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Model Perfect Passion
Model Perfect Passion
Model Perfect Passion
Melanie Schuster
Billie Phillips's beauty has made her a household name, but she's ready to quit the world of modeling and pursue her real dream of flipping houses. All she needs is the help of one of Chicago's leading real estate moguls–a man who heats up her daydreams but vows never to surrender his heart….Tall, rich and charismatic, Jason Wainwright is willing to play along with Billie–especially if it means getting her into his bed. But Billie is all business and won't even agree to a date. By the time Jason's persistence finally pays off, will he be able to convince her that no woman–except her–could ever win his heart?

“What does a brother have to do
to meet you?” Jason said with
a debonair smile.
Billie raised an eyebrow and hesitated a second before extending her hand for a shake.
“All you have to do is say hello. I’m Billie Phillips.” There was a gleam in his eye that she couldn’t quite interpret and she waited to see what he would say next.
Jason brought her hand to his lips for a brief kiss and missed the look on Billie’s face when he said in a low, silky voice, “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Wilhelmina. I’m surprised to see one of the most sought-after models in the world at my event.”
“My name is Billie,” she said firmly. “Wilhelmina is the woman they pay to pose. Billie is the real person.”
She waited for Jason’s reaction. Some people got it right away that she wasn’t trying to trade on her reputation. Other people took longer to catch on. And some people never got it. Billie hoped Jason Wainwright wasn’t one of the clueless ones!

started reading when she was four and believes that’s why she’s a writer today. She was always fascinated with books and loved telling stories. From the time she was very small she wanted to be a writer. She fell in love with romances when she began reading the ones her mother would bring home. She would go to any store that sold paperbacks and load up! When she had a spare moment she was reading. Schuster loves romance because it’s always so hopeful. Despite the harsh realities of life, romance always brings to mind the wonderful, exciting adventure of falling in love and meeting your soul mate. She believes in love and romance with all her heart. She finds fulfillment in writing stories about compelling couples who find true, lasting love in the face of all the obstacles out there. She hopes all of her readers find their true love. If they’ve already been lucky enough to find love, she hopes that they never forget what it felt like to fall in love.

Model Perfect Passion
Melanie Schuster

www.millsandboon.co.uk (http://www.millsandboon.co.uk)
Dear Reader,
Sometimes when you’re not looking for it, love will find you. That’s what happens to Billie Phillips and Jason Wainwright. Neither one of them was looking for a serious relationship, but they got one.
Jason didn’t make a good impression on Billie when they first met because he viewed her in terms of her physical appearance only. Billie realized that and resented it highly. It took a minute for each of them to set aside their initial assessment of the other and begin to get to know the real person behind the facade. Once they were able to do that, they began to realize that theirs could be a real love, a love to last for all time.
How many of us have judged someone unfairly in the beginning and never gave them a chance to reveal their real personality? And how many times have you been totally caught off guard when a person you thought you couldn’t stand turned out to be a fascinating individual? It’s happened to me, and that’s what gave me the inspiration for this story. Two people who think they know all there is to know about the other person end up getting surprised by love when they open their minds and their hearts.
Stay Blessed,
I Chronicles 4:10
P.O. Box 5176
Saginaw, Michigan 48638
Dedicated to all my loyal readers.
Thanks for going on another journey with me.

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

A very special thank-you to Rhodora, Phil, Liz (aka Vlad the Impaler) and Carrie. A special thank-you to Betty Dowdell, even though thank you is never enough. Thanks to all the ladies in my group for keeping me lifted up.
And as always, to Jamil. You’re my rock.

Chapter 1
“Is that a dead rat?”
“Yeah, that’s a big ol’ dead rat. Or a small dead cat. It’s kinda hard to say at this point.”
The first voice, which belonged to Billie Phillips, was undeniably female, although she sounded like an excited preadolescent boy at the moment. “That’s really gross! That was one big-A rat,” she said with a whistle. “What else are we going to find?”
The second voice was the deep, amused one of her brother-in-law, Nick Hunter. “This house has been empty for a long time, so we’re liable to find rats, cats, possums, bats and a bunch of drug paraphernalia. Just watch where you step,” he cautioned.
They were looking over a house that she desperately wanted to buy. It was a three-bedroom brick bungalow in a part of Chicago that had seen better days. The house had fared much worse than the neighborhood, however. It had passed through many owners and tenants and it was currently a mess. It was by far the worst house on the block and there was a lot of work to be done to it to make it livable, which was why Billie wanted to get her hands on it. She’d been working with Nick at his construction business for over three months and she was eager to take on more responsibilities. Nick was mostly into commercial construction, but he did do some residential work. That was where Billie’s main interest lay and she was dying to get hold of a house like this. Her passion was home renovation, and as she’d been telling Nick, there was no better way to learn the business of flipping houses than by actually flipping one. And this semidilapidated house was just the place to begin, she thought.
Billie’s eyes were shining with anticipation and her face was flushed with pleasure as she carefully followed Nick’s lead in exploring the deplorable house. Despite wearing jeans, construction boots, a thermal undershirt and a plaid flannel shirt with a parka on top, she looked adorable. Nick glanced at her and laughed.
She looked at him quizzically. “What’s so funny?”
“You,” he told her. “You’ve got soot on your nose, dirt on your jeans and cobwebs in your hair. You sure don’t look like a big-time international model now,” he teased her.
Billie wrinkled her nose at him. “That’s because I’m not. I have a few shoots left to fulfill a couple of contracts, but after that I’m done with prowling the runway and tooting my booty up in the air to show off some ridiculously priced shoes or whatever,” she said, and then grunted as she used a crowbar to pull up the floor tile in the bathroom. Nick had shown her how to look for mold and water damage and she was going after it like rat terrier.
“I liked modeling—it was fun. But I was doing it for the money and for no other reason. This is what I want to do, Nick. I want to take old houses and make them wonderful again. Oh, dang, is that mold I smell?” She straightened up from her semicrouched position and took a good long sniff.
“Cat pee, more like,” was his laconic answer. “You might have a diamond in the rough here, kid. With the right plan you can turn this old place into a showpiece. We need to check out the basement first, though.”
“Nick, I really appreciate you taking so much time with me. I’ve learned so much over the past few months I even amaze myself. I couldn’t do this without you,” she said.
Nick took the end of her long braid and shook it, dislodging a large fuzzy spider from its length, which he prudently didn’t mention. He didn’t think she’d get hysterical, but he wasn’t going to chance it. “Quit thanking me! You’re my family now. How could I not help my little sister? Besides, I stand to gain from this partnership, too. These are the kind of projects I’ve thought about but never really had the time to do. We both stand to do very well on this, Billie.”
They had reached the kitchen and the door that led down to the basement. She was about to fling open the door when Nick held out a cautioning hand. “Hold on. Cover up your head before we go down the stairs. Let me go first, because there’s no telling what’s down there.”
Billie was heeding his words but she was sniffing the stale air with a frown. “Man, it really reeks in here! Is that what serious mold and water damage smells like?”
“It can. Look, you stay right here. I’m going down first,” he said in the authoritative voice she knew meant business.
It was fruitless to argue with him, so she stood back with her arms crossed for more warmth. Chicago winters were brutal and even now, in the middle of April, it was still cold. When Nick opened the basement door Billie fell back and covered her nose and mouth. The funk that raced out of the cellar was indescribable. Nick frowned and shook his head, covering his own mouth and nose before going down the stairs. He was back upstairs in less than a minute with a tense, angry look on his face. Without saying a word he guided Billie out of the house to his truck. Once she was seated he went around to the driver’s side and pulled out his cell phone. He made a terse call to 911 and looked at Billie with a grim smile that held no amusement.
“We’re gonna keep looking for a house to buy. There’s a body in the basement.”
“Ewww,” Billie said. “That’s horrible!” She whipped out her cell phone and punched the button to autodial a familiar number.
“Who are you calling?” Nick demanded.
“Dakota, of course. If I don’t call her we’ll both be in trouble and you know it. An investigative reporter needs to know this stuff before anybody else,” she reminded him.
Nick was making a grotesque face. “You Phillips women are something else. How you can be so beautiful and look so ladylike and be so tough is beyond me. My gorgeous wife is going to come over here and start poking around in that filthy basement like it was a jewelry store, isn’t she?”
Billie flashed him the smile that had earned her millions of dollars. Even with the smudge on her face and a long fuzzy spiderweb still attached to her hair, she was glorious. “Welcome to the family, Nick,” she said with a grin. “Life is never, ever dull with us.”
He leaned back in the driver’s seat to wait for the police to arrive. “I can see that,” he mumbled, and pulled his cap down over his green eyes.

By that evening there was no trace of the tomboyish person who’d accompanied Nick that morning. Billie was at her sister’s house dressed to the nines to attend a formal open house with Nick and Dakota. Nick had to express his admiration and astonishment at her transformation.
“I don’t know how you pulled it off, but you sure do clean up good,” he said as he gave her a kiss on the cheek. “If somebody saw you this morning they’d think you were a totally different person tonight.”
The events of the morning didn’t show at all in her current appearance. After the police arrived and took their statements, they had lingered at the scene to see if Dakota would show up, and sure enough, she’d arrived and charmed her way into the house. Nick had been both amazed and appalled that even after making a minute inspection of the grisly remains, his intrepid wife had been able to join them at one of the diners she loved and eat a full breakfast. Nick had sipped a cola while watching the two Phillips women chowing down like they didn’t have a care in the world and remarked once again that they were in a class by themselves. They didn’t seem to hear him because Billie was busy telling Dakota how there were towels and old rags crammed under the basement door in the house.
“Nick says it would have smelled a whole lot worse if they hadn’t done that,” she reported. “Can I have some of your grits?”
“Help yourself, but I want a piece of your turkey bacon. And he’s right, it would have stunk all to be-damned if the killer hadn’t tried to stop the airflow a little. Real nasty piece of work, that was.” She noticed that Nick wasn’t eating. “Aren’t you hungry, honey?”
He shook his head. “Most people really don’t like to eat after they find a dead body, baby.”
Dakota didn’t look embarrassed in the least. “You get used to it,” she said with a shrug.
“Like I said, you two are something else,” he said dryly.
And Billie was indeed looking like one in a million for the event they were attending. She had gone to her temporary home, which was the brownstone that Dakota owned and had sublet to Billie when she’d married Nick. After a quick shower and shampoo, she’d deep-conditioned her hair and let it air dry before finishing it with a blow-dryer and hot curlers to set a head full of curls that she finger-combed into a tumbling mass. Her makeup was artfully applied and subtle, but it made her features unforgettable. Instead of wearing a simple black dress, the go-to frock of most fashionistas, Billie was wearing a cerulean-blue dress in silk jersey that was deceptively plain. It was an unassuming little frock with a modestly scooped neck, long sleeves and pleats across the bodice. From the front it looked almost girlish, but the back of the dress was bare to the waist. The blouson skirt ended above her knees and it had a band that drew the eye directly to her fabulous legs. She was wearing black Chanel peep-toe pumps and sheer silk hose. Her only jewelry was big, gold, hoop earrings and a wide, gold, bangle bracelet. Nick grinned at his new sister-in-law.
“You’re gonna have the men eating out of your hand, little sister. I’m’a have to keep my eye on you or there’s liable to be a riot,” he told her with a fond note of teasing in his voice.
“I never really wanted anyone eating out of my hand,” she returned with a grin. “It sounds kind of unsanitary to me. Besides, the main reason I’m going to this soiree is because I want to meet Jason Wainwright. Anyone who’s done as much in real estate as he has is someone I want to get to know,” she said. “He’s been in every business publication I can think of and every article about the future of residential real estate, blah-de-blah-blah-blah. He’s supposed to be the end-all and be-all of real-estate sales in Chicago and I want to know his secrets.” She sat on the sofa to stroke her sister’s cat, Cha-Cha. She was a big Somali cat who preferred men, but showed affection to the few women she liked. Luckily Billie was one of those women.
“Whose secrets? Jason Wainwright’s?” Dakota had joined them in the living room at last and her entrance was worth the wait, to judge by the smitten look on her husband’s face. She and Billie looked a lot alike. They both had beautiful caramel skin, thick black hair and strong, sculpted features. Dakota was tall, but at six feet, Billie was taller. And Dakota had a figure that Billie envied. She always said that Dakota was built like a real woman. She had an awe-inspiring bustline, a small waist and womanly hips with big curvy legs. Billie always felt kind of bony and boyish around her big sister, but she knew better than to complain because Dakota would fuss at her about her self-esteem if she did. Besides, her long slender frame had earned her big bucks as a top model, so she would have been a real hypocrite to whine about it. Still, with Dakota looking so fabulous in a violet crepe dress with a halter neck and a plunging neckline, it was hard not to glance at her own small breasts with sheer dismay.
Dakota’s dress was artfully draped in the front and the skirt swirled away from the empire waist and showed off her legs in her Manolo Blahnik pumps, a gift from Billie, who’d gotten them free after a runway show. Billie had to laugh at the way Nick was looking at his wife. They needed to be leaving the house right now or Nick would talk Dakota right back up the stairs to the bedroom and no one would see the couple for the rest of the weekend. She decided she had to break the spell or miss the chance to meet her real-estate idol.
“You two are just gorgeous. I love that dress, Dakota, and Nick, your tux is slammin’. Let’s go so we can pay our respects and leave early,” she said hurriedly.
Dakota knew better than that, however. “You want to meet Jason Wainwright, don’t you? Just watch yourself around him—he’s supposed to be a big player. Real big,” she added as she inspected Billie’s outfit. “You can ask Toni about him. She’s going to be there tonight, so you can get the scoop from her.” Toni was Dakota’s close friend and just happened to be the lifestyle editor of the paper for which Dakota worked. She knew just about everyone in Chicago, but Billie didn’t care.
“I’m a big girl,” Billie said mildly. “I know how to handle myself with some ol’ wannabe Casanova. Besides, I’m interested in him for strictly business reasons. He’s not even my type,” she said with a sniff.
Dakota made a comical face to keep from laughing. “You’re right, you’re absolutely right, you are good and grown. But from what I’ve heard, Mr. Wainwright is any woman’s type. Very potent, from what I understand.” She paused as her husband held out the arms of her evening coat.
Billie slipped into her own faux-fur coat that Nick held for her while Dakota continued talking.
“All I’m saying is that you’re so gorgeous you’re going to knock his eyes out of his head. You’re the type he goes for, hot and sexy. Just don’t be surprised when he puts the moves on you,” Dakota said.
Billie made a sound of disagreement. “Stop being so overprotective! I’ll bet you that Louis Vuitton bag you’ve been eyeballing that you are one hundred percent wrong about this,” she told her sister. “Nick, you’re my witness, okay? I say he’s going to be strictly business, and if I’m wrong Dakota gets my bag, which I haven’t even used yet.”
Nick chuckled and shook his head. “You’re on your own, little sister. My name is Bennett and I ain’t in it,” he said in his Georgia drawl. He went out the front door first so he could help them both across the threshold. Giving them each an arm to hold onto, he looked down at them with a smile. “But I’m on Dakota’s side on this one. Watch yourself around this guy because he eats up pretty girls like candy. Or he tries to. Be careful. That’s all we’re saying.”
Billie just shook her head. As much as she appreciated their caring advice, she was positive it was totally unnecessary.

Jason Wainwright was standing at the top of the suspended staircase, which was the centerpiece of the atrium in the lobby area. He had greeted so many guests and accepted so many kudos and good wishes that his throat was getting dry. He took a flute of champagne from the tray of a passing waiter and sipped it while he watched the throng of fashionably clad partygoers on the main floor. He hated to admit it, but he was getting a little bored with his own party. He was hosting this gala event to show off his new office building on Lakeshore Drive and it was a smashing success. His new building, all black marble and glass, was beautiful and the perfect place from which to conduct the real-estate business that had made him a millionaire several times over.
All the right people were there, the food was perfect, the music was perfect and the Moët was flowing. Even his date was perfect. Her name was Patrice and she was very pretty. She was an actress/model/singer or dancer; he couldn’t keep up with all her aspirations. She had everything he required in a companion; she was gorgeous with a nice personality and no inhibitions. Since he never spent more than a month with any woman, he had no interest in the more intricate aspects of their personas. As long as she looked good on his arm, she could be flavor of the month and get his signature kiss-off gift, a Tiffany necklace. It was what it was and there was no use in trippin’ over it.
He was deep in thought when his younger brother Todd joined him. The resemblance was there, but they were far from identical in appearance. Both were tall, although Jason, at six-four, was the taller of the two. They were both muscular, but Jason was slimmer than Todd. His cheekbones stood out in sharp relief and he had a more sculpted appearance. They shared a deep-brown skin color, but Jason’s eyes were the tawny color of sherry while Todd’s were dark brown. Todd was clean-shaven and Jason wore a mustache and goatee with his close-cropped hair, a marked contrast to Todd’s long locks. What they shared more than anything was the ability to read each other’s thoughts. It bordered on clairvoyance and it excluded everyone else in their family. It was like a connection between the two brothers. At the moment Jason wouldn’t have minded severing that connection.
“You look like you’re at a funeral, Slappy,” Todd said, using the childhood nickname that they often called each other. “You got all of Chicago to turn out on the coldest night of the year and you look like you just lost your last million,” he said with a wicked grin. He scanned the crowd to see what was causing his brother to look so disenchanted with his own party. When his eyes fell on Patrice, he understood everything.
“I gotcha. You’re getting ready to bounce Patrice and it’s bothering you,” he said.
Jason drained the last of the champagne and looked around for a waiter to get rid of the flute. “You’re half right, half-wit. It is about time for Patrice and I to go our separate ways, but it’s not bothering me, as you so eloquently put it. It’s not bothering me at all,” he said.
Todd raised an eyebrow. “That’s what’s got you so upset, Slappy. You’re getting tired of tossing away perfectly nice women, but you don’t know how to stop,” he said wisely. “You have no reason to dump her, but you’re gonna do it, anyway. You need help, bro.”
Jason didn’t even bother to roll his eyes at his brother. “Drop the psychobabble, would you? If I wanted to hear that crap I’d start watching talk shows. Talk about something you know for a change.”
Todd didn’t hear the edge in his voice because he was looking at some people who’d just arrived. “Isn’t that Nick Hunter? Didn’t you say he just got married? Dang, his wife is fine,” he said reverently.
Jason glanced in Nick’s direction and he had to agree. Nick was hard to miss, even in a crowd, because of his towering height. Tonight he was impossible to ignore because of the woman next to him. Todd was right, she was a beauty. He’d heard a lot about the prizewinning journalist Dakota Phillips and he was looking forward to meeting her. But his eyes were drawn to the woman on Nick’s other side. Her head was turned away from Jason, but even from a side view she was a treat for the eye. He was wondering if Nick had a sister he’d never mentioned when she turned so that she was full-face to the two men. A flash of recognition raced through Jason, and Todd took a deep breath.
“Man, that’s Wilhelmina! You didn’t tell me she was coming tonight! Damn, she looks even better in person than she does in pictures.”
Jason tried to act nonchalant, but he had to agree with Todd. The woman was beyond fine and he’d seen her in magazines, on magazine covers, in commercials and in a couple of movies. Suddenly there was no place he wanted to be more than where he was right now. He gave Todd his usual cocky smile and said, “I’ll see you later. There’re some people I want to say hello to.” And with no hesitation he went down the stairs to meet the fascinating new arrival.

Chapter 2
Billie looked around the gathering with a smile on her face. She wouldn’t have admitted it to Dakota, but she was scanning the crowd for a glimpse of Jason Wainwright. She didn’t see him, but she was pleasantly surprised to see some people she knew. A tap on her shoulder was accompanied by a deep, chastising male voice. “When did you get to town and when were you planning to call us?”
She whirled around and looked up into the face of one of her dear friends, Antoine Brown, a point guard for the Chicago Bulls. His wife, Chloe, was a college classmate of Billie’s and she had been close to the couple for years. Billie laughed at the mock-stern expression on his face and gave him a big hug.
“I’ve been here since December and I promise you I haven’t been ignoring you on purpose! I’ve talked to Chloe a couple of times, as a matter of fact. You were on the road and I know she’s been too busy to mention it. I’ve just been going a million miles an hour, is all. My sister got married and I’ve started a whole new career and I’ll tell you all about it later,” she said with a smile. “Where’s Chloe?”
“She’s sitting over there—” he pointed “—waiting for me to drag you over. She’s got a surprise for you,” he added.
After introducing Antoine to Nick and Dakota, Billie went with him to greet his wife. She was a petite, pretty woman whose pregnancy was just beginning to show. Billie gave her a tight hug while expressing her joy. “This really doesn’t qualify as a surprise, you guys. I was expecting this,” she told the beaming couple. “After the first baby I knew you couldn’t wait too long. How is my goddaughter, anyway?”
She was deep in conversation with her friends until she was claimed by another old friend. This time it was Kareem Davis, a linebacker for the Chicago Bears. He didn’t waste time chiding her in the way Antoine had, because he knew she was now living in Chicago. Still, he was pleased to see her, which he demonstrated by picking her up in a huge bear hug.
“You’re looking extra-fine, girl. Seems like the Windy City agrees with you,” he said once he’d put her down.
She smiled up at him. “I love it so far. I’ve been working with my brother-in-law to learn how to rehab houses and I’m learning more than I did in four years of college,” she told him. “He’s going to let me be a project manager once we find the right house.”
Kareem nodded his approval. “You’re at the right place tonight, then. Jason Wainwright is like the real-estate god of Chicago. Have you met him?”
“Not yet, but I’m hoping to,” Billie answered.
“Well, come with me and let me introduce you,” he said.
Billie’s face lit up and she took the hand he offered her. “Let’s go. He’s the reason I came here tonight.”

Jason was heading toward Billie like a guided missile when Patrice stepped in front of him. “I’ve been looking for you,” she said in her low, modulated voice. “Where have you been?”
She was looking at him calmly, without a hint of recrimination in her voice or anger in her face. It was one of the things he liked about her, actually. Patrice had the demeanor of a well-trained geisha. She was virtually without emotion of any kind and if she ever desired more passion from him she never expressed it. In a way being with Patrice was like being with an android, a beautiful empty shell that would only do what she was programmed to do. He had to force himself to smile at her and pay attention to her words, because all he wanted to do was find Wilhelmina. There was something irresistible drawing him to her and he couldn’t wait to find out what it was. He couldn’t be rude to Patrice, however.
“I’m sorry I was gone so long. I was talking with some people. Are you enjoying yourself?”
She gave him her usual automatic smile that didn’t express amusement or humor; it merely seemed like another programmed reaction. “It’s a wonderful party, Jason, but I’m getting a little tired. I had an early call this morning,” she said.
Jason looked at her solicitously. “If you’re tired why don’t you go home? I can have the limo take you now, if you like.”
Her eyes, made larger with the clever application of individually applied false lashes, blinked. “If you’re sure you don’t mind, that would be nice. You’re so thoughtful, Jason. Will you be coming by later?”
He took her hand and squeezed it gently, which was for him an overt public display of affection. “Sure, honey. If it’s not too late I’ll come by. You go get your coat and I’ll have the limo in front in two minutes.”
In minutes he was looking around for the elusive Wilhelmina again. His date was gone and there was nothing to prevent him from resuming his trajectory. He caught sight of her on Kareem’s arm and he frowned slightly, although he wasn’t aware of it. That was the third man he’d seen her talking to that night. He could certainly understand the attraction, because she was the most desirable woman in the building. He couldn’t hate all the men who were salivating over her, but if he could he’d tell them that their efforts were futile. He was a man who’d gotten what he wanted out of life by learning to trust his instincts and go after what he wanted, and what he wanted was the laughing woman in the spectacular blue dress.

Billie and Kareem had to work their way across the floor because they kept getting stopped by one person after another. She had caught a couple of glimpses of Jason Wainwright, but it didn’t seem like they were ever going to meet. He was busy circulating, the way a good host should. She was chalking the near miss up to simple bad timing when she saw him talking to a stunning woman who looked like she had a claim on him. Oh, he’s got his lady with him, she thought. Well, why wouldn’t he, at a big bash like this. I’ll just have to meet him some other time when it’ll be easier to talk business. Once that decision was made, she was about to tell Kareem that she was going back to her sister and brother-in-law when the sound of a deep voice stopped her.
“Kareem, I’ve been trying to get an introduction to this beautiful lady all night. What does a brother have to do to meet her?” Jason said with a debonair smile.
Billie raised an eyebrow and hesitated a second before extending her hand for a shake. “All you have to do is say hello. I’m Billie Phillips.” There was an odd gleam in his eye that she couldn’t quite interpret and she was waiting to see what he was going to say.
Jason brought her hand to his lips for a brief kiss and missed the look on Billie’s face. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Wilhelmina. I’m surprised to see one of the most sought-after models in the world at my event. I’m honored,” he said in a low, silky voice as his thumb stoked the back of her hand.
Billie’s smile vanished. “I’m Billie,” she said firmly. “Wilhelmina is the woman they pay to pose. I’m the real person.” She waited for Jason’s reaction. Some people got it right away that she wasn’t trying to trade on her publicity and that she wanted to live a normal life. Some people took a little bit longer to catch on and some never got it. She truly hoped that Jason Wainwright wasn’t going to be one of those.
He was still holding her hand and she gently took it back, resisting the urge to wipe it on the back of her dress the way she normally did when someone glommed their mouth on it. This wasn’t going as well as she’d hoped. He was a man who could give her all kinds of valuable insight into the world of real estate and she didn’t want to write him off because he was proving to be as big a player as Nick and Dakota had tried to warn her. Okay, he’s kinda stuck on himself but so what. I’ve worked with much worse, she thought. It was true, a career in the fashion industry certainly equipped one to work with beautiful people who were overly vain, overly attentive and just plain lecherous. Billie had encountered plenty of men who behaved just like Jason Wainwright and it was no big deal. She knew how to extract the information she wanted while holding a pushy man at bay, so she wasn’t worried. Besides, he had a woman. Billie had seen him talking to her and it didn’t look casual. Even the most dedicated hound in the world wouldn’t just dump one lady and try to hit on another one. At least that was what she figured.
Keeping a pleasant expression on her face, she tried to engage him in useful conversation. “I’m not modeling anymore, Mr. Wainwright. I work with my brother-in-law, Nick Hunter. Since I’m in construction now, I’d like to learn more about real estate, and if you can spare the time, I’d really appreciate an opportunity to talk with you about the market here in Chicago,” she said. She thought she’d done a perfect job of expressing just what she wanted in a concise and professional manner, so when he pulled out a business card, she was pleased.
“If you’re going to be in town, how about we have lunch tomorrow?” he asked.
“Well, I hadn’t planned on leaving town anytime soon, so lunch would be very nice. What time looks good for you?” she asked.
Jason raised an eyebrow. “You’re living in Chicago now?”
Billie nodded as she wrote her cell phone number on the back of his card. “I moved here in December. Here’s my cell number. Why don’t you call me tomorrow morning and tell me where you’d like to meet? I really appreciate your time, Mr. Wainwright. This is very kind of you. It was nice meeting you,” she added. “I hate to meet and run, but I see my sister over there and she has that time-to-leave look on her face,” she said. “I’m looking forward to tomorrow.” She shook his hand again and turned to leave, completely missing the look on his face. If she’d seen it, she would have been much better prepared for the next day.
The ride back to Nick and Dakota’s house was much livelier than the ride to the gala. It started when Dakota asked her about Jason.
“So you met Jason Wainwright,” she said. “I saw the two of you talking. What did you think of him?” She turned around in the front seat so she could look at her sister.
Billie shrugged. “He’s okay. He comes across as being a little overconfident, but if I had his résumé, I would too, I guess. He’s supposed to call me tomorrow for a working lunch.” She looked at the lights of the city as the big car glided silently through the streets. “How well do you know him, Nick? What’s your take on him?”
Nick glanced at her in the rearview mirror as he answered her questions. “I basically only know him through business. I know he’s got a real good reputation for being honest and reliable. He seems to have real good instincts about the business. We’re not like drinkin’ buddies or anything, so like I said, I really don’t know him. But I do know that he likes beautiful women and he has a big rep as a player, so watch yourself. I don’t want to have to deal with him.”
Billie knew that he meant every word he said, too. Nick was undoubtedly the most protective man she’d ever met outside of her brother and her father. She thought she’d better reassure Nick before he decided to make a preemptive strike of some kind against Jason Wainwright. “Look, this is strictly business, Nick. I’m just trying to get the inside scoop on Chicago’s residential real estate picture. I’m not trying to get with him and he already has a lady. But that’s not an issue because I’m not looking for a man. He’s nice-looking, but I know plenty of handsome guys. It’s not like I just fell off a turnip truck. I can handle myself,” she said.
It was Dakota’s turn to look in the backseat at her sister. “Nice-looking? Were we looking at the same man? He’s a little more than nice-looking, Billie. He’s handsome, honey. Almost as handsome as my husband, but not quite,” she said with a sultry laugh. “Nobody’s that fine but my Nick.”
“Ooh, you newlyweds need to quit,” Billie groaned. “You forget I’ve worked with some of the best-looking creatures on the face of the earth and some of them were just that, creatures. Most of them were genuinely nice guys, but some of them, whoo-wee! Some of them were dumber than a box of rocks, honey. And some were stuck up and evil, too. Just because somebody looks good doesn’t mean they have a good personality or morals,” she said, yawning slightly. “Mr. Wainwright is handsome, I guess, but trust me, he could look like a cartoon and I wouldn’t care as long as he shares some knowledge with me.”
They had reached the house and Nick told her to stay put while he warmed up her car. “I’m going to follow you home to make sure you get there okay.” Billie leaned into the headrest and watched as Nick put his arm protectively around her sister and walked her to the door. It took him a few minutes to get back to the car because he was walking through the house to make sure it was secure before leaving Dakota, even for the short time it would take him to trail Billie home and return. She felt a tiny pang in the region of her heart as she wondered if she would ever have what Dakota had, a man who loved her beyond measure and would do anything for her, would protect her, would cherish her always.
Nick’s hand on the door jarred her out of her daydream. “Come on, little sister, I got your whip warmed up so let’s hit it. I don’t like to leave my bride alone too long.”
She smiled up at him as he helped her out of the car and led her to her own vehicle. They hugged briefly and she slid behind the wheel. The smile stayed on her face as she drove to her town house. There was something really nice about having Nick worry about her, even for a few minutes. One of these years I’m gonna have to think about getting one of those for my very own, she thought. But first, I’m getting a good night’s sleep.

Chapter 3
The next day, Billie rose early, as she always did, and as soon as she brushed her teeth she went in search of food. Breakfast was always the first thing on her mind when she woke up. The rumbling of her stomach usually woke her from a dream about food before the alarm clock went off. Today was no exception to that routine. After making an inspection of the refrigerator’s contents, she assembled a bowl of granola with strawberries, a carton of yogurt, a slice of seven-grain bread, toasted, with peanut butter and a glass of pineapple juice. That was actually a light breakfast for Billie. She worked hard and played hard and she liked food. She didn’t miss a meal if she could help it. While she was drinking the pineapple juice, she looked at her kitchen clock while contemplating making another piece of toast.
“I’d better not,” she said aloud. “I have too much to do.” She got up from the work island that doubled as a breakfast bar and quickly washed the few dishes she’d used. She swept the floor and made sure everything was in place in the kitchen before tackling the dining and living rooms. All she really had to do in those rooms was dust, and she could have actually skipped that step. Billie was a very tidy person and preferred that everything around her stay that way. This was partly because it was her nature to crave order, and partly because she was practical down to her bones. If she kept her abode spotless it allowed for more spontaneity in her life. She could entertain drop-in guests without running frantically from room to room trying to push things under beds and into closets, which was the practice of some of her friends. And she was too frugal to pay someone to clean up after her; that was money she could put into her IRA or her investment fund or her savings. Billie had a plan for her life and frivolous spending wasn’t a part of it.
Once she was satisfied that the living and dining rooms were perfect, she went to the bedroom and changed the sheets before making the bed. After the bedroom was tidied to her satisfaction, it was time to think about her own beautification. She lay across the bed and thought about what she should wear for her lunch meeting. She turned onto her back and stared at the ceiling while she mentally assessed her wardrobe. “Hmm. Jason Wainwright is brilliant, educated and sophisticated,” she said while she ticked off these points on her fingers. “He dresses like a million bucks.” To underscore this point she turned over on her stomach and reached for the magazines that were stacked neatly on the bedside table. Each one had a story about Jason Wainwright and there were some very nice shots of him in business attire, as well as casual dress. “Business or casual? It’s Saturday, so it should be not so dressy. But this is business, so it should be kinda upscale,” she murmured.
She looked down at her long legs in her favorite plaid flannel pajama pants and then pulled out the hem of her pajama top, which was an old football jersey. “I’ve got to get some new sleepwear,” she said. “And I’ve got to get a dog or a cat or a bird or something. I obviously need someone to talk to because if I keep talking to myself someone is going to have me committed.” She put the magazines back and went into the bathroom to shower. A nice hot shower with her favorite bath gel would get her head together and probably solve her wardrobe dilemma, too. Sure enough, once she bundled her hair into a shower cap and stood under the pulsing hot stream, she figured out what to wear.
After her shower she wrapped a thick bath sheet around her dripping-wet body and went back to the bedroom to slather her skin with body butter and lotion. She’d learned from her mother that putting moisturizer on damp skin helped it absorb better. Billie wasn’t vain about most things, but keeping her skin smooth and moist was a must. Once that was done she picked up the remote control and turned on the flat-screen TV mounted on the wall. She smiled when she saw that one of her favorite shows was on and she danced along to the theme song as she put on underwear. “It’s time to pimp my ride,” she sang loudly, although she stopped when her cell phone rang.
“Hello?” she said breathlessly.
“Good morning. You sound bright and cheerful this morning.”
Billie smiled widely when she heard Jason’s voice. She sank onto the bed and focused all her attention on him. “I’m always cheerful in the morning,” she said. “I have to confess to being one of those obnoxious people who wake up early in a good mood every day. How are you, Mr. Wainwright?”
The sound of his rich laughter had a strange effect on Billie. An odd tingle started somewhere in the vicinity of her navel and an equally foreign warmth radiated from the same place. His words lured her back to reality and she had to stifle a soft sigh as she listened to him.
“Wilhelmina, please call me Jason! When you say ‘Mr. Wainwright’ I think my father is in the room.”
Billie raised an eyebrow. “Only if you call me Billie. That’s what’s on my birth certificate. Wilhelmina is the name I used for modeling and only people who don’t know me call me that,” she said in a pleasant voice that was nonetheless firm.
“I apologize, Billie. I assumed, wrongly it seems, that Billie was a shortened version of the other name,” he said silkily. “I certainly meant no offense.”
“None taken,” she assured him. “It was something my agent made up to make me seem more exotic,” she admitted.
Jason laughed again and the effect on Billie was even more intense. She shivered a little and looked around for her green terry-cloth robe. For some ridiculous reason talking to Jason in her sheer, scanty underwear made her feel exposed even though there was no possible way he could see her.
“How about lunch at one o’clock—does that work for you? I can pick you up and we can go from there.”
Billie deftly issued a counter suggestion. “I’m going to be running errands all morning, so why don’t I meet you at the restaurant?” He seemed to hesitate for a second, but he agreed to meet her. The name of the place he was taking her was Pax and he gave her excellent directions.
After they ended the call, she continued to sit on the bed to collect herself. Jason Wainwright had a remarkably potent voice. It had the same heady effect as a sip of brandy. She thought about their brief conversation at the party and wondered why she hadn’t noticed how sexy he sounded last night. Too much background noise, she thought. There was also music, noisy chatter and just too much going on. After talking to him today, though, she understood why Dakota and Nick felt compelled to caution her about Jason. It wasn’t just his voice—he had some serious sex appeal happening.
Shaking off the feelings generated by the phone call, she stood up and went to the closet. There was no time for idle daydreams. She had to get dressed to impress and she finally knew just what she was going to wear: a pair of high-waisted black trousers with her favorite turtleneck sweater, which was ivory cashmere and midriff length. She would wear her low-heeled lace-up boots and a short, black leather jacket for the perfect business casual look.

Billie arrived at the restaurant first and looked around with a little apprehension. Pax was light and airy with a minimalist lack of decor. Other than simple pale-oak tables and chairs and a few austere green plants, the place was devoid of decoration. There was soft music playing. Unfortunately it was the tinkling, quasi-classical, new age stuff that drove her mad. There wasn’t a hint of anything cooking in the place, although there were a few people scattered about the room who seemed to be chewing. In Billie’s opinion, a restaurant should smell like food. The servers wore neat khaki slacks and white tunics with mandarin collars and they spoke in soft, soothing voices that made her want to scream. I just hope he’s on time, she fretted. If I have to be in this place too long I’m liable to flip out.
Her worry dissipated when Jason walked in. In the broad light of day she could see him without any interference and this time she understood what Dakota had meant. As he greeted her and took his seat across the table, Billie took a good hard look at his smooth dark skin and his chiseled features. It hit her that he was one of the best-looking men she’d ever seen, and that was saying something, considering all the pretty men she’d modeled with. His tawny eyes were seductive and his lips were beautifully shaped. They looked like they would be the sweetest things in the world to kiss.
Heat surged into her face as she tried to squash all inappropriate thoughts, but it was difficult. He smelled clean and masculine and he was dressed almost like she was. He had on a pair of expensive-looking black jeans, an ivory crew-neck sweater and a black lambskin blazer. He also had on a pair of black leather boots that looked both costly and comfortable. He smiled at her again.
“You look beautiful,” he said. “I think you’re going to really enjoy this restaurant.”
“It’s pretty,” she said as she looked around again. “What kind of food do they serve?”
Billie made a face before she could stop herself. “Raw? Like raw meat?”
Jason laughed gently at the horrified tone of her voice. “No, no, no. This is a vegan restaurant. They specialize in raw foods, totally organic and uncooked but prepared in a gourmet style,” he explained.
“Oh,” Billie said with a slightly deflated air. “So you’re a vegan?” This time she tried to sound interested and neutral, but she didn’t quite achieve that goal. The question hung in the air like a guillotine about to fall.
Jason laughed again. “No, I’m not. I follow a mostly vegetarian regime but I do eat fish and poultry.”
A look of pure relief swept over Billie’s face.
“So you’re not morally opposed to eating chicken or fish or cheese or eggs and things like that?”
“Not at all,” he said.
“Can we?” she asked eagerly.
“Can we what?”
“Go eat some cooked chicken?”
“Your wish is my command,” he said with a slight bow in her direction.

Jason was still smiling at Billie an hour later as they finished their meal in a cozy bistro that served great soups and sandwiches. He’d had a cup of minestrone and half of a turkey sandwich while Billie had devoured a bowl of chili and a grilled ham and cheese. Her appetite was good and her table manners were impeccable, something he noticed right away. He’d had an opportunity to observe many women dining, and the number of them who lacked social graces was appalling. This was definitely a point in her favor, although she didn’t need any more. He’d noticed other things about her, like her sense of humor and that she’d been direct enough to let him know she couldn’t deal with the raw-food experience at Pax. The women he was accustomed to were so eager to be accommodating that they wouldn’t dream of demonstrating their own opinion about anything. They also shared a tendency toward eating very little, especially the models. He was used to being around women who picked at their food in tiny little bites. To see Billie really enjoying her meal was a new experience for him, new and very sexy.
Being with Billie was an unexpected pleasure. She was lovely to look at, of course, but so were all the women he dated. There was something else fueling the attraction he was feeling for her. It was beyond the sexual pull that was the norm at the beginning of a new conquest, although he was feeling the familiar primal stirring as he looked at her flawless, animated face. There was something unusual about Billie Phillips. She was obviously bright, as evidenced by her intelligent conversation. She asked a lot of questions about real estate and that alone set her apart. He couldn’t remember a woman who’d prepared herself so well for a first date. Yes, Billie’s essence was holding his interest. It was a unique experience for Jason, but he rather liked it. He had to force himself to pay more attention to the words that were coming out of her mouth than the juicy temptation of her lips.
“Have you done much work with rehabbed houses?” Billie asked.
Jason gave her an indulgent smile. “By rehabbed I assume you mean flipped houses? Not really.” His smile turned condescending as he elaborated. “The real-estate business is getting flooded with naive amateurs who watch those little television shows about flipping houses and think they’re going to get rich quick by buying a few old houses, fixing them up in a few weeks and selling them for a huge profit. It just doesn’t happen like that in the real world and most of them end up losing their shirts.”
Billie didn’t reply at once, which gave Jason another opportunity to take in her fresh, natural beauty.
“I still can’t believe you’ve stopped modeling. You have the kind of classic beauty that would’ve carried you for another twenty years in the business. Why in the world would you walk away from a great career like that?”
This time her response was immediate. “I modeled to make money to fund my future and my passion. Now I’m going to pursue my passion,” she said with an intense flash in her eyes.
Jason leaned toward her over the table. He propped his head in his hand and asked, “And what would that passion be?”
“Rehabbing houses,” was her terse, dry reply.

Chapter 4
Billie couldn’t remember a time when she was as happy to see a date end, even though her lunch with Jason technically wasn’t a date. It was a business meeting, nothing more, but the result was a whole lot less satisfactory than she hoped. She was too honest to pretend she hadn’t enjoyed most of it; Jason was attractive to the eye and quite charming—at least he was until the moment he revealed himself to be a pompous jackass. After that epoch-making moment the meeting had gone south rather quickly.
She had asked Jason to take her back to her car, which was still parked at Pax. He had done so with a minimum of conversation, for which she was grateful because she wasn’t in the mood for small talk. Now she was headed to Nick and Dakota’s house and reliving every moment of the debacle as she maneuvered through the traffic. Jason the Jerk, as she now thought of him, had a lot of nerve, which was really too bad, because he was a darned nice guy when he wanted to be. He’d been great company with wonderful conversation and insight about her favorite topic, real estate. She could admit to herself that she was attracted to him in an unexpected way. How could she not be attracted to him? He was handsome, sexy and totally male—that was blatantly obvious. He was intelligent and he certainly had a good grasp of his business. He wasn’t just blowing smoke. His success in real estate was deserved, from what she could see, and she found that quite admirable. But when he came out with his blanket condemnation of people who shared the same desire she did, she saw him in a very different, very unflattering light.
As soon as he uttered his withering opinion on house flippers, her assessment of him changed. Sure, there were people who went into the business with dollar signs in their eyes and blinders on, but Billie wasn’t one of those people. True, she was guilty of having an interest in home-improvement TV shows that bordered on fanaticism, but that wasn’t why she wanted to go into rehabbing. Billie wasn’t one of those people who thought she could gain sudden wealth by getting a house and taking it from a wreck to a palace in three weeks. Despite the many television shows that made it seem like rehabbing a house was quick and easy, she knew it wasn’t. In fact, she hated the term “flipping” because it cheapened the whole process of restoring a home.
By now she was at the big brick home of her sister and brother-in-law. She pulled up behind Nick’s truck in the long driveway and got out of her car, slamming the door with more force than was warranted. Nick was coming around the corner of the house from the backyard and he gave her a quizzical look.
“You look kinda pissed off. What’s got your tail in a knot, little sister?”
Billie blew out a long, gusty breath. “Nick, do you think I’m a naive amateur?”
“Depends. You planning to play a round of Texas Hold ’em with some professional gamblers, or are we talking about something else?”
Nick could always make her laugh. “No, I’m not talking about playing poker, although I can hold my own with a deck of cards, thank you. I just had lunch with Jason Wainwright and he thinks that people who get into remodeling houses are feckless, greedy dilettantes who end up losing everything.”
Nick made an odd face, obviously trying not to smile at her heated anger. “Look, Billie, you can’t take what he said personally. That’s just his opinion, and to be truthful, there are some folks that get in over their heads and end up with a big mess on their hands. But that’s not you. What have I told you about restoring a house?”
Billie pulled her right glove off with her teeth and began counting off the precepts that Nick had drilled into her head. “You have to make the right choices. You have to pick the right property and inspect it carefully so you don’t get any expensive surprises like leaking pipes, water-damaged floors or mold. You have to pick the right contractor, someone you can rely on to get the job done right the first time. You have to pick the right real-estate agent to get the property priced right and get it shown right.” She stopped in her counting to give Nick an aggrieved look. “And when I get with the man who I think is the best broker in Chicago, he makes me feel like a total idiot,” she said angrily.
“Then he’s not the right agent for you, Billie. Pick somebody else, somebody who understands what you’re trying to do and supports you. And can you do one other thing, too?” He looked down at her with utter seriousness in his eyes.
“What’s that, Nick?”
“Go in the house. It’s cold out here,” he said, holding the storm door open so she could enter. She was laughing as she went up the few steps to the warm kitchen. The wonderful aroma of Dakota’s spaghetti sauce filled the house and Billie felt better at once. Dakota was stirring the big pot of sauce and adjusting the seasonings. She greeted her sister with a smile.
“You look pretty, as always. How was your lunch with the real-estate mogul?”
“Just awful, thank you.” Billie took off her jacket and hung it up in the hall closet before sitting in the kitchen with her sister. She quickly ran through the events of the afternoon and ended by saying that Jason Wainwright was an obnoxious lout. To her surprise, Dakota defended him.
“Now, Billie, don’t be so hard on the man. He doesn’t know you so he doesn’t know that this is a lifelong passion of yours.” She gave the pot a final stir and put the lid back on before joining Billie at the breakfast table. “I know it’s something you’ve always wanted to do, but he doesn’t know that.” Nick and Cha-Cha joined the two women. Cha-Cha followed Nick everywhere, just like a little dog. She doted on him, which amused Dakota to no end because Nick had always claimed to dislike cats until he met her. Armed with a sharp knife and two big red apples, Nick sat at the table with the cat sitting next to him, watching his every move. He was cutting the apples into precise, even pieces while he listened to the discussion. Dakota directed her words to him, as well.
“When Billie was little she used to look at houses and figure out what she would do to them if she lived there. She’d paint this one, put siding on that one and add shutters, whatever. And she worked with our uncle Roy every summer. He was a master carpenter and she would follow him around like his little apprentice. To be perfectly honest, I wouldn’t have expected her to do anything else with her life. Making old houses beautiful has always been her dream. You’ll do great in this business, honey. You can’t let one man’s opinion get you down. And just because he shot his mouth off doesn’t make him the enemy. He might turn out to be a great ally once you get to know him better.”
Billie appropriated a couple of pieces of Nick’s apple and frowned. “I doubt that seriously. Right now it’s my fervent hope to never see him again in this life.”
“Well, you don’t have to if you don’t want to,” Dakota said mildly. “But you can help me with dinner, if you want. Toni’s coming over and she says she has something to tell us.”
Billie brightened at once. Toni was one of her favorite people and she always looked forward to seeing her. “I wonder what she has to tell us?” she mused.
She took another piece of Nick’s apple and went to the sink to wash her hands while she chewed on it.
Dakota made a noncommittal sound. “Considering the last big announcement that Toni made was about that no-good sleazebag ex-fiancé being a married man with children, I can only hope this time she has good news,” she said.
“Ain’t that the truth,” Billie agreed. “I still can’t believe he thought he could get away with giving her a fake ring and setting up this fake engagement. If Toni wasn’t such a strong woman she wouldn’t have survived it. I’m just glad they hadn’t formally announced the engagement.”
“Yes, but they were about to! The date for the party was set and the invitations were about to be printed. I know it hurt Toni to her heart, but I’m so glad his little family came trooping over here from Albania before things got public. That would have been horrible. It was hard enough to keep Nick from giving Ivan a beat-down. He believes in protecting people he cares about, especially when they happen to be women. He wanted a piece of Ivan’s behind, but I talked him out of it.”
Billie laughed. “I’ll bet I know how you did your talking, too. You two really can’t keep your hands off each other, can you?”
“Nope. And when you meet the right man, neither will you. Stir the sauce, would you?”
The delicious fragrance of the sauce assailed her nostrils as Billie wondered for a second what it would feel like if Jason couldn’t keep his hands off her body. Where did that come from? she wondered as she dropped the spoon, splattered the sauce and burned her hand. Serves me right. Let the player play and let me keep my mind on my business.

Jason wasn’t often caught by surprise, because a man in his position couldn’t afford to be blindsided. But on this day, he had two shocks laying in wait for him. His first surprise was the reaction he’d gotten from Billie when he made his thoughtless remark about people who thought they could make big bucks by restoring houses and reselling them. He’d had absolutely no idea that she was trying to get into that line of work but he certainly knew it now. Once he saw the look on her face he knew he’d put his foot in it. He’d issued a glib apology at once, an apology that she brushed off like a pesky gnat. Even now he could hear her slow, measured voice as she’d responded to his words.
“It’s quite all right, you don’t have to apologize for having an opinion,” she’d said coolly.
He had tried again to make amends. “I’ve offended you and that wasn’t my intention at all. I was speaking from experience, Billie. I’ve had numerous friends try to get rich by doing that very thing, and some of them ended up losing everything and having to declare bankruptcy. If you believe what you read and what you see on TV, it seems like the easiest thing in the world to do, but it’s a lot of hard work,” he’d told her.
His carefully chosen words and soothing tone of voice hadn’t done the trick. If anything they seemed to have the same calming effect as pouring gasoline on an open flame. Her eyes had turned icy and her face was distinctly unfriendly. “Well, thank you for your excellent advice. If you don’t mind, I’d like to go back to my car now. I have some things to attend to this afternoon. Thanks so much for the lunch and the lecture. I really appreciate your time.”
And just like that the date was over. He had to give her props for maintaining her composure and for doing something totally unexpected. He could count on one hand the times he’d been caught off guard by a woman, but Billie was proving to be unique. There was a lot more to her than just a beautiful face and figure; this was a woman with bite and substance. What was really rattling his cage was his reaction to her. Instead of being turned off by her, his internal thermostat was turned way up by her personality and her fire. He was looking forward to getting to know her better. But before he could devote himself to that endeavor, he had a small task to accomplish.
He turned his Hummer in the direction of Patrice’s apartment building. He had a Tiffany necklace to deliver and he didn’t want to draw out the process. Patrice was charming and sweet, but whatever slight intrigue she’d provided him was over. It was time to move on.
He parked the big SUV in the visitors’ section of the parking lot and entered the front door of the building. He waved a greeting to the doorman and went to the elevator. As he rode up to Patrice’s floor, he checked his appearance in the mirrored interior and put his hand in his blazer pocket to feel the sharp corners of the small, pale-blue box.
He hadn’t bothered to call before he came over because it was part of their unspoken agreement. He was welcome at her home anytime. He rang the bell and waited for the door to open and in less than a minute Patrice was there. She was dressed in loungewear, a long, silky, yellow knit dress. She was also wearing her usual pleasant expression, which could mean that she was ecstatic or just sleepy. She always looked the same, regardless of her mood.
“Hello, Jason. Please come in,” she invited. “Can I get you something to drink?”
He returned her greeting with a brief, dry kiss on the cheek and took a seat in the living room. “No thanks, Patrice. I’m not going to be here long,” he said.
Patrice walked to the other end of the long sofa on which he was sitting and sat, giving him an expectant look. “I see,” she said. “Am I getting my pink slip today?”
Jason sat bolt upright and stared at her. “Excuse me?”
“I think I’m being let go,” she said calmly. “It’s time for me to collect my necklace.”
When Jason didn’t reply, she assured him she wasn’t upset. “We knew this wasn’t permanent and I had a really great time with you,” she said politely.

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