to receive from stores around the world.”
He released a short sigh and nodded. “I guess you’re right.”
Dressed in brown leather pants and a multicolored striped sweater, Jerry paced back and forth, fingering his goatee.
Zoe watched him for a moment, and then leaned back in her chair, arms folded. “When are you going to let this competition between you and Kyle end?” She had never met a man like Jerry Prentice. At times he seemed in control, but just the mention of Kyle Hamilton’s name and Jerry could carry on for hours. As far as Zoe was concerned, it was childish.
It was common knowledge that Jerry and Kyle had a long history together. Their rivalry had started when they were studying design in college and grew more intense after they graduated. Kyle went to work at his family’s company, while Jerry took a job at Guava International, RHD’s biggest competitor.
“Kyle and I are not in competition,” Jerry responded stiffly. “I just can’t stand the man or his huge ego.”
Zoe had her own issues where Kyle was concerned, but she was determined not to dwell on them. The preparations for Fashion Week had helped to keep her focus off the man who had toyed with her heart and then cast her aside with nothing more than a fleeting glance.
An image of Kyle rose in her mind, and for a second or two Zoe enjoyed the flash of heat whipping through her. However, the heat was soon replaced by cold fury. It was better for her to concentrate on that particular sentiment.
She pushed away from her desk and walked over to a rack of clothing. She pulled an outfit from it and said, “This is our showstopper, Jerry. It’s your best work yet.”
A huge grin spread across his face. “I agree.”
“It’s time you stop focusing on Kyle Hamilton. If you don’t, you’ll end up letting your hatred for him stifle your creativity.”
“What about you?” Jerry asked. “Have you stopped thinking about him?”
Zoe made herself turn to face him and meet his gaze. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Kyle was just my boss.”
Jerry gazed at her but did not comment, so Zoe considered the subject closed, pulling a scarlet-colored gown off the rack and inspecting the fabric. “I think we should use more feathers around the top.”
Jerry allowed her to change the direction of their conversation. “Hmm...let’s spice it up a bit more with some tulle.”
“And some polished gemstones,” Zoe added.
He smiled and nodded in agreement.
Zoe’s mind drifted back to Kyle Hamilton. She understood why Jerry felt so threatened. What her boss considered arrogance was actually confidence emanating from Kyle’s every pore. He was a creative genius. While Jerry was very talented, Kyle seemed to be in a league of his own.
She attempted to focus on the outfits hanging on the rack, but images of Kyle with his close-cropped dark hair, chocolate-brown eyes and sexy grin threatened to take up permanent residence in her mind.
“Huh?” She gave herself a mental shake. “I’m sorry, Jerry. My mind was somewhere else.”
“Getting more creative inspiration,” he responded. “I didn’t mean to take you out of the zone.”
“It’s fine.” Zoe picked up a sketch pad and made some changes to a drawing.
Jerry walked over to glimpse her adjustments. “Yes. I like that.” He strode toward the door. “Take the sketch to the sewing room and give it to Martha when you’re done. I want her to add the finishing touches right away.”
Zoe did not look up from her work. She could hear Jerry shouting orders in the hallway. Fashion Week always seemed to make him more intense than usual.
When she was done, Zoe left her office with the dress and sketch in hand. She caught sight of a slender woman lurking nearby and sighed in irritation.
Zoe generally got along with everyone, and there were only a handful of people she simply did not like. Sasha Jones was one of those people. The woman made it her civic and professional duty to sniff out every ounce of gossip, making the rounds in Guava when she wasn’t making Zoe miserable. For reasons Zoe could not fathom, Sasha had decided that Zoe was the enemy.
“I see that you’re making more changes to that dress,” Sasha said, gesturing to the gown. “What’s wrong, sweetie? Are you second-guessing yourself?”
Zoe exhaled slowly before responding. Her patience was not limitless. Enough was enough. “I’m not having doubts about anything, Sasha. But I do hope you’re not too disappointed that my designs were chosen to be featured this year.”
For a moment, Sasha’s eyes seemed to be caverns of ice.
Zoe bit back a smile as she stepped around Sasha and continued on to the sewing room. She had no idea why Jerry kept Sasha around. She seemed to do nothing more than find ways to stir up trouble.
There were more important things to think about, Zoe decided. She resolved to put Sasha completely out of her mind.
* * *
“Oooh, that witch,” Sasha fumed. She hated everything about Zoe Sinclair. She especially resented the way Jerry fawned over the woman’s designs. Sure, she had some talent—Sasha would give her that—but so did every other designer at Guava.
She was the one who had garnered all the attention until the wretched day Zoe had walked into their lives.
Zoe hadn’t just taken the focus off Sasha—she had destroyed Sasha’s relationship with Jerry. Sasha and Jerry had been lovers, but that had changed when he’d decided to become Zoe’s mentor, much to her disdain.
Zoe was the one to blame.
Seething, Sasha brushed past a couple of her coworkers without speaking. She paused when she neared the sewing room, where Zoe was engaged in a conversation with a seamstress.
A fresh wave of hatred washed over Sasha as she spied on Zoe.
At five foot eight, Zoe was three inches taller than Sasha. Although most people considered Zoe beautiful, Sasha considered her plain, despite her smooth mocha complexion, dark hair and almond-shaped eyes.
Sasha ran her fingers through her long curly extensions. She was beautiful and she knew it. Like Zoe, she dressed at the height of fashion, although she preferred earth tones while her nemesis wore more vibrant colors and large statement jewelry. Simple strands of gold or silver necklaces were more to Sasha’s liking.
Zoe caught sight of her in the hallway. “Did you need something, Sasha?”
Her cheeks grew hot as she fumbled for an answer. “I...I was looking for Jerry.”
“Why don’t you try his office?” Zoe suggested. “It’s located on the other side of the building.”
Sasha scowled at Zoe in silence.
The seamstress wore an amused expression, which quickly disappeared when Sasha sent her a sharp glare before stalking off.
Zoe Sinclair was going to regret the day she ever walked through the doors of Guava International. Sasha would see to that personally.
* * *
Nelson was still settling into his bedroom when Kyle returned to the apartment.
“Sorry about abandoning you earlier,” he said.
“It’s cool,” Nelson said as he put away a stack of folded shirts. “Having lived with my mother all those years, I understand how crazy it gets right before a big show.”
Kyle sank down on the edge of the king-size bed. “Have you spoken to her since you left Philly?”
Nelson shook his head. “I still can’t believe what she did. You just don’t do something like that to family.”
Kyle knew Nelson was referring to Vanessa leaking the details of her husband’s long-ago affair with his sister-in-law to the media. He had heard about it from Nelson’s brother, Harper.
Harper had been so disgusted with his father’s actions that he’d left the family-owned law firm and started his own company. He had recently opened a second office in New York.
“Have you eaten yet?” Kyle asked.
Nelson shook his head. “I wanted to get unpacked first. This room is really nice,” Nelson told him. “Your apartment looks ready for the cover of a magazine. I still think you hired a decorator.”
He laughed. “Actually, Bailey and Brianna gave me some decorating tips.”
“When I get my own place, I will definitely have them come over to help me.”
Kyle and Nelson left the apartment and made their way to a nearby restaurant.
“This place is a favorite of mine,” Kyle announced when they were seated in one of the booths.
“I’ve heard that the food here is really good,” Nelson responded as he picked up the menu. “A couple of friends recommended it when I was here last month for that audition.”
“Have you heard anything back yet?” Kyle asked.
“Not since the second callback,” Nelson said. “I have another audition in a couple of weeks. In the meantime, I need to find a job.”
“Why don’t you work for me?” Kyle suggested. “My assistant left for another position and I could use someone to take her place. The schedule is pretty flexible, except during Fashion Week, obviously.”
Nelson broke into a grin. “Kyle, I really appreciate all you’re doing for me. Man, this is great.”
“I have to warn you that it’s not all glitz and glamour, Nelson.”
“I know,” he replied. “I’ve seen enough of what goes on. I think it’s why Mother never wanted any of us to get involved in the fashion industry.”
“Then she’s probably not going to be pleased that you’re my assistant,” Kyle said.
Nelson shrugged. “She no longer has any say about the choices I make for my life. Right now my mother needs to try to fix this mess she’s created with the family. Family should always stick together.”
Kyle couldn’t agree more.
His cell phone rang, cutting into their conversation.
“Your phone’s been blowing up for the past fifteen minutes,” Nelson commented as they ate. “That honey must really want to talk to you.”
Kyle broke into a grin. “It’s this girl I used to date. She’s in town for Fashion Week and she wants to get together.” He picked up his glass of water and took a long sip.
Nelson leaned back in his chair. “Let me guess...she’s a model, right?”
“Actually, she’s a painter,” Kyle said. “I stopped dating models a year ago.”
His cousin laughed. “You were always a ladies’ man.”
“Hey, I can’t help that the women love me.” Kyle wiped his mouth on the edge of his napkin.
“Still humble, I see,” Nelson said with a chuckle.
Kyle leaned back in his chair. “You’re just mad because Lena Swan picked me that summer you spent with us before we went off to college.”
Grinning, Nelson shook his head. “I’m glad she chose you, Kyle. She was a strange female.” He stuck a forkful of salmon into his mouth.
“I have to agree,” Kyle said. “I didn’t know what to do when she showed up one weekend with a wedding dress and rings.”
Nelson howled with laughter. “That’s what you get for lying to that girl, telling her that you were in love with her.”
Kyle gave a slight shrug. “Lena cured me of declaring my love to anyone unless I really mean it.”
Kyle had been through a number of relationships, but his brief romance with Lena had almost caused him physical harm—she had pulled a knife on him when he had broken up with her. His parents had finally been able to calm her down enough to take the knife. Lena’s parents were called to come get her and were warned to keep her away from Kyle or the police would be contacted. Lena wisely kept her distance.
“I actually ran into Lena last year during Christmas,” he told Nelson. “She proudly displayed her wedding ring and pregnant belly. She looked happy.”
“Lucky for you,” Nelson said. “Hey, whatever happened to that ballet dancer you were dating?”
“She joined Dance Theatre of Harlem and ended up falling in love with one of the dancers. She married him less than three months after we broke up.” Kyle picked up a French fry and stuck it into his mouth.
“Ouch, that must have hurt.”
Kyle shrugged in nonchalance. “It hurt my pride most of all. I cared a great deal for her, but I wasn’t ready to be tied down. That was the problem with all of the women in my life—they all wanted to get married and have babies. I’m too much of a free spirit for that. It would stifle my creativity.”
“You just haven’t met the right woman yet,” Nelson stated.
“I have to stay focused. RHD is going to be mine one day and I fully intend to take the company to the next level. In order to do that, I have to devote my life to it.”
“So you plan to remain a bachelor for the rest of your life?”
“I don’t know what the future holds, but right now my focus is on RHD. You know that when it’s a family-owned business, people would rather believe that I was just handed my position. They don’t want to consider how hard I’ve worked, but I don’t care,” Kyle said. “The naysayers in this industry only motivate me to work that much harder.”
Even as Kyle declared his devotion to his work, he couldn’t stop himself from thinking of the one woman who hadn’t tried to force or manipulate him into a serious relationship.
Zoe Sinclair.
They had developed feelings toward each other shortly after she came to RHD as an intern, although Kyle never let those emotions bloom into anything more. From the first moment he’d set eyes on her, Kyle knew he had to do his best to put Zoe out of his mind. Deep down, there were times when he really missed working with her, but Kyle wholeheartedly believed it was for the best that she had chosen to leave RHD.
Because if she hadn’t, there was no telling what might have happened between them.
And Zoe Sinclair was most definitely a distraction that Kyle did not need.
Chapter 2
Zoe settled onto the plush sofa in the living room and reached for the remote, desperate for something to distract her from the image of Kyle Hamilton in his signature black turtleneck and black jeans that had been at the forefront of her mind all day.
“Why can’t I get you out of my head?” she whispered.
She counted every moment she had spent away from Kyle a blessing in disguise, but lately he seemed to consume her thoughts. It was probably because of all the media hype for Fashion Week. Plus, she was exhausted from all the long hours she was working, and her defenses were down. Her thoughts kept going in circles whenever it came to Kyle. Zoe needed to bottle up her feelings for him. She needed to be in control.
Zoe had left RHD five years ago and had not had any real contact with Kyle in almost a year outside of professional events. She and Kyle had not been on the best of terms when she’d left to work for Guava International. Although she would never admit it out loud, Zoe had loved her time with the Hamiltons. However, toward the end, she had decided it was best to leave and vowed to never look back.
It still irked her that Kyle had actually seemed relieved at the news of her leaving RHD. In fact, it downright angered Zoe. She had hoped he would plead with her to stay with the company, but he had said nothing. It was apparent that he didn’t care if he ever saw her again.
She tried to shake the thought out of her mind, refusing to allow such memories to dampen her mood. Things were going well for her professionally. Several of her designs were being featured in Guava’s show. She had worked hard to get to this point in her career.
If only I had someone special to share it with.
Zoe stopped surfing channels when she found the Fashion Channel. The host was interviewing a young designer whose first show was financed by a well-known liquor company. New designers were often dependent on sponsors when it came to runway events, but design houses like RHD and Guava could afford to finance their own shows.
Zoe was lucky to have a company like Guava behind her. Yes, she was very lucky. However, there were times when she wondered how things would have turned out if she had stayed at RHD.
A soft sigh escaped her lips. There was no way she could have stayed. Things were too intense between Kyle and her, and she did not like the woman she had become during that period in her life. Pining over a man who had rejected her—she had no choice but to seek employment elsewhere. She and Kyle had grown pretty close while working together, but after they’d shared a kiss, things had changed abruptly between them.
Now, looking back, she realized that leaving Kyle and RHD was probably the best decision she had ever made. It was hard working with the one man she desired but would never have. She had definitely made the right decision.
So why do I feel so sad?
* * *
“We are meeting with Cameron Childs and his event planner this afternoon,” Kyle announced while going through his calendar. He and Nelson were in his office synchronizing their scheduled appointments. “After that, we will come back here. My dad wants to meet with everyone regarding the show.”
Nelson made notes on his iPhone as Kyle talked. “I met Cameron last year in Philly. He was attending a charity function hosted by Aunt Jeanette.”
“He’s cohosting the RHD party,” Kyle announced. “We need to go by Lincoln Center so I can check out our backdrops. The tents are already up, so we need to make sure the set is completed correctly.”
Nelson finished his notes. “I am going to check on the shipment of colognes that just came in. They’re going into the gift bags, right?”
Kyle nodded. “You can give the cologne to the receptionist. She’s going to put the bags together.”
As Nelson left the office, Kyle picked up the telephone. “Mom, it’s me.”
“How are things going?” Lila inquired. “Is there anything I can do to help?”
“We’ve got everything under control. I’m calling to see if you’d like to have lunch with your son tomorrow.”
“Honey, I’d love to have lunch with you.”
He smiled. “Great. I’ll call you later with the details after my meeting with Cameron.”
“Oh, please tell him that I said hello,” Lila requested.
“I will,” Kyle promised. “Love you, Mom.”
“I love you, too.”
He ended the call and Nelson strolled back into his office. “Ready to leave?”
Kyle nodded and they headed out.
“Marissa sent me a picture of the baby,” Nelson said, looking at his phone.
Marissa was the youngest child of Jacob and Jeanette Hamilton, and one of Kyle’s favorite cousins. “Yeah, I got one, too. I can’t believe she’s married and a mother. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, though. Marissa always wanted to be a wife. Remember? It’s all she used to talk about when she was little.”
Nelson laughed. “Her dolls were always getting married. I think they had more wedding dresses than anything else. My mother even designed a couple for her.”
“What about you? Have you thought about settling down?”
“Not really,” Nelson said. “Right now I want to see if I can make it as an actor. I know my dad would have liked it if I had studied law, and my mother would have been happy if I’d become a designer. But I have no interest in doing either.”
“You made the right decision to follow your heart, cousin.”
“I believe I did.”
They walked outside to a waiting town car. Nelson and Kyle got inside.
“Did you tell Aunt Vanessa that you’re my assistant?”
“I did,” Nelson said. “She’s fine with it. I think my mom is hoping that I’ll end up working in this industry full-time.”
“It might not be a bad idea—at least until you can support yourself with acting.”
“I’ll give it some thought.” Nelson stared out of the window at a billboard advertising Fashion Week. “It looks like the whole city is poised to become fashion’s playground for the week.”
“Yeah,” Kyle said.
“My mom loves this hive of activity,” Nelson said. “She thrives on events like this—fashion buyers, editors, paparazzi. This is her thing.”
The car pulled into the driveway of the Childs Hotel and they got out.
They were met in the lobby by Roberta Dallard, the hotel event planner, who escorted them up to the restaurant.
Cameron Childs was already seated at a table near the front. He stood up as they neared the table. “Good afternoon, gentlemen.”
He shook Kyle’s hand first and then Nelson’s. “I saw your mother last week,” Cameron told him. “She’s a very talented lady.”
Nelson nodded in agreement. “Yes, she is.”
They waited until Roberta took her seat before sitting down.
“I’ll be seeing Harper in a couple of weeks.”
“Is he coming to New York?” Nelson asked.
“I’m actually traveling to Philadelphia,” Cameron said. “I have some business meetings lined up.”
“I was wondering if my brother had planned to come to the city without letting me know.”
“He wouldn’t do that,” Kyle interjected as he scanned the menu. “Harper never comes to New York without seeing the family.”
“Roberta, can you give us an update on the preparations?” Cameron took a long sip of iced tea.
“Sure,” she responded with a smile. “The tablecloths are here. I inspected each and every one personally. They are exactly as you ordered.”
Kyle noted that Cameron appeared somewhat distracted, which was strange for the man who was a company sponsor and deeply involved with RHD’s future. He silently wondered at the cause.
“Sounds like everything is on schedule,” Kyle said after Roberta had finished and a waiter had taken their order. “My mom can relax now.”
Cameron broke into a smile. “Lila’s called me twice this week already.”
“I’m not surprised,” Kyle said. “She’s a perfectionist—especially when it comes to stuff like this.”
“Don’t let him fool you,” Nelson interjected. “Kyle is also a perfectionist.”
Kyle couldn’t deny it. “Roberta, please make sure that the florist delivers the centerpieces no earlier than an hour before the party. I don’t want them sitting out any longer than that.”
She nodded. “I’ll give them a friendly reminder the day before the event.”
He stole a glance at Cameron, who clearly wasn’t listening to the conversation.
The waiter returned with their meals.
Kyle blessed his food before diving into his salad.
“I will email you the finalized menu,” Roberta said. “Should I email a copy to your mother, as well?”
He nodded. “You can actually just send it to her. Lila Hamilton knows exactly what she wants when it comes to that.”
When they’d finished eating, Roberta excused herself by saying, “I have a meeting in fifteen minutes, so I need to leave you all. Kyle, call me if you need to change anything.”
“I don’t think we’ll have any changes,” he said. “Thanks for your help, Roberta.”
She smiled. “It was my pleasure.”
After they shook hands with Cameron and Roberta and said their goodbyes, Nelson turned to Kyle. “Do you have that effect on all women?” he asked as they made their way to the elevator. “I don’t think Roberta even realized that I was in the room.”
“What are you talking about?”
“You didn’t even notice the way Roberta was looking at you.” Nelson shook his head. “Or the way that she said the word pleasure.”
Kyle gave a short laugh. “Coz, I think you’re imagining things. Believe it or not, there are some women in the world who aren’t interested in me.”
He could think of one woman in particular.
“Yeah,” Nelson retorted with a chuckle. “The ones who haven’t met you yet.”
Kyle still remembered the day Zoe had walked into RHD, excited about her role as an intern during her college years. His first impression of Zoe was that she seemed to have a chip on her shoulder. Her attitude didn’t scare him, however. It was more of a turn-on. Had she been older, he might have considered pursuing her.
I wonder how things would have turned out if I hadn’t been quite so noble.
The elevator doors slid open.
Kyle was shocked to see Zoe standing there. She wore tan slacks and a crisp white shirt that would have looked severe if not for the amethyst-and-silver choker and matching earrings she wore with it. She smelled divine and Kyle tried to disguise his deep inhalation as a regular breath.
Did I just dream her into reality?
They stood staring at each other for a moment.
Well, he stared while Zoe glared at him.
Almost reluctantly, she stepped to the side to allow Kyle and Nelson entrance.
He cleared his throat. “Hello, Zoe. It’s good to see you. It’s been a while.”
“It’s nice to see you as well, Kyle.”
She was polite, but the look in her eyes was remote. Things had been chilly between them since Zoe had left RHD five years ago. She had obviously been avoiding him since then, although he did not fully understand why.
“I see the years haven’t removed that chip on your shoulder.”
“Or made you any less arrogant,” she retorted.
Nelson was watching them both. After a moment, he offered Zoe his hand. “I’m Nelson Hamilton. Kyle is my very rude cousin.”
Shaking his hand, she awarded him a warm smile. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
Kyle suddenly felt an emptiness. There was a time when he’d felt that Zoe’s smiles were reserved only for him. He stole a peek at her. She had turned her warmth up a notch and was beaming as she talked with Nelson. She did not spare him a glance.
“How long will you be staying in New York?” she asked Nelson.
“I actually live here now.”
“The Big Apple is a great place to call home.”
Nelson smiled at her. “I completely agree.”
Kyle looked from one to the other. They were engaging in a full conversation and completely ignoring him. “How have you been?” he interjected.
Zoe glanced over at him as if she had just noticed he was standing there. “I’m great,” she said coolly. “Couldn’t be better.”
She turned her attention back to Nelson. “I’m sure you know that there’s a lot to do in New York....”
Did she just dismiss me? Kyle wondered when she turned her attention back to his cousin.
Kyle shook his head in disbelief. But he wasn’t sure whether it was disbelief over her actions or the jealousy that he couldn’t deny he was feeling as he watched Zoe Sinclair paying attention to someone else.
* * *
Part of Zoe’s view was blocked by a muscled chest and brawny forearms beneath a black knit shirt, but she was determined to ignore his chocolate-brown eyes and the way sexiness oozed from his every pore.
The first time she’d met Kyle, he had made such an impression on her that Zoe had instantly responded with the eagerness of a teenage girl. However, that connection had short-circuited after the way he’d toyed with her heart.
“It’s really nice to finally meet you, Nelson,” she managed while making a determined effort to ignore the internal heat wave she felt. “I’ve heard a lot about you from Bailey. She talks about you all of the time.”
He chuckled. “All good things, I hope.”
Zoe smiled. “Bailey’s said nothing but good things about you. By the way, I’m also a huge fan of your mother’s designs. She’s incredible.”
Nelson broke into a grin. “She’s indeed gifted.”
Kyle nodded in agreement, but his eyes never left Zoe’s face.
His intense gaze unnerved her, but she was not going to give Kyle the satisfaction of knowing he could still affect her in any way. She wanted him to see that he really did not exist in her world.
“So I hear you are very talented, as well,” Nelson said.
“Fashion design is what I was born to do,” she said. “I love it.”
“What do you do for fun or when you are not in creative mode?”
“I rest,” she said with a short chuckle. “Or my roommate and I check out new movies or we see a play on Broadway.”
Kyle’s eyes were sharp and assessing, but Zoe continued to ignore his presence.
“Perhaps you won’t mind showing me around sometime,” Nelson said smoothly.
“Sure,” Zoe said.
She stole a peek at Kyle. His gaze glittered with anger. The tension between them was drawn so tight that Zoe half expected the lights to go out.
She tapped her foot softly on the floor, silently willing the elevator to the lobby. Zoe did not want to spend another minute with the man who had once crushed her heart without a care. Although she had grown what Zoe considered a New Yorker’s hard shell, she was still affected by the hurt Kyle had inflicted upon her.
She glanced over at Nelson. She shouldn’t have flirted with him like that, but Zoe wanted to see if it would bother Kyle.
Apparently it did.
“RHD is hosting a party on Wednesday,” Kyle said, cutting through the heavy silence. “Why don’t you come, Zoe? I know my parents would love to see you. Jerry’s invited, as well.”
“Only if you consider coming to Guava’s cocktail party,” Zoe said with a polite smile. “It’s actually a couple of hours earlier than your event. Roberta mentioned it when we booked ours. And don’t forget to bring your cousin,” she couldn’t help adding.
“Thank you for the invitation, but I’ll need to check my schedule,” he told her. “If I can make it, I’ll definitely be there.”
“I’m looking forward to it,” Nelson interjected. “My schedule’s clear.”
She awarded him another smile. “Good. I’ll be looking for you.”
Zoe was pleased at the sullen expression on Kyle’s face. It served him right after the way that he’d treated her.
Feeling his gaze on her, she pulled out her iPhone and scanned through her emails.
It won’t be long before we reach the lobby. I just want to get out of here. I can’t handle being this close to him.
After what seemed like an eternity in the elevator, the doors opened.
Zoe stepped out first, thrilled to be out of the confined space. Clearly Kyle still had the ability to make her weak at the knees, and the last thing she wanted to do was fall at his feet.
“It was nice seeing you both,” she said coolly before walking briskly away.
She was angry with herself for inviting Kyle to the cocktail party, and for flirting with Nelson to make him jealous. She had often accused Jerry of being childish when it came to Kyle, but Zoe couldn’t deny that she’d behaved in much the same way. It was just...wrong.
Kyle Hamilton seemed to bring out the worst in her.
But then again, Zoe already knew that.
Chapter 3
“What did you do to Zoe?” Nelson inquired as soon as she was out of hearing range. “She acted as if she couldn’t bear to be around you.” He chuckled. “I guess you were right—there is at least one woman who is immune to your charms.”
Kyle was in no mood to laugh about Zoe Sinclair with his cousin. “She used to work for RHD, but Guava made her an offer she couldn’t refuse. I don’t think she really liked working for me.”
Nelson shook his head. “I feel like there is something more between you two. I got the feeling that her interest in me was only to garner a reaction from you.”
“No,” Kyle insisted. “There’s never been anything between me and Zoe.”
He saw no need to mention that they had once shared a kiss one sultry night more than five years ago. Zoe’s undeniable charm had been too much for him to ignore in a weakened moment.
“I don’t know, man,” Nelson said, looking as if he didn’t completely believe Kyle. “There was just too much tension in that elevator. She wasn’t fired, so what happened?”
Kyle shrugged. “I’m not sure. She’s always had a chip on her shoulder.”
“What’s up with you?”
“Excuse me?”
Nelson repeated his question. “I’ve never seen you react this way around a woman.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Kyle would never admit it, but seeing Zoe bat her eyelashes and flirt with Nelson had really bothered him. He wasn’t sure if she was really interested in his cousin or if Nelson’s suspicions were correct. Regardless, he did not like it one way or the other.
* * *
Zoe walked into her office and closed the door behind her. Her purse fell to the floor as she leaned against her desk, then sat. She closed her eyes as vivid images churned through her mind of her time at RHD working under Kyle.
There was a part of Zoe that wanted to hate Kyle for turning her world upside down with a scorching kiss and then acting as though nothing had ever happened between them, but the fact was there was much that she admired about him, such as his love for family. Although her Baltimore upbringing was not privileged in the way that Kyle’s was, Zoe was raised by loving parents with whom she remained close. She had inherited her love of fashion from her mother. Some of Zoe’s earliest memories were of playing in her parents’ closet, trying on her mother’s high heels and scarves. Her mom claimed that the first word Zoe ever spoke was shoe.
Zoe and her mother used to go shopping together almost every weekend as she got older. They never bought much because her parents made just enough money to make ends meet and had very little extra. Still it was fun trying on clothes and putting together outfits. By the time Zoe was in high school, she had started making her own clothes and earning extra money by designing for her friends.
When she was studying at FIT, Zoe devoured fashion magazines and articles on trends in the industry. Although she could not afford a subscription to Women’s Wear Daily, she read every copy in FIT’s library and kept abreast of the industry. That was how she heard about the RHD internship. Zoe had leaped at the chance to work for such a prominent design house.
From the moment she’d first walked through the doors of RHD, Zoe had felt as if she had finally arrived where she was meant to be. Like a sponge, she’d soaked up every detail of the business. Everyone at RHD worked hard, but Zoe worked harder. She was intent on proving her worth, and her efforts did not go unnoticed. There were three other FIT interns at RHD that semester—girls with sterling pedigrees and family connections—but Zoe was the only one who was offered a job upon graduation.
Most of Zoe’s coworkers had embraced her from the beginning, praising her work ethic and her creativity, but Kyle had seemed unimpressed by her talent. He wasn’t insulting or dismissive—he just accepted her accomplishments at face value. Zoe was determined to make Kyle Hamilton acknowledge her.
Maybe that was what led to tension between them.
By the time Zoe was twenty-three, her star was rising at RHD. Kyle had frequently requested Zoe for projects and Zoe took every opportunity to work closely with Kyle, despite their constant bickering. But working in such close proximity to the sensual designer had ignited a smoldering desire within Zoe that she didn’t know how to handle.
Things had come to a head during Fashion Week 2008. After a successful show in Bryant Park, Kyle had invited Zoe to join him and his friends at a party. She wasn’t sure if it was the cosmos they were drinking or the excitement of the evening, but Kyle had kissed her.
Zoe had matched him kiss for kiss, each one more passionate than the last.
Abruptly, Kyle had pulled away, leaving her to try to figure out what had gone wrong. Her humiliation did not end there, however.
The next morning, Kyle pulled her into his office and apologized for crossing the boundary between employer and employee. To add insult to injury, he also had the nerve to say that she was too young for him.
She had to admit that the man was one incredible kisser, but the sting of his dismissal still felt as fresh as the day it had happened.
It bothered Zoe that she had been foolish enough to believe that Kyle Hamilton was tied to her destiny...and that she had allowed herself to fall in love with him.
Jerry stuck his head inside her office, interrupting her turbulent thoughts. “I have a lunch date. Can you review the list of candidates for Fashion Week internships? I sent them to you via email. We need a couple to start as soon as possible because two quit on us yesterday.”
“Sure,” Zoe said.
He was gone in a flash.
She leaned back in her chair and sighed. Zoe had a lot on her plate already, but she checked her email and found the list Jerry had sent.
When she came across one prospect who had interned at RHD last year, Zoe paused. She briefly wondered why the young man had decided not to go back there. It really did not matter, she told herself.
The important thing was for Zoe to put RHD, and Kyle Hamilton, out of her mind once and for all. She had bigger things to worry about than the man she had once been in love with.
* * *
“Have you seen Brianna or Bailey yet?” Kyle asked Nelson as they left his apartment for the weekly Sunday dinner hosted by his parents. “I know Daniel came by to see you a couple of days ago.”
Nelson shook his head. “I talked to Bailey, but Brianna and I have been playing telephone tag. I’m really looking forward to seeing everyone.”
They stepped inside a waiting elevator.
“Miss those family gatherings, huh?” Kyle asked as he pressed the button for the eighteenth floor. Kyle’s whole family lived in separate apartments in the same building co-owned by Kyle’s parents on Central Park West, which had its advantages, particularly when it came to getting together for Sunday dinner.
Nelson nodded. “I do. I enjoy being around family.”
They rode three floors up and knocked on the door when they reached his parents’ apartment. His mother rushed out to give Nelson a hug. “Welcome to New York.”
He laughed. “Hello, Aunt Lila.”
She slipped her arm through his. “I cooked some of your favorites.”
Kyle followed them inside. “Don’t spoil him, Mom.”
Lila looked much younger than her fifty-eight years. Although she no longer modeled and had given birth to four children, she still maintained her slender figure. Today, she wore her long, dark hair in its natural kinky/curly state.
Lila looked up at her son and said, “Nelson’s the guest of honor today. He deserves a little spoiling.”
Kyle’s youngest sister Bailey walked into the room. “We have been graced by a celebrity. How are you, cousin?”
Even in a pair of faded jeans and a black tank top with silver beading, the young model looked like a star, Kyle thought to himself. He had a strong feeling that this year’s Fashion Week was going to launch Bailey’s career, and Kyle was excited for her.
Nelson chuckled. “I’m no celebrity, that’s for sure.”
Kyle’s other sister Brianna, a budding designer in her own right, joined them, followed by a man in his early sixties, bald with a salt-and-pepper beard and mustache. He pushed his designer eyeglasses up the bridge of his nose. “Nephew, it’s good to see you. Although I thought you would’ve come to say hello before now.”
“I’m sorry, Uncle Roger, I know how busy it’s been for you all.”
“There’s always time for family.”
Kyle sat down beside Nelson on the overstuffed sofa. “Family comes first—that’s what my dad always says.”
Roger gave Nelson a firm pat on the shoulder. “So you decided to venture on a different path than your father, I hear.”
“Law is not in my blood. I think I inherited my mother’s creative spirit instead.”
“There’s nothing wrong with that,” Kyle interjected as Roger nodded in agreement.
“I wanted to be an actress once,” Brianna confessed. “When I was twelve.”
“Then she wanted to become an astronaut,” Kyle’s brother, Daniel, said as he came into the room with a chuckle. “But she changed her mind when she realized that the space suits were not fashionable.”
Brianna laughed. “I figured I could just design my own. When I found out that I couldn’t, I decided that being an astronaut just wasn’t for me.
“Kyle never wanted to be anything other than an RHD designer,” Brianna continued. “I would be in my room designing clothes for my dolls and Kyle would try to change my drawings. It used to drive me crazy. That’s why I bought him a doll one Christmas.”
Nelson threw back his head and laughed.
“It’s not that funny,” Kyle muttered, before chuckling.
“I should thank you,” Brianna said. “It’s because of you that I am the person I am. You taught me a lot about designing.”
Lila rose, checked her watch and announced, “Dinner is ready to be served. Shall we?”
Roger gave the blessing before they all ventured into the kitchen to prepare their plates.
“I’m really excited about the show,” Bailey said once they were all seated around a table large enough to seat twenty. “I’ve got several interviews lined up already. I feel that this might be my big moment.”
“I agree,” Kyle interjected. “Since you appeared in that series of commercials Daniel created for RHD, you’ve garnered a lot of interest in the industry.”
Nelson glanced over at Bailey. “You were so quiet and shy when we were growing up. I still can’t get over how much you’ve changed. You, too, Daniel. You were always playing pranks or joking around. Now look at you.”
“We used to have so much fun when we were younger,” Daniel said. “Then we kind of drifted apart as we got older.”
“We’re going to change that,” Nelson said. “Starting now. It’s inspiring to be surrounded by such creative people. And you surround yourself with creatives, too. Like that woman you introduced me to today, Kyle.”
Kyle looked up at his cousin and noted the twinkle in his eye.
“Who’s that, Kyle?” Lila asked.
“I ran into Zoe Sinclair at the Childs Hotel,” he announced, shooting Nelson a glare. “I was surprised to see her.”
“How did she look?” Lila asked. “She was always so chic.”
“Good,” Kyle and Nelson answered in unison.
Bailey chuckled.
“I hear she’s doing quite well over at Guava,” Roger said.
“She’s part of the reason their fall collection did so well,” Brianna interjected. “Women’s Wear Daily says that Zoe has a bright future as a designer.”
Lila agreed. “We were lucky to have her for the short time she worked at RHD. Wouldn’t you agree, Kyle?”
Kyle nodded without saying anything.
“Let’s go sit,” Lila said as they finished their meal.
“Why did Zoe leave RHD?” Nelson asked when they’d settled in the family room. Kyle had been hoping they were done with the topic of Zoe, but Nelson didn’t seem ready to let her go.
“Apparently she received a better offer from Guava,” he replied, trying to keep his voice as neutral as possible.
“We should have fought to keep her,” Lila said. “She worked under your supervision, Kyle. Why didn’t you convince Zoe to stay?”
“She had already made up her mind, Mom.”
“I think you underestimate your powers of persuasion.”
Kyle met his mother’s gaze. “Zoe is a grown woman. I’m sure she put a lot of thought into her decision to leave RHD. She’s been with Guava for five years now, so it must be working out for her.” When Kyle noticed his mother and Nelson exchanging a glance, he fought the temptation to leave the room.
“Did you and Zoe get a chance to talk about anything?” Lila inquired.
“Like what?” he asked, not enjoying where this conversation was heading one bit.
“Is she single?”
“We were only in the elevator for a few minutes, Mom. I didn’t have enough time for a full dossier.”
Kyle couldn’t help wondering why his mother was always so interested in Zoe and her social life. Maybe it was because Lila knew Zoe was confident where it counted and independent to an extreme. Zoe wasn’t afraid of going against the grain when it came to the achievement of her goals, much like his mother.
He had to admit that he admired those qualities in both women.
As Lila and his sisters gazed at him with a knowing look in their eyes, Kyle stopped trying to resist the urge to leave the room.
“I need something to drink,” he said as he walked out, ignoring the soft laughter of his loving family, who clearly had no idea what was good for him—and what wasn’t.
Chapter 4
“I saw Kyle at the Childs Hotel on Friday,” Zoe told Jerry as they stared at some preliminary shots of Zoe’s collection on her computer in her office. “He invited us to the RHD party.”
“Did he, now,” Jerry murmured. “I hope you reciprocated by inviting him to our cocktail party.”
She nodded. “I did.”
Zoe gazed at Jerry. “Why are you two always trying to best the other? You’re both very talented. Your work speaks for itself.”
“I earned my reputation the hard way,” Jerry said. “Kyle was born into his. He hasn’t had to work for anything.”
“Kyle’s worked hard to earn the respect of the industry.”
“Why are you defending him, Zoe?”
“I’m not,” she said.
“If you say so,” Jerry muttered.
It was clear to Zoe that Jerry truly believed Kyle had not really paid his dues, but there was no point in arguing, so she changed the subject.
“I’ve been playing around with an idea. Would you like to hear it?”
Jerry sat down in a nearby chair. “Sure.”
“I was in SoHo over the weekend and I was inspired by the styles worn by shoppers from every country in the world—from chic to preppy to quirky. I was thinking we should create a SoHo fall collection with international flair.”
Jerry broke into a grin. “I love it.” After a moment, he said, “You know, I think we should attend the RHD party. How would you feel about being my date?”
Zoe paused a heartbeat before responding, “I’m fine with it.”
He studied her face. “You sure?”
Gritting her teeth, Zoe lifted her chin and met his gaze. “Of course. Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Are you worried about seeing everyone at RHD?”
Zoe shook her head. “No, it’ll be fine. I’m looking forward to catching up with my former coworkers.”
Her life was different now, she reminded herself. She was a woman on the rise, and Zoe would not allow her feelings for Kyle to get in the way.
All she had to do was keep her distance and things would be fine.
* * *
Sasha seethed with anger as she stood outside Zoe’s office, eavesdropping on Zoe and Jerry deep in conversation.
“I hate her guts,” she whispered. Sasha had never received an invitation to the RHD show in all of the years she had worked at Guava International. She had worked hard to earn a leadership role in the company, but it was to no avail.

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